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Work With Perks

"Striking an unexpectedly satisfying deal with a work associate"

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Author's Notes

"My recollection of a night from my past. No real names, of course. It was an unexpected but intensely satisfying night that led to more of the same - to be posted as separate stories if anyone is interested to read!"

A few years ago I had a job which came with lots of invitations to swanky dinners and parties. I was expected to go and network on behalf of our company and I was usually happy to have the night out, the great food, wine and on a good night, interesting company. 

One December I arrived at yet another work-related Christmas party, my seventh in two weeks when I was really just craving a night at home. As usual I’d come to the party alone, so I took a glass of champagne and looked for an approachable group of people. I joined a small group where a guy seemed to be in the middle of a funny story. He was attractive; tall, slim, with dark blonde hair. What really stood out though was how he’d engaged everyone, he had their complete attention. His face was animated, his blue eyes expressive and he had a smile and laugh that you couldn’t help responding to. 

There was also something about his voice which seemed really familiar, though I was sure I’d never met him before. When his story finished, the woman to my side introduced herself which gave me the chance to do the same in return. Hearing my name I could see a flicker of recognition from the storyteller who declared we actually knew each other through work - turned out, we’d never met in person but we’d spoken regularly on the phone. 

I’d been speaking to J, as I’ll call him, for months on a pretty regular basis and our conversations had become increasingly friendly (but always work-appropriate). He had a smooth, rich voice, and I’d sometimes fantasised about the person it belonged to. Realising I was meeting him in the flesh for the first time, I felt flushed, like I’d been caught out daydreaming, but we soon fell into the same friendly banter we enjoyed on the phone. I’m not an over-confident person but felt he might be flirting a little, though told myself it was probably just his personality, combined with the free-flowing champagne. 

Soon enough everyone was called to sit for dinner and we found ourselves sat next to each other. I was relieved, I’d never met the person on my left and I’d rather not have to make small talk with two strangers through four courses, speeches and a bunch of awards being given out. By the end of the starter, the person to my left was deep in conversation with his other neighbour. Any talk with J about work had given way to general chat and by this point I knew he was flirting. Though I was single, I had no idea if he was and knew it might not mean anything, some people being flirts by nature. I was still pretty sober, always being careful not to drink too much at events where I was technically working, but I was enjoying his attention after several months of being single.

Just as I decided to stop trying to work J out and relax, he asked if I was in a relationship. 

I said no, and he quickly responded, “Me, either.”

I couldn’t stop the image of him fucking me that abruptly flashed through my mind. Surprised at my thoughts and sure I must be blushing like crazy, I excused myself to the ladies' to try and calm down. But even reapplying my lipstick made me imagine being on my knees, unzipping him and taking out his hard cock, leaving some lipstick on his shaft as I took him into my mouth. I imagined him still fully dressed, immaculate in his suit, looking down at me as I worked him over. When I got it together enough to return to the table he stood to pull out my chair, softly grazing his hands down my bare arms. To anyone else it would have looked innocent, but given the thoughts I’d been having moments before, it was like an electric shock. From his quick glance at me, I’m sure he felt it too. 

From that point, through dinner, we talked almost entirely to each other. The conversation flowed easily, J was great company, and I found myself increasingly attracted to him. Every other minute there was some kind of physical touch - his leg would brush mine under the table, he’d touch my arm while telling a funny story, or lean in close so I could hear him over the noise of the room. Despite feeling a bit tipsy by this point, I kept reminding myself he was a work associate and off limits. Then, while coffee was served and people were wandering the room, someone came over to say hi to J. He stood to chat, and I heard them talk about his move the next month to a new role at a different company. 

When J sat down I said I’d not realised he was moving on. 

“Yes," he said, “It’s a shame we’ll not be working together any more.” 

His eyes caught mine and it was clear we both knew there was now a green light for the flirting to go somewhere. Dull speeches and awards came next but I was distracted by his touches, which though discreet, had stepped up a gear. Under the table his hand rested on my leg, stroking constant circles over the fabric of my floor-length dress. The simple but repetitive touch was making me hot, and I then realised that as he was stroking he was hitching my dress up my legs. He looked at me as his hand finally met the skin of my right thigh, as if he was looking for permission. I was too scared of letting out a moan to do anything but nod. 

