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Dianna’s Awakening Chapter Five Part 1

"Dianna is invited to her first swingers house party, with exceptional results."

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Author's Notes

"Jerry finally contacts Dianna and offers to escort her to a swinging house party. While she is impressed with the folks attending, she feels disappointed when the sex isn't what she anticipated."

Paul and I hadn't talked for several days since he moved into the spare bedroom, and I saw no need to let him know I was going out Saturday morning as I watched him mow the lawn. The anticipation of attending my first private swinger's party with Jerry later that night spurred me on. I wanted to wear something sultry and was on a mission to purchase just that. I usually do my clothes shopping at either Target or Walmart, but I doubted those two places would carry what, in my mind, would fit the bill for the evening.

Arriving at the local mall just after ten would permit me to shop leisurely for just the right outfit. I knew that I wanted something slinky with a zipper on the back so that when the time arrived for me to slip out of my dress, I could do so without needing to yank it up over my head, and for tonight, black was my color of choice. I found a swanky boutique with what I was looking for displayed in their window and entered the shop. I was greeted by a youthful-looking girl who asked, "Can I help you today?"

"I'd like to look around a little, please," I replied.

She smiled at me and said, "Take all the time you need," then returned to her early morning duties.

I began looking through their assortment of short black evening dresses and found several I wanted to consider.

"Can you direct me to the changing rooms, please," I said to the young girl working the early shift.

She pointed me in the right direction but said, "We only allow two garments at a time in the changing rooms."

I hung my least favorite on the return rack and took the other two inside. Slipping off my clothes, I decided to try them without a bra. The first dress was a kind of glittery fabric that hugged my hips and legs very nicely, and the material felt sensual as it slipped over my naked breasts. Its length nearly reached my knees, and I turned to see how it looked from behind. I was happy with the way the dress accentuated my shapely ass.

Never having attended one of these parties, I wondered if the glittery fabric might be a little overboard. Slipping out of the dress, I moved to my second choice, a clingy fabric that also hugged my hips, but this dress had a more profound plunge in front and behind. I could easily reach around and unzip it at the appropriate time. It was shorter than the first, covering my legs to mid-thigh. Like the first dress, this one also showed off my ass quite nicely. It was a little pricey, but I figured, what the hell, I could wear it when I met a man for the first time or to a hotel meet and greet sometime in the future.

As I exited the dressing room, the young salesgirl asked, "Find something you like?"

I held the dress up and said, "I'm going to take this one, but I also need some sexy lingerie to go with it."

She smiled and replied, "Follow me."

As we approached their lingerie selection, she turned and, as she walked backward, asked, "How sexy were you thinking of?"

I didn't know there were degrees of sexiness when it came to lingerie, so I replied, "I don't want to look like a slut."

She grinned and tried to explain, "With the dress you're buying, the length will allow the tops of thigh-high stockings to show, and depending on how you sit, I suspect your skin above will also show."

"Okay, so what do you suggest?" I asked.

She reached for a small package and handed it to me. "These are designed to go higher on your legs," she said.

I looked at the photo of the hosiery on the package. The stockings were longer, but unlike regular pantyhose, the part that usually covers your ass was missing. The model on the package was taller than me, and the picture featured her from behind with the straps pulled high on her hips.

"Sexy but elegant," I said.

The salesgirl smiled and then said, "If you match these up to a satin or lace thong, you'll not only feel sexy all night, but when the time is right, and you let that slinky dress slide off you'll be able to make any man or woman's heart skip a beat.

"Okay, I'll take these also," I said, handing her the tiny package.

Her grin broadened slightly before saying, "Do you want to look at thong and bra sets?"

"What the hell, I might as well go all in; this is for a special occasion," I said.

We walked a short distance to that section of their lingerie offerings. "Satin or lacy," she said.

"I think satin with some lace trim would be nice," I replied.

She thought momentarily, then asked, "What cup size are you?"

I replied, "I'm a C cup."

"You're in luck," she said as she moved to the clearance section.

"I think this will fit you perfectly," she said as she pulled a black set from the rack.

I took it from her and looked it over. The thong and bra were black satin but featured tiny black lace trim along all the necessary edges.

"I love it!" I exclaimed.

"And it's fifty percent off," the young girl said.

"Sold," I answered.

As she rang up my purchases, she said, "You know this outfit screams for heels, the highest you can stand in."

"You don't sell shoes?" I asked.

She smiled and said, "No, but I think you can find exactly what you need at my friend's shop across the mall."

"Thanks so much for your help today," I said.

"No problem, your total is one hundred seventy-nine dollars. How would you like to pay?" She said.

I handed her my credit card, and as she ran the card, she said, "Tell Mark that Julie sent you."

Thanks again, Julie," I said as I gathered my purchases and returned to the mall.

