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The Grimoire - Part 4 - Josephine

"Paris in the springtime; An erotic homeymoon."

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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling and thinking of my experiences over the last six months; Uncle Darcy being pronounced dead, the reading of the will, and his legacy to me, an old leather-bound book. The discovery of Agnes, my witch within the magic of its pages and the unbelievable sexual chemistry that had established itself instantaneously between us.

I felt Agnes stir, and her leg curled over me, and her thigh came to rest on my cock. Her softness and warmth caused it to come to life. Her small hand wrapped itself around me and I she whispered in my ear, “John, I love you.”

I turned towards her and kissed her sweet lips. “Agnes, do you love me or is it the sex you enjoy?”

She released me and sat up in bed. She glared at me. “You can be such an ass, John. I choose to be with you; I don’t need to be with you. I can have my choice of any man in the world, and yet here I am with you. So what do you think?”

“But why me, Agnes? I am not anything special. Why?

“John, after all these years I am super sensitive to feeling and emotion. I can’t read your mind, but I can read feelings. I am an empath. I feel your love for me and revel in those feelings. Like me, you are a lustful person, and I enjoy your lust both for other women and for me. I love the fact that you accept me for what I am and I will love you forever.”

“You are not resentful when I want another woman?”

“No silly, as an empath I enjoy your lust and your horniness. In the same way, I feel you enjoy when I lust for other women and other men.”

“Other men?”

“I didn’t hear you object when Darcy made love to me a few weeks ago. Right?”

“Well no… I enjoyed watching you enjoying yourself.”

“See. That’s what I mean. John, I love you as I have never loved another. Given my druthers, I want to share my life with you.”

“You sure of that Agnes? Forever?”


I picked her up in my arms and carried out.

“Let me go you big lug,” she shrieked. “Where are you taking me?”


“I’m not dressed, idiot.”

“He’s seen it all before.”


Darcy’s eyes popped out when I made our entrance to his quarters. Jezebel his companion taking everything in her stride uttered a warm, “Good Morning.”

I stood Agnes up and dropped on one knee in front of her. “Agnes,” I said, “Will you become my wife?”

The look on her face will be graven in my mind for eternity. Her eyes grew wide, and her jaw dropped.

“John, you have me for all time. Why”

“Because it is right I want to be joined with you in more than a sexual relationship.”

Tears flooded her eyes, and I could see all her body tremble. “Well, will you? I reiterated.”

Through the tears, she looked at me, and between sobs, she said just one word that changed my life forever. “Yes!”

I turned to Darcy and said, “Marry us. Now! You are the head of our family, and I cannot marry her in an official ceremony, so you are elected.”

Looking thoroughly dumfounded, Darcy just said, “Of course.”

Jezebel spoke up, “Just a minute, John. Can you keep your non-existent pants on for maybe a half hour? I need to get her ready for the ceremony.”

The women disappeared into another room, and I was left standing naked in the middle of their living room. Darcy looked me up and down. “Don’t you think you should get maybe a bit more formal? Maybe a jockstrap?” he suggested with a grin.

I looked down and saw my cock hanging down, and the hilarity of the situation dawned on me. “Yes, what would you suggest?”

He went into the other room and returned with a set of tails and accouterments to go with them.

“Here try these tails. I once could wear them. Time, however, has made me a little too rotund to fit into them, but they should work on you. Jezebel has wanted me to toss it out for ages.”

I proceeded to get dressed black tails, starched white shirt, and bow tie, patent leather shoes on my feet. Looking in the mirror, I scarcely recognized myself.

Darcy handed me a tumbler dark with liquid. “Here, have a drink,” he said.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Liquid courage and liquid gold in a glass. Macallan single malt scotch. I swore I would not share it, but today I will break my rule, just for you. Agnes and I purchased it years ago while doing a tour of Scotch Distilleries.”

“John, you sure about what you’re doing?”

“Absolutely, Darcy. I know that my life is tied to Agnes, and I want her to be more than my slut. I want her to be my wife. I realize she will be my slut always. However, she should have more than just that designation. I am proud to be with her, and I want her to be proud of being with me.”

