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Jurassic Swingers (2)

"Contining the frolics in Weymouth. Chapters 5 & 6 in this part."

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“Pull hard, and make the Nothe, or down we go!”


Stan’s Story

At breakfast the next day, we sat in the same places as dinner. We chatted over a final coffee and laid plans for a day out while Christine’s foot played gently across my ankles as she looked at me across the empty plates, and my cock reacted by stiffening inside my pants. I looked into her eyes; we locked on each other for what seemed an age, then she smiled, rose from the table, and they were gone.

An hour later, we met in the lobby, ready for a day of tourism. Our hotel was on the outskirts of the seaside resort of Weymouth. We walked out together to the nearby bus stop; after a short wait, the number 2 rolled up for our short ride into town.

A few minutes later, we stood on Weymouth Esplanade. Graham and Christine looked quite unsure and lost.

“Follow us!”

It was a glorious sunny day; the forecast was for isolated showers later, but for us, there was not a cloud in sight. On our left golden sands, the strand sweeping along the seafront ahead and behind. As we passed the final bus stand, I called out to our friends and pointed across the road.

“Look to your right; at the statue.”

We all paused as they followed the direction of my raised arm.

“That’s King George the third. He made Weymouth a fashionable resort two hundred and fifty years ago”.

Christine interrupted, “Didn’t he lose the American colonies?”


We continued our stroll southwards until we reached a road with railway tracks embedded in the tarmac, which we crossed and climbed three steps to a pathway. Ahead was the harbour waterway; we turned right and headed away from the seafront.

On the front buildings were all hotels. Along the harbourside, every building was a restaurant or pub. We strolled along, looking at the fishing boats, yachts and other craft moored along the quays.

A few minutes more brought us to a bridge across the waterway. We climbed some stairs to the upper road, crossed to the other side and turned to follow the opposite quayside.

The road eventually petered out to become a footpath following the harbour; we turned right here and took a steep flight of steps up the hillside into a wood.  At the top was a grassy park where we joined a narrow road that descended gently to our destination - Nothe Fort, a forbidding granite mass that bore down on us as we walked under the portcullis gate, paid our fees and continued out into a bright central courtyard.

Abandoned by the military some decades earlier, nowadays a tourist attraction, it was just the place for a couple of mature men to engage their fantasies of combat heroics. Perhaps not such a draw for a couple of mature ladies though.


Ginny’s Story

We had visited the fort before when we had been on holiday in Weymouth, so it seemed an excellent place to take our new friends. I always enjoy visiting historic buildings because there’s so much to learn. Christine didn’t seem so keen, so we let the men wander off to explore; we sat at one of the cafe tables in the warm sunshine and ordered tea and cake for two.

An hour flew by as we nattered away, and then the men came back enthusing about emplacements and guns.

“You two have to come with us; we’ve seen a fantastic viewpoint over the harbour and bay.”

So we left our comfortable seats and trailed them up onto the ramparts; the view was as incredible as they had said with Weymouth Bay, and Portland Island sparkling in the sunshine.

“Come on, follow us.”

We followed a path around the outside of the walls, but still high above the sea until we came to the viewpoint. It was as good as they had said, a concrete bunker with a short flight of steps down and an open side facing the bay and harbour.

There was another couple inside when we entered, six people made a crowd, so it was unsurprising that we were soon left alone.


Christine’s Story

The view was incredible. We stood and gazed at the panorama, but even without anyone else it was still quite crowded. Stan was behind me and pressed against my back. 

Initially, I thought it was accidental, but then he put his hands on my hips, pushed into my bum and started to rock against me. 

His erect cock was obvious, and to my shame I responded by pushing back against him, wriggling my bum cheeks to enhance his pleasure. I had become a married slut!

While we were there I didn’t notice the sunshine had gone, the chalk cliffs across the bay were still glistening, but we were under clouds. Then a breeze blew across the open front, and drops of rain splattered on the concrete ledge around us. In no time it was pouring, the rain was blowing in, and Ginny, standing next to me, was getting a soaking.

