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The Lion

"John’s penis stirred. It had been too long since The Lion had feasted."

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Author's Notes

"This is a long preamble to the action to come, er cum. Stay tuned!"

Melanie stood naked in the foyer of John’s house, her clothes strewn on the floor.

She was just as beautiful as he anticipated she would be.

John’s penis stirred. It had been too long since The Lion had feasted.

Chapter 1

John Lyon was an attorney in Chicago. His practice always involved taking on big companies on behalf of the little guy. He took on all shapes and sizes. Drug companies, insurance companies that consorted to cheat customers, automobile companies, and more. He was a ferocious litigator and became aptly named The Lion. He virtually never lost. And even a “loss'' usually resulted in his client being well compensated in some manner by the guys he took on, admitting at least partial guilt and paying for the wrong.

He’d practiced in a large firm for a while then left with only his brilliant paralegal and started on his own. His cases sometimes took years to litigate, but when he won, the settlements would be in the millions and millions of dollars. As he worked on contingency, he made millions and millions. By all accounts, he was a wealthy man.

He grew up in Chicago and played tennis and golf, but golf was his love. He played in college, not a star but a good solid player, never wanted to go pro, and carried his passion into his later years.

He married Cindy O'Neill, another law school classmate. She went to work in a succession of nonprofits helping them grow. She became a beloved feature all around the Chicago area known for the causes she helped. She was kind, caring, beautiful, and loved to fuck John’s eight-inch dick, hard, fast, and long. She was adventurous, rude, and crude around John, but gracious and charming to all people. She fucked, sucked, anal-ed, toyed, did it often, and always with a brazen joy. John was smitten and bitten by the love bug and never relinquished it. 

Until she died.

After leaving the large law firm, John started a private practice with his paralegal Margaret (Maggie) Shell. Margaret was brilliant. Once John went into private practice and he had more choice on the clients he represented, and they had more time, so he sent Margaret to Law School. She graduated Valedictorian in two years and the firm became Lyons & Shell. John was the largest stakeholder, but over time Maggie became wealthy too. John was approaching age sixty and was done. He wanted to slow down. Maggie could run things easily and he could take a back seat. Besides, the last case almost killed him, literally. 

He was suing a trucking company for a wreck that occurred leaving their client, a driver paralyzed after the truck hit head-on. Turns out the trucking company was self-insured, and they used the case to file bankruptcy and tried to rid themselves of the suit in that manner. The trucking company w also a front for a sex trafficking operation run by some real nasty people. The truck that hit his client was carrying Honduran refugees, primarily women, destined for the sex trade. Most were killed in the wreck. It was a mess. 

As John and Maggie started pushing through all the ownership of the company, it got even messier with offshore accounts, shell companies. The Russian mafia was involved. But, there were a few “real” companies involved and so they went after them. The Russians weren’t happy that their legitimate businesses were being attacked. Intimidation, threats to not only the client but to John, Maggie and their team of four people mounted and mounted. Maggie even had her car run off the road one night. The driver didn’t stop. It was a warning.

One trying day, John received a cryptic text message from a friend who was in the FBI. It said only, “Want help?” This case didn’t seem destined for the feds, but John knew this was a real guy so he called him. It was not what he expected. John’s friend told him that a security firm had noticed some really dirty online traffic (their description) and offered to help. John queried for more and the FBI agent couldn’t or wouldn’t give him any more information. He did say, “These guys are friends of mine from college. I trust them with my life. Just say, yes.”

So John did.

Within days the pressure relented, it actually disappeared. The illegal business fronts that John had found were basically gone. One of the remaining “legitimate” companies offered to settle with John’s clients for many millions of dollars more than was asked.

John accepted for his client, knowing that was what was right, but he didn’t feel particularly good about it. He did send his friend in the FBI a simple, “Thanks.” No reply was needed.

With that, John announced his “semi-retirement”. He and Cindy headed to Europe for two months. Three weeks into the trip, his wife received an urgent message from her doctor. She replied and found that she had pancreatic cancer.

Cindy fought like hell for almost two years. In the end, it was peaceful.

After, John didn’t leave the house for months on end. His son, daughter, and son-in-law were the only people he had even minimal communication with. They made sure he had food.

A little less than one-year into his mourning period, John arose. It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining. It was still cold, but you knew spring was around the corner. 

John felt a little less dead.

