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"- "You’re so very beautiful,” he whispers mesmerized. His hand runs into her hair, around to her neck and he pulls her face closer in a soft manner." -"

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Author's Notes

"All my stories are the property of me/the writer, unless I permit you to republish them. English is not my first language, but I hope you enjoy, nonetheless :) I'd love to hear about your experience in the comments! xxx M."

His eyes are getting heavy as he sits leaned back on the sofa, in front of him the same news is running across the TV screen for the third time. It has been a long day at work. Or well, just a day, really. But he is exhausted, nonetheless. The glass of red wine in his hand is leaning dangerously to the right, aiming at the crotch of his washed-out jeans.

Suddenly, a cold breeze brushes over his neck as the door to the apartment opens and closes. He shivers before he blinks a few times, and his eyes open. His eyes grow wide as he sees the tilting wine glass and he manages to catch it a millisecond before disaster, putting it down on the coffee table.

Just as he wonders what woke him, he hears someone behind him. It’s light and almost soundless footsteps. A pair of slim arms wrap around him from behind, and he smiles as her face with the cold nose presses against the side of his neck.

“Hey, you,” she says with her cute voice.

“Hey, you,” he responds sleepily, yet delighted.

Her arms hug him tight, and he holds on tight to them. He has needed her embrace, her presence, all day.

"Let me go change and I'll join you," she says, kissing his neck sweetly.

But as her arms trail up over her chest, he turns on the sofa and grabs her waist. She squeals delighted as he pulls her over the back of the sofa, and down next to him. She smiles happily as he pulls her close to him and his body forms the big spoon. He lies momentarily inhaling her scent and feeling her soft and silky-smooth hair against his face.

Then his fingers grow a conscience, and he becomes aware of how her body heat seems to flow in slow waves through the fabric of the wrap-around dress she is wearing. His fingers tighten around the fabric, and she glances down at them.

"You wore this to the Petersen’s barbeque last week, didn’t you?” he asks as he trails her curves, from her thigh to her shoulder.

“Yes,” she replies surprised. “Do you remember that?”

“I almost couldn’t take my eyes off your legs the entire day,” he says with a reminiscent smirk.


She is surprised but flattered. She turns a little on the sofa looking up at him.

“Uh yes! You have such… leggy legs.”

She narrows her eyes at him, giving him an amused squint and wry smile.

“Leggy legs?”

She laughs as he rolls his eyes. He pushes her onto her side again and nestles comfortably down behind her. His crotch is right up against her amazing ass. He wraps an arm around her, and she latch onto it.

As she snuggles up to him, she can’t resist. Innocently, she stretches her leg. Her ass presses back up against his crotch. She holds it there for a few seconds, stretching her entire body. He smiles into her hair as his cock stirs awake in his jeans. He responds to the pressure with his own and can feel how his cock finds that wonderful cleft between her ass-cheeks and presses in between them. She won’t have any doubt about what she is doing to him right now.

But then she relaxes again and the pressure against his cock disappears, and she rests back into the position she was in before. He can see the smirk on her lips, even when he lies behind her. He buries his face in her hair, pressing his lips against the warm skin at the back of her neck. His arm now pulls her closer, maintaining some of the pressure against her ass.

Her long nails trail up over the back of his hand and up his arm. Slow and gentle. Then she turns in his arms and lies face to face with him. His face lights up in a smile when she turns her beautiful, blue eyes to his grey-green ones.

He brushes away a few wild strands of hair and her eyes beam up at him.

“You’re so very beautiful,” he whispers mesmerized.

His hand runs into her hair, around to her neck and he pulls her face closer in a soft manner.

She smiles a little taken aback, but her blushing cheeks reveal that she is still very flattered by his compliments.

Her eyes are glued to his lips. She places a small hand with slim fingers against the lower part of his cheek, the beard that fits him so well prickling against her hand. Her thumb traces the line of his bottom lip before she moves closer and kisses him. Small kisses, light kisses with just the hint of expectations behind them. Her soft and warm lips feel so elegant against his.

He pulls back a little and meets her eyes again. He traces a finger down along her nose to the cupid’s bow which is outlined in sharp, protruding lines, further down over her plump lips and down over her chin. His gaze cut between her eyes and the places his finger touches. He adds additional fingers as he traces down over her shoulder. Her slim, fine shoulder, and down her arm to retrace their steps once they reach her elbow.

His arm resting beneath her wraps around her and pulls her closer to him, creating that elegant curve in her back. She breathes a small gasp as he pulls her close, and her entire body warms up in a flash and her delicate scent crawls up his nose. His eyes gaze down into hers; it feels like she can see straight into his soul.

