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The Cheater and the Thief

"A sexy bet over a game of dice turns ugly when it turns out both sides were cheating."

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The melody, a gentle twanging of oud and qanun and a whistling drone of the nay, rose above the babble of voices that filled the katra. Serving women in bell-bedecked layered skirts and vests moved through the laughing, singing crowd bearing steaming dallahs of coffee and karak chai, and sweetened tamar and laban, and fortified wines. Here and there, one or another of the women spun, laughing as she avoided the groping hands of merchants and sailors.

"Hear my cry, Bajir, bringer of fortune!" called a man in one corner. "Show your mercy upon your son, Yusef, who will build for you a temple with his winnings!" With that he cast the dice, watching them bounce and clatter and come up with a liar's straight: one, one, two, and three. "Behold!" he proclaimed, throwing down his tiles before scooping the dice up. "The Gods have heard my prayer! I am favored of them!"

The fastest way to go broke gambling was to spend one’s own money to do so. That was why Aurelia had spent the better part of the evening betting against the handsome stranger with the gold from his own pocket. What was frustrating was that he was beginning to win it back. But she hid that annoyance under a sultry smirk, leaning in closer as she took the cup of dice back.

"Ten endubis," he repeated, meeting her eyes. Then, with a grin and a lifted eyebrow, he offered her the goblet. "Will you drink before you throw, radiant daughter of Edana? The lips of the favored of the Gods have tasted this wine. Mayhap you will drink deep of my blessing?"

Unseen nimble fingers reached into his pack, finding several heavy gold pieces between them. “If you have enough blessing to share, how could I possibly refuse?” she asked in a faux-innocent tone, letting her other hand caress the knuckles of his hand to take the goblet. The hand palming his own gold joined in on holding the cup, bringing it to her lips. She let the coins clatter on the table as she returned his goblet to him, empty of course.

“I wouldn’t dare waste a single drop of your blessing,” she whispered, leaning closer to him, letting her breasts rest on the lip of the table. He had been gawking all night, and it made pilfering him all the easier. She merely considered it payment for her company.

With an enthusiastic throw, she let loose the dice. Three threes and a five. She squealed in genuine excitement, and squeezed his thigh, just above the knee. “Your blessing was most beneficial, Ba-tal. I really must thank you for sharing it with me.” Holding up one of the coins she had just won from the pot, she called a server, “Another bottle of wine, for Yusef, blessed of the Gods!” She collected her winnings and the dice, bending over the table to reach them.

“Twenty endubis,” she declared, passing the cup filled with dice back to his hand. She poured him a goblet once the wine arrived, and poured herself one as well, enjoying the way his firm body moved as he settled into his chair. Perhaps she’d throw him a pity lay, if she cleaned him out. Make him work for it, though. Tend to her pleasure first, of course. It had been too long since she demanded satisfaction.

“You should roll, Ba-tal, while the dice are hot. The blessing of the Gods does not last forever!”

He laughed. "The blessing of the Gods is fickle," he declared, "and granted in full measure to beauty! Come, I shall reclaim it before I throw!" At that he darted in, tasting of strong wine as he kissed her. Then he made his throw, holding her gaze rather than watching his results.

The ivory dice bounced across the table, tinkling gently as they struck the tiles. Four sixes lay there on display, the cast known in truth as the Blessing. The only way to avoid defeat now was to cast quadruple sixes as well, in which event all remaining players would have to match the pot or withdraw.

"Twenty endubis," he said, tossing the coins into the pot. "And twenty more, for the Gods love boldness even above beauty."

Perhaps the gods did favor him. She swallowed down her dismay alongside a mouthful of summer wine. “Impressive Ba-tal,” she intoned, batting her lashes and getting back in the game. “Truly, you are loved by Gods and women both.” She tossed her chips into the pot and shook the cup, knowing the odds were against her. And she hated when the odds were against her.

He opened the bottle she had purchased and drunk deeply. "Will you have my blessing back before you cast?" he asked, taking another sip and leaning close. "I offer it freely, for I love beauty and boldness both."

