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One Hell Of A Meal

"Friendship is important but at what cost?"

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to @Jen for inspiring this story, challenging me of coming up with one using what I did for Halloween. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Little did she know how much I love challenges. Enjoy this belated Halloween-themed story."

Halloween, another of those capitalist holidays that I totally ignore. Maybe I would be more into it if it wasn’t that every store tries to leverage it to sell you something, showing how consumerism is driving our economy and life in general. Social criticism aside, I still planned something, this year I’m going out with a long-time friend, Pete, and his new girlfriend, Amy, to a restaurant. It is great to finally meet her, I’ve been hearing a lot about her in the last few months but we never had the chance to meet as they both have weird work schedules. To help break the ice, we order plenty of wine and beer to grease the social wheels, making that we are pretty loud when walking back to my house. Parents running Halloween with their children are looking at us with disdain, forgetting that a decade ago, I'm sure they were doing the same.

Back at my place, we open a bottle of wine and install ourselves on my couch with a horror movie running in the background, continuing our animated discussion. Pete loves to joke with people he likes, often teasing Amy, including making innuendos. As much as I'm accustomed to it, I find her more attractive than his previous loves, making it difficult to keep chaste thoughts. As they enjoy their little banter, I'm there, sitting beside them and starting to get excited by the naughty things they are saying. I really try to focus on the movie, but their increasingly suggestive words are really making a number on me.

Suddenly, my friend jumps off the couch and goes to the bathroom. I keep watching the TV, now very conscious that I have her, alone, beside me. I'm not good at hiding my emotions, so I'm not surprised that I hear her laugh softly as she must have seen my weird smile and most likely red face. I ignore her reaction, really trying to let the tension building in me subside by focusing on the gruesome movie.

Out of nowhere, I feel a hot exhale on my right ear. With a sultry voice, I hear her say, "Are you finding me sexy? I see your red face, I hear you breathe quickly. Let me make you at ease."

Before I can say anything, I feel her wet tongue licking my ear, sending chills down my spine. For a brief second, I let the pleasure runs through my veins, unconcerned by the fact that she is my best friend's girlfriend. But, I get a hold of myself and get off the couch in a hurry, the morality of it finally making me act quickly.

I turn around and look at her in shock. I fear that she will break the heart of my friend, I fear that she will be the end of my relationship with him, but I mostly fear the red glowing eyes that she points toward me.

"What? You don't like me?" she says while running her hands along her body. "He certainly does," she adds while focusing on something behind me.

Before I can look back, I'm grabbed by two arms encircling my chest, binding me in a tight hug. I swing my head around while trying to get myself free, finding my friend looking back at me with the same red eyes. Not only that, I discover that he's naked, pressing his fit body against me. With that realization, I trash more violently to try to get away.

"Oh, Alex, you aren't getting away from us. I've always had you in my sight, I just waited for the right time and the right partner. Isn't it right, Amy?" he says beside my left ear.

When I look back at the woman, she is now as nude as he is, leaving a pile of clothes behind as she comes toward me. I stop wiggling when she presses her firm breasts against me, encircling me with her arms.

Her face comes toward my right ear, whispering, “Pete is right, we want you, we need you. We aren’t asking much of you, only that you feed us.”

I frown at her choice of words. What does she mean by feeding them? Then, the dots start to connect. The red eyes, the need to be fed. Could it be true? I always thought this was poppycock, like the boogeyman. No, this is a dream, this can’t be. Are they succubi?

As she comes back from my ear, she sees the look of surprise, of fright, of realization of who they are. She smiles widely, her glowing eyes brightening as she breathes deeply.

“Yes, my dear, we are succubi, we are real,” she says almost laughing.

I start to trash harder, the reality of my situation finally understood and downing on me. They both squeeze me tighter, in their sandwich of flesh, being the tasty meat in the middle, ready to be devoured.

“Stop hurting yourself, we aren’t here to kill you, just to feast on you,” Pete says from behind, who I thought was my friend.

“You will leave me alive so I can tell everyone your true nature? Don’t take me for a fool, I’m not buying it,” I say bravely, although my trembling voice is indicating otherwise.

