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Immortal Desires

"Andreas' new lover leads a dangerous existance"

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I sat at the bar and waited for Katja to pour my usual Black Russian. After presenting the drink, she produced a business card and laid it on the bar. I raised my eyebrows at the attractive young lady.

"Came in here earlier, looking for you." My brisk nod of acknowledgement encouraged her. "Told him you usually arrive around midnight… if you come," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

I glanced around the bar but failed to see anyone taking an overt interest in me. I turned back to Katja. "He didn't want to wait," she announced casually.

"Did…" I looked at the name on the card, "Mr Abraham say what he wanted?"

Katja shook her head. "No, he just said he needed to meet with you. He was quite adamant about it. Not rude or pushy, but definitely determined. Anyway, he asked me to give you this." Her cat-like eyes gazed briefly at the card, and then a troubled stare regarded me. "I haven't made things bad for you, have I?"

I sipped my drink, letting the smooth liquid caress my taste buds while I gazed around the trendy bar again. "No Sweetie, I'm not in any trouble, not that I know of if that's what you mean. Why? Was he a cop?"

"Could be, but I'm not sure. He certainly wasn't from Amsterdam Central. I mean, he wasn't even Dutch. He was a… 'Een Buitenlander,' but not a tourist. No, he was different," she said intriguingly. I arched my eyebrows.

"Well, he only spoke English for one thing," she explained, her brow furrowing. "But there was something about him, something..." she paused, seeking the right word, and settled on, "intense. Not like the rest of the people here, easy-going, looking for fun... He was... different." She shrugged her shoulders as if that was explanation enough.

Apparently bored by the conversation, she swiftly switched topics. "Are you looking for fun tonight?" Her eyes sparkled, probably recalling our last night together. Her charming, pleasant smile evolved into something a lot sexier. Watching her, I nodded, and her impressive bosom heaved. "If you don't find anyone, I'm available."

My nipples stiffened at the memory of her violently writhing in ecstasy as she came. Katja saw my reaction and grinned.

"I've got a new one, Andrea," she continued excitedly, "and this one is even bigger." Her wicked suggestion had an immediate effect. I felt a tell-tale patch forming on my panties and, without the need to look at my chest, I knew that my hard nipples would be distorting the soft fabric of my dress. "Even if you find someone, I wouldn't mind them joining in," she said, moving away to serve another customer.

Pocketing the mysterious business card, I turned and faced the nightclub, my appetite whetted. Feeling the undeniable hunger in my belly, I slipped from the barstool and began prowling. A sordid adventure with Adam and Eve would be perfect tonight.


I lay looking at the faint glow of a new day breaking above the Grachtengordel, listening to my bedmates lightly snoring. I swung my legs from the bed. The debris from our sexual activities lay scattered around the bedroom and, unable to find my underwear in the gloom, I resigned myself to going commando.

Both Katja and - what was his name? - lay entwined within the sheets and each other. Ignoring them, I searched for the rest of my clothes, the scent of spent passion assaulting my nostrils, igniting the fire in my belly again, and… No, I had to leave. As I reluctantly tiptoed across the bedroom, memories of the previous evening triggered a wispy smile.

"The sleep of the innocent," I murmured, closing the door and moving towards the lounge to dress. Hurriedly fastening my stockings, my thoughts returned to the business card in my purse. I was intrigued and determined to find out what was behind it. Quickly tidying my hair and makeup, I rushed outside and managed to hail a cab.

I slumped, exhausted, into the back seat. The driver asked for my destination and sensibly left me alone. Fifteen minutes later, after being lecherously inspected while paying my fare, I stood at my panoramic window leading to the secluded roof terrace. Standing there, witnessing the glorious dawn of a new day over Amsterdam, the vista worth every penny, I closed the blinds and reaching for my cell phone. I dialled the number on the card I'd received earlier the evening.

"Sorry," the tired voice on the other end apologized. "I expected your call hours ago. I must have dozed off."

"How do you know who's calling?"

There was a pause. The voice was more alert now. "Easy, you're the only one with this number. Can we meet? Tonight?"

My, my. We're all business now, aren't we? I thought, holding the phone against my chest. Should I consent to his request? Curiosity had the upper hand.

"Yes, why not, Mr Abraham? Meet me at the Three Sisters on the Rembrandtplein."

"I know it. Good choice, crowded and anonymous," the voice on the line said brusquely. "When?"

"Ten tonight."

"See you then. How will I..."

"Just ask for Danny at the door, and he will do the rest," I replied coolly, promptly cutting the connection.


Mr Abraham was late. Not just a little late but a whole two hours. When he did arrive, he seemed as surprised at my appearance as I was at his. From his name, I'd conjured up the image of an older man, but the reality was very different. Tall and debonair with broad shoulders, he cast a dark shadow over my dimly-lit booth. I saw a thin-lipped smile and, beneath bloodshot eyes, dark shadows of exhaustion. Studying his physique more thoroughly, I was impressed. Although bulky, I didn't think bodybuilder, more long-distance swimmer. His torso tapered to a narrow waist and even the expensive-looking long coat couldn't disguise the fluidity with which he moved. Then again, not much would.