She smirked, one hand snaking behind his head to pull him closer. He tasted spicy, and she found she rather enjoyed it, biting on his lip as he tried to pull away. Her free hand dipped into his pocket again, taking a larger handful. A dangerous move, making his pouch noticeably lighter. All she could hope was that the weight of her breasts against his chest was sufficient distraction. Still pressed against him, she threw her dice. Six…six…six…the last one bounced a couple times before landing. Five.

“Very good, Yusef, Beloved of the Gods. But you just have to give me a chance to win back my money!” she purred, shifting to sit on his lap now. “Tell me, do you deal in the currencies of the flesh?”

He smiled –not quite leered– at the question. "I have been known to accept such currencies," he whispered into her ear. "From time to time."

"A new wager, then?" he offered, his hand resting on her hip. "All of my winnings, staked against a night spent upon the honey-dewed altar of Edana?"

An act that was intended to distract her mark was proving distracting to Aurelia as well. She could feel him, throbbing beneath her. And, from what she could feel through his clothes, losing this bet might not be the worst thing that could happen. It might even be a win/win.

What was the worst thing was getting caught with her hand in his pouch. Because she was fantasizing about how he might take her, and how she might take him in return. Thoughts that were not easily washed away even as she struggled against him, desperate to free her wrist from his vice grip.

"Thief!" he hissed, eyes narrow with fury.

So, as she was preparing a peace offering of carnal pleasures, noting he was still pulsing hard against her, a second set of dice spilled from his sleeve, landing on four sixes yet again. “Cheat! Filthy cheater! Hydranes take you!” Her fist smashed into his ear, and others joined in the chorus of accusations.

"There is, I - damn you, woman!" He seized her other wrist, arms straining with the effort of restraining her. "There is a perfectly reasonable..."

Steel glittered in more than one hand. "Liar!" someone howled, lunging across the table with the dagger. "Cheat!"

Twisting, he shoved her into his attacker as he tumbled backwards and away from the knife. Gold coins she had hidden on her person spilled onto the floor as she stumbled. Now the accusations of “cheat” were silent, as there was a mad rush to collect the money glittering on the dirty ground.

“Hey, you swiped this from me!” one man called, holding up a golden dinar, mixed among the endubis and doubloons, and darics. Two more men grabbed her, grubby hands felt her up, looking for more ill-gotten loot.

“Who else did you steal from?” one demanded, as he squeezed a breast, and more hidden coins dislodged from her cleavage. Her answer was to stomp her heel into his toes and elbow his groin. With a hand free, she pivoted toward the other man that held her, her fist pounding into his nose and mouth, breaking it upon impact. He staggered back, just long enough for her to pull her sword.

Backing up, she bumped into the dirty cheat, who had blown her cover. Fighting off a bar full of angry drunks was not how she hoped to end the evening. “This is all your fault!” she growled, parrying a wild lunge from a dagger.

He leapt away, avoiding a cudgel blow as she parried a dagger thrust. "Mine?" he shouted, parrying a second cudgel blow and punching the wielder. "Mine? Barabba and Hardom, woman, it was not I who was caught with my hands in another's purse!"

His scimitar leapt and flickered like lightning, driving back four more attackers. It was becoming clear, however, that she and the cheater were now the focus of the mob. Something had to be done. So he spun, grabbed a heavy wooden chair and hurled it. It sailed through the air and smashed through the wooden slats that covered the window. "That way!" he shouted to her, gesturing with his scimitar towards the dark city beyond the window.

Aurelia didn’t need to be told twice, diving through the shattered glass and rolling into a sprint. She turned one corner, and then turned the next, hoping to lose any pursuers. She passed an alley and grabbed for his hand, yanking him in after her. Why, she wasn’t exactly sure. But they were in this together now, and if they hid in the same place, it seemed less likely he would try and sell her out to the mob.

"You just had towaAH!" His words were lost as she caught his hand and jerked, sending him spinning into an alley and smacking into the wall. The pounding of numerous feet was not far behind, so she pulled him tight against her, trapping herself between the brick wall and his rock hard body. Breathing hard, her flattened breasts strained against his firm chest.