Graham stepped back and turned around to look out of the back entrance.

“Okay guys; I’ve seen a better shelter. Come on and make a break for it.”

So we ran up the steps and dashed to another concrete building set against the fort wall. Inside it was dry; the narrow doorway and a long open slit along one side were both protected from the deluge by the fort.

“It looks as if this was some sort of wartime bunker,” Graham remarked, “it certainly does a good job of protecting us.”

So I stood close to the slit and rested my forearms on the smooth concrete ledge. Stan took this as an invitation to continue frotting himself against my bum slit. I decided he needed the attention of my slutty self, so I turned around to face him, threw my arms around his neck and planted a great, wet kiss on his lips before sticking my tongue inside. I glanced to the side and saw Ginny was following my example with Graham. There was no going back now!

My arms slipped away from Stan’s shoulders to rest on his chest before I lowered myself onto my haunches, trailing my hands down as I went. On a level with his erect cock I unzipped him, groped around and pulled his tasty tool out into the open.  Again a glance to my side showed Ginny following me with Graham.

The men stood upright; while two wives sucked and wanked two cocks. I felt we were like two whores, having men take us into a place where no decent woman would want to go. That was a huge turn-on for me, so as I sucked, I pulled my panties aside and pleasured myself with my fingers.

My orgasm came first; my grunts were followed by Ginny’s, and then Stan blew his load into my mouth before Graham followed up as the last one to cum. I stood up, reversed the whole show and pushed my mouth onto Stan’s. He opened up willingly, and I shared my snowball of cum with him. Our snog went on quite a while until Stan drew back, his eyes focused outside.

“The rain’s stopped; we need to get decent before anyone else comes out.”

The four of us sorted our clothing quickly before we stepped into the brilliant sunshine. There was a clunk a few metres away, and then a door in the fort wall opened, and a couple with two kids came out onto the terrace where we stood.


Stan’s comment was very appropriate; we all smirked, thinking how close we had come to a very embarrassing situation.

Stan’s Story

Our visit to the fort ended with our little naughtiness, and then we retraced our steps back to the Custom House Quay, where we settled on the George Inn for a lengthy lunch while we sat at a bench table outside in the warm sunshine. It seemed the only rain of the day occurred at exactly the optimal time for one very special activity.

Mid-afternoon we arrived at the hotel and disappeared into our rooms for a rest and shower.

Later on, Ginny and I lay entwined on our bed, going through the events of the previous evening, and I took the chance to praise her for a whole raft of brilliant suggestions; each one had been a big help in giving Christine an evening to remember.

“And I think you should take one of your blue pills; you don’t want to fail to rise this evening after this afternoon’s fun and games.”

As I said, my wife is full of brilliant ideas.



“They spoke very little of their mutual feeling; pretty phrases and warm expressions being probably unnecessary between such tried friends.”


Dinner - Stan’s story

We sat down at a table with two couples, women opposite men, so we faced the partner that each expected to swing with later. As we perused the menu I looked at Christine, face down concentrating on her choices, still not believing that I could be bringing this woman to multiple orgasms again in an hour or two. A bottle of white wine arrived; we filled our glasses and raised a toast; “to us.”

That bottle was followed by several others. By the time we had finished eating everyone was relaxed from the alcohol. The conversation turned raucous, and we laughed like long-time friends.

Under the table there was a lot of action; two sets of footsies were being played. Christine’s shoeless foot flicked around my upper legs, but she couldn’t quite reach my crotch, so I obliged her by shifting forwards until my tummy pressed hard into the tabletop. That did the trick; her toes wriggled around my hardening cock, she knew the effect on me, and her face said it all. So different from twenty-four hours ago when she was very uptight.

We came to a natural quiet break in the chatter, looked at each other, silently nodded, and we all got up and walked out into the night, a twenty-metre walk back to the hotel. The decision was taken to play in our room; then it was up the stairs, tipsy and randy, ready for action.