Jezebel’s voice asked us if we were ready. I turned towards the door, and it was my turn to have my jaw drop. Agnes stepped out, and I swear I faced the most erotic sight I had ever seen.

There she stood clothed in beauty. Her hair was done up in one thick braid that reached over her shoulder and covered one breast. Her long legs were encased in white thigh high stockings topped with lace and descended into open toe white pumps. A matching white micro mini thong and a white open nipple bra completed the outfit. Her nipples were rouged as were her pussy lips which peered from her thong.

She stood there for an instant and then did a pirouette to reveal her cute behind which was completely bare. I almost lost it and was on the point of rushing forward and crushing her in my arms when Darcy put his arm on mine and held me back.

Jezebel then entered and posed for us. She was the mirror image of Agnes except where Agnes was wearing white Jezebel wore a similar outfit in black. With her dramatic red hair, she was also a sight which would rouse an erection even in a statue.

Jezebel escorted Agnes up to where Darcy and I were standing. Agnes looked up into my eyes, and my heart raced as I looked at her. She wore a light gloss of pink lipstick and green eyeshadow to highlight her violet eyes. Her perky breasts encased in the white lace and her nipples hard and erect peeking out of her open nipple bra.

Standing there stupefied I heard Darcy mumbling words, but my attention focused on the gleaming eyes and smiling lips of this beauty standing next to me.

She moved her eyes to indicate to me that I should look at Darcy.

“John, let me ask you again are do you take this woman, Agnes of Salem, to be your lawfully wedded wife.”

“Uhh… yes, I do.”

“Agnes, do you take this man John to be your lawfully wedded husband.”

“Yes I do,” she replied.

“By the powers vested in me as head of this family, I do declare you man and wife. John, the ring.”

I gazed around me in bewilderment wondering what to do when Jezebel came forward and presented me a small pillow on which rested a ring which consisted of a square cut sapphire surrounded by diamonds.

I took it, and Agnes extended her dainty hand, I slid the ring onto her proffered finger.

“You may kiss the bride or whatever you wish, John.”

I took her in my arms and cupped her firm ass in my hands as we kissed. Finally, both panting for breath we separated.

Jezebel came up to me and demanded equal treatment stating that it was an ancient custom for the groom to kiss the bridesmaid in the same manner he kissed his bride.

By this time, there was a very apparent bulge in my trousers which Jezebel delighted in teasing by rubbing her crotch against it, while Darcy enthusiastically reciprocated with my bride.

Finally, we all separated and Darcy asked me where we were going to go for our honeymoon.

“Honeymoon? Darcy, this was such a sudden decision I hadn’t given it any thought.”

“Agnes, how does Paris sound to you?”

“Darling, anywhere as long as I am with you.”

“I think we could have a lot of fun in Paris in the spring in the 1920s.”

“Why the 1920s, my love?”

“Agnes, this was an era which was effervescent with culture. The war was over, and a whole new culture was emerging. Jazz, art deco, women becoming more liberated from a previously patriarchal society, modern literature, and art was at a high point. I think it would be fascinating.”

“Ha! Women were becoming more emancipated. I see right through you my darling. Okay, Paris it is.”


Paris 1925, what a mind-blowing experience the last two days have been. Agnes and I took residence at the ‘Hotel Bristol’ where we spent the first two days after our arrival celebrating our love for each other.

Lodged in a luxury penthouse suite we spent our days making love in the enormous bed, ordering room service and drinking liters of champagne.

I was not only head over heels in love with Agnes, but she also could keep me relentlessly aroused. I think we explored most of the possibilities of the Kama Sutra and even created some new ones.

After a shower and shave on the third day I was looking out over the city from out window where I could see the Seine River over the rooftops and asked Agnes if she was ready to explore Paris.

“John, I would like that so much, and there are things I need to purchase. Will you tag along with me as I go into some stores I want to visit?”

“Honey we are on our honeymoon, and you want to go shopping.”

“Please, John, I will make it up to you. Please.”

“You will? How will you do that?” I smirked.

“What if I promised you a night that you will never forget?”

“Darling, you have already done that many times over, and if only for that we will go shopping together.”

Fifteen minutes later she was dressed and ready to go. She was wearing a straight grey dress that descended to mid-calf and a little hat perched on top of her head.

