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Velvet Ropes

"What happens on the road, stays on the road."

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Lynn and I have been friends for years now. We had known each other for decades and our kids went to the same school, but it wasn’t until we had a good chat at a networking event for executives four years ago that we really connected.

At that point in our lives, we were both struggling. Our marriages were in the final innings, our careers were in transit, and we drank too much. But it was after that event that we started our own business together and really became good friends as we sorted our lives out.

Today, we have moved on. We are both divorced. We both have new careers. And we both have new loves in our life. We went through the valley of death together and emerged stronger for it and remain the closest of friends today. There is no one we trust more than each other.

Lynn and I are both in our mid-forties, but many people don’t believe it as we both live active lifestyles. Lynn is a tenacious cross-fit addict and she motivates me to try and keep up.

She and I are complete opposites when it comes to appearances though– where I have light hair, blue eyes, and white complexion, she is tanned, brunette, with dark eyes. Lynn has perfect legs, large breasts and a face that can bring men to their knees. She has always turned heads wherever we go together.

We don’t do a lot of business events together anymore, but this weekend past happened to be the exception. A client had asked us to fly to Chicago to speak to their senior management team. So, it was one last opportunity to do a project together, which is one of our favorite things to do.

Lynn and I have always enjoyed going to a big city for work because we also shop, go out, explore and just have fun together. It’s one of the things that got us through all those dark years. So, after our successful day with our client, we found ourselves in our all-too-familiar place of a high-end restaurant dressed to the nines enjoying a fine bottle of wine and exceptional company.

We’ve done it all over the years - gone to concerts, gone to dance clubs, gone to strip joints. There are no holds barred between us; we just have fun. We talk about anything and everything; some of it, we even do.

As dinner drew to a close, the question became where to go next. It was far too early to turn in for the night having travelled all this way. I nervously suggested a visit to Behind the Velvet Ropes, a sex club that we’ve talked about before. I figured, the worst she could say is No. I’ve been rejected by her so many times over the years, that I’m almost immune to her indifference to me sexually, but this time was one of those rare occasions where she was up for an adventure. Her reply, “Sure, why not!”

An Uber later we were standing out front of a nondescript building fitting the address. The entrance was around the side and we giggled a little, perhaps a little drunk on the wine with dinner and a tad high from the joint we smoked before entering.

Having convinced the hostess we were a couple - I don’t think she was screening all that hard - we were given a key to a locker and sent to change. It was a clothing-optional club, but that basically meant you were either wearing chainmail or leather underwear, a white towel or nothing at all.

Despite being inebriated, we were still a little shy stripping in front of each other and tossing our clothes into the locker. I watched as her designer dress fell from her toned shoulders. I loved seeing her in her embroidered lace bra and silk panties, but those too were soon removed. We quickly wrapped the towels around our naked torsos and made our way onto the scene.

We walked from room-to-room exploring this strange and sensual world. One room had a women couple servicing each other in a full-on, end-to-end 69. The women were cooing in rapture as their heads bobbed up and down, their tongue waxing each other’s pussies and lips suckling one another’s clits. They were totally oblivious that Lynn and I were standing there in the doorway as voyeurs to their lovemaking.

In another room, there was a bar and dance pole. A few couples were dancing provocatively for each other, seducing their partners into sexual frenzies. It was so erotic watching them so openly tantalize one another. The men rubbed their cocks against the women’s asses and the women painted their breasts against the men.

In a third much larger room, there was a giant vinyl covered mattress filling half the room. There were probably a dozen guys waiting their turn to be with one of the daring and completely horny four or five hungry women – it was hard to tell how many women there were in amongst the forest of all those aching cocks. But between the trunks of fat cocks, I saw a woman blowing multiple cocks and another, accepting multiple invitations for copulation.

Lynn was mesmerized by this scene in particular. She watched the women move left and right finding new cocks to suck or fuck – whatever they pleased. Lynn loosened her towel, revealed her tits and chose instead to wrap it around her waist, perhaps to feel closer to the action.

I’m not sure either one of us is the swinger type, but it was definitely sensual overload being in a room full of moaning, sex-crazed people. I gazed over at Lynn’s nipples, so pert and full. Lynn had perfect tits generously provided by her ex-husband. My cock began rising beneath the towel.

I brazenly released the slip knot holding the towel around my waist and it fell away to the floor. My cock was standing straight out and growing in thickness. I smiled playfully at Lynn.

Lynn gazed over at my package and the two us laughed together. We’ve done crazy things over the years and this had the feeling of yet another episode.