I giggled as I walked across the mall, thinking I'd need to intercept that credit card statement when it arrives so I wouldn't need to explain my purchases to Paul.

It was easy to find Mark's shop, since the displays in front featured some of the highest and sexiest stilettos I'd ever seen.

"Hi, are you Mark?" I asked the sole salesman in the place as I entered.

He looked at me with a "Do I know you?" expression, then said, "I am."

I smiled and replied, "Julie says you can help me with some sexy high heels."

He grinned happily, knowing that his friend had sent some business in his direction before; he said, "I sure can."

"Come on in and have a seat. Let's check your size," Mark suggested.

As I sat down, he asked, "What's the highest heel you've ever worn?"

"Never measured them, but about the height of those over there," I replied, pointing toward a pair of white pumps on a display table across from where I sat.

Mark continued his questions, asking, "Will you be dancing or just looking hot and sexy?"

I doubted there is much dancing at a swinger party, so I answered, "I suspect I'll just be lookin' hot and sexy." Using his exact phrase to describe what I'll be doing.

As we talked, Mark had already slipped my pump off and measured my foot. "You're a perfect size five. Did you think about the color?" He asked.

"Nothing sexier than black," I answered.

"Couldn't agree more," he said with a broad grin on his lips.

"Give me a minute," Mark said.

He rose from his fitting stool and scurried into the stockroom. I thought to myself, what is it about ladies' shoe salesmen that makes them so appealing? It has to have something to do with the position they are in while waiting on you.

Mark returned with a stack of shoeboxes, and as he sat down in front of me, he said, "We'll start with ultra-high and work our way down until you feel comfortable walking in them.

He opened the first box, which was wider than all the others, and I could instantly see why. It contained a pair of black leather stilettos with at least a six-inch heels. I could see myself falling off these as I tried to walk, but I knew they would provide the best fuck me handles of all the rest.

"These will take some practice to walk in," he said as he slipped the sexy shoes onto my feet.

I stood up and almost fell into him. "I think we'll need to drop down an inch or two," I said without even trying to walk to the angled mirror at the end of the row of chairs.

He removed the fuck me stilettos and slipped them back into the box. "Let's try these," he said as he flipped the lid off the second pair.

This box contained a very sexy pair of shoes with about a four-inch heel that featured an ankle strap. As he lifted them from the box, I noticed that the soles were a bright red color, a feature that I knew would attract lustful stares from all the men attending the party.

He carefully sipped my feet into the heels and then slowly attached the strap around my ankle, his fingers lingering just a little longer than necessary.

I stood up and slowly walked to the mirror, twisting my feet to get a good look at them from both sides and behind. The red soles would undoubtedly entice the look when I sat down and crossed my shapely legs.

As I walked back toward him, Mark said, "I have the same style with a five-inch heel if you're feeling more adventurous."

I knew another inch would do little to enhance the shapely look of my legs, and besides, when I was viewing them in the mirror, I noticed how this pair made my calf muscles appear sexier.

"How much?" I asked.

Mark smiled and replied, "We have a ten percent off sale until noon every day, so I can let you have these for sixty-nine ninety-nine."

"Sold," I said, smiling broadly at him.

With one more swipe of my credit card, I was set for tonight.

As I left, I noticed Julie standing at the entrance of her shop. I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up sign, letting her know that Mark had fixed me up with a very sexy pair of stilettos.

It was about eleven-thirty when I left the mall and decided to grab a bite before heading home.

I pulled into our driveway about one and noticed Paul's car was missing. Perfect timing, I thought, knowing I'd be able to take my new clothes up to my bedroom and not have him asking a bunch of questions about what I purchased.

I entered the kitchen and found a note Paul had left me. It read, "Dianna, I finished the lawn and decided to get a round of golf in this afternoon. I'll probably stop afterward for something to eat, so you'll have to fend for yourself; see you around eight or so."

I smiled, knowing I could dress and leave before he got home, avoiding his questions about where and who I would be with tonight.

As I puttered around the house, those butterflies of anticipation began in my stomach, which surprised me some since earlier this week. I entered Excitement Video full of confidence about the events I knew would happen. I suspect the newness of attending my first real swinger's party had something to do with those feelings.

At about four-thirty, I began preparations for the party, showering and shampooing my hair first. I dried and curled my hair, then brushed it into a seductive, wavy look. I wanted my make-up to appear sultry, so I applied a dark shade of eye shadow, my regular foundation, and a blush that gave my cheeks a rosy appearance. I love my eyelashes looking long and sexy, so I applied more mascara than necessary, giving my eyes a provocative come-hither look. The pièce de résistance was my lip gloss, a bright red color that perfectly matched the soles of my stilettos.

Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I thought, not too shabby for a forty-five-year-old mother of two.

