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Who Done Her?

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My hands scrambled in a fruitless attempt to hold onto his muscular, slippery flesh. We were both coated in a thin layer of sweat, caused by our rhythmic coitus dance; bodies entwined together, sharing the mutual pleasure of fornication. My breasts bounced with every thrust of his cock, which moved like a piston inside the depths of my soaked pussy.

I was so full and stretched to my limit. My eyes tired in their attempt to focus and rolled back into my head, giving over another sense to the all-consuming and building fulmination. If my mind could have engaged on anything other than the gratifying pounding, it might have registered the fusillade of obscenities that poured freely from my open mouth.

“Oh Fuck! Your cock is so big. It feels so good. Keep fucking me, don’t you dare stop. Oh god, I’m going to cum all over your massive dick. Fuck me harder! Fill me with your cum.”

My voice grew hoarse from my cries of pleasure, created by the seemingly never ending ploughing. He flipped me over and started fucking me even harder from behind. I struggled to hold myself up. Seeing me limp with exhaustion, he wrapped his strong arms around my body, pulling me so his chest was pressed firmly against my back. His hands gripped my breast for leverage. He continued his frantic onslaught.

The pain that I should have felt when his teeth sank into my shoulder was overridden by the almighty, body shaking, mind shattering orgasm that ripped through me. With spurt after powerful spurt, he pumped his seed into the depths of me and I took it all gladly.


Megan woke with a jolt. Her body was covered in perspiration just as it had been in her dream. It was the sort of dream that refused, even in consciousness to let its grip go from her mind. She sat up in the bed, pulling at the sheets that had wrapped themselves tight around her body as she’d tossed about in her slumber.

As her eyes focused and she pulled herself further out of the dream, she looked around the darkened room, confused at first as to where she was. With another moment passing her racing heart calmed slightly. She recalled that she was in a hotel room; a cheap room supplied by work on her business trip.

Scrambling around in the dark, she managed to find the switch for the bedside lamp, hiding her eyes when the brightness of the illumination hurt her head. Slowly, she splayed her fingers slightly and allowed a small amount of light back into her world.

“Jesus, my head is pounding.”

She reached for a glass of water from her bedside and took a sip to quench her drier than dry mouth. She looked at the clock and realised that the sun would soon be coming up. Kicking off the sheets from her sodden body, she made her way to standing, only to sit back down on the edge of the bed when the room began to spin from her sudden ascension. Her legs were stiff like she’d just ran a marathon.

“What the hell did I do last night?”

The realization quickly dawned that she couldn’t actually remember. Thoughts of her dream quickly forced their way back into her mind and she tried to shake off the vivid picture of her pussy being filled. The dream was the last thing she wanted to remember in that moment. She wanted to remember how she’d actually fallen asleep in the first place in order for her to have the dirty fantasy.

“I was good. I only had a few glasses of wine with my meal last night.” That much she remembered, but why was everything else such a blur? She wasn’t a big drinker anymore; she’d always struggled to handle alcohol. “I should’ve taken the warning not to drink with my new medication a little more seriously!”

Her hand rubbed over her tense shoulder and she winced in pain when her fingers found a really tender spot. Nothing occurred to her for a moment, until thoughts of her dream filled her mind once again. She gasped loudly when the sensation of him sinking his teeth into her shoulder replayed with a vivid intensity.

She quickly got up, ignoring her spinning head and the ache in her legs and went to the bathroom. Turning around, she could see her reflection in the mirror. She saw her shoulder wore the unmistakable remnant of a bite mark.

“Fuck! It wasn’t a dream.”

Even seeing the teeth indentations and the start of a bruise on her shoulder, didn’t allow her brain to register the meaning. Trying to find a way of disproving what she’d discovered, her hands went to the inside of her thighs. She found the crispy, dried residual of cum that had leaked from her body at some point.

“Who the fuck did I sleep with last night?”

For the first time she willingly brought thoughts of her dream to mind. It was a desperate attempt to see the face of the man that had smashed into her pussy with his cock, but try as she might she could not picture his face.

“Think. What was the last thing I remember?”

Her mind went back. She was in town for a business trip. She’d been sent to meet some new clients. She went back into the bedroom, found her handbag and emptied the contents onto the bed. There was an invite to the sit down meal at a restaurant not far from her hotel. A taxi receipt for a journey she couldn’t remember taking, her medication and lipstick that wasn’t her usual shade. The last thing that really caught her eye was the gold cufflink. She picked up the heavy metal accessory and wondered if it could belong to the man that had fucked so well and truly.