His hand slides down along her curved back, moving slowly up and down along her spine. He leans in over her to once again feel how her soft lips feel so perfect on his. Her hand runs up into his hair and forms a light fist, she is doing what she can to keep him as close as possible. Doing what she can to lock his lips to hers. She wishes she could stop time.

Her fist in his hair tightens and she deepens the kiss, exploring his mouth. He melts under her touch and caress and his lips part for her unabashed. As their tongues collide her body hums with intensity and uncontrolled, she starts kissing him faster, more passionately. Again, and again their lips meet, then their tongues, and they part ways again, only to start the dance all over again.

She pushes him onto his back and moves to sit astride him. Both her hands grip around his face. Caressing. Feeling.

He can feel his entire body as if set aflame and his heart is beating so hard that his chest feels like it's vibrating. He loves the feeling of her weight on top of him and one of his hands slides down to her ass, squeezing one ass-cheek firmly in his hand and pressing her down and up.

She smiles against his lips and dwells in his firm grip. How he pulls her back and forth on him, her panties sliding over the considerable bulge in his jeans. His cock stirs wildly at the sensation of feeling her in his hands and rubbing back and forth on his cock. His breathing gets heavier and small, dark moans escape his lips every time their lips momentarily part. His hand forms a fist in her hair, and he catches her gaze, his eye darkening.

“I want you! I want you so much right now!”

She can feel how her entire body responds in warm, wild butterflies within an instant and she presses her lips hard against his. His fingers untangle from her hair and run down along her neck, down over her back, and down to her ass.

With a firm grip around each ass-cheek, he pulls her up over him again and his jaw tenses as she slides back over him as he loosens his grip. One more time. Pull her up. Feel her weight. Feel how she pushes down against him. How she slides over the bulge and how it hardens from it.

She breathes a warm and lustful moan and a sensual tickle rush to her groin and nestles in her pussy. Suddenly, his lips seek her neck, and he places warm and wet kisses down her smooth skin, his tongue tracing lines between them.

Her amazing, soft scent fills him with desire. He trails kisses down her shoulder, his teeth pinching the soft part and her body quivers in response.

Her breathing becomes irregular as his mouth and hands travel around her body, and her hands tie knots on his shirt to keep herself grounded. She can feel the rapid hardening from him between her legs, under her pussy. She rolls her hips once, pressing down against his cock in a sweeping motion. She does it again and a small moan escapes his lips in surrender, and she feels how hard he becomes.

Suddenly he sits up and his arms embrace her small figure.

“I want you out of this!” he whispers against her lips as his hands tear at her dress. “I wanna see all of you!”

He pulls at the strings of the small bow on the side of the dress. Once the bow untangles, he quickly tears the dress open. In his eagerness the fabric stretches to its absolute maximum, giving away a bit.

The second he gets her out of her dress, he grabs her and pulls her into a passionate kiss. His hands run over her white, laced underwear, feeling the see-through fabric hugging most of her ass perfectly. He can’t help but make small thrusts towards her every time she presses her pussy down against his cock, every time he feels her closing around his cock from behind her white panties.

She pushes him back down on his back, kissing him warmly, her tongue caressing his. She sits up on her knees a little reaching down between them, her hand sliding over the eager bulge in his jeans. She utters a delighted sigh, and the juices start running along her pussy at the thought of what is behind his jeans. She tightens her hold around the bulge a bit and caresses it back and forth. He groans as his jeans get too tight around his crotch. It’s almost unbearable! His entire body shakes as he grabs her face and forces his lips from hers.

“Darling, you have to open my jeans. You have to take it in your hand! Now!”

His hands trail down to her breasts, his fingers sneaking in between the breasts and the laced cups of the bras.

Her wonderful breasts fit perfectly into his hands. She lets out a soft moan as her nipples harden under his touch. Arousal leads her hands as she reaches down between them and opens his jeans. His hands squeeze tighter around her breasts with a breath of relief. Redemptive.

Pressure relieved, his cock is now only caught in his boxers. She doesn’t waste the chance to feel his cock again, now without the jeans in the way. She presses the palm of her hand against the boxers where the very clear indication of his cock shows.

“Fuck,” he hisses through gritted teeth as he presses himself up against her hand.

He moans loudly at the feeling of her wanting palm pressing against his cock, only a thin piece of clothing separating the two.

