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The Tenant In 3B Part One

"Kyle is seduced."

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Author's Notes

"As usual, I hope this story puts a smile on your lips and heat between your hips. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Comments are always welcome."

With a hard tug, the nut loosened at the exact moment the wrench slipped and his knuckles smacked into the bracket. “Damn!” was the only word to escape his mouth,and that was even under his breath. As Kyle surveyed the work ahead, he knew the likelihood was many more “damns” would be sneaking out. It wasn’t his way to be foul of temper and rarely to use a curse but changing a water heater brought out his dark side. 

Building owner/manager was not exactly the job the thirty-eight-year-old had envisioned while in school; fireman, doctor, chef – any of these would be preferred. But Kyle had this, twelve apartment units, the total of his inheritance when his parents had passed recently. 

He rented out eleven of the units and lived in the last, 3A, it was small at ninety-three square meters, but it was enough. After all, it was just him. He had tried women, or rather they had tried him, and he enjoyed a steady and regular dating life with the occasional sleepover but nothing ever serious enough to merit much thought. 

So, maybe I am just a loner? he thought.

The money made from the rent was substantial and enough to live on, yet he still moonlighted at the pub tending bar three nights a week. The tips were great, but if he was honest, it was mainly about the social life it gave him and the ‘friends’ that visited with him while they drank away their sorrows.

It was funny how even when his mind slipped out of gear, his hands still went through the steps, and as he came back to full attention, he was ready to pull the old water heater out and bring in the new. 

Even 'empty', the tank was still quite heavy from the sediment build-up, so putting a towel under it, he spun it out of the unit onto the porch, thankful the floors were wood and not carpet. The hard part would be getting it the two floors down where the dumpster waited. But that was later, now the new one needed to go in so the Davies would have hot water by the time they arrived home from work. They were great tenants, and he didn’t want them dissatisfied in the least.

About thirty minutes later, he had attached and turned on the gas and watched with delight as the pilot light popped on and stayed up. As he raised the temp, the unit lit with a ‘whump’ and began heating the water within. 

Yep, the Davies would be happy, and he thought, maybe even get one of her famous cheesecakes as a thank you

Regardless, they paid him each month, and his job was to keep them comfortable. After tidying up his mess, including wiping down the handles, he locked the door behind him and texted Mr. Davies the job was done. 

“Wonderful! Thank you,” was the reply he got within moments. Now all that was left was to wrestle this old piece of junk to the dumpster and be finished for the day.

With the job concluded, Kyle headed to his flat for that well-earned shower before his shift at the pub. As he entered his place, he could hear Ms. Evans in 3B. They shared a wall, and as usual, her music was so loud he could ‘enjoy’ it as well. Today it was ‘Back in Black’. At least, that was a good album. She was quite the wild woman, particularly for fifty-six years of age. He had always thought that meant you were a grandma, but not Ms. Evans. He knew very little of her except she was a recent divorcee, owned a Harley, and dressed at least thirty years less her age.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the silver hair and the age listed on her background check, he would have no clue she was past forty. He actually had no idea if she even had grandchildren.

He texted her, “Nice music choice, quite energizing.” Not waiting for a reply, he headed for the shower. Letting the water dump over him was so relaxing; probably good he was single; he always used all the hot water when he showered. After toweling off and applying lotion to his body and face, he headed to the bedroom to change for work. Checking his phone, he could see Ms. Evans had texted back.

It was a picture of her in the middle of the living room, furniture draped, walls half painted, and the words, “Sorry if it was too loud, I need the energy to finish. Do you like it?”

He knew she meant the paint on the walls, but whether she realized it or not, her outfit was what drew his attention. Just a pair of overalls, bare skin below that, and the angle she had taken the selfie from arm outstretched to her side, the gap was showing a side profile of a mostly pert breast. So yes, honestly, he very much liked it, but he was a gentleman, so he merely responded, “The walls look lovely. What color did you decide to go with?”

“It’s champagne; I have a pair of knickers this color I really adore, so I took them into the salesman to match.” He was surprised, to say the least! “Ha-ha…” was her reply moments later and then, “Glad you like the color.”

“Well, I am headed to the pub for work, so don’t worry about being noisy until the quiet time at 11 p.m. I will be home about 2 a.m., so I will try not to wake you. You are probably knackered.” he replied.

“Have a good night at work; talk to you later,” she responded. And with that, the music went a bit higher, and he decided he better go.

