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Kitten Tales - Part 2

"Kitten finds a play mate, or two.."

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Author's Notes

"This is part two of the series, ‘Kitten Tales’. If you’d like to see how it all started, head back and read part one first."

A tall, rugged, solid man, who is exceptionally well dressed, answers the door and, greeting us warmly, invites us in out of the cold.

As we follow the well-dressed man into the long, high ceiling hallway, he introduces himself as ‘Elliot’ and explains that he will be our host tonight.

“Welcome to Lust and Lace!" he exclaims. "Mr Pierce, I have placed your belongings that were delivered earlier today into this room for you,” Elliot announces as he opens the door to a small and cosy room that’s furnished with a designer couch, an open-faced wardrobe, a small lamp that provides a soft hue of light and a beautifully dressed French window.

“Thank you, Elliot, I appreciate your hospitality. My wife and I will prepare ourselves and join you and the others shortly.” You thank our host and he smiles warmly at us before turning and making his way out of sight down the long sweeping hallway.

You stand at the door, gesturing that I should enter first by saying, “After you, my lady.” I take your outstretched hand and saunter into the private dressing room. You follow after me, drinking in the sway of my hips before closing the door behind you.

As soon as I hear the door lock click, I turn to you, a broad but cheeky smile forming across my pretty painted lips and I wrap my arms around your neck. You smile innocently at me, knowing exactly what I’m thinking yet giving me not a single clue as to the extent of planning or preparation that has gone into tonight. I lean forward and pull you to my lips, kissing you softly and sensually, a hint of my arousal remains on your lips and it makes me ache to have you once more.

Pulling away from you, I smile demurely before saying, “Your Kitten loves to play, thank you, Master, for preparing such a wonderful surprise for us.”

“Kitten, go over to that overnight bag on the floor there. Pick it up and open it, and tell me what you find.” Your deep voice has a commanding tone to it and I immediately do as you ask. You take a seat on the lounge, splaying across one half, and settle as if to watch a show that I’m about to put on.

I collect the bag and unzip it placing it on the edge of the couch to steady it as I peek inside. I gasp in delight as the contents become clear and I see the naughty gifts that you have prepared inside. Our usual party-night pack has a few additions to it but the item that grabs my attention first is the beautiful, long, soft kitten tail.

“Oh my, Master!” I exclaim, “Is this for me?” I say, pulling the gorgeous gift from the bag and looking it over. The fur is soft, silky and the colours of mahogany and cherry wood. I run my hands along the luxurious fur relishing in its texture until I find the heavy, metal, shiny, tear-drop shaped end. Suddenly, the gift makes complete sense and I look over at you with a hunger that’s growing far faster than it should.

A gorgeous new cat tail plug that looks just like a real kitten tail is a gift that I had never expected. Wide-eyed, I look it over and devilish thoughts start to take over.

“Do you like it, Kitten?” You ask, breaking my focus.

“Oh Master, I LOVE it! Thank you! It’s such a beautiful gift!” 

“A beautiful gift for my beautiful Kitten,” you say, smiling devilishly at me, “and I bet you look sinfully seductive with it in.”



Walking the long hallway holding your hand, I hold my head high with pride. I think to myself that I am such a lucky Kitten to have a Master like you. You are strong, gorgeous, sexy, thoughtful, and caring. You spoil me and I simply adore you. I will be the envy of all of the subs that are here tonight. You rub your thumb across the back of my hand gently caressing my skin. I look over to you but you do not look at me, a subtle gesture of reassurance, protection and respect before we enter the large ballroom-style space and the gravity of the night consumes us. 

Having removed my coat, I saunter into the room wearing only the lingerie set that you picked out, black high heels, a black lace headband with kitten ears and the gorgeous plush kitten tail that sweeps up my back, curving gracefully with the natural curves of my spine. My new tail is a sexy yet glamorous accessory that I am all too happy to show off.

As we enter the large space, we can see that the party is already in full swing with only minimal people still in the group space. There are a few small groups of couples standing around, chatting and drinking but certainly not enough to account for the mass of cars that we saw parked out front. 