His haunted eyes continued to stare at me while he cocked his head towards Danny. I nodded, all-clear, and the young doorman left us. My guest slid into his seat on the opposite side of the table, his movements quick and economical, like someone accustomed to a harsh physical environment. I'd noticed that, since arriving, his gaze hadn't left my face at all. He hadn't been distracted and, if it wasn't for the animal attraction I felt between us, it could have been worrying.

"Mrs Detroit?"

I shook my head. Instantly, he reacted, eyes opening wide in apparent surprise. "Miss," I corrected and held out a hand. Then he surprised me, raising it to his lips. Soft and sensual, their touch caused my pulse to race. I kept looking at his face and liked what I saw. Strong-jaw and high cheekbones proclaimed a Scandinavian ancestry and the blue eyes, although bloodshot, burned with fire.

"You seem to have me at a disadvantage, Mr Abraham."

"Please, call me David. And it's not Abraham, but you already suspected that." He paused for effect. "David Lincoln."

I kept my expression neutral. "Descended from?" He nodded.

"Yes, far, far back. Abraham's sister was my great, great - how many times must I say it? - grandmother."

Impressed, I raised my eyebrows in salute. "And what do you want from me?"

"Your advice," he said bluntly, staring at me.

"Why do you think I can, or even want to help you, Mr Lincoln?" I asked and raised a hand to grab the attention of a passing bargirl. David waited while I placed the order, having accepted my offer to buy him a drink.

"Because, according to my sources, you know everything there is to know about vampires and their secrets."

I was shocked. Not about the subject, but because someone had told this man about me. Someone I'd trusted. Had I been betrayed?

"That was a long time ago," I countered firmly, meeting his stare, my gaze unwavering.

"A long time ago you say, but you know as well as I do that time is illusionary, isn't it?" Not so much a question, more a statement. And in repeating my own words back to me, David revealed our mutual friend. Before I could respond, our drinks arrived.

"How is Serene these days?" I inquired, sipping my drink.

David gulped his bourbon and looked at me grimly. "She's dead," he replied without preamble. "She was killed by a particularly nasty Gregorian vampire called Ivan Romanski. We were hunting him."

My eyes snapped shut as if trying to blot out what I'd just heard. My blood ran cold, and my breathing choked in my throat. The Black Russian tasted like bile, and I felt the colour drain from my face. "Were you..."

"There?" he finished my question. "Yes. We'd tracked the creature to Los Angeles, lots of lost souls there, an open buffet for someone like him. We were stalking him in his lair, a derelict warehouse in the old town precinct when he attacked us from behind. Poor Serene didn't stand a chance." His voice was cold as ice as he relayed the incident. "His knife went straight through her heart."

"She ignored my advice?"

He shook his head, his expression rigid, clearly battling to keep suppressed emotions under control. "No, I did. I thought I knew better. Former special forces and all that," he said apologetically. "I took the lead, unaware of how silently and agile the Gregorians can move."

He paused, his hand sweeping over his face.

"He jumped from some packing cases, landing quietly behind us." His shame at being outsmarted was evident. "Anyway, the dumbfuck took Serene first, which was a mistake. If he'd attacked me, he might have lived, but…" he shook his head again. "By the time I was finished with him, the evil cackling he emitted when he retracted his blade was nothing more than an echo."

I wanted to ask how, but intuition made me wait. After scanning the bar, he swiftly opened his coat. "It's Obsidian," he informed. "Its ancient name is Karitoriki. It means The Reaper. I carry it whenever I'm hunting, and it took that motherfucker's head right off. Clean as a whistle."

The way the Katana's dark metal blade resonated in the dim light of the booth, caused a shiver to run down my spine.

"So why do you need my help, Mr Lincoln. It seems you're quite capable of looking after yourself."

He shook his head and moved to my side of the booth, our bodies making contact, the heat from his, permeating through my dress. That's when I saw how deep the dark smudges around his eyes were.

"You might think I'm just a warrior, but I'm more than that," he insisted vehemently. "I was an instructor at Little Creek. Serene selected me to be her protector from a long list of candidates, and I failed. Unfortunately, my combat skills weren't enough. I need to know more."

His masculinity was proving to be an aphrodisiac. Testing the ground, so to speak, I pressed my thigh against him. "So, again, what do you want from me? My advice to Serene was undoubtedly flawed; otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting here alone, would you?" I asked, a hand accidentally landing on his thigh. I smiled when he didn't remove it, although his eyes bored into me.

"Your advice wasn't flawed, Miss Detroit. Serene didn't ask the right questions, or at least not the ones I would have asked. One can't blame the teacher if the student doesn't make all the necessary preparations. I do, and the next time I go hunting, I will know everything I need to to be successful."

I nodded, seeing the pain in his eyes. It was as if maligning Serene was somehow a betrayal. "Please, call me Andrea. You loved her?" He nodded. I squeezed his thigh. "Did she tell you we were lovers?" He shook his head. "Does that upset you?" Again he shook his head but, this time, his smile was warmer.