Her eyes refocused and locked in on the activities ongoing in front of her. My eyes were locked on her. I reached my right hand across to cup her breast and in doing so turned my body toward her. My outstretched cock tapped against her smoothly toned leg.

Without even looking, she wrapped her right-hand fingers around my stem and started to massage it lightly heightening its trajectory further. In response, my own fingers curled around her nipple, rubbing and tuning it gently. We could feel that sexual tension building inside and between us without even trying.

This isn’t the first time Lynn and I have gotten into a compromising position with each other. We have an unwritten pact between us that somehow when we fool around together, it doesn’t count. It’s not something we take advantage of often, but let’s just say I know Lynn’s sexual preferences very well and she knows mine and we share a very open relationship.

I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “How badly do you want to be in the middle of that…all those cocks…” an obvious reference to the mess of bodies on the massive bed.

She tugged my cock a little harder and replied, “I just like watching.” An occasional cry or grunt signalled another orgasm had been birthed. It was becoming torturous.

Lynn then turned to me and without warning dropped to her knees and swallowed my fully encouraged cock. In one fell swoop, she took its entire length, which is not insignificant, into her mouth and down the back of her throat. One of the many things I love about Lynn: she knows how to suck a cock.

My cock came out of her mouth dripping in saliva. She licked the seams and cupped my balls before circling her puffy lips around the head then plunging it back inside her mouth again. It didn’t take long before cum was rising rapidly up my shaft.

She could sense its presence and instead of letting it subdue, she sucked me off harder and with more determination. I was helpless and a moment later, I grunted out an orgasm of my own.

She’s not one to swallow, but there was no time to get out of the way. The first thick velvet rope struck her lips and dribbled down to her chin. The second and third laced her large tits in thick threads of white silk.

Lynn smiled up at me in her triumph. Showered in cum, her fingers moved it around hoping that it would easily go away. Of course, it didn’t. I was kind of happy about that because she never looked sexier.

She stood up in front of me, somewhat annoyed at the mess, but I could also sense she was turned on at the same time. I grab her hard around the waist, my hands palming each side of her tight ass. I pulled her close, smeared all that mess over me as well and kissed her deeply in appreciation. It shocked her a little, but I could tell she had let herself get into the moment and was willing going with it.

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It was handy having a towel nearby, but not that it helped that much. We went back toward the locker room to get cleaned up and find fresh linen. It makes me hard now just recalling the two of us completely naked middle-aged executives walking around the club covered in cum trying to find a shower.

The showers were an all open-style like you might find in a prison. We were alone in hosing down. I helped Lynn wash away the mess, taking full advantage of the opportunity to run my hands all over her curvy and firmly trimmed body, of course, emphasizing each and every erotic zone possible. And when my fingers slipped between her legs, I felt her instantly lean into and almost want to climb onto them.

Standing behind her, I reached around her waist and fingered her pussy with one hand while the other coddled her breast. Her butt pressed and ground against my worn but recovering cock. We weren’t done yet.

We left the shower to return the bar area. I ordered us two glasses of wine and we sat at the bar, laying down our fresh set of towels on the stools. She surveyed the situation, perhaps in the back of her mind wondering if anyone had witnessed our colossal mess of earlier.

My mind was only thinking one thing at that point, and that was, how was I going to suck her off and where. She knows, and frankly enjoys, that my favorite thing to do in the entire world is to lick her pussy. At that moment, I think she sensed it as well because as she sat on the stool, her legs were just spread far enough apart that I could see her perfectly shaved slit.

She knew what I was looking at and didn’t mind at all. In fact, she spread her legs just a little bit wider to give me a better looksie knowing she had my full attention. We both knew what she wanted and what I was to give.

There was another couple at the end of the bar and a few couples out on the dance floor. So I figured, why not? I got off of the stool and it was my turn to kneel before Lynn. She acted surprised, but I don’t think she was. She knows I’ll suck her off just about anywhere, like last Fourth of July when I slipped my tongue between her legs while she was lying in the arms of her passed-out boyfriend of the time. She and I have done some crazy things together.

Thus, having me spread her thighs wider of the edge of a stool while I buried my face between her legs in the middle of a bar, was not that far of a stretch for us. She leaned back, her elbows pitched on top of the countertop for stability and leverage. She lifted her pelvis, which gave me a direct path to her narrow glistening slat of pussy.

Lynn’s perfectly presented pussy was right there, perched like a buffet for me to devour. Of all the pussies I have eaten in my life, Lynn’s was by far my favorite. I loved her taste. I loved how I could feel her clit rising between my lips as I sucked and licked it. The harder I licked, the more she arched her back allowing me to go deeper inside her fold.

