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To Hell and Back Again CH 4

"A dark secret is revealed."

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Author's Notes

"Author's note: Thanks to some awesome reader feedback, I have revised CH 4 to make for a better story. Enjoy! Chapter Intro: The best sex is always driven by intense emotion. Sometimes that emotion is anger. Fucking someone you are intensely upset with is a wild, carnival ride of desire and disgust, passion, and wounded pride. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I have attempted to recreate that mindset of temporary insanity in this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, your comments and votes are most welcome and greatly appreciated."


Logan stared in disbelief. Only moments ago, they had been engaged in hot, sweaty sex. The scent still hung in the air.

“You can talk? How? When?”

Beauty snapped her teeth in frustration and held a hand up.

“Ok.” Logan took a breath and spoke slower. “Too much, too soon. Got it. Still, why haven’t you spoken before now?”

She shook her head, then pointed at one ear. “Hear. Learn.”

“You learned to speak.” Logan pointed at himself. “From me?”

Beauty tilted her head, then nodded.

He blinked at her, wide-eyed. “You have been around me for a grand total of two days. You learned to speak… in two days.”

Again she paused to consider the sound of his words. Again she nodded.

“Holy hell,” he muttered. “Beauty, you are amazing.”

She squinted at him and tilted her head.

Logan chuckled and scooted close enough to gently touch the soft skin of one shapely leg. “It means astonishing, incredible, beautiful, sexy…”

Once more, she held a hand up to stop him, but she was smiling as she did it. It seemed she understood at least the idea of what he was saying. That made Logan happy. She had a gorgeous smile. He thought he might like to see a lot more of it.

“Perhaps you will understand this better.” He leaned in for a long, soft kiss. Beauty hummed with pleasure and kissed him back. In truth, she wasn’t a very skilled kisser, but, like so many things, she was learning uncommonly fast.

“Yes,” she purred and nibbled at his lower lip.

“Glad you like it,” he smiled. “Me too.”




Logan sat cross-legged next to their tiny fire. Spread out in front of him were all the spoils of war taken from the two dead demons. Beauty sat against the wall, silently watching.

One by one, he held them up for examination. “Two leather belts with pouches and flint. A ceramic flask in a leather hip holster with some kind of sour whiskey. A cat-o-nine-tails whip, more torture device than weapon.” Logan held up a dagger and watched the firelight slide over its oily, black surface. “Ten-inch dagger, metal unknown. And then there is this…”

He picked up one of ten bronze-colored, hexagon-shaped coins and bounced it thoughtfully in his hand. On one side was a profile of a handsome, horned demon. On the other side was a beast with three heads.

Logan held it up for Beauty to see. “This is really interesting. The rest of this stuff…” he waved at the collected items, “…could, with a little skill and practice, be made by anyone for their personal use. At somewhere around a medieval level of technology, I suspect. But coins… well, coins exist as a means of commerce and trade, and they have to be minted and standardized to maintain value. By some degree of higher authority. Which means some flavor of civilization, maybe even cities.”

Beauty tilted her head at him.

“City, um…” Logan paused to consider. “Many people.” He pointed back and forth between Beauty and himself. “Tall buildings?” He made vaguely square gestures with his hands.

Beauty nodded slowly, then pointed at the fire. “Smoke. Many smoke. Many people. City.”

“Yes!” Logan could only stare in wonder. The demon girl’s mind was razor-sharp and as hungry as her other appetites. Even his poor efforts at teaching and charades could not prevent her from grasping new concepts like a sponge soaking up water. He grinned. “Excellent. Then allow me to introduce you to the exciting world of commerce, dear lady.” He set some of the items in front of her. Logan divided the coins by size into small piles, then held one up before placing it on the ground by her foot and took back the ceramic flask. Logan repeated the process by taking the dagger and leaving two more coins at her feet.

She frowned at the coins for a moment before taking back the flask and the weapon and pushing the money back to him. Beauty then gave him the flask back and took one of the smaller coins, holding it up for Logan to see. Picking up the dagger, she scooped all of the remaining coins over to her side before placing the hilt into his hand.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Yes! Trade.” Logan grinned. “Buy.” He gave a coin and took an item. “Sell.” He reversed the process and took the coin back.

“Trade. Buy. Sell.” Beauty repeated.

“Yes, that’s it exact-” Logan paused and glared at her. “Wait a minute. You just established a specific value on these items. Which means you already know exactly what I am talking about, you sneak! This is humor. You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

Beauty just blinked her golden eyes at him, the perfect poker face.