Work wasn’t bad, and the tips had been great. One customer, a dark-haired younger woman, was a bit down and talked with him a ton, flirting a little. They had even exchanged numbers, but she had avoided his advances, so maybe he struck out? He wasn’t sure, but he did know he was now horny and heading home alone, he supposed a bit of porn and some more lotion would have to do for tonight.

As Kyle came up the stairs to his place, he noted Ms. Evans still had a light on, and he looked at his watch.

2:30 in the morningshe is up late, he noted. Still being quiet, he unlocked his place and stepped into the cool darkness. Locking the door behind him, he slipped off his shoes and padded into the kitchen for some water. As he took his first drink, he heard a low whine.

Was it the pipes? he wondered. 

Ears perked up; he tried to trace the sound in the wall, there it was again. He pressed his ear to the wall at that spot and within moments knew it wasn’t the pipes. He could hear more now, and it was obviously coming from Ms. Evans’ apartment. She must be in the kitchen.

What is she doing? he thought and held his breath as he listened more. 

A guttural cry, slightly primal, was next, and he swore he heard, “Kyle”. Listening more carefully he could tell she was panting and mewling heavily, suddenly quite loudly she shouted, 

“Oh God, fuck me, Kyle!” Shortly after, he could tell she was having an orgasm. 

While thinking of me? he wondered. She was thinking of me and got off?

That was all it took for his body, the sounds she had made and the night he had endured, his cock grew hard in his jeans. He went and fetched the lotion and took care of business right near the kitchen wall even daring to call out “Emily” as he came. He wondered and hoped maybe she had heard; my-oh-my he was feeling randy tonight.

Need satiated, he cleaned up, had a final wee and went to bed. 


Waking the next morning a little before 9, he was instantly aware he was hungry. As he got up and headed to the kitchen for coffee and toast, he absently checked his phone. There on the screen, he saw “Emily Evans” had sent him a message about an hour ago. 

Shit! Was she mad at me? Had she heard? he thought. Followed by, I really need to stop swearing.

Opening it, he saw she had texted, “My sink in the kitchen seems clogged, any chance you could get to that today? I will be gone most of the day, but you are welcome to let yourself in and fix it. Just let me know when you are going in and when you leave, please.”

Phew, at least she wasn’t upset or didn’t express it if she was. He texted back, “Sure thing, I am heading to the gym and then after that I can get to it, about 11:00 a.m. I think.”

As he made his toast and enjoyed his coffee, the ding of his phone told him another message had arrived. It was from Ms. Evans, “That’s great, thank you! Enjoy the gym, must be why you are in such great shape.”

He had to admit, that was one thing he loved about older women, they just said it how it was, good and bad, and they weren’t worried about pretenses. The gym was just what he needed to take the edge of stress off him. So, changing, he put in his ear buds, dialed up his workout track and jogged to the gym as his warmup. 

After hitting the weights for ninety minutes, he jogged back home and debated showering before working on the pipes in Ms. Evans' place. He decided not to as it should take moments to clear her pipe.

After shooting her a text, he unlocked her door and stepped in, the smell of fresh paint nearly bowling him over. He had to admit the champagne color did look great in the living area. Entering the kitchen, he bent to open the cabinet under the sink to expose the pipes and froze solid. There, hanging on the pipe, was a pair of champagne-coloredknickers. As he removed them and held them in the light, he noted the silky texture of the bum part; the front was sheer with a lace pattern across it. Without thinking, he brought them to his nose and was rewarded with the smell of woman. She had worn these, was this accidental that he found them in the very spot she had asked him to look? Maybe she had thrown them there early this morning as she was “playing” and forgot to get them? Or had she heard him and chosen to reward him or seduce him in some way?

She’s too old for me and besides, as a tenant I, shouldn’t get involved with her, he thought, snapping back to reality. Plus, she may not even be interested in me so why mess up the friendship we have?

He placed the knickers aside and set about clearing the pipes, they weren’t bad he noticed but had probably slowed up a bit. Leaving her knickers on the table he showed himself out and texted her he was finished. 

“Fabulous, thank you, I owe you dinner when I finish painting my apartment.” she responded.

“That’s not necessary it’s all part of the job,” he said back.

“We will talk about that another time.” was her quick response. “See you tonight?”

“No, I am working at the pub again, be home after 2.” His reply

“Okay be safe, thanks again.”

Should he have mentioned the knickers? He didn’t think so; after all, he had laid them on the table, so if she was embarrassed, she could come to him about it.

