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Horns Up - 8

"The time has come. And now that you've bedded the whole house, soon will she."

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You sit at the breakfast table, awkwardly tapping your fingers as Lilith glares at you in the seat opposite yours. Her one red eye stares at the countless bruises left over from your first meeting with Eari the previous day. You stare in kind at the conspicuous sling that one of her arms is in. Simultaneously, you both turn your gazes over to the house's front hallway, where a number of contractors are busy repairing the front door.

After a painfully long period of silence, your handler drinks from her mug of coffee and sighs.

"I take it yesterday was rough on everyone, then," she comments, adjusting the straps of her sling.

That's certainly one way to put it. Eari wasn't best pleased about the whole 'getting tranquilised' thing.

"Didn't have a choice. She's a nightmare to transport."

She nods at one of the larger bruises on your neck.

"How'd that happen?" Lilith asks.

There was a scuffle. What about her arm?



"Got caught in a firefight with some demon traffickers. Was too close to a burning truck when the fuel tanks blew up. Normally I would have gotten away in time, but someone was distracting me on the phone," she complains, shifting her arm about uncomfortably.

... Whoops?

"Ngh. Whatever. Your door will be fixed in a day or two. As for the busted furniture, more is on the way, and I've made sure these new articles are tough enough to withstand an Oni."

Your handler drains the last of her coffee, wincing as she accidentally knocks her injured arm off the tabletop.

"Speaking of your newest charge, keep an eye on her. Most isolated demon enclaves are at the very least somewhat familiar with English, but she's from a village in the deepest pits of Hell's equivalent of Antartica. Tough people. Still exclusively speaking in Tongues when we made contact."

Yeah, talking to her is a bit of a challenge.

"Let's hope the university staff have a better time with her."

On that note, what is Eari going to be studying while she's here? She doesn't exactly strike you as a scholarly type.

Lilith snorts.

"She isn't studying so much as she is being studied. The entire college faculty wants to take a look at her; anthropology, biology, linguistics, you name it. She seemed pretty interested in the sports side of college life too. Especially wrestling," she notes, looking at her phone.

You blanch, remembering just how easily the Oni overpowered you. If she joins a wrestling program, then she'll be unstoppable...

As that pleasant thought lingers in your brain, your thoughts drift to the college that the girls are attending. Clearing your throat, you ask Lilith if the Earth-Hell Initiative is in charge of security there while the demons are attending.

"We mostly supplement the regular security there with additional funding, why?"

Gladys. That woman from Mothers Against Hellish Invasion. You don't know how, but she somehow snuck onto the campus and took pictures of the girls. She showed them to you the last time she tried to coerce you into signing her petition.

Lilith's face darkens as you tell her this. Balling her fist, she frowns and stands up.

"... Right. Thanks for letting me know, kid. I've got a few calls to make."

With that, Lilith marches out of your house, clearly set on the warpath. You figure it's best to leave the MAHI situation in her capable hands. If she can suffer an exploding truck at close range, then surely a gang of middle-aged women would be well within her means.

Left alone, you gaze around the kitchen with a frown. There are still cracks and holes in the walls from yesterday's scuffle, a few of the chairs had been smashed and discarded, and the fire alarm is still missing from the ceiling.

All in all, not an ideal situation. But you've got a morning routine to prepare anyway.

As you set about making a pot of coffee for the girls, Muu is the first one downstairs, still in her pyjamas. She offers you a polite word of greeting, and after making sure that the contractors aren't looking, the chubby little demon stands up on her tiptoes and gives you a peck on the cheek.

"Morning, sir," she says with a smile as you pour her a mug of coffee.

If it wasn't already a good morning, it certainly is now.

"Do you remember how I take it?" she asks, nodding to the pot.

Milk and eight sugars?

"Hehe, you know me so well, sir!"

Fixing Muu up with her coffee - although it looks more like treacle at this point - you set about preparing breakfast. She joins you at the stove, and as the two of you make quiet small talk and sneak in a few little flirts here and there, you're both alerted to a magnificent yawn from the stairs.

"Prrreparrre me my morrrning nourrrishment, drrrudge! A lady should not be left hungerrring!" the unique voice of Callyette shrieks.

The lithe Nymph ambles downstairs, dressed in a silken nightdress that looks as though it costs more than your EHI salary.

"Good morning, Cally!" Muu calls cheerily, waving to her housemate.

Callyette pulls a face and plants herself upon one of the few surviving chairs.

"Don't you darrre call me that, you weighty wench!"

Muu giggles.

"Aw, thank you! There's really no need to be so nice!"

... Huh. Seems Gluttons appreciate being called heavy. Duly noted.

"Anyway, I read that eggs are okay for Nymphs. Would you like an omelette? I can add some mushrooms and tomatoes if you'd like?" Muu continues, trotting over to the fridge with her stubby tail wagging.

Callyette responds with a retching noise.

"Bah! As if a lady of my calibrrre would eat anything made by yourrr inferrriorrr-!"

You slam the Nymph's coffee down in front of her and fix her with the steeliest glare you can muster. Immediately, she wilts down into her chair, her cheeks flushing as her elfin ears twitch.

"... omelette is fine, thanks..." she murmurs in a much gentler tone of voice.