“OK, sneaky girl. Where is this city? Have you been there? How far?”

She pointed somewhere beyond their shelter and held up four fingers. “This many sleeps.”

“No so far. Can you lead me there?”

Beauty frowned, then pointed at him. “Hurt. No hurt.”

“Does that mean danger?” he asked. “Is it dangerous?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Danger. Much, much danger.”

“Danger, how?”

“Many.” She mimed, drawing flowing lines on one side of her face. “Show, no show.” A growl of frustration rumbled in her throat.

Logan could see the struggle on her lovely face. He did not understand, but at least he could empathize. It seemed her newly formed vocabulary was not sufficient to express the concepts Beauty was struggling to communicate. At the astonishing rate she was learning, that would not be an issue for much longer. Her brilliant adoption of language skills would see to that, but for now, it seemed they were at an impasse.

“Damn,” he grunted. “OK, Beauty. I trust you to know what you are talking about. For now. However, danger or no danger, the reality is we are in desperate need of supplies. Supplied these coins can provide us.”

“Trade.” Beauty held up a coin and pointed again toward the outside world, then at herself.

“I can’t do it, but you can?” Logan scowled. “I suppose you have a point, but what about danger? For you?”

She held up a clawed hand and snapped her teeth at him.

“You can take care of yourself.” he translated with a chuckle. “I don’t doubt that, but I do not like the idea of you going alone.” Logan heaved a great sigh. “In the meantime, if we are not going anywhere for now, then we have to find better shelter. This crack in the rock was never intended to be a permanent shelter for me, and it sure won't work for two. Having seen that geyser, I’m thinking there may be caves around here. We can start our search where we terminated those two Incubi bastards, collect some water, and hunt food at the same time.”

“Food. Yes?” Beauty asked and reached for the zipper on his denim jeans.

Logan laughed and lifted his hips as she pulled his pants down. “Woman, you are going to be the death of me, but what a way to go.”





They set out as soon as the night cycle had ended. Nothing of value was left behind. Each of them wore one of the belts and pouches. Beauty had the flask, the whip, and coins. Logan carried the dagger, the various pelts, a newly shaped spear, and the mostly empty drinking skin.

A new home was the goal, but food had to be the immediate priority. The critter Beauty had provided in trade had now been consumed, as had most of the beer. Supplies were, once again, running dangerously low.

Fortunately, Beauty’s hunting prowess proved exceptional. Having a partner allowed Logan to work out a strategy where one of them flushed game into the open, and the other took it down. By that method, they were able to catch, not just one, but two of the bristly, pig-like creatures, assuring enough food for at least the next few days. He resolved to acquire salt or some other preservative as soon as possible. The ability to cure meat would expand their ability to keep meat edible by several weeks or even months.

Other priorities proved less successful. They discovered no caves, only sandblasted, solid rock. Water also proved elusive. The geyser was an obvious source, but the scalding temperatures made it impossible to collect, much less drink. It seemed to taunt him, so much water that he couldn’t touch! Logan found a bare few of the plants he could break off and drink out of the stem. It was enough to survive, but only just. At this rate, a single day of bad luck could lead to disaster.

That night cycle found them back in their tiny shelter. Logan was bone tired and deeply worried. He let Beauty have her fun, but could offer no enthusiastic effort in response. He knew it was less than ideal for either of them. The moment she finished him off, he fell into an exhausted sleep.

The next day cycle had them trudging ever further into the wastes, and again the day after that. No hunger pains were the only silver lining as they wandered the blasted landscape. Ever fewer water plants left him thirsty and irritable. By the end of the third day-cycle, there was nothing to show for their efforts, and it was getting late. They would have to start back soon if they hoped to reach camp in before the shadows fell.

Beauty came leaping over a low ridge. There was a sense of excitement in her expression and movements. “Yes,” she grinned.

“Yes, what?” Logan grumbled. He stopped and blinked at her. “Yes, you found something? A cave?” He made gestures to define what a cave was.

“Cave,” she nodded and smiled. “Yes!”

Logan reached out and kissed her fiercely. “Lead the way!”

She led him to a jagged cliff, gestured for him to wait, and began to climb. Logan was happy to comply and enjoy the view. About twelve feet up, Beauty vanished into scrub plants clinging to a ridge. Her head appeared a moment later, looking down and gesturing him up. It proved to be a simple enough climb once he knew where to grab. He found Beauty sitting on a natural shelf in the cliff rising above them. Behind her, an irregular shaped, eight-foot gash in the rock revealed a descent into darkness.