After eating supper, he showered and after dressing for work he headed out.


A few hours later, his shift quite lackluster, he was polishing the bar when the door announced a new arrival. Looking up to greet the new arrival, his breath caught in his throat: there was Ms. Evans. Wow, she looked amazing; her black dress clung to her body, stopping just above the knee, her bare legs continuing into a black pair of heels. As she looked up at him, she pulled her shoulder-length silver hair back and flashed him a cute smile, her eyes intent on him.

“Hello and welcome,” he finally managed. 

Taking the stool directly in front of him, she sat and looked up slightly at his 6’ 2” frame. Looking him in the eye, she said, “Vodka twist, please,” the smile, smirk rather, not leaving her face.

“Coming right up!” he announced all business and set about making her order with all tricks and flourishes that he knew.

As he set the drink before her and took her in fully for the first time. He noticed something. This close, even in the low light, he could now tell the top of the dress was sheer fabric in layered bunches. So, peering a bit closer, he could see there was no bra, and her delightful C cup was there on display. Set against the alabaster of her skin were rouge nipples that he watched stiffening under his gaze. 

God, she is hot! he thought. 

She brought her hand up slightly from the bar to direct his attention back to her face and said, “Hello Kyle, thank you for the drink.” 

A sip later, she handed over her card to pay and he waved her off. “It’s on me,” he said. “You have earned it, all that hard work at the apartment. The paint choice looks amazing, by the way.”

“That’s one reason that I am here tonight, you left something in the apartment, and I wanted to get it back to you,” she informed him.

“I did? I am so sorry; I even looked a second time to make sure I had all my gear. Sorry you had to come all this way to return it. What was it?” he said with heat building in his face due to embarrassment. 

With a final sip on her drink, she reached into her clutch and set a small white box on the counter. “These were for you, and you left them on the table. I suppose you weren’t sure, so I came to give them to you personally.” As she spoke, that devilish grin of hers grew. With a wink, she stood and finished with, “I have to get home, long day tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your shift.”

After watching her hips sway their way out the door, he considered the box on the counter in front of him. Looking around the bar, he had only two customers at this late hour, and they were good with their half-empty glasses and in their own world of drink-filled stupor. He slid the box back towards him and dropped it just below the bar. He opened it to reveal, nestled inside, was the pair of champagne panties. Along with them was a post-it that read, “You forgot my gift, don’t make that mistake again. I thought these might come in handy next time you are in your kitchen. - Emily”

What in the world? She had heard him last night. Clearly, he hadn’t exactly tried to keep his voice down, but still, she heard. And she was teasing him, wanting him to do it again, and this time to use her panties. He was not used to the confidence this woman possessed. It was delightful. She was delightful. 

He thought about the dress she had rocked tonight and with those cherry areolas that were nestled in it, and he felt his body start to respond. Those shiny freshly shaved legs of hers that the high heels had made even better with her calves popped and butt lifted. 

His jeans were getting very tight. Glancing at his two customers, then at the clock, 1:15 a.m., he decided he should wait a bit to see if they left so he could close up and go home to use the panties. 

Still, thoughts of her swirled in his mind, her full lips dyed that same cherry red as her nipples, the coy look in her eye, the suggestion of sex; it was all too much for him. Looking at the two customers again and at the clock now reading 1:22 a.m., he decided he couldn’t wait. The customers were both in booths toward the back of the bar, at a bad angle to the bar, they wouldn’t be able to see what he was doing.

Decision made, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out his very stiff cock and, glancing at his customers again, he saw they were still lost in their world. Some pre-cum had leaked already, so swirling that on the tip, he then slid his hand down his shaft. His hands were a bit rough so he looked for his lotion bottle but couldn’t quickly find it. So next thought, the knickers she had left him had that silky bottom, which would do the trick. Taking them in his hand, he grasped his length again and slid smoothly down to his balls.

Yes, these will do nicely, he thought. Then back to images of her in that dress, he began stroking, looking back occasionally to see if his customers needed him. 

He could feel that tingle in his balls announcing the arrival quite soon of his explosion, so with a couple of twisting pulls, he then brought the panties to the top and emptied his cum into them, biting his lip so he wouldn’t cry out.

Pulling the panties into a wad with his mess in the middle, he stuffed them into his pocket, tucked himself back in, buttoned up his jeans and looked to the back of the bar, 

“Last call,”, he croaked, his voice tight. 

Both customers were good and decided to call it a night. After they had walked out, he locked the door and counted the till, ready to go home and sleep. Before he left, he checked his phone and found a message from Ms. Evans.

