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The Old, The Bold And A Boat

"Three groups on boats make friends on New Years Eve. One couple is older."

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Between Christmas and New Year our office closed for the holiday break.

I had been invited out on a luxury yacht by a couple of guys I was friendly with. The idea was to spend a couple of days and nights on the yacht and then watch the Sydney Fireworks on the harbour. There were supposed to be four of us but Jan, the other girl had been called away as her parents' home had been threatened by the bushfires that were rampant in the country. She had gone to assist them to evacuate the home, if necessary.

We all decided to make the trip with just with the three of us. Both Jan and I had occasionally slept with the guys but had no romantic interest in either of them. They were just guys we liked and found to be good company in many ways, real Friends with Benefits.

They were ideal company when partners were required at a function.  Had the trip been undertaken as planned, I would have been the partner for Mike and Jan for Tony. This arrangement, however, would have been subject to the whims of our desires and it was most probable that both Jan and I would have enjoyed sleeping with them both at some time.

On the first day, we headed off to a quiet cove where we could anchor up and enjoy our time onboard naked. The beach was one on Sydney Harbour patronised by nudists. We could go ashore or swim from the yacht.

When we arrived, we were the only yacht there. Later another boat arrived and anchored nearby. The group on that boat were also naked.

We decided to go ashore to swim as it was difficult to re-board the boat from the water. We used the small rubber dingy we took as a tender.

The three of us set off and took our towels etcetera to lie on.

After a period, I decided to go for a swim as it was quite hot on the beach. The boys decided to stay on the sand. During the time I was in the water, I met another girl, Sue, that I knew well, and we chatted for a while as we stood in the water. I learned she was there alone as she was between boyfriends and lived not far from the beach.  I had explained our reason for being there, so I then invited her to come and meet Mike and Tony.

After a long chat, the boys decided to go in for a swim. This gave Sue and me a chance to talk about what we had planned and I suggested she may be interested in replacing Jan.

I knew Sue was not averse to having the odd affair, so I assured her both guys were good in bed and knew how to behave. They were to all intents and purposes gentlemen – except in bed. I felt she would enjoy the time onboard and perhaps assist me to keep one of them happy.

As we were all naked, she could see the guys and their equipment and decided that she might just enjoy 'a bit of nonsense' as she described it. I told her she could make her own choice as I had no favourite as both were good bed partners. The only thing I told her was that what we did would not be very private, the boat had only one cabin with two big bunks.

Sue quickly made up her mind and agreed to ‘help me out‘ as she put it.

”I think I am going to enjoy this. I hope what you have told me is true.”

She was to drive home, collect some clothing and meet us back at the beach, getting her brother to drive her back down.

She set off with a parting statement, “This will really bring the New Year in with a bang. The fireworks will not all be onshore.”

The boys were amused, and they were discussing among themselves who would be sleeping with Sue. They both liked the look of her naked and hoped the appearances were replicated in bed.

I assured them that I could confirm she was a very compatible partner.

“You can. How?” Tony asked.

“Sue and I have slept together, like Jan she is bi. I am not going to miss out either,” I told them and laughed.

“You are an absolute treasure,” Mike said.

“I was thinking of myself; I know I would be the meat in a sandwich with you two. It would be a constant threesome if I know you. Remember we are no strangers to what we are going to do.”

We waited for almost an hour and Sue returned with her kit bag. The boys were extremely impressed as she returned wearing a bikini which showed her attributes off perfectly, but not as openly as her nudity.

Another thing was her brother also accompanied her to meet us. I had a feeling he was there to check the guys out. As he approached us, he recognised Tony straight away and immediately there was some friendly banter about him and one of Tony’s old girlfriends.

Sue introduced Mike and me to John.

John turned to Sue and said, “Watch Tony, he is a womaniser. He will have your pants off in a minute.”

“That’s the whole idea,” Sue retorted. “You don’t think I am going along just for the ride, do you?”

“I know who will be doing the riding. You will both be well looked after,” John added.

With that, he said, “I will be off; you will all be wanting to test the waters before you know it. Enjoy.”

We all got into the dingy and went back to the yacht.

On the way, we were hailed by the crew of the other boat.

“Are you staying the night?” The guy asked, who appeared to be the skipper of the cruiser.

Mike replied,” Affirmative, but only for the night. We will be moving up the harbour tomorrow for the fireworks.”

“Mike, is that you?” the other guy asked.

It transpired Mike knew him well and had met the owner of the other boat as a business associate.

“We are doing the same. Would you like to join us this evening for a drink? There is another boat due shortly and we will be rafting up. Please feel free to join us.”

“We would love to.”

“About six,” the guy called.

It seemed Mike had spoken for all of us.

When we got back to the boat, the three of us had a shower and remained naked. Sue quickly removed her bikini and joined us. In the meantime, another launch had arrived and anchored well away from where we were.

We all sat around and talked. The boys wanted to get to know Sue. We all had a glass or two of wine and it was soon realised Sue fitted in well. I had no doubt before we dropped Sue back on the day following New Year’s Day, she would have been well and truly looked after by both the guys and me.

After an hour of social intercourse, Sue and I were relegated to getting some lunch which gave me an opportunity to chat with her as I showed her the ins and outs of the yacht.  The guys went about making sure everything was ship-shape in case of a storm came up in the night.