They weren’t many clues to go off and she wished she could remember more of what happened. If she had slept with one of the clients it would look so unprofessional. If it got back to her boss, she feared it might mean the end to her blossoming new career.

She made herself a coffee with the pitiful items the hotel supplied in her room. She wouldn’t usually bother because they never gave enough milk and the coffee was always cheap, but she needed any form of caffeine to solve the mystery she’d unwittingly created.

“Maybe it wasn’t one of the clients?” she thought to herself, as she grimaced at the foul tasting, bitter coffee.

She decided to ring her friend. Maybe speaking to someone might help jog her memory. Louise had moved to the city after college and was working at the restaurant she went to last night. Perhaps she was working and could help shed some light on what had happened. Megan called her friend without even caring that she might be disturbing her so early. She just needed to know what happened.

“Hello…” came the half asleep voice of her friend on the other end of the line.

“Louise, thank god you’re awake.”

“Well, I am now. Megan, why are you calling me at…” the sounds of Louise fumbling to find her clock could be heard, “… Six-thirty in the morning?”

“Lou please, you’ve got to help me. Did you see me last night?”

“Yes, you were in the restaurant with your clients. I knew you were a bit tipsy when you arrived, but you must remember speaking to me?”

“I don’t! I don’t remember a thing. I think I took too much of my medication and it didn’t mix well with the drink I had.”

“Drinks,” Louise corrected. “It was drinks. You had quite a few with your clients, whom were sexy as fuck by the way. They were buying bottles of champagne.”

“Fuck! Louise, I think I slept with one of them last night!”

“Oh my god! Which one? The tall blonde or the shorter, brooding, dark haired one?”

“I don’t know! I can’t remember. I had a dream, or at least I thought it was a dream until I woke up and found the bite mark on my shoulder and dried cum on my thighs.”

“Megan, you dirty whore! Back up to old tricks again.”

“No, I’m not like that anymore. My wild college days are over. I’ve stopped the drugs and drink and especially the wild sex. I’m not Megan the party girl anymore, or at least I didn’t think I was. What did I do when I left the restaurant? Where did I go? You’ve got to tell me.”

“I don’t know. I was working. You asked me to get you taxi, so I called my friend, Ronnie.” Megan remembered the taxi receipt from her bag.

“Can you call him and ask him where we went?”

“It’s 6.30 in the morning. If you want to ask him then he’ll be down at the café on Smith Street. He always has his breakfast there, before clocking off after the night shift. I’m going back to sleep. I’ve got a double shift today and I can’t be tired.”

With that, Louise hung up.


Megan pulled up outside the café, after a short trip from the hotel in another taxi. There was a furrow in her brow, while she racked her brain for clues. She pulled a fiver out her wallet and handed it to the driver, who refused to accept it. “I was on my way here already. Just get me a cuppa and we’ll call it quits. You look like you could do with a break today.”

“Thank you. Would you be able to point out Ronnie to me?”

They walked in the greasy spoon café and her kind driver pointed in the direction of the heavy set man, who was tucking into a full English in the corner of the room. Megan ordered her driver a drink and got herself a coffee.

“Hi, I don’t know if you remember me?” she said, as she walked over to Ronnie’s table.

“Hey, Party-Gal -Megan. What are you doing here?”

She flinched at the name that she knew she would have given herself last night, while in her drunken state. She sat down when he pointed to the chair opposite him.

“See, the thing is… I’m sort of having trouble remembering what happened last night and I was hoping you could shed some light on things for me?” Ronnie gave a little chuckle, which made his large double chin wobble. He had a sparkle in his eyes, like the memory of the night was a fond one.

“Louise rang me just after nine. I’d just got on my shift. I was surprised when the three of you got in my cab and were being so larey at such an early hour.”

“Three of us? Me and two men?”

“Yeah, that’s right. A rose between two studs I think you said. They were both quite taken with you.”

“Where did you take us?”

“You said you wouldn’t be doing your job right unless you showed the gentleman a good time. You told me to take you to Cloud Nine.”

Megan put her head in her hands. When she’d heard that she’d been referring to herself as Party-Gal, she’d worried that the night might have taken that sort of turn and they’d ended up in a strip club. Just by receiving the information something unlocked in her head and flashes of being in the club came back into her mind.