Soon, the smell of cooking food wafts through the boarding house, enticing Casey and Yyvnn downstairs. The silent Fallen gives you a cursory nod as she accepts a mug of coffee from you, meanwhile, the Imp makes a beeline for the fridge.

"Mornin', chief!" she calls merrily, pulling out a carton of orange juice.

Before you can stop her, Casey begins to drink straight from the carton, tipping her head back as she chugs. For a moment, you're entranced by the sight of the juice spilling from the corners of her mouth and dripping all over her sheer tank top, but you quickly snap out of it.

Casey! How many times have you told her to stop doing that?!

The Imp stops drinking for a moment as she narrows her catlike eyes at you, whereupon she starts drinking it faster.

As you try to wrestle the carton away from the unruly tomboy, the matronly form of Bessa plods into the kitchen, smiling dreamily as she pats both Casey's and your own head.

"Now now, sweetie. No fighting~" the Golem yawns dreamily, still half-asleep.

Her mysterious powers of calming immediately soothe you both, ceasing your scuffle and guiding the pair of you to sit at the table. Pulling over some stools from the kitchen sidebar, Muu serves you all breakfast; omelettes for all, vegetarian or otherwise.

A few minutes into breakfast, however, and you're all suddenly startled by an irate growl rumbling from upstairs. The ceiling seems to shake as heavy footprints thump their way towards the stairs. Everyone holds their breath for a moment.

"Ngh... Ibu mus...?" yawns a powerful voice as someone stomps down the stairs.

Eari the errant Oni stumbles down the stairs and into the kitchen, blinking the sleep out of her amber eyes. She's wearing an old shirt of yours - the largest one you own - but it barely fits her. The cloth is straining against her immense bulk, and it's riding up her midriff, exposing both her abs and the pair of boxer shorts you squeezed her into in order to protect her modesty.

"New girl, huh? Heh, I've seen a few brick shithouses in my time, but you're built like a fuckin' fortress!" Casey laughs from the table, grinning through a mouthful of omelette.

You jab her in the ribs in order to shut her up. Clearing your throat, you smile and ask Eari if she slept well.

"Sleep... well? Onamuh...?" the Oni murmured as if she were struggling to remember the previous day's escapade.

"Sweet Hellfire, she's huge!" Muu gasps, holding a hand to her chest.

"Trrruly a goliath of a woman. One can scarrrcely imagine how she walks without shaking the verrry bones of the earrrth," Callyette added, shovelling her food into her mouth.

Yyvnn nods in concurrence, staring wide-eyed at the sluggish Oni as she sleepily regards every demon in the room. Eventually, Eari manages to put two and two together, crying out as she points an accusing finger at you.

"Ah! Onamuh! Who fights like sinac!" she barks, baring her teeth angrily at you.

You hope that she's not looking for a-



Balling up her fist, Eari winds it back and rushes forward, ready to punch you into oblivion. Before she can let loose with her attack, however, Bessa calmly rises from her chair and takes the Oni by the hand, smiling warmly at her. Somehow, the Golem's mysterious aura of serenity works even on a demon of Wrath, causing her to relax and back down.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, dear. What's your name? I'm Bessa," she asks, patting the back of the Oni's hand.

"Name? Eari, daughter of Roruf, kin of Direm. I am rotalleb. Um... warrior," she says after a moment of quiet, soothed by Bessa's calming voice.

With a motherly smile, she guides the newest addition to the house over to an open seat. You and the others gaze on at this sight in wonder, amazed that the beast of a woman who destroyed the entire lower floor is now quietly sitting at the breakfast table with you all.

"It's nice to hear Tongues again, especially when spoken with such mastery! What dialect is that?"


"Eauq sutcelaid tse?" the Golem asks again, fluently switching to the demons' native language.

"Cnah... Cnah malos maugnil ivon," Eari answers, in a surprisingly polite tone.

Though it's nice to see your charges get along, you begin to feel a little left out. You clear your throat, drawing Bessa's gaze. She smiles warmly and winks in your direction.

"Ah, but while we're here we must do our best to speak the humans' tongue, alright? Are you okay with that, Eari?"

The Oni gives you an intense stare. There's a fire in her eyes, one that you can't quite determine the meaning of. Looking back at her new friend, she nods.

With Eari seated and settled, breakfast continues on in relative harmony. Once the rest of your charges make their introductions, the questions begin. Callyette begins to ask how it's possible for someone to live in a snowy wasteland, but her voice quickly gets drowned out by Casey, who immediately begins to ask Eari all manner of highly-inappropriate questions. Unable to keep up with the fast-talking Imp, she instead decides to answer Muu's questions, all of which involve the secrets of Oni cooking in some shape or form. Yyvnn doesn't seem interested in conversation - surprise, surprise - and instead spends breakfast staring at Eari's single horn, silently calculating its angle and curvature, if her rapidly darting eye movements are anything to go by.

Beside you, Bessa smiles softly and lays her head against your shoulder.

"This is nice, sweetie." The Golem smiles.

Underneath the table, she slips her hand onto your thigh.

"I haven't felt this happy in years..."

You return her smile. You're happy that you're able to help her feel that way.

