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Vinyl Possibilities

"Angie has met her sexual match in the most unlikely of work."

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It was something to behold, the majestic spectacle that would be Reid Fitzgerald’s cock. I was in silent awe as my eyes researched the form, camber, girth and length of this immense tool. I was torn somewhere between apprehension and curiosity. The door to the stock room was open, not that it mattered, Buy Product Records had been closed for the last 23 minutes. How do I get myself in these situations? His hefty cock beckoned.

It all started at the beginning of my shift. I walked into the small, cluttered building that was brimming with vinyl and compact discs. It’s decor was typical. The walls were littered with promotional posters, the bins were almost overstocked with product, the checkered tile was scuffed and stacks of flyers and zines littered the counter. I put on my black polyester apron and clocked in. Reid had started his shift a full half hour before I had. Reid was attractive. Yes. But not in the traditional sense. He was hot in an Adrien Brody sorta way. He stood behind the cash register ringing up a purchase brought to the counter for some gawky death rock girl. His lean lanky body towered over her as he bagged her three records.

He looked rested for once. He was an aspiring musician, but who the fuck isn’t? Nobody writes anymore. He had coal, black glossy hair that never entirely looked groomed. Ever! His side burns were long narrow strips that framed his face. A long, gaunt face. He had huge lime green eyes and dark long lashes. His mouth was wide and inhabited many teeth, his lips naturally cherry pink and thin. He was rather pale and could probably benefit from cutting back on his daily coffee and cigarette intake. He had plugs the size of a dime in both earlobes. He actually wore something other than a black T-shirt that day. It was a tomato red T-shirt that fit tightly across the chest.

His brown vintage Levi’s cords were being held up (modestly) by his jutting hipbones and complete lack of ass. Thank goodness he was wearing a belt, albeit, I’m not sure why, since the crack of ass would peek out every now and then when he bent over. Reid had been playing the same Ted Leo and the Pharmacists album all week and frankly it was getting old. I like that fucking record but …every day for three days. I was tired of always being passive and being assaulted by his musical tastes whether I liked it or not. Today I would put my foot down! Today my opinion would matter for once. I walked behind the counter and grabbed a box of products that needed to be shelved.

“Hey, Angie. How are ya?” Reid asked.

“Fine.” I said picking up a stack of Nina Simone CDs to place in their bin.

“Cool.” He picked up his omnipresent cup of Tully’s coffee and took a sip.

“ Nice dress.” Reid remarked.

His tone was surprisingly sincere. He’s known for his biting sarcasm.


I suddenly felt awkward and wished I’d worn a cardigan. In fact I hadn’t thought much of the pea green cotton sundress that I’d picked up at Value Village a week prior, other than the fact that it was 50% off, comfortable and went well with the new pair of black shell toe Adidas that I had been wearing often. I felt his eyes travel against my bare skin. I pretended to ignore this. I couldn’t quiet figure out if he and I even liked each other. I mean as people . We never hung out outside of work and we‘d been working together for 7 months. We’d occasionally see each other at a dingy, dive bar or a rock show and were usually cordial to each other. Otherwise our working relationship was the only one we had. Which didn’t amount to much.

Customers went in and out of the store in unusual and random patterns that day. Some buying arm loads of music, others just browsing or asking trivial questions. Reid was only seconds away from pressing repeat on the CD player when I unexpectedly ran behind the counter and grabbed his arm.

“NO MORE!” I yelled.

A rocker kid with black and platinum streaked hair looked up in disbelief from my sudden outburst.

“I refuse to hear this FUCKING CD again!”

My usual mild mannered persona had suddenly transformed itself into an unfavorable bitch.

“Angie.” Reid turned to me, his eyes were wide with alarm. “I’m sorry. I just assumed…”

I interrupted him. “Never fucking assume.” My glare was intense. I guess I was a little more annoyed that I thought.

“Okay.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“Angie’s choice. What do you wanna hear?”

I left the counter and combed the used bin for a selection.