His hand stroked the outside of my thigh at first, then edged inwards until he was softly stroking my sensitive inner thigh. Despite the crowded room I knew no-one could see him under the tablecloth, and I moved my chair slightly to allow him to move higher. He was so close to my panties at this point, his touch still light and teasing, and I was becoming increasingly wet. We were both looking straight ahead at the stage but I could tell his breathing was getting heavier. 

His fingers lightly skimmed over the outside of my panties and he took a deep inhale, leaning over to whisper, "You’re burning up," and then added, as his fingers pressed harder, “and so smooth… and wet."

Just as his finger started to trace the edge of the lace of my panties and I was more than ready to feel him slip it inside and stroke me, the speeches came to an end and everyone began to stand. J subtly removed his hand and played the perfect gentleman, helping me to my feet and suggesting he’d meet me at the bar once he’d been to the gents'. Minutes later he found me at the bar and asked if I wanted to take a walk. The event was in a hotel, and I followed him down a corridor into a small, dark room that seemed to be used for storage or housekeeping. 

As soon as the door closed his hands grabbed my ass pulling me tight against him, one moving up to the back of my neck. At that point in my life, I’d had partners I thought were skilled but when our mouths met I realised he was about to blow them all out of the water. HIs lips were that perfect combination of soft and firm, his tongue tangling with and teasing mine in a way that immediately told me he must give amazing oral sex. It was the hottest kiss of my life and from how hard he was, he had no complaints. 

We stumbled around until I was pinned against a wall, balancing on one leg when he lifted the other round his hip, his hand pulling up my dress, skimming up my leg and groaning when he found my thong allowed him to grab the flesh of my ass. We were fully clothed but our bodies were moving against each other as if we were naked, his cock rubbing against me so perfectly I thought I might come right then. 

After his teasing I was desperate enough to beg him to fuck me right there. He was kissing my mouth, my neck and along the V at the front of my dress, as I moved a hand down to slip inside his trousers. His cock was literally pulsing and as I wrapped my hand round his substantial girth, I got wetter and wetter, thinking how much I wanted to feel it inside me.

I started to unzip his trousers when J pulled back suddenly and I wondered what I’d done wrong. 

"Not here," he said. "I want somewhere we can do this properly, and for hours.”

We quickly agreed to head to his place. The cab ride was agony, he did nothing more than stroke his fingers over my arm, but I was close to a breaking point. The moment his door closed behind us, we were at each other, hands everywhere, mouths locked, groaning loudly. Before I could think I was on my back on the stairs, him kneeling and bunching my dress to my waist. 

Even as he pulled my panties down and off with one hand, his tongue was swiping at my bare pussy; long slow licks, firm then featherlight, nibbling at my lips and then finally, sucking at my clit. Lying on the stairs, I had the perfect view of him between my legs and felt no shame locking eyes with this almost stranger as he ate me out. As he sucked and nibbled my clit, he put one, then two, then three fingers inside me and began to pump them slowly. 

I could hear just how wet I was, but there was no room for embarrassment when I heard him mutter, "So fucking hot and wet,” and saw him briefly reach down with his other hand to rub his cock over his trousers. 

My whole body was starting to tense up ready to come when he switched to spearing his rigid tongue into my pussy and groaning at the taste of me. Then his fingers were in me again; his mouth was biting and pulling at my clit, bringing me to an orgasm so powerful I almost levitated off those stairs. 

I was still floating in bliss and he was kissing me again. 

"I want you right here, you’re so tight and hot and wet and I can’t wait, is that okay?”

I groaned a 'yes', he quickly took a condom from his wallet whilst I unzipped his trousers and pushed them and his boxers down. Within seconds the condom was on and he was inside me. I was so incredibly wet that my pussy took his thick girth right to the hilt in one slick thrust, and his groan made me even wetter if that was possible. He began to move, my wetness and recent orgasm letting him slide easily despite how tightly I was clenching around his shaft. We were kissing between our moans, his slow thrusts punctuated by him grinding against my clit making my sex cling to him even tighter. 