Breakfast passes before long, and you're left with a pile of dirty dishes to deal with. The girls all head back upstairs with their new housemate in tow, so with a satisfied sigh, you begin to clean up after them. After a few weeks of dealing with demonic tenants and the mess they make, it takes you only a few minutes to wash the dishes and pack them away, just in time to watch them all return, fully dressed and ready to face the day. Eari stands among them, wearing some mismatched clothes loaned to her by the others, though they still fit her poorly.

"This cloth. Tight," the Oni murmurs, pulling at the collar of the sweater she is wearing.

"We'll make sure she gets to the university in one piece, sir!" Muu tells you as she pulls out a set of prepared lunchboxes from the fridge.

"Yoo-nee-ver-city?" Eari asks, clearly unfamiliar with the word.

"Yeah! It'll be fun, you'll see!"

The Oni shoots you a puzzled look as she's dragged out the door, nearly toppling one of the contractors over on her way out. The rest of the girls quickly follow, and before you know it, you're on your own again. Sighing heavily, you get back to work cleaning the dishes. An odd zen-like sensation washes over you, like the calm after a storm. With the house so loud and full of life, it's nice to just take a second to appreciate the quieter moments.

"Mm-mm-mm! Add a cute little apron and subtract the rest of what you're wearing, and you'd be the spitting image of the perfect house husband, honey," purrs a familiar voice from the stairs.

Natasha, with her hips swaying and her tail flicking to and fro, lazily saunters into the kitchen, giving your rear a firm pinch as she nuzzles up close to you.

Good morning. She's late for breakfast.

"What, you didn't save any for me?"

You tried, but Eari has an appetite to challenge Muu's, and that girl would eat the plates you served breakfast on if you let her. No exaggeration; Gluttons could apparently do that.

Lidding her eyes, the Succubus leans in close and grabs your thigh.

"No worries, honey; I can think of a few other things to keep me sated~!"

That's... not real food.

"Not for a human, maybe. But Succubi can live off all kinds of bodily fluids, remember?"

Still, that-

"Even blood!"

Wait, really?

"Yup. Used to mistaken for vampires, apparently. But don't you worry, honey; I don't bite unless you want me to~"

As Natasha begins to put her usual moves on you, you calmly move your pile of wet dishes over to the drying rack and begin to wipe them off, one by one.

Didn't she want you to abstain for a week or something?

A devilish grin flashes across her face as she begins to help you with the dishes.

"Aha. You're sharp for a human. Thought I'd catch you out, there."

... Thanks?

"Of course. From today until next Friday, not a single drop of cum is to leave your balls, honey. And believe me, I'll know if it does. I'll be keeping an eye on you, so don't even think about cranking one out in secret," the Succubus explains, narrowing her eyes as she dries off a mug.

Seems straightforward enough.

"Of course, I will also be participating. If we're both pent up and horny come next Friday, then I'm sure things will be more... interesting," she added, her voice taking on a sinister edge.

Is it too late to back out of this little challenge?

"Yup! I'm rooting for you honey!" pipes the purple demon.

She gives you a quick peck on the cheek before skipping off for the stairs, fixing to begin her day off in earnest.

You take a deep breath as you drain the sink. A week of complete and total abstinence.

Shouldn't be too hard.


You should have known that little minx was going to make this as difficult as possible for you.

The first couple of days were easy. You carried on with your duties as normal, assisting your charges when needed and doing whatever paperwork the EHI required of you. Before you'd go to bed, you'd feel a slight ache of need in your loins, but after reading, watching a movie or playing a quick game on your phone, it would abate.

It was halfway through the week when you noticed things seeming a little off. Muu and Bessa were clinging closer to you, while Casey was slipping more and more subtle flirts into the things she said to you. Eari and Yyvnn stared at you hungrily as you passed them in the hallway, and you even once caught Callyette in your room with her face buried firmly into a pair of your worn boxers.

Bit by bit, the girls began to grab your attention more and more.

Muu's soft, pliable body, Yyvnn's elegant legs, Casey's feisty winks, Bessa's outrageous bust, Callyette's smooth skim, Eari's striking physique... They plagued your thoughts, setting a fire in your loins that you struggled to put out through sheer will alone.

But Natasha.

Oh, Natasha.

She was the worst for it, because she knew exactly what she was doing.

How she let her shirt ride up when she stretched, how she left one too many buttons undone, how she pushed her ass against your crotch when you had to squeeze past her in the kitchen, how she 'accidentally' left the bathroom door open when she showered, how she left her undergarments in plain view from her bedroom door, how she looked at you, how she spoke, how she smelled...

God, it was unbearable. By Thursday night you were sleeping with a pillow clamped between your legs.

But finally, you did it. You survived until Friday morning.

You make breakfast with single-minded focus, staring into the pan as Muu bustles around beside you. The girls are all sitting at the table, talking and squabbling with one another as you plate up bacon, eggs and another omelette for Callyette. She really likes them now, despite admonishing their 'common' nature the previous week.

"Ooh, smells real good honey," Natasha comments from the head of the table, giving you bedroom eyes as you carry the food to the table.

You bite your tongue and give her a weak smile before sitting down for breakfast.

