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The Unexpected Benefits Of Skywalking [part two]

"She shows her intentions toward him by using her breasts in a way that completely surprises him"

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[continued from part one]

It must have been 8:00 or even 9:00 PM at this point; I wasn't even sure.

Melissa said, "Josh?"

I released her breast and sat up; she sat up too. For some reason, I was afraid she was about to tell me to go home, that I'd worn out my welcome.

She sat looking at me, her pretty face with a sweet smile, her hair sort of messed up, ringlets and curls hanging over her flushed cheeks. Her bare chest had patches of redness, too. Her breasts stood out, nipples large, knotty, red, and wet. She was absolutely beautiful at that moment.

Right then I realized, again, what an idiot I'd been. Here was this pretty, smart girl, and she'd been right here this whole time—she was my friend—and I just hadn't gotten it. I understood it now: what a fuckwit I had been. She was wonderful.

Also: why hadn't I ever really noticed her body before? I'd looked but I'd never really seen.

"I—" I faltered and stopped.

"What?" she said, looking suddenly concerned.

"Oh, I … I'll tell you later."

"No, tell me now," she said.

A pause. "I just can't believe that, you know, that I never tried, with you—"

She held up a hand to stop me. "It's OK," she said. She smiled. And everything really was OK.

"I just think maybe I wasn't ready—"

"You weren't." She shrugged. "I knew it. I waited. It's OK, so shut up." She meant it kindly, but she meant it.

There was a pause. "So," Melissa said. "Listen, is there any way that you might want to, um, maybe go in the bedroom with me?"

I didn't bother answering. I stood, scooped her up like a baby, and started toward the door.

She giggled. "That's the laundry room," she told me.

"Oh. Well, big apartment."

"Big apartment," she said. She pointed to the right. "It's this way."

I carried her in and set her gently down on her bed. The lights weren't on, but between the glow of her clock and her computer, I could see her pretty well.

She pulled me down on top of her, and we lay there and kissed for a minute. Then, she made a frustrated grunt and started trying to pull my clothes off. She was working on my jeans, and I pulled my shirt off, and used my toes to get my socks off. Melissa pulled my underwear down, and my cock sprang up, long and thick.

"Oooo!" she cooed, and she leaned down quickly and put her lips around the head. Her mouth felt soft and cool-wet, and I about came right then and there. While she sucked and tongued me playfully, I diverted my attention by trying to get her more naked.

I was unfastening her slacks and pulling them down; when I managed to get them down to her ankles, she stopped kissing my penis and shucked them off. I pushed her onto her back and pulled her panties—soaking wet at the crotch—down and away.

Her pubic hair, dark brown, was shaved and trimmed into a large square patch on top; small trails of hair lightly framed her vulva, too. Both sets of lips were big and quite thick, and she was completely wet; the perfume of her vagina filled the air. I stared for a second.

Melissa sounded impatient: "Get on top of me and fuck me. I've wanted you inside me for months. So get inside me." I remember thinking: what, she doesn't want foreplay? Then I remembered what we'd just been doing. Um, duh.

She was tugging at me, pulling me on top of her. Her legs spread around me, her arms splayed, her hair framing her head like a halo. Her naked body was beautiful, soft, dramatically curved, and sensual. I kissed her lips, and our tongues met again for a moment, but then she was telling me, again, to get inside her. So I did.

I hovered my hips above hers, guiding my cock between her legs. Melissa spread her thighs apart wide, and I found the entrance to her vagina and started to try and push inside. I'd just put the head into her, and was surprised to feel how hot she felt. Also, she was kind of tight; it wasn't hard to slide in—she was really wet—but I knew from past experience that I should try to go a little slow the first time.

Melissa was sighing and making soft groans as I entered her. I took my time. As I neared the hilt, the heat and grip were almost overwhelming; I had to fight not to come. I stopped and kissed her, then whispered, "OK, I'm all the way inside you now."

"Thank god," she moaned at me. "It's about time." Then, she started undulating her hips at me.

I had no choice but to pull out and start thrusting back at her. I held my breath and concentrated—do not come!—and pumped. Soon enough, I had control; I'd gotten somewhat used to the heat, and the tightness, and was in that zone I get into when I'm fucking, where I can be turned on and enjoying it but am sort of in a holding pattern. I'd developed this when I was with Mary, because I had to. If I could hold on for long enough, Mary would have five orgasms or maybe more, and I hadn't wanted to deprive her of that much pleasure.

