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"Cindy lost her horse out in the middle of nowhere, until she meets Merono."

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 Walking just under Lubbock, Cindy walked the sandy path in the middle of nowhere. The harsh sunlight practically poured down on her, causing sweat to pile up under her clothes during this trek. She wore a wide-brimmed hat, and albeit her hat served great shade for her face, Cindy still managed to sweat buckets. 

A stranger approached with nary a care, the soft metallic clinking of his spurs sounding with each step he took. He adjusted his hat to lower the rays of the sun getting into his eyes, his brown duster gently swaying in the soft breeze blowing across the area. Upon seeing the young blonde, he called out to her.

"I heard that someone 'ere is lookin' to play. That be you?"  

Cindy turned around to face the man approaching, Cindy raised a hand, flicking the flat panel of her hat upward. Her green eyes just watched him, and then, she reached around the back of her belt, resting a thumb on her pistol. 

"And you heard that from where?" Cindy's lips cracked a smirk, "I was just out 'ere findin' a buck to shoot." 

The stranger merely kept his gaze fixed on her, taking notice of the hand reaching behind her, to which he knew she had it on a weapon.

"You went an' left a notice on the bulletin in town," he reminded her, and then looked around at the clearly empty area, "It's also known that no bucks are in this area. This place only has hogs 'n' boars, so unless you're lookin' to get yourself were waiting on someone to 'rrive." 

Cindy scoffed, a grin widening along her lips from ear-to-ear in the process. 

"Whatever, punk! The only buck I need to shoot 'round 'ere is you, ain't it?" 

At that remark, Cindy pulled out her pistol in a heartbeat, aiming it directly at the man ahead. Cindy took a small step towards him, and then started to slowly circle, all whilst her eyes kept watch of him. Shoulder-length blonde locks gently danced with the breeze. 

"Hah! You think I need you out 'ere to help protect me from the boars? I heard they're a nice meal once caught! You think a girl like me can't handle the hunt?" 

Not showing any sign of fear, he merely chortled. 

"You think this is my first time getting a gun drawn on me? This situation doesn't bother me none...for reasons." 

His hand blurred down to his holster, his body whipping around on reflex, and launched a shot which missed her...but hit his actual target which was a charging boar that had been upwind of her. The bullet hitting it square between the eyes, causing the beast to drop and skid before stopping at her feet. Twirling his gun in his hand, he set it back into his holster. 

"Right, you handled yourself really good with that boar behind ya," he mocked.

Cindy glanced over her shoulder, finding the boar down behind her legs. It was a large, black, lean animal with small tusks curled at both sides of its snout. A long, drawn-out huff escaped her lips. Green eyes merely rolled in contempt. 

"Of course, I just like bein' belittled by men and told I can't handle any situation by myself," she stated in a groan, seconds before she averted her gaze over to him once more. 

Lips still smirked. While her arm was still drawn out, Cindy raised the pistol a little higher, soon shooting a bullet at his hat. Slipping her pistol back into the holster on her belt, Cindy drew closer to this man. 

"So, what do ya want, cowboy? You waitin' for a matin' call or somethin'? One reason to impress a girl is when you want to bed 'er," she assumed, quirking a blonde brow in the process. 

He didn't flinch when she let off a shot at his hat, which hit, but it only blew the hat off of his head. The man turned, picked up the hat and placed it back atop his noggin.

"Jus' wonderin' 'bout that bulletin you pinned up in town. If it's jus' a job you be needin' done, then I may help with that," he stated, his eyes gazing down at her green hues, "'Sides, not like you be needin' a man for courtin' see'n as how you can 'handle' yourself jus' fine," he teased, taking the moment to ruffle his duster. 

Cindy placed a hand onto his shoulder while she looked at his face. 

"I don't even know your name, buck. Seems like you know the Great Plains, huh? I took on a bunch o' bandits earlier on today, earned myself a rifle," she mentioned. 

Green orbs glanced him downward and then up, observing his outfit and toned, broad figure. Cindy herself was clad in a long-sleeved cropped shirt, along with a pair of denim shorts, and brown boots that covered her calves. The hat she wore was wide-brimmed, wide enough to block the harsh rays of the sun from hitting her face. 

"Today I lost my horse, she was shot when I was fightin' the bandits. So, I sent the nearest stranger to put up a note for me back at the saloon. Surprises me that trick even worked! I jus' need a ride home, that's all." 

He listened carefully to what she had to say, keeping quiet while she told her tale, though he started to pick at some spots in the tale itself. 