The cold pole against her skin, all eyes gazing at her body, as piece by piece she slowly removed her clothing. The leering eyes of desire from every man in the crowd, as soft lips pressed against hers. With a stomach churning realisation she remembered Candice, and Rachelle, joining her on stage and the three of them performing for the men who whooped and hollered.

It had pretty much turned into a live sex show, with grinding bodies, locked lips and hands roaming. Megan remembered being back stage after their performance, straightening up and cleaning the lipstick marks from the other girls.

“Here you should keep this,” said Rachelle handing her the lipstick she’d just put on. “It looks so much better on you.”

Back in the café Megan sunk lower in her seat. “I’m so going to get fired!”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Ronnie, as he finished off his bacon. “From the looks of things your two men really enjoyed the show.”

“You were there?”

“Well, you paid me to be your driver for the night and I was hardly going to sit outside and wait for you in the cab when I could get in a quick lap dance with the money you tipped me.”

“I don’t know if I really want to know, but can you tell me what happened after the strip club?”

He gave a much dirtier chuckle in response to that question.

“With you and Candice hitting it off so well, she invited you and your guys to a party she was going to after her shift finished. You all piled into my car and I have to say that I don’t usually allow people to smoke weed in my cab, but with the show Candice was putting on of giving Mr Blonde a blow job, while you sat smoking in the arms of Mr Brooding, I let it go for the night.”

Megan wondered, “If Frank had got head from Candice, did that mean that I slept with Carl?” She was disappointed with herself for smoking weed again. She had another flashback of her giving the sexy, dark haired, and handsome Carl a blow back in the taxi.

“I think I must’ve passive smoked somewhat, as when you got to the party I fell asleep in my cab. I can’t really help you with what went on inside. Perhaps you should check the photos on your phone though, as I know for a fact you’ve got a brilliant picture of Candice sucking off that guy and getting a face full of cum. Watching you two girls kiss after she’d finished was probably one of the hottest things I’ve seen in a long while.”

Megan blushed as the memory came back. Candice had the softest, most kissable lips and with the taste of Frank’s cum on her tongue, the passion had quickly escalated.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and opened up the folder with her pictures.

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Her hand came to her mouth out of shock from the graphic images of the Candice’s lips stretched around the long, thin shaft of Frank’s cock. Carl must have taken control of her phone after that because the next picture was of her kiss with Candice. Flicking through the pictures, with each new image another memory seeped its way back into her consciousness.

Straddling Frank’s lap and allowing him to lick salt from her nipples, before downing the shots of Tequila, and then sucking the lime juice from the wedge between her teeth, having lines of Cocaine cut on her stomach and the feel of the tickle, as the men came forward and took their hit off her body. Even with the photo evidence she couldn’t recall the memory of dancing on the tables with strangers’ bodies pressed against hers, or jumping naked into the pool.

But there was no clue as to who her mystery fuck was. If anything, the more she found out, the harder it became to pin down who he was.

“You left the guys at the party around two a.m. You woke me up and told me you needed to go to an address across town.”

That bit of information really confused her. At that point she was convinced it was either Frank, or Carl that she’d slept with. She was 99% sure that she hadn’t slept with anyone at the party though. In her memory from the downright dirty sex she’d had, she was sure she was in a hotel.

“You came out the party rambling about a phone call and how you had to save your job.”

Megan checked the call register on her phone. Sure enough at just before two a.m. there was a log of an incoming call from a number she didn’t recognise. If she’d left Frank and Carl at the party, what the hell was she doing to save her job and how had it ended up with her fucking someone?

She dialled the number on the phone. After a few rings someone picked up.

“Good Morning, You’re through to the Winchester Hotel. How can I help?”

“Sorry, wrong number,” Megan said, before hanging up. “Oh God!! Oh Fuck!!!” Panic was rising quickly, with the bile in her stomach that threatened to return the coffee she’d just drank. “I am so fucked!!”

“What?” Ronnie looked concerned.

“I need to get to the Winchester Hotel. Can you take me? Please say you can take me.”

“Sure. No problem. Just let me settle my bill with Pam and I’ll pull the cab around.”


I can’t even begin to imagine what a sight I must have been, as I stumbled my way into the vast expanse of marble, which was the impressive lobby of The Winchester Hotel. With my hair still wet from the skinny dipping in the pool and the smudging of make-up from the copious amounts of drugs, alcohol, and kissing, I can only guess that I must’ve looked like I’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.