They had prepared for this. Both carried branches soaked in animal fat and tinder to start a fire. Logan started to set up a temporary camp. Less than an hour later, they had light and were ready to delve deeper.

The ground immediately sloped downward and ever deeper into the earth and into velvet darkness. The ceiling stayed mostly level as the floor descended deeper until Logan could stand straight with no fear of striking his head against stone. A sharp turn in the tunnel brought him up short.

“Oh, wow,” Logan muttered.

A shaft of light shattered the absolute black through a tear in the ceiling, revealing a large cavern. Stalagmites and stalactites formed random columns where they met and stone teeth where they did not. Steam curled into the still air from two pools of green liquid. Between the damp and the light, away from the scouring wind, a few plants and a carpet of moss managed to thrive and soften the rocky floor.

Perhaps most astonishing was the cluster of glowing crystals. It looked like quartz yet glowed with a faint orange radiance. The largest crystal was nearly a foot long.

Logan walked over and sniffed at the largest pool, then dipped a finger in and tasted it. Logan turned to Beauty. “It's a sulfur pool. Natural hot springs and I think it's drinkable.” He walked over to her. “No more scrounging for every sip of water, and that's not all. You know what else this means, my beauty?” His face split into a huge grin. “Hot baths! We can get clean again!”

Beauty sniffed at the air and nodded. “Cave empty. Is good?”

“Good?” Logan picked her up and spun her around with a shout of pure joy. “It’s damned near perfect!”

She laughed at his foolish antics. The cavern walls echoed with their play.

Beauty slid down into his arms, the curves of her body molding against him. They kissed, tenderly at first, but with a growing hunger for more. The cave moss proved to be thick and soft as he guided her gently down.

Before long, the cavern walls echoed with the joyous sounds of a different kind of play.





After moving into their new shelter, the next few days settled into what could almost be considered a routine for Logan and Beauty. Her language skills grew rapidly. They hunted together, slept together, and made love in the warm waters.

But routine was not safety, the cave was not a home, and survival was not enough. Cave moss was only moderately better than bare rock for use as a bed. Logan was learning to hate the taste of fire scorched, bristle pig meat. The flat, bitter-tasting beer was all gone. And always, hell waited outside.

Logan thought about all of these things as he sat in front of the cave entrance beneath the rock overhang with Beauty sitting by his side. In his hands was the empty drinking skin. He traced his finger over a loose stitch. It would soon need repair. That would require needle and thread, of which they had none.

“Logan make face.” She pantomimed a brooding scowl that made him smile. Beauty tapped the skin. “Why? Want more beer?”

“Yes,” he chuckled. “As a matter of fact, I would like more beer. And a bed to sleep on. And real food. And a change of clothing.”

“I trade.” She rattled the coins in her belt pouch. “Buy.”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Tempting, but booze might be a luxury we cannot afford. We need basic survival supplies before anything else, and I suspect those coins won’t last long.”

“We take more,” she replied.

“You have a mercenary heart, Beauty.” Logan grinned.

“Logan say all in hell is predator or prey.” The Succubus leaned forward and tapped him once on the chest. “Predator or prey?”

He thought back to the two Incubi and the poor woman they had seduced, then fed upon. Logan recalled the haunted man, wandering and lost. Demons ruled here, and human souls were their toys. Predator and prey. The ecology of hell.

“When in Rome, do like the Romans.” He quoted.

Beauty tilted her head at him.

Logan smiled and kissed her. “It means you are brilliant, and I don’t know how I would manage without you. It also means you are absolutely correct. Sexy girl, I do believe it is time to misbehave.”

“Sex?” Beauty kissed him again and slipped her tongue between his lips. Her breasts rubbed against his naked chest as she pushed him onto his back. Her fingers opened the zipper of his jeans and reached inside.

Logan gasped. “Ok. I’ll misbehave later.”





The Incubus stalked across the waste, sniffing the air and scanning the broken rocks for signs of movement. Hunting, even as it was unknowingly being hunted in turn. It was a big one, almost a head taller than Logan, and almost beautiful.

The fair features were there. High cheekbones and a chiseled jaw framed an aquiline nose and a wide, sensuous mouth. Sharply defined muscles coiled beneath rust-colored skin and a thick, silken, braid of waist-length, blood-red hair.

But a handsome face could not hide the cruel anticipation of the hunt in its silver eyes. A spade-tipped tail coiled and lashed behind it like a snake. Twisted, goat-like legs tore at the dirt with sharp, cloven hooves.