Sue asked me quietly about both the guys and which one I preferred to sleep with. I told her it didn’t matter to me; I had slept with both and I didn’t really have a preference. Both were good in bed. She then asked me if I would mind if she went with Tony.

I assured her she would have no regrets.

“I saw him on the beach and I really liked the look of everything he had and when he smiled at me, I really got goosebumps. I think he noticed my nipples got hard when he did.  I think he likes me.”

“I am sure he does and Mike too. They both asked about you when you went back to get your gear and I noticed your brother seemed to have a good relationship with Tony. I think there is some history between them.”

“I gather they were both trying to win the heart of the same girl,” Sue replied.

“Or get her pants off, if I know Tony,” I retorted.

The boys got back, and we settled down and we had lunch. Sue sat next to Tony and it was obvious they both had the same idea. This left Mike for me, who really was my preference, if I had one.

After lunch, Sue and I cleaned up and the guys went over to the other cruiser to discuss the weather and the situation if a storm came up during the night. They had radar and some sophisticated equipment on board.

Mike decided to use the dingy to put out a second anchor as we were anchored on a sandy bottom. A strong wind would cause the boat to drift. It also ensured we would not bump into the launch anchored nearby.

By the time they had completed their work, we had cleaned up and were waiting for their return.

Mike explained, “They are expecting a rather large cruiser later and will be rafting up together. We declined the offer to join them. Our yacht would look like a tender to their boat.”

Sue had asked me, “Would you mind if Tony and I might have a bit of time together?”

“You are not wasting any time, are you? Of course, I don’t. I will get Mike on deck and you two can shag yourselves to death.”

“I am getting excited already,” she said.

“Work out where you want to have it. I will send him down and keep Mike on deck.

I went up on deck. Sue went to the head (toilet) to make sure she was ready for Tony. I know what she had in mind already.

I told Tony, “Sue is waiting for you below. I will be keeping Mike up here for a while. I think she has something in mind for you.”

“Fantastic, that’s just what I wanted,” he said as he headed below.

I noticed his slack cock suddenly began to firm up. He would be ready for her by the time he got there.

When Mike settled down in the cockpit, he noticed the door to the cabin was closed. Without a word, he pointed at the closed doors.

I giggled and said, “Man at work. Our turn next.”

Mike kissed me.

We sat and Mike told me about the conversation they had with the adjoining cruiser. They were expecting another boat and they would tie up together. They would be joining us at the party later. We both noticed everything was quiet for about twenty minutes. Then it became obvious what was happening down below. Sue was becoming quite loud. They were obviously having a good time together.

It was another twenty minutes or so before the doors opened, and two rather dishevelled people appeared.  Both had grins from ear to ear.

“You two seemed to be having a good time?” I enquired.

Sue said quietly, “It was the best fuck I had had in ages. He is fantastic.”  

I could see both her areola were bright red and her pussy lips pink. It was not sunburn...

“Your turn,” Sue said.

Mike said, “I think we will let the air clear for a while I have a feeling that it might be a bit overpowering with the door closed – we will let a bit of fresh air in first.”

He was right as we got a whiff of the scent of sex coming from below. “Next time open a porthole or leave the door open; we know what it is all about. There is nothing we haven’t seen before.”

“Sorry mate, Sue was a bit shy about it,” Tony replied.

“Not to worry, we will be down there shortly so you will see there is nothing to be ashamed of.”

Sue had a glass of water in her hand and rinsed her mouth out and spat overboard. I knew exactly what she had been doing and Tony had obviously lost two loads of semen already.

“I really enjoyed that,” Sue commented. “He is good.”

“I told you they are both good. No doubt I will be comparing notes before the sun sets,” I replied. Then I turned to Mike and said: “Come on we don’t want them outdoing us.”

Mike stood up.

“Give her one for me,” Tony said.

“No, I will leave that for you, quality before quantity,” Mike said as he followed me.

Sue chipped in, “Save one for me, then.”  

“Sue, I save the best for last. You will never want any other man after me.”

“I can’t believe my luck; I have just had one experience I believe is one of the best I have ever had. If you are that good, I will never want to go ashore,” she said as she laughed.

I was now in the cabin and I could see the mess they had made in one bunk. There was bed linen all over the place. I got myself ready in the other bunk.

Mike came down and opened a couple of portholes and left the doors open. Sue and Tony could not see us from the cockpit unless they came to the top of the steps into the cabin.

“That will be better. It does get a bit stuffy in here without a porthole open,” Mike commented.

His cock was still hanging loose.

I took it in my hand and immediately it rose to its full length and hardness. I had seen and enjoyed it many times so it was nothing new to me unlike both Tony and Mike will be to Sue

 I was sitting on the bunk and his cock was perfectly positioned for me to take it into my mouth.

 Within seconds I had my mouth over the head of his cock and my hand stroking it with one hand. The other hand was fondling his balls in his soft, sagging scrotum.

Mike had his hands on my head and playing with the lobes of my ears. That turns me on, and I was leaking onto the sheet.

It didn’t take Mike long to ask if we could fuck. He didn’t want me to suck him off as it would be another ten minutes or so before he could get his cock up hard enough to fuck me. It was getting late.