I was laying on Melissa, her wet nipples poking into my chest, listening to her breathing quicken. She'd whisper things to me here and there; sometimes I'd actually understand them, like "god I love this," or "Oh, you're gonna make me come." Most of the time it sounded like she was just mumbling.

I felt her arm sliding between our bodies, and I pushed myself up to let her put her hand between her legs. Her fingers were making tiny circles around her clit, which was sticking up noticeably from between her plump lips. She had another hand on her boob, squeezing her areola, tiny droplets occasionally leaking out. I took this as a cue to start pumping faster, holding my breath again, trying to stay focused, and pushing into her as deeply as I could. The air was filled with the soft scents of our sweat and of Melissa's vagina. I pumped and pumped, giving her long, fast strokes. Her face rose to meet mine, and we kissed as we fucked. Sometimes she'd break the kiss to gasp and moan, breathing in my face, but then our kiss would start again.

"Oh, I'm coming," she said urgently, her lips brushing mine. She let out a long, low moan, and her face went flush.

Me, I slowed my thrusting for a few seconds, waiting until Melissa's orgasm seemed like it was subsiding. Then, I suddenly started pumping with abandon, fast and hard, propping myself up on my arms for leverage.

She howled in surprise and shut her eyes, and she went flush again: either I'd made her orgasm last longer, or I'd given her a second one right as the first one ended. I couldn't really tell, and it didn't matter. Melissa was moaning for half a minute or so, her body shuddering a little, and I actually thought I could feel the pulsing of her vagina around my cock sometimes. I noticed tiny drops coming out of her nipples. I opened my mouth and leaned down to capture some of it.

At the end of her orgasm, Melissa was panting, trying to catch her breath. She opened her eyes and looked right at me and smiled, weakly.

"More," she breathed.

I started pumping, and I don't think it was even a minute later when she started coming again. Tiny droplets drooled from her nipples; I collected them again with my tongue. She seemed to notice that I was doing that, even mid-orgasm, and her moaning got louder, and her arm wrapped around my head, pulling me.

When this one ended, she looked at me, panting a little, and said in a breathy voice, "Talk about marathon sex. What are you, super-human?"

I grinned. "I've had some practice." Also, I'd jacked off that morning.

She pushed me over; I felt my penis slip out of her. Melissa mounted me, grabbed my dick, and guided it back inside. It went in easily, but she still felt tight as hell as she slid down onto me.

Now she started bucking her hips, fucking me. I pushed back, but she was doing most of the work. Her hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed her nipples, and tiny droplets appeared there, then dripped onto me. My hands were on the cheeks of her ass, cupping the soft roundness as she bucked up and down on me. It felt incredible, and again I had to curb my enthusiasm and stay in the zone. I wanted to come in her so badly.

Within a couple more minutes, she told me she was going to come again. Her whole chest went flush, and she was shuddering visibly. It was beautiful to watch the orgasm affect her; I could only imagine how much pleasure she was feeling. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

As it ended, she put a hand between her legs and jiggled wildly, and another orgasm seemed to start immediately; she howled and bucked, her breasts bobbing.

It was too late for me now; I felt a huge swelling of pressure between my legs, and then the buildup burst into a wave of pleasure, and I felt the throbbing pulse of ejaculation. Coming inside her felt very, very satisfying, but my orgasm lasted only a few seconds, and sex was over for me now.

I let out a big breath. "Fuck."

Melissa caught her breath: "What?"

"Oh, I fucking came."

"Oh, honey." She brushed at my hair with her fingers. She was still breathing hard.

"I'm sorry, I really tried, but you're just so hot."

She gave a breathy giggle. Then: "I've had enough for now. Let's just go to sleep, and we can do more later. OK?"

I had already settled in, holding her naked body to mine, and we were both asleep in minutes.

It was really late when I woke up, maybe 3:00 AM or so. I realized, quickly, where I was, and whom I was with. The odd thing was that it felt right; I didn't have any sense of awkwardness or regret. The bed felt comfortable and warm. I didn't even have to pee.

Melissa was facing away from me. I touched her naked back, grazing gently. She rolled over immediately and then smiled. "Mmm," she purred, "I woke up a little while ago, fucking alcohol." She pushed herself over toward me and fastened her lips to mine. She smelled and tasted good.

