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Walk in the Park

"Running into a willing woman was an unexpected surprise."

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We met by accident. Well, that’s mostly true. She was walking her dog on a morning that I jogged in the park. Maybe she walked the dog every day on that path, however, I only ran on the weekends when I ran a two-mile loop in the park. The woman was pretty, and I'd guess she was in her mid to late twenties. So, I decided to run on a Monday to see if she was there since it was a holiday, Memorial Day.

That choice was eventful. Yes, she was there with her dog having difficulty keeping it on the leash. A stray was sniffing around, and the two dogs wanted to play. Finally, her dog broke loose to be quickly joined by the stray. Apparently, it was mating season because the mutt already had his paws on the runaway. The bitch didn’t seem to mind.

“Oh no, Daisy! Oh no, no, no.” the lady yelled. "Come back! Come back here.”

That’s when I got some unexpected exercise running down the path to separate the dogs. They both gave me unhappy yips and growls while I walked Daisy back to her owner.

When I handed the leash to the lady, she looked at me and said, “This is so embarrassing. Daisy is only a puppy. I don’t want her to get pregnant and certainly not this early. Thanks for rescuing Daisy from that nasty mutt.”

I shrugged and said, “Whatever will be will be.”

“Easy for you to say,” she scolded.

“I thought it was well, rather romantic, don’t you?”

“Yes, in a way but my puppy has become a harlot. It’s the second time this has happened.”

“Well, I don’t think you should worry about her reputation. Maybe you can marry her off to a male with papers. That might make her respectable.”

“That’s funny but I’m the one who has to deal with the consequences.”

“Do you do this often”

“You mean letting my Daisy hook up with strange dogs in the park? I think it is something to be done in private.”

“So, you have nothing against sex but not in the park.”

"Not as a common practice." She smiled coyly and said, "I don't make it a habit myself, but my high school boyfriend dared me to do it outside.”

“Did you?”

“Well, we were on a nature trail during our senior year. That part was romantic, you know, a warm spring evening with a full moon. So, I went along with it. That was a long time ago."

“It couldn’t have been that long ago. I’m guessing you’re not more than twenty-four or five.”

“Thanks, but I turn thirty next summer. By the way, what is your name? I’ve seen you in the park before.”

“I’m Liam and already thirty. I jog here on the weekends although this is the first time I've chased dogs.”

“Okay, old man,” she laughed. “I’m Angela like in angel.”

“Hmmm, the name fits.”

"Well, Liam, you have a way with words. Nice meeting you. I’ve got to go now. Daisy needs a bath before we go to the dog trainer. Bye.” And she left me trotting off to finish my morning exercise.

When I returned along the same path the next morning, there was no sign of the promiscuous, Daisy, or her companion Angela.

I didn’t see Angela until the following Saturday sitting on a park bench. She was wearing a seductive light summer dress cut above the knees with a plunging neckline that revealed a desirable set of hooters. Angela gave me an inviting smile. I put on the brakes and asked, “Where’s Daisy?”

"She's at the vet's for some tests. Do you have a minute, Liam?"

“Sure.” I was surprised she remembered my name and sat with her enjoying the rest and her company.

We exchanged small talk for about a half an hour before she had a hand on my upper thigh. I knew she was up to something more than a neighborly chat.

“I didn’t tell you the whole truth the first time we met.”

“About what?”

“About my boyfriend and me having sex in the park,” she said.

“Oh? How is that?”

“The truth is that it didn’t happen. It only happens in my imagination. I know it sounds kinky but having sex outdoors seems so exciting. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, Liam, but I haven’t had a man for over a year. You can understand what that can do to a woman still in her childbearing years.”

“Are you saying you want children?”

“Yes, I’ve always wanted them, but my fiancée didn’t. So, we split. At my age, it hasn’t been easy to find a husband. And to be frank, I like having someone to snuggle in bed with.”

“You mean you miss having sex.”

“Well, I didn’t want to come out and say it that way but yes, I like having sex.”

“I can help you with that, Angela.”

She grinned and said, “That’s considerate of you, Liam.”

“If you’re not busy, we can go someplace,” I offered.

“You don’t mean now in the park, do you?”

“I don’t have a plan but if you want to find a quiet place off the path, I suppose I’m okay with that.”

“So, we’re going to sneak into the woods, and act out my fantasy?”

“Why not? Males are always willing to help out a female in heat.”

“You think I’m in heat?” she asked with a scowl.

“Well let’s say you are hot. How about if we just take a short walk in the woods.”