I agreed and within a minute Mike was on top of me and we were fucking together. The feeling of him in me was just the thing I needed. We fucked gently for about fifteen minutes and we both were enjoying our reunion. It had been a couple of months since we last fucked.

He asked me about Sue, and I told him he would enjoy fucking her as much as he did with me. I replied, "She is really good fun and enjoys a good rumble. She can suck cock too as you may have noticed when she came up on deck with Tony."

When Mike came, we finished having the first of many fucking sessions I would enjoy with both Mike and Tony. If I was playing my cards right with Sue too, renewing an experience she and I had enjoyed a year or so earlier. We were both bi, but I was not getting as much from other women as I would have liked. I would be looking forward to having time with her as well.

When we went up on deck, we could see that a huge cruiser had arrived and had joined the other cruiser that we had been invited to for drinks. The second boat was massive. That would have explained the rocking that took place while Mike and I were having our fuck.

Sue and Tony were impressed. “I like your friends, there is money there. Big money,” Sue said.

Mike said, "I know that boat. Its owned by a big industrialist. Wow! We will be in the extremely heavy company it seems this evening."

Sue said, “The boat arrived and after they anchored and tied up to your friends two people in white uniforms got into a water taxi and took off back to town by the look of it. The other two are an old couple and they are nude. This is getting very interesting.”


- - O - -


At 1800 we went over to the party by dinghy preferring not to raft up with them. We had plans for some intimate associations later in the evening.

We took some champagne. The cruiser that had arrived later looked like a floating palace and it appeared food had been prepared.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the crews of both vessels that were rafted together. The skipper of the smaller cruiser’s name is Alan and the girl's name is Sally. The other cruiser was owned by an older couple. The other boat which had arrived earlier had left. Everybody was naked and we were all comfortable with the situation. Nudity was obviously a matter of fact to all as could be seen by the well-tanned skin.

The older guy was quite well built and his body firm. His wife was similarly built however her breasts were showing signs of age. My guess was they were in their early sixties. He was quite distinguished, and it showed. His cruiser was a large luxury craft and obviously beautifully fitted out. We remained on Alan’s boat which was very comfortable accommodating the eight of us.

Mike, Tony, Sue and I were of similar age to Allan and Sally. The older couples were Tom and Alma. The guys' interest, it seemed, was boating and was soon the subject the guys all related to.

The older couple chatted to us and we were all comfortable with the conversations. They were interested in our relationships and interests and the fact we were not partners did not bother them. Tom was a little more interested in each of us girls and seemed happy when I referred to our relationship as being FWB. There was a demeanour about him which oozed charm. I had some experience in dealing with senior executive and from the way he spoke, there was confidence and command there in a very discreet way. He was the boss and it showed.

As the night progressed darkness fell, and the wine was flowing quite well the conversations were getting more interesting. Some sandwiches and snacks had been bought over from Tom's boat. Tom was getting quite interested in Sue and myself. Sue it seemed was becoming a little distracted by his interest and joined the younger group. It wasn’t long before the older lady Alma, joined them leaving Tom, and I together.

He didn’t waste any time in offering to show me his cruiser which I had no problem in accepting. I was enjoying his attention as an older man. I felt very relaxed in his company and enjoying the attention he was paying me.

Tom’s boat was huge, and he was proud of it.

I asked about the couple we saw leaving the boat after I arrived. He explained they were the Captain and a female deckhand/cook. They were crew, he made a point of telling me, “They have to keep their clothes on, so I gave them the night off.”

There was a flying bridge from where they could control the boat. On the main deck, there was a huge sun deck that had a retractable roof as well. The boat could also be driven from the main cabin as well. There was a big galley or kitchen and a full dining room. Then two bathrooms, one either side of the corridor.

Tom told me one could be locked off to form an en-suite for the wonderful king-size bedroom. It had full double doors to one side so you could not see into the bedroom from the dining room. On the deck below there were two other smaller bedrooms and two bunk beds on the lower deck. As well as the engine room there were crew quarters. It could more than comfortably accommodate eight to ten people sleeping. The boat could comfortably cater for at least twenty people on the open deck in an alfresco area and dining setting.

The tour ended in the main bedroom and he left no doubt that what he wanted was to entertain me horizontally on the huge bed. He was charming, and I had not said a word, but it was obvious that I was going to go along with his desires.

He was a very influential man and obviously very rich. Had I been wearing pants he would have charmed them off me, and I would have willingly allowed that to happen.

He took my hand and I turned to face him. I had enough wine to allow myself to be attracted to his gaze. In the process, I put my arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips and then put my head on his shoulder. I immediately noticed he had an erection. It hadn’t been there a minute ago.  I had not seen it, but I could feel it between us as we hugged each other.

The kiss was not passionate but gentle. He took my hand and led me to the bed. It was then I could see his erection. Like him, it was firm and well-tanned. It was about six inches or a little longer. It was extremely firm and straight and at least two to three inches thick. His pubic hair was thick but fading to a mixture of dark and grey as was the hair in his head. Pepper and salt as my hairdresser referred to it. It was a cock that I knew immediately would provide satisfaction to any woman.