He called his daughter first and asked her to help him clean out the house. He called his son and asked him where he should start working out. He opened a window, took a deep breath, said a prayer, and returned to the living.

Fast forward, two months later John was much more fit, he was eating well again and even was putting on a bit of weight he had lost during his mourning period. He called his buddy Craig, the head pro at the country club he belonged to and set up some golf lessons. He hadn’t touched a club in almost three years, he was rusty.

He headed to the club a few days later. Craig was a college golf teammate, a better player than John, who went pro, was not quite good enough for the tour, but a great club pro and earned enough to provide for his wife Annie and their three children. John helped Craig get the job at the club, a perfect position for a good man who loved his family and loved golf. They were best friends. Annie had been Cindy’s close friend too.

John and Craig hugged for a long time when they saw each other at the club. There was nothing to say. But it was nice for John. They went out and hit some shots. John was rusty, but soon his natural swing with a little adrenaline and some instruction and he was hitting the ball passably well. He headed out to play nine-holes. It was good.

As spring turned into Summer, John got in eighteen holes two-three times a week, always alone, hit a lot of balls, and saw his game round back into good shape. He was in his early sixties, fit, had an all new wardrobe to adjust for his new weight and he was well off financially. He’d even started to work a day or so a week at the office helping Maggie and her great team now expanded by two-more lawyers and four paralegals, all women. John actually liked that quite a bit.

Craig and Annie invited John to dinner at the club with them one Friday. John met them in the bar, and as he walked in he was warmly greeted by all of the members that he’d known for all the years, that he and his wife had known for all these years. It was a homecoming of sorts, it was warm and welcoming and… nice. They sat and had a wonderful meal though they were continually being interrupted by well-wishers, both for the pro and for John. It was… nice. It was... normal. John knew he’d never forget Cindy, but realized it was time to live again.

A week later he went to a party at the club. It was a nice large party, so John could blend in easily. It was fun. There were some really good-looking women there too. John even felt something stirring, but there wasn’t much he could do as all of them were married. He made the rounds and at one standing table was Melanie Johnson by herself nursing a drink. 

Melanie was one of Cindy's best friends at the club. She’d married young to Ben Johnson, a trust fund baby, and total asshole. Ben’s father was an asshole. Melanie bore three-fine young men who were all totally ignored by their father and grandparents. He was a womanizer and drunk. Why she stayed with him was a mystery. 

Melanie was strikingly beautiful.

John walked around and said hello, Melanie was a bit taken aback as she’d not seen John for so long. She recovered, hugged him, and then began quietly crying on his shoulder telling John how much she missed Cindy. John teared up immediately, they stepped apart so as not to cause a scene, but both were happy to see the other. 

Melanie caught John up on the kids, not a word was spoken about her husband other than he was on a golf trip in Palm Springs and she wasn’t sure when he’d be back. Melanie never said a bad word about Ben, but what she didn’t say was the truth. John spoke the truth that after his wife’s death, he hadn’t ventured out for a long time, but now he thought he was ready. He was mostly. 

They ordered another drink and moved to a more comfortable table away from the noise of the party. They talked of nothing and everything. They had a few snacks, another drink and kept talking. John had forgotten how nice it was to talk to a beautiful woman. He felt his penis stir again. 

Finally, they said their goodbyes with a nice hug, a quick sniff by John of Melanie’s perfume, and off they went in separate directions.

John got home and poured himself a good-sized glass of bourbon. A bit of ice was added and he headed to the den. Just as he walked in, his alarm system sent a beep. Someone was driving up the long driveway to the house. 

Since the last case, John had installed a security system that monitored everything moving in and around the house. The house was big, it was somewhat secluded so being cautious seemed prudent after what they’d been through. When he took on the trucking company, and following a text from his FBI buddy, a security company had shown up at this door the next day to hook up his house and surroundings. 

They secured his house, his kid’s houses, Maggie’s house, and all of their employees' houses within a couple of days. The tall young man who orchestrated it all assured him he didn’t think this was anything but precautionary, but still smart to do. John agreed. John’s smartphone became his tool to monitor the safety and security around the house, plus more. John looked at his phone and it had already sent to him the license plate number and the car owner’s name: Melanie Johnson.

Perplexed, John strode to the front door. Melanie had been to the house many, many times as a close friend of his wife’s and at a bunch of fundraising parties and events. She knew her way to the front door.