It wore bits of armor, like a gladiator from ancient Rome. A sheath of black leather plates covered the left arm from shoulder to wrist. Leather straps across the chest secured massive shoulder plates. A thin loincloth did more to accentuate impressive male anatomy than hide it. A short sword dangled from a wide, leather belt.

A noise drew the demon’s attention to his left. He looked and saw a naked, female soul. For a moment, she could only stare in fright, caught in the demon’s hungry gaze and all that it implied. As soon as the demon moved, the paralysis shattered. She turned and ran. It grinned as it gave chase, already growing hard under the loincloth and savoring the anticipation of its next meal.

Despite its bulk, it quickly outpaced and caught up to its prey. Claws caught her by the hair and threw the poor soul to the ground. It reached for her. The woman scrambled back on her hands.

“No! Stay away from me!”

The demon grabbed her by the legs and lifted her into the air upside down. Laughter rumbled in his chest. “Not a bad catch. A little small though. Maybe I should let you go?”

“Please!” she begged.

“Ok.” The demon grinned. He flipped her up and around into a bear hug, nuzzling at her ear. The woman’s feet dangled a foot above the ground. “I will let you go if you tell me where I can find the nearest herd. At least three other souls as payment for my generosity. Your freedom in return for theirs. That’s a fair bargain, don’t you think?” His tongue traced a wet line up her neck. “Or perhaps you wish to trade something else? I can smell your desire. I know what you truly want.”

“No!” the woman moaned and wriggled in his arms. “Too big!”

The big demon began to laugh, then howled in sudden, biting pain.

Logan’s newly acquired knife tore through the tendon on the back of the demon's leg. The beast staggered and nearly fell. The woman dropped out of his grasp and tumbled to the ground.

A maw full of sharp teeth bellowed in agony and anger. The Incubus awkwardly spun around on its wounded leg, claws out. His eyes glowed with a murderous light.

“No means no, dipshit.” Logan taunted and fell back into a combat crouch.

The demon snarled at him, then laughed. “You will make an even better prize for my master!”

Logan waved the dagger at it. “I bet you say that to all the boys.”

The Incubi drew its sword of black metal. Despite the show of bravado, the demon struggled to stay upright on its mangled ankle while avoiding a second bite of the dagger in Logan’s fist. It never saw or heard Beauty’s approach from behind. A leap landed her on its broad back. A single, precise swipe of her claws tore its throat out.

And still, it did not die. The demon tried to roar through shredded flesh, tried to reach back, and tear Beauty off, but she was already gone. It fell, thrashing in the dirt.

Logan charged in, narrowly avoiding a wild swipe of claws as he landed on the demon’s chest. The dagger rose and fell, driving deep into one glowing eye. Smoke gushed from the wound. The demon twitched once, then lay still.

“That was a tough one.” Logan pulled the dagger free and looked at it. Like the other kills, there was no blood, no gore on the blade. He found it strange that demons didn’t bleed. Instead, an oily, black smoke drifted up from the wounds to be shredded in the rising wind.

“Old. Strong,” Beauty said and pointed. “Much things.”

Logan had to agree on all points. After three successful hunts and close examinations of each one, he was beginning to understand his enemy, at least a little.

Every demon he had seen so far, male or female, had been some degree of beautiful, and every single one seemed to feed on sex. Older did seem to translate as stronger. Age was hard to determine, but he was beginning to see patterns. Elder demons seem to have more exaggerated demonic features such as horns, wings, and tails. Some, like this one, could speak.

Best of all, age and status seemed to correspond directly to personal wealth. Like the nomads of old Earth, demons carried their wealth on their bodies in the form of luxury items, weapons, and clothes. This one had been their most challenging and rewarding target so far.

Logan looked over and saw that the woman had picked herself up and stood waiting nearby. The graceful lines of her face and fall of straight, black hair to her shoulders accentuated an Asian ancestry. Under better circumstances, Logan would have described her as having a runner’s build. Here and now, she just looked under-fed. Seeing his attention turn her way, she spoke. Yet, it was to Beauty that she directed her question.

“Are you a hunter?”

Beauty looked up from their gathered loot as if noticing the woman for the first time. The Succubus just shook her head and turned back to examining the edge of the short sword.

That simple gesture seemed to ease the tension radiating off of the woman. To his surprise, the pretty Asian walked up to Beauty and knelt at her feet, head bowed.

“Then you saved me. I submit to you. Please be gentle.”

“Um, what?” Logan muttered as he looked from one to the other.

