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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop - Chapter 1

"Andrew Bishop is shown how to enjoy life again after the passing of his wife."

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Andrew Bishop flicked the switch to turn on the exterior lights, opened the front door and stepped out on to the wide verandah of his century old farmhouse. He leant his shoulder on the verandah post and sloshed the last of the red wine in the glass that he'd carried out with him, raised it to his lips and drank the small mouthful. He didn't drink much, but did enjoy a glass or two of good local product on most Sunday evenings. It was a cool August evening, the weather was on the improve and soon the hot Australian summer days and nights would return.

As was his habit every evening he would go outside, whistle his dog, give it a ruffle of the ears before walking through the house yard, out the gate to the kennel to chain him for the night. As he turned around he noticed how lovely the old sandstone building was, surrounded by the well kept garden that his late wife had planted and loved. With a tinge of sadness he remembered how she would toil away to make that space her own on their 3000 acre property. Dianne was only 39 years old when she succumbed to cancer after a three year battle. Nobody could have fought a braver battle against such an insidious disease, but finally she passed quietly, at home with Andrew by her side as he always was.

They had met at boarding school, both aged just 17. They had fallen in love instantly, a rare thing for two people. Most times one person falls in love with the other, and then the bond between them is made. Andrew-or Drew as he was known to friends and family, and Dianne were besotted with each other the minute that they were introduced. He a farmers son and she a bankers daughter were in separable. They married the week they both graduated from university and settled on the farm that Drew's family had been on since the area was first settled in the 1870's. They were both proud of the property as it was a model farm for that area, and as is the way in agriculture, when his parents decided to move to the coast for their retirement the next generation become the custodians of the rolling paddocks of the sheep and cereal farm.

Drew recalled in his mind that horrible day when his beautiful wife was given the news, she had a rare form of bone cancer, that even with intensive therapy claimed most of the people it touched. They had a fight on their hands and Drew knew it. In the coming months as Dianne's health declined, he had arranged to lease out or share farm all but 250 acres of the farm, he sold off most of the sheep, only keeping about 150 of the best ewes and two of the prize rams that were really the bread and butter of the farm. These two large rams had a blood line that could be traced back in the stud books over one hundred years to this property, and were as valuable as the land itself. Having taken care of business he now devoted himself to Dianne. Many, many trips to the city, innumerable hospitals and doctors, thousands of miles of travel and all to no avail, as he watched most of his world slip away. Finally, on that February night she had died, quietly and gracefully she closed her eyes and her breathing stopped.

Drew was devastated with the loss of her. After the funeral he went to the coast and stayed with his parents for a month. Then to outback Queensland to stay with Dianne's parents, who adored their son in law. He felt no rush to go home as the place was being well cared for by his good mate and neighbour Geoff Davies. Geoff was the closest neighbour they had, he lived about five miles away as the crow flies and he could be counted on anytime. Geoff and Drew had known each other all their lives but they were different people. Drew the gentleman farmer, Geoff the farmer who by chance and no fault of his own, just happened to be gay. A hard tag to handle in a small rural community. It had never bothered Drew or Dianne, Geoff to them was just a nice gentle man and the best friend you cold have when the chips were down.

Stretching his 6'1" frame Drew pulled himself back to the task at hand , chained the dog, turned and peered through the darkness down the gravel driveway toward the interstate highway that ran along the front boundary of his property. It was 3/4 of a mile away and was very quiet tonight, as it was most Sunday nights. The tourists traveling it were all settled in their motels somewhere and the interstate trucking companies hadn't reached this far from the distant cities at either end after the weekend lull in business. It was all part of being on the farm, a routine that he had known all his life.

As he turned to head back indoors there was a distant screech of tires and a very audible thump. Looking back toward the highway he could see the orange flashing of a cars hazard lights and the muffled sound of distant voices. Realising there had been some sort of accident Drew headed for his F250, knowing that some one may have been hurt. It was a long way for help, 50 miles one way to town 60 the other. He clambered in to the pristine truck, a present he had bought himself to try and cheer himself up after Dianne had died, and took off down the drive. As he approached his gateway he spotted a man walking towards him, he was maybe age 35, tall and athletic.

Pulling to a halt Drew lowered the window and inquired, "Trouble?"

"Yes," said the stranger, "we seem to have hit a kangaroo, it's done a bit of damage to my car and I don't have mobile reception out here."

"Anybody hurt?" Drew asked.

"Only the kangaroo," said the man, "but my wife is a bit shaken up."

"Jump in and let's see what we can do."

Kangaroos crossing roads at night in rural Australia are a huge traffic hazard and are very often hit causing damage and even major accidents. Drew and the stranger drove down to the main road and turned right toward the stricken car, did a u turn and pulled up in front of the vehicle. A large male red kangaroo was laying in the road way, Drew immediately dragged it to the gravel verge so the next passing car did not hit the carcass.