I lay back and allowed him to begin to take his pleasure from my body. There was no doubt he was in charge and I would be required to fulfil his desires, he didn’t need to say anything. I could tell by his actions he was used to giving the orders, which were virtually firm requests.  There was no ceremony or performance, he just put it straight into me. In preparing to get his cock into me I had the chance to look at him as he towered over me. 

Despite his age, I was very impressed. His body was firm and taught, he was physically fit. He had a good hairy chest and no tummy fat. He would be the oldest man to have sex with me, but it didn’t feel like I was with an older guy. He had the demeanour of a much younger guy.

I pulled my legs back and he slipped his cock in and there was no resistance, I was already wet. I felt the thickness going in and up inside me. The head of it was quite prominent and a little larger than average. It added pleasure to it going into me.  The whole thing was something I had done more times than I could possibly count, but this felt better than most. The man and his cock were good. He was satisfying me in every way. From the moment his cock entered me I felt comfortable and relaxed. His cock felt perfect inside me. His motion was that of an experienced and well-practised guy who enjoyed fucking women. There was no urgency or rush, he was taking his time.  I was impressed by the way he went about it.

He was not out to prove he was God’s gift to women; he just went about fucking me in a polite and most pleasurable way. He changed position every few minutes to get his pleasures from my body in various ways. I was no novice either and knew exactly how to position myself to comply with his movements and the ways of getting or keeping his cock inside me. We were both getting a great deal of satisfaction from our intercourse.

“You're good… girl,” he told me. He was appreciating the fact I was providing him with the same pleasures he was giving me. He was the perfect partner for sex.

We must have rolled over a couple of times and I had my turn on top as often as he was on top of me. Finally, without a word, he withdrew his cock and used his hands to gently roll me over and put his hands on my hips and indicate he wanted me on my knees. I knew immediately he wanted to fuck me doggy.

I was having the most physical fuck I had enjoyed for many a long, long time. It wasn’t a fuck of urgency but satisfaction and pleasure. There was no love involved. It was purely physical. It was two very experienced people fucking to enjoy each other and give each other the pleasures that one can have when fucking for pleasure. It was not lovemaking but more like what I refer to as recreational sex. A gentle physical workout. For a guy his age, he would give most guys a lesson they would find hard to copy.

Mike or Tony had never fucked me like this ever, despite us having some amazing experiences.

Tom’s cock was soon between my cheeks and slipping back and forth. My breasts were swaying beneath me as his rhythm was slow and steady. He had his hands on my hips to steady himself. To ensure I didn’t let him slip out, I was moving with him and as he thrust forward, I pushed back gently. We were both fucking each other. This was classic fucking.

As we were fucking, we heard voices. Toms action remained constant. He was not concerned. Alma, his wife appeared at the open double doors to the bedroom.

“It’s alright, he is in here with Pam. They are having a fuck together. I told you this where they would be,” Alma said to whoever was with her.

Then Sue appeared at the door as well. Tom had not missed a stroke; he maintained his rhythm perfectly. Their appearance had not concerned or distracted him. It seemed quite normal for Tom to be found fucking another woman.  

Alma was in no way concerned at what he and I were doing. Sue gave me a smile and a wave and said nothing, and they both left.

“I thought we would be in trouble,” I said.

“No problem, Alma knows what I am like. She and I are very much alike. She will be down here later with one of your guys, I have no doubt.”

I would say I was really getting worked over. His cock was just wonderful, and it felt great inside me. He did not seem to be showing any signs of fatigue.

He was extremely fit and physical. He was so good. The first time I came he slowed down and allowed me to enjoy my orgasm without saying a word. He knew exactly what was occurring.

I came again a little while later while we were fucking, only this time he said, “I am really enjoying this with you. You really know what you are doing. You are better than most of the young women I have done this with, and certainly not as vocal as some of the eastern suburb older set who seem to believe the more noise they make, the more I will be impressed. I am not.”

After I recovered from my orgasm, Tom pulled out.

“I think a short rest will do us both good.” He suggested.

I went and had a pee and returned. We both sat on the lounge chairs in the bedroom and chatted.

I told him, “Obviously, you have done this more than once yourself. I have not enjoyed having a man over me like this since I can't remember when. It’s been years.”

“Are you married?” he asked.

“No, and never have been or will be. I work hard and enjoy this with men.  I could not remain faithful to any man or woman for that matter.”

“So, you and that other young woman are lovers?” he asked.

“No. She is a girl I know, and my girlfriend is away at her parents’ home as it is under threat of the bushfires and she has gone down to help them. Sue is here just to make up numbers. She will be giving Tony what he wants as Mike will be giving it to me tomorrow. I hope we can make time to get things together as well. Sue and I have enjoyed a relationship before.

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“Then correct me if I am wrong you are bisexual?”


“I am interested. I will get some details from you while you are here, I would like to meet up with you again. What do you do for a living?”

“I have an executive position in the hospitality industry.”

He then mentioned a couple of names of companies.

“It’s one of them,” I said.

“Which one?” He asked.

I was a bit reluctant to tell him too much, but I decided to mention the name of the organisation.

“I am on the board of that one. Are you happy in your position?” he asked.