Minute by minute, the meal goes by, all the while you feel your heart pounding louder and louder. Natasha keeps glancing at you from across the table, flashing you subtle smiles and little winks whenever nobody else was watching. Before long - after a few arguments, mostly started by Callyette - the rest of your charges get ready for college and bid their farewells, with Yyvnn lightly patting your head on her way out.

The newly repaired front door slams shut, and you're left alone with your very first lodger. She gazes at you from across the freshly-cleared table.

"Well," she breathes huskily, sipping her coffee, "we made it, honey."

You swallow hard.

That you did.

"How are you feeling?"


"Mmhm. Honey, could I level with you for a moment?"

Raising an eyebrow, you give her a nod. Natasha grins like the she-demon she is and produces a small bottle of red pills from her blouse, setting them on the table.

"Know what these are?" she asks.

You remember reading about them as part of your EHI training. Special pheromone suppressants that demons are required to take while on Hell in order to stop the natural chemicals in their sweat from interfering with-

Oh, you sneaky bitch!

The Succubus bursts out into a fit of laughter.

"Can you blame me, honey?! Seeing your little desperate face every time we passed each other by was just such a treat!"

So not only were you dealing with her constant teasing, but her stimulating pheromones had been playing havoc with you the entire time. Great.


She bites her lip and stands up, leaning over the end of the table in order to give you a good look down her top.

"... this little 'test' of mine was a joke, honey. I was thinking you'd fail; I would have fucked you no matter the outcome."

You furrow your brow. Why is it that you always wind up at the receiving end of the Succubus' tricks?

So this entire week was a waste of time.

"Oh no, quite the opposite. Seeing you stick it out has honestly gotten me a little hot and bothered, honey~!" Natasha giggles.

Taking a deep breath, she looks you dead in the eyes.

"So. Do you, my dear Sweet Honey Pie-"

That's not your name.

"- care to take me, Natasha Elo Kerdal, as roughly or as gently as you please? To ravage and to caress, on top or on bottom, until the afterglow takes us both?"

You shut your eyes for a moment. Finally, after all this time, you've proven yourself to the Succubus.

You open your eyes, and you tell her yes.


She pounces on you.


As agile and as graceful as a cat, Natasha grips the edge of the table tightly and propels herself over it, wrapping her arms around your neck as she collides with you, bowling the pair of you to the floor. Shocked by the sudden impact, your mouth slips open, granting the Lust demon an opportunity to attack.

Her soft, luscious curves press against you as she kisses you, softly at first. Starting gently, the Succubus gradually intensifies her ministrations, interweaving her tongue with yours before long. You're like putty in her hands; there's something about her that just causes you to melt. The taste of her tongue, the softness of her lips, the soft moans that escape her throat... Everything about Natasha is enough to leave you dazed and aroused, and by the time she breaks the kiss, you're so hard that you can scarcely breathe.

With one of her coy smiles, the Succubus sits back, pressing your strained erection into the valley of her backside.

"Met me upstairs, honey. But first, would you be a doll and close all the blinds? Don't want anyone peeking in while we have our fun, now do we?" she says, planting another kiss on your forehead.

You just lie there and nod limply, too taken aback to react any other way. Natasha disembarks you and heads up the stairs, leaving you to slowly stumble to your feet and waddle over to the windows with a sizable tent in your pants.

On the one hand, you feel a little ashamed of yourself for falling so easily for another one of the Succubus' tricks, but on the other... you're almost far too pent up to care. Despite all the sexual encounters you've had since joining up with the EHI, you find yourself feeling rather antsy as you set about closing off the house from the outside world.

So many of your romps in the hay were unplanned; it's almost strange to walk into one that's prearranged.

Once your task is complete, you make your way upstairs, stopping only to give yourself a quick once-over in the bathroom. Toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, just in case. Finally, you enter Natasha's bedroom.

"You ready, honey?"


Oh wow.

Natasha, she's... breathtaking. In the time you've taken to shut all the blinds and freshen up, the Succubus changed out of her clothes and into a set of lacy black lingerie. Her brassiere accentuates her impressive bust more than it conceals it, and her panties resemble a crisscross of black threads woven into the shape of a fittingly demonic pentagram. She even tied a cute little black bow just beneath the spade of her tail, topping off the entire look.

She has to clear her throat to get your attention.

"Well...?" Natasha asks, slowly inclining her head.

You swallow hard as you stare at the demonic tattoo on the side of her neck. You had seen it so many times before, and yet now...

"Hello? Hell to honey, come in!"

Nearly choking on your own spit, you blurt out a shaky compliment, causing her to laugh softly. Her chest jiggles as she giggles.

"Aw, aren't you sweet? But come on; let's not kid ourselves. We're not here to act like two kids on their first date, right?" she says in a teasing tone.

No, of course. It's just... you're not really sure how to go about this. Natasha was the first demon you ever met. She's always joked about having sex with you, but now that fated moment has finally arrived, you find yourself rooted to the spot, blinded by her confidence, her physique and her sheer erotic charm.

She notices that you appear overwhelmed and stands up, hips swaying as she saunters over to you.

"Don't worry, honey. Doing a Succubus is like riding a bicycle."

You... never forget?

