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The Personal Touch

"A shopping experience awakens desires and becomes more personal than she'd ever have imagined."

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“Oh my, now that’s simply gorgeous, don’t you think?” came the rhetorical but equally enthusiastic question.

Words that make the stain of your cheeks darken that bit more. You smile and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, enjoying your reflection in the floor-length mirror.

The dress, as he suggested when you walked the shop floor earlier, was beautiful both on and off the hanger.

A little more daring than you would have chosen these days. A plunging neckline drew the eye to your cleavage. Sculpted enough to define and emphasise your curves with a floaty hem sitting several inches above your knee. Elegant with a hint of sexiness that made you feel surprisingly good.

Lifting yourself on your toes, the nude heels he’d chosen, both compliment and accentuate your legs as you admire the outfit from a multitude of angles.

“And you wanted to hide that body under this?” he questions, referring through the reflection to the maxi dress that hung upon the rail of shortlisted outfits.

“It’s just, well,” you begin but then pause for a moment to consider your words, again shifting to admire yourself in the mirror, “I haven’t worn a dress like this in years.”

“And I’d say why the devil not!” came his playful response watching as you scoop your hair up and see what it would look like with your neck exposed.

You turn and smile, still holding your hair up despite a few loose strands falling free from your grasp. “Is that what you say to all your clients?” you ask with a curl of your lips.

He smiles cheekily before breaking into a laugh. A warm, intoxicating laugh, the sort you can only reciprocate.

“Do you think it’s part of the script?” he answers, deliberately avoiding your question.

If it were not for those deliciously intense dark eyes, you may have challenged him further but regardless of any answer, in the last hours, you had felt more alive than you could remember.


To be honest you had completely forgotten about the personalised shopping experience raffle prize you’d won months earlier. If it were not for finding the crumpled prize details stuffed and lost at the back of a kitchen draw when searching for something else, you wouldn’t have remembered it at all. And even then it still took a persistent friend, who had insisted you should take some time out for yourself, or else you’d have inadvertently let it expire.

Of course, she had been right. You could barely remember the last time you had some time out. Even less when it was just for you.

Not that you didn’t enjoy shopping. Or at least in the past, you hadn't. What girl doesn’t?

A rock to the others in your life, there was always so little time.  Life was all-consuming, and taking time out in any capacity seemed a distant luxury. But heeding her guidance you'd managed to juggle things, so much so, that you entered the store just as the last remaining public were being ushered out.

A glass of bubbles had been a welcome surprise. The late-night experience was so less chaotic and rushed as you browsed the near-empty isles to your heart's content. It had been a little surreal, the vast store nearly empty bar for the merest of shoppers and staff.

Now you knew what it was like to be a celebrity. Newspaper and social media headlines that show shops are closed for private viewings. An entourage of security holding back the paparazzi from the windows as movie and pop stars shop in blissful luxury.

Thankfully, your personal shopper had not been the gum-chewing wisp of a young fashion student you had feared, oblivious to your wants and trying to get you to squeeze into something totally inappropriate.

You had been a little taken aback when you were greeted by a guy. A little younger yes, but thankfully only by a few years and far from the centuries that you had feared!

His smile was warm and inviting that instantly put you at ease. Plus, his good looks were more than pleasing to the eye. Tall, dark hair, matched by his equally dark eyes and fashionable stubble. A simple white t-shirt defined a gym-toned physique that made you think there was no doubt he was popular with the ladies. An artistic tattoo etched upon the length of his strong arm.

His enthusiasm had been intoxicating. Sure, the experience was there to make you feel good and he certainly ticked those boxes. Bubbly and complimentary you found yourself giggling most of the time with a constant stain on your cheek. If you could have only bottled up that feeling and taken it home with you, it would be the perfect pick-me-up.

Furthermore, he listened which in itself was an initial shock as over the years being listened to felt more of a scarcity. Questioning what you were looking for and what you liked, you mentioned having a dinner event at the end of the month to provide a little focus. As you both perused the aisles he quickly came up with fresh and appealing combinations of outfits.


“So, you like it?” he questions as if he needs the answer.

“Yes, I do. I love it!” you respond, letting your hair fall back down around your shoulders.

“Good. And the best thing is it works for your formal event but couple it with the right accessories and you have a more casual outfit for the night out on the town with the girls,” he continues.

“You think? Isn’t it a little too formal?” you question, wondering if you could pull the look off he was envisaging.

“Yeah, of course. With your hair up just as you had it.  Maybe a small jacket and replace the heels with a pair of boots,” he enthuses.

“Maybe?” you answer with a hint of hesitancy but warming to the idea. It wasn’t something you’d have even considered but with his words, you begin to picture the look.

“Absolutely. You do own a pair of boots, don’t you?” he asks

“Ummm,” giving him the answer instantly. “I have a couple of pairs of old ankle boots but those are as old as the rest of my wardrobe,” you joke.

“Oh, every woman should own a proper set of boots,” he answers.

“I like them. I just haven’t,” you begin, finding your words trailing off instead of coming to a natural end, as his smile grows.