“Lovely to see you tonight, I have a feeling you used my knickers already. If you would like a fresh pair, let me know I can trade you for the black pair I had on tonight.” The message had come in only 10 minutes ago.

How did she know? he wondered. Was she just hopeful or had she watched?

Looking at the window of the bar he could tell since he was at the end of it to hide from the customers at the back that perhaps you could see him from the street.

Still not thinking it was a smart idea, he sent, “I did use them I am embarrassed to say, how did you know?”

Three dots told him a message was coming and then there he was on the screen, a picture of him through the glass, the panties visible at his crotch. They were at the top of his shaft so you could see about an inch of him before the jean flap covered the rest. Next, “I enjoyed watching you…”

He replied with shaky fingers, “Um, I am so embarrassed you saw that”

“Don’t be”, came back quickly, “you have nothing to be ashamed of, that was hot to watch.”

Throwing caution to the wind, he sent back, “Leaving now should I stop by for a visit?”

“I am knackered, maybe not tonight. But let yourself in with your key, I will leave my black panties by the door to swap out with the used ones, so I can clean those up. Not as much material since they are a thong, but I think you will enjoy them anyway.” The wink emoji at the end reminded him she was always playful.

With his heart racing, he headed for home, thoughts of her continuing to cloud his mind. When he unlocked her door quietly, he did indeed find the black thong on the arm of the chair. Pulling out the crumpled mass of her cum-filled panties from his pocket, he set that mess on the hardwood floor so the chair wouldn’t get stained by his load. Locking up her door he whispered to it, “Sleep well, Ms. Evans, I know I will.”


About nine the next morning, he woke and rolled to look at what Ms. Evans had sent him today. Strangely, there was no message from her. So, he sent, “Grabbed the black thong last night, thanks again.” After he sent it, he went about the morning routine of preparing for the gym and eating breakfast.

After his workout, he still hadn’t heard from Ms. Evans. Had he done something wrong? Was she having second thoughts? Not sure what was up he thought he better not text again until he heard from her.

No work tonight, so he set about catching up on some apartment basics and repaired a damaged screen on 1C. It seemed he checked his phone every five minutes, but nothing came through all day. He even turned it off and back on to see if it had a problem, yet still nothing. Why had 3B suddenly disappeared from his social life?

As he came back up to his place, he heard music from Ms. Evans' place, so he went to knock and just before he did, he heard a male voice through the door. Quickly, he pulled back his hand and went into his own place, carefully closing and locking the door behind him, he slid down to the floor. 

Why does this always happen to me, he wondered, every time I allow myself to be caught up with a woman, I learn she is unavailable.

The male voice stayed late that night and Kyle noted with shame and disgust that no one left apartment 3B. She was having a sleep over. Why had she teased him so? Why visit him at the bar and swap him panties, what kind of game was she playing? Exhausted from the day and the drama, he went to bed to sleep fitfully.

The next few days, he was in a mood about the building, Ms. Evans continued to entertain her male guest and ignore his earlier text messages. He threw her black thong in the trash and swore off women for the moment.

Friday night came and it was his shift at the bar, still no word from Ms. Evans; she apparently had dropped him like a hot rock. There was one cute girl at the bar that night, but she refused to even smile at him, so he decided it was a good thing he had sworn off women or this would have made the matter worse.

A ding brought his head up to the door and there was Ms. Evans with her male friend. God, he was young, so young, maybe twenty-five at the most. No wonder she had dropped Kyle. 

They stepped, in arm and arm, laughing and touching each other’s shoulder. Why had she brought him here? Did she want to rub my nose in it, remind me I wasn’t good enough?

She boldly stepped up to the bar in front of him, her white silky dress flowing and her shawl falling from one shoulder. Her hair was up, and it brought attention to her elegant neck and piercing green eyes. With a smile, she said, “Kyle, two vodka shots for my son, Mark, and I, please.”

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My son, had she just said, ‘My son’? Mark, her son, was with her.

“Sure,” he responded, “Do you or Mark want a lime twist with it?”  

“No, we are good just as long as it’s ice cold. Mark, this is Kyle, my helpful neighbor I was telling you about.”

Extending his hand and after Kyle took it, Mark said, “Thanks for looking after mum, she says you take great care of the place and are a respectful neighbor.”

“Oh, he’s helped me out a LOT around the place,” Ms. Evans told her son and gave a light wink to Kyle. With that, they took their shots and headed to a booth where the laughter resumed.