He lets his fingers playfully brush over the outside of her white bra, her perky nipples pressing against the laces of the bra. She can feel the hint of a touch as his fingers move over her bra and the tickling sensation travel from her nipples down to her pussy. But he longs to see her breasts freed from their contraption. His arms reach around her and with a quick, easy move he opens her bra, pulls the straps from her arms, and throws it aside. She won’t need that anymore.

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She now reaches down between them, and closes her fingers around his boxers, taking his cock in her hand the best she can. The desire in her pussy climbs rapidly as she feels him in her hand. As the feeling spreads to her entire body, she suddenly makes quick work of his clothes. His jeans, boxers, and socks are all rolled off him and discarded on the floor. She turns back to him and pulls his shirt off too.

She loves the feeling of his body, his skin, and his warmth directly against hers while she sits astride his naked lap, leaning down over his torso, her hard nipples pressing against his chest.

“I want you! Right now!” he mumbles darkly, almost talking in delirium.

The feeling of her on top like this makes him all dizzy. He grabs her panties and pushes them down her thighs and she throws them to the floor too. He looks at her from head to toe. Fuck! She’s a heavenly sight!

She makes herself comfortable astride his lap again. He slides a hand down between her legs. Feeling how wet she is and how his fingers get coated with her pussy juices. He shakes with desire for her. She has positioned herself with his cock behind her and she now reaches behind her back and takes his cock in her hand. She can feel how her pussy pulsates with yearning. Her fingers embrace his cock and slowly start with alluring rolls of her wrist as she strokes it.

As she is sitting right now, he has a clear view of her beautiful pussy and how it blushes red with the arousal rushing to it. The folds are shiny and wet. For him. He closes his eyes as his hand continues to explore the heavenly place between her legs. Unfairly, his attention is partly drawn to the feeling of her grip around his cock and the stroking of the length.

As he opens his eyes again, they lock onto her soft breasts, moving gently as her hand moves up and down behind her back. He reaches up, pressing a hand to her back, and pulls her down over him. He takes one of her breasts in his mouth, his lips closing around the hard nipple. Between her legs, he parts her pussy lips and traces her wetness around her folds and up between her lips and over her sensitive clit.

“Mmm, I love how wet you are,” he mumbles between her breasts before his tongue continues its caresses.

She moans so delightfully surrendering, while his fingers work their way around her pussy. For each small tug of the nipple, she can feel a convulsion in her pussy and the tickling sensation grows. His tongue against her nipples and his wet fingers expertly massaging her clit makes her moan again and again, and she gasps for air. She tries to keep stroking his cock blindly. Now and then she accidentally taps it against one of her ass-cheeks, and his body tenses in delightful response.

He is crazy about the sight of her on top of him like this. She is so insanely beautiful, and she sets everything within him aflame. His mouth changes back and forth between her breasts. Pinching at her nipples, sucking them into his mouth and gently sinking his teeth into them. He trails one finger down between her wet pussy lips and into her warm entrance and she takes an extra breath and bites her lip.

Then two fingers. He can feel how she tightens around his fingers, how her pussy pulsates and convulse under his touches. His other hand reaches around her and grabs onto one of her smooth, firm ass-cheeks and squeezes it tight, massaging it. Her moans grow louder. More passionate. She can’t help but press down against his hand as his fingers work inside her. Her heart rate is skyrocketing. Her pulse beats against her skin like a rapid morse code and her body is working overtime from the crazy stimulations.

She lets go of his cock and both her hands run up over his stomach and chest and back down again, her eyes eating up everything on their way. Both his hands now grab her tight ass-cheeks, his fingers digging into the flesh as he presses them together, pulls them apart, and presses them together again. She reaches down between her legs, her fingers closing around his cock, and holds it just an inch from her pussy’s entrance. Her hand strokes it slowly and delicately.

She looks at him for permission.

“Yes!” he quakes hoarsely. “Do it! I want you to sit on me! I want to feel you glide down around me!”

His body is quivering. His breathing is heavy and deep and filled with lust for her. With his permission she lets the tip of his cock touch the lips of her pussy. She moans shakily as she parts her pussy with his cock and rubs it down over her clit. She leads him further until his cock is at her entrance.

She coats the head of his cock with her pussy juices as she circulates the entrance. He looks down between them while she slowly and teasingly gets ready to take him in. The smoothness, the slippery feel of her folds makes his cock throb in her hand, he can feel the juices run down in slow drops around his cock. Then finally she slowly glides down around him.