They laugh without restraint for a good fifteen seconds, before Amy says, “Sure, go for it, you’ll be the one taken for a fool. A few minutes ago, you thought we were fantasy. How’s that gonna go when you try to convince everyone that demons are roaming the surface of the Earth.”

“I’ll convince them, I--” I start to say before I get interrupted by a finger on my lips.

“Stop wasting your precious energy, that’s the only thing we want.”

I look down as she moves her finger down my chin, my neck, and my chest. Even though I’m scared, I feel the pleasure of her touch making me forget the peril I am in. I suddenly become aware of her breasts firmly pressed against me. I feel the cock of my friend pressed against my ass. I find with surprise and a slight worry that I’m liking their firm bodies on me, that I love to be the center of their attention. Although, if killing me is off the table, why am I concerned? Maybe this is all because it’s been a few months since I haven’t had an intimate moment with someone. Maybe it might as well be that they are bewitching me into doing it. I certainly don’t know, I simply feel my body slacken against their nakedness, my mind slowly softening at their desire.

“Good, I’m glad that you are finally relaxing. I don’t like to feast all tensed up,” Amy says as she also relaxes.

“You aren’t going to kill me? For real? What do you need me for? Why do you say that you will feast on me?” I bombard them with questions, still too concerned to just let it go.

They slacken their grip on me and Pete turns me around to face him. He gives me his classic friendly smirk, one of his trademarked affection to his friends.

“We are friends, regardless of what I really am. I don’t want to harm you in any way, but I also want to live and for that, I need to feast on your sexual energy. It’s the same for Amy, she needs you. Come here,” he says warmly before bringing me into a hug, rubbing my back to soothe me. Whispering in my ear, he says, “Please, let us have this moment with you. It will be fun for you as it will be for us; I could never harm one of my closest friends.”

“You say that you are my friend but I feel like I don’t know you. How can I trust you if you have been lying from the start about such an important part of you?” I ask softly, still undecided on what I should do.

“Would you have believed me if I told you I’m a succubus?” he asks while moving back to look at me with his devilish yet friendly eyes.

I look down as I see his point, feeling stupid for not having thought of it. In the process, I come across his dick, pointing upright in all its glory. I marvel at it for a few seconds, finding it inviting and sensual. Although, I quickly realize that I’ve been gazing at my friend’s cock, raising my head in a futile attempt to not show my appreciation and desire for his hardness.

“Alex, I want you. Amy wants you. Please, let us feast on you, let us drink your sexual nectar, let us have a night to remember,” Pete says with his seductive eyes darted on me.

Expressing the last little doubt in me, I say with a soft voice full of desire for this creature of hell, “What will you do with me?”

He stops his head as his lips are brushing against mine, replying, “Giving you pleasure.”

With those words, he makes me forget all of my worries. His kiss is so full of desire for me that any doubts are swept away by the wave of pleasure running through me. He starts to run his hand on the back of my head, putting his fingers in my hair in a very sensual way. His other hand is pressing my pelvis firmly against him.

It is at this time that I start to feel a curious sensation through me, as if some of the pleasure I’m feeling is being sucked through my mouth. It is very subtle but it gets more and more intense as we kiss more passionately. My head is starting to spin when he finally leaves me, abruptly ending that emptying feeling.

When I open my eyes, after feeling his lips get off mine, I see the satisfaction on his face, his eyes still closed. He remains like this for a few seconds and when he gazes at me, I see his thirst for me, his need to ravage me, and use me as his life sustenance.

“Oh, Alex, this will be fun. There is someone else who needs you. Why don’t you give her some of you?” he asks me while turning me toward Amy.

I’m not even fully spun around that she seals her lips over mine and attaches her body against me. The same sensation of emptying my life force happens with her as she kisses me with hunger. Her extra tight hug helps to keep me upright as she literally sucks the life out of me, my knees weakening by the intensity of her kiss.

When she leaves me, I’m left tired but in a state of ecstasy. As much as I understand that they are using me for their own survival, the pleasure they are making me experience as they are emptying me feels so good, that I want to have more.

“Could you be having fun, finally?” Amy asks softly when she opens her eyes, showing how content she is with my sexual energy.

I blush heavily at the thought that I’m getting entangled with two succubi. No, it’s more than that, it is that I actively want to be used by those two to feel good, to be desired, to be needed. I can’t deny any longer that I love their attention, that I need to be pleasured in order for them to feed their hunger, that I’m the central piece of meat of the evening.