Kyle left with his thoughts, tried not to stare, or wonder if he would hear from her again. But at least, he believed he hadn’t been replaced by a younger sex toy.

When he got home early the next morning, he fished her thong out of the trash and brushed off the coffee grounds that had invaded the fabric. Her smell was gone too, replaced by that strong aroma of the coffee. Still, he laid them out on the counter and looked at them. What did they represent and where was he really in this game with Ms. Evans?

With thoughts of her swirling in his head, he found his bed and fell into a restless sleep, beset by dreams. She was there, touching him, her robe open and her body shared, her hand stroking his shaft, her mouth engulfing his cock. On her knees before him, she would pull her mouth off his tip and say, “Sorry I did that, I want you.” 

Repeatedly this kept happening, his balls begging to be drained. As she dropped down on him again, he woke with a startled yelp, his own hand wrapped around his erection, his actual balls begging for a release.

It was just after 6 a.m.; he really hadn’t slept long. But getting up, he made his way to the kitchen and grabbing the thong, he hung it on the base of his erection and with a bit of lotion, he stroked his shaft, feeling the cool of the liquid slowly warm to the friction. 

Closing his eyes, he thought of her mouth on him, her body displayed for his pleasure, with a grunt he released his load onto the table. Using her black thong, he smeared his cum around and knew he would need a rag to get it clean. But that could wait. His desire satiated for the moment, he stumbled back to bed, and this time fell into a deep sleep.


With a start, he woke and noticing how bright it was in his room, grabbed for his phone. It was just after noon, what a lazy butt. However, he didn’t dwell on that long; there on the screen were two words, ten characters in total, “Emily Evans”.

His heart suddenly beating out of his chest, he slid his phone open and pulled up her message.

“Morning Kyle, my son Mark left early today. Sorry for the radio silence, I hadn’t expected him, he just suddenly announced he was in town and wanted to see my place. One thing led to another, and he stayed the week with me rather than at the hotel. He is very jealous about his father and me, so I didn’t dare text you once. Again, I am so sorry. Is there ANY way I can make it up to you?” 

He read it through twice making sure he hadn’t missed anything. Deciding to play it cool, he replied, “Ha-ha it’s all good, no worries on my end.” That should let her know he was not overly attached to her or needy in any way.

Not waiting for a reply, he stepped into the shower to clean off the early morning activity that had happened in the kitchen.

After toweling off and applying lotion, he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped into the hall. His phone was on the table, the screen just darkening from an arrived message. Picking it up, he noted, “Unknown”. Flipping to his message screen he found, “Hey this is Jessica, we met last week at the pub you work at. You gave me your number. How is life?”

Well, when it rains it pours, now he had two women to message, his thumb floating over the keyboard he thought about what response he should send. As he was about to begin his message a bar slid down, “Emily Evans”

Quickly, he flipped over to that message and opening it a picture bloomed in his view. There was Ms. Evans wearing nothing but a black ribbon tight at her throat, the black thong he now had in his house, her line of hair showing through the sheer fabric, and black high heels with a peek of their red soles. She was propped up on pillows on her bed, and either she used a remote or someone else had taken the picture. Regardless, the result was spectacular, the black complimenting the silver of her hair and the green of her eyes, the soles of her shoes nearly matching her nipples. The message just below, “Are you sure there is NOTHING I can do?” That wink emoji again, must be a favorite of hers.

Well, she certainly knew how to grab his attention. He replied, “Well now, I didn’t know that was in the offering” followed by the blush face emoji. “You can do THAT as often as you would like! You are a VERY lovely creature.”

Three dots showed she was messaging right back, “Why don’t you come next door and I can give you a tour of this ‘lovely creature’ as you say.”

“Yes of course I will be right over…” Damn he just remembered before he hit send, Sam was out of town tonight to see the match so he was covering at the pub and there was no one else available for him to call. Deleting back the message he wrote instead, “As much as I would love to, I can’t tonight; I have to be to work in thirty minutes,” followed by sad face emoji. Just his luck, he hadn’t been laid in months and a golden or rather silver opportunity presented itself and he had to beg off.

Three dots again almost immediately, then, “That’s really a shame, how late do you work, maybe after?”

“I work until 2 a.m. as usual, knackered by that point. Maybe tomorrow?” he replied.

“I am booked all day tomorrow; we will have to see if our schedules match up again. Have a great night.” Her response came quick and didn’t seem to leave anything left unsaid.