We took the elevator down, and I took the opportunity to do a little ass grabbing while kissing her.

“Behave! Be a good boy if you want to get your reward later.”

“Here I thought that now we were married I would get my reward every night,” I quipped.

“Only if you behave,” she smirked at me.

We wandered the streets seemingly at random though Agnes seemed to have a definite plan.

“Ah here it is,” she said”


“Rue Cambon.”

She took my hand and rushed to a boutique. Stunned I followed and was in a fashion boutique.

A salesperson came forward and inquired if she could be of assistance. Agnes gushing with enthusiasm told her she was looking for the latest creations of the boutique.

“Mme. is American” the woman asked.

“Yes.” Responded Agnes. “A friend of mine told me to come and see your fashions saying they were the most in vogue in Paris.”

Mais certainement madam; it will be my pleasure to help you. Please call me Coco. I will personally assist you.”

They both disappeared into a dressing room. While I seated myself in an armchair and arming myself with patience was left to wait.

An hour later Agnes appeared at the door to a dressing room and beckoned me to her.

“So what do you think?” She asked executing a pirouette to display a very simple straight cut black dress.

The dress molded her body, and she looked charming not to mention incredibly seductive.

Coco, followed her and asked, “What does Monsieur think? Is she not charming?”

I smiled at her and answered, “To me, she is always charming.”

“I understand you have just been married. Well, you both have excellent taste.”

“Agnes, I may call you Agnes.”

Mais oui, certainement.”

“I would like you to try a new scent I have developed, would you be willing?”

With that, she produced an atomizer and spritzed some in the direction of Agnes.

“What do you think, Monsieur?”

I approached and nuzzled Agnes’ neck. The odor enchanted me, and I found it very erotic.

“I see that Monsieur approves,” said Coco glancing at the bulge that started to become apparent in my trousers.

“Lovely really lovely,” I gushed. “What is it called?”

“I have not yet decided you lovely wife, and you are my test subjects. This is the fifth try I make at this, and I think I have succeeded judging by your reaction. I think I will call it simply Number 5.”

With that, we took our leave after paying a ridiculous sum of money and asking that the purchases be delivered to our hotel.

Once on the street Agnes wrapped me in her arms and asked me if I really liked her purchases.

“Yes, I did. However, I did not realize that things like that were important to you.

“Oh, John, stop thinking of me as just a witch. Remember that I am also a woman. Do you realize where we were and what we just did?”

‘Uh… No.”

“You big goof. I now own the very first LBD, from now on for ages all women will be copying me,” she giggled.


“Little black dress, my darling. Coco was Coco Chanel. And I also am the very first woman to be wearing Chanel #5.”

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk completely dumfound. For the very first time, I realized that Agnes was not only a witch, a toy to be played with, but also very much a woman. I felt my heart melt with the realization that I loved her even more than before.

“Come, darling now for some sightseeing.” She led me to a wharf on the Seine River.

“This will give us a great view of Paris without having to walk. These ‘bateaux mouches’ will lead us past many of the sites without having to fight crowds and we can sit back admire, and quaff some bubbly while we do.”


In the late afternoon, we got back to the hotel. The parcels from Chanel had been delivered. Agnes was like a child at Christmas unwrapping her packages.

“John, lie down and take a nap before we go out as I think you will need all your energy tonight. While you do that I will get myself ready.”

I lay down and watched her start to undress the next thing I knew she was kissing me and whispering to me to get up. I noticed it was dark and the room was dark. I could barely make her out. She directed me to go shower, shave and get ready.

When I was done, I returned to the room. However, Agnes was not there. On the bed were my tails and other accouterments.

When I had finished getting dressed, Agnes returned. “Where have you been?” I asked.

“I saw the concierge to get tickets for the ‘Folies Bergère.’”

“The follies what?”

“Not follies my uncouth American, ‘Folies Bergère.’ Just imagine a strip club with class. They say the girls are delicious and who knows who we can entice to play with us.”

“A strip club wearing tails?”

“Yes! Jeans have their place but not in this time and place. Now go to the bar downstairs while I get dressed.”