Moving on to what I hoped would entice Jerry and all the other men in attendance, I slipped my new crotchless pantyhose over my feet and pulled them up over my shapely ass. I loved how the creamy white color of my flesh contrasted with the dark material of my hose.

Next, I stepped into the sexy little satin and lace thong, which covered my pubic hair and slithered between my ass cheeks. I wanted to see how I looked wearing just the hosiery and thong with my new stilettos, so I slipped on my shoes and carefully attached the thin straps around my ankles. Walking across the room toward the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door, I was happily surprised at the reflection I saw. My long shapely legs and creamy smooth ass looked breathtaking, and I imagined seeing my sexy stilettos pointed toward the ceiling later.

I moved back across the room and put on the matching bra. The thin wisp of lace trimming the cups enhanced the smooth pale flesh above. I was very quickly feeling sexier and sexier as the minutes passed. The final piece of my seductive outfit was that slinky black dress. I carefully stepped into it and drew it up over my shoulders. With the zipper behind still open, it looked very inviting, but when I drew the zipper up, the sexy dress hugged every part of my form. Again, I moved to my mirror to survey the final look: a lovely, stunning woman reflected at me.

One final thing completed my preparations. I moved back to my make-up table and applied dabs of my favorite perfume behind each ear and in the soft flesh of my cleavage. The scent of Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium Vanilla perfume wafted into my nostrils, and I hoped it would do the same to every man I met tonight.

Gathering my essentials in a small black leather clutch handbag, I headed downstairs, feeling more excited as the moments passed. It was almost six o'clock as I stepped into the kitchen. I recalled that when Jerry and I first met, the drive to O'Neil's took about thirty minutes, and his place was another ten minutes from there. If I left, now I'd arrive about twenty minutes before seven. I hoped my early arrival would give me a few moments alone with Jerry before the other woman showed up.

Traffic was horrendous, and it was nearly a quarter till seven when I drove past O'Neil's; so much for getting to his place early, I thought. I pulled up to his apartment building and noticed a fancy little red sports car parked outside. I parked my family minivan beyond and slipped out of the driver's seat. As I climbed the concrete stairs to his apartment, I assumed the sports car belonged to my competition for his affection tonight. I lightly knocked on his door, and in a moment, Jerry opened it. A broad smile came to his lips as he said, "Dianna, you look impeccable tonight."

He quickly kissed me and said, "Come in and meet Saundra."

She smiled at me and started sauntering across the room. Saundra was at least four inches taller than me, her platinum blonde hair shorter than my brunette locks framed her face perfectly. She was long and lean and wore a tight red leather miniskirt and an even tighter white tank top with the word "Sexy" brazened across her massive tits. Her shoes had that same 'fuck me" look that Mark had shown me earlier this morning, but instead of black, hers were bright red.

Saundra stretched out her red-tipped fingers and, as we shook hands, said, "You ready to have some fun tonight, darlin'."

I smiled back at her and replied, "I hope to."

Jerry turned to Saundra and said, "I've told Dianna how we met."

She smiled and said, "He was my knight in shining armor, helping me with my grocery bags when I could hardly walk on my broken little toe."

"He is quite the gentleman," I said, knowing this was the woman who introduced Jerry to the swinger lifestyle.

Jerry glanced at his watch and said, "Enough chit-chat, ladies; you can get better acquainted once we get to the party."

Saundra grabbed her red leather jacket as we headed for the door. Once outside, she stopped at the top of the stairs and said, "Jerry, hold my hand. These stairs scare me."

I giggled to myself, knowing that even this sexy blonde bombshell was a little worried about falling off her six-inch "fuck me" stilettos.

I followed them down the stairs, feeling a little like the third wheel in the group, a feeling I'd not let ruin the rest of my night.

Once safely outside, Saundra announced that she would take her car and follow Jerry to the party's location. Jerry watched as she more or less struggled to get into that fancy red sports car. I'm sure he wanted to catch a glimpse of her sexy naked thighs.

"You ready for an exciting evening?" Jerry asked as he held the passenger door of his car for me.

"Absolutely," I replied.

After a few minutes of silence, Jerry reached over, placed his hand on my thigh, and said, "Dianna, I want to apologize again for not calling you as promised."

"Not to worry, hun, I've had some good times since our first night together," I replied.

He giggled and said, "Judging from your updated profile, I suspect you did."

"It's been an enlightening couple of weeks," I remarked.

Wanna fill me in?" Jerry asked.

I laughed and answered, "Why not?"

I began by explaining that after he hadn't called me; I arranged to meet another member. "Stephen was spectacular, and we shared several firsts together," I said.

"Go on," Jerry urged.

"He took the photos I've posted and was the first man who ever fucked me wearing a condom. I can't tell you how exhilarating it was to feel his latex-covered cock buried in my virgin asshole." I admitted.