His breath got ragged and his thrusts faster and harder. He lifted one of my legs from around his hips so it was hooked over his shoulder, the angle on the stairs meaning he was hitting deep inside me and rubbing perfectly against my clit with every thrust. My orgasm hit like a truck and my pussy clamped down on his cock so hard that he reared up, one arm holding him up and the other holding my leg high in the air as he slammed my pussy twice more and groaned loud as he came, his cock twitching as he spilt his heavy load of cum into the condom. 

He collapsed onto me, as we both exhaled “fuck" at how insane that had been. It could’ve been awkward, but he kissed me and we laughed about the fact that we were still dressed and barely a couple of steps inside his house. He was still inside me and I was starting to get pretty uncomfortable on the hard stairs when he pulled out and stood, pulling up his trousers.

"I hope you’re staying,” he said. "I mean I can get you a cab if you want, but if it’s up to me we're not finished."

I was hungry for more and not planning to go anywhere. He held out his hand and we went upstairs, where he disposed of the condom and left me to use the bathroom whilst he went to fetch us some water. We were both still in our evening wear and barely knew each other, but it felt right to be there. He came back to the bedroom as I stood looking at a picture on his wall. He moved behind me, sweeping my hair over my shoulder and kissing down my neck, his teeth scraping and sending shivers through me. His fingers tugged the top of the zip of my dress. 

“Can I?” he asked. 

I nodded, and he lowered the zip then slid the dress off my shoulders. Still behind me, he kissed down my spine, bending to nip at my ass (my panties still in the hallway downstairs somewhere) as his hand skimmed the sides of my body. 

J stood, back straight, unfastened my bra and dropped it to the floor. His arms came round me and his hands cupped my breasts. He didn’t seem to care about their fairly small size as he fondled them and teased my nipples, pulling at them and pinching hard. I flattened my hands against the wall arching my back towards him, sticking out my ass, wanting more. One of his hands slid down my stomach and cupped my pussy, not applying any pressure, just holding me there, then one finger lightly slipping between the swollen, wet, lips. 

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"You get so wet," he whispered in my ear. "I love that."

I’ve always had a healthy sexual appetite but I’d never felt as turned on as he was making me that night. I couldn’t believe how much and how quickly I wanted him again. 

I rubbed my ass against his trousers and felt his hard cock tapping in response, so turned my head to kiss him and said, "And you’re hard.”

J grinned and replied, “You’re wet, I’m hard… what to do now...”

I turned round, my back to the wall, and kissed him again quickly before saying “well, first off you’re way too dressed”. 

I kissed him slowly, biting and licking his lip while I unbuttoned and removed his shirt. My hands moved to his belt buckle, undoing it then sinking to my knees to remove his trousers and boxers, him kicking them away from his now bare feet. I was eye-level with his cock, finally seeing it up close for the first time. After already experiencing how amazing it felt in my sex, I wanted to know how it would feel in my mouth. He was maybe just under eight inches hard, smooth and straight, with that impressive girth that had felt so good stretching me.

I ran my fingers up his legs, teasing him with touches as he’d teased me at dinner, whilst lightly blowing over the head of his cock and watching it bounce in response. With one hand I cupped and gently stroked his balls, and the other took a firm grip of his shaft whilst my tongue tentatively licked his tip, enjoying the little pre-cum already leaking. As soon as my tongue touched him, J groaned and threw his head back, pushing his hands against the wall like I had a minute before. After lapping around the head and flicking my tongue over that sensitive ridge, I took pity on him and slowly eased him into my mouth, just the head at first whilst my hand worked his shaft. 

I worked more and more of his smooth, hard length into my mouth, licking and sucking, then taking him out entirely and running my tongue from balls to head, flicking that hard ridge. The mix of strokes, licks and sucks, along with the lightest scrapes of my teeth and one hand pulling and squeezing his sack, seemed to be getting him harder and harder and groaning more and more. Finally I took him as deep as I could, my head moving faster, sucking and licking and hollowing my cheeks to suck harder as he watched me with his jaw clenched hard. One of his hands came to hold the back of my head as he thrust faster into my mouth. 