“Maybe,” I blurb out shyly, still looking down at the very attractive woman in front of me. Her hairless body is so enticing, the subtle contour of her pussy showing between her legs makes my heart pound violently in my thoracic cage, her ample breasts ready to choke me to death if I ever venture too far between them.

I suddenly feel something poking my ass through my jean before feeling his hands on my shoulder. “Why don’t we go to your bedroom and get comfortable?” Pete says softly in my ear.

I shake at the suggestion he is making, energy zapping my body to full attention and vanishing any doubt I could ever have. If today is my last day, I will fulfill every men’s wet dream, not a bad way to go.

They guide me toward my bedroom, each having a hand on my shoulder, as if they want to make sure I don’t change my mind. Fortunately for them, I’m too much in a sexual daze to even consider resisting, the intense sensation flowing through me while we kissed has disarmed any self-protection mechanism that could make me flee.

Arriving in the bedroom, I do not have the time to wonder how this will go, they are on me before I could think that I should pick up the dirty clothes on the floor. While one is kissing me, the other is rubbing my body through my clothes, kissing my neck, or fumbling with the protrusion on my jeans. I feel submerged by their undivided attention, I feel powerless by their insistent touch, I feel ecstatic by the intense pleasure exiting me.

Before I become fully aware of it, my clothes are getting insistently pulled off me, leaving me naked and at the mercy of the two succubi. There is a small interruption to their ravaging of me when they both look hungrily at my cock. Pride and male ego give me a full-on smile, the narcissistic guy in me loving that they need me to survive, that they obsess on my cock as their way of feeding themselves, that my pleasure is their life energy.

Unfortunately, I get interrupted in wanking my ego when Pete pushes me violently onto the bed, making me yelp in surprise. As I’m falling back, I see their carnivorous smile darting at me as they jump after me, the predators attacking their prey. My body only has the time to settle on the mattress that they are between my legs, two mouths moving up and down on my erection.

I growl and exhale loudly at the sudden and intense gratification they are giving me. So much so that I see stars and I shake violently as their assault continues relentlessly. When my vision clears a little bit, I raise my heavy head and look down at the duo. Pete’s eyes are on me, their shiny red color making me think that he is enjoying it very much.

He lets my glistening cock go and moves between my legs, moving Amy aside. Without saying anything and keeping his intense gaze on me, he inserts my dick inside his mouth, slowly engulfing me until his nose reaches my belly. The sensation is indescribable, not only do I feel him physically sucking me with his wet tongue and throat, I feel his connection with me extracting my sexual force, focusing all of my pleasure on my erect member.

Then, he slowly withdraws from me, increasing the intensity as I feel sucked of all my energy by his mouth. Only faint noises come out of my wide open mouth, my shaking body barely managing to cope with him. My cock almost comes out of his mouth but he plunges right back down, engulfing me again for another cycle. Even though I would like to continue watching my close friend of many years, I let my head fall back down as I feel weak.

Amy moves over me, her hair creating a halo around her face. “Just relax, don’t exert yourself. We will take care of you,” she says before she comes down to kiss me hungrily.

Even though they are from hell, I’m in high heaven, living the most intense moment of my life. As much as I love to have her kiss me, she has other plans. She moves her mouth from my lips to my neck, to my nipples, and down through my belly. Each contact she makes leaves a spot of pleasure as she sucks it out of me, making me moan each time.

“Don’t keep it all for yourself, I’m also hungry,” she says as she arrives back at my cock.

I raise my head just in time to see Pete moving up one more time, making me shake like a leaf with the intensity. I reach a peak as he moves slowly his lips over my glans, sure that I will cream his face. To my surprise, my cock smacks back down on my belly as he disconnects from me, not cumming even though I know I should have done it a long time ago.

Amy doesn’t waste time and installs herself between my legs and just simply goes for it, bobbing her head frenetically over my cock. I moan heavily at her ferocity, at the huge load of energy she is sucking out of me with such hunger.

Pete moves over me and looks down at me, a wide loving smile on his face, content and relax, after what I assume is only the entrée. “You are so good, Alex, I love sucking your sexual energy. You have so much of it, it tastes so rich,” he says as if he was talking about a course meal.