"Wow, that's fuckin' hot," he remarked.

"On top of that, after he filled that latex sleeve, I enjoyed him feeding me the contents; his cum tasted so good," I said.

"Holy shit Dianna," Jerry said.

I'll send you the password to my private album so you can see the pictures he took after he filled me with his rock-hard cock and pumped a second massive load of thick creamy cum inside my sopping wet cunt; the photos show his load oozing out of me." I added.

Jerry squeezed my thigh a little, then said, "You know, every party I've been to has a huge supply of condoms for those folks who avoid bareback fucking."

I laughed and said, "I'd love to feel a big, hard cock covered in a ribbed latex condom slip deep in my throat."

I reached across and slipped my hand between his thighs to see if our conversation had the desired effect on his beautiful, curved cock.

He giggled and said, "Yes, Dianna, you've got me hard already."

"How much longer before we arrive?" I asked.

"Long enough for you to fill me in on this glory-hole fantasy of yours," he said.

"Another fantasy fulfilled," I replied.

Jerry looked toward me and said, "Come on, darlin', give me the details."

"Okay, okay, you already know how much I love giving head." I started.

"Something you've made abundantly clear." He answered.

"Well, I recently visited Excitement Video," I said.

He laughed and said, "I've been there."

"So you know the layout of the place. I made my way back into the stripper's room and grabbed the first guy I could and told him I was there to have a good time and swallow some hot, thick cum." I explained.

"Fuckin' hot!" Jerry exclaimed.

"He was the first of thirteen anonymous cocks I sucked off that night, filling my belly with more cum than even I thought possible," I said.

"Why do I suspect there's more to this story?" Jerry asked.

"After all those blowjobs, I still wanted more, and I went into the dancer's room and found my first big black cock. I fucked him silly, stuffing his massive shaft and huge mushroom-shaped cock head deep in my tight, wet cunt." I admitted.

"Another fantasy checked off your list," Jerry remarked.

I giggled and said, "There's more. After he filled me with hot cum, I got down on my knees and announced to the gathered group that I wanted my first bukkake facial." I said.

"Holy shit Dianna," Jerry said.

"One by one, every guy there moved in front of me and jerked off, splashing my face with so many loads that I lost count. I was covered with thick, hot cum from my hair to my tits. My eyes burned from the cum they pooled in my eye sockets. I felt like such a cum slut." I admitted.

"Christ, Dianna, that's amazing," he said.

"I felt disgusting, which is one reason I hadn't checked my messages for several days. I'm so glad I checked last night so that I can be with you and Saundra tonight." I said, hoping tonight would turn out better than Wednesday night.

Jerry applied his brakes, signaled for a turn, and slowly pulled into a long-sloping driveway. "We're here," he announced.

As we drove toward the house, I could see the lights, but my view of the place was obscured by tall pine trees lining both sides of the driveway. Eventually, Jerry pulled to a stop outside a majestic log home. Vast expanses of windows allowed a view inside, and the large porches in front and along both sides were lit with indirect LED lighting—an impressive home, to say the least. Saundra pulled up behind us and was exiting her little sports car as soon as the headlights went off.

"I'd forgotten how long a drive this was," Saundra remarked as she approached Jerry's car. Walking up the massive stairs to the front door, I wondered what the owners of this place did to afford such a beautiful home.

"Let's get to it," Jerry said as he pressed the doorbell button.

A moment or two later, the door swung open, and a fifties-something handsome man with gray hair and a full gray beard greeted us.

"Jerry, great to see you," he bellowed as he opened the door wider.

Jerry reached for and shook his hand as he said, "Good to see you again, Sam."

Saundra rushed in, gave Sam a quick hug, and then said, "I gotta pee." She dashed for the powder room across the vast foyer.

I was standing beside Jerry, smiling as he and Sam greeted each other, but Sam turned his attention to me, then back to Jerry as he said, "And who might this lovely tart be?"

Jerry quickly introduced me to our host, "Dianna, Sam, Sam Dianna."

I smiled at Sam and said, "Please to meet you, Sam; thank you for inviting me." I reached for his hand, which he grabbed instantly, but instead of a handshake, he pulled me against his burly body and replied, "Men get handshakes; the ladies get a bear hug."

As Sam hugged me, a lovely woman approached from the living room. She was perhaps in her early fifties, with dirty blonde hair, long, sexy red nails, and relatively large breasts, confirmed by the tight-fitting sweater she wore that plunged seductively in front to reveal deep, succulent cleavage.

"Hi, Jerry," she said as she hugged him.

Sam introduced me to his wife, "Dianna, this is Trisha, my wife."

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"My pleasure, Trisha," I said, unsure if I should shake her hand or hug her.

Sam put his strong hand on Jerry's shoulder and said, "Let's go in the living room, have a drink, and we can get reacquainted."