We head to the bar, and you order us both a drink. Yours; a glass of whiskey, neat. Mine; a simple glass of champagne. We stand and finish our drinks, a little too quickly, as you can see that I am eager to follow that deep thumping bass that is coming from beyond a dimly lit hallway at the rear of the room. 

“My Kitten wants to play, doesn’t she?” You ask me, your voice deep and lustful. 

“Yes, Master, I want to see what naughty things lie beyond the darkness,” I reply eagerly. “But once you’re ready to go, of course.” I correct myself almost immediately. 

“Well, let’s go find somewhere interesting to play then, Kitten,” you say as you run your hand up my back, feeling the soft fur of my tail against the back of your hand as you do. 

You wrap a protective arm around my waist as we walk toward the hallway. Beyond its darkness, there are several doors leading into various sized and dressed rooms along each side of the hallway. Some of the doors are closed, a sign that those within are not looking to be interrupted, whilst some remain open.  

Slowly, we make our way down the hallway, peering into each of the rooms as we pass, seeing if any look like something we’d like to be a part of. We walk past a room dressed for those who like it hardcore, with a large wooden cross standing in one corner and a whole smorgasbord of floggers and whips displayed on the wall nearby. There are a few people in there, touching, feeling and whipping the various items, apparently working out which might fit their mood best. We move past that room and on to the next which has more of an exhibitionist feel. There is a large gothic style, four-poster bed in the centre of the big room, with couches, stools, and armchairs strategically placed around it. There are three women and one guy draped across the bed who were apparently already very well acquainted. There is a couple sitting on one of the couches off to the side, yet they seem to be lost in their own world of tongues, flesh and nipple piercings to be seeing much of the show that the foursome is providing, not that the foursome had noticed. 

The rooms on the other side of the hall seemed somewhat normal in their make up; a bed, a large mirror or two, soft hue lamps and a bowl of various necessities that sits on little lamp tables as you walk in. Couples and their friends have taken up most of these rooms, all in various stages of undress and sexual acts. One room houses a gorgeous brunette who is cuffed and restrained at each corner of the bed. Her male counterpart has a lit candle in his hand and I watch as he lets searing hot droplets of wax fall from it and onto her skin, causing her to moan and writhe. He looks up as we walk past, and mutters something about “Here, Kitty!” but we move on without verifying what was said and you pull me in tighter against your body as we do. 

The next room we stumble upon is the one I had been searching for. The sound of a deep, rhythmic bass came bounding out of it, amongst a dry ice smoke trail and a few coloured lights. 

The room is set up similar to a strip club with single armchairs and double lounges surrounding a makeshift stage. The beats being played are slow and sexy and we see that there is already a couple inside enjoying the scene around them. 

A tall, gorgeous blonde woman who is wearing an outfit similar to mine is putting on quite a show. Her long leg wraps expertly around the stripper pole making it abundantly clear that she is no stranger to this type of environment. She twirls her body around the pole as if it were an extension of her very being. She turns herself upside down, her other leg held perfectly straight and away from her as she twirls around and around before flicking herself back to her feet, landing the move smoother than a gymnast. 

Master can tell that I am intrigued, and before I could say a word, you pull me into the room. Taking your arm from my waist, you grab my hand and lead me into the darkened room. You catch the eye of the male who is being entertained and nod a polite ‘hello’ announcing our intent to join the room. He raises his half-full glass in response, signalling that we are more than welcome. The loud thump of the music making it impossible to speak but an understanding is easily reached. 

You sit down on the couch and pulling me between your legs, you make it clear what your Kitten is to do. I smile seductively at you as my body finds the beat and I slip easily into it, moving in perfect rhythm. Your eyes lock on mine as my hips start to sway and I watch you intently as I dance seductively for you, knowing I have every single ounce of your attention whilst you watch the smooth lines of my body move to the beat. Moving closer into you, I run my hands down from having them messed up in my blonde curls to down my seductive curves. My one-size-too-small bra holds my big tits perfectly and that sexy jiggle is the perfect tease. I allow my hands to gently cup them both pushing them together as I dance. 