My boss, David, was standing with his arms crossed, looking all superior and sexy in his tuxedo suit. His piercing eyes looked daggers at me. Before I managed to cause even more of a scene, he’d pulled me in the elevator and away from the eyes of any guests still awake after the charity evening he was attending at the hotel.

All my inebriated courage vanished and I could feel myself sobering up by the second, with every disappointed look on his face. He remained silent until he’d pulled me into his room and shut the door.

“What the fuck, Megan?”

At hearing him say my name in that sexy deep voice of his, my brain overrode the notion that what was about to come from my lips was not acceptable in the least.

“What’s wrong Mr Hunk Muffin? I know I might be a little bit drunk, but you can’t tell me that those clients didn’t have a good time.” I couldn’t suppress the hiccup that followed the statement.

“A little bit drunk! Megan, you’re wasted and from the look in your eyes it’s not only from the drink.”

I have to tell you, I’ve always lusted after him. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever met. He’s not conventionally handsome, but he has such an air of authority and power about him that my knickers are always in a state of dampness when I’m around him.

“I didn’t do anything too bad.” I tried to convince him and myself.

“So taking two of our most important clients to a strip club and performing a three-way dance with some hookers isn’t too bad! I trusted you with this. You know how important it is that we get that contract. Fuck! I knew I should have told the charity I couldn’t make tonight. I never should have trusted you with such a big account.”

“Candice isn’t a hooker, she’s a stripper. She only sucked his cock out of her own desire and not for money.” Hearing my own words just made me realise the lack of a real defence in my argument.

“I should have known it was a stupid mistake to hire a little slut like you.”

I really don’t know what came over me. Perhaps it was the thought that I’d already lost my job, maybe it was the fact that he’d touched a nerve by calling me a slut, I don’t know, but I slapped him hard around the face.

I’m not sure where the rage came from, but I went to hit him again. He caught me in his strong grip. There was a moment, a pause, when I saw what was in his eyes, before his lips came crushing against mine. His eyes had shown me the raw lust that was in his soul and his tongue showed me the strength and power of that lust.

He broke the kiss to regain his breath and some control over his feelings. The kiss had sparked something inside me and all my confidence had returned.

“I’ve been a really bad girl haven’t I?” My voice was husky with desire. “I think I need to be punished.”

His only response was to growl, pick me up and slam me into the wall. His hands tore at my shirt to reveal my bra-less body. For the second time that night my nipples were being sucked into the mouth of a man who wanted to fuck me. His teeth bit down and the immediate intense pain blasted through my body, causing me to cry out.

“I’ll fucking give you punishment.”

David pushed me to my knees and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight of him throwing off his suit. I looked up with an eager excitement. His cock was hard and ready and I couldn’t wait to get my mouth around it. He pulled my hair, restraining me from getting to my target; stroking his dick, he made me watch and wait for what I so desperately wanted.

“Open wide you slutty little bitch and take my cock all the way in,” he commanded, as he released my hair.

I gladly obliged, although it was a struggle to get a man with such girth all the way in on my first attempt. My lips stretched to swallow inch after inch of his solid mass into my watering mouth. My eye matched the drenching of my mouth and the flood of womanly juice that was fast leaking out of my pussy and on to the sodden material of my panties.

My tongue found its rhythm of flicks and caresses in combination with my plunging sucks onto his dick. I pleasured him to within an inch of his orgasm. The gargling sounds of my throat increased when my struggled moans around his meat were uncontrollably spewing from my body. His hips thrust in barbaric shunts forward, lodging his cock firmly deeper into my throat.

My eyes bulged and looked up towards him towering over me. God it felt so good to be on my knees in front of such a powerful man. He was showing me who was boss and I couldn’t get enough. My fingers reached desperately for my hot, wet pussy and I shameless rubbed my clit. My boss was fucking my face like there was no tomorrow.

Pulling his glistening and spit soaked cock from my mouth, he told me, “Take off the rest of your clothes. I want to see you finger your cunt and cum for me.”

I didn’t need telling twice and practically tore the clothes from my body. Still in a kneeling position beneath him, I locked eyes with him before rubbing my tits, pulling them and sucking on my own nipple. I loved to see his features darken, as he took in the sight of me being such a filthy whore.

My fingers soon found my pussy and I plunged my fingers into my dripping hole. Bringing my hand under my bent leg, I fingered my pussy with one hand. I fucked my fingers with my hips thrusting in time with every plunge, my other hand rubbing fast fingered circles over my clit.