"I can and will help you but not now." I felt his hardness and made a decision. "I have to take care of some business before I'm free. I can call you later."

He shook his head. "I've other people to see tonight and really should get going. I suggest we meet tomorrow evening after I've slept."

My eyes flared. "You sleep during the day?" I couldn't disguise the concern I felt at hearing this bold statement.

The wan smile highlighted his exhaustion. "If a hunter wants to defeat his prey, then the hunter should adopt the prey's habits and mannerisms. So, when the bloodsuckers sleep, I sleep. When they hunt, so do I."

I nodded, studying him intently. The scent of his subtle aftershave wafted in my nostrils, reminding me of long ago promises. At the same time, his crooked smile endeared him to me. I bent my head forward, my lips brushing against his ear as I spoke. "Let me give you a word of advice, Mr Lincoln. Trust no one and suspect everyone. Follow your gut feeling. It's usually correct. Intuition is probably your greatest ally."

Then I kissed him. Softly at first, but feeling the response from his hardness beneath my hand, continued with more and more intensity.

Breathless, I stood up, a wispy smile on my tingling lips. "I'll text you an address for tomorrow night," I said, moving away. He stayed seated and acknowledged me with a tilt of his head.


"What can you tell me about the Ghengazian Vampires?"

David Lincoln was resting his head on the edge of the jacuzzi, looking up into the clear evening sky. The sun was far over the horizon, but the temperature had hardly dropped. While I contemplated both his request and the evening so far, I reached over to caress him.

He'd arrived at my penthouse, looking the part. As he stepped through the front door, the fluidity of his movements caused the butterflies in my stomach to flutter wildly. With a shock, I realized I couldn't wait to get my teeth into him. Pardon the expression.

During dinner, David was the perfect guest, keeping the conversation light and airy and, to my surprise, he had a wicked, dry sense of humour. We talked briefly about Serene, but as far as I could tell, he'd assigned that to his past. Although not forgotten, it didn't seem like something David wanted to dwell on. He had other things on his mind.

At the beginning of the evening, I'd noticed quick furtive glances, the way he watched me move around the apartment. Furtive glances grew into more prolonged stares, and I felt he became more comfortable in my presence. To be honest, I enjoyed the way he was undressing me with his eyes. Not that there was much to remove.

To encourage him, while we were eating, I put a foot between his legs. The hardness beneath my toes caused my juices to flow, and small rigid bumps appeared in the front of my dress. With my body betraying my state of arousal, I saw no point in beating around the bush. So, even before dessert was served, I stood up from the dining room table, unzipped my summer dress, let it fall to the floor and walked towards the French windows. Seeing surprise and amazement register on his face, I let him know he could find me in the jacuzzi. If he wanted to continue this beautiful evening, we'd been enjoying he should join me.

Luxuriating in the warm water swirling around my naked form, I was delighted to see David walk out onto the roof terrace precisely as nature intended. His physique was everything I'd imagined it to be. As he continued towards me with nothing more than an unashamed smile and two full wine glasses, his impressive build made promises my body intended to keep.

I waited, impatiently for him to join me. After displaying how agile my fingers can be underwater, I ordered him to sit on the edge of the tub so that I could taste his essence. When he obeyed, I assumed he was a subservient lover, but I was wrong. As soon as my lips encircled his girth, his fingers entwined in my hair, and he made sure I performed precisely to his liking. Apparently, I didn't disappoint and, after swallowing his thick, hot protein shake, he kissed me passionately, saying he was going to fuck me. I reached into his lap as his tongue duelled with mine, and I was amazed that he was still very hard.

We sank into the water, and I straddled him, gasping loudly as his manhood slid inside me. Despite my high state of arousal, his shaft stretched my pussy, and the smouldering embers in my belly were stoked into an inferno by his rigid fire iron. Pools of water splashed on the decking, caused by the intensity of our sexual activity, while our moans of passion drifted on the warm night air.

I came explosively, my body shuddering, thighs alternately floundering and gripping the taut physique between them. My release flooded David's manhood and, seconds later, he emptied his source of life into me for the second time that evening, his roar of climax reverberating around the surrounding buildings.

Although spent, our carnal embrace continued, an erotic silence enveloping us as our bodies communed with each other, enhanced by the sounds of a city that plays all night. We drew apart when his body, finally acceding to the toll my fervour had demanded, retreated within itself to gather strength for the next encounter. Only then did we start discussing vampires.

I told him everything I knew about his quarry, how they originated from the Steppes of Eastern Siberia. Perfectly adapted to the cold, they live off those foolish enough to become stranded in the inhospitable climate. David was a good listener, paying particular attention to the rumours that had grown through the aeons of time.

"There are tales that proclaim, although I don't know whether to believe them or not," I admitted, "that when you're hunting them, beware the sound of the wind rustling through trees because they are near. Their foul breath hangs like an obscene mist above the ground, and that they have enchanted jewellery, rings mostly, that bends light and colour, in effect making it virtually impossible to see them coming, until it's too late."