Twenty minutes later Agnes appeared. Every man’s head turned to look at her. She was wearing her LBD with sheer hose and a pair of pumps. Her makeup was perfect, and when she walked to me I stood, and she gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek. She then reached into her purse and proceeded to wipe the smear she had left there.

We walked out, and Agnes asked me to hail a taxi. She directed the driver to take us to Montparnasse.

“Why are we going there, love?”

“To pay for our trip.”

“What do you mean?”

“Honey I’m a witch, not an alchemist. I’m going to buy a painting. With our knowledge of our times, I can pick up a painting by Picasso or Chagall for next to nothing and when we get back home resell it to finance our next adventures. So far some trinkets I brought back from Egypt have been the source of money for our adventures.”

The taxi deposited us at the café ‘La Rotonde.’ We sat at a table on the sidewalk, and Agnes asked the waiter if Mr. Victor Libion was present and if she could see him. A few minutes later a gentleman approached us.

“Mlle. Agnes, how nice to see you again.”

“M. Victor, now it’s Mme. Agnes. May I introduce you to my husband? John, this is the famous M. Victor proprietor of this charming establishment.”

Agnes rapidly explained why we were. He invited us inside. The walls were swathed almost floor to ceiling in paintings. M. Libion told us that these were left with him to cover the artist's unpaid bar tabs. He was authorized to sell some of them should he get the right price.

Agnes rapidly made her choice and arranged to send them to the hotel. We took our leave and proceeded to the ‘Folies Bergère.’

“What did you buy?” I asked.

“Just a few trifles, a Picasso and two Degas. One of the Degas is for our apartments. You can see them back at the hotel later.”


Arriving at the theater, we were ushered to a small table at the edge of the stage. Looking around, I noticed that the audience was composed of couples. This was a far cry from American strip clubs.

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Suddenly the lights dimmed, and the orchestra started playing. An MC came out on the stage and announced the first act.

A bevy of beauties came on stage and performed a very erotic cancan for us. Agnes was in one of her teasing moods and kept pointing out the ass…ets of various dancers as her hand from time to time went under the tablecloth and teased my cock till I sported an erection. When I tried to reciprocate, she slapped my hand away and told me to behave.

The dancers were stunning. All of them were long-legged, full titted and had wonderfully curvaceous tushes. Bare breasts and brief panties were de rigeur. I ogled to my heart’s content as did it seems the other men in the audience as well as some of the women.

During the intermission, we were served champagne. It seems as we were seated in first class as only a few tables were accorded the same privilege.

After the intermission, the MC announced the main act. Apparently, we were to see a dancer named Josephine Baker.

The music started and on stage pranced a lone dancer. She was for all purposes unclad as what she wore left almost nothing to the imagination. Bare-breasted and wearing just a string of false bananas around her waist she danced a wild Charleston across the stage. From our vantage point, none of her charms were concealed. I glanced at Agnes, and she too couldn’t take her eyes off her.

“Agnes, you fancy her?” I asked.

She answered with a nod. I looked up and saw a smile flashing the whitest teeth I had ever seen. Josephine winked at me and kept on with her dance. Apparently, she had overheard my comment.

After the final act, Agnes went to see an usher and asked if we could be allowed backstage to congratulate the artist. A substantial amount of currency exchanged hands, and we were ushered into Josephine’s changing room.

She was sitting at her makeup table removing her stage makeup when we entered. After giving an annoyed look, she recognized us. “Ah my front row admirers,” she chuckled at us.

“Miss Baker, you were extraordinary,” gushed Agnes. “May I introduce my husband and myself? This is John, and I am Agnes.”

I extended my hand to her, and she held it in hers. “Americans?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“It is seldom that I meet any Americans here.”

“Why is that?” I asked. “It would seem to me that they would come flocking to see such a great artist.”

“There is a small problem with that,” she said, “you see I am black and as such, I am outside the pale of their approval.”

“That is so sad, Miss Baker,” Agnes blurted out.

“I know. That is why I perform only in France, but someday I am going back. By that time I hope I will be well enough known to be accepted. And please call me Josephine or Josie.”

“I have an idea, Josie, how would you like to join us for supper and a drink?” Asked Agnes.

“I would love to, but I have to meet Joe, my boyfriend.”

“Bring him along, and we will have supper and a chance to chat.”