Sucking him was turning me on so much that I moved a hand down to touch myself for some relief and found the arousal literally dripping out of me. The sight of me starting to rub my clit and moaning around his cock seemed to make him lose control. 

I was expecting to feel a hot burst of his cum in my mouth any moment when he suddenly pulled out and grunted, "No, not yet, want to come inside you.”

He quickly grabbed a condom from a bedside table, sheathed himself then turned me to bend over the bed, checking, "Okay?”

"Fuck, yes," is all I was capable of replying.

J thrust hard and fast, straight into my soaking pussy, taking my breath away. I pushed my arms into the mattress and moved my body back against his cock whilst his hands gripped my hips and he fucked me so hard I struggled to stay standing. He was pumping into me fast and frantically, my ass bouncing with each impact, then pulled me up and grabbed my arms by the elbows so he could pound even harder. 

The noises were so erotic, our moans, his cock being sucked into my squelching wet pussy, his balls slapping against my ass. I could feel I was going to come soon, but he suddenly pulled out and lifted me onto the bed, lying down and telling me to ride him. I slammed down onto his cock, reaching over him to grab the headboard to help me bounce. 

Even though I was desperate to come I didn’t want it to be over too soon, so I slowed the pace, sinking down until he was fully sheathed and then tightening my pussy round him in waves as I slowly pulled back up, until I was clenching just his head inside me. His hands were on my hips and he tried to pull me down and thrust himself upwards but surrendered when he realised that every time I'd move out of reach. I was enjoying the control, watching his jaw clench with the effort of trying not to come yet, seeing him watch the juices flowing out of me and down his cock. 

After as much teasing as I could take, I was hungry to orgasm, so lent down to kiss him and whispered my request in his ear, “Take control. Fuck me.”

His cock slipped out of me as he flipped me onto my back in a flash, grabbing my legs and pulling them wide, my hips tipped up and him on his knees. It was the perfect angle for him to slide back in hard and deep, him in the driving seat now as I could only shallowly move my hips. J held my legs by the ankles, stretching them as wide as they could spread, leaning forward and pounding so hard into me, I was sliding up the bed, my hands needing to push back against the headboard to stop me bashing into it. 

J watched intently as I reached down, my hand running along his thrusting slick cock, collecting some of my wetness to smear over my bullet hard nipples. I could sense he was barely hanging on, and he moved one leg to his shoulder so he could press his thumb to my clit, frantically rubbing, smearing more of my juices from his cock over my clit as lube. 

He was sweating now, his body taut, muttering ‘yes' on repeat as he panted and thrust. I could feel my orgasm building, the ripples of sensation moving through my limbs and strengthening as they gathered in my pussy. J leaned further forward, so I was practically doubled over, my legs over my own shoulders when he leaned down to kiss me as my orgasm hit. I came so hard I thought I’d push him out of me, my back arching off the bed, hands gripping his shoulders and nails scraping at his back. He let out an animalistic noise and I felt his cock dance madly inside me as it unleashed his cum, his body convulsing. 

Finally, he moved my legs down to wrap around him and collapsed onto me, flattening me to the bed, panting against my neck. We lay for a few minutes, kissing at shoulders and necks, brains scrambled, sweat cooling. Eventually he pulled out, discarding the condom which was impressively full given how much he’d come earlier. I moved to go and clean up but he pinned me down with one arm over my stomach. 

“Let me taste some of that first.”

He licked me gently, soothing my battered pussy, lapping up some of the juices smeared all over my lips and down to my ass, dipping his tongue inside my pussy to taste more. After a few more licks he let me up to stagger to the bathroom like Bambi, coming back to bed to crash out together, naked, him spooning me, one arm under my neck and his hand holding mine, strangely comfortable for two virtual strangers. 

I woke up in the morning in the same position, with him behind me. He seemed to still be asleep, but his cock was already hard and ready against my ass. Even though I could feel the soreness from our fucking the night before, his hard shaft tapping against my ass made me want him over again. I wriggled a little, grinning as J moaned in his sleep at my ass rubbing lightly over his cock. With my free arm I reached down to feel my pussy already getting wet. I ran a finger between my lips and started to gently rub my clit, when J’s arm reached over me and grabbed my wrist.