"Well this is certainly gonna be unforgettable, but that's not what I meant. I mean you just gotta hold onto the handlebars and enjoy the ride~"


Rather than answer you, Natasha takes both of your hands and raises them to her head, urging you to wrap your fingers around both of her horns. They're surprisingly warm to the touch, and as you come to this conclusion, the Succubus gets down on her knees and begins to fiddle with your waistband.

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"Let's take a look at the beast that tamed every other girl in this house, huh?" she remarks with a grin, pulling your drawers down before you can even stammer a response.

With your boxers dropped to your ankles, Natasha recoils as your dick springs forth, narrowly avoiding her face. She stares for a few moments, before giggling excitedly. Her every breath tickles your head, and you're already leaking when she grabs your shaft.

"Talk about a weapon of mass destruction, honey! That thing nearly took my eye out!" the Succubus jokes, giving your cock a playful pump.

You're unable to reply, crippled as you are by the pleasure shooting through you. She notices this, and her smile quickly changes, becoming much more sexual in nature. Natasha bites her lip and brings her face closer, urging you to hold on tight to her horns.

"Ready, honey~?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

As you'll ever be.

She purses her lips and allows you to slowly guide your dick into her mouth. Her lips are soft and plush, her mouth is warm, and before you can even get to grips with what you're feeling, the Succubus' dexterous tongue coils around your cock and pulls you right in. She takes you right to the hilt, knocking the wind right from your lungs. You tighten your grip on the demon's horns and attempt to pull back out, but she quickly wraps her arms around your waist and eagerly dives forward, swallowing it with astonishing ease.

Natasha's throat is... Well... Ironically enough, it feels like heaven. Hot, wet and tight. By now you're no stranger to some fell fellatio at the hands of a demon, but while Muu showed enthusiasm and Casey was aggressive in her pursuits, but Natasha has skill. A few seconds at her mercy, and she has you wobbling back and forth, struggling to stay upright. Every swirl of her tongue and twitch of her throat sends jolts of pleasure all through your lower body, and you judging by the look in her eyes, the Succubus knows it. A low giggle buzzes in her throat as she gazes up at you, saliva and pre-cum bubbling around the vacuum seal of her lips.

Before long - quicker than you can imagine, actually - you feel your orgasm bubble up from within you, but it's like Natasha is attuned to your body. She relents with her tongue and relaxes her throat as she releases your dick with a wet pop.

"Enjoying yourself, honey?" she asks, carefully circling the tip of your dick with her tongue.

You want to tell her that yes, you absolutely are. However, all you can really do is make a noise resembling a boiling kettle and slide down to the floor. Natasha laughs and kneels down by you, leaning in closes as she tenderly strokes your cock.

"Hm? I didn't quite catch that," the demoness purrs, clearly enjoying your whining.

Panting like a dog, you beg her to let you cum. This incites a laugh from Natasha, whereupon she leans in close and reveals the true depths of her cruelty.

"Not yet, honey."

She lets go, stands up, and walks off. Stunned by her abandonment, you can only cling to the last vestiges of pleasure as your burgeoning orgasm ebbs away, leaving you tense and agitated. You just flop onto your side in order to press your face into the cool floorboards, but a sharp whistle suddenly draws your attention.

"Gonna just lie there? Or are you gonna come unwrap your present~?" Natasha's melodic voice calls from across the room.

You sit up and look around to find the Succubus lounging atop a pile of pillows on her bed. She's lying on her back; her wings spread as wide as her legs, and her eyes burning with lustful desire. As you stand up and approach, you notice that her underwear is dangling off one of her legs, and her tail is coyly covering her crotch.

"Don't keep me waiting~"

By now, you don't even need instruction. With an excited smile, you reach for her tail, and after gently caressing the heart-shaped spade - a gesture that sends shivers down her spine - you carefully unwrap the ribbon tied around it. The fabric falls away, Natasha removes her tail, and you're left facing her neatly shaven, tattoo-framed pussy.

You forget your own needs for a moment. Taking a deep breath of the pheromone-soaked air, you briefly thank fate for the meal presented to you and lean in close. The Succubus' legs close around your head; she has you right where she wants you, and you like it.

Keeping your eagerness fettered, you begin to lick her sex. Slowly. Carefully. Tenderly. Just as she taught you. Natasha's flavour spreads across your tongue like a fine liquor, intoxicating you as such and leaving you desperate to just dive in and-

No. Patience. You had to think of her, too.

"Ooh~... You've gotten better at this..." the Succubus sighs, reaching down to run a hand through your hair.

Spurred on by her praise, you begin to alternate your movements; licking her pussy wholesale before focusing on her clitoris. You can't help but smile upon hearing her suppress a surprised squeal as you plant a kiss upon the sensitive bud.

"S- Sweet hellfire, honey...!" she gasps, clamping her legs tighter around your head.

You focus as hard as you can, blocking out everything else that doesn't pertain to the task at hand. Sex, sweat, saliva; your olfactory senses are overloaded, and you've never felt better. Natasha gives up on trying to maintain her modesty. She pulls her hands away from your head and clutches the sheets, moaning luridly as she guides your head with her hips.

"Oh fuck...!"