He nodded solemnly, seemingly storing every detail I could dredge from my memory. As we talked, I saw the vigour returning to his body, the tautness gradually disappearing. Attentive as he appeared, I sensed that his active mind was far away, possibly envisaging his following campaign of attack. When I'd exhausted my fair amount of knowledge, he abruptly stood, kissed me perfunctorily, and left me lying in the warm water.

Disappointed that I couldn't entice him to another round of debauchery, I watched him walk inside the apartment, wondering if I'd see him again. He was undoubtedly a talented warrior and competent hunter, and any opponent should be wary of him. But, during years of studying vampires and their intricacies, I'd learned there was always someone more cunning and ruthless.

And you never saw them until it was too late.


I didn't hear from David for about six months and, although I didn't actually forget him, my life doesn't revolve around one person, occasionally, I did wonder what had become of him. However, I have a business that needs attention, parties to be seen at and, most importantly, lots of bodies able and willing to satisfy the boiling blood pulsing through my veins. The game of seduction - hunter or prey, men or women, it doesn't matter - continues, and many sexy, enthusiastic people or persons join me in the pursuit of the perfect orgasm. Suffice to say, the passage of time went mostly unnoticed.

Despite enjoying the physical aspect of sex, intellectually and emotionally, it leaves me wanting. Still, like a drug addict seeking the ultimate fix, I prostitute my body to acquaintances and strangers alike, hoping to satisfy the hunger that consumes me. Unfortunately, when the last cries of ecstasy fade into silence, I Iie there, the craving hunger within, undiminished, my willing flesh begging for more. Over the years, I've grown to accept that the sexual act, while enjoyable, will never give me the fulfilment I desire. 

So you can imagine my surprise when my heartbeat increased dramatically, during a particularly tiresome dinner party when my smartphone informed me I'd received a text from David. I read the short message, aware of a frown forming upon the high society hostess's face. I watched with cruel satisfaction as her frown grew into visible displeasure when I stood up and announced I was leaving: immediately.

David Lincoln's text was specific: I'll be at your place within the hour, be there.


The urgency was evident from the moment I opened the door. Gone was the smooth, handsome, debonair man I remembered. David Lincoln, the relentless hunter and fearless warrior, was showing his true colours.

His attire of military cast-offs hung loosely around his frame. The tunic and trousers had tears and stains. Of what— well, I'd rather not dwell on that! The scent was what I could only call earthy. There were darker blotches visible but, because he was still alive and standing in front of me, I assumed it wasn't his blood that caused the stains. Unshaven face and wild hair, gave him a rugged outdoors look which made him even more appealing to me. But it was his haunted blue eyes that caught my attention. They burned.

They burned with blood lust, born of triumph over adversity. With David staring intensely at me, I felt the tension and adrenaline-filled emotions fighting for control. A furtive glance towards his crotch told me all I needed to know. Despite his apparent exhaustion, he'd come for release, and he was going to get it. Without a moment's hesitation, he covered the distance between us and, as we collided in the open doorway, our lips met, and our mouths did battle.

Sharing the urgency, I threw my arms around his neck as he grabbed hold of my evening gown and ripped the expensive garment from my body. His hand dived between us, fingers gliding beneath my panties, seeking my acceptance. "I'm ready," I gasped as they slipped inside me. My secretions trickled down the insides of my thighs as he stirred my honeypot.

"Fuck me now," I urged, and hurriedly fiddled with his utility belt. I got more desperate as the seconds ticked away, but my movements were uncoordinated, clumsy. David brushed my hands away, freed himself, and I ground my abdomen against his throbbing meat.

A thin layer of satin between my legs frustrated both of us. "Rip them off," I begged, and another tearing sound filled my ears before David's hard flesh rubbed against my dripping quim. I leaned back against the wall and wrapped my legs around his waist, crossing my ankles behind his back. Supporting my weight with his arms, he thrust his hips forward, and his cock disappeared gloriously inside me.

I slid with ease down his glorious shaft, our groins coming together. He adjusted his grip on me and commenced fucking me hard and fast, his hands pulling at my flesh, his blatant insults turning me on even more. It wasn't sweet or gentle; it was dirty, rough and violent. For me, the beauty of our coupling lay in that violence.

His thrusting was wild and haunted, as was his expression, each movement burying his rigid manhood deep in my dripping oasis; again, and again, and again. Desperately searching for oblivion, I arched into him and sank my teeth into his shoulder as he clenched my buttocks and drove his prick home. Although I was aware of the noise we were making, I didn't care, especially when David decided to take me from behind.

"Turn around, Slut," he hissed.

Obeying, I felt David pull my buttocks apart, exposing my starfish. Hardly daring to believe my good fortune, I waited breathlessly, while he made ready to impale me on his fleshy staff. Despite the excitement, my body protested - well, fleetingly! - As he penetrated me. When his prick surged deep inside, the adrenaline streaming through my veins made the pleasure more intense. David carried on where he'd left off, hands feverishly gripping my hips while his pelvis pounded against my rump.