“Both. That one and this one,” I said cheekily.

“You have a good sense of humour too. I like it. If there is an opportunity for advancement let me know, I will make sure you are on the top of the list,” He said.

“No, thank you. I am more than happy with the job I have. I have managed to climb the corporate ladder without dropping my pants for anybody. It would get me too close to the directors' offices and I don’t want to go there. Thank you for the offer. Just to let you know I have never slept with a boss to get myself promoted. Well, until tonight it seems.”

“I like you; I have made that offer before and I usually get a response quite different from yours. They believe I may want to continue the relationship at the office. That is not the way I operate.”

“After this weekend, I will probably never see you again. I have enjoyed everything so far and have no regrets. I do like what we are doing together,” I told him.

“No, you will be seeing me, I will ensure that happens. It will be as we are now, aboard this vessel, it is my recreation. Boating and fucking. I do both well.”

“I don’t want any strings attached. If we meet like this, it must be solely for sex,” I made clear.

“You are the girl I have been looking for. Alma will be happy when I tell her she will be seeing you a little more often. She gets tired of the constant change in the women I sleep with, particularly the older ones. You are the one that I believe I can rely on and provide the best sex I have had for ages.”

I laughed. “I am curious, how old?”

“Too bloody old, most of them. They have no idea how to fuck, I think some just want bragging rights. What is the other girl like? She looks interesting but doesn't seem interested. She has a beautiful ass.  How hard do I have to work to get her in bed with me? I want her to enjoy it. Not feel she has to.”

“Ask her. I am sure she will agree if you ask. Don’t take her for granted...” 

I knew Sue would knock him down in the rush, but I didn’t want him to know she was a sure thing.

By now both of us were ready to begin again. I got up and prepared for him to go in missionary. He had other ideas.

He changed position and lay behind me on the bed spooning. His cock just reached my pussy and he was using the head of it to fuck me. It felt amazing, just the head of it going back and forth over my clit moving only an inch or two. He really concentrated on rubbing it where he knew he was giving me the most amazing experience of my life.  The rim of his cock was stimulating my clit and I could not control myself; I came for the fourth time.  

He knew what he was doing, he was not a novice. I had come again within a few minutes which meant a new position. Even I was getting tired with all the moving and shaking I was doing. Four orgasms were equalling my best.

Tom pulled out again and used his hands to position me to enter me again.

As he slipped his cock back into me, he said took up where he left off talking about Sue.

“I don’t want to pressure her if she is not interested.” 

“She and Tony were fucking just before they came over, she may not feel like it so soon.”

“A bit touchy, is she?”

“No, we are not whores. We don’t like being taken for granted.”

“Young lady, you are giving me a lesson on how to seduce a woman, I didn’t think I needed it.”

“Money and position are not everything to everybody. She comes from a family that has both. A girl likes to be charmed into bed, and Sue is one of them. Yes, she is good. I think Tony will confirm that. She enjoys a good fuck and looks for satisfaction and can even get a bit physical herself.”

I was enjoying giving him some advice, I don’t think he had ever been told he is not the answer to every woman's prayer.

Tom didn’t reply, he just kept fucking me, but I am sure he was thinking about what I had told him. He kept fucking me for a few minutes, and then I heard and felt him cumming.

It was not exactly fireworks just a good solid ejaculation. Long slow thrusts and a grunt each time he bottomed out. There was that familiar slap of flesh coming together each time he bottomed out.  Between my vagina and his cock, he was getting his satisfaction and I was getting a generous supply of his hot and steamy semen. It was a fitting end to a wonderful experience. 

He pulled out and slapped me on the bum. “You are good, young lady, very good, and we will be meeting here again sooner than later. I haven’t enjoyed doing that as well as that for some time. I will be interested to compare you with your friend.”

“You won’t be disappointed,” I said.

“Use the bathroom there, I will use the guests one.” Then he left me to clean up.

I took a while longer than him and he was waiting for me in the cabin. We both went hand in hand back to the others. We had been gone for over an hour and it was dark.

On the way, he said, “Thank you, that was most satisfying.”

Obviously, he had not taken any objection to my advice on how to seduce Sue.

“I would agree. I have not had a fuck as good as that for ages, and you would be the oldest man to fuck me ever. It was great, and yes, I will look forward to doing it again if I am asked.”

“You will be. Either I or my secretary will be in touch.”

By now we were back with the others. Tom sat next to Sue.

“It’s your turn tomorrow, young lady, if you are interested. Pam tells me you are pretty good at it. I would like you to show me,” Tom told Sue. Then he went to talk to Sally.

 I thought that was asking her. I don’t think so. That was almost a command.

I took Sue’s hand and got her to sit next to me. She looked somewhat confused. “I think I have just been told he will fuck me tomorrow; he took that somewhat for granted.”

“I can assure you; you will enjoy it with him. He is the best I have had in years. Actually, it was lovely,” I told her.

“Was he that good? You certainly were there for a long time. Are you sore?”

“No way, he is forceful but gentle in the way he does it, if you know what I mean. He takes his time and I really enjoyed it with him. You know you are being fucked with him. He knows the position book from cover to cover. Be prepared,” I told her.

“By the way, he likes your ass. He told me it’s beautiful.” I added.