“Feisty. I like that.” Reid murmured. I was a little unsure of whether he wanted me to hear his comment or not. Usually I would’ve ignored him. But if he wanted feisty , I’d give him feisty. I grabbed a copy of the My Bloody Valentine's, Loveless and immediately charged behind the counter. I popped the disc in the disc changer and took my place behind the counter.

“Good choice.” He nodded.

“Whatever.” I said between clenched teeth.

“I think you’re turning me on.”

He was less than a foot away from me and I could feel the heat emanating from his body. His face was visibly flushed. I cowered. My old submissive self crept back into place. I grew embarrassed and trotted from behind the counter and began alphabetizing the jazz section.

The rocker boy brought up his pick and I overheard him say to Reid; “Wow! I’ve been coming here for months and I’ve never seen her do any shit like that. She’s a kinda bad ass! That’s fuckin’hot!”

Reid chuckled and whispered over My Bloody Valentine's, Only Shallow. “Yeah, it’s kinda hot, huh?” I tucked my bone straight scarlet hair behind my ears. It’s a nervous habit. After the rocker boy left I could feel Reid’s eyes on me again. This time I could also feel my body reacting to this, as I was becoming flushed. 

“Angie. Uh…So what’s up?” Reid asked from behind the counter.

“Nothing.” I answered back, pretending to be engrossed in my work in order to avoid conversation.

“So why don’t we ever like…talk?” His query was unexpected.

I looked up and tilted my head. “I don’t know, Reid.” I felt myself soften up.

“Dude, we’ve worked together for like almost a year.”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded.

“I see you out with your chick friends all the time.”

“Yeah.” I replied.

“My band, Gifted is always playing. We play tomorrow at The Catch. You should come. I’ll put you on the list and everything.”

“Cool. I’d like to see your band sometime.” I felt a smile curve across my full lips.

“What’s your favorite band Angie?”

“I really like Spoon. You?” I walked up to the counter to stand closer to him.

“Too many. Right now it’s Johnny Cash, Ted Leo, Unwound, Death From Above 1979,The Pretenders, Neutral Milk Hotel, Jeff Buckley…”

“Oh, you like Jeff Buckley? How could we work together for 7 months and not know that we both like Jeff Buckley?”

“Weird.” He took the last swig of his coffee and crushed the paper cup in his hand.

I was standing near the wastebasket and when he approached to toss his cup in the garbage I could smell him. A mixture of lemongrass, stale tobacco smoke and something sweet and soapy that I couldn’t entirely identify. Maybe it was his laundry detergent. I felt myself grow light with the sudden surge of attention that I was getting from Reid and began to actually loosen up for the first time since I‘d started working there. I think he noticed too.

“You smoke pot?” He asked in a matter of fact tone.

“Rarely.” I answered back. I looked up to see a sudden flicker in his eyes. His pupils grew dilated.

“But you do?”

“Only when I’m with potheads and that’s only sometimes.”


I looked down at my pink Hello kitty wrist watch and noticed that it was 15 minutes until closing. He grabbed my wrist abruptly and examined the face of my watch. It was only then that I was aware of his warm skin touching mine. I felt my heart racing.

“Shit. Time totally sped by today. We’re closing shop in less than 15.” He said.

His hand was still wrapped around my wrist for what seemed like 20 seconds too long. I think it was deliberate on his part. He looked down at me and gazed into my eyes for a moment. “Uh…I’m gonna take the trash out to the dumpster out back.”

“Okay.” My mouth went dry.

I felt this sudden pang of sadness wash over me as his hand slowly drifted away.

I felt unreasonable and silly and doubted everything that I was feeling as I watched him disappear into the stock room. I blamed it all on my loneliness and even told myself that I was imagining the chemistry that was developing between Reid and I. (Fuck for all I knew at that moment the chemistry had been there all along, but we had finally acknowledge it.)

By the time Reid came back into the store I had shut off the neon and had locked the door. I was putting the rest of the new releases on the shelf when I felt Reid behind me.

He put his hand on my bare golden cappuccino colored shoulder.

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I turned to greet him and without warning he cupped my face with his soft, slender hands. He gazed into my eyes for a moment and then his mouth was on mine. It felt like a dream. A slow seductive dream.