Our guttural cries formed a crescendo as each powerful movement brought us closer to nirvana, and I wondered who'd reach oblivion first. I'm sure I screamed before David did, but that was because he cheated. As I was teetering on the edge of the abyss, he rammed a hand between my legs, pushing fingers into my slick wetness and rocking his palm on my swollen clit. Immediately following mine, David's roar drowned out my feral wails as, together, our bodies released their climatic fluids.

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"By the way, you were wrong about the enchanted jewellery."

We lay in bed, talking like only lovers do. I'd asked what he'd been doing these last few months, and he calmly explained how he'd tracked down and exterminated a nest of vampires near Alma Ata.

"You were right about them in every other detail, including having the ability to bend light. But it wasn't any jewellery or clothing that did that. It was a skill those blood-sucking bastards had learned, passing it along to each new member of the nest, evolving it through the centuries until it was perfect."

My expression must have displayed my scepticism because David elaborated. "Every time I sent a cocksucker to hell, I searched their bodies, hoping to find what was giving them this advantage, but I found nothing. Nader, zip. Diddly squat, as my granddaddy liked to say."

"Are you sure?" I couldn't keep the shock from my voice.

He nodded confidently. "After the first couple of skirmishes, their patterns of attack became predictable," he said smugly, "which made it easier to ambush them. I managed to capture one and questioned him before he died. He told me about it."

I nodded and smiled proudly at him. "It was lucky you survived the first encounters."

"I don't believe in luck, Andrea. Training, instinct, and information. Those are the best tools one can possess. The first two I already had and the rest I learned from you. With those weapons in my armoury, I've got the upper hand. So long as I don't give them a chance to surprise me, I'm pretty much invincible."

From the new scars on his body, I saw it hadn't been as one-sided as he boasted, but all in all, they seemed to add more character. We eventually slept, but in keeping with his hunter's ethos, David left before the winter sun rose.

That evening he returned, and we talked about vampires again; however, when I say we talked, what I really mean is, David, put me through a Spanish inquisition because he practically interrogated me about his next targets.

"The Woodland Vampires," I explained, "are different tribes and can be found in many of the forested regions of the Northern hemisphere. They all have different attributes and abilities, and one should not underestimate them."

I looked at David for his reaction, and he nodded, motioning me to continue.

"The Vacomagi or hill dwellers are barely distinguishable from their night walking cousins the Cornovi. Only in a full moon can men see the difference but then it's usually too late. Both are native to the European continent, and both are voracious feeders. The urge to quench their thirst, means they take a lot of risks, which eventually leads to their downfall."

I paused, taking a few deep breaths, before continuing. "Then you have the Taexali, of North America. They're also here in Europe if the stories are to be believed. Supposedly, they can disappear into the woodland mists before your very eyes as you lay there, paralyzed by their bite, your blood seeping into mother earth."

David's disbelief was apparent, and from the way he stared at me, I knew he was about to take issue with my words.

"I'm only telling you what I know," I said, raising my hands defensively.

"I know, I know," he acknowledged, "you're the expert, and I'm the pupil. If I'm not prepared to believe you, then I should leave."

I looked at him, my eyes sparkling with amusement. "I wouldn't say that," I replied huskily. "If you leave now, who's gonna make love to me in a minute?"

His wolfish smile almost made me jump his bones there and then, but I restrained myself. However, before he left, he did fulfil his obligation and made love to me as the first wisps of dawn appeared. That was the last I saw of him for a quite a while. Looking back, he was gone for most of the summer.

But this time I knew he'd return: I could feel it.


"Can you talk?"

I was having a rare night in, pampering myself, when my phone rang. I frowned at the unknown number displayed. But, answering and hearing the caller's voice brought a smile to my face. I absently stared out of the panoramic window and wondered if I should be worried.

"Where are you, David?" I tried keeping my voice even, but, with my pulse racing, it was difficult.

"Here, in Holland." My spirits rose. "I'm on to something."

"So, what's so important that you're not able to come around here and see me." The sultry tone left no doubt as to what I would do to him if he walked through my door.

"I'm tracking down one of the most elusive vampires known to man. I wonder if you have any information."

"Who…" I began, confused by both this unexpected contact and disappointing news. Before I gathered my wits, David spoke again.

"I had a Taexali cornered after tracking him down," he said. "You were right by the way, about their ability to evaporate into mist."

Although I heard the words, I barely listened, because I was too absorbed with my irrational thoughts. Why aren't you here, fucking my brains out, while screaming out your name in the throes of passion, when all I wanted to do now was vent my frustrations down the phone line?

"Anyway, they can't go far in that form, and I managed to tail him," he continued. "After first disabling him in a bloody fistfight, I was on the point of execution when he started laughing maniacally, accusing me of being a puppet and that his real master would revenge him."

"I'm sure you've heard that sort of thing before," I replied, somewhat disdainfully. "Was that all the Taexalian said?"

David explained that he'd obtained a name and an address. His voice bubbled with enthusiasm when he said he was on the way to check it out. Miffed, I asked if he intended to see me.

"If it's a dead-end, I'll be in Amsterdam tomorrow night. Maybe you'll let me pick your brains again."

