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The Cruise Singer

"A river cruise turns into a life changing experience"

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My wife, Amanda and I have been married for a bit over thirty-five years. During that time we've gone from red hot lovers to occasional snugglers. The slow decline in our lovemaking is entirely her choosing. I don't force myself on her and the rare moments she wants to be intimate don't include intercourse. It's been extremely frustrating for me at times. I've come close to having an affair several times but when push comes to shove, I come to my senses and stop.

The problem is within her mentally and physically. She's become more of a prude when I feel she should be more open. The fibroids within her make it painful for her to have intercourse so we stopped that all together. The last year or so she's even gotten to the point where she doesn't like being touched. This is painful to me.

I love her body, I like touching, kissing, groping, and looking at her when she's naked. We're both in our early sixties, stay fit and are often mistaken for a couple ten to fifteen years younger.

So, for our thirty-fifth wedding anniversary we decided to take a river cruise. We did some research and picked one from Paris, France to the Normandy coast and back. I hoped that taking the cruise would rekindle a once roaring fire within her. It was a weeklong cruise from Friday to Friday and the week afterwards we'd do some sightseeing in Paris.

The flight from Portland, Oregon was long, having a layover in Los Angeles didn't help. We arrived in Paris around one in the afternoon on Friday. We took a private car to the ship and checked in. We unpacked and stored the suitcases. The entire time we talked about what a nice ship and stateroom we had, the flight and how tired we were. After unpacking, we ventured out for a brief stroll around the Seine catching glimpses of the Eiffel tower now and then. The tower was a little too far to walk and get back to the ship on time for its departure and we couldn't figure out the ticket kiosk for the Metro to the tower so we headed back to relax before dinner.

The ship got underway at five that evening. The cruise director had an introduction meeting at six so we sat around drinking champagne while he explained the tours and shipboard routine. During this talk he introduced the onboard entertainer, Monique. A lovely French woman I'd guess around forty years old. She wore a low cut blue dress which offered a hint at her ample cleavage. Her legs were toned and looked lovely accentuated by matching blue heels. Her shoulder length red hair and porcelain white skin contrasted very nicely with her outfit. She beamed and bowed to the crowd when she was introduced, smiling and waving her hands in appreciation of the response. Along with the entertainment the heads of all the ship’s departments were introduced, none of them as lovely as our cruise singer. It seemed just about everyone with the exception of Monique were from Eastern European countries.

Dinner was after our little information meeting and would normally be at seven each evening. It was spectacular. The wine flowed freely during our four course meal which was chateaubriand along with assorted other goodies. Amanda and I were feeling very nice due to full stomachs and the abundance of wine when the department heads along with Monique stopped by our table to personally introduce themselves. Maybe it was the wine clouding my judgement but it seemed like Monique was flirting with Amanda and I. She continually bent low as she stood next to our table showing off her lovey breasts which seemed to make Amanda a bit flustered or that's what I thought. It's been eons since I'd been flirted with so it must have been the wine. Then again, it could have been just her nature.

When the introductions were concluded we had a wonderful dessert of crepe suzettes then headed back to our cabin. On the way Amanda asked me if I thought Monique a bit over friendly. I told her it's probably the way she is, everyone seemed very friendly, it's their job.

We let it go and had a pleasant sleep. In the morning at breakfast Monique sat at the Captain's table greeting us as we walked in. We smiled and said hello, the waiter seated us and poured our coffees then told us how breakfast worked. There was a chef cooking omelets, a complete line up of pastries, fruits and cereals, pancakes, waffles, you name it, they had it. I was in breakfast heaven.

As we sat and ate Monique stopped by to visit. We asked her to sit and join us. She sat next to Amanda and across from me. The conversation focused on where we were from and a bit of our backgrounds. She was polite but again she seemed to focus her attention on my darling wife. After about ten minutes she excused herself and left the dining area. Amanda and I looked at each other, each having the same thoughts running through our minds. She was flirting.

We headed back to our cabin to change and get ready for our tour of Monet's house in Giverny. To my surprise and delight Amanda was in “the mood”. Rarely if ever on a trip does she get horny. She doesn't like to have sex because she doesn't want the maid to know we do. I've never understood that reasoning but it's who she is.

This time while I was taking a shower in the tiny phone booth sized enclosure she walked in with that gleam in her eye. We barely fit in the tiny shower and since this was a rare occasion I didn't argue with her lust.

“Surprised to see me?” She cooed, with the special glint in her eye.