Beauty stood and turned to lean down and sniff at the woman. She seemed to be considering the offer, then shook her head. “Not hungry. You go.”

The woman looked up in confusion. “Mistress, I don’t understand.”

The Succubus pointed at Logan. “Fed. Not hungry. You go.” Beauty turned and started gathering up loot.

“You’re not going to fuck me?” The woman looked up at her, surprise and disappointment in her eyes. “But… why not?” She looked at Logan. “You and your servant can both have me.”

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“What?” Logan said. “Wait, who are you calling a servant?” He looked from one female to the other. “Pardon the obvious pun, but what the hell is happening here?”

Beauty looked at him and shrugged, then pointed at the woman. “Want sex,” she replied as if explaining an obvious fact. “You want fuck?”

“What?” He stammered again. “No! That’s insane!”

The Succubus just shrugged and turned back to gather up loot.

“Please?” Still on her knees, the pretty Asian woman glanced at Logan. “I have been told I am quite good at oral sex. I will pleasure your servant if you will just let me have an orgasm.” She looked at Beauty hopefully, reaching down between her legs and touching herself. “Please let me cum!”

“Still calling me servant,” Logan grumbled. “And offering me a sympathy blow job to get to Beauty. Is this a lesbian thing?”

The woman looked at him like he was stupid. “Do you see any other demon around to get me off?”

“Huh?” he replied.

A screeching cry somewhere in the distance caused Logan and Beauty to spin alert for any approaching threat. Nothing rushed at them and the only movement was the wind. The demon snapped her teeth at him in frustration.

“Danger here. We go.”

“Yeah,” Logan replied, still scanning the horizon. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Beauty.”

“Please?” The woman asked again.

Beauty snarled. She moved with astonishing speed. He had time to see the succubus open her mouth and reveal vampire-like teeth.

“No!” Logan cried, too late.

The demon girl sank sharp fangs into the woman's neck. Logan heard wet, slurping noises as she drank, saw a thin trail of mist float into the wind from the victim’s neck. The woman immediately fell limp. Beauty pulled back, made a sour face, and spit into the dirt.

“Pah! Bad. Not ready.”

Logan knelt by the woman. “Beauty, what the hell did you do?”

“Small feed. Sleep now.” She scowled and spat again. “Taste bad. Her not yap, yap now. We go.”

He looked own at the woman lying helpless and unconscious in the dirt and cursed under his breath. He looked at Beauty and shook his head. “I can’t just leave her out here like this.” Here we go again, he thought, remembering Beauty is a similar situation.

“You take female?” she asked. “You sex?”

Logan sighed and pinched at the bridge of his nose against the headache beginning to pulse in his skull. “Yes, I will take her with us. This is the first opportunity I have had to speak to another human. I’m hoping she can provide some much-needed answers.” He scowled at the Succubus. “And no, I am not going to have sex with her!”

Beauty just shrugged again and sighed. “Careful,” she repeated.

He got his hands under the woman and lifted her into his arms. “Why? You said she was calm.”

“Said more calm.” The demon corrected. “Venom strong.”

“Understood.” Logan heaved a sigh and shifted the woman’s weight around for the long walk back. “We’ll just have to burn that bridge when we get there.”

Beauty tilted her head at him.

“Nevermind,” he replied. “Let’s get moving.”

Once again, Logan found himself in the strange position of carrying a naked, female stranger over one shoulder. It was a long walk. Dead Red had led them on a long chase far from the cave. The best path back was not always the most direct. More than once, they were forced to hide when a winged demon flew by.

The woman was not heavy, but an adult body was no easy burden to carry over a long distance. Logan’s back and legs grew tired. Frequent rest stops were required. More and more effort was devoted to his voluntary burden, leaving Beauty to keep a sharp eye out for threats.

“Stop it,” he growled.

Beauty looked back at him.

He shook his head. “Not you. Her. She’s awake and licking the sweat from my back.”

The demon smiled.

“It’s not funny,” Logan grumped. “Got to set her down. Too… squirmy.”

He set her on the ground as gently as possible or tried to. The woman clung to him like a cat, languid and persistent. She did not appear to be entirely conscious or aware of what she was doing.

“Must be the Incubus venom,” Logan said as he removed her hand from his crotch and her face from kissing on his nipple and her other hand reaching around to squeeze his ass and back to the first hand cupping his balls again.

The succubus arched an eyebrow at him.

“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice,” he chuckled. “I get it. My choice, my problem- Good grief, lady!” He finally broke away from her greedy touch. The woman rolled onto her back in a dazed stupor, tugging at her nipples and masturbating.