He took a moment to put Jessica in his contacts, then just before leaving to walk to work, he sent her, “Life is good, just busy, covering a shift at the pub tonight, got to run can’t talk now. Great to hear from you though, how is your life?”


After arriving and getting things set up his way, talking with the early bartender, Joe, he got to work, caring for his customers. A couple of hours in, he looked at his phone, sadly no messages from Ms. Evans but there were two from Jessica. He was struggling to remember what she looked like. But opening his phone, he read the texts.

“Bummer, I had some free time this evening and wondered if you wanted to grab some tea?” And, about twenty-five minutes after that one, “Maybe you are already at work? Mind if I come in and visit with you there, as a paying customer of course?” followed by laugh emoji.

He thought for a good long minute what he should text her. He was in the mood for company but was it fair to lead her on? Would he be leading her on, did he have anything real or concrete with Ms. Evans? Truthfully no, he didn’t have anything concrete or even substantial. The offer for exploration was there but the timing between them was tough, so he wouldn’t be leading her on. So he sent back,

“Sure, I would enjoy seeing you again and getting to know you a bit.” He hit send without thinking further; nothing was going to happen anyway so what was the harm.

She replied quickly, “Okay be there a little after 10; getting dinner and then I will get ready and head over. I live only a block away so I will walk. See you soon!”

Well, he had three hours to kill before he saw her, so he decided to get his cleaning done as much as possible early, since the pub was slow tonight. 

It was funny, each time the door dinged, and a woman walked in he got nervous. Was it her? But all had a man follow seconds later. Until finally about 10:30 p.m., a woman entered on her own. She was a brunette, about 5’4” and quite curvy. She appeared with her dark features to be of Arab descent, her face oval with thick eyebrows, brown eyes with a smoky makeup above, and lovely full lips. She had on a pink lace top with a plunging neckline along with jeans and high heels; he refigured her height to five feet. Her breasts were heavy, bigger than he had seen in some time, and her ass was expansive and round he noted as she turned to hang up her coat.

Stepping right up to the bar she said, “Great to see you again, Kyle.”

Why couldn’t he remember this woman? Taking a chance he said, “Nice to see you too, Jessica.”

As she laid her hands on the bar about to order, he noticed her nails were immaculate, in the latest style, pointed, a creamy white against her darker skin, with a jewel here and there. 

“Gin and tonic, please, extra lime,” she asked.

“A favorite of mine, coming right up,” he responded and then turned his attention to her drink.

Two hours later and another drink in her, they were laughing up a storm about some story involving a clothing mishap. The zipper on her pants had broken in a restaurant bathroom. And while her blouse was long enough to barely pass as a dress, her knickers had been crotchless and she feared flashing the whole place her business. Luckily, one of her friends had a long coat so she had her bring that in, yet the rest of the night out was quite interesting. 

On and on the conversation just flowed. This girl was very funny, and her exotic features were very enticing to look at. Breaking eye contact for a moment, he noted it was half past one, so he announced, “Last call.” Jessica asked for a glass of water and excused herself to the restroom. His other two regulars struggled out of their booths and waved goodbye. 

After procuring her water, he counted out the till and cleaned up. She came out about ten minutes later, her face fresh again; clearly, she had reapplied her makeup.

Picking up her glass she drained the water in one gulp. Giving him a smile filled with embarrassment, she said, “I haven’t had enough water tonight. Your drinks were so lovely, I fear I have had too much and am a little tipsy. Would you mind walking me to my place? It’s not far, and sorry, I don’t want to be a bother, but I would feel safer in this neighborhood if you did.”

“Of course, let me clean up a few more things. Five minutes, okay?” he responded. What was he up to, he wondered, this girl was fun, but wasn’t he already involved with Ms. Evans? With those eyes she just gave him, he could tell Jessica had more to say and perhaps do. 

No time like the present to continue to cut loose and see what happens, he thought.

As he locked up, he turned and saw Jessica was shivering despite her coat, a light wind blowing through the streets. Holding out his arm for her to snug into his side, he said, “I can help you stay a bit warmer if that is allowed.” One of his patented grins followed, to make sure he was as disarming as possible.

She sank into his side as if that is exactly what she had hoped for. They talked and walked rather lazily, taking fifteen minutes to cover the short distance. She lived on the top floor of a five-story walk-up, so he was asked to help her up the stairs. Happily obliging, an accidental grab here and there, they soon found themselves outside the door to her flat.