"That sounds like it would really stink like shit. Be'in stuck out in the middle 'o nowhere without a horse," he then looked her over, and then around, "Normally when someone goes against bandit's they have more than jus' a pistol on them. Also, you goin' against bandits just out of nowhere...sounds to me like ya were collectin' a bounty on one of 'em," He assumed, "I wonder how far these bandits be out from the nearest town?" 

"Just up passed Armarillo," she informed him of the bandit's location, but then placed a hand onto her hip, leaning into the palm, "I took care of 'em, so don't worry about that, buck. Those bandits are long gone now. But if ya offerin' to give me a ride home, I live in Irving," she stated, offering a wink, "You can call me Cindy. CIndy Silver Buckle is what Irving knows me as." She gave her name. 

"Irving, right."

Her hand patted his shoulder, seconds before she started to walk away from him. 

"How long have ya been cruisin' the lands for, huh? It'd probably take a day or two to reach Irving anyways, so we could always camp and cook the boar ya shot." 

The fact she didn't correct him about her being out there to collect a bounty pretty much summed it up for him in his mind. As Cindy started to walk away, his eyes couldn't help but travel down towards her perky rear which swayed from side to side with every step she took. With a mental preparation, he strode forward, pulling his bowie knife out of its holster, walking up to the boar and began to cape and quarter the beast. When he was done around twenty minutes later, he placed all the meat into a goodie bag, then headed for his horse. Climbing up into the saddle, he helped Cindy up onto the back of it.

"Th' names Merono. Just call me 'Rono, for short," he introduced himself finally. 

After a snap of the reins, the horse took off in the direction of Irving. The ride was calm, not too much hassle on the roads, dust kicking up as the golden pearl steed ran along the path. 

Cindy draped her arms around his torso while she sat behind him on the saddle. From here onward, passing places would include the Midlands, which was a few hours from Lubbock on a horse. 

"Merono, huh? Sounds Mexican," she quipped, "It's nice to meet ya, 'Rono. Sundown won't be far from now, so we should probably make camp before it gets dark, don't ya think? Hey, just thinkin' about our safety, and ya horse!" 

"I think it's Canadian. Ma always told me that my Grandaddy was from Canada, but moved down to Texas for work opportunities that didn't leave ya mauled by bears," he informed her.

Cindy leaned her head forward, tilting her head to one side in the process. Fortunately her wide-brimmed hat never blew off during the ride, but at times Cindy had to hold onto it to keep it in place. 

"So, Merono, have ya ever slept with a woman you didn't pay for?" Cindy questioned, tongue-in-cheek, "I won't judge!" 

He remembered the layout of the map he had studied before riding out his way, and pulled off the road into a thicket of trees that made for a decent, and protective grove. A small clearing sat by the water, which he came to a stop. 

"Whoa, whoa," he called out, the steed coming to a stop, "I think we'll make camp here." 

Merono dismounted from the horse, shortly before helping Cindy off. 

"As to answer your question from b'fore, I don't partake in pleasures of the flesh. 'Specially from some town floozy who has God knows what in diseases from her holes bein' poked everyday," he then turned his attention to the blonde, "Ya seem makin' an offering?" Merono asked with a sly smirk of his own. 

"What made ya think that, buck? I was only askin'. I guess men will always hear what they wanna hear," she teased. 

Being outside in the forest always had its perks, aside from any risks such as getting eaten alive during a nightly slumber or getting attacked by potential passing Indians that could have settled in this land before. But Cindy didn't think anyone even lived out in these woods. There were no houses around, not even sheds or huts. No stable in sight, either. Cindy picked up logs of wood along the way, finding an odd two or three laying around, having dropped from trees during past storms and windy days. Nearing a spot near the stream, Cindy dumped the logs into a neat pile. 

"Ya got a match on ya? I only carry 'em when I can afford the smokes," she mentioned, "I remember when the Sheriff back in Irving always advised folks to carry matches, but I never really listened to him." 

Merono went about getting the bag of meat as Cindy gathered wood for the fire, dumping them into a pile while he walked over, giving her a small tinder box of matches. 

"Try not to waste 'em, they'll be useful for later." 

Getting around to setting up a small grill stand to cook meat on, Merono worked like a professional. Once the fire was lit and roaring, Merono placed the stand around the fire, allowing it to heat up before taking two chunks of meat and placing them onto the grill, grabbing another bag containing salt, and sprinkling a bit over the slabs. The sizzling as the meat began to cook, along with the aroma rising from the fire.

"Other than murderin' bandits, what sort of life you lead back in Irving?" Merono questioned.

Cindy thought about what she could do for a living back in her hometown, Cindy held a great secret to what she usually did, but she wasn't just going to outright tell a stranger of what she did out in the canyon on a daily basis. 

"I'm a ranchhand back at home," she lied, handing over information of the job she quit years ago, "I milk the cows; castrate the bulls, herd the sheep - that kinda thing." 