Your ministrations - honed by your newfound experience - are clearly getting to her, edging Natasha all the closer to orgasm. Nibbling between licks, you feel her tail suddenly coil around one of your arms, quivering with delight. She's close. Very close. Just a little more and-!

"Okay, okay, that's enough! That's enough, honey!" Natasha suddenly cries, pushing your head away.

For a brief moment, you're concerned that you've done enough, but one look in Natasha's eyes is enough to set your mind at ease. She's gasping for breath, staring right at you in the same way a cat stares at its prey. Her nethers are completely soaked, and as she rises to her feet, you notice that she stumbles a little, flapping her wings in order to steady her balance.

"You... You are something else, honey, really. Almost seems to shame to cut it off there, but..."

She looks back at you. Her gaze is enough to bring you back to full hardness.

"... I think it's about time for the main event, don't you?"

You've never nodded so hard in your life.

Giving you that confident smile that you've grown to love, Natasha pushes you down onto the bed where you dutifully lie, watching as the Succubus stretches languidly. Seeing her body move so fluidly... She's teasing not only you, but herself as well, as you can see the excitement in her eyes as she reaches behind her back and expertly undoes her top. It's almost a shame to see such a fine garment get cast aside, but that thought is quickly wiped from your mind when you lay eyes upon Natasha's breasts.

It's strange; you've seen her bare chest before, and yet the sight still takes your breath away. They're beautiful to say the least, leaving you speechless as Natasha sensuously plays with them, kneading and massaging them as she draws closer to you. You're so entranced by watching her boobs squeeze between her fingers that you barely notice when she straddles you.

"Go on, honey," the demoness purrs, "they're all yours."

You lack the words to describe the emotions that run through you when you touch Natasha's breasts. They're wonderfully soft, but with just enough give. Warm and smooth, supple and... fuck. They're amazing, you know that much. You find yourself just carefully caressing them; not out of lust, but awe. Holding them in your palm one moment, you'd trace your fingers around her areolas before gently running your thumbs across her nipples. You can feel her heartbeat, just as fast and excited as yours.

Natasha laughs.

"You can suck them if you want," she suggests with a cheeky smile on her face.

May you?

"Oh, I insist."

You gently kiss one of her nipples, eliciting a giggle from the Succubus. A giggle that draws out into a low moan as you begin to lick, suckle, and nibble at it. As you alternate from one breast to the other, Natasha runs her fingers through your hair, smiling dreamily as she grinds her sopping-wet crotch against yours. In that moment, you feel intense connection with her. Her heartbeat, her scent, her taste... Your every sense is filled with her, and she attends to you with love and tender grace.

"I've lived a life of debauchery," the Succubus murmurs, panting with every flick of your tongue, "like any good Succubus girl, I suppose. But you, honey? You're something else. Something new, something exciting. I've been waiting for this for a long, long time."

She pulls your head away and gazes deep into your eyes, her own alight with intense need.

"Sorry to test you like that, but I wanted to see just how good you were. Guess I can put those worries to rest now, huh?"

You remember what she said when you first met her, about how she wanted her first time with a human to be special. But now that you were holding her, you begin to wonder... was Natasha looking for more than a fun experience?

You ask her that, and she answers with a bashful laugh.

"Hah, maybe. Love's a funny thing, honey; you never really know what you want until it's right in front of you."

A smile crosses your face, but your heart twinges as you think of all the other encounters you've had. She notices this and gives you a smile.

"And before you worry, don't. I'm not a jealous girl; quite the opposite, actually. I like to share my toys," Natasha tells you with a wink.

Your cheeks burn.

"More fun that way, don't you think?"

You... can't exactly deny that, you suppose.

"Of course! The more the merrier! That being said, though..."

Reaching down, she grabs the shaft of your cock and angles it towards her pussy. Your breath catches.

"... today is all about us. Just you and me, honey."

Her eyes flash lustily.

"Shall we?"

You shall indeed.

She lowers herself down as you lift your hips up. The moment the tip of your dick presses against the entrance of her vagina, you almost explode. The heat is enough to send your mind reeling, and you inch deeper into Natasha, you're forced to give a low moan. As vocal as you are, it's nothing compared to the ecstatic cry coming from the Succubus' throat. You can feel her vaginal walls squeeze you from all sides; it's taking everything you have to keep focused, and you're not even all the way in yet.

"F- Fuck me... That's a good sign...." Natasha breathes, planting a hand against your chest in order to steady herself.

If she is feeling even half as good as you do right now...

She gives you a nod as she carefully lowers herself all the way to the base, drawing a low groan from your throat. Natasha herself just sits there for a moment, her eyelids fluttering as she takes it all in. Silence passes between you both, as though the entire world had stopped to savour the moment.

"Heh... look at us, honey. Joined at the hips," the Succubus jokes, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

You grin and roll your hips.

"F- Fuck!" she cries, steadying herself against the headboard, "Steady on, eager beaver!"

Oh, you're just raring to go. After weeks of putting up with Natasha's constant teasing, flirtations and lurid comments, you can't wait to see her put her money where her mouth is.

Her eyes flash dangerously.

"Is that a fact?"


"Heh... Then let's get going shall we?"