Turning to face him she hugged him, thanking him for the night. She smelled amazing, and he felt her press into him, most of her body in contact with his, as she stepped slightly back, she looked up in his eyes and her full lips slowly parted. Before he even knew what he was doing, his hand was to the side of her neck, tilting her head back and he was kissing her full on the mouth.

He felt fear and then elation as her mouth moved with his and she parted her lips, slightly, pushing through her tongue to touch his. Her hand came up to his chest and, pushing them apart, she asked, “Do you have time to come in for some tea before you head home? It’s so cold out there.”

Again, there were no guarantees for anything from Ms. Evans, so, reasoning with himself, he decided, Why not?

No harm in seeing what she had in mind, and he could kiss those amazing lips of hers a bit longer. “Sure, sounds lovely,” he said with conviction.

After unlocking the door, she reached back grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. Using his body to shut the door, she pressed into him finding his lips and kissing with fervor. 

“Come in,” she said breathlessly, “make yourself comfortable. I will go put on the kettle.” Turning, she left the room to put the tea on. 

Looking around her place he could see it was small but nice, maybe not as up to date as his places, but she had it clean. As he sat in silence his phone buzzed, pulling it out he saw “Emily Evans”, and just as he was about to swipe up to look, Jessica cleared her throat in the doorway opposite him. As his eyes came up, he saw she had taken off her jeans and that the pink lace top was in fact a body suit.

She was extremely curvy, now that the jeans were not holding her in, he could clearly see that. As he feasted his eyes on the sinuous body before him, she brought up an arm and laid it across her belly, attempting to conceal it from his gaze. His phone now forgotten, he dropped it to the couch and just stared with hungry eyes. 

She gave a little smile and asked, “If you like what you see, you are more than welcome to stay for a while?”

Taking this opportunity to reassure her, he responded, “I would love that, you look amazing! Wow, truly amazing.”

Her head dropped a bit, but the smile grew, a blush appearing on her cheeks.

He continued, “You are very attractive, I already knew that… those eyes and your lips. But seeing more of you now, I just have to say, you should know you are hot!”

“I don’t,” she said, “My last boyfriend of three years recently dumped me because, as he said, ‘You have gotten fat!’”

“Something is wrong with that man; you are a real woman. You have curves, you have thighs, you have breasts and then some, so I say bring it on, because you are one lovely girl.” He said with disdain for her ex and lust for her. 

He had to admit she was the opposite of Emily in nearly every way. Emily was lithe and thin, small ass and average breasts, quite angular, yet there was a beauty in her lines. Jessica, on the other hand, had zero angles or few lines; everything was softness, like clouds. Her ass and thighs, while big, were round and inviting, her belly, not something to be ashamed of, rather a fact of life. And those breasts were huge, clearly making her look bigger than she actually was. “I really like what I see, my pants are actually feeling tight,” he added with a smirk.

This brought a dirty smile to her face, and she approached him. Bending down, she kissed him again on the lips, this time lifting his face to hers.

Taking a chance, he brought a hand up to feel her right breast through the fabric. he was rewarded with her pressing it into his hand. He slid to the middle and traced his finger down the edge of her breast where there was no material. After kissing for another few minutes, she stepped back, and, pulling one shoulder off at a time, she let her breasts free. They indeed were immense, hanging now down low on her belly, her areolas large, covering the whole tip and back up some on her flesh. Soft brown he noted, the nipples stiffened before his eyes and grew to just over an inch long. Oh my, she was going to be a fun toy.

Holding out her hand, she lifted him from the couch and led him down the hall to her bedroom. Clearly, there was no tea in the making it was only them on the menu.

Making out standing up, she unbuttoned his shirt slowly and kissed the trail of skin that appeared, her head dropping lower across his flat stomach to the top of his pants. Her hands found his belt and as she got it unbuckled, she slid the back of her hand down across his now hardening cock.

Coming back up, she pushed his shirt off his shoulders, holding it behind him, his hands still inside due to the cuffs being buttoned. This play at bondage made him groan in delight. He had thought this girl shy and maybe not experienced, yet clearly, he was mistaken.

Dropping down his body again, she continued to hold the shirt with one hand, the other and her teeth she used to unbutton his pants and get his zipper down. He had a sudden thought that he was happy he hadn’t worn Emily’s thong as he had thought of doing. His boxer briefs were black and fairly new, so the waist band wasn’t even worn yet. Pulling the band out, she tugged down, and his cock jumped out, bonking her in the nose. 