“It looked like you were enjoying it when Alma and I found you. I thought she would go off her brain, but she treated it as if it was something he does all the time,” Sue commented.

I replied, “Evidently it is. She is the same, he told me. It was absolutely amazing; I will fill you in later.”

Mike looked at me and smiled. It was a very nice knowing sort of smile. He seemed happy and it was obvious I was happy too. Not that I needed his or anybody else’s approval.

Then, Alma, his wife said to me, “You are a very lucky young lady, I gather you enjoyed it. He only gets his pleasures from young women like you now. I can’t perform like I used to, he is far too physical for me.”

Alma is like Tom and can be charming in the way she talks to you. I would not like to be on the wrong side of her though. There is another side of her, I am sure.

“Thank you, I am glad you know. I would feel guilty otherwise,” I explained.

“Oh, don’t worry he would have filled me in. He always gives me a rundown on the girls he fucks. I would say you pleased him, he doesn’t usually take that long, you must be good.”

Mike chimed in, “She is.”

Tom then said, “I will second that. She nearly killed me. She is amazing.”

“That’s an admission I don’t hear often,” Alma said.

Alan the skipper of the boat we were on said, ”Sally has been with him too. Alma still has a bit left in her too. I am glad you lot turned up. Have no fear, we enjoy it with both, but they can both get a bit demanding. At least we will be sharing it and enjoying it tomorrow. I think Sally enjoyed seeing Tom take you over to his boat. She is a bit of a favourite with him, and a change is as good as a holiday.”

I thought, she isn’t the only one I am sure. It’s obvious Alan has no say or no objections to his boss fucking his wife.

I was to learn later she had been an employee of Tom's and after he started fucking her, had her moved to another associated company where she met Alan. He is the MD.

Alma said, “Now those other boys will be wondering about me. Come on young man, those two buggers are back, it's my turn.”

Alma stood up and took Tony’s hand.

Mike looked at Tony and they shook their heads in bewilderment.

Sue turned to Tom, “I thought you were going to give me the test?”

“Not tonight, Pam took it all out of me. Tomorrow sometime?”

We had a few more drinks before Alma and Tony returned. They had been gone for about half an hour.

Both looked like cats who had swallowed a canary. They had a grin from ear to ear.

Tony looked at me and said, “I don’t know about Tom, but she nearly killed me. She is a real tigress. She is insatiable. She got me to cum twice. I was amazed.”  

Mike said, ”You can fill us in back on the boat.”

Then the conversation changed to what our plans for tomorrow were.

After breakfast, we would up anchor and move up to a position in the harbour. All three of boats would raft up. One boat each side of Toms massive cruiser. Depending on how many boats were near where we anchor, would depend upon us going naked.

It would not be a problem on Tom's boat, as it is huge, and you could virtually go naked on it and not be noticed. It seems Tom and Alma would be busy most of the day with Sue, Sally, Alan and Tony. Its obvious Alma likes Alan in more ways than one. I wouldn’t mind a good fuck with him either. I am sure Alma will be saving a bit of bedtime for Mike as well. I doubt I will get a second serving from Tom but if he asks, I certainly won’t hesitate.


--- O ---

Next-Day – New Year’s Eve.

By about 1100 we were all ready to move and we travelled together up the harbour with Tom leading.

When Tom got to a spot in the harbour which was a good view of the bridge but not too close, it was a deep part of the harbour. Mike doubted if he had enough anchor rope to get the anchor to the bottom. He radioed Tom and Tom confirmed it was no problem as we would be rafted together, and he would have two anchors out. We would be fine and not too close to others in view of the depth as many would not be able to get anchors down to the bottom either.

Once we were anchored, we had lunch.

While doing so, a large international cruise ship with about three thousand passengers came over and we thought may anchor in front of us blocking our view. Tom got onto the radio. Then it seems the Maritime authorities told them to move and go further down harbour as they were blocking the view from the shoreline and other boats. We could hear the exchange on the radio, and they were not happy. We were. Tom has friends in high places too, obviously.

After lunch, Tom immediately ‘asked’ for Sue to join him. They disappeared down to his cabin and no doubt began their lovemaking.

Sue had told me earlier she was looking forward to it. I assured her he was not good, he was amazing. She was quite excited as she said to wish her luck. She wouldn’t need it.

We saw Alan go off with Alma. They wasted no time in getting things started.

Mike, Sally Tony and I cleaned up the lunch things. Then Sally and Tony disappeared. Mike and I went back to his boat and we just made ourselves comfortable.

Mike asked if he could just go down on me. I offered to go ‘sixty-nine’ with him, but he was happy to just go down on me. I was more than happy, and we enjoyed a good fifteen or twenty minutes together. He is good at that and my second orgasm was a multiple. I had three in total. I was over the moon but exhausted.

I wondered how Sue was going with Tom. Jan was missing out, maybe next time unless Sue impressed Tom as much as I had.

Mike and I returned to Tom’s boat. The boat was very quiet, Alan was fucking Alma and Tom was fucking Sue in the cabins.  I gather Tony and Sally were fucking on Alan’s boat.

By evening we were all going to be more than satisfied.

Sally and Tony returned a little later appearing to be happy with their affair. They got a drink and joined us.