Then: "Do you think you'd like some more?" She indicated her bare breasts, which stood away from her chest, invitingly. "Thirsty, maybe?"

I was sort of speechless at this moment, but I managed to whisper, "Yeah," as we snuggled our bodies closer together.

Melissa, laying on her side, took a breast and guided it toward my mouth. I scooted down, and she pulled my head close with her other hand. She pushed the nipple to my mouth, and I opened wide around the areola, sealing my lips to it, nice and tight.

She let out a delighted sigh, and then her hand went to work, massaging and stroking herself. "It might take me a minute," she whispered.

I suckled, pulling her hard, bulbous nipple toward the back of my mouth, then releasing, then pulling again. My hand grazed lightly over her soft, flat tummy.

"Mmm-hmm!" she let out, somewhat excitedly.

At first, I'd thought she was ticklish, but then I realized I was tasting her again. I felt her milk collecting in my mouth, and I swallowed, making a quiet, satisfied groan as I did.

"Josh," she whispered to me. "I love to hear that. It's so nice. You feel so good."

I was sucking firmly now, and she was letting down even more. Melissa was no longer massaging her breast, but she kept her hold on it, holding it to my mouth, while her other hand held onto the back of my head. (This is Melissa's preferred position for nursing.)

I felt intimate with her all over again, and I was definitely aroused. She pulled herself even closer to me; my head was covered with a curtain of her hair, making me feel like I was in a secret hideout. My cock was stiffening, and, unfettered by clothes, it grew until it brushed her leg.

Melissa whispered, "Something has arisen," as if I hadn't noticed I had a hard-on. Then: "Try to put it in me."

She arched her leg to give me access to her vagina. I really wasn't sure if I could pull off the yoga moves I'd need to stay at her breast and push my hips into hers, but somehow I managed to do it without too much contortion. I guided my penis between her legs and found the hot, wet area, then pushed until I felt it start to slip inside her.

Melissa moaned, loudly.

I entered her slowly; she was already very wet but felt tight. After a few seconds, I'd pushed all the way inside her, opening her up.

She was breathing heavily, already. Her hips started to thrust back and forth, primally, and I joined her in rhythm. I could feel her getting even wetter; the inside of her vagina felt wonderful: very hot, and amazingly soft, with a powerful grip.

Melissa's hand left the back of my neck and was stroking my cheeks. Long curls of her hair brushed my face.

I thought about trying to reach her clit with my fingers, assuming that it would help her come, but she didn't need help. I was giving her long strokes, and suddenly she stopped thrusting at me and froze. She let out a long, intense breath. I was still suckling, and I thought I felt her milk flow increase.

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Now she let out a long, "ohhhh" as she grabbed my body with both arms and clung to me tightly. Her hips started grinding into me. My face was smashed against her big breast, and I could barely breathe. Melissa's body jerked and spasmed for a little while, and then she went limp, rolling over slightly. My mouth had popped off of her breast, and my penis was out of her vagina, dripping wet.

She was managing a smile, panting a little.

"Do you want some more?" I asked her.

"Yes, absolutely, more." She lay on her back now, and she spread her legs wantonly, breathing. "Get on me and get back inside me."

At that point I remember wondering when we would ever do any actual foreplay; would I ever taste her between her legs? (Later, yes.) But I crawled onto her, pushed inside her, and started the rhythm. Melissa was staring into my eyes. She whispered, "I love the way you fuck."

Of course that just made me more turned on. I thrust into her with force, and pushed myself up with my arms, so I could stare down at her body. She was smiling at me, watching me as I looked at her. Her breasts bobbed along with our rhythm; they jutted out from her chest, big and firm and beautiful. Her nipples looked gigantic, and appeared deep red in the dim light.

I looked between her thighs to watch my cock going in and out of her; the mouth of her vagina formed a visible, tight ring around me, clinging as I pulled out with each stroke. A light came on: she'd stretched over to her bedside table and managed to turn on a lamp.

"I love that you want to look at me," she whispered. "I thought light would help."

Out of breath, I nodded at her; I could see her in full color now. With a sly smile, she slid a hand down between her legs, first letting a finger brush my cock as it slid into her, then finding her clit and starting to circle it. Then, her other hand took a breast, squeezing it softly and playing with the nipple. She was groaning.