Before you can make with a snarky reply, the Succubus lifts her hips and slams them back down. The silky confines of her insides combined with the sudden movement knock the wind from your lungs, turning your words into an unintelligible moan as your mind is likewise turned to mush. With a breathless laugh, Natasha whispers into your ear.

"We've talked enough, honey. Let's just fuck already."

She starts off slow, but by no means gently. Every time you feel Natasha's ass slap against your waist, you feel as though your entire body has been electrocuted in the most wonderful way possible. You don't know what it is; how she feels, how she smells, how assertively she spears herself upon you again and again... All you know is that it is taking every last tiny shred of willpower you have to keep it together. She's smiling down at you as she rides you relentlessly, caring not for how loud her moans are. As she ups the pace, she traces shapes across your skin, leaving electric tingles in her wake.

"Is this how Yyvnn took you, honey~? Gotta say I can't fault her taste~!" the Succubus moans breathlessly, grinning as she bounces up and down atop you.

It takes you a moment to answer her, entranced as you are by her lewdly bouncing breasts and ecstatic grin. Too busy bucking your hips to answer, all you can do is nod.

"Of course. Let me guess, she followed it up with..."

The Succubus leans forward. She squishes her prodigious chest against yours, her hips never once letting up their ceaseless rhythm. Your noses almost touch, and with a giggle, she nuzzles your face.

"I could just eat you up, honey. In fact, I think I just might...!"

She opens her mouth and bites your neck. Your eyes snap wide open, your arms lock around her back, and you completely lose control. The pain from her lovebite mixes with the pleasure, sending shocks down your spine. Hilting yourself deep inside Natasha, you cum hard, crying out as her teeth dig deeper into your neck. Even as you ejaculate, the Succubus doesn't let up; she milks you for everything you've got, until your vision goes white and you almost forget to breathe.

For a moment, you briefly pass out as a week's worth of tension floods out of your body. You only come to when you feel Natasha tense up, shudder, and suddenly go limp, lying flat against you as she pants for breath.

"I... I think that was worth the wait, don't you...?" she gasps, giving your neck an affectionate kiss.

You begin to nod in agreement, only to be struck by the strange sensation.

You're not done.


You're not done.

"Oh, is that so~?" the Succubus purrs, looking deep into your eyes.

Yeah. And you get the feeling that she's not done either.

"You know me well, then. C'mon; let's swap over."

Her tail coils around your leg. Skillfully - with you still lodged quite firmly within her - Natasha flips the pair of you over in a surprising display of strength and dexterity. Alarmed, you place your hands either side of her head and pull back.

There she lies, just beneath you. A beautiful, demonic, goddess of Lust. She beams up at you, her wings spread out upon the bed and her arms hanging around your neck. Her tail sensuously strokes your legs as you take a moment to marvel at her.


You've known her the longest. She was the first to greet you in this job. A job that you got by pure accident. But whatever it was - be it some clerical error in the ETI or meddling on behalf of the mysterious man who slipped you that contract - you don't care. You've never been happier to be the manager of this little boarding house, because otherwise you never would have met the girls.

And you never would have met her, either.

"Well? Aren't you gonna-?"

You kiss her. You barely even know why; you just go for it. Her eyes go wide, but she soon melts into your mouth, her tongue dancing with yours as your dick stiffens inside of her. One hand grasps your hair tight as the other reaches down to graze your backside, urging you to start thrusting.

You can only oblige.

As you begin to pump your hips in time to Natasha's encouraging grasps, you feel the tingles of pleasure return tenfold. You thought you'd be tired and sore after such a frantic roll in the hay, but if anything, you feel yourself getting even more into it. Natasha's tongue tastes sweet and sensual, and her pussy eagerly sucks your dick back in with every thrust. Of all your encounters, you've never quite felt as good as this.

You weren't having sex anymore.

You were making love.

At one point, Natasha lifts her legs and locks them around your waist, using them to guide your hips and freeing up her arms to cling to your back. You wrap your arms around her in kind and tuck your face into her shoulder, filling your senses with the sweet smell of her hair. At this moment in time, she's your entire world. You just want to hold her close and pleasure her in every way you can imagine.

She tenses up. Her grip tightens. You can feel her twitching as she gasps your name in your ear, over and over again. You pick up the pace, thrusting with single-minded determination as Natasha reaches the peak of her orgasm.

As she cums, you do to. Her fingernails dig deep into her back as you hug her as tightly as humanly possible.

The pair of you linger there, locked in sexual limbo as the initial rush slowly gives way to a warm afterglow. With a deep sigh, you roll off Natasha and lie next to her, allowing the cool air to wash over you both. Your faces are slicked with saliva, you're both drenched in sweat, and the evidence of your fierce lovemaking is slowly leaking from between the Succubus' legs and staining her bedsheets.

Natasha speaks first, her voice quivering slightly.

"I'm not done."

A small smile forms upon your face, because you know that you're not done either.

"Show me, honey."

Show her what?

"Show me how you loved them. Each and every one of them. We have the whole day. Please..."

She turns to face you as she grabs your hand. Her eyes are wide and dilated.

"... I want this. With you," the Succubus breathes.

You take a deep breath and prepare yourself.


The minutes bleed into hours as you and Natasha meticulously spend your day staining every inch of the boarding house with the evidence of passionate intercourse. Rationality has completely left you, and you're loving every second of it.