Alma and Alan were a bit longer and obviously happy. Alan evidently was a regular partner for Alma as Sally was for Tom. They were quite close and very good friends.

When Alan came back, he came over to me and asked, “Would you have time for a quickie?”

I didn’t answer I just got up and he led me down to the cabin on his boat.

Alan didn’t waste any time. He wanked himself to get it hard again and by then I was ready. He just got me on the bed, and he slipped his cock straight into me. There was no finesse or preamble. This was to be a fuck and no more. We wanted to fuck me, and I was more than willing, and I gave him his money’s worth.

“Tom said you were good, but I didn’t realise this good. Mike and Tony are lucky guys to have you. I believe Tom had told you that you will be added to the regulars list. That is an honour. Sally is and she says it is really wonderful.”

“You don’t mind?” I asked.

“I fuck Alma more than he fucks Sally. Alma is a real wolf in sheep's clothing, believe me. She gives you your money's worth. She is like Tom… the boss in that regard. When she is on top, that she is amazing.”

Alan seemed to be enjoying himself in me, I was for sure. He knew how to use his cock perfectly. I know what Alma sees in him now. We both came almost simultaneously. It took him about ten minutes to get us both off. Even after fucking Alma, he had enough in him to get me off quickly. We were both back on deck virtually before anybody had missed us. I felt really great and well fucked. Alan was almost as good as Tom but far quicker. Sue was still nowhere to be seen.

Tony had taken Alma over to show her our boat after Alan had finished fucking her. They were sitting in the cockpit talking and having a drink. They were in deep conversation about something. They had fucked before lunch and both have remarked how wonderful the affair had been.  Maybe she was deciding for a return visit as they both appeared to have had an extraordinary time together the day before.

Well over an hour later Sue and Tom appeared on deck. They had an absolute marathon.

Sue came to me hugged me and said “Thank you for inviting me. He is outstanding. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed being with him. He was so nice to me… in every way.  He couldn’t keep it up any longer.”

Tom looked like he was exhausted and was pouring himself a stiff whisky. Ice, no water.

He came and sat next to me. His cock was completely soft and hanging loose. He looked exhausted.

After a few sips of his drink, he turned to me and said, “You should have given her the lecture, she has no respect for age. She almost killed me. She gave me both barrels. She makes Alma seem like a novice.”

Sue had told me that he was amazing. She could not believe a guy of his age could surpass any man that she has ever been fucked by. After he had cum in her she sucked him off.

Tom turned to me and said, ”I would have liked to have had another meeting with you, after dinner but Sue really worked me hard and if you don’t mind, could we leave it till later?”

I laughed, ”I warned you, and as you asked me so nicely, I could only agree.”

“Young lady, you and I are going to be VERY good friends. Thank you.”

We all sat around, and the 1600 hrs snacks and drinks started a little earlier. I think everybody needed it. Everybody was relaxed and chatted very socially. It was a good mix of people.

Dinner was a buffet at 1900 which took us up to the 2100 fireworks display.

After the first fireworks finished the Maritime Services boat visited us for a friendly chat. The senior guy knew Tom well. He was thanked for moving the cruise ship away. His female partner was somewhat bemused by the fact we were all nude and at first, did not know where to look. Tom offered to show her his boat and I wondered if she would get to study the ceiling as well. They returned shortly after, obviously with her uniform undisturbed. Tom must have been exhausted.

The Maritime girl soon adjusted to the nudity and after giving the men a good look over and, relaxed. It wasn’t long before she was chatting with them comfortably. They stayed with us for about an hour before having to return to duty just prior to the midnight show.

The fireworks were brilliant as usual, and we had a perfect view.

After the midnight show, Tom and Alma seemed to be making plans with Alan and Sally. They were obviously old friends and regular partners. I, for one, was more than happy just to be with Mike. He would be getting what he came for. Sue and Tony were more than happy to get things together themselves.

The next morning, we all had breakfast together and Tom suggested we should all go back to the bay and all three boats raft up again. He said he had some unfinished business.

We all arrived and set ourselves up.

Sue and I wasted no time getting together. We had hoped to get a couple of sessions together during the weekend, but other things eventuated.

We told the boys that we would be below for a while. They got the message.

We were getting organised when we heard Alma arrive. She was talking to the boys obviously explaining our absence.

Mike called down, “We are going over to the big boat. Alma wants us to help her out.”

That sounded ominous.

It had been almost a year since Sue and I had been together. I had imagined we would have spent more time together over the weekend, but the men ensured we provided what they wanted. We had no complaints. Now we were making up for it.

We began by kissing and getting the juices moving. Then Sue asked if she could start with me. This was something I hadn’t realised I had missed as much as I now realised. After getting the juices moving and the passion for what we were about to achieve I lay back on the bunk.

Sue used her fingers to stimulate me. My pussy had been well and truly put to good use over the past few days, but her touch bought back feelings that can only be felt when administered by another woman.

She kissed my inner thighs as she slowly worked her way up to the gates of heaven. I fingered my nipples as she did so.