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Cindy sat down on the ground in front of the dancing fire, sitting opposite Merono. The smirk still curled her rims, and her eyes still watched his every move. Her hands rested on the ground behind her as she rested, leaning back. 

"What about you, buck? Got a job where ya live?"

Merono listened carefully to what she said about her lifestyle, and what she did for a living. Though, the fact it took Cindy a few moments to even come back with an answer told him she was probably lying about the whole thing. Still, Merono figured it was best not to poke at least for now. 

"I live on a farmstead just outside Austin, a good few miles. Lived and worked on it growin' up with my pa, ma, and kid sister. Then one day I took a job to collect a bounty, then I jus' kept on doing it. Took some of that money for myself, but sent most if it back to my family in Austin," he shared, taking his knife and turning over the slabs of meat to cook the other side, "I might go and pay them a visit someday soon. It'd be nice to get back to my roots." 

"The ranch I work at pays an alright penny sometimes, most I get is fifteen gold a day. It's something, I guess. Money has always been tight on the farms, ain't it?" 

Cindy averted her gaze to one side, and soon enough, she spat on the ground. 

"'Course, if ya do really well then the buck gets higher. I decided it'd be best to cruise the land, rob a carriage or two on the side," she snickered. 

Green orbs averted their gaze from him and down towards the sizzling meat, already browning on one side, but the other side was just about getting to that same bronze shade as well. 

"I don't have any family, just an orphan 'ere. I had to grow up faster than most kids. But anyway, what's it like down in Austin? I've never been there b'fore."

"It's like every other up and coming city. Mostly bureaucrats who think they know what's best for a land they never even worked at all, but other than that, its a fair place. Don't cause trouble, then you get no trouble on you." 

During his speech, Merono pressed down on some of the meat, allowing some juice to drip onto the fire, a ferocious hiss sounding and a delectable aroma rising from the fire itself. 

"So you're a drifter, and one that needs money, right? Then how 'bout you tag along with me for a spell? We find bounties, we take 'em in alive, and you can do what you want with those who protect 'em. Kill 'em, tie 'em up and leave 'em to rot - I don't care," he offered, looking into her green eyes, "I can tell you're more than what you say you are... 'specially 'bout that story you spun 'bout them bandits. Firstly; you ain't got a bit o' dirt on you, and you claim to take down a whole bandit camp by yourself? I'm bettin' that bulletin was to lure some poor soul out there for you to rob 'em blind, then do lord knows what with them." 

"Me, lure anyone in jus' so I can rob them? Oh no, ya have the wrong idea there, buck. I'd never do that to some poor innocent soul," she lied again, still wearing such a wide smirk along her lips. 

Her eyebrows then quirked, Cindy leaned forward, enough to watch the sizzles crack and pop on the meat itself. Boar meat smelled so good, too, especially with the salt laced on top of it. 

"I feel I can trust ya, and that ya don't give a fuck about anyone's business," she continued, shortly before beginning with her secret, "I'm a drifter - you could say that. Sometimes, when I get crazy excited, I like to shoot up the whole canyon. Nobody really knows about it, not even the town Sheriff. I jus' love gunfights, y'know? Shootin' deer, wolves, bears, maybe even people if I can hear their pockets jingling with plenty o' gold," she shared. Her head tilted, while shoulder-length blonde locks danced in the motion, "I wonder...does that make me a bloodthirsty murderer to ya?"

"It makes you what you want it to make you. To're a wildcat, not so much different from a mountain lion. They have the ferocity to chase off bears and such, and you're kinda like that...jus' with a gun," he stated dryly, reaching to his pack to grab two plates, then placed a slab of meat for her along with a fork, shortly before handing it to her, "I wonder, what ya think of my offer? You come with me; we ride around for bounties, and you can shoot up as many camps as you want." 

Cindy took the plate from him, pulling it towards herself. 

"I like the sound of that. Travellin' 'round with a handsome buck like yourself? Well, if ya would like a wildcat shootin' bullets loose into the heads of the innocent," she cooed, "I think you'd be surprised how much gold some of these lowlives carry 'round in their pockets. I've stolen 200 buck just from one guy b'fore now. Crazy, right?" 

Slamming the fork into the thick slab of meat on her plate, Cindy brought the meat up to her lips, and immediately, she bit into the chunk like as if she really was a wildcat. She didn't cut this meat up or anything. 

"Ya know just how to get a girl interested. Sure, I'll travel with ya; we can cruise the lands for days on end, nothin' but the road before us."

"Sounds like we have a deal then. Plus, it'd be nice to travel 'round with a rather good-looking gal like yourself. It does get lonely on the trail, but I grew used to it." 