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Panting, I say very briefly, “It’s been a while.”

“Well, I’m glad that we can be there for you as you are for us. How are you doing? Is it too much?”

I ask the only important question that I have right now, “Why ain’t I cumming?”

He laughs as he approaches my face, saying “We are blocking your orgasm, making sure that we take as much as we can before you give us your dessert.”

With that, he kisses me with such tenderness, with care, with love, he’s expressing his friendship for me. I melt into his emotions, I even find the energy to raise my hand and put it on his head, playing with his curly hair.

When he comes back up, we share a gaze of camaraderie, of desire for each other, of attraction. I’ve always thought he was a beautiful guy but he was always with girls, I would never have thought he was into men. This brought me a question, something that has been bugging me since his revelation.

“Aren’t succubi women? How are you a man?”

He laughs softly before he shows me. In front of my eyes, the guy that I know for so long morphs into a feminine version of himself, leaving me with a gorgeous woman hanging over me.

“How’s now?” she says with a lovely voice.

“Wow!” is the only coherent word I could use, too subjugated by the surrealism of the situation.

“I can be either but as you know me as a man, better keep it that way. Also, Amy and I want to fuck you at the same time, I need to be a man to do that.”

I blush heavily at the thought that he wants to fuck me. Even though it isn’t surprising considering I’m bisexual, I still never thought of him that way, he was never in any of my fantasies. I look to the side as I think about it, slightly wincing as I feel Amy accelerate on my cock, pumping more of my energy out of me.

Softly putting her hand on my cheek to bring my gaze back to her, she slowly comes down while saying, “Please, Alex, we want you, we need you, we can’t survive without your orgasm. All the sexual energy we are sucking out of you doesn’t mean anything unless you cum for us. We both need to have as much contact with you to capture your orgasm, so we need to fuck you at the same time. Could you do that for us?”

I see the desperation in my friend’s eyes, her red eyes lit up by the moisture of her tears starting to form. How can I deny her request? How can I say no to a dear friend asking to live? How can I push away what has been pure ecstasy? Even though a part of myself is saying that they have manufactured all this, that they have cornered me into accepting this, she is still my friend and she deserves to live, even though she’s a demon.

Knowing that I have already taken the decision, I tell her, “Okay, my friend. Just promise me something, never ever again push me into it. If you need to eat my orgasm, just ask.” Even though it felt weird to say, my request is genuine and I hope that she will respect my wish from now on.

The look on her face gives me my answer, the reassurance that she is not only my friend but that she cares about me. The smile she beams down at me is the happiest I have ever seen her have. The fact that she rains tears on my face does not diminish in the slightest the moment of shared friendship, of intimate understanding, of sacred secret.

“Thank you,” she says with a choked voice, as she comes down on my face.

The kiss we share is simple yet telling of the deep relationship that we share and have grown so much tonight. I close my eyes to focus all of my weakening energy on the feelings coming from her lips, from her hand on my chest, from her body pressed on my side. Even though she is sucking energy from our kiss, it isn’t with the same intensity as before.

She suddenly raises from me, making me open my eyes in surprise. Speaking of, she isn’t there anymore, the friend I know is back.

“You’re getting weak, we need to finish this otherwise we will kill you,” he says insistently before raising from my side. “Amy, stop sucking him dry, he’s getting very weak.”

I sigh with relief when she lets go of my over-sensitive cock.

“But he’s so good. He’s so tasty, I could--” she starts to say before Pete interrupts her with insistence.

“And that’s not gonna happen! Now, get in front and let’s finish this before he passes out.”

They move around me, Pete getting on my right and Amy on my left. Delicately, they move me to my side, very conscious that I couldn’t do it myself. Pete installs himself against my back, spooning me closely. I flinch a little bit when I feel his red hot dick poke my ass, deeply breathing for what’s about to come inside of me.

“I’ll be gentle with you, I promise,” he says softly into my ear, before pushing.

My state of weakness causes my asshole to not resist much, allowing him to penetrate me fairly easily. I close my eyes and sigh with delight as I feel his hot erection sucking my pleasure through my ass, a new sensation that is just pure bliss. I would have stayed like this longer but I felt a body installing itself in front of me. I open my eyes to see Amy’s face close to mine, her glowing smile radiating her joy.