I kissed him back, my initial shock fading. I felt myself arching up on my toes to reach his mouth and kiss him deeper. His tongue had brushed against mine and I swear I felt sparks. In fact, my whole body was being ignited. The sweetness of sugared coffee still lingered on his tongue. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his long, lithe frame. His hands cupped my ass and he blindly lead us back into the stock room. Ted Leo had unexpectedly flooded the speakers, since neither of us had bothered to take the disc out of the disc changer. I no longer cared. My body had taken over. He ran his hands under my dress against my silky, shapely thighs. He was moaning quietly in between kisses. He sat me down on top of the desk, where we placed orders.

The computer monitor was inches away from my hip. The room was jumbled with unopened boxes of product. He cupped my face once more and returned to my lips. His mouth meet mine with urgency. I wrapped my legs around him. He was still standing above me. He leaned in between my legs. I could feel his cock straining to be free, throbbing and twitching as he ground his hips into the crotch of my panties. I could smell the wetness seeping out of my pussy. Reid helped me out of my black polyester apron, he then pushed the straps of my sundress away from my shoulders and tugged the dress away from my small pear shaped breasts. He stepped away for a moment to study me, pushing the lone swivel chair away from the old faux mahogany desk.


He took my right tit into his hand and sucked the mocha colored nipple into his hungry mouth. He took my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and tenderly rolled it back and forth. I began to press my cunt harder against his corduroy covered crotch. The friction was sweet and desperate. He pulled away and lifted his arms. I pulled his T-shirt off and let it fall to the floor. I pressed my face against his smooth, hairless chest. I planted deep wet kisses along his collar bone and tongued his tiny pink nipples. He quivered under my touch. He raised my dress above my waist and hooked his fingers into the waistband of my blue cotton panties. I felt them sweeping down past my ankles.

I closed my eyes and fell back against the wall. I spread my legs and he immediately fell to his knees and spread the lips of my cunt apart. I could feel his warm mouth engulf my whole clit. His two fingers slowly probed the inside of my slippery cunt expertly. I coated his fingers with my sweet juice. My clit was an erect pinkish brown nub. He then pulled my creamy caramel thighs farther apart. He pushed the folds of my cunt back tenderly with his fingers. My wiry black pubes were saturated with my own cunt nectar.

I could feel his warm breath caress my clit, followed by the warm butterfly fluttering of his tongue. I had the same feeling in the pit of my belly that you have when you’re in the passenger’s seat of a car that’s going way too fast. I let out a hoarse squeal as he tongued my clit. I was overwhelmed with the events that had emerged in the past few hours. It’s funny how people, things and events all change and sometimes you‘re the last to know. You just wake up one day and when you least expect it your manager is going down on you in the stockroom…but, surprisingly enough he actually gives good head.

I laced my fingers through his glossy black hair and tilted my pelvis up to meet his busy mouth. I looked down at him for the first time and felt my pulse quicken. Reid was fucking gorgeous and I had no idea how hot he was until I witnessed him lavishing my pussy with his mouth. He looked up at me with those crazy lime green eyes; his mouth glistening, his face glowing, his pupils enlarged.

“Angie, your pussy is like candy.” he said, his tone earnest and filled with longing.

I felt my cunt contract. He dived back in, sucking my clit in between his lips. The sensation was pleasurable and painful all at once.

“Ahhh…” I exhaled.

He reached up and cupped my breasts in his hands, squeezing, examining and possibly trying to keep them etched in his memories for posterity’s sake. He stood up, looming over me and began unbuckling his belt. The room was hushed save for our breathing or panting as it were. My gaze was fixed on the zipper of his pants.

“I’m so fucking hard for you, Angie.”

He leaned over and began kissing me. I could taste the subtle saltiness of my cunt on his tongue. I put my hands on his hips and helped him pull his pants off. I could hear him kicking off his black suede Pumas. In my limited experience with sex I have learned one thing; there is hardly anything graceful about a man getting undressed right before sex. It’s either quick or bumbling, but never pretty. He was wearing red plaid boxers now.