Fuck you, David; it's not my brains I want picking.

"Andrea, I was wondering if you've ever heard of the Andramari tribe."

My blood froze at the ancient name, and a shiver ran down my spine. Everything the name Andramari represented came to the forefront of my brain, and any thoughts of enticing David disappeared like snow under the sun. After collecting my wits, I eventually spoke, my voice barely a whisper.

"David, listen to me, you've got to forget you ever heard that name. No good will come of it." I paused for effect. "I seriously fear for your life."

"You don't have to worry about me, Gorgeous," he teased. "How many times have I told you, with the right information, I'm invincible?" I heard him chuckle and knew he wasn't listening to me. I strengthened my plea.

"Look, David," I said, hoping he could hear the real concern in my voice, "this development is not good. You should avoid mentioning this to anyone, at all costs. I haven't heard that name since my youth and, whenever someone mentioned it, they always seemed to die unexpectedly. Because of that, I quickly learned to keep my mouth shut."

I took a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. "Up until twenty seconds ago, I assumed they had died a quiet death." I paused to gather my thoughts, aware of the silence at the other end. "David, if you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from anybody who claims to know anything of them. It will be your undoing."

I knew I sounded melodramatic, but I needed to get through to him.

"What's so bad about the Andramari?" he queried, his voice not so full of bravado now.

Realizing he wouldn't be satisfied unless I told him what I knew, I took a deep breath and began explaining.

"The Andramari are - sorry, David - they were the most powerful vampires in the world. Documents containing the name and detailing their habits first appeared in the Basque region of Spain about the time of the Spanish Armada. Hunger forced them to leave the Pyrenees for easier feeding grounds and, after crossing the border and trekking north, they settled in the Central Massifs. Stupidly gorging themselves on the unsuspecting French populace, it didn't take long before France became an inhospitable place and they needed to flee."

I paused, trying to dredge up long ago details, not wanting to make a mistake involving such an important matter.

"Despite being quick on their feet," I continued, the mists of time slowly dissipating in my mind, "they were ruthlessly hunted and almost didn't make it. Barely intact, the few that survived changed tactics and went underground. Then, slowly and cautiously, they made their way to Northern Europe. That was the last anybody heard of them, at least according to ancient records."

"You mean they're dead?"

I smiled momentarily, the disbelief in his voice sounding quite genuine.

"No, David, they're definitely not dead, but they might as well be. No matter how thoroughly one looks, no-one has discovered where they are." Although he couldn't see me, I frowned in frustration. "Look, David, I know I've based most of my knowledge on rumours and folklore, but lots of that has passed from generation to generation; more as a warning not to tempt fate. You know, the sort of thing you tell your kids: behave, or the Andramari will get you. But it can't be completely ignored."

"I know," he replied, "but you have to admit your knowledge isn't as extensive as you would like, and this is a chance to see if your information is correct. It's too good a chance to miss; we can't ignore it. Only a fool would do that, Andrea, and I'm not a fool. So, tell me what you know."

He was undoubtedly persuasive. "Okay, David, this is what I know. According to various sources, they changed their habits dramatically. They became masters of disguise and succeeded in blending in, adapting the way they behaved. Their new way of life was barely indistinguishable from the human populace where they cohabited. Some say they even took part in the hunting Crusades against other vampire tribes, leading from the front, letting the humans relentlessly wipe out their enemies, thus guaranteeing their ascendancy."

"A worthy prey," David replied confidently, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "From what I've heard, the one I'm after is probably the only remaining Andramari here in Europe. He seems to be the head honcho, der Übermensch of the vampires. Details are sketchy, but various sources reckon he's here in Amsterdam."

"Do you think you can trust these informants?" My voice had an edge to it as I fought to keep my emotions in control.

"I think so," he said, sounding cautious. "They told me something no one else ever mentioned, something that can help me find him."

I was immediately curious.

"They told me this bloodsucker is something of a ladies man," he revealed, "and is often found in the red light district searching for prey. Do you know any bars that might be the sort of place he would frequent?"

I did and recited the names and addresses of the clubs that David might find useful.

"Don't worry, Gorgeous, if nothing turns up I'll meet you tomorrow evening for dinner," he promised and rang off.


David kept his word and arranged to meet me at my favourite restaurant, Ceil Bleu, situated on the twenty-third floor of the Hotel Okura. He was casually dressed, relaxing in one of the comfortable chairs, enjoying the splendid view of Amsterdam in autumn. Although it wasn't yet completely dark, the random patterns of lights illuminating the surrounding neighbourhood was truly spectacular, and my date didn't notice me approach until my reflection appeared in the panoramic window. His pleasure was evident and, after standing up to greet me, he kept looking at me as we sat down.

The blood-red midi dress with its undulating seam under the bust capped sleeves, and notched neckline made the most of my curvy figure. The exposed zipper running down the length of the garment and the jet black stockings I wore, implied a promise to be kept.

Taking my seat, the hem of my dress rode up my thigh. David, his eyes watching me intently, nodded his approval. It turned me on, knowing he enjoyed watching me, and my erect nipples were soon protruding against the soft fabric.