“Looking forward to having your white pudding, my delicious friend. Cream me with all you’ve got,” she says cornily.

“Amy, just impale yourself on him, you see that he’s at his limit,” Pete insists.

Winking at me, she guides my erection inside her soft and moist slit. I moan at her as I feel the sensation of her velvety vagina but mostly for the torrent of pleasure being sucked out of it. Not wasting time, they both start to fuck me, sending me to the nine thousandths and one level of heaven. Like a dam opening its overflow channel, I feel the drainage they do on me, extracting my sexual life force intensely through my cock and my ass. Both hug me very closely, gluing their bodies to mine, encircling me with their arms in an embrace of flesh, desire, and hunger.

In no time, not only do I feel my energy diminish to a dangerous level, but I also feel the need to cum so badly. “Can I cum? I’m so weak,” I whisper, unable to say it more loudly.

“You cum for us, my friend. Give us yourself, give us your orgasm, give us what we need to live,” Pete says insistently in my ear.

This sends me over the edge, knowing that I’m feeding them their life force. In a wave spreading across my body, I shake with intense delight as I feel my sperm coursing through my cock and spreading in Amy’s pussy. Not only that, I feel my pleasure being sucked through every skin-on-skin connection that I have with them, making me delirious with all of the nerves’ sensations overwhelming my poor little brain.

I lose all sense of time, of space, of existence as I am simply a being of ecstasy, of sexual greatness, of strong emotions. Eventually, I start to feel my weak body back, the bed under me, the two burning bodies surrounding me, I become well aware of my decline as I only feel emptiness in me.

It is with detachment that I sense them releasing their hold on me, exiting my spent body or letting my softening creamer fall. There seems to be some shuffling around me but I can’t be bothered to understand what it is about. Only when a face comes in front of my blurry eyes and a soft hand brushes my cheek that I try to understand my surrounding. Focusing as best as I can, I find Pete in front of me, smiling so warmly and affectionately at me.

“We will protect you tonight, we will be there for you. Please, sleep deeply, regenerate your energy, restore yourself, you have given us more than we hoped for. I’m here for you, my friend, as you have been for us,” he says softly before coming to kiss me goodnight.

I can’t give it back, I’m too tired, I fall asleep while he’s still kissing me. The last sensation I feel is their bodies encircling me back, in a protective cocoon. The last thought I have before I end up falling into the void is that it was a great ride, that dying this way is indeed the greatest way.


The sound of the birds singing wakes me up. With great difficulty, I open my eyes and find only piercing light all around me. I squint while my pupils contract, finally allowing me to see that I’m in my bedroom. I sit with difficulty, feeling my muscles resist this simple task. I immediately bring a hand to my head, as I feel the world spinning around me.

What did I drink last night to be this comatose? And, what about that weird dream? How could I imagine that succubi are real and that Pete, of all people, is one? I certainly hope that I haven’t been an ass to them.

Speaking of, as I start to wonder why my ass and cock are so sensitive this morning, I turn my head and see that it is passed eleven o’clock; I’m late for work. Letting a resounding ‘Fuck’ echo in my bedroom, I start a slow crawl to get out of bed, hoping that my boss will not be angry.

After swinging my legs over the side, I try to stand up but quickly fall back down. I look at the ceiling as I breathe heavily at the intense effort I’ve just made, trying to remember the last time I had such a hangover.

“Don’t exert yourself, you are still pretty weak,” I hear a familiar voice says from the door of my bedroom.

I turn my head and discover Pete, as naked as he was in my dream. Why is he? No, it can’t be true! There must be some other explanation. Maybe we fucked and my mind constructed a weird dream to explain it?

“I can see you’re confused, “ he says while softly laughing. He comes to sit beside me, tending a glass of water. He helps me sit up and drink while rubbing a hand on my back.

After I’ve emptied it in a record-breaking time, I look back at him, unable to figure out what really happened yesterday night. He chuckles at my inquisitive stare.

“You must be telling yourself this was all a dream, but it is all true. I’m really a succubus and you gave Amy and me such a fantastic feast last night. I can’t be thankful enough for all you have done for us,” he says enthusiastically before he comes and hugs me with such a friendly feeling to it.