She stepped out of the car and walked purposefully to the door. John was waiting. She was a bit unsteady walking up the steps. She may have stayed for an extra drink, John thought. When she reached the door, she glanced at the drink in John’s hand and said, “Can I get one of those?” He opened the door so she could get through, but once in, he thought better of it.

“Melanie. What are you doing here?”

Melanie turned. She stripped her jacket off and laid it on the chair nearby. She reached around and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She undid her bra. She bent over and pulled her thong to her ankles and kicked them away. She stood there, naked. 

She said nothing

John’s penis was now aching inside of his pants. But caution remained. He pulled out his phone, focused it on Melanie’s beautiful body, and took a picture. He then started to shoot some video with his voice-over, “Melanie. Please say that you came into my house without invitation, you are here of your own volition.” She did so.

He stopped recording.

He hit a couple of buttons on his phone and said, “Melanie, I am getting ready to send the picture and video to a secure location. I will never use this for any purpose other than if you make any claims in the future about how you arrived here and what you are going to do. Do you agree with that?” She said yes.

He reached for her hand, then said, “Let’s get you a drink.” and then pulled her into his den. He poured a drink for her, sat her in a chair, pulled a blanket from the back of the sofa, and covered her so she’d stay warm. She thanked him. He sat in a chair across from her. He waited and she began to tell her story.

“I loved Ben when we met in college. He was so kind and generous. It didn’t matter to him that I was a scholarship girl with no money. We were so in love. We dated all through the four years. I never met his parents, I was never asked to come to Chicago, I was his at school. 

“I was careful, but I got pregnant my senior year. Ben was ecstatic. He asked me to marry him. I loved him and agreed. We went to the courthouse, got a marriage certificate, and got married. Until that time I didn’t know how much money he had. I kept bugging him to meet his parents, but it was almost like he was ashamed of them. In a way he was. They had always controlled him with money.” 

“He reluctantly took me to his home and we suffered through the most miserable experience with his father and mother. They weren’t happy Ben married below his state, I couldn’t be good enough for him, and on and on. Right in front of me, right to my face. They wanted Ben to get an annulment and for me to get an abortion. For once in his life, he refused them something. They threw us both out of the house. They cut Ben’s money off.”

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“We finished out the school year scrimping on pennies. Ben had never worked. Had never had to work. Now we were both working. Ben hated it. I got a good job right out of school in the Chicago area. The baby came, I wasn’t able to work as much, Ben was no help with the baby or money. Ben kept flopping around, never landing on anything that lasted.” 

“Finally, he went to see his parents, he didn’t tell me he was going to do this. He made a deal with the devil. They brought us back into the fold under conditions: I couldn’t work- it was unseemly. Ben had to work his way up the family organization. We had to live in their house. I was basically told to shut up and make babies. I did my part. I’ve never had an affair. I won’t get divorced, at least until the kids leave for college.”

John took a long sip and asked, “Why me?”

Madeline continued, “We both love your wife. We are both hurting. I know I can trust you. I’ve always thought you are sexy. Cindy always said you were a stud.”

John took another sip. Finally, he added, “You’ve passed a number of tests. First, I think you’ve been honest with me. Secondly, I know my wife always loved you, always thought you were wonderful, and hated your husband and his family. In a certain way, I admire that you are going to stick with your marital commitment even if it doesn’t serve you well. My wife and I were lucky in our relationship. It always worked.” He took another sip.

“I have had a hardon since you took off your clothes. Besides my wife, I always thought you were the sexiest woman I knew. I won’t, I can’t marry you. We will both be discreet and I will fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before, that I promise. I will never physically hurt you, nothing we do will ever show. I will use all of your holes. You will do exactly what I tell you to do. You can always say stop. Is that acceptable?”

Melanie nodded her head and said, “Yes.”

John continued, “When do you have to be home?”

“The kids are at camp, Ben is somewhere, I have no idea when he’ll be back, but he left today so I don’t expect him back for at least a week or so,” she said.

“Good. then we don’t have to be in a hurry.”

John stood, held out his hand, and led Melanie up the spiral staircase to the second floor. He led her to a massive four-poster bed, and ushered her into the soft luxury. He slowly started undressing, Melanie reached to assist, he said, “Don’t. This is my house. You know the rules, my rules.” John’s pants fell to the ground, and as he said his penis was hard, rock hard. He took off his shirt. This was only the second woman he’d been nude in front of for almost forty years. His penis ached for release and was ready.