Trisha and I followed the men, and as we walked toward the living room, I commented, "You have a charming house."

She smiled and replied, "It's our little weekend getaway."

We entered the expansive living room, and I noticed six other couples seated on various sofas or love seats scattered throughout the room. None looked like the couples I'd viewed on the SU website. However, judging from the assortment of outfits, I assumed each was well-experienced in the lifestyle. Cleavage and short skirts or very tight slacks and even tighter sweaters are worn to show off the ladies' best features. I felt a little underdressed in my slinky black evening dress.

"Can I get you drinks?" Sam asked as he looked toward Jerry and me.

"Jack on the rocks," Jerry replied, and as I smiled at Sam, I said, "A white wine, please."

As Sam poured our drinks, Saundra reappeared from the powder room. "Sorry about that, folks; it's a long drive up here."

"What are ya having, blondie?" Sam asked Saundra as she settled into the seat beside Jerry.

"Scotch and soda, please," she replied.

He passed out our drinks and said, "The bar is over there; you're on your own from now till whenever," letting us know we could serve refills ourselves.

Sam moved to the end of our couch and said, "I believe everyone is here, so let's review the ground rules."

He started, "First and foremost, sex is consensual; if a lady or man isn't interested, move on. Second, the house is yours, except for the one locked room upstairs. I don't wanna sleep on wet bedding after you've all left. Trisha has placed ample supplies of condoms in each bedroom for those of you who don't enjoy bareback. Any other toys should be in your personal belongings. The refrigerator has been stocked, so if you get hungry for something other than the obvious, please feel free to help yourself. Our secret passwords for tonight are yellow and red. If you're with someone who isn't enjoying themselves, they can say yellow, telling you to take a step back. If the person says red, you are to stop whatever you are doing immediately. Finally, the dungeon is in the basement for those who enjoy BSDM, but I'll remind you of the passwords should you venture into that playroom."

With that, Sam walked across the room and pulled a sexy late twenties woman from the love seat she was sitting on and led her off to some quiet bedroom on the first floor. Trisha grabbed her partner, and they scurried off in a different direction.

I looked around the room; almost all of the five remaining men seated about looked like they could please me. Being the newbie in this menagerie of experienced swingers, I was somewhat concerned that I'd be the last one selected for the team.

I took a sip of my wine, crossed my legs, and showed off my shapely calf muscles, hoping to attract the attention of someone besides Jerry.

You can imagine my surprise when a very handsome forties-looking guy with long wavy hair rose from his seat and walked across the room to where I was seated. He smiled and said, "You look nervous."

I smiled and shook my head, then said, "My stomach is full of butterflies."

He grinned, reached for my hand, and replied, "Let's see if we can settle your tummy down a little."

As I stood up, Saundra said from behind, "You go, girl."

He led me back through the foyer. I looked over my shoulder, and the pretty thing he was sitting with had already moved to my seat and snuggled into Jerry's side. We walked through a huge dining room into a short hall with two doors on either side and one at the end.

"I'm Randy," he said as his hand slid over my back and around my waist.

"Dianna," I replied, feeling much more comfortable with this handsome man.

We walked past the first two doors, and as we approached the last one, Randy said, "This room has a wonderful view of Sam and Trisha's backyard."

Randy opened the door, and as I slid by, I let my fingertips slide across his abdomen. He stepped inside and quietly closed the door. I walked across the room and gazed outside; the landscaping was immaculate, lit by dim lights on rustic-looking wooden posts. I turned and leaned against the wide oak window sill, placing both hands on the ledge beside my hips. Randy was still standing just inside the door.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He smiled and replied, "No, I was just enjoying your gait."

I cocked my hips somewhat, smiled, and replied, "I love a man who enjoys the tiny nuances."

Randy already showed me he would be a sophisticated lover, and his demeanor put me at ease.

Looking around the room, I was amazed by its furnishings, but the most impressive was the king-sized bed that sat in a catty corner between two walls.

As he slowly walked toward me, he reached up and unbuttoned his shirt.

His fingers reached the second one, and I said, "Stop, that's my job."

Randy took more time than necessary to walk across the room but finally stopped a half step from me. His hands reached out and gently covered mine on the sill, and he stared into my dark, sultry eyes.

"What do you see?" I whispered.

He grinned, then softly said, "I'm not sure, but what I think I'm staring at is unadulterated passion."

He moved one hand to my arm and, using only the tips of his fingers, slid up my arm, causing goosebumps to rise on my flesh.

Feeling the tiny hairs on my arms stand up straight, Randy smiled widely at me and said, "Yep, unadulterated passion."

I wanted to kiss him but resisted the urge, knowing that would happen soon enough; instead, I slid my delicate fingers along his abdomen, then up over his chest, and slowly began doing what I'd said a moment earlier was my job.