He took my hand and placed it on the front of his shorts. I could feel a few dots of wetness that had gathered there. I then realized that what I thought was the beginning of his cock was actually the middle. I inched my hand up higher and miraculously it continued. I finally encountered the source of the wetness; the head of his cock which was almost the size of a plum. He pulled his shorts down and his cock flung out. He took my hand and put it around the base. He was moaning. I pulled away and leaned back so that I could get a look at what was in my hand.

“Oh. my.God.” was the only thing I could utter.

He looked down at me. His cock was fat, long and pulsating.

“You okay?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” I was stunned.

“What’s wrong, Angie?” His eyes were soft.

“Wow.” I replied.

He laughed. I stared. It was monstrous. Beautiful but monstrous.

He planted baby kisses on my mouth and took his cock into his own hand. His mouth traveled to my neck and I turned weak and rubbery. He leaned in and pressed his fat cock against my clit. He rubbed the head back and forth against it. I could feel myself relax. The fear had resolved itself. I put my hands on his ass and began writhing against his cock now. I grew slipperier. His cock crept closer and closer into the entrance of my pussy. The head slide into my cunt. I accepted him and felt myself bloom around his dick like a soft calla. We both inhaled in unison. He didn’t move for a moment. He reached down and began to lightly pinch and pull at my nipples.

“You’re so wet and tight.” His tongue flicked against my ear.

He plunged himself, inside hard and deep. I could feel the piercing pain of his cock hitting my cervix. I closed my eyes.

“Oooooo God. So sweet. You feel so sweet.” He whispered.

My walls were clinging to his stalk with each thrust. In and out. The ache was exquisite and kind. My back slide further down the wall, he lifted my ass up with his hands and his slow easy rhythm was replaced with a speed metal double drum solo. The friction of his pelvis contacting my clitoris triggered by the girth of his cock was gradually sending me over the edge. Reid took my chin into his free hand and slid his thumb into my mouth. He had a pensive look in his eyes. I moved with him. My breasts jiggled and bounced. My arousal was in overdrive. I was starting to grow bolder. I moved my lips up and down his thumb as if I were sucking his cock.

“Ooooo Angie. You’re sexy.”

He pulled out and brushed his slick stiff cock hard on my clit. He ran his thumb along my lips. I felt it. My orgasm came on unexpectedly, a lot like this whole ordeal had. The electric currents were dancing deep inside me. The waves had taken over my body. He tried pushing his cock inside of me again, but it didn’t matter. I was coming hard. I think my contractions were making it difficult for him to slide back in, but he managed.

“Oh, yeah. Fuck! Reid! Fuck”

He dislodged his huge cock from my pussy. I looked down to see the cum erupting from his prick like jets of hot lava. It felt warm and milky as it hit my thigh.


He stood there stroking his mighty cock. He quickened as more sperm splashed onto my thigh. He spread the cum across my thigh using the head of his dick like a swab.

I felt exhilarated. He scooped some cum up with his fingers.

“Taste me, Angie.” he pleaded.

I opened my mouth and closed my lips around his fingers. The warm seed dissolved on my tongue and was washed away by my saliva. It tasted oddly sweet.

He kissed me and playfully darted his tongue in and out of my mouth.

“You’re so hot Angie.”

“You think so? ” I replied, pushing my arms back through the straps of my dress.

I slid off of the desk and picked my panties up from the floor and wadded them up into a ball to put into my purse. Reid was standing there getting redressed. He looked over at me.

“So are you coming to my gig tomorrow?” He asked pushing his semi erect cock back into his boxers.

“I don’t know yet. But we should probably finish putting the new releases out before we end up here all night.”

“ Like that’s a bad thing.” I heard him whisper as I headed out the door.

And with that I went back on to the sales floor and began shelving products. I felt light and energetic. I could still smell him on me as I started stocking the hip-hop section. His cum had dried on my thigh. A smile secretly met my lips as I hummed, Hearts of Oak along with Ted Leo.

Written by deliciousbrown
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