Melody lived on the coastal village of Merida Bay in Florida. Oh, she loved the ocean and the sand. She loved her little village. It was small and quiet, not much on the tourist side, which was great for her. But, there was one little thing that haunted the whole island. Every few years, girls would go missing. Normally, they were eighteen and always during the summer. Some figured they just up and left, but others felt they were taken… But by what? By Whom? Melody had just turned eighteen and luckily, no girl had been taken in several years. Maybe whoever had been doing it was dead themselves? She didn’t know, but it didn’t stop her from doing what she really enjoyed.
Every summer, she made it a habit to take to the waves and head for the small island just off the beach. It was about a mile out and for years it was her and her dad. But the man had died only a few months prior. There was no one else to go with her. Her mother had died five years prior in an accident and now it was just her to make the swim. It wasn’t hard to swim a mile and she took her surf board to make it easier and a little safer. She had her cellphone in a water proof bag, even though the phone itself was water-resistant.
However, doing it near sunset was likely not a good idea for many people. She was hoping to camp out on the beach. Every year, her dad would take a boat out there and hide some supplies for her to use if they wanted to do that. He had done it just a few weeks prior to his death, so it would still be good and in the container. The water was cool, but refreshing after walking all the way from her beach house. The sun was setting, which was providing plenty of light and a beautiful view. It took her a good forty-five minutes to land on the beach and she pulled herself onto the island and looked back at the shore she had come from.
The lights of the village were easily seen, the cars driving along the beach road. She would even see people walking with flashlights, but here she was alone and the darkness of the island engulfed her. After some time walking, she made it to the other side of the island where she couldn’t see anything from the way she came and found the fire pit her father had made the year prior. The hurricanes had not touched the island this year, so everything was just as it should be. The container of stuff was still there and she got herself some dry clothes and started the fire.
It was peaceful and she found herself looking up at the millions of stars and drifting off into sleep as she did so. The sound of the crashing waves that lulled her into a peaceful sleep. As she drifted, the sound of the waves sounded like a tune, a beautiful melody that came and went with the push and pull of the waves. For a time, she thought she was in a trance and she could still hear the sounds around her, could see the stars above, but felt her body become numb and unable to react.
Was that a splash? Was that crunching sand? She didn’t know for sure, she was too deep into the trance to realize that something… someone was not with her, their hands roaming over her body, touching her in places that caused her heart to race and the area between her legs to grow moist. The heat of the fire warmed her, the chill of the ocean was not there. As the star went out of view, she could not react to the handsome face above her, could not look at him, but saw him as he hovered over her body, his hands pinching at her skin, traveling over each curve and mound slowly, pressing in all the ways she wished a man had touched her.
The feeling of pressure on her neck didn’t even make her flinch. Her vision was blurry and darkness surrounded her. If she was internally panicking, she didn’t realize it. At the moment, she was too far in her bliss to care…
Her eyes fluttered open, her hair was wet, but it felt like silk as she pushed it from her face. Her body was moist, but not sticky like a swim in the ocean would normally do. But, she certainly wasn’t on the beach any longer. No, the place she laid was not sand, it was softer and smoother. It felt nice, like laying on a blanket of velvet. The sun was shining through what appeared to be a stone window, high above her. As she sat up, she let her own fingers roam across her body and flinched when she realized…
She was naked…. Her body was clean or it felt clean and she was naked laying there. She had no blanket to wrap up in, the area was warm, she did not feel the need for a blanket. As she looked around this place, she realized that the wall and floor were made of polished stone that held a blue tint and there was a beautifully carved door to her right, but too her left was a large pool of water. It was easily twenty feet wide and likely forty feet long, with no corners. As she stood, she let herself walk into the water for a moment. The floor was course slightly, allowing her feet to grip without slipping and the floor sloped down. It was Crystal clear water, she could easily see that the water lead to a tunnel…
Did she take a swim? No, she didn’t know where the tunnel lead and she didn’t wish to drown herself if she got lost.
“Ah, you have awoken?” Melody turned around in a panic, covering herself with her hands until she realized the voice was of a woman who wore a tunic-like dress that fitted well to her body. “I am sorry to startle you. I am Laraine Naga-Sodalis.” The woman brought her some folded cloth and placed it on the bed she awoken. “I heard that we had a newcomer.” Her voice was friendly, but Melody was confused.
“Where am I?”
“Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry, you are in Alstead Deep. You will never have heard of it, no one has. But, it is about five hundred miles off the coast of Florida,” Melody felt her mouth drop as the woman spoke. She couldn’t even form words. How had she gotten here? She couldn’t have swam that far in a night!
“How did I get here?”
“Well, that is easy – Tamesis brought you here. Here, put these on. He will be coming to meet you soon,” Laraine said before she turned and left, leaving the clothing there for Melody. She tried going to the door, but as she tried to open it, she found it to be locked, not even wiggling. Why was she even here? Looking at the clothing, she swallowed before she walked over and took the clothing, slipping it over her head. It fit perfectly and looked almost Greek in style.