“I’m not going to get much conversation out of her until this passes. It will pass, yes?”

Beauty shrugged.

“Great. Is there a cure?”

“Sex?” she replied in an uncertain voice.

“Of course,” Logan sighed. “Why did I bother to ask?”

They were almost to the cave. Logan walked the last mile attempting to ignore her lips kissing his back and her hands pinching and groping at his ass.

The succubus did not comment. She didn’t have to. The amused expression on her face said it all.





Logan settled into the hot springs with a deep groan of contentment. His arms ached. His back ached. His butt felt mildly violated.

Beauty set their newly acquired loot near the rest and moved to join him. The generous curves of her lavender body descended gracefully into the water. She slipped in behind him and started massaging his tired muscles.

Their guest lay nearby in the moss, still moaning softly and touching herself. In the silence of the cave, her voice echoed off the naked rock. The sound was more eerie than erotic.

“Was it my idea to bring her back?” he asked against the background noise of female lust.

“Yes,” Beauty replied.

“You sure of that?” he teased. “Ouch!”

She eased her strong fingers out of the tender meat of his shoulder muscles. “Sure,” she repeated in a droll tone of voice.

Feeling more than a little awkward, Logan listened to their zoned-out guest pleasuring herself, or at least attempting to. Beneath her moans and groans was an undercurrent of mounting frustration. In the dim shaft of light peeking through the roof, he could see her thrashing, fingering herself and rubbing wildly at her clit without success.

“Why can’t she cum?” he wondered out loud.

“Need venom. Souls no cum. Only demons make souls cum.” Beauty nibbled into his ear. Judging by the pert nipples rubbing against his back and her hands beginning to roam across the front of his body, Beauty was getting more turned on by current events than the woman was.

“I don’t get it,” Logan replied. “So this venom not only amplifies sex drive but is also necessary for orgasm? As in humans cannot cum at all, ever, without it?”

Logan thought back to the woman caught between the two male demons and the wild lust in her eyes just before the demons fed. “That really is…” Logan grunted as her hand dipped below the steaming water and began to stroke up and down his growing erection. “…is a hellish torture.”

“Not torture.” She nuzzled at his neck. “Light fire. Cook meat.”

“To feed.”

“Mmm, feed hunger.” The demon purred and stroked him faster.

“Hold up.” Reluctantly, he pulled away and turned to face Beauty. “You said sex might be the cure, but what you meant was orgasm. That’s the whole purpose of the venom, right? To help drive the target into a sexual frenzy and ensure orgasm. To feed on.” He blinked at her. “Just like you are doing to me… right now.”

A long moment passed between them. The only sound was the woman’s frustrated moans bouncing off the cavern walls.

“Yes? No?” Beauty snapped her teeth in frustration at not having the right words.

Logan touched his ear. Now that he was looking for it, he could feel a slight tingle on his skin where her mouth had been. “Bloody hell, that’s why I am so damned horny, all the time. It's you. All this time, you have been exposing me to your demon venom.” He stood, steaming water dripping from his naked body.

“Lighting the fire, you called it.” Logan bit each word off. “Cooking the meat.”

Even now, his dick waved in the air like an iron bar. Beauty’s eyes fixated on it with a hungry look. Normally, such wanton lust for his body would be a huge turn on. Now he just felt- Logan didn’t know what. Used? Violated?

Angry. Logan thought. Definitely angry.

He climbed out of the pool. The cool air in the cave against his wet skin felt good. It helped clear his head and calm his lust, though not entirely. Despite everything, his cock still waved around at full attention. His hands still itched to touch Beauty’s silky skin. How much of that was a natural attraction, and how much was a reaction to her venom? He didn’t know, and it bothered him more than a little.

Thankfully, whatever effect the venom had, it did not appear to affect his judgment in any way. Yes, he was horny, but his thoughts were clear. The choice was his to make.

Logan suspected it was simply a demonic version of Viagra, but that wasn’t the reason for his anger. That she had been exposing him to it, and feeding on him like some kind of vampire very much was the problem. He had seen what happens when human souls are fed upon. What damage had she done to him that he didn’t even know about yet? How long before he too was reduced to a pale shadow?

He turned to look at Beauty, still sitting in the water. “All this time, you have been feeding on me and not just sperm. When your kind feeds, somehow you suck the life energy out of us. You have been draining my life, Beauty. Is that the plan? Drain my energy until I die and then go find another food source?”