My speed increased. Her hips started to gyrate. I pushed all the way into her for a second and ground my hips into hers, which elicited a small squeal. I pulled out of her slowly, and then resumed thrusting.

Her hand had moved from squeezing her boob to pinching and squeezing the nipple, and now I could see droplets forming at it. She pinched hard, and a tiny stream squirted onto my chest. She giggled.

Then: "Do you think that's sexy?" Her voice was breathy. "I think it's so erotic."

"I love it," I told her.

Melissa cooed at that, as if I'd touched her in a sensitive place.

We pumped together for another minute or two; I was back to staring at the spot between our legs where we'd joined our bodies. I felt myself leaving the zone, getting damned close to coming, and so I was relieved to hear a low growl coming from her throat. Her legs spread even wider, her hips bucked dramatically, and she very obviously started having an orgasm.

That did it for me. I started pulling out of her slowly, felt a surge of electricity throughout my cock, and then was overwhelmed by the sudden tight explosion from my balls, and then I was ejaculating into her. I started pushing back in, still spewing, and then collapsed onto her: my orgasm was over.

Hers wasn't.

Her hand wiggled around between her legs for several more seconds, and her jolts and spasms continued for god knows how long, maybe half a minute long. I tried to keep pumping a little. We kissed while she came, until she opened her mouth to pant; her breath smelled like raw passion. Finally, her breathing slowed and her orgasm ended.

"I could feel you come," she whispered to me, after a minute. "Was it good?"

"Uhm-hmm," I told her, my finger brushing playfully across the skin of her breasts. We kissed again.

Tiny droplets of milk appeared on her nipples, which I licked off. I kissed the soft skin of each breast. "You're sticky," I told her, smiling.

"Yeah," she said. "Sugary."

We stayed like that for a few more minutes, lightly caressing each other. Then, Melissa rolled over and stood up. "Be right back," she told me, and headed for her bathroom. The door shut, and she was gone for about five minutes. When she came back, she rolled right back into bed, still naked.

She gave me a small peck on the lips, then told me: "I still have a little left. Can you help me with that?"

Then she was pulling my head to her, and pushing her chest toward me. I didn't resist. When we connected, her letdown happened almost immediately. She sighed contentedly and held me to her, with one hand keeping the breast squashed against my face.

I don't remember her running out of milk. I'm not sure exactly when I fell asleep, but it didn't take very long.

When I woke up, the bed was empty. I could hear movement in some other part of the apartment.


She came trotting into the bedroom, all smiles, holding a tray of food. "Good morning!"

Oh, I should mention that she was topless.

It was obvious she'd already been in the shower: her hair was done, her makeup was on, she was wearing shorts and even had sandals on. But nothing on top: her big breasts jutted out from her chest, bobbing a bit as she walked in. She looked pert and cute and sexy. And, she had a tattoo. I hadn't noticed this before, but there was a small, pale blue dolphin on the left side of her lower back.


I smiled, big. The first thought in my mind was: I had seriously scored. This girl was beautiful, and whatever you thought of the kinky shit she was into, she was obviously loving and thoughtful. And horny, and orgasmic as hell; my old girlfriend could come just by being fucked, but I always assumed I'd never be with a girl who was as orgasmic as that again. ("Something about the shape of your dick," Melissa told me later. "You feel even better than my G-spot toy.")

"Thanks!" I managed, sitting up.

Melissa lay the tray on my lap and kissed me; her nipples brushed warmly against my chest as she did.

She'd made me scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage. Next to a glass of juice, I noticed that there was also a small glass that was about a quarter full of a thin white liquid.

"Is that …?"

She giggled. "Well, you seemed to like it a lot last night," she said.

"I did," I said. "I do." I picked up the glass and sipped. Delicious. It was a little different than when it came from her nipple, but I definitely recognized the taste. It's sweet but also maybe slightly salty, with a sort of flowery, herbal, nutty taste to it that's hard to describe. But I'd know it anywhere. This may not make any sense, but Melissa's milk tastes like her.

My head was a little achy, I realized. "You aren't hung over?" I asked Melissa, who was obviously feeling perky.

"No," she said, "Probably 'cause I chug water. I'm in the habit because you have to do that if you want decent milk production. I put a couple of Advils on your tray, by the way."

"Oh, thanks." I swallowed them, chased by the rest of her breastmilk. I managed to smile at her. "I like this," I told her, jiggling the empty glass.

She looked pleased.