It takes me a few seconds before I embrace him back, too surprised that it is all true, that he is a creature from hell, that we had weird sex yesterday, that I was his delicious meal. Even though this is a lot to take, the hug I give him is full of friendship, of love for my special friend, of gratefulness for the newly discovered facet that our relationship now has.

Speaking of, he moves back from my shoulder only to put his lips on mine, kissing me with a friendly passion. I give it back, my heart pumping at this new closeness we have, my cock surprisingly rising even though it feels sore this morning. He laughs softly as he pushes me down on the bed, a hand having found my erection, pumping me slowly.

I breathe deeply when our lips part, the awakening of my desire for him reviving what we had last night. Although, few worries cross my mind. “I can’t. I need to go to work, I’m already late,” I object softly as I intensely stare into his eyes.

“Using your phone, I sent your boss an email saying you are sick. He replied to ‘take care of yourself’, which I intend to do today,” he says while moving down to end his sentence by kissing the top of my cock.

I shake as a torrent of pleasure goes through my body, every fiber of my being remembering the intensity of yesterday. Nonetheless, I say my next worry, “What about Amy? Does she has any issue with you doing that with me?”

Stopping his slow bobbing on my cock, he softly says, “She isn’t really my girlfriend, just a friend of mine. She saw you at one of my parties a few months back, thought that you were an exceptional catch, and wanted to completely drain you. I refused, saying that you are my friend, that you mean a lot to me, and that killing you was not an option. I came up with the idea of last night to appease her and give her what she wanted.”

My eyes open in surprise at the revelation, but more importantly that he protected me. Tears start to roll down my cheeks at his show of friendship, of care he has for me, of love that I feel exuding from all his being.

He moves back up, bringing a finger to softly brush my emotions away, smiling at me faithfully while saying, “I told you, you mean so much to me, I don’t want you to come to harm by any of my kind. I couldn’t stay arms crossed while Amy would have drained you until you become an empty shell.”

I push my lips onto his mouth, too taken to find words to express the torrent of emotions I’m feeling toward him right now. We kiss for a long time, forgetting the world outside of us. He eventually moves over me, sandwiching me between the bed and his gorgeous body.

The intense gaze that we share is only interrupted by our sudden laughter, by the realization that our friendship has changed drastically. Twenty-four hours ago, I would have laughed at the suggestion that we would be naked, pleasuring ourselves, sharing intimacy in a whole new dimension of our lives.

As the hilarity starts to die down, he comes down for a brief kiss and then cuddles beside me. His head resting between my shoulder, my head, and a pillow, his hand softly brushing my chest, his leg entwined with mine, he installs himself comfortably against me. I move my arm to make sure he stays as close as possible, I turn my head so we keep our gaze of friendship going, I move a hand to his erection to slowly stroke him.

“So, you’re a succubus. How’s that like?” I ask him softly.

Moving to make himself more comfortable and allowing me easier access to his cock, he says, “This is a long and weird story, you sure you want to hear it?”

“Of course. I want to learn everything about you, my handsome friend,” I say softly, a little bit shy that I just said he’s attractive.

Laughing softly, he moves his hand from my chest to my cock, stroking me in rhythm with what I’m doing to him. I breathe deeply as I feel the passion for this man rise from within me, a delicious mix of camaraderie, of desire, and of complicity investing me. What a turn of events! I never thought I would ever have a sexual friendship, yet here I am, naked in bed with one of my best friends, who is a succubus, of all things.

“You sweet talker,” he says with a chuckle. He continues, “You know that succubus are a class of demons? This means we are eternal.”

Stupefied, I exclaim, “What?! How old are you?”

Giving me an impossibly wide smile and changing his human eyes for his glowing red ones, he says, “Just a few centuries,” while stroking me faster.

Submerged by the knowledge of his actual age and by the pleasure he is giving me, I can only say, “Oh, god!”

“Oh, my dear Alex, he can’t do shit for you right now,” he says with a very demonic voice.

We puff in laughter, knowing that he’s right, yet that we really don’t want the bearded dude to interrupt us sinners.

“Are you telling me I’m at your mercy?” I ask him, toying with him.

“You have no idea,” he answers before he kisses me passionately, yet with a softness that only true friends can have with each other.

Written by wiha
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