Neither of us spoke a word, our eyes talking as I slowly slipped each button through the tiny hole that held it in place. Once I reached the last one above his slacks, I moved my delicate fingers beneath the fabric and slid them up to his chest. His eyes closed as my fingers worked their sensual magic on his exposed flesh.

My fingers reached his shoulders, and I slowly lifted the material and slipped it off his shoulders. It fell behind his torso but hung toward the floor, the tails still tucked tightly inside his slacks.

I slid my hands down to his waist and leaned back to scrutinize his chest. Perfectly tanned with twin dark brown nipples already erect, his muscles weren't well defined, but I could tell they still had more than enough strength to satisfy my needs.

I leaned forward, pressing my body against him, and Randy tilted his head, expecting our first tentative kiss. I wasn't ready for that just yet; instead, I circled his body with my arms and placed my long, sexy fingers against his back, spreading my digits wide open on his naked flesh. I curled my fingers, dug my nails into his skin, and then drew them slowly from the middle of his spine out and over his shoulders. Randy shuddered with pleasure as my fingers flatted against his pectoral muscles.

"You're such a seductress, Dianna," he remarked as my soft digits teased his chest.

Now I was ready. I slid my hands up onto his shoulders and leaned in, offering him my soft, red, moist lips.

Our first kiss was tender, almost timid, but a first kiss nonetheless. I sighed as Randy moved his lips away. He reached up and captured one delicate hand with his and slowly drew it down to his loins.

"Feel how aroused you have me already," he whispered.

My flat hand slid along his rock-hard shaft, and as I leaned back, I smiled at him, knowing that his cock would tickle my throat and fill my cunt completely. Feeling his hard cock released a flood of endorphins inside me. I had to see it, touch it, and study every tiny nuance of his throbbing member.

I slid my hands to his chest again and pushed ever so lightly, causing Randy to take a half step back. With a sultry smile on my red lips and a sexy sparkle in my eyes, I slowly slithered down his body, letting my fingers tease his pectoral muscles, then his abdomen, and finally, the smooth skin above his slacks. I was crouched before him, my back resting against the wall behind me.

Randy's eyes, those dark, passionate eyes, stared down at me as I slowly undid his belt, letting it dangle from the first loops at his side. My nimble fingers opened the clasp of his slacks, and I used two delicate fingertips to pull his zipper down. I could feel the heat of his erection through the black silk boxers beneath his pants. I quickly finished the last two buttons of his shirt, and it fell to the floor behind him.

As I smiled at him, I moved my hands to the waistband of his slacks and slid them around behind to squeeze his ass cheeks gently.

He smiled as my slow seduction moved forward, my hands hooked beneath the waistband of his pants, and ever so slowly, I drew them down his muscular legs. His erection stretched the silk covering it, and I leaned forward enough so I could exhale my hot breath at its throbbing shaft.

"You're very good at this," Randy quietly remarked.

What Randy didn't know was that I was resisting the urge to yank his boxers down and expose him to my lustful eyes.

I ran my hands up the back of his legs and gave his ass a gentle squeeze before I reached the waistband of his silk underpants. My eyes were fixed on the rock-solid bulge in front as I lifted the material behind and stretched it partway down his butt. That caused the elastic in front to draw taut over his throbbing cock head. It was time for me to release him from the silk prison that hid his cock from my lustful stare. I looked up at him as I slowly slid my fingers around his waist, the tips just beneath the elastic band of his boxers, until they reached each side of his pubic mound.

Randy's hands tightly gripped the windowsill above my head as I lifted the stretchy fabric and drew his silk boxers down. Inch by glorious inch, his erect cock was exposed to my sensual eyes.

The head was first to appear, a glorious cock head smooth as the silk that had covered it seconds ago; the elastic popped over his corona, exposing the flaring flesh. It seemed wider than physically possible. I grinned, knowing that his cock head and this beautiful corona would stretch the tight opening to my throat when I finally took him deep.

But there was more to expose, and as I drew his boxers further down, his rock-hard cock shaft came into view, covered with a matrix of veins, each pumping blood through his amazing cock. The crotch of his boxers dangled between his thighs, and I had one last part of his loins to expose, his scrotum, and the twin orbs of cum producing meat contained within. I drew them down until gravity took over, and his black silk boxers puddled around his feet.

With all his loins exposed, I gazed into Randy's dark eyes.

"Are you going to suck it?" he asked.

"Perhaps," I replied with a broad smile on my lips.

Randy moved his hands from the windowsill, placing them on his hips with his thumb and index fingers stretched around his waist. I assumed his favorite position while having his cock sucked.