She pushes you down onto the living room couch and sucks your dick, taking her time to lick and savour it all just as Muu did. Even when you grab her horns and unload down her throat, she keeps going, coaxing ejaculation after ejaculation. A part of you wonders just how the Hell you're still conscious; something about Natasha is pushing you beyond your mortal limits.

You bring her up into your bedroom, where she eagerly plants your cock in her ass. She's hot and tight, and as you almost break your bed as you fuck her, you notice Natasha covering her mouth, as if she were challenging herself to keep her moans suppressed. You make a joke that she's never going to beat Yyvnn when it came to keeping her composure, and she wrings another few loads out of you for your insolence.

When the sun reaches its peak, the Succubus drags you out into the sunny garden, pouncing upon you before you can ask any questions. Outside, she lets her inner sadist loose; pinning you to the ground as she chokes, bites and scratches you. You're reminded of Casey's hidden side as you submit to her ministrations, shivering in delight as she leaves marks of her love upon your skin, but never goes hard enough to hurt you. It's only after you cum that you begin to worry about being seen. Or tearing up the grass.

Feeling a wave of midday-fatigue, the two of you stumble back into the kitchen and you make yourselves two cups of coffee. But it doesn't take long for Natasha to get that look on her face; the crooked eyebrow and sidelong grin that tells you that she's thought of something. She seats you upon her lap and guides your mouth to her breasts, urging you to suckle as she tenderly strokes your dick. The Succubus whispers reassurances to you, mimicking Bessa's inflections, and you can't help but ejaculate into her hand. You can only return the favour by fucking her once more on the couch, leaving your forgotten coffees to go cold.

Drenched in sweat and bodily fluids, Natasha posits the idea of sharing a quick shower in order to refresh yourselves, and you can only jump at the opportunity. Once you see her perfect body lathered in slick, soapy suds, however, you can't hold yourself back. She knows this, and lets you bend her over the bathtub, splashing water everywhere. She keeps trying to make a quip about Callyette electrifying the water, but she can only gasp and moan as you take her from behind.

You both stagger back downstairs after making a mess of the bathroom and survey the chaos of the boarding house. You look at each other. You smile. And like some hidden switch had been flipped, you and Natasha leap at each other like animals, scrabbling and clawing at each other on the floors as you begin to rut like animals. Slightly delirious and beyond the point of using words, you engage in a steamy competition for dominance. You'd make her whimper beneath you one moment, she'd ride you like a rodeo bull the next; your sexual scuffle tracks all over the house, though thankfully you don't cause nearly as much damage as Eari did.

At the crux of it all - when your skin is aflame and your heart feels fit to burst - you kiss the Succubus again, look her in the eyes, and tell her just how you feel about her.

After that... well... it's all a bit of a blur.


When you open your eyes again, you find yourself lounging on the couch. There's a crick in your neck, the TV is playing some trashy daytime nonsense, and the living room is in complete disarray. When you adjust yourself into a more comfortable position, you hear a slight murmur of protest from your crotch.

Natasha is taking up most of the couch, her head resting comfortably between your legs. The Succubus has your semi-erect penis in her mouth, and seems to be fast asleep. A little alarmed, you look down to find two of your fingers nestled snugly in her pussy.

Did... you both fall asleep? In the middle of getting each other off?

Jesus Christ.

Carefully you extricate your digits from her nethers and pull your dick away from her face, doing your best not to wake the slumbering demon. You place a cushion beneath her head and cover her with a blanket; you both wore yourselves out pretty hard, and she could do with some rest.

You, on the other hand, feel like Hell, worse even than your morning after Eari. You've got hickeys and teethmarks all over your body, and every joint and extremity hurts when you move. Murmuring to yourself, you stumble into the kitchen and grab yourself a glass of water to quench your parched throat.

"Mm, well aren't you a gentleman?" purrs that sultry voice from the living room, coaxing a smile from you.

Grinning, you look over to find that Natasha had woken up. She has wrapped the blanket around her shoulders like a cloak.

You do your best.

"Oh, I know you do," she laughs, standing up.

You leave the kitchen and she meets you in the front hall. The Succubus threads her fingers through yours and gazes deep into your eyes. Her own are bright and excited.

"Are you done yet, honey?" Natasha asks you with a smile.

For now.

"Heh, me too."

Her eyes flit over to the front door.

"... Though I imagine they'd have a few things to say about that" she adds.

Your heart nearly stops as your blood seems to freeze in your veins. Slowly, you turn to look at the boarding house entrance.

They're all there; frozen in the doorway. Eari - dressed in a t-shirt saying VARSITY CO-ED WRESTLING - is shaking with rage as smoke coils from her mouth. Muu and Bessa both look confused. Callyette is holding an aghast hand to her forehead. Yyvnn is just staring at you with cold, emotionless eyes.

Casey is the first one to move, pushing past her housemates as she surveys the chaos left in the wake of you and Natasha's lustful rampage.

"So..." she begins, slowly walking around you both.

The Imp stops right in front of you. She glances at the Succubus before she plants her hands upon her hips.

"Someone's got some fuckin' explainin' to do."

Written by AnotherChain
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