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Stan’s story

Graham and Christine looked a bit lost in our room, but Ginny was up to the challenge. “First we all undress down to underwear.”

I was quickly down to my wet-look black briefs with a zip down the front, and Ginny was in her full finery, black bra, black panties with a silver motif and black hold-ups, looking ravishing. Christine was in a black bra and panties, and Graham had plain dark grey boxers with an obvious bulge in the front where his erect cock had already made a wet mark.

Ginny made us stand in a circle, holding hands and in the same positions we had taken at the table. She looked at me. “Kiss me, Stan.”

I turned to her, our lips touched, hers opened, and my tongue slipped into her familiar loving mouth. We snogged, oblivious to Graham and Christine.

When we broke apart, she turned to them and said, “Now you.”

We watched them, their kissing as loving as ours was. They parted and grinned at us; the ice was broken.

“Now, Graham, you kiss me.”

He leaned across the gap and planted his lips over hers. Even after our fun on the farm, watching my wife deeply kissing another man was very odd and arousing.

Next, it was Christine and my turn to snog; I touched her lips, pushed my tongue in and tasted her once more. Her tongue flicked around mine; I could feel her breath rate increasing in anticipation of action to come.

Ginny’s voice interrupted, “Time!” We were oblivious to anything other than our pleasure.

“Now, Christine, you kiss me.” Christine looked surprised, but as she leant forward, Ginny met her lips to lips, and they buried themselves in one another’s mouths. They seemed to go on forever; Graham’s hand tensed and squeezed mine, his breaths coming faster as his arousal increased.

The girls broke away, both breathing heavily, both looking flushed. “OK guys; it’s your turn now.”

I wasn’t expecting this; there had been no intimacy between myself and Quin when Ginny and Reenie were together.

I turned to Graham; he was ready first and leant to me, pushing his lips against mine; and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I had never been kissed by a man before; it was quite different from a woman. 

He pressed against me, his hardness like a tree branch between us. I felt like a woman, being dominated and taken by a man.

Ginny’s “Time!” broke the spell again, and we parted.

Graham’s Story

He seemed uncertain, but I was hard and horny, and I decided to dominate Stan. I leaned into him and kissed him hard on the lips, I felt him soften in my embrace, and as his lips parted, I drove my fat tongue into his mouth, penetrating him for the first time. He was happy to subjugate himself to me. 

It felt good to be the boss giving my friend oral pleasure through our kiss but also the opportunity for him to feel my bigger manhood rub against his. I was stronger, bigger, and fitter than my friend, and if any further sex happened between us, we both knew from that moment I would be on top.


Ginny’s story

I turned to the men, “You two stay there and watch, play with yourselves, but don’t cum! We are going to have some fun first.”

I took Christine by the hand and led her to the bed, gently pushing her down before lying beside her. I reached behind her back, released her bra, and then did the same to mine. I looked at Christine’s beautiful exposed breasts, then kissed her on the mouth. Her hands went behind my back, pulling our bodies together.

My free hand ran over Christine’s boobs, found a nipple and started gently massaging the area; as the nipple engorged I rolled it between my fingers. She moaned gently. I lifted off Christine’s face and moved to lower my lips over the same erect nipple, my tongue snaking out, flicking it gently, arousing its owner more and more.

My hand slid down Christine’s tummy, over her pubic mound, under her panties and into the hot space between her legs before I sat up, pulled her panties down and then took off my own.

Christine lay with her legs open; I rolled to one side, found the tube of gel and squeezed a good dollop onto my fingertip before rolling back and lowering my hand to re-enter her pussy and then start a rhythmic movement over her clit. Quickly she mounted the path, her body writhing in pleasure, her moaning getting louder before her orgasm hit, and she rolled around in ecstasy.

Even before her cum was over, I had swung around, supporting my body over Christine’s and pushing my wet vulva onto her face at the same time as lowering my head onto Christine’s sex.  She tasted good, just as good as Reenie. My tongue started the rotating, flicking motion Reenie had taught me, and Christine’s body started to react, little judders, moans and all the signs of heightened arousal. She was a quick learner, copying my action on my clit, helping me towards my second orgasm of the day - though my mind was far away from the first one in the concrete bunker.