"Good thinking," the traveller said, "it looks like I've found some one who knows what to do in a crisis."

"Yeah, I have done this a few times myself," said Drew, "now let's see what the damage is shall we."

Running an eye over the vehicle, he noted it was the latest model large sedan. It had two mountain bikes mounted on racks on the roof, at least it did have until one had become dislodged under the heavy breaking and flipped over itself, and had put the saddle through the windscreen. The front under tray of the car had been torn off, and as Drew walked around to the passenger side he was met by the sight of a very upset, petite gorgeous woman. She was still sobbing but managed a weak, "Hello." Inside the vehicle it was obvious they weren't going to be continuing their journey as the driver side airbags had deployed on impact, leaving the dash and steering totally destroyed.

After assessing the damage Drew said, "Look, I think we'd better drag your car into my driveway to get it off the road and you and your wife can come up to the house."

With out much drama they hooked a chain to the car and it was slowly dragged and coaxed inside the gate. Then the marooned travelers were ferried up to the house.

Ushering them inside to the lounge area Drew warmed himself by the open fire place that had been burning non stop for three months now, another constant of this farm.

He introduced himself, "Drew Bishop is my name," and extended his hand to the man.

"Dave Williams and this's is my wife, Tess."

Tess was about 5'4" tall, tiny frame, blond hair over her shoulders and very good looking. Though still a bit upset by the accident, Drew couldn't help but note that his lounge room was all the better for having that lovely looking lady in it.

Drew asked asked if they would like a coffee or something stronger to settle themselves, and a coffee was agreed upon. Making his way to the kitchen he immediately set a fresh pot brewing and asked across the island bench, "Do you need something to eat with your brew?"

"No thanks," was the answer, "we just ate in the last town."

With hut mugs of coffee in hand, they all sat around the fire and discussed what would be the best way out of the predicament the two travelers had found themselves in.

"I'm not worried about the car, insurance will cover the damage, it's just put a big dampener on our mountain biking holiday, we were only going to the next large town, that was to be our base for the week to ride the trails in the mountain reserve near there," said Dave." Do you have a land line I could use to call a tow truck and arrange a lift to town?"

"Yeah sure, you can use the phone, but I don't like the chances of a tow tonight. They will usually only come out on Sundays if it's something really major," answered Drew, "and seeing no one is hurt and the car is not a hazard, I don't think they'd come until the morning.

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I think it might be better, if you like, to just stay here tonight. I've plenty of room, the spare bed is made, and your more than welcome."

Down deep Drew new he had to be more social, it had been 18 months since Dianne left him and the old house felt nice with people in it again.

"What do you think Tess? Should we stay? If our host was an axe murderer I don't think he would have made us such a fine cup of coffee first," said Dave.

"Yes, I think we should stay, I don't really want to get back in a car tonight, I'm still a bit spooked by the wildlife," replied Tess.

"Good that's settled then, come on Dave get the keys to the car and we'll go down and get your bikes for safe keeping and your luggage. Tess you make yourself at home we won't be long"

Fifteen minutes later they were back and had placed the two suit cases in the spare bedroom. Tess complimented Drew on the old house that was filled with antiques and was given a run down on the family history. Before they new it it was 11:30 pm.

Dave enquired, "Drew do you mind if Tess and I shower, it's been a long day and I have small glass fragments in my hair and clothes from the windscreen?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have realised, of course you can, I'll show you where everything is."

Gathering towels from the linen cupboard, Drew ushered his guests down the hall and showed them the bathroom, then leaving them to it retuned to clear the coffee cups and tidy the kitchen.

"Tess won't be long."

Drew jumped in fright, as he had he's back to the door way and didn't see Dave return along the hallway.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," apologised Dave.

"That's ok, I'm just not used to having people in the place."

"I noticed a few photos of a lady around the house, she your wife?"

"Yes," said Drew, "she died 18 months ago – cancer"

"Oh I'm sorry, any kids?" asked Dave.

"No, we tried early on, but it just didn't happen, and now I'm not sorry we didn't as I couldn't even look after myself properly until six months ago, let alone kids! And I would never want my children to watch their mother die the way she did?" Drew said sadly.

"What are you two talking about?" It was Tess.

Drew turned, and if he wasn't enamoured by her looks before he was now. She stood in the doorway in bare feet, her hair still wet from the shower, and wearing a silk dressing gown that only reached mid way to her knees. Her pert breast pressed against the sheer material revealing her hard nipples standing at attention. Drew was captivated by her beauty and the uninhibited way she carried herself.

"I'll tell you latter," said Dave, wanting to spare Drew the heart break of Dianne's story again. "That shower has my name on it now, back soon," and down the hall he scurried.