Your hands have found their way to the outer of my thighs and I can see your gorgeous cock growing ever hard within your suit pants.

With a well-timed foot placement, I step across myself and spin around on the spot, turning my back to you as I slowly fall into a deep squat, twisting and swaying my shapely hips and ass as I do. Putting my hands on the floor, I push my ass straight back up, straightening my legs and slowly pulling my body with it as I stand back up. For just a few moments there as I was bent at the hip, you could see the base of the furry tail disappearing into my tight little ass. 

“Fuck,” you growl at me as I pull off the move, and I turn my head and look at you over my shoulder, a satisfied smile forming across my lips as my move did exactly what I had hoped. Watching you still, I sway my hips and shake my ass just a touch making my tail shift and move, replicating that of a real cat’s tail. 

You reach out to me, and clasping my hips, you pull me down onto your lap. I feel you hard against my ass as I land, my pussy throbs, and that hunger I have for you grows exponentially. 

I grind back and forth, and side by side on your thick cock, teasing us both, making your cock leak pearls of delicious pre-cum into the material of your boxers. I push up and away from you, then turn to you and continue my seductive lap dance. 

The music flows through me and feeling the heady mess of my own seductions, I close my eyes and run my hands back up my curvy body, stopping as I pull my blonde hair messily up on top of my head. Lost in the moment and losing myself in the beat, it takes me a few moments to sense that someone is behind me. The moment I do, my eyes shoot open and I’m just in time to see a flick of the blonde’s long hair. I look at you and your eyes grow wide with excitement as her hand gently caresses my hip. I watch you for approval, a Kitten is not to play without consent but your eyes tell me all that I need to know. 

I feel her body move closer against me and that caress at my hip becomes a needful hold as she grinds and moves in perfect rhythm with my body. I place a hand over hers, signalling that she’s more than welcome to stay and I feel her breath almost instantly on the back of my neck. 

Her other hand finds my body and she pulls me tightly against her, her body perfectly mimicking mine. Her touch is so soft, so tender that I allow myself to succumb to her tease.   

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Placing my other hand upon hers, I move her hands up my dangerous curves, up and over my full breasts, tracing my elegant neck and stopping once my arms are fully extended above my head. Her hands slip past mine and ever so gently she caresses my alabaster skin with her fingertips, gently tracing her way down my forearms and over my biceps. She gently traces across each side of my face before falling on to my pert breasts and squeezing them before continuing back to my hips. As her touch leaves my upper body, I turn my head instinctively to be closer to the one who makes me feel so adored. As I turn to her, her lips meet mine and we kiss, softly, sensually, slowly. It’s one of the most sensual displays you have ever seen and seeing someone caress your wife so delicately has you throbbing, almost painfully.

Our kiss breaks as I turn to face her, and in doing so, turn us both so that we are now standing side on to you both. This allows her man to have the same view as you, from across the room on the other couch. 

My hands quickly find her hips and I pull her into me, her hands cup each side of my face as she pulls me hungrily back to her kiss. Her soft lips taste like cherry lipgloss and I quickly become hungry to taste more of her. Our kiss turns feverish and we make out like frenzied teenagers, our hands exploring each other greedily. 

I hear you growl, softly and I pull away from her, biting her bottom lip softly as I do. I look over at you and see that you’ve unbuttoned your suit pants, the erotic display before you is almost too much. I giggle, and turn back to the blonde bombshell and whisper something against her ear. She smiles at me demurely and quickly wanders, to find her man and bring him over as I’ve asked.

I step between your thighs and without bending down, I lean in to kiss your lips. Hungry for you, and enjoying the erotic tease that two women brings, I kiss you deeply, intensely, and passionately. As I pull away, I feel her hands draping across my back once more signaling that she has returned as she twirls her fingers in my cute, fluffy tail. Placing her man down next to you on the couch, he tips his glass to you once more and you nod your approval at his proximity knowing that it was your Kitten who had enticed him over. 

As he settles in, the buxom blonde and I settle between the thighs of you both and I eagerly unzip and undo the rest of your suit pants. With excitable hunger, I strip your boxers away and purr as your gorgeous cock springs to life. 