“Wait here,” and with that, he bounces out of the private fitting room.

Maybe it was the bubbles. Maybe it was a need to let go. Or maybe it was simply the attention, where for once, it was all about you. Either way, you feel good. He made you feel good.

Returning with aplomb he passes you the box.

“A gorgeous pair of knee highs that will look great on you,” he says, handing across the designer box. His words make you blush once more, although it was questionable whether your cheeks had been anything but flush the whole night.

“Take a seat,” he instructs. Obliging you to sit and slip the nude heels from your feet, he opens the box. The smell of the fresh black leather hangs in the air as he passes you one boot. You press the sole of your foot inside, feeling the leather encase your calf as you pull on the zipper. The boot comes together snugly and tight around your calf as you pull the zipper up to the top, ending just below your knee before repeating the action.

The heel is bigger than anything in your current wardrobe and you take a moment to balance when standing up.

“Do they feel ok?” he enquires.

“Yes, they feel great,” you answer, instantly adoring the added accentuation of your legs in the mirror.

“They look great too! And see? A pair of FMB changes that outfit instantly, from formal to sexy in a heartbeat,” he continues.

“FMB?” you repeat playfully and quizzically.

For the first time tonight, you see the stain on his cheeks as you sense him questioning whether his casual words had overstepped an unwritten line.

“Fuck-me...” he begins to clarify but your giggle cuts him off before he can finish.

“I know what it means. I know my wardrobe is a little out of date but I’m not all innocent,” you playfully tease with a smile that is quickly mirrored in his own as you both laugh.

Of course, you weren’t going to mention exactly how you knew. It wasn’t as though it had come up in your daily life. Rather after another evening of non-attention and a few glasses of red wine, you’d resorted to a little self-enjoyment with an online scroll through an assortment of erotic stories and pictures to quell your unsatisfied needs.

You enjoy his sense of relief, evident as he relaxes. Continuing to enjoy the reflection in the mirror, looking from a multitude of angles. Acronyms aside, his styling was so on-trend. You had already fallen in love with the dress, but he was so right, the boots added a more stylish and sexy look.

And as you look, you catch his eyes in the reflection, dancing over you, as you lift on your toes, enjoying both the view of the outfit and the way his eyes travel down you. You can’t help but feel anything but gorgeously sexy.

You turn to face him, resting your hands on your hips.

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“So, would you?” you ask, pausing as you hold his gaze. Your heart thunders at the audacity of the words. The rush of blood as you border on the cusp of foolishness or carefree.

“Fuck me that is?” you daringly continue. Your words roll and trail off as you dare not break your gaze from his. Holding it fractionally longer, ensuring he knew that your words carry more than just a hint of suggestion, your lips curl as you yearn for him to know you were not playing games, the sensual flirting over the night having left you wanting more, craving dangerous liaisons.

“Are you serious?” he asks, a mix of confusion and surprise quizzically etched upon his face.

“I’m wearing the boots, aren’t I?” you answer, biting your bottom lip as you feel his eyes dance over you with a deeper, darker intensity.

Your gaze is unwavering, and you see his expression change.

No longer did he doubt. A smile spreads across his face, that you mirror with a naughty curl of your lips.

Stepping forward his hand falls upon your waist as the other cups your cheek. His lips slowly move towards yours as your heart thunders.

Crushing any chance of lingering hesitancy, you bring your lips to him. An action to entice a kiss that you melt into deliciously. Lips quickly part to give way to tongues that dance in a sudden whirlwind of lust.

You moan deeply into the kiss as the intensity floods you. His touch ignites the embers of desire that foster deep within.

There is a hunger in his kiss and touch, fuelling a compelling want, that you haven’t felt for an age and at this moment is mesmerising.

Edging you back, thankfully in his hold, he kisses you deeply. You slowly slip closer to the mirror of the private changing room. His hands eagerly explore you, tracing the dip of your waist and the rise of your hips. Fingertips caress your thighs through the material of your new dress.

Your heart races as your hand slips down his body, feeling his chest as your touch travels south, soon purring as you feel the silhouette of his gorgeous manhood, aroused and firm beneath his jeans.

Your mind subconsciously questions what the hell you are doing yet adores every second as endorphins flood your veins. The kiss deepens as hands roam with ever more desire. The point of no return hurtles close as you savour his playful bite of your bottom lip.

You are seduced, smitten and deliciously aroused. You can feel his need, an animal hunger that leaves you craving more. His touch both confident and assured, he turns you to face the main mirror

Watching him through the reflection, his fingers find the hem of your dress, tugging it up over the rise of your hips to expose your lace panties. His hand slips between your thighs and his touch instantly takes your breath. Fingers trace you through the delicate and already damp material.

Your hand grips his wrist as his fingers tease and caress. The heat of his breath on your neck so arousing as he trails his tongue and lips along your creamy blush-stained skin. You reach back, fingers eagerly running through his dark hair.

Gasping for breath, his touch sets you on fire. The sheer audacity wildly arousing as the erotic imagery plays before our eyes in the mirror's reflection.

You feel yourself getting wetter as he touches and teases you with an intense desire, the likes of which you couldn’t remember.