“In here, yes. There's barely room for me, my love.”

“You want me to leave?” Teasing as she feigned her exit.

“No, I'm always happy to see you naked and in such a lovely mood.”

With that she wrapped her hand around my then limp member and began working it into a solid shaft. I smiled leaning in to kiss her. We stood like that for a few minutes kissing while she made sure I was ready for her. She broke our kiss, dropped my swollen rod and turned off the water. Teasing me with her fingernails to insure I stayed ready for her, she opened the tiny bottle of body wash. Licking her lips, she squeezed some of the gel into her palm and lubricated her nether regions. Turning her back to me and with a slight bend at her waist, she guided my anxious dick between her legs just under her pussy. She then worked my dick sliding herself back and forth over it as I matched her rhythms pumping. I moved in closer continuing my thrusts and reached around to massage her pussy as best I could. I wasn't exactly inside her but in that region between her vagina and her rose bud. My fingers massaging the top of her lips then slipping between them to stroke her firm clit.

We continued our gyrations varying the speed until she was ready. Then she covered my fingers with hers focusing on where I needed to be. It didn't take much longer until she let go of my hand to brace herself against the shower wall. With a few more pushes she arched her head back and nearly lost her balance as she entered her climax. I continued pushing slowly using my hands to help keep her up. Just as she finished her moment of bliss I let loose and splattered my load against the shower wall.

We both stood in that confined space catching our breaths for a few moments. We never have sex standing up or in any other position besides horizontal in bed. Whatever had sparked this little interlude I'd like to find out and preserve it for other occasions. But for now I was just grateful for it.

I turned her around and saw that lovely afterglow look in her eyes I hadn't seen in a very long time. I kissed her deeply, my hands holding her to me, never wanting to let her go. Eventually we did break the kiss, I thanked her for being the most beautiful woman in the world. She laughed it off then turned the water back on. We took our time washing each other off and talking.

We got dressed and headed up for our tour of Claude Monet's residence. The gardens and pond were magnificent. Amanda seemed a bit clingier than normal which is something I don't mind at all. We held hands and acted as if we were newlyweds on our honeymoon. The tour was great, our guide spoke flawless English and was very knowledgeable about Monet and impressionist artists in general.

When we arrived back at our ship, Monique was sitting in the lounge area playing the piano while our fellow passengers sipped wine and talked about their day. We ordered wine for ourselves settling into our chairs as Monique played on. She gave us a very nice smile as well as a nod as we sat facing her. We both smiled back while lifting our glasses to salute her. After finishing the song she was playing, she decided to take a break.

We were reminiscing about our day when she sat down next to Amanda. She greeted us as she had before, asking how we were liking the cruise and her music. We told her we loved it all wishing we could do this more often. The three of us sat there talking for a good thirty minutes until she looked at her watch and when back to playing.

Our conversation seemed to focus on us, how long we'd been married, kids, where we lived, and general details about us. We did find out a little about her. She was single, no kids, never married and had an apartment just outside Paris.

We finished our wine, said our good-byes to Monique and left. Actually, Amanda stayed behind to get another glass of wine to go. I didn't think anything of it until she got back to the cabin an hour later with no wine. I asked where her wine was and she said she drank it on the top deck enjoying the view of the countryside. I shrugged it off, as long as she's happy it's no big deal.

Dinner was once again fantastic; we ate and drank to our heart's content. Our wine glasses never seemed to get below half full. Needless to say, we were in a very good mood after dessert. Heading up to the lounge we ran into Monique. It was her night off and she was socializing with the guests. She highly recommended the entertainer for the evening who was a magician; we thanked her and went on our way.

We took our seats waiting for the show to begin. It was an English comic/magician that played for us. Amanda and I found him to be somewhat boring so we managed to slip out, wine glasses in our hands to the top deck to look at the stars. As we gazed up at the night sky, we noticed how bright and full of stars it actually was.

The ship was underway to our next port of call, slowly meandering westbound on the Seine. We sipped our wine and quietly talked about what a great trip this was turning out to be.

For our twenty-fifth anniversary we'd done an Alaskan cruise. It was nowhere as romantic or as intimate as this one was partially due to the crowded ship and Amanda being nauseous most of the time from the ship rolling in the waves. This one was very different, a smaller group of people and the ship broke through the water as if it were skimming over glass.

As we stood there quietly talking to each other, I felt Amanda's hand rest upon mine as I held onto the railing. I looked at her, she had that look again in her eyes that meant we'd be making love when we got back to our room. I smiled at her as I finished my glass then set it down on one of the tables nearby.