"So, did you find anything you liked in those clubs, David? Any nice night ladies take your fancy?" The teasing smile, sparkling eyes, and playful tone let him know my mood.

"There were one of two interesting women," he drawled lazily, still gazing at me.

Before I could react, a waiter brought my Black Russian, unwittingly spoiling the moment. We waited for him to finish serving my drink, and resumed our banter. It was light flirting, although the sexual undertone was unquestionable. To be honest, I was getting very turned on, not just because of the sexual innuendoes we exchanged, but also because I'd noticed quite a few approving glances directed my way from other guys waiting at the bar.

When my glass was empty, I stood and moved provocatively towards David.

"I've booked a suite, Lover. The Emerald Suite, on the twenty-first floor. I need something big and hard to still my hunger. Are you coming? Or should I invite a couple of those gentlemen over there, to join me?"

Not waiting for an answer, I walked onwards toward the exit, smiling. In the mirror behind the bar, I saw David swallow his whiskey and stand up but didn't stop to wait for him. The men admiring me, smiled as I approached, but when I slowly shook my head, their expressions changed.

As I passed them, I handed over a business card, mouthing, 'Call me tomorrow.' They were too surprised to respond, and by the time they pulled themselves together, David and I were waiting for the lifts. The time it took to descend two floors whisked by much too fast, but it was long enough for David to kiss me hungrily while caressing my breasts.

Between kisses, I breathlessly told him what I was going to do to him once we were in my suite, and I was delighted to feel his hardness press into my thighs.

Almost as soon as the suite door shut, David was all over me, kissing me wildly, his hands everywhere. My hands were busy with his fly and, within seconds, I'd wrapped my fingers around his throbbing flesh.

"Come with me," I said huskily, fishing out his erection and leading him to the spacious sitting area. Reaching the dining table, I turned around one of the high-backed chairs and told him to sit. On the table, a set of silk scarves lay ready.

"I'm so hot for you, David, my pussy is dripping wet." David's eyebrows rose as I lifted the dress up my thighs. "I'm gonna fuck you to death, but first I want to play a little," I almost growled, revealing my naked sex, framed by a sexy garter belt.

He licked his lips when I straddled him. I felt his hard flesh press against me, and momentarily wondered if I could contain myself. I picked up one of the scarves, and David instantly proved he was tuned in to what I was planning by voluntarily moving his arms behind the chair.

"Very good, Darling," I whispered, leaning into him. "Can you feel my hard nipples pressing into you?" He nodded eagerly. I ground my loins against him as I bound his hands to the chair, making it very difficult for him to move.

"Please, Andrea," David croaked, "you're killing me. Fuck me or suck me, but please put me out of my misery."

I kissed him passionately, biting his lip until I drew a speck of blood.

"Careful what you wish for, Lover," I said hungrily, "it might just happen." And I slowly climbed off him.

I felt his eyes following my every movement as I sensually stripped out of my dress. He watched me undo the zip, my hips swinging to and fro, my ass invitingly pushed towards him. I knew he was in my power when I teasingly lowered the garment and saw his muscles tense. I was afraid he might tear the scarves, but he knew his strength and played the game admirably.

My breasts sprung into view, and David stifled a groan. With a knowing smile, I loosened my grip on the dress and let it fall to bunch around my ankles. Except for my high heels, stockings and suspenders, and costly diamond jewellery, I was naked.

Next, I deftly removed David's shoes, socks, trousers, and boxers, which allowed me to steal a quick lick of his leaking one-eye. I'll admit, I almost changed my plan when his salty pre-cum tantalized my taste buds. But, knowing the anticipation of a deed is sometimes more exciting than the event itself, I decided to follow my plan.

Moving closer to him, I lifted a leg over his shoulder. Shoe resting on the edge of the table, my dripping sex was right in front of his nose. His warm breath wafted over my thigh, sending ripples of ecstasy rushing through me and my scent of arousal filled both nostrils.

"Lick me, David," I ordered. "Make me cum with that magnificent tongue of yours." Obediently, it snaked forward, the tip sliding up the creases between my thighs and abdomen. My skin tingled at his touch, and immediately I needed more. "Stop fucking about, David. Lick me!"

Even if he'd wanted to defy me, there wasn't much he could offer by way of resistance, especially when I grabbed his head and pushed my groin forward. His lips met mine, and his tongue dipped into my welcoming slit. I shuddered as his mouth clamped onto my clit, sucking it hard and flicking his tongue over the swollen nub.

My juices flowed freely, mixing with his saliva before trickling down the insides of my thighs, soaking into my stocking tops. I gyrated my hips, grinding away as his tongue slid deeper into my honey pot. From the way David was drinking my slickness, I didn't think he minded too much. The harder I pushed, the more he licked, and the more his tongue tormented me, the nearer I edged towards the precipice.

"Don't stop, David," I murmured, my fingers rubbing through his short dark hair while his mouth performed miracles between my legs. In seconds, I was biting my bottom lip to prevent screaming the place down.