Christ, at this rate you'll cum by his touch alone.

Maybe it was his intuition or sheer coincidence as he slips his fingers from your soaked lace. The merest respite as his lips break from your neck and you watch in the reflection as he almost disappears from sight.

Strong hands run over your bottom, his firm and playful grope exciting you further. His fingers peel the damp lace down your thighs before you feel one hand behind your knee, guiding you to lift and rest your boot on the wooden bench, exposing your glistening sex to his mouth that he presses up between your thighs.

You moan loudly, enjoying his tongue as it laps the length of your dripping-wet sex, the resulting sensations sending your mind into overdrive. Hungry and attentive, his tongue dips between your drenched lips, coating him in your liquid lust that he smears over your swollen clit. Driving you wild with wanton lust, you lean against the mirror, bracing yourself as you begin to tremble.

His mouth heavenly sinful, pushes you rapidly towards the ragged edge. Your heart pounds, leaving you breathless as each wave crashes and claims with increasing intensity.

Your moans quickly reach a crescendo as you begin to fall, your thighs tensing as the pleasure pulses through you. You cum deeply, riding the powerful waves, feeling yourself leaking into his unrelenting mouth.

You gaze down, as he enjoys the taste of you on his lips. Increasingly sensitive, you playfully push his head away, enjoying the sight of his lips coated in your liquid gloss.

You bite on your bottom lip and in a husky, near breathless pant, plead, “Please fuck me”.

Needing no further invite he stands. Your eyes revert to the reflection, as you watch him behind you, feeling his touch as his hands slip to your waist, ruffling your dress up high once more. Your eyes close, feeling the rub the bulbous tip of his cock against your slick wet mound, which tingles with orgasmic aftershocks. You grind against him as he slowly works himself between your lips, moaning heavily as you feel him sinking inside you. His steely shaft penetrates and claims, inch by delicious inch.

Expletives spill from your lips. Still tight, you feel his cock stretching your walls as he pushes to the hilt, filling you perfectly.

Your purr, adoring how he feels inside you as he begins to rock his hips, pulling back only to sink deep. Sucking the air from your lungs and making you gasp. His hunger grows as he takes you quicker, the sounds of your lust echoing throughout the private changing room.

An arm on the mirror, you rest your forehead upon it, and see your heavy breath steam the glass. Your moans dance with his growls and grunts as he takes you from behind. Fingers grip your waist tighter as he powerfully thrusts his gorgeous cock back and forth, relentlessly hitting that magical spot that makes your mind melt.

Biting your lip, you catch a glimpse of him in the reflection through the steamy haze of the glass and a constant need to close your eyes. Savouring the pleasurable sensations that pulse and throb as once more you feed the rush of endorphins melting your mind and body.

Your moans blur into a constant whimper. God! He feels so fucking good! You can barely breathe.  His deep strokes suck the air from your lungs as you begin to once more teeter on the ragged edge. Your thighs tense and your sex clenches more hungrily around his steely manhood that he relentlessly drives back and forth. You sense him close, his thrusts becoming more rampant, encouraging you to buck your hips and push back against him, to meet his needy strokes.

Bracing yourself against the mirror your thighs tense. His hand slips under you and a deeper moan greets his fingers as they toy with your clit. The combination of the assault on your swollen bud and the pounding of his gorgeous cock was too much to take.

Your moans turn into a scream of lust as you fall into the inky abyss. Panting wildly, your climax hits hard, claiming mind and body in a delicious rush of ecstasy.

Your orgasm claims his. His final thrusts wild and animal growls desperate, his fingertips gripping your waist ever more tightly as he swells and the wetness that spreads deep within as he cums. Your sex milks him as he throbs and pulses violently in your pulsing sex. That gorgeous feeling of being filled with liquid lust as he releases, pumping his creamy seed into your slick heat.

Breathlessly you feel his weight against your body. With the gradual slowing of heartbeats, you turn your head as his hand slips around your neck to guide his lips to yours.  A sweet and tender kiss, soft and sensual in its nature and in contrast to the rampant need that had ensued seconds earlier.

Endorphins flow through your body; your mind floats among the stars, your body tingling and a delicious mess as you feel him slip from you, instantly feeling juices leak down your inner thighs.

You purr. A mix of sated desire and sinful lust as your eyes find his eyes through the mirror, the stain of your cheeks suddenly so much darker.

“So, you’re taking the dress?” he asks with a smirk, rebuttoning his jeans.

“I think I should,” you answer, finding yourself averting your eyes, yet instinctively biting your bottom lip.

“And the boots?”

You giggle. Enjoying the glow of your body and the look of the boots accentuating your legs.

“I think I should," you coyly answer.  "But what if I have a doubt and need a second opinion?” you hesitantly and playfully respond, trying hard to hide the smile that beams across your face.

He smiles.

“You do know we offer personalised home shopping, don’t you? Just in case, of course.”

His eyes find yours as you raise an eyebrow and give him a playful nod.

“Just in case,” you giggle, slipping your hand around his neck to guide his lips back to yours.

Written by Whispered_Words
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