Laughing, she said, “Someone is excited. You are thick, and longer than my ex; this should be fun.” With that, she engulfed his dick in her mouth and drawing him all the way in, not gagging at all.

If his hands were free, he knew he would be pulling her hair; those lips and tongue of hers were divine. So instead, he gave a light thrust forward and got the gag he desired to hear. 

Pulling off him, she looked up and said, “That was naughty.”

Before she could take him in again, he asked, “Let me go and I shall show you what’s naughty.” As she released his shirt, he quickly brought it up and freed it from his wrists, letting it fall to the floor. Grabbing and lifting her to her feet he brought his mouth to her nipple as he bent before her. 

Pushing her back on the bed, he went to slide her top down further, but she stopped him and instead reached in between her legs and undid the snaps there. Out popped her puffy lips. He knew what she was doing, hoping to camouflage the area she didn’t like. That’s okay this time, he thought, wait that must mean I am hoping for another.

He gave her a large smile where he was on the floor below her and began kissing in toward her thick mound. Finding the center was already slick with her juice, he slid in a finger and then two as his lips and tongue teased at her clit. In only five minutes, she called out his name and came on his face, her thighs cutting off all sound after that as they clamped on the sides of his head, covering his ears in their flesh.

As she came down, she waited for him to stand and then brought his cock fully to attention again with her mouth on it and hands playing with his balls. She asked, “Do you have a condom?”

He was happy he had slid one in his wallet yesterday, imagining it being used on Ms. Evans. Producing it, he let her slide it on snugly.

As she lay back, lifting her legs he told her, “Now roll over on all fours. I want to feel that ass of yours while I screw you.”

As she obliged, he was greeted by the largest set of cheeks he had ever seen in person, her brown hole just above her pink slit. As he began to push into her, he heard her gasp and flinch a bit, so he pulled out and went in slowly, bit by bit. Even before he started his rhythm, she sounded like she might cum again, as he increased his speed, she did indeed shudder and cry out as she came once more. Her pussy so soft on the outside, clamped on his penis inside, so the pleasure was intensified and even with the condom, he quickly blew his wad. His hand slapped her ass cheek hard as he came, leaving her hip for just a moment.

Later that morning, he woke in a strange bed, to different smells and then remembered where he was. Jessica stepped out of the adjoining bathroom towel wrapped around her and said, “Sorry if I woke you, I have to get to work. I am exhausted but in the best way possible. Thank you again for last night. You are welcome to stay in bed for the next bit, but I have to leave in an hour.”

Looking at his watch, he noted it was 8:45 a.m., not late yet not early either, “I had better be going,” he said as he threw back the covers. She gave a startled giggle as his morning wood was on display.

“You have a very nice dick,” she said, “I really enjoyed the night. You make me feel beautiful. Thank you.”

“I had a blast with you, not only are you beautiful, but every bit of you is glorious,” he responded. As he pulled on his boxers and pants, he bent and grabbed his shirt; stepping forward, he slid a hand inside her towel and kissed her hard on the lips. “Text me later,” he said. With that, he went to the front room putting on his shirt and stopping to grab his phone off the couch.

Shoes on, he was back in the hallway when he swiped up on his phone, revealing seven new messages and two missed calls. All but one of the messages was from Emily Evans, the others from the Davies thanking him again for the water heater. Both his missed calls were from Emily Evans as well, but no message was left. Opening her text thread, he looked at what she had sent.

At 2:03 a.m., “decided to wait up for you come on in I am in the bedroom.”

At 2:41 a.m., “Are you okay, you aren’t home yet, and usually you are home by 2:30a.m.”

At 3:07 a.m., “I hope you are okay. I am a bit worried but maybe you are with friends” 

At 6:32 a.m., “Seriously, please text me you are safe. Can’t sleep, worried”

At 7:05 and 7:09 a.m., the missed calls.

7:22 a.m., “Sorry the second call was a mistake”

And lastly at 8:11 a.m., “Honestly I hope you are okay. Also hope you aren’t ignoring me because I seemed short with you when you couldn’t come over yesterday. I am sorry about the potential tone that text came through as.”

At 8:57 a.m. he sent back, “No worries, I was concerned I had hurt you by not being available. But got caught up with some friends and ended up bunking at one of their places.” 

Kind of a lie, but he couldn’t tell her what really happened, not yet at least. Tucking his phone in his back pocket, he headed home to check his chore list and probably take a nice long nap.

Written by ArtisticSpock
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