John spread Melanie’s legs as he got onto the bed and leaned down between her thighs. Melanie was nervous, as she didn’t know what to expect and John was only the second man she’d ever had in her life. She was shaking in anticipation. John did not disappoint her as he stuck his tongue deep inside of her pussy followed quickly by one, then two, then three fingers. 

Melanie arched her back immediately. Her orgasm was unexpected and delicious. She lay back down panting. John continued. Then followed a series of arch, orgasm and relax, arch, orgasm and relax. Her breath was rattled as the orgasms followed so quickly the previous one that she couldn’t keep up. Finally, she screamed, straightened her legs, and shook like she was having a fit. And fell deeper into the bed, spent. Nearly spent. 

John moved up her body, slowly kissing and licking and playing with her, her skin, her breasts, her pussy, her thighs, her stomach, he didn’t miss anything. Melanie’s body was being played like an instrument by a virtuoso.

He reached her face and kissed her softly on the cheek. Still spasming from the last orgasm, Melanie weakly turned her face to John and kissed him for the first time on the lips. His bourbon sweetened lips beckoned her and she began sucking on him as if to eat him. John slid on top of her. From her squinted eyes, John’s penis looked huge and magnificent to her both at the same time. 

She reached down to guide him into her crack, he pushed her hand away and began rubbing his eight inches up and down her stomach, then he quickly slid down between her legs and shoved the fully hard penis deep into her pussy eliciting another gasp from Melanie. 

Once in he didn’t move but instead savoured the sweet softness of her insides. He kept his weight on his elbows so as not to burden Melanie as she adjusted to his size. She exhaled which seemed to make his penis go even deeper inside of her. She shivered. She shook. John had not even pumped her yet and she was orgasming. 

Finally, she relented and relaxed and when she did, she could feel that he was truly and fully inside of her. This time a wave of pleasure hit her, not an orgasm, but a fulfillment. She reached her arms around him, pulled him to her, and kissed him slowly. They remained locked together not really moving, just experiencing the closeness of the penetration and acceptance. 

John then said, “This won't take long.” and he started moving his hips, Melanie following and absorbing his full length and girth. John tried to lift his weight off of Melanie to make it easier on her, she wouldn’t let him and so he relaxed and began moving his pelvis up and inside of her silky soft pussy. True to his word, he came rather quickly. When he did he lifted up slightly, tilted his head back, and started groaning, “Rrooaarrrr!” and let loose his ejaculate. 

The Lion.

They held each other for a long time. Sweetly, lovingly. Each had provided the other with something sweet. Something neither had received in a while, a fulfillment.

John lifted up on his elbows and Melanie realized for the first time that his penis was still hard and deep inside of her. She was amazed. Her husband barely lasted a minute and never wanted more. He always shriveled up quickly, rolled over, and went to sleep or left quickly. Of course, his penis was probably normal-sized, but John’s penis felt enormous in comparison. And it was so hard, and it was moving smoothly in her semen-filled pussy. 

She started shivering from anticipation as this was something totally new to her, uncharted, unknown. And, oh so fucking good. She couldn’t help herself and she started to moan and groan. John slowed down thinking he was hurting her, but Melanie yelled out, "Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!” 

So he didn’t and his penis became a jackhammer with the sound of her moaning and suddenly a sound that was gleeful as Melanie tilted her head back, pushed her hips forward, and began pushing into John as fast as he was pushing into her. 

John’s head began thrashing side-to-side as Melanie seemed to dig her head into the bed, then he tilted his head all the way back and started groaning, “Rrooaarrrr” and let loose his ejaculate again.

This time, at the very exact second John unleashed, Melanie, let out her own, “RROOaarrr!” as she experienced her own pussy spasming, and then she collapsed in a blissful orgasmic stupor. 

John’s head and penis were twitching as he pulled himself from Melaine’s divine pussy and flopped listlessly to the side of her on his back, panting and gasping. John’s eyes were squeezed shut. He saw stars inside the darkness of his eyelids, flashes, bursts of white. His dick was still jumping and pumping, just now nothing was coming out. But it was still aching and quaking. 

Coming out of his stupor, he looked over and Melanie was breathing normally and was asleep. She was beautifully relaxed and fulfilled at that moment. Nothing would intrude on her bliss for the time being. John leaned over, kissed her on the cheek, put his arm around her, covered them both up, and gave himself up to sleep as well.