Well," she was saying, "I'm going to finish getting ready. Take your time, make yourself at home. You can use my toothbrush and deodorant and whatever."

"Toothbrush?" I asked.

She looked me straight in the eye. "I think," she said, "with everything we've done together, that we could probably share a toothbrush."

It took a while for me to get ready and put on my clothes from the day before. I found her in the kitchen. She was completely dressed now. I was a little disappointed at that.

She was smiling at me. "So what are we going to do today? You're hanging out, right?"

I nodded; of course, I was. "You want to do anything in particular?"

"Well," she started. "I'd like to do some more of what we started doing yesterday. I mean, I know we've already done a lot of it—"

"A lot of what?" I interjected, smiling. I wasn't sure if she meant sex or breastfeeding, and I was going to force her to be explicit.

She grinned, and in a very articulate voice, "I would have liked to have nursed you again, OK, you fuckwad?"

I laughed.

"But there's no way, not now," she said.

"No? Why not?"

"Well, for one thing, I'm kind of sore on the left side," she said, forlornly. "You're not supposed to get sore, if you're doing proper latching, and I swear you were doing it right, so I don't know why." She smiled at me. "Maybe I'm just not used to powerful lips."

I pursed my lips at her, and she giggled.

"But the other thing is," she went on, "I. Am. Out. I mean I am completely out, nothing left; I managed to pump a little to give you in that glass, but that's all there is. I feel like I'm gonna need a while, I dunno if it's hours or days or what. I don't think I've ever made that much before. You know, with the pump, I'll get a couple ounces from each one." She glanced down at her chest. "Sometimes a little more than that. But man, I could swear I gave you a half gallon or something!" She giggled softly.

"Well," I started, then paused for a second. "By the end of the night," I said, "my stomach started feeling kind of full. I think it would take more than a couple ounces to do that."

"Yeah," she said, thoughtfully. "Wow. Well, now I'm feeling sort of proud I could make so much for you." She smiled.

She blushed, leaned over, and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I bet," she said, "if we were to keep it up—" I raised my eyebrows because she was being vague, so she started over. "I bet if I was, uh, nursing you every day, I bet I would start making more."

That word, "nursing," was still a little weird for me, although I didn't know what else to call it. Maybe "sexually pleasurable transfer of food fluid made in the female body into the body of a lover?" She seemed unfazed when she called it "nursing," though.

"That's how it works, it's supposed to be on-demand. You know, if we were to do that a lot."

I just looked at her cute face for a second. "I'd like that, yeah."

She had a sweet smile, and we just looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Well," she said. She sighed. "I'm not ready, yet. What do you want to do?"

So, a Star Wars marathon it was. She was digging through her basket of Blu-rays, and I made microwave popcorn.

"Remember how I was talking about being in Skywalkers?" she said to me as I was setting down a huge bowl of popcorn and a Diet Coke for me (she had a water bottle). "Skywalkers" had been the name of her high school Star Wars club.


She was opening a blu ray case. "I was actually president, my junior year."

"No shit."

Melissa grinned. "Yeah." She put a disc in her player. "So," she was saying, now pushing me onto the couch and snuggling in next to me, "I'm making you an honorary member."

I gave her a peck on the lips, noticing how cute the tiny, light freckles around her nose were.

"'cause as president, I can do that kind of shit," she said, smiling, fumbling with a remote.

We started watching the original trilogy on her huge TV. The blu ray edition is really nice to look at if you can stand all of George Lucas' extra CGI crap. In between the movies, we made love, once on the couch, and once on her bed. The second time we did it, we were at it for so long that I actually came twice, although naturally, Melissa came quite a few more times than that.

Finally, we got to the end of Return of the Jedi. As the Ewoks did their Ewok celebration dance, Melissa nudged me and indicated to her chest. She was bra-less, and her nipples were poking impressively through her t-shirt. I noticed that there were small but growing dark spots on the shirt, over her nipples. She'd been drinking from her sports bottle a lot, but this was a faster recovery than I'd expected.

"Looks like I'm ready again," she smiled. "Weird, I was just thinking about it. Maybe there's some kind of trigger or something."

Then she turned to me. "Thirsty?"

I kissed her for a moment, but then she was lifting her t-shirt to bare her breasts for me, and I settled my head on a couch pillow in front of her chest, because, as it turns out, I was indeed feeling thirsty.

Written by madison_powell
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