“You’re sure?”



 Half an hour later we were back at the hotel, and we had ordered room service for the four of us. Giuseppe was a tall curly haired Italian who introduced himself as Count Abatino.

He asked us to call him Joe.

The way he ogled Agnes was getting on my nerves, but I let it pass. I figured if I could eyeball Josie, he was entitled to gaze at my lovely wife.

This woman intrigued me as the way she moved her body as a dancer might make her a fantastic mattress gymnast, and I would love to try her prowess in that environment.

Agnes gave me a wink as if to tell me to not lose hope of that happening.

Supper was served and certainly in keeping with the reputation of the Bristol. We had potage Parmentier, shrimp cocktail, a small filet with mushroom sauce and green beans, followed by crepes Suzettes Flambé. The Dom Perignon champagne flowed freely.

After supper, we retreated to the living room. The women sat side by side on the couch while Joe and I sat in plush armchairs facing them. I served everyone a cognac, and we chit chatted.

Agnes was continually touching Josie on the arm or shoulder. As time went by, she rested her hand on her thigh. She was caressing it exclaiming at the muscle tone of the dancer. Suddenly Josie reciprocated and started stroking Agnes’ thigh, slowly her hand moved under the hem of her dress which had hiked up to where it was revealing a considerable expanse of her leg.

I glanced curiously at Joe who betrayed no surprise at what was happening in front of us though I did notice a considerable bulge in his pants which he tried to arrange when he thought I was not looking.

Meanwhile, Josie’s hand reached higher under Agnes’ dress till she suddenly gave a sharp gasp of surprise.

“Agnes! You are not wearing any panties, and your pussy is hairless.”

“Josie, I am wearing panties, a special kind I have made for me, and indeed I am hairless as John prefers me that way. Want to see?”

Josie nodded her head as her eyes went as wide as saucers. Agnes calmly stood up and removed her dress revealing that she was wearing silk stockings and black silk crotchless panties. She stood facing Josie with her pert ass waving in our direction.

Josie reached her hand out and caressed her pussy exclaiming at how erotic it looked. “I wish mine looked like that,” she said wistfully.

Agnes with a sly look said, “Show me yours.”

Josie blushing slithered out of her dress revealing her marvelous body and a very hairy bush.

Agnes reached over and teased her curls. “Josie, would you like your pussy to look like mine?”

“How?” she asked.

“Do you trust me?” Agnes asked.

“Uh… I think so.”

With that Agnes took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. She had her strip entirely, and placed her on the bed and spread a towel under her.

She then called us in and told us both to get naked. I nervously did so as it was the first time for me to get naked with another man in the room. Joe seemed more at ease with the process. Both our cocks were in a full state of erection, and I stared at his. It was enormous, at least nine inches long however I had the satisfaction that mine was slightly thicker than his.

“Stop staring guys. You will get to play after if you behave. John, get a basin of warm water and your shaving kit.”

I returned with the requested items and handed them to her.

“Now both of you get on the bed behind Josie and follow my instructions.”

She proceeded to coat Josie’s private parts with the lather from my shaving brush. Then told us to each grab one of Josie’s legs spread them and hold them up. Josie was now positioned in a V with her pussy entirely on display.

Agnes started by shaving that luxuriant growth on the sides. Soon we could begin to discern the pussy lips. Agnes pulled the lips gently and started to remove the growth that was burying them. Josie squealed as Agnes applied more lather saying that it tickled but felt good.

Soon Josie was depilated when Agnes told us to pull the legs further back. This rolled Josie on her spine and exposed her ass. The brush proceeded to lather that portion of her anatomy while she giggled through the process squealing that it tickled. The few stray hairs at her pucker were soon gone.

“Don’t let her down yet boys. I’m not finished.”

She then got a bottle of baby oil and proceeded to massage it into the just shaved parts. Soon her fingers started straying into Josie’s pussy and started to piston two fingers in and out of her. Josie began to moan as Agnes’ magic fingers entered her more deeply. She reached back, and her hands took hold of our cocks which she started to stroke in perfect time to Agnes’ strokes in and out of her.