She didn’t say yes; she didn’t say no. Angela only yelled, “Catch me if you can!” as she ran into the forest like we were playing hide and seek. I found her in a quiet place safe from prying eyes. We were alone except for the birds and the bees.

Her dress slipped easily over her head revealing that she had left her bra and panties at home. Angela was naked except for a pair of pink Skechers. I dropped my running shorts. Angela fell to her knees and devoured my cock. She certainly hadn’t lost her touch over the past year of abstinence.

“Please be gentle,” she said after teasing my cock into a steely hard erection. “It’s been a long time.” I laid her down on a bed of leaves, then tasted her smoothly shaved pussy. With the preliminaries over, we fucked like young newlyweds on their honeymoon. Time had not dulled her passions for that one either.

I did my best to satisfy her lust. I did alright until getting to the point of no return. Finally, it was time to release a gusher of cum deep inside Angela’s hot pussy. She moaned and moaned assuring me that I had done the right thing.

We sat on a log catching our breath for a few minutes when she said, “After we met and you chased the dogs, Liam, you gave me the confidence to date again. I even met an old friend for coffee this week so I’m feeling better about myself. I might have been presumptuous, but I wanted you to come along today. Having a little romp in the woods was even more than I could have hoped for. Are you married, Liam?”

“Funny time to be asking, Angela, but no.”

“Have you ever been married?”

"No, and it's not on my bucket list."

“You wouldn’t have a handkerchief. I’m dripping.”

“I can see that. Looks like I over-did it.”

"You did it just right, Liam," she insisted.

“You’ll need to check with the doctor to find out your due date,” I quipped.

She laughed. Angela said she was safe and not to worry.

“Here, you can use this. It’s just a sweatband that comes in handy on hot days. Just stuff it inside until you get home.”

We met for a second, then a third time. They were merely short pleasurable rendezvous in the same obscure place under the trees before Angela disappeared. Angela was no longer in the park. We hadn't exchanged last names, addresses, phone numbers, or e-mails. I never saw her in the park again.

        * * * * * * * *

This would end the story except that I bumped into Angela several months later at the drug store. I didn’t see her right away but heard her voice from behind me.

“Oh, my God if it isn’t Liam!” she practically yelled. When I turned to see who called my name, it was Angela. She looked different somehow. Her face was more rounded and flushed. Angela looked a little bloated. I wondered if she was picking up medication at the pharmacy for some kind of illness.

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“Angela!” I called out a little too vociferously. “I haven’t seen you walking Daisy. How have you been?”

“You mean my morning sickness, backaches, and fatigue,” she grumbled.

What she was saying didn’t ring a bell. “What’s wrong? Have you been to a doctor?” I asked sympathetically.

She pressed her hands on her stomach and said, “Can’t you tell?”

The slight bulge on her tummy made it clear, too clear, and was not on my bucket list. Angela was pregnant.

“My God, Angela. I suppose you are going to tell me it’s mine.”

She gave me a cagey look and said, “Not, ‘it’ but them. I’m having twins.”

“Correction, we’re having twins.”

“Maybe, Liam, maybe not.”

“What do you mean, maybe not?”

“You won’t believe this, Liam, but I was so worked up after our first walk in the park that when I got home and saw Noah, I invited him up for a beer. He was a college kid who lived downstairs from my apartment. The guy is as tall as a flagpole and played basketball at our community college. Noah has an engaging smile that I couldn’t resist.

“We had been friendly so seducing him wasn’t difficult. I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I got back to the kitchen, I was only wearing my Skechers so there would be no misunderstanding. Noah had no trouble figuring it out and had his pants below his knees. Wow, he was big, and I almost came looking at his tight ass.

“The kid had me sprawled over the kitchen table and took his time penetrating me. At last, his monster cock was inside pounding me so hard I thought the table would collapse. Noah was marvelous. He didn’t finish until I had multiple orgasms. Based on the abundant semen he ejaculated into me and that was still here the next day, he is the most likely candidate as the father.

“Just like everyone in my life, Liam,” she continued, “he left a week later, transferring to LSU.“

“I started dating after that. A friend from college was in town the next week and he stayed at my place for a few days. That’s why I wasn’t at the park. We caught up on our past if you know what I mean.

“The following weekend I was at my niece’s wedding and met a friend of a friend from out of town. He was a great dancer, and we liked the same music. We hooked up in his hotel room that night. I didn’t get home until ten the next morning, refreshed and enjoying life again.”

“So, you have three prospective fathers.”

“Five, Liam. There are five if you don’t count those after I got pregnant.”

“Who were the other two, Angela, and how many after that?”