I returned my attention to his pulsing nine-inch man cock, scrutinizing it. The head, a mushroom-shaped bulbous cock head with silky smooth glans and that incredible flaring corona, stood proudly above his shaft. Its girth, slightly smaller in relationship to his cock head, had the effect of making his corona appear even more significant. It teamed with blood-engorged veins, a matrix just beneath the flesh of his shaft. Below, his scrotum hung loosely drawn down by the weight of the testicles contained inside. The entire package was very pleasing to look at, his rock-hard throbbing cock rising toward the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle from his loins.

My mouth watered in anticipation of the first time his dazzling erection would slip between my soft, red lips. I leaned forward, parted my lips, and exhaled hot breath over his cock head. It rewarded me with a tiny droplet of pre-cum that I collected with the tip of my tongue. It tasted sweet, and as I looked into his eyes again, Randy said, "Please, Dianna, for the love of god, take it in your mouth."

I didn't speak, letting my lustful eyes provide an answer that I wanted it inside my mouth as much as he did. I stretched my delicate index finger out, slipped it over his throbbing cock shaft, and slowly drew it down until that spectacular cock head pointed at my bright red lips.

Randy's grip on his waist tightened as he realized in a moment the warmth of my mouth would surround his rock-hard, pulsing cock.

I moved my head forward, pursing my lips while the other four delicate fingers wrapped around the cock shaft. The tip touched my soft lips, and yet another drop of pre-cum oozed from his urethra. The taste of his seed urged me forward as I let his silky smooth glans spread my lips, and more of his cock head slipped inside. Our eyes were fixed on one another, but as my soft red lips slid over the incredible flaring corona, Randy tilted his head back and closed his eyes.

It felt so good inside my mouth, and I flicked the tip of my tongue against his frenulum, causing Randy to groan sinfully. I wanted to pleasure his cock head a little more before I took him deeper, so I circled his flaring corona with my tongue several times, the wide flat part caressing the bottom and the underside of my moist tongue teasing the smooth flesh on top.

I let him slip from my delicate oral grasp once again, exhaling my hot breath over his cock as I looked up and said, "I'm gonna take you deeper now."

As I spoke, Randy brought his head forward and opened his eyes to watch as more of his rock-hard, pulsing cock entered my mouth.

I opened my lips fully and moved forward. His beautiful cock head disappeared between slippery red lips and began sliding along my moist tongue. Randy harshly groaned as I closed my lips around his throbbing shaft, and my lips slid toward my index finger.

"Damn, Dianna, your mouth feels incredible," he remarked as my lips touched my finger. One by one, my delicate digits lifted off his shaft as I took him deeper.

He felt the tip of his cock reach the limit of my mouth and wedge into the tight ring of flesh at the top of my throat, causing him to moan sinfully.

As the last two fingers slipped off his rock-hard, blood-engorged shaft, Randy released his death grip on his hips and moved his hands to the windowsill beside my head. He knew what would happen next, knew that I was about to relax my muscles and open the oval-shaped door to allow him entrance to the sexually promised land of my soft, moist throat.

I recharged my lungs with oxygen, then pressed my mouth firmer against his luxurious, flaring cock head. The door opened, and his cock head slipped through.

"Fuckin' A," he exclaimed as my throat surrounded his head.

I gently massaged his cock head with my throat muscles and used my tongue to lavish his solid shaft as my lips reached for the dark patch of pubic hair above his loins.

With every delectable inch of his cock inside my mouth and throat, I slowly began moving my head back and forth, sensually throat fucking his incredible cock.

I knew that if I continued, his balls would release a torrid of cum, and while I wanted that, now was not the time.

I slowly withdrew, and his cock head slithered back into my mouth and across my tongue. As he slipped from my oral grasp, a long string of saliva stretched from the tip of my tongue to his cock head, slurping it back inside. I looked up at him and whispered, "I love sucking cock."

Randy smiled widely at me and answered, "It shows."

He moved his hands from the windowsill and into my armpits, slowly lifting me to a standing position. My legs ached a little, having spent the better part of twenty minutes squatting before him while I became acquainted with his wonderful hard cock.

His hands slid down my sides, and when he reached my hips, he pulled me against his naked body, his throbbing erection pressed against the slinky fabric of my dress. Randy lifted one hand and placed his index finger under my chin, lifting my face and mouth toward his. I closed my eyes in anticipation of what I knew would be a more lustful kiss than the first timid kiss we'd shared earlier.

His lips touched mine, and I felt a spark of passion between our mouths; I parted my lips, permitting him to probe inside with his tongue. Instead, he suckled my lower lip between his for a moment, then opened his mouth and pressed his tongue into me. The kiss grew in intensity, and he moved both hands to my head, ensuring our mouths remained joined.

God, I wanted him; I needed to feel his naked flesh against mine. I needed to have his soft hands roaming all over my tingling body.

After an eternity of oral foreplay, I surrendered to my needs and slid my lips along his jaw to whisper in his ear, "Take my dress off."