Taking his own bite out of his slab of boar meat, although he took a moment to reach into his saddle and grab a bottle of whiskey to which he passed to the blonde across from him. Merono was glad that she accepted his offer, as sometimes to take down a bounty, one had to slog through hordes of people just to get to the target. 

Soon, the meal was polished off, and it was just the two of them. 

"Anywho, now that dinner is over, what shall we do now?" Merono asked, for he wasn't sure what she usually did when she was alone, but he often just wrote in his journal about his travels and places he'd been to. 

Cindy unscrewed the lid to the whiskey bottle, shortly before bringing the opening to her lips. Cindy drank some of the whiskey, only taking two sips of the strong beverage. Such a smoky, malty, and briny drink, and yet, that's what made the whiskey taste good. It was the perfect drink to have after finishing a plate of, well, boar. The boar was known as the most aggressive prey out in the wild, and so managing to capture one for dinner was an accomplishment in its own right. Cindy passed over the whiskey bottle to the buck opposite her. Moving next to him, Cindy placed her hand over his, still showing him such a wide, enticing smirk along those cherry-pink lips of hers. 

"Maybe we should just settle down for the night? Though, if ya want a kiss, that'd be on the table too," she flirted. 

"Well, if you're offerin', then who am I to refuse?" Merono quipped as he slowly leaned his head down towards her own, and pressed his lips to her own. He could feel how soft and warm her lips were against his own; his toned arms slowly moving to pull her into his embrace to hold her softly. 

Cindy draped her arms around his collar, moving in more, she began to straddle his legs with her knees. Her lips melded with his, and in the process, Cindy rose a hand, fingers embracing the brim as she then removed his hat. Her hat stayed on, however. She snickered behind the kiss after she pulled off his hat, too, giving the signal that she liked being cheeky. Her other hand reached behind herself, grabbing his wrist, soon placing his hand onto her rear. 

"Easy there, cowboy," she purred behind the lip-to-lip dance.

He could feel the passion that she put into the kiss while she straddled his lap, his hat removed while his hand was placed onto her rear, which he gave said rear a squeeze through her denim shorts. 

"You really are a wildcat," he remarked. 

"Shut up," she murmured behind his mouth. 

Returning to kissing her, their kissing began to get hotter and hotter as the time progressed. Merono continued to squeeze at her rear with his one hand, his other moving to stroke and caress her blonde hair, fingers brushing through those loose curls. 

Cindy managed to worm her tongue between his lips, now locating his tongue with her own. Saliva shared, lips became wet. Her hands returned from around his collar, only to unfold the buttons on her long-sleeved cropped shirt, exposing her breasts within mere seconds. Small mounds decorated her chest, an ample size that could easily fit into the palm of a cowboy's hand. Nipples were already erect from the cool airstream teasing her bare skin. Even out in Texas, the air became a little cooler at night, despite the blazing heat through the day. Her lips never stopped, not even when she bared her chest. 

Really, Merono hadn't been expecting this to progress as far as it had, but he wouldn't question it given that it was rare to find a girl as spry as Cindy was. She was a firecracker and much more, that much was certain. When she unbuttoned her shirt to expose her small breasts, the hand that had been caressing her hair shifted around front to grasp one of them, squeezing it in tandem with the hand on her rear, all the while they made out like lovers! Slowly though, his lips slipped from her own and began to trail down her jaw, and then down her neck before reaching her collarbone. His tongue would trail along her skin as he placed kisses along it. 

Closing her eyes, Cindy looked up to the sky, letting out a quivering moan in the process. Those lips trailing down her collarbone felt warm compared to the calm, gentle wind. The fire was still sizzling behind her, too, warming her back but not her front. Her other arm stayed locked around his collar, hand buried in his hair. Her lips were still tainted with his and her saliva, feeling cold in the breeze. She glanced down at him, having her smirk widen into a grin. 

"I'm feelin' a little tired. Maybe we could savour this in a bedroll?" Cindy cooed, slanting her head to the side, "I wanna thank ya for the night. It was fine and dandy meetin' ya earlier today."

"Sure thing, Cindy. I'll lay out the sleepin' bag, then we can cuddle till we fall asleep."

"We can still do this before bed; I just wanna lay down first," Cindy cooed, "I'll just be a sec…"

She rose up from his lap, and when she stood to adjust her shirt, her legs slightly parted and then her knees buckled. She wobbled, and then tripped, falling onto the ground.

While observing her and witnessing the trip, Merono merely laughed.

"I'll get the bedroll ready in a tick," he promised, "I think a certain wildcat's had a little too much whiskey. I don't fault ya, though."

Written by TristyPixie
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