“Don’t ask how many. Give me credit for making up for lost time.”

“Okay, tell me about the other two.”

“One was Harold from accounting. He asked me to be his secretary for a day at the Sheraton. The business meeting was in the morning. The afternoon was spent in bed.”

“You know, Angela, I thought you told me you were safe. Whatever birth control you were using wasn’t very effective.”

“I wasn’t on birth control when I said that, Liam. That day in the park wasn’t the right time of the month for me to get pregnant. I thought we were safe in that way.”

“What about the other times?”

“I tried to time it right.”

A little over anxiously I said, “Okay, take care. Good to see you, Angela. Oh, one more thing, how is Daisy? Did she have puppies?

“I had to give Daisy away when I found out I was pregnant. It turned out she has an obstruction and can’t have puppies. Isn’t it ironic that I got pregnant, and she didn’t?”

“Ironic, yes, I’d agree, ironic.”

“Liam, in case you want to get in touch, here is my cell number.”

I didn’t call for a week, then I was curious. Angela didn’t tell me when the baby was due. Maybe I could do the math and gain some assurance that I wasn’t the father. So, I sent her a text.

Angela, this is Liam.”

“Liam, it’s so great to hear from you.”

“Can you join me for lunch today?”

“Of course.”

I gave her the restaurant’s name and time. We met at a quarter past one in a small family-owned restaurant. She looked radiant and more beautiful than the last time we met.

"Feeling any better?" I asked.

“Better but fatter.”

We talked about the weather and the latest fads and a movie she loved. Then Angela told me more about her romantic affairs. She was very open and honest about it but now that she was pregnant, she said fewer men were willing to date her. “You would think that I’d be very popular with the guys.”

“Why is that Angela?”

“The thing is, guys don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant.”

I grinned a sheepish grin and said, “Apparently not.”

"Have you ever had sex with a pregnant woman, Liam?”


"You need to try it. Some women like me get horny when we are expecting.”

“Is that an invitation, Angela?”

“I didn’t expect it to come out like that but, okay, let’s just say it was a suggestion. I can’t tell you, Liam, what it’s been like. I’m in sexual over-drive. I want sex all the time. If only men would understand that a woman needs it more than ever when she’s in this condition.”

“Angela, you look lovely. Pregnancy suits you well.”

“It’s not just my waistline that has expanded, Liam. My tits are big and my nipples so sensitive I don’t wear a bra.”

“You know, Angela, this conversation is stimulating, if you get what I mean. My place is right around the corner.”

“I was hoping you would say that.”

Angela stayed until the next morning. She had not been exaggerating about her libido. The afternoon and evening were like checking off pages in Kama Sutra. I was exhausted at daybreak when Angela wanted to do it in the shower. I told her she would have to do that solo. She said, “At least you could soap my back.” I soaped her back and more. My erection got the best of me. Bending her over as the water rained down on us, I reamed Angela from the back.

After breakfast, she went home. I needed my rest.

During our day together, I learned a little more about Angela. She had graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts majoring in European History. Angela had spent two years in France working on her Master’s degree before taking a job with her grandfather's investment firm.

She had been engaged twice but neither of them worked out. The first was at the last moment when Angela said she developed an uncontrollable panic attack thinking about being a twenty-four-year-old wife. “I just thought I was too young to settle down,” she said. The other was an argument over having kids. I identified with that. When I was twenty-five, the girls I dated all seemed to have marriage and kids on their minds.

We moved on with our lives. I took a job on the other side of the state, married a fabulous woman, and we have three kids. I never forgot about Angela and wondered if I was the father of five.

One day the answer arrived in an unexpected way. I was reading the Wall Street Journal that had an article with the caption, “Single Mom Takes Control of BTP.” The article stated that the grandfather had bypassed his ex-wife, son, and brother. A picture of the woman and her twin boys, Noah and Liam was attached.

“Liam, dear, did you read about the woman that just inherited a billion-dollar company from her grandfather?” my wife asked.

“Yes, dear, I’m reading about it now.”

“Gosh, what I couldn’t do with a billion dollars and she’s only in her forties!"

"Yes, dear. Don't get your hopes up on that."

The thing is the controlling interest in BTP was now held by Angela. The boys? They were handsome teenagers with great smiles and almost as tall as their mom. Oh, one more thing. They were dark-skinned, not fair-skinned like me. I guess Angela was right. The stud living downstairs was the likely father. Now it was no longer ‘likely,’ more like ‘probable’.

The funny thing is that I felt relieved, yet disappointed thinking of what might have been.


Written by xhardx13
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