Randy's hands slid down my sides until they rested on my hips. One hand pulled as the other pushed, turning me to face the window. His lips touched my hair, and then he used one finger to pull it aside so he could kiss my neck from behind, and I placed my hands on the wide wooden window sill.

"I love how that feels," I softly cooed.

I felt his fingers move to the tiny tab at the top of my zipper, and as he continued lavishing my quivering flesh with his lips, he slowly drew the zipper down. His lips moved to the newly exposed flesh and kissed their way across my upper back.

His hands moved to my shoulders and slowly slid the fabric over and onto my arms. I wiggled my shoulders, causing the slinky material to slip further down, and removed my hands from the sill. And with the same sexy wiggle, this time of my hips, the dress slid off my body into a puddle of black around my stilettos.

"Touch my..." I said, but Randy was already sliding his hands to cup my breasts beneath the satin and lace of my bra.

I pushed my tits harder against his hand, the erect nubs at the center pressing into his palms.

Randy wanted those hard nipples exposed and moved his talented fingers to the clasp between the cups, quickly undoing it and releasing my breast to his gentle caresses.

He is an expert at the fine art of breast play, doing things with his hands and fingers that I couldn't recall ever being done to my tits before. I withered under his gentle touch and occasional firmer pinches, along with his kisses across my neck and back. I arched my back, pressing my shoulders against his chest and my ass against the raging rock-hard erection firmly embedded between my ass cheeks.

I needed to feel him inside. I wanted his flaring cock head to caress my g-spot and press into my cervix's flesh. My lust for him consumed me as I gave in to my needs and said, "Fuck me."

I heard him sigh just before he said, "Right here, right now."

"Yes, gimme that beautiful hard cock now," I replied.

As his hands slipped from my tits down to my waist, Randy said, "Don't you dare let go of that sill."

His hands drew me backward, and as I stepped away from the window, I bent at the waist to keep my hands clamped tightly on the sill.

I felt one finger slide across my creamy-white ass, then hook under the fabric of my thong just below where it connected with the strips that circled my hips. That hand slid out, pulling the thin line of material from my loins and exposing my labia to his touch. He moved his free hand between my legs and ran two fingers along the outside of my swollen lips.

"Take me!" I exclaimed.

Randy curled his middle finger and inserted it between testing the waters of my sopping wet, tight cunt.

I moaned, then pleaded, "Please, Randy, I need to feel it inside."

He removed his digit from my cunt and slid his hand across my ass cheek.

He was ready, I was ready, and the next sensation I felt was his smooth cock head touching my swollen lips.

"Oh god, gimme every fuckin' inch of your big hard cock," I exclaimed.

He did precisely that with one incredible thrust; his cock slammed against my cervix with more force than I'd ever felt before. Once again, I had the feeling of being filled, his cock embedded in the very pit of my sexual being.

"That feels so fuckin' good," I said as he withdrew until the smooth flesh of his glans caressed my labia.

I felt his grip on my hips tighten somewhat just before he entered me a second time, this time a little slower, allowing me to feel his flaring corona caress my G-spot.

"Yes, just like that," I said as he began fucking my hot wet cunt with rhythmic thrusts.

Again and again, Randy slammed his raging rock-hard cock into me, my cunt grasping at him as he pummeled me from behind.

That awesome numbness of an impending orgasm spread throughout my loins, and as he continued pounding me, shards of climatic pleasure shot up my spine.

"I'm gonna cum!" I exclaimed

"Yes, cum all over my hard cock," he replied.

It slammed into me almost as hard as Randy's cock. Wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over my being, and my quivering cunt flooded, bathing his incredible cock with climatic juices.

I felt his cock swell and then surge inside my dripping wet cunt, but instead of filling me with his sweet load Randy pulled out and placed his twitching cock in the soft flesh between my ass cheeks.

"Oh fuck," he screamed as his climax began. His cock sent wad after thick wad sailing through the air and splashing onto the naked flesh of my back.

Once Randy had finished giving me the hot cum bath, he moved away, and I straightened up and turned toward him. He was already pulling his silk boxers up his legs. I could feel his cum running down my back into the fabric of my crotchless hose.

As I moved forward, I said, "I wanted you to cum inside me."

He smiled and replied, "I don't do that."

I reached behind and collected a few droplets of his cum with my fingers, then brought them to my mouth, savoring his sweet load. "You could have cum in my mouth," I remarked.

"Maybe next time," he replied as he collected his clothing.

It was at that very moment that I realized what these swinger parties were all about. There would be no cuddling after incredible sex, no basking in the glory of sexual release. No, these parties were about getting fuck as many times and by as many women as possible.

Randy reaffirmed that when he said, "Want me to send in another?"

"I suppose so," I replied as he left the room.

Written by JdRobbins
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