I noticed that Agnes’ other hand had started to get busy a bit lower and she was thrusting her oiled fingers into Josie’s anus. That was the coup de grace as Josie writhed on the bed in the grip of an orgasm which had her screaming. I could see her love juices flowing out of her succulent cunt.

“John, she has such a tight pink pussy, and her asshole is hot and tight also. You are going to enjoy fucking your cock into her holes.”

Agnes knelt between Josie’s widespread thighs and started to lap at her pussy like a starving kitten. I could see her tongue entering those now slick folds, and the love juices smear across her mouth and chin as she worked Josie’s oh so sensitive pussy. The roving tongue slid lower and slithered around the tight brown pucker of Josie’s anus as she rimmed her, and probed that tempting orifice.

Josie’s clit had fully emerged from its hood, and Agnes’ fingers were toying and stretching it without mercy as she brought her to another orgasm that left her gushing.

Leaving Josie to recover Agnes stood up,

“Okay, guys let her go and come here,” Agnes ordered.

We both got up and stood in front of Agnes who fondled our cocks and balls. “Reward time boys,” she smiled as her tongue slid up and down our cocks in turn. Josie slowly stood up, knees shaking a bit, and placed herself at my knees. Her full lips closed on the glans of my cock, and she started to suck it in and out of her hot mouth. She glanced at Agnes as if to ask permission but Agnes was taking care of her boyfriend.

The purplish engorged head of my cock glistened with a mixture of my precum and Josie’s saliva. Her hands palmed my balls and massaged them as she lowered her head and enveloped my shaft with her mouth. Tight lips rubbed my full length as she took it deep in her throat. I was getting milked by a pro, and my cock was throbbing as she plied her magic, while looking up at me with her dark, smiling eyes.

Agnes was also performing her magic on Joe which he was undoubtedly enjoying if his moans were any indication.

As her mouth and tongue swirled around my cock I was unable to hold back any longer I took Josie’s head and pulled her tightly against my pubis and shot load after load of hot sticky cum right down her throat. Finally emptied I released Josie who looked up at me and smiled. I could see a string of my cum stretching from her mouth to my cock.

“Agnes, does he always cum this hard?” she asked.

“Always and several times in a row. He is insatiable,” answered with a giggle.

She had finished with Joe who was now lying on his back panting to regain his breath. She moved over on her knees facing Josie and proceeded to kiss her. Her tongue parted the thick lips, and the girls exchanged spit and the remains of our cum from mouth to mouth.

They played with their tight nipples as they did so and soon both were moaning again while I stood there with a silly grin on my face watching them enjoying their Sapphic moment.

“Josie, do you like to be fucked up the ass?” Agnes inquired after a few minutes of playing around.

“Yes, but he is so thick. Won’t that be painful? It was all I could do to get him into my mouth.”

“Come get on the bed. I have some tricks to show you. On your knees, girl.”

Agnes crawled under her and played with her pussy while I crept up behind her splayed thighs.

“You are going to love this, Josie. I am going to lick and suck your hot little pussy while John reams your lovely ass. His cock is throbbing just thinking of doing you there. John, go get some lube from my suitcase.”

When I returned Agnes’ tongue was licking and probing the little brown pucker that was poised was over her mouth. Josie’s mewling sounds showed that she was enjoying the process.

I positioned myself behind Josie’s tempting little behind and lubed my fingers. Slowly I greased the rim, then started with just one finger to penetrate that tight orifice. As I probed and slid my finger in and out of her, I could feel her muscles relax. Sliding a second finger in I toyed with her incredibly soft tissues clasping at my fingers.

I moved forward and pressed the tip of my cock at her tempting opening. I edged forward slowly exerting a steady pressure till I felt the tip of my cock part the way and it slid in till it was enveloped in her orifice. I heard her grunt and stopped to allow her to get accustomed to me.

She thrust her ass back towards me, and I was thoroughly encased in her tight sheath. Again I held back till she started sliding herself back and forth on my rigid pole. I felt Agnes’ tongue licking my ball sack.

“Josie, my pussy is waiting for your tongue. Please, please lick and suck me. I need to cum. I will also pleasure you. I want the three of us to cum together,” Agnes pleaded.

The thought was so erotic my cock started to throb, and apparently, Josie liked the though as her trained dancer muscles began to clamp and release around me with each thrust. I was in pig heaven as the expression goes.

