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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155
United States


"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." - Henry David Thoreau

That was me for more years than I care to count. Books, tabletop RPGs, and video games were my escape from the "muggle" world. So was writing though, like everything else, only as a hobby. Not something a "real adult" took seriously.

About five years ago, my glorious wife sat me down for a serious talk. She looked me in the eyes and said "You can write. You need to write and you have stories to tell. Stop treating it as a hobby. Respect your talent and pursue your passion."

So, here I am, pursuing my passion to entertain, to inspire thought, and to inject some small measure of color into a world that is far too much black and white. I still do the muggle thing to pay the bills, but it is a disguise. The real me is here, with you good folks.

Let us step through the looking glass together, and into the Wonderland of imagination, hope, desire, and dreams. Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Martial arts, motorcycles, music, playing drums and learning to play guitar. Exploring the human condition through erotica and general fiction. Talking to, and learning from, interesting people. Going to sleep each night knowing I have found some small way to be a better person than I was when I awoke that morning.

Favorite Books
The Nine Princes of Amber, the Chronicles of Narnia, Armor, the Night Angel trilogy, Dragon Ridders of Pern, the Dragonlance trilogy, the Expanse, the Brotherhood of War, Game of Thrones, and the King Killer Chronicles (RIP).

Favorite Authors
Jim Butcher, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, Brandon Sanderson, and Neil Gaiman.

Favorite Movies
The original Star Wars trilogy, Inception, The Usual Suspects, Serenity, Lord of the Rings trilogy, No Country for Old Men, Pulp Fiction, Pan's Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Up, Blazing Saddles, Gladiator, Thelma and Louise, Good Will Hunting, Jurassic Park, The Big Labowski, Saving Private Ryan, Fight Club, Aliens one and two.

Favorite TV Shows
The Expanse, Breaking Bad, Black Flag, Battlestar Galactica, Newsroom, House of Cards, The X Files, and Deadwood. Special honorary mention to Firefly and Game of Thrones (may the producers of both shows find a special place in Hell for crimes against humanity inflicted on both of these amazing TV shows.)

Favorite Music
Almost anything but mostly modern rock. What I listen to depends primarily on what kind of mood I want to be in while I am writing.