John and Melanie awoke the next morning in sunshine at the same time. Melanie started as the full realization of what she had done hit her. John felt her tense up and just held her tightly until she relaxed. She moaned in appreciation. John got hard, but he knew it was as much a reaction to his bladder being full as it was to be lying next to a beautiful nude woman. 

He whispered the always sexy, “I really need to take a piss. Do you?” Melanie shook her head yes, but was unsure what to do next as she was naked in another man's arms in another man’s house, not in her husband’s arms, and was a little embarrassed at the thought of not knowing her way to the bathroom. John grabbed her hand and said, “Follow me.” and led her to the bathroom. 

He led her to the toilet. She sat down to pee. He didn’t move away, he just stood there and watched her. Melanie really needed to pee, so she just did so. John said as he heard the pee hit the bottom of the toilet, “God, you even look beautiful upon the seat of the toilet.” 

She laughed at the ludicrousness and the incongruity of his statement, but she also noticed his penis was fully, completely engorged, and at full mast. Melanie was a virgin when she met and ultimately married Ben. She had no other lovers. Ben was a missionary, slam-bam kind of guy. She knew next to nothing about sex or how to pleasure a man or herself. Last night was an earthshaking revelation. 

She stayed on the seat, grabbed the penis of the nearby John, and pulled it into her mouth. It was the first cock she had ever sucked. She was eager, but John was big, and he really needed to pee. John pulled his cock from the eager lips of Melanie, bent over the sink, and somehow let out a long, strong stream of pee through his still somewhat hardened cock. Once done, he directed the tip back to Melanie’s waiting lips and she sucked. 

John’s penis was now reinserted into Melanie's mouth and now she got some pee flavor to go along with his dry semen, her dried-up pussy juices, saliva, sweat- all the luscious and glorious flavors of man and woman- all in one glorious slurp. Melanie loved it, loved it, loved it. What she was doing seemed so depraved, so dirty, so sick, so forbidden… now she knew she’d never get enough of it. 

Without knowing she couldn’t do it, she shoved John’s massive erection all the way down her throat until his balls were touching her chin, her nose was touching his stomach. She didn’t back away. John didn’t either as he jettisoned stream after stream of rich salty cum deep into her throat, so much cum with so much force, that cum came out of Melanie’s nose. 

She didn’t back off. John didn’t back down. When John stopped ejaculating, cum leaked out from around her gorgeous mouth still locked around his penis. She couldn’t, though she tried to, swallow it all. John had roared again, but Melanie had been so absorbed in sucking his dick all the way down she heard nothing. She felt nothing but bliss.

John’s penis was really sensitive now and he slowly extricated himself from the still sucking Melanie. Once out, he bent down, pulled her up and stuck his tongue down into her tonsils, and sucked and twirled his tongue kissing her deeply, deeply, deeply. Melanie had an orgasm just from the depth and power of John’s kiss.

Finally, he pulled his tongue out tasting everything the two had shared, and they stood in a loving embrace.

The next five to six days were just the same. Sucking and fucking in every way imaginable for a man and woman to do. Melanie learned what love and sex fully and richly imagined could be. She was torn at the same time, as she knew she had commitments to her sons and this was really dangerous as Ben’s family were bad people. 

John was aware of that but not afraid. They started to plan how they would meet and how to keep Melanie as well as John safe. The times Melanie would have with John would be enough, they had to be as he was honest with her from the start. He even told her he loved her. It was an easy thing to do. She definitely loved him, and her love was so strong she didn’t want to do anything to harm him.

Melanie started varying the time of day she left the house. She’d park her car then Uber to a place where John would pick her up. She was at home every night. When the kids returned she went back to her normal life. She yearned, which made every time with John a frantic yearning fuckfest.

Ben came home and she really had to put on her best act to keep herself calm and collected. He even wanted sex after coming back, but as before it was over in minutes and he seemed placated. It would be weeks before he would come back to her, maybe months.

John really missed Melanie. She was gorgeous, kind, fun, sexy, and was making up for all those lost years of no-sex with a vengeance, a good vengeance as he could attest. He felt awful for her but realized that he wasn’t ever going to be the right person for her. She was nearly twenty years younger. He’d help her when the time was right to get away from Ben and his family, but that was all.

John was enjoying retirement even though it was without his wife. He had his kids and a grandchild, he was getting back into golf, he was dabbling in cases and helping at the office. All in all, he was doing better. He still had a hole in his heart from his wife’s death, but he was improving.

Written by GhostedWriter97
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