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Any more alcohol would ruin what I was anticipating.

But to my surprise, going below wasn't on my dear wife's mind. She had a confession to make which would change our lives completely.

She walked over to the table where I abandoned my wine glass, setting hers next to it. She returned to my side whispering in my ear, “Do you love me?”

I looked at her with an expression of surprise at such a question, “Of course I do. I have loved you from the first time we met and will always love you. Why are you asking?”

She looked away embarrassed about she was about to say, “I was propositioned and I almost did it.”

Her eyes began to well up with tears as she looked at me. I was stunned at the words exiting her mouth. She is good looking despite my being biased, but she said she didn't do anything so I started asking questions.

“When did this happen?”

“Earlier tonight, Monique asked me to come to her cabin. You know after I stayed behind to get another glass of wine. We didn't do anything but she was seriously flirting with me.”

I was stunned. Had my lovely but sexless wife almost fallen for another woman?

“You sure she was flirting and not just being nice?”

“Oh, I'm sure. Please don't say anything to the captain, she might get fired or something. She said she'd never done anything like that before with a passenger. It's against the rules to have a passenger in a crew member's cabin. She said she was extremely attracted to me and was just wondering if I felt anything. I told her no. I was as stunned as you are now. But, I did feel something sweetheart, which scares me.”

“You're attracted to her?”

“I think so. Remember our love making in the shower? She caused that. There's something about her that makes me all gushy inside. I needed a release and well, you were there. I'm sorry that I haven't been in a sexual mood these past few years. I won't see her again because I love and respect you. I just wanted to get it off my chest because I feel so guilty about it.”

“Well, wow. Thanks for telling me and thank you for not doing anything. To be honest, I feel something when we're around her too. I noticed how your demeanor seemed to brighten when she's near. Is this the first time you've felt like this about another woman?”

As we talked I noticed the deck was becoming a bit more populated by our fellow passengers. Apparently the show was over and some of them wanted a view of the stars before turning in. I told Amanda we should probably finish our talk in our cabin to avoid eavesdroppers and she agreed. She slipped her arm into mine and we headed back to discuss and sort out her new feelings.

When we returned to our cabin Amanda entered first. Once inside, I turned to close the door and when I had done that I turned back around. Much to my surprise and delight, Amanda planted one of the most passionate kisses on me in years.

“I'd rather be naked next to you while we talk about this,” she confessed.

We both got ready for bed, brushed our teeth and all that. I turned out the lights then opened the curtains slightly so we could barely make out each other’s faces as we talked. Our voices were low and calm as I asked her to tell me all about her feelings regarding Monique.

We laid there in the semidarkness as she told me so many things she'd been meaning to but never had the courage to do so. I tried not to interrupt her but sometimes you just have to make a comment or reaffirm someone’s feelings. She told me again how sorry she was for being frigid the past few years. She cried as she confessed she lost her interest in being intimate mostly due to the fibroids making penetration painful. She never lost her love for me but the idea of sex just didn't appeal to her anymore. Monique somehow flipped that switch in her back on and she felt aroused and guilty at the same time.

Towards the end of her confession, she reached down under the waistband of my shorts. She fumbled for a second or two until she surrounded my flaccid member in her hand. As she continued, she massaged my growing penis until it was rock solid. The entire time she was describing things about Monique she found interesting. I found myself thinking of the two of them together which increased the response in my groin. Amanda could tell I was enjoying her talk and she asked if it excited me to think of the two of them together. I had to confess it did.

She responded that she thought it would then dropped her head under the sheets. She kissed her way down my chest until her head rested next to my now hard dick. I whipped the covers back as she kissed my thigh then moved her mouth to my penis and began licking it as if it were a popsicle. When she took my dick entirely into her mouth, I nearly fainted. I haven't had a blow job from her for at least thirty years. She quit a few years into our marriage because she said she didn't like the taste. But now she was going at it as if she was starving to death and my dick was going to save her life.

I wasn't about to complain. If thoughts of Monique instigated this and our lovemaking session in the shower, I was all for Monique moving to America and living with us. She took her time licking, kissing and stroking me. I didn't say a word as I lay there enjoying her spontaneity. It had been me making all the first moves the last few years we'd made love. This was something new and definitely exciting. She bobbed her head up and down me while teasing with her fingertips, massaging my balls and generally enjoying the entire experience herself. I felt so amazed and happy that something triggered her libido once more. It took me longer than it used to ejaculate but when I did it was strong. She did however remove me from her mouth seconds before I let go, pointing me off to my side of the bed so she wouldn't have to deal with the wet spot. She has always hated that sticky stuff even though I always got her a towel for afterwards. I laid there as she kissed her way back up to my face, my hands massaging her warm soft body. We looked each other in the eyes and I knew right then she'd have to pursue Monique or I'd never hear the end of it.