“So I wake up to find you doing my job, naughty girl,” he said.

He lifted my hand behind me to his lips making my pussy clench as he sucked my fingers clean, moaning around them at the taste. 

“I think you should let me prove this is my job,” he said before he released my wrist and ran his hand from my shoulder down my arm and down my thigh. 

His hand on my thigh moved between my legs, barely brushing over my lips before gliding down and lifting my leg at the knee, tucking it back over his so I was exposed. Cool air hit my pussy and it started to clench in anticipation as his hand moved back up my leg towards my hip. He began to tap lightly at my clit, enough to stimulate but not nearly enough to get me off. Whilst his thumb carried on tapping, his middle finger split apart my lips, running around my entrance and collecting the moisture gathering there to bring it back up to my clit. 

He carried on like this, everything becoming more sensitive as I became more aroused. My arm reached back to his ass to pull him against me, my hips were moving and desperately searching for his cock to fill me. I thought I’d get what I wanted when he reached to grab a condom, then moved so an inch of his cock slipped inside, but he stopped me moving to take him deeper. 

“Uh-huh,” he said, “You tortured me like this last night, my turn now.”.

J started making the smallest thrusts, no more than an inch or two. His thumb went back to barely skimming my clit and his fingers scissoring my lips tight round his cock to make the movement feel even more intense. He was sucking at the back of my neck and shoulder, all my nerves endings tingling now. It wasn’t enough though, and I was about to hit the limit of frustration when he suddenly shifted his hips and sank all the way inside me. His hand went back to my knee, holding my leg up so he could thrust deeper. 

I leant forward so I had leverage to push back against him, picking up speed, his balls swinging to slap up against me. He bit down on my earlobe, my sweet spot that made me gush over him, both our movements getting sloppier. I fell forward and he repositioned me face down on the bed, legs together. He ran the head of his cock along the seam of my ass, then down between my thighs along the outside of my pussy, thrusting through my lips without entering me. I raised my ass against him, wanting him to fill me again.

He slowly, slowly eased into me, leaning forward until he was lying flat against my back, shallowly pumping whilst he licked at my neck, our hands joined above my head, my tender clit rubbing against the bedsheets. It would be perfect slow morning sex but we were both too turned on to take it slow. He raised back up, lifting my hips until I was on my knees with my forearms and head on the mattress. He pulled out as if he was going to continue the slow pace but surprised me with a hard slam, his hands moving to my hips and starting to pump fast and hard. 

“Touch yourself,” was his next instruction. 

Balancing on one arm, I reached back and rubbed my clit hard, quickly feeling myself heading towards an orgasm. But I wanted something I’d not got the night before, I wanted him to come in my mouth. 

“Don’t come yet,” I panted. “When you’re nearly there, pull out and come in my mouth”. 

I took his strained, “Fuck,” as a yes and carried on stroking myself while he fucked me, no gentleness or teasing from either of us now just a rapid rush to come. Everything in my body seized and I exploded into the hardest orgasm yet. 

Through my orgasmic blur, I was aware of J pulling out and scrambling round in front of me, ripping off the condom. I quickly moved to my knees, rapidly licking his cock to wet it and taking him straight into my mouth as deep as I could. I was looking up at him stood over me, my hand cupping his balls and on his next thrust into my mouth I extended one finger back to stroke his perineum. That did it and he shouted out, his cum exploding so copiously into my mouth that I struggled to swallow fast enough. I held him in my mouth as he gradually softened, licking him clean as he eased out. He grinned as he watched my tongue nip out to lick up a bit of cum that had leaked onto my bottom lip.

That night was the hottest I’d had in my life to date. It was the combination of the strangely liberating experience of being with someone who was both familiar and yet a stranger, and undeniable chemistry and sexual compatibility. That job I mentioned he was moving to, that freed him up to no longer be a colleague but someone I could fuck? It was going to be on the other side of the world. But rather than get caught up in the fact a relationship couldn’t go anywhere, he and I decided to spend the month until he left, enjoying each other as much as we could. The sex got even hotter as we both played out some fantasies, but those are other stories….


Written by lucymills82
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