"That's it, Lover, I'm almost there."

My body shook, and my knees almost gave way. In my belly, the smouldering embers had grown hotter and hotter, needing only one final ingredient to create a raging inferno. David nibbled on my clit, I breathed in hard, and the shot of oxygen ignited the conflagration. I came gloriously. My hips bucked, my legs shook, and I held on to David's shoulders for support. I moaned, screamed, gasped, and my whole frame trembled as I wildly thrust my cunt into his face.

"Oooh, you delicious, gorgeous… oh shit…" I managed to utter through clenched teeth. "I'll make this up to you, I promise, Darling."

He didn't say anything - well, he couldn't - but I knew him well enough that he was feeling pretty damn good about himself at that moment. Looking at his large cock, straining to be handled, I took pity on him.

Kneeling, I prised his knees apart and shuffled forward. I wrapped a hand around his meat and began gently tugging at the smooth skin. I cupped his balls in my other hand, squeezing them softly, noting their weight.

"Have you been saving it for me?" I asked, my tongue whipping across his swollen glans. He looked down at me and nodded, like some young boy trying to convince his mother that he'd told the truth. "Are you sure?" I teased, the tip of my tongue tickling the sensitive spot just beneath his rim. "I don't mind if you fucked some wannabe vampire babe last night. Makes this all the hornier."

I enclosed my lips around his shaft, and I felt his body move as he violently shook his head. "Gets me hot knowing you were thinking of me when you fucked them; Or did you let them suck your cock like this."

His erection throbbed at that, and I knew I had him. "Oooh, so that vampire bitch did go down on you." It wasn't a question but a statement.

David shuddered as my teeth traced along the length of his manhood. "Did she swallow you whole like this?" I demonstrated my prowess, feeling his engorged dome push deep into my throat.

Knowing the restraints denied David the opportunity to grab my head and take control, was part of the turn-on for me. Even so, being patient was proving to be very difficult with my tongue swirling around the rigid meat as it throbbed inside my mouth. When I spoke again, tendrils of saliva hung from my lips, clinging desperately to his angry-coloured helmet. Using my saliva as a lubricant, I masturbated his cock vigorously. His eyes closed, and his muscles tensed, not only in his face but all over his body. I renewed my oral attack and, for a couple of minutes, the sounds of a very messy, very erotic blowjob filled the room.

David's hips squirmed in the chair, his excitement rising with each deep swallow. Guttural moans escaped his mouth, and the squirming became bucking. I raised my head some, leaving only part of his erection between my lips. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his shaft and squeezed tightly. The agony on his face as he realized what I was doing was a picture.

No matter how hard he thrust his loins, there was nothing he could do to stop me. I was in complete control of the situation. I felt his spunk rising beneath my thumb, and I pressed hard on the underside of his manhood. A tirade of expletives filled the room.

"You bitch, you fucking cock sucking bitch" he growled, his body as taut as a wound spring. "Once my hands are free, I'm gonna make you pay for this," he said menacingly, and I knew he meant it.

"In that case, I'd better make sure your bonds are nice and tight," I replied.

Still gripping his rock-hard cock, I got to my feet and, after spreading my legs wide enough, I took a couple of shuffles forward and, knees bent, sank onto David's lap. His engorged dome pressed against my slippery lips and then rapidly disappeared inside my silken tunnel, stretching me deliciously and causing me to gasp. With my thighs settled on his, I put my arms around his neck and smiled enigmatically at him.

"Is this what you want, David?" I asked, grinding my pelvis and pressing my boobs into his heaving chest. Before he could answer, I sought out his lips. Furiously we kissed, while I started riding him, my hips rising and falling in a quick, smooth action, his cock causing indescribable sensations to course through my entire body.

Abruptly ending the kiss, I tossed my head back, closed my eyes and wantonly fucked David. The passion was intense; every nerve-ending felt like coarse sandpaper had been rasped over them, every movement a delicious chaffing. Our grunts and groans formed a symphony of physical exertion, each note dedicated to our pursuit of the ultimate release.

"I'm close to cumming, Bitch," warned David, startling me out of the trance into which I'd drifted.

"Don't worry, baby," I said soothingly, "I want to feel you cum inside me."

I clenched my abdominal muscles and felt my cunt contract around his throbbing meat. "Can you feel me milking you, Lover?" He grunted again, his head rocking back and forth. I quickened my pace and felt his body tense.

"That's it, Darling," I cried, "don't hold back. I want it all."

With everything he possessed, David thrust deep inside me, and I felt him explode. As he pumped life-giving seed into my womb, I sank my fangs into his bulging jugular vein.


The surprise in his lifeless eyes, staring back at me accusingly while I casually dressed, was vaguely ironic. Why did I do it? Why did he have to die? Quite simple really: I hadn't eaten in three days, and he was getting close to exposing my real identity.

You see, I was born in 1551 in the Basque region of Navarre, Spain. My mother had me christened, Andramari de Igantzi. In English, that's Virgin of Igantzi.

But, nowadays, I go by the name, Andrea.

Written by AndreaDetroit
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