I thanked her for being honest with me and how happy she'd made me right then. If she wanted to see what Monique had to offer, it was fine with me. She smiled knowing I couldn't refuse her after going down on me. She kissed me good night then rolled over onto her side facing away from me. Within a couple of minutes she was fast asleep, snoring and probably dreaming of Monique. I thought about what we had done and what she was about to do. Deep inside me I knew something like this could be the end of our marriage, then again it could be the start of something even more amazing. Time would tell.

Day three and the rest of the week was full of touring, drinking wine, fine food and Amanda flirting with Monique. They kept it very discreet to avoid any problems with Monique's status on the ship and to prevent any gossip. I didn't see anything and I knew what I was looking for. Each night when we'd return to our cabin Amanda would update me as to what they talked about which really wasn't very exciting; they were getting to know each other. Amanda volunteered to Monique that she'd told me all about their flirtations. She was a bit surprised that I was encouraging Amanda to explore. Most of the Americans she'd met on previous cruises seemed a bit more uptight and reserved.

Amanda assured her we were a bit more liberal and open than other people and that if the opportunity presented itself she was sure I would join them in bed. But, this was something she was exploring and that I wouldn't participate.

She told me Monique grinned and that she also let out a ‘Hmmm’ after Amanda told her. Amanda gave her the name of our hotel we'd be spending the rest of our vacation. Our cruise ran from Friday to Friday with disembarkation early Friday morning.

Monique wasn't scheduled to join the next cruise which left later that Friday to repeat the same route. She and Amanda made plans to get together after we got settled into our room. They planned to meet up and see how well the chemistry between them worked off the ship. Monique lived on the outskirts of Paris which would make it easier for her to meet Amanda than for Amanda to figure how to get to her.

We checked into the hotel after a short limo ride from the ship. Our room had a great view of the Eiffel Tower. After unpacking, I decided to take a short nap before heading out into the streets of Paris while Amanda and Monique met for their tryst.

Amanda was extremely nervous, she must have changed clothes three or four times. With each change she'd ask if she looked alright, not too provocative or anxious. I told her each time that Monique had already seen her and that whatever she wore Monique would enjoy taking it off her. She blushed and tried to calm down but her anticipation was getting the best of her. I think if we'd have had daughters she'd have been like this if any of them had gotten married. It was nice seeing her that way but inside I still wondered how this would all go down, pun intended.

I partly wanted it to be a disaster with Amanda running back into my arms, never to think about it again. On the other hand, I was hoping for success and that her libido would be rejuvenated and our love life rekindled. The third possibility I tried to keep as far back in the deep recesses of my mind as I could. That she would prefer being with another woman and leave me after all these years. Not something I would enjoy at all. But this was her 'coming out' so to speak and if I didn't give my blessings and keep it all out in the open, she might go behind my back which would hurt almost as bad as her leaving me.

We just had to wait and see.

Amanda kept me awake with her nervousness. Finally I decided to take my camera and hit the streets rather than have her ask me how she looked for the fiftieth time. On my way out, I spotted Monique walking through the lobby. We greeted each other and I told her what room we were in. She looked delicious in a green dress with matching shoes. The dress showed more cleavage than the blue one she wore on the first day of our cruise. I tried not to focus on her breasts but she caught me glancing down at them.

“Monsieur Jay, do you like what you see?”

I blushed, “Yes, I do. I think my wife is one lucky lady.”

“Hmmmm, maybe if I persuade her, you would join us, no?”

“That would be up to her. You two have fun and don't worry about me, okay?”

With a sly smile she replied, “Ah, monsieur Jay, we will have fun, you can count on that. Your wife is a very desirable woman. I'm surprised you trust me with her.”

“I trust my wife that's what counts. I'd rather know what's going on than be surprised. You two enjoy yourselves and please bring her back with a smile on her face.” I winked.

She laughed, “Oh monsieur Jay, believe me, she will be smiling from ear to ear. Enjoy your day and we may see you tonight or maybe tomorrow. À plus tard.”

“Thank you, good bye.”

With that, I walked out into the streets of Paris, alone.

Written by _O2_
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