"Anything I can help you with?" Tess asked noting the open dish washer.

"Nope all finished," Drew replied, not really knowing where to look.

"Good lets go back to the fire, we live in an apartment and an open fire is a novelty for us," Tess said.

Tess took the leather arm chair across from Drew and curled one leg under her, she leant forward to poke the fire with the iron and as she did so Drew had a glimpse of her small pert breast as her gown gaped open, he immediately looked away and blushed. This did not go unnoticed by Tess.

"Oh Drew, don't be so coy, you country boys! I'm glad you noticed! I am proud of my little titties, I've worked hard to keep them this shape with my gym work and cycling. Still, I can see by your embarrassment that you are a gentle man," she chided.

Drew again looked at her, she slowly slipped a finger on each hand under the flimsy material and pulled both sides of the gown apart, revealing her firm 32B breasts to him. Drew again looked away, he was nervous that Dave would come out of the bathroom and catch his wife displaying herself.

"Drew look at me, don't worry about Dave, he loves it when guys look at me," coaxed Tess.

Drew looked a Tess again, but kept one eye on the hallway for an irate husband. He had never seen such perfect breasts. Perfect in every way, with nipples the size of a pea standing erect from the light brown surrounds. They were amazing, and so was Tess. She was so unabashed in that she was genuinely proud of her womanly charms and really did enjoy showing Drew. After what seemed like an age, she covered herself and told Drew not to be embarrassed as she wasn't.

Dave came down the hallway, with only one of Drew's large bath towels wrapped, around his waste. Drew could see he also kept his body in tip top shape, in fact he thought he had the perfect masculine V shape. Tall, bronzed and toned. He also made a mental note that Dave seemed to be sporting a half erection under the towel and his penis appeared to be of above average size, not that he was an expert in that field.

"Gee Drew that shower was great. I really can't thank you enough for your hospitality, we really lucked out, that is if I ever hit a roo again, I hope it's in front of your place," joked Dave. "So what have you two been chatting about?"

"Oh this and that," said Tess with a glint in her eye," just discussing the difference between country boys and their city competition."

Drew was still a bit flustered and to break his tension said, "Well it's well past my bedtime, I have to get up early and check my sheep. They are lambing, so I'd best turn in. Do you guys have everything you need?"

"Yes, thanks," said Tess, "we should sleep too, well have to be busy tomorrow sorting out the car and stuff, thanks again." And with that stood up took Dave by the hand and went down the hall to the guest room.

"Goodnight," said Dave.

"Sleep tight," said Drew, as he put the screen in front of the fire place and turned off the lights.

Drew closed the door to his bedroom, he loved that room with its king bed and antique cabinets and chests, it reminded him of Dianne and the fun times they had had in here. He pulled back the quilt on the bed and started to undress, glancing at himself in the full length mirror on the wardrobe as he did so. He wasn't in bad shape for 41, still lean and muscular from hard farm work. When he was naked he ran his hand over his chest and let his fingers linger around his left nipple. He could still in his mind see Tess in his armchair with here breast proudly on display, his other hand automatically went to his cock. He watched himself stroke his half erect penis, ah it felt good, he hadn't had sex in how long he didn't know, not with anyone else anyway. Sure he masturbated occasionally but no he hadn't had sex with a woman since before Dianne became very ill, probably two years. But Tess had aroused him and his now fully erect penis begged for attention.

He lay back on the bed and stroked himself to orgasm. It didn't take long. Knowing there was a sexy looking couple just across the hall made it all the more exciting, and knowing how thin the walls were in this old house made him try to jerk of silently, and that only intensified the sensation. He came in great gushes, shooting his seed high onto his chest in three then a fourth hot spurts. He lay there for a few minutes to allow his breathing to return to normal, then reached over to his bedside table, plucked a couple of tissues from the dispenser and wiped his ejaculate away. Drew pulled the covers over his nakedness and turned out the lamp.

He lay in bed listening to the sounds he knew so well, the occasional car on the highway, an owl off in the distance, the bleat of a lamb in the paddock. But he could also tonight here the quite murmuring of his unexpected guests, the soft voices he could hear but not well enough to follow the conversation. It was nice to listen to the pillow talk of other people. He could here the occasion creak of the bed under the soft voices. Slowly the creaking become more rhythmic and the voices less, until he realised that Dave and Tess were having sex. Instantly he become more alert. His dick started to harden again and he listened with all his might. After what seemed like an eternity to his straining ears he heard Tess make almost a muffled sob, but he could tell she had cum and his mind went wild as he imagined Dave's big penis buried in here pussy. Gradually the quietness of the house returned. No more voices, no more creaking. Drew fell asleep with his hand on his cock and a smile on his lips.

This is my first attempt at writing an erotic story. Any feed back comments would be most welcome.

Written by Bipeep
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