Christine came first, her body heaving and rolling under me, muffled grunts between my thighs. Despite her pleasure, she hardly paused in licking and flicking my clitty, and my orgasm arrived almost immediately after hers. My body convulsed in pleasure; legs clamped around Christine’s head as I tried to escape from the incessant movement of her tongue in my most sensitive place. But this was just the start; I wanted more from her, more for me, and I had to make her want the same. My tongue returned to flick her sensitive clit, her body shuddered, and her tongue answered my call, my need.


Stan’s story

When the girls started to play, Graham was transfixed; the thought of his wife having lesbian sex with Ginny had not occurred to him. His excitement showed in the bulged material of his shorts and his hand that wandered over to play with my own straining PVC shorts.

I released the zip and let it run down of its own accord, which gave his hand direct access to my cock. It’s fair to say that I was equally enjoying rubbing his huge erection through the thin material of his shorts. Graham grabbed my shorts and pulled them down, letting them drop to the floor. I did the same for him, and then we turned face to face and started to rub our bodies together, our two cocks trapped between us.

It was getting too much, I wanted to save my cum for Christine, but the urge was too strong. My cock was throbbing, squeezed by his huge thickness between our bodies as we ground together. His fingers dug into my cheeks, pulling us even closer.

He moaned constantly, his hips thrust against my flesh, and then one hand slid down to grasp my shaft and wank it slowly.  I responded, taking his thick shaft in my hand, copying his action.  

His thrusting picked up the pace, and then without warning, he convulsed, his cum squirting across my wrist, his cock pumping the contents of his balls over me and over the carpet. I was taken completely by surprise, with no chance to prevent him from cumming.

I continued to play with Graham’s softening cock. I squeezed every drop that came out from his body, ran my finger over his flaccid head and enjoyed the wracking shudders I was causing, but at the same time, I watched the two wives. Their 69 was going well; one would orgasm, then the other.

Finally, after one particularly strong orgasm from Christine, I stood up, went over to the bed, rolled Ginny off to one side, pulled Christine’s legs well apart and set myself down in the space. My cock slid inside her extremely wet cunt with ease. Pump, pump, pump, my body thrust in and out. I saw her completely spaced out, twenty, thirty thrusts, and she orgasmed hard, screaming in ecstasy, clenched fists hitting my body again and again.  

Incredibly, I had forgotten about her sore cunt; I only wanted to fuck her to orgasm. Even more, she took me in without any pain; she was so wet my average size could go where Graham’s thick monster would never be received again.

I needed to cum, but Christine wasn’t enough. I pulled out, pushed her convulsing body away and launched at Ginny, she spread her legs, and I mounted her, sliding inside my second dripping wet cunt. Ten times I thrust at her, and then my orgasm came; I heard my voice yelling in pleasure.

Bang! I hit her clit so hard I thought it would shatter, but my movement had done its job; she came, her body desperately trying to flail underneath me. I dropped my mouth onto hers; our shouts became muffled as we tongued each other while our brains flooded with pleasure.

I rolled off Ginny, we were both panting from the exertion, and she rolled onto her side and snuggled into my armpit. Christine took the other side, her hand gently playing with my softening cock. She lifted her head across my face and kissed Ginny full on the lips; her hair hung over my eyes, a soft curtain before she moved back and kissed me, our tongues playing together.

I could have stayed in this position all night, in postcoital bliss with two sexy mature wives, but we had forgotten Graham! Across the bedroom, he stood in a trance, playing with his limp cock.

“Come and join us!” we chorused, so he came and lay down spooned alongside Christine, who stayed facing me.

We pulled bedding over our bodies, dimmed the lights and drifted off.  Sometime later, I sensed Graham and Christine get up, quietly collect their clothes, dress and go to their room.

Written by SandG_Play
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