It was a while before the waters shimmered and swirled, causing her to jump a little and press herself against the smooth wall of the room. As she watched, she soon saw a man appear in the waters, his hair was black and smooth, braided down his back and in his hand was a spear, which was beautifully adorned with gems and teeth of various sea creatures. She recognized the shark teeth quickly. He wore his own necklace made of teeth and shells and saw the belt that rest on his hip… But what was at his hips and below were not legs, but a beautiful, dark blue tail. Before her was a mermaid – well, a merman, and he was looking at her as if she was a fresh piece of meat. Putting his spear on the wall where there were hooks, he came up the shallow area and began to come from the water. As he did, his body morphed and he began to walk on two-regular, human legs. The belt at his hip covered his own private area, but she felt her body warm at the mere sight of him, her legs growing moist as her eyes traveled along his body, her heart pounding with fear of the unknown.
“I am Tamesis,” he said, his voice deep and smooth as he walked towards her. He did not hesitate to approach her fully and gave her no time to react before his hands found her thighs and pulled her towards him. She felt her hands go towards his chest, the feeling of the wet skin was smooth under her fingertips. She felt her body push away, but suddenly his hand was behind her head and he had tangled his fingers in her brown hair, causing her to look up at him. “I have chosen you to be my Sodalis…”
“What is a Sodalis?”
“You shall see… But I see you are scared and I will not have you fear me, but you will obey me… Do you understand?” She couldn’t help but shallow and allow her eyes to lock with his own. She suddenly did not feel… unsafe with him. No, she felt safe in his presence, felt the authority he held over her like an alpha did over his pack of wolves. “I will not hurt you. I will not force you to do anything you do not wish. You will be my Sodalis, my other half. But I will be your Domini.” She had heard a word similar to that: Dominate. She gulped but nodded to him. “Tell me your name, my Sodalis.”
“I am Melody.” He was silent for a moment as if letting the word settling in his mind before he nodded.
“When you have become my Sodalis fully, you will be called Melodia Tamesis-Sodalis,” he said to her, before his mouth crushed into her and she felt his tongue penetrate into her mouth with a passion she had never felt. She felt her own body react to him as if she had no self-control and felt her hands run up his chest, only to have him stop her from moving them. As he pulled back, she swore she saw his eyes turn black before returning to the green they had been prior. “I will not make you my Sodalis until I feel you are ready. But, you have needs now. Come, lay in the water where it is shallow.” She didn’t even hesitate to, didn’t even remove her garments before she followed him.
As she walked in, she watched him dive from the edge and his body morph back into the merman that he was. As he rose, she lowered herself into the water, but it was not in the area he wanted. He let out a feral-like growl before grabbing her ankles and pulling her slightly deeper, but still not far. She yelped in surprise and he let his eyes look at her deeply before he pushed her dress to her thighs and lowered his body into the water.
Before she could prepare, she felt his tongue slip across her vagina and she inhaled deeply; her heart was beating in her chest. She felt his one hand tighten on her thigh, holding her in place while he licked and sucked on her clitoris. She felt his other hand push her other leg up before he placed it over his shoulder and used the fingers to penetrate deep into her. Her moans echoed off the walls of the room, her body was trying to reach him, her hips wants to buck at his touch, but he held her firmly. Before she could think, her body tensed, her back arched and she let out a moan of pleasure from the fierce orgasm she felt rock her body. But he wasn’t done, he stayed there, causing her body to react even more violently against him. His tongue was deep inside her, his fingers were massaging her most sensitive area. His other hand had reached around back to play with her anus, probing it lightly.
With each movement, she moaned… Her fingers were massaging her own breast… Twisting and pinching her nipples. What wasn’t wet from the water was soaking with sweat. Another orgasm hit her and she felt her body lay back into the water, her head just barely breaking the surface.
“Oh my god… oh god…”
His head loomed over her before he pushed his lips against her own. She could taste her own fluids and the salt of the sea. As he kissed her, her legs wrapped around his tail, but his hand stayed in place, fingering her with such power, she knew another orgasm was only moments away. And he did not disappoint her, as his fingers worked, his other hand massaged her breast while his mouth sucked upon her neck. She arched her back yet again, pressing herself into him as she had her final orgasm.
“Moan for me, my Desponsata. Release into me and give it to me.” His voice was full of authority and it just caused her to rock with the strongest orgasm she had in that time. As she went limp, he held her there in the water, his fingers massaging her now sore vagina, but not allowing his fingers to enter her. As she drifted off into exhaustion, she felt her body being pulled from the water before being laid upon the soft bed. “Yes. You will be my Sodalis, Melody. You will want for nothing else…” Her eyes fluttered for a moment before they closed completely…