The Succubus continued to watch him in silence with her alien, golden eyes. Whether from confusion or secrecy, Logan could not say.

"You know what? I just realized something.” Logan reached down and grabbed his cock, giving it a stroke. She stared, spellbound, at his every movement. “I’m all pumped up on your sex poison. According to you, I can’t make it go away on my own. You say sex is the cure?

He continued masturbating only inches from her face. “Maybe I should give that poor woman what she needs. What we both apparently need. A good fucking.”

Logan turned away. Water splashed out of the pool with a sudden movement.

“Wait!” Beauty called after him.

Logan turned to look at her with a cold expression.

She stood in the knee-deep water, looking at him with an expression he had never seen before. “Danger,” she said.

“Really?” he scowled. “That’s convenient. But she needs help, and so, it seems, do I.”

Again he turned away. Beauty surged out of the pool to grab him by the arm. He wrenched out of her grasp.

“Don’t,” he warned, “touch me.”

“Danger.” Beauty pointed at his erection. “Strong. Very strong.”

Logan scowled at her. “Oh, for fuck sakes, Beauty! Stroking my ego is not going to make this better.”

“No!” She all but shouted, then took a deep breath. Her face twisted with the effort to find unfamiliar words. She reached for him but did not touch. Her hands moved around his chest and head as if touching an invisible barrier between them. “Logan strong. Logan and venom. Maybe too strong. Maybe hurt.”

He leveled a stern look at her. “This sounds like bullshit. Like jealousy.”

Beauty tilted her head and snapped her teeth together in frustration, clearly not understanding.

“Look, I get it,” he replied with cold anger. “This is a good arrangement for you. Logan, the all-you-can-eat-buffet.”

The Succubus cocked her head and looked at him.

Logan wanted to scream. Instead, he forced his frustration into smaller words, pointing back and forth from her to himself, desperate that she understand. “I am not your servant. I am not… meat!”

“I make better,” she said.

“Oh yeah?” He chuckled, low and angry. “How will you do that?”

“I make better!” Beauty said and pointed at the writhing woman. “Cook. No hurt.”

Logan crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t believe you, and I don’t think I can trust you anymore.”

Beauty stepped up and risked laying a hand on his arm. She looked up into his eyes. Her words were softly spoken. “Trust. Please.”

They stared at each other, to the chorus of a woman fiercely masturbating.

“Fine.” He scowled and nodded. “Yes. Do it.”

Beauty nodded, smiled, then abruptly seemed uncertain.

“What?” Logan snapped. “So, fix her already.”

“Must feed.”

“Oh, bloody hell, Beauty!” Logan yelled and threw up his hands in disgust. “Really? You are unbelievable!”

She snarled and spun toward the stone wall. A high-pitched screech filled the quiet stillness as she dragged her claws down the wall, tearing at the rock. A rising growl of frustration rumbled out of her plump lips. She pointed at the moaning woman with one claw.

“Beauty hungry!” she growled. “No, make better… eat! Beauty not hungry, make better!”

“This is unbelievable.” Logan shook his head. “You say you can help her, but only if you get what you want. Like I am some kind of human vending machine for your snacking convenience. Un-fucking-believable.”

Beauty just looked at him. Her voice was soft but fierce. “Logan trust. Beauty help.”

He glared at her. Anger at this entire, absurd scenario still churned in his gut. The sense of betrayal he felt ran deep. He was furious; at Beauty for manipulating him, at this horrible, sex-obsessed corner of Hell that she called home, at the Faerie Queen for putting him here, and above all, at himself. Despite everything, and much to his own disgust, his dick was still rock hard and ready.

“Go ahead, Beauty,” he replied in a low, angry voice. “Do what you need to do.” He leaned back against the edge of the sulfur pool to give her access while trying to ignore the feeling of being a dairy cow about to get milked.

She smiled and sank to her knees in front of him, grasping his shaft in both hands. The Succubus caressed him, teased his balls with a gentle scratch of her nails, and kissed the head with the long, lingering, velvet touch of her lips. Slowly she began stretching her mouth around his girth. Her tongue teased the underside of his length. Inch by slow inch, she swallowed him down into tight, wet heat. All the while, her golden eyes looked up, eager for his every blissful reaction.

He watched her back. Watched the expression on her lovely face turn from eager anticipation to confusion when he could not respond as she hoped. All the tricks Beauty had learned to give him pleasure; she now put to expert use. That didn’t matter either.

