We all rested for an hour or so and then got up. Brittany had a meeting that afternoon, Amy had to be at work at four, and I had nothing to do for the rest of the day.
Before we left Brittany asked if we could all meet for lunch the next day. We agreed and everyone left her house. I texted Brittany later that day and asked about meeting that night. She responded quickly that she had the meeting and then needed to go home and get some rest.
I watched Amy on the six o’clock newscast. I could not get my mind off the night and the morning we just spent, and I wondered if Amy was thinking about it at all. Within five minutes of going off the air, she texted me and told me how much she enjoyed the time. I sent her a brief text back, and told her how great she looked on air.
The next day we all met for lunch. Brittany was dressed impeccably as always, but she did not have her usual smile. Amy wore a v neck t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans. As always, she was witty, chatty, and incredibly cute. We ordered, and Brittany started to speak.
“Both of you know I had a meeting yesterday afternoon. I had been working on something for several months, and it came to fruition yesterday. I will be running for County Mayor. I hope to announce my candidacy on Friday.”
I stood and gave her a big hug. Amy added her congratulations.
Brittany continued, “Here are the two issues we need to discuss. First, this campaign will consume me for the next nine months. I know we had just started to get to know each other, but I am afraid that will have to wait a few months. I hope you understand.”
I was caught totally off-guard. She had never mentioned to me any political aspirations. But I also realized she would be a great candidate. “Or course I understand. I will support you in any way that I can.”
“Thank you. And second, what happened with the three of us could be a huge problem in my public life. In fact, if any details of it became public it would destroy the campaign. I won’t deny it happened, and if ever confronted I will tell the truth. But if the two of you would not mention it, I would forever be indebted to you.”
Both Amy and I looked at each other. No one spoke for a long time. Amy started first, “Brittany, I have lived in the public view for ten years. My private life and my public life do not overlap. No one will ever hear from me anything that happened. But if you ever want your pussy licked again please call me first.”
We all laughed, and all faces turned to me. “Brittany, all of your secrets are safe with me. But I have one special request. I want to be invited to the Victory party.” Again, there was laughter all around.
The rest of the lunch went well. We talked about Brittany’s plans and how she would be a great Mayor. Part of me was very happy for her, but part of me was disappointed. I was not sad at her opportunity, but rather at the way she told me the news. In none of our times together had this idea ever been mentioned. Even if it had, there were no regrets on my part. It had been an incredibly sexy few days. We finished lunch and walked to the parking lot together. Brittany’s care was near the front door. We all hugged, and she got in a drove away. Amy and I parked on the other side of the building and walked together. Amy asked, “Are you disappointed?”
“Yes, but not devastated. I will be fine.”
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. “If I remember right, you paid for a dinner date with me. And technically we did not have dinner, only dessert. I think you are still owed a dinner.”
How could I resist that offer? “Of course, when and where?”
“Friday night. Come to my house. I will cook. And I promise you will love desert.” She leaned in a gave me another kiss, this time on the lips with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.