“Mmmmm,” I moan, as I place both hands around you, enjoying every thick inch that I now have in my hands and delighting at the pearlescent pre-cum leaking from your tip as I lower my mouth to you. Watching me devour you, you allow yourself to be consumed by my seduction. The blonde next to me has treated her partner to the same pleasures yet you barely notice their existence. 

I look up at you as I collect your delicious pre-cum with my tongue, teasing you and at the same time, teasing myself. That first taste of you makes my already throbbing pussy ache to have you and I just know that the lace that conceals my hot sex is ruined, slick with my desire. 

Holding your gaze, you can see the want, the need, the desire that I have for you clearly evident in my big, blue eyes. You watch intently as I delicately caress your full, thick, gorgeous cock and as I place my deep-red lips around you, I feel you pulse in my hand. 

“Fuck. Yes. Kitten,” you growl as I suck your aching tip into my warm, wet mouth. Taking you just beyond your ridges, I swirl my tongue along your head and then suck you in and out of my mouth, creating a ‘pop’ sound as I release you. 

Still looking you in the eye, I run my tongue along the underside of your shaft, teasing your throbbing need and showing you the appreciation I have for your big cock. Running my tongue along your smooth lines, slowly and seductively, I look over at the cute blonde next to me and see she is replicating my moves almost exactly, allowing her long, blonde hair to fall in front of her pretty face. She elegantly flicks it away and in doing so, she sees me looking at her. Our eyes meet and I can see just how mischievous she is in the way that she looks back at me. She pulls away from the pleasures that she is giving her man and moves towards me. I follow suit and lean into her, I flash you a cheeky smile as I do.  

She pulls me close, pressing her full lips against mine, and ever so gently kisses me. Her soft lips surround my bottom lip as she embraces me and she gently pulls at it, pulling away for just a moment before crushing her lips against mine once more. Her sensual lips part and our tongues meet, her kiss is un-rushed and seductive, exploring the very erotic experience of kissing another female. 

You watch intently, looking over briefly to the other gentleman to see if he’s just as enthralled as you are, and he most certainly is. His rigid cock is being held tightly in his masculine hand and he’s slowly stroking it whilst watching his woman devour another blonde. In our usual lives, this would incite anger, jealousy and likely a reaction from you but when I have this collar on, you are more than happy to show me off, to enjoy the fact that another man is seduced by your Kitten. 

You watch as the blonde’s tongue slips gracefully in and out of my mouth, caressing my pouty lips and losing herself in the intoxicating kiss. I pull her closer to me, and in doing so, position her right in front of your throbbing, thick shaft. We continue to kiss, hungrily and seductively. Placed just above your aching cock, I’m not able to resist you and so I pull away from her lips, leaving her with the promise for more and return to your steel-like shaft. Except this time, she joins me. 

Shooting a look left, you watch for his response, not ever wanting to take another man’s woman without his approval, you wait for his consent. 

“Fuck her pretty little mouth,” he growls, stroking harder and faster, clearly aroused by watching his woman perform. Your eyes return to the hot blondes kneeling before you and you indulge in the gorgeous view. Pouting my lips against your engorged head, I kiss, lick and suck you, the cute blonde doing the same. I swirl my tongue up and down your shaft, teasing you as you watch my red lips and expert tongue moving up and down your heat. I move away merely to share your lust with her, or to steal her gorgeous lips for an alluring kiss. 

I flatten my tongue against the underside of your cock and lick my way up and down your thick need. Deciding that I’d teased you enough and that I now wanted to push you closer to that ragged edge, I take you past my lips, this time not pausing at all, and for the first time tonight, I take your thick cock down my throat. Pulling back up from you, my saliva strings from the tip of your cock. She looks at you with pure lust in her eyes and running her tongue along her perfect lips, I know she’s eager to taste you.  I gently run my hand up her neck and into her long hair, gathering it loosely as I do. Tipping her head forward just a touch, she knows exactly what I want her to do and she eagerly lowers her lips to your wet cock.  Together we work your beautiful cock, sucking you in and out of our pretty mouths and stroking you in perfect synchronicity.  