“I’m also to blame,” he said as she worked his cock into her throat. “I expected too much from you, and that was unfair. You are a Succubus, a sex demon.” Logan laid his hands on her mane of snowy hair. “This is all you know. Feeding. Survival. Ours is a relationship built purely on convenience. You help me eat. I help you eat. To hope there was something more between us was… unrealistic.” His hands reached up to curl around the delicate horns protruding from her forehead. “I was a fool. It won’t happen again.”

Beauty made a muffled sound of pleasure as he began to tug on her horns, guiding her mouth up and down his shaft. That sound, once a source of great pleasure for him, now only fanned his anger and a dull, throbbing pain that Logan did not want to identify. Even now, she did not understand! Perhaps it was just a part of her demonic nature to be unable to comprehend how it felt to be used, controlled, and manipulated against your will. Predator or prey. Life in Hell.

“I finally understand you now, Beauty. Understand us. That’s a good thing. Neither of us can afford the luxury of wishful thinking in this place. Survival at any cost, right?”

He pulled Beauty’s head back until the glistening shaft emerged, and only the mushroom head lay cushioned on her tongue. He drew her in, reclaimed her throat with his length, reshaped it with his girth. Slowly and deliberately, Logan began to rock his hips forward until his pubes were brushing against her lips.

Again, faster. Slowly building speed and power as he began to fuck her mouth. Again, faster still. She gave no pretense of resistance, somehow instinctively sensing his mood, submitting to his will, and letting him move her and use her flesh however he desired, driving his thickening cock into her throat.

Yes, that woke something in him. His pulse quickened with a shade of sexual hunger darker than any Logan had known before. Lust and anger grew and twined together in equal measure, one feeding off of the other. Both needing to find release.

His world shrank to the firm pressure of soft, plump lips, the wet warmth of throat and tongue, the silken texture of hair, and the rigid curl of small horns in his grip. All of it a cascade of heat, touch, and motion around his swelling cock.

Yes. The Succubus needed him to cum, and given the dark mood Logan was in, this purely selfish hunger was the quickest way to get there. The closeness he had mistakenly thought they shared was no more, but there were other ways. Anger was its own form of warmth and motivation. It was a cleansing fire that scorched and burned away foolish notions of growing affection or even more foolish thoughts of real companionship.

Anger was better. Pure, selfish, sexual need was a measurable goal they could both rely on, the currency of their private little world. Fuck. Feed. Fight. Survive. That would have to be enough. That was all they had in this nightmare realm.

In the dusty corner of his soul, the Beast stirred in its cage. A growl of pure, animal lust rumbled in his chest as he gave in to his own rising, furious need. No deep thoughts. No considerations for her pleasure. No judgment about his own. Fuck her mouth. Cum into her belly. A simple transaction.

The slap of his sack against her chin and the mewling pleasure coming from her overstuffed throat became his sole focus. Using her horns like reins, riding her mouth, pulling her head back and forth like a toy made for his pleasure. Beauty’s hands rose and fell at her sides, fluttering like birds that did not know where to land.

Pressure swelled, fierce and hot. Primal lust coiling in his balls. Anger searing into his mind. Lines of color and motion bleeding together into a twisted spiral of pain and pleasure, heaven and hell.

Suddenly, abruptly, he stopped and pulled out of her swollen lips. “Do you want to feed, Beauty?” he asked in a tone that simmered with a quiet fury.

“Yes,” she gasped.

“DO YOU WANT TO FEED?” Logan demanded.

“Yes! Please!” she pleaded.

“Then feed,” he snarled and drove his length into her warm, hungry, depths as something unseen and unnamed died in silence.

Logan pounded into her throat. He roared. The beast answered, a long wordless howl echoing up from the shadowed depths of his soul. The pain of holding back evaporated beneath a rolling tide of pure, animal release that shook him to his core. The dam burst in hot waves, blasting his warm seed into her stomach, raking his flesh with electric fire.

Sanity returned in slow waves as bliss began to fade. The beast inside stopped shouldering against the mental bars of its cage, circled, and settled to the floor. So too, he noticed, did the boiling anger in his gut begin to subside. Not entirely, but enough for him to feel in control of himself again. In its place, he felt a rising, crushing, wave of guilt at what he had done.

What madness had swept over him to behave with such savage need? To treat someone, anyone, as an object for his pleasure and an outlet for his anger? What was this place doing to him?

“Beauty…” He tried to find the words as he gently extracted his deflating tool from her lips.

She looked up at him, licked her lips, swallowed, and smiled. “Ready now.”










Written by timewaitsfornone
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