His head presses back into the sofa, overwhelmed by the feeling of her, the feeling of her tight, wet pussy as it closes around him and works its way down around him. He lets out a loud moan as his hands grab onto her hips. He doesn’t take the lead but instead feels the sensation of her taking him in twice. He revels in the feeling of the slow sensation but also fights the urge to thrust up into her. Thrust himself deeper into her.

His eyes are watching her face closely as it changes the further inside her he gets. Her eyebrows tie the little knot between them, her faint-red lips part in a soundless moan, and the muscles in her throat tense as his cock sinks deep into her. She looks so vulnerable. So lost in her world of pleasure.

As she moves her hips, she can feel how his cock hits all the good spots within her pussy, making her moan.

Everything in his body hums and his eyes can’t look away from her movements on top of him. He barely blinks as he soaks it all up. Her pussy feels so wonderfully tight around his cock, and he revels in her movements back and forth on his cock. Each one strokes him carefully and completely.

His hands seek up to her breasts and close around them and the combination of his cock in her pussy and his hands around her breasts, makes her moan louder as the tantalizing sensation starts to burn hot within her. Suddenly, she supports a hand on his stomach, and blinded with lust she starts riding him faster.

Her hips and legs almost start shaking as his fingers close around her nipples. Squeezing them, twisting them, pulling at them. Maybe a bit too hard, but he is close to burning up with desire and is nearly losing control with the sensation of her ass and the backside of her thighs hitting, hard, down against him for every hypnotic, circle roll of her hips.

The base of his cock is drenched with her pussy’s juices, more each time she sways down against him.

Her pleasure sounds turn more into cries of surrender as his cock pleasure her inner and his hands and fingers keep the tantalizing sensation running straight from her nipples and down to the good place in her pussy, nestling right above where his cock piston in and out of her. He yanks the moans from her mouth again and again, her nails digging into the skin of his stomach. Her toes curl as the tantalizing sensation grows and nearly explodes, and her moans turn to gasps reaching for air. It's so close.

Her body strikes down hard on him now. Over and over. Fast. Greedily, he presses his cock deep into her pussy every time. But he recognizes her seeking behavior for his cock to hit the same spot again and again.

“Don’t cum yet, darling!” he breathes darkly, and she gasps at his crazy request. “Wait for me! I want you to cum with me. I want to feel the explosion within you as the orgasm rolls over you. So, you have to hold back now!”

He scoops his hands underneath her ass, lifting her from his lap, and starts thrusting up into her pussy, burying his cock deep within her with such force again and again.

“Can you do that for me, darling?” he asks with a slick voice.

Her entire body is trembling. It reaches out into her fingers and every movement from him is close to sending her over the edge. But she forces her body to ignore what is otherwise pulling at her.

“Yes. I think so,” she says before looking at him with trembling lips. “Yes.”

“Good girl,” he groans deeply.

As he continues thrusting up into her pussy, he wraps one hand around the back of her neck and pulls her down over him, and presses his lips to hers, his tongue starting an immediate hunt for hers.

“Hold it. Just a little more. I’m so close!” he whispers against her flushed red lips.

Her nails dig into the sofa, that she has desperately grabbed onto. She fights to not release the pleasure that is simmering like mad in her body. It would be so easy… To give in… But she will wait for him. She always will.

Their tongues dance and their lips are pressed close together. He can feel how insanely amazing and tight her pussy hugs his cock. Her body trembles and hums just as much as his. He feels the pull in his cock and balls now. Feel how he edges the border of no return. He wants to give in so badly. He pulls back slightly from their kiss, his vibrant eyes catching her.

“Now, darling!” he demands, “cum for me! Let me feel you cum all over me!”

It's just a matter of permission; the next roll of her hips releases the explosion. In her pussy and around his cock.

She cries out as her fingers claw at the sofa.

“Yes! Cum for me!” he hisses through gritted teeth, soaking up the view.

Her pussy convulses around him in hot waves, and he surrenders to the growing sensation. He grabs her red-striped ass-cheeks and pulls her down around him just as his cock erupts inside her pussy. Sending his warm, wet cum up into her as his body quivers and convulses.

He holds her down firmly against him while his cock pumps and pulsates inside her and she writhes on top of him, whimpering. Her hips roll through their orgasms and her fingers grasp around what they can find, thankful that his hands hold her grounded. She breathes a final moan, and her hips stop moving and instead, she dwells in her body feeling the orgasm faint slowly.

They both draw a breath of fresh air, and he sits up, embracing her tight.

Pressing his face to hers, he says, “Welcome home, darling.”

Written by Miiitch
Contributing Authors
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