If people were watching us, and I’m sure they were, I hadn’t time to notice because I was so focused on returning the favor Lynn gave me earlier. She too had lost her inhibitions and seemed oblivious to those around us. She moaned her instructions to me, “Don’t stop, right there, right there, RIGHT THERE!”

And just like that, I could feel her clit ready to explode as I flicked my tongue across it. I slipped my finger inside and it set her careening over the edge. When she came, she let out a loud involuntary sighing moan. As soon as it was out, she was trying to take it back because if we weren’t the center of attention earlier, we most definitely were now. We both suddenly felt a little embarrassed with the attention we were garnering.

The other thing I know about Lynn is after she orgasms, she likes to be fucked and fucked hard. But, we had already attracted too much attention with her back arched over the bar, her tits protruding like summits to be climbed and her legs spread with me between them. We needed a change in venue, and fast.

I rose to my feet and took her by the hand; she could barely walk, but there was an adjacent room to the lounge with a smaller mattress in it.

I vaguely recall another couple quietly having sex together when Lynn and I impatiently entered the room. There wasn’t time for introductions, nor did either of us care who these people were.

I pushed Lynn back onto the bed, spread her legs completely wide and positioned my own hips at her apex. I placed the head of my cock at the tiny opening of her still throbbing vagina and pressed into her. We watched it disappear inside her inch-by-inch until I was completely buried.

Our hips were perfectly aligned inches apart. I grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head, and I put the full weight of my body against her as we rocked in and out against each other. I loved that feeling of stretching my cock inside her, reaching for a bottom and having her wrapped so tightly around me.

If sucking Lynn off is my favorite thing to do, fucking her is a close second. It’s a very effortless entry and my cock almost glides once inside of her. Her pussy is always so wet. By fucking her just after her initial orgasm, I can extend and intensify it for her.

My thickening stalk was already hitting all the right places as I moved it at an increasing intensity. One thrust after another, harder and harder and harder. She was beside herself as her body continued twerking in a continuous stream of aftershocks.

We starred at each other, almost egging each other on, as we had been doing in all aspects of our lives for the past four years.

“You want more?” I asked her with sexual aggression.

“God yes, give it to me,” she replied with equal determination.

“Harder?” I taunted.

“Fucking don’t stop,” she pleaded.

“I know you like taking my cock, don’t you?” continuing to build our climax.

“Spread me wider and fuck my cunt!” she stated in a slutty wanting voice beyond control. It was hard to top that, so I just did what she told me.

The couple beside us started to get into it too at this point. The next thing I knew, the woman beside was about two feet away from us taking her partner’s cock from behind. They were repeating all of the demands Lynn and I had just given each other. It was so sexually erotic to hear our own words spoken back to us by this couple of strangers.

If I hadn’t cum earlier, this wouldn’t have lasted this long, but luckily this back-and-forth went on for a few minutes. The four of us, two separate couples, had full-on, hardest of hardcore sex as anyone had or could have had in that club that night. At one point, Lynn and I stopped looking at each other and started watching and listening to the couple next to us. We were completely lost in the moment and let go of all our self-control. We were all moaning loudly by this point.

The woman beside us reached out to touch Lynn’s perfect breasts. Lynn, who has no lesbian ambitions I’m aware of, let her neighbour fondle her tits as the two of them were both being so thoroughly fucked respectively; they hardly cared.

Then, out of nowhere, our young female friend announced her intention to orgasm. She began asking her partner to cum inside her. It started as a question to him, “Do you want to cum inside me?”

He grunted a muffled reply, pounding her tiny frame harder into Lynn.

She was beyond taken and squealing out in sheer delight; her body let go onto his cock at almost the same time as his cock erupted inside her gushing pussy. It was so much sensual stimulation in that big bed we shared at that moment, almost as a team.

As our lady friend’s body quivered in spasms of pleasure, her mouth suddenly and surprisingly sucked down hard on Lynn’s protruding nipple. Lynn let a guttural moan of her own just as my own cock released a fresh set of velvet ropes filling her throbbing cavity. Rope after rope after rope until I held tight against her, completely sunk to my balls.

All four of us were breathing heavily in the silence of the room. Time seemed to stop for a few moments as we caught up with the events that had just transpired.

A moment later, the music from the adjacent lounge filtered back into the ambience. I released Lynn and collapsed beside her on the bed. Breathless and spent, we savored the crazy moment together holding hands.

We went back to the hotel a short time later. We slept naked together that night, but nothing else happened after that. When we returned home, it was like it always was between us: our spouses, none the wiser and life, back to normal. It’s an odd but very special relationship we share behind velvet ropes.


Written by ForeYou
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