Joe had revived, and he was looking at us with incredulous eyes as he stroked his cock next to us. He slid his hand between the two women and toyed with Agnes’ tits causing her to moan.

Soon, I could feel that Josie was getting close to coming as her vagina and ass were now spasming faster and faster. My cock pistoned in and almost out of her faster and faster as I felt getting to the point of no return. “Shit, I’m going to cum I yelled and let loose with a powerful jet of cum deep into Josie’s bowels as she and Agnes exploded in what seemed a mind-blowing orgasm judging from the way their body quaked under me.

Gasping for breath, I slowly pulled out. As my cock unplugged itself with a pop, a stream of cum leaked out of that tight ass and dripped out towards Agnes’ mouth. She greedily lapped it all up.

Josie collapsed on the bed curled up in a ball obviously relishing the afterglow of her orgasm. Agnes glanced at Joe and saw him stroking himself. “Well big boy, are you ready to fuck me?” she asked.

He nodded his head enthusiastically. She placed two pillows, one over the other, close to the bed’s headboard.

“Come over here and lean against the headboard and sit on these pillows,” she instructed him.

She crawled over to him and sat on his lap. Raising herself, she parted her asscheeks, and placed the head of his cock at her anus and slowly lowered herself on him till he was firmly ensconced in her ass.

Motioning me over, she had me kneel in front of her and parted her pink pussy lips in a blatant invitation of where she wanted me.

I knelt in front of her and inserted my cock into that delightful tight sheaf. She was incredibly tight. Much more so than she usually was. I could feel Joe’s cock through the thin membrane as I sank into her wet pussy.

Agnes started to rock back and forth as we impaled her body between ours. Her velvety smooth cunt massaged every inch of my member as I toyed with her perky nipples. The smile on the face of my insatiable little slut was a joy to behold. I realized that to see her so content and happy took away any feelings of resentment I might have experienced.

I leaned forward and kissed her. She devoured my tongue and gave me hers in return. I immediately started to throb as she rocked faster and faster and Agnes’ pussy clamped up even tighter. I could not hold back, and soon my cock was spurting deep against her cervix while she moaned. I felt her juices bath my cock as she came around me.

When we separated all three of us lay on the bed with silly grins on our faces.

“Okay folks bath time,” she announced.

The four of us trooped to marble tiled bathroom and filled the enormous sunken bath with warm water and lots of lavender scented bubble bath. I brought in glasses and a bottle of champagne.

Agnes motioned for Joe and me to get in at opposite ends of the bath. She invited Josie to sit on my lap while she went to sit on Joe’s.  As Josie lowered herself, she took my cock in her small hand and inserted it up her cunt. Her sheaf surrounded me, and she started to ride me. Meanwhile, Agnes had done the same to Joe. I wrapped her in my arms while pinching her rock hard erect nipples which she seemed to enjoy.

I looked over and smiled at Agnes who had her eyes closed and was relishing that long cock up her pussy. All of us soon climaxed, and we lay back enjoying the closeness of the moment while sipping champagne.

As the water cooled down, we stood up and showered and got cleaned up. Needless to say, we washed each other most thoroughly both inside and out.

Wrapped up in large Turkish towels we returned to the bedroom and lay next to each other in bed.

Josie asked us how long we were going to be in Paris and frowned when Agnes told her we were leaving tomorrow.

“Darn, this was fun. I wish you were here for a longer time. Are you going back to America?” she asked.

When I told her we were, she asked how she could stay in touch with us. That would be difficult I said her as we traveled a lot, but I promised her we would keep in touch with her. Agnes told her that we would undoubtedly get together again when she went back to the states.

During our chatting, we were all toying with each other, and we ended up fucking till daybreak when we all rose and went downstairs for breakfast.

Parting was a tearful affair for the girls as Josie and Joe left in their taxi.

“So my love, did I fulfill my promise to you?” Agnes asked me.

“Yes my adored wife and favorite little slut, you did. You exceeded yourself. This was an incredible honeymoon which will remain graven in my mind for eternity.”

“And we’ve only just begun,” she sweetly smiled at me.










Written by ChrisM
Contributing Authors
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