I watched him stroke his cock in front of me. All inhibitions were gone, leaving only a frantic, fast paced rise to our explosive peaks. I had absolutely no control over my body, as my need to cum for him took over. The words that spilled from my mouth came from somewhere deep inside and I wasn’t even really registering what I was saying.

“Fuck yes! Stroke that cock for me. Fuck it’s so sexy. I want your cum. Fucking cum all over me. Mark me as yours, give me everything you’ve got and cover my face with your cum. Please, fuck, David! I need it. Please. I’ve been a bad girl and I deserve to be your cum slut.”

With the first caress of his silky hot cum across my cheek, I came. Fuck, I came with a scream so loud that I’m sure even the people in the penthouse, forty floors above, probably heard my feral cries of ecstasy.

When I came around from the blinding orgasm, his cum dripped from my face. I must have looked a real picture, with my hazed eyes, tear streaked cheeks and cum painted features.

“Clean it off and don’t waste a drop. I’ll give you a minute to recover, but I’m not done with you yet.”

Through my blurred sight, I noticed that he was still rock solid. I’d read about people that could stay hard, even after unloading a sack full of cum, but I’d never actually met someone in real life that could do it. I scooped up as much of his cum from my face and sucked my fingers clean. He seemed happy with my efforts and pulled me up by my arm into a passionate, yet slightly softer kiss.

“Get your sexy, naked ass on that bed and spread your fucking legs. I’ve got some more punishment to hand out.”

On wobbly legs, I made my way across the room and followed his instruction, spreading my legs wide and bearing all of my most intimate glory to him. I was ready. I was more than ready to have him fill me to the brim and pound me until my body was broke and my mind shattered.


Megan fiddled with the cold, gold cufflink between her fingers, as she waited nervously in one of the plush seats in the Winchester’s lobby. She remembered how when David had fallen asleep after their incredible fucking, she’d quietly got up from the bed and scrambled about in the dark to collect her things. She must’ve picked up his cufflink when she’d stuffed everything into her bag.

Every time the elevator pinged to signal someone arriving at the foyer her heart jumped into her mouth. Finally, after several other guests came down for breakfast, the elevator pinged and David walked out into the lobby. He was dressed in his gym gear. He looked incredibly sexy, even in his grey joggers and white t-shirt, which had the tell-tale signs of sweat marks indicating that he’d already had his work out. He walked over to her.

“Let’s go for a walk. I don’t want to do this here.”

She swallowed hard at hearing his stern tone and read into his words that she was going to get fired. She followed him out into the street and walked a step behind him. Feeling the cool morning air on her skin she wished she’d put her jacket on before she left, but that had been the last thing on her mind at the time.

Eventually, he broke the silence. “I didn’t hear you leave.”

“No. I think you’d tired yourself out and were in a deep sleep. I didn’t know if you’d still want me there when you woke up.”

They walked in silence until they’d reached a large lake. They took a seat on a bench overlooking the water and watched the early morning joggers. As the peace of being in such a tranquil place washed over her, so did the acceptance over what had happened.

“How did you know?” she asked.

“How did I know what?”

“About the strip club and all.”

“Frank called me.”


“Yes, he called me to tell me what a fantastic night they’d both had and how they’d love to offer us the contract. I told you that when I phoned you last night.”

“I didn’t remember a lot from last night.”

“I’m not surprised, the state you were in. You got lucky, Megan. Frank and Carl are both easy going kind of guys, but any other clients and it might have been a different story.”

“I know.”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to trust you with that job anymore.”

Her head lowered out of shame and she nodded in agreement. “I understand.”

“I think I need to keep you closer to hand, so I can keep my eye on you.” There was a hint of desire in his voice when he spoke.

She looked up in shocked silence. Their eyes met and she could see clearly the meaning behind his words.

“I know it’s a step down from your current job, but I’ve been looking for a new PA for a while and I think you’d be perfect in that position.”

Her insides tingled and shivers of desire crept about her body. Getting to spend more time with him was the last thing she thought would happen, but she’d take it, she’d take him, anytime and any which way he wanted.

“Come,” he said, as he gave her a hand and brought them to standing. “We can talk about it some more over breakfast back at the hotel, in my room.”

She eagerly followed him. Yes, she was hungry for sure, the sort of hunger that matched the dark desire she saw in her boss’s eyes.

Written by Jayne33
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