I had spread my legs wide to give her free access to any part of me she desired. Then I felt her tongue begin to lick me from my ass hole over my perineum and through my slit, taking from me the juices that by now were flowing freely. Then Sue kissed my lips and reapplied her tongue and worked it between my lips and up to my clit which she ringed with her tongue as she gently squeezed the nub of it out of its sheath.

I let out the greatest sigh of my weekend. “Oh God, Oh God,” I cried as she began to apply her lips to my clit and suck it to hold it where she could lick the head of it. “Ohhhhh… F… u… c… k,” I cried out.

I came. I was pulling on my nipples as hard as I could, and this was sending more signals to my clit.  It must have been the fastest orgasm I could ever remember. I shivered and shook and bucked as my body went into convulsions. It was a fantastic orgasm. Sue was struggling to keep her mouth over me and suck and lick as hard as she could. The whole experience must have only lasted a minute or so, but it felt amazing. I was completely breathless, and my whole body was heaving with the release of my orgasm.

“Shit, girl, that came like an express train. I didn’t realise you were so uptight,” Sue said.

“I didn’t realise myself. After Tom had fucked me yesterday, I thought I had been drained of it all. I must have had four orgasms with him and then there were the times I was with Mike and I came a couple of times with him and Alan and Tony as well. I haven’t enjoyed so many orgasms in a weekend ever before. It has been amazing, and Tom said he wants to keep me around. I guess after you nearly killed him yesterday, he wants you too “

“Yes, he mentioned he was more than happy with you and then asked me if you and I were ‘friendly’ as he put it.”

“What did you say?”

”'If you mean are we ‘bi? Yes, her other friend couldn’t come today, and I am a substitute and we are all bisexual,'” Sue explained. She continued, "Tom said, 'It looks like I had better arrange for the two of you to share some time with me at the same time. That will be something I don’t do often but having two women to satisfy will be somewhat of a challenge.'”

“God, he was amazing! You must tell me more. It looked like you nearly killed him yesterday,” I said.

Sue replied, “I have never been with a guy as old as him and I wondered what it would be like and before I knew it, I felt like I was being fucked by a wild man. He was going like a thrashing machine.”

“He was as gentle as I could have imagined with me. Really slow and really enjoying it himself. I never saw that side of him,” I told Sue.

“When he started like that I responded, and I soon got on top and really gave him a workout. It was fantastic and he was really into it. We were over and under quite a few times and each of us was trying to outdo the other. He has amazing stamina and most guys would have cum well before him.”

“That would have been amazing,” I said.

“It was and it just got wilder and wilder from thereon. We fucked like demons and I was having one of the best times I have ever had with a guy. It was something really special. After he came, we had a rest and I sucked his cock, but he didn’t cum. Then we started to fuck again, and he wanted me to go doggy this time,” Sue was getting excited just recalling the experience.

“He had me the same way and I loved it,” I told her.

“God knows how long he took to do that before he came again.  This time his cum just dribbled out. Not the spurt he gave me the first time. After he came, we had another rest and then he fucked me doggy again. I couldn’t believe he could reload so fast. He could get his cock back up again in about five minutes. He was amazing. I can't remember how many orgasms I had let alone him.  I can say I have never ever had a fuck session like that in my life before, but I loved every moment.” Sue said.

“Maybe he was taking Viagra. He was the same with me but not quite as vigorous. I would like to have a chat to Sally about him, he has been fucking her for years it seems and passed her on to Alan so he could keep her around, but not in the company. Did he offer you a job?” I asked.

“No. Just asked me if I was happy doing what I was doing,” Sue replied.

“Now get ready, it's your turn,” I said to Sue.

She grabbed a mattress off the bunk and said, "let's do it outside.”

She lay the mattress on the floor of the cockpit and we both got down. We couldn’t be seen from the beach, but we could from Tom's boat.

I proceed to do to her what she had done to me and both of us had a wonderful slow time doing the things girls can do together. It would have been about ten or fifteen minutes before Sue came. She had a most satisfying orgasm, not as vigorous as mine but it was obvious she enjoyed every moment. It was warm on the deck so afterwards, we just dived in off the side of the boat and swum around to the stern of Tom's boat which had a ladder that we could use to climb aboard.

As we climbed onto the deck, we could see Alma, Mike and Tony all sitting around having a drink.

“Having fun?” Alma asked.

“Cooling off after a bit of fun. How about you?” I asked.

“Your boys are amazing. I really enjoyed a good time with them both together, I believe you have trained them well,” Alma said.

Sue and I joined them, and it wasn't long before Toma and Sally arrived obviously they had been fucking too. I couldn’t see Alan anywhere around and asked: “Where’s Alan?”

He appeared from below deck on his boat and said, “I heard my name.”

“I was just wondering where you were,” I replied.

“Don’t worry about me, Sally and I had a good time last night, so I was quite happy for Tom to keep her happy, as usual,” He responded.

We all sat around chatting and then had a bit of lunch before we decided it was time for us all to return to our berths. The weekend had been a great success, Jan would have loved it, but Sue was a more than worthy replacement. Tom thought so.

It was a very passionate farewell and we all agreed we must DO it again.

We went back to our own boats and we cast off from each other. We anchored as Tom left and then Alan leaving us to await John's arrival to pick up Sue.

“Will I have a story to tell him,” Sue said.

Written by Meggsy
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