A deep, throaty growl escapes your lips as you watch me take your slick cock further and further into my greedy mouth. Watching inch by incredible inch slip past my luscious lips and further down my throat and pushing you deep into the hilt. The blonde, who has now returned to her man, enthusiastically swallows his aching cock too and you both watch your own hot little blonde, deep throating your big, thick cocks. 

Not wanting to miss a single second of this erotic display, you collect my hair up from falling in front of my face and you pull it up into a makeshift ponytail with your hands. You watch as I’ve settled into a rhythm, working you up and down, relaxing my throat, and pushing you further and further every few strokes. You feel your engorged head hitting the back of my throat and sliding beyond and it makes your smooth balls start to tighten. My lips, swelling just a touch, are full and red and the colour of my lipstick has smeared all over your shaft. 

“Mmmm,” I moan as your cock violates my throat, the sound vibrating against your shaft. You know how much I love being in this position, I adore the control, the pleasure that I can bring you and you just know my pretty little pussy will be aching to feel you. 

You hear the man next to you start to gasp and moan, his head tilted back in pure ecstasy as the hot blonde works him hard and fast. The sight of this gorgeous blonde, who certainly knows how what she’s doing, only adds to the intensity of this erotic moment.

You can feel your own orgasm starting to take control and you know that you’re not far off, especially as you know that I’ve picked up on that fact and I will now be relentless in my pursuit of your climax. I lean into you and take your entire cock into my mouth once more, giving you the perfect opportunity to gently grasp the top of my tail. Taking the thick, luxurious fur into your hand, you start to gently tug at it, making the heavy steel tool of pleasure buried deep inside of me, taunt and tease me in the most forbidden of places. 

“Ohhh,” I moan, long and muffled as your cock allows little movement of my tongue. I am already so turned on from all that is happening around me that the unexpected pleasure that your gentle tug brings is almost too much and I struggle to fight back my own orgasm. Seeing the incredibly naughty move you’ve just made and the fight that I am under to keep a hold of my body, sends both you and the guy next to you over the edge and you both come tumbling into orgasm at almost the same time. 

A deep, masculine growl falls from your lips as your eyes shut and you push your hips up, pushing your cock further into my mouth. You cum hard, exploding your hot seed down my throat giving me rope after rope of your lust to devour.

Your explosive climax is just too much and the sensation sets off a wave of pleasure within me that I simply can’t deny. In those very last moments and as you tug that one last time on my tail, I reach down and circle my aching clit. My lust is slick and plentiful and as I drag it all over my pretty little clit, my body tightens, I lose control, and with a force that I’ve never encountered before I hit the heights of ecstasy. I  cum long and hard, shuddering my way through an epic climax. I swallow hard, twice, and then gasp for air as wave after wave crashes through me, relentless in its wanton attack. 

Breathless yet again, and with my heart thundering in my chest, you pull me up from between your thighs and place me onto your lap, wrapping your arms around me as I instinctively wrap mine around your neck. Safe and protected in your arms, the world slips away and in that moment, it’s just you and I. A Kitten and her Master in a moment of pure erotic yet completely adoring bliss. I bury my head into your neck and enjoy every tingle, every sensation, every emotion that comes from such an intense moment, from such an intense orgasm and from the intensity of the emotion that comes with them both. I stay here, content and floating, wrapped in your embrace as you lay soft kisses upon my head and until the euphoria moves on and the world starts to return. 

Lifting my head from your shoulder, I look up at you and find you already looking at me, that look of pure love and lust in your eyes that always accompanies an orgasm is prevalent, yet this time it seems so much more intense.  You kiss me softly and sweetly and we share in the last moments of this incredible experience before turning to speak to our newfound friends. But, as I turn my head and look back to where they were seated, we realise that they are gone. We have no idea when they left, or for how long we had been lost in our embrace, but laughing we decide that it doesn’t really matter. 

We clean ourselves up, and after resetting my outfit, you take me by the hand and lead me out the door ready to find our next adventure.


Written by Tell_a_little_tale
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