Not a dozen feet away, torchlight shone red as the leading fringe of the mob reached it. "Crazy bitch," he hissed, his face close to hers. "You've doomed us both!"

“They headed for the docks!” someone declared, and the mob was away in that direction. For a second longer, Aurelia held him tight against her, fearing it was a ploy to get them to reveal their hiding place, before releasing him. Lightning quick, her hand struck his cheek. Not terribly hard, just a sting to get his attention.

“Idiot! You catch me with my hand in your pocket and your response is to declare it to the entire bar?”

"My response," he snarled back, "was to cut out your fucking heart! You should be grateful that all I did was– "

“Whisper your accusations to me, and we could have negotiated! You could have walked out of there with half my take and the best damn lay of your life!” Anger and frustration tinged her tone, remembering the feel of his cock against her backside, thick and hard for her. The kiss he stole to cover his ploy. The promise the night held, as she sat on his lap.

"The fuck I would've," he sneered, dark eyes peering down her body. "You've got nothing I haven't had from a hundred other cheap whores."

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“Cheap whore?” she shot back, the barb stinging more than she cared to admit “I was in your pocket, faq’haa, and I know you couldn’t afford me.” So she turned it back on him. "Four fucking sixes!" she laughed, mocking. "Dammit, I should have known you were cheating!"

"I don't cheat," he growled. "I am an artist with dice and cards!" Face contorted in rage and distorted by the moonlight, he slammed her back into the wall, his iron grip bruising her throat.

She flinched in anticipation of a slap, but instead, he kissed her. His right hand was locked around her throat still, but the left –the one he'd raised to strike her– was tearing at her blouse and squeezing her breast. "I don't see half your winnings," he breathed, staring into her eyes as he ground his hard cock against her. "So you'd best be one fucking good lay..."

Bringing an arm up between them, she broke his stranglehold on her, pushing him back against the opposite wall. Before he could react, she ripped open his shirt, sharp nails drawing blood from his chest. “I’m a curse, Ba-tal,” she growled, going for the jugular, sharp teeth tearing into his skin until she drew blood. “After you’ve had me, every other woman will pale in comparison.” She kissed him this time, fingers tight in his hair, pulling from the scalp to keep him close. “Memories of this night will haunt you forever.”

Her free hand reached into his pants, gripping and stroking his staggeringly thick cock. “No wonder you’re an idiot. How can you possibly use your brain and this at the same time?”

In response he caught a fistful of her hair and jerked, bowing her body. He leaned forward, biting hard at her bare breasts as he finished ripping her blouse open. "Couldn't afford you?" he laughed, leaving bruises on the soft dusky skin as his teeth worried her flesh. "What could you possibly have that's so special?"

He pushed forward, slamming her back roughly into the mud brick of the opposite walk. She gasped at the impact and released his hair, allowing him to catch her wrist and pin it above her head. Before she could respond he released her throat to cup a breast, biting hard on the nipple as he released her wrist and grabbed her throat again.

"Let me see what’s so special..." he mocked, tearing at the laces of her tight breeches. His hand pushed inside, working hard to move between taut flesh and taut leather. "Bah," he sneered, two fingers thrusting into her wet, silken folds. She clenched around him, and he began stroking in and out. "That's it?" he growled, voice thick as his thumb found her clit. "It's a good thing I am so large, or I wouldn't feel a thing in this sloppy cunt of yours."

“Sloppy?” she snarled, “What’s wrong, never felt wet lips wrapped around you before? Women don’t usually get hot at the thought of taking you?” She groaned as he forced her open, tight against the calloused fingers that teased her. She pulled his fingers from her slit, bringing them right to her mouth, to lick at the musk that lingered there. Not straying her gaze, she sucked on his digits, slurping every last drop from his hand.

“I don’t think you deserve to savor my honey,” she spat, “not with your savage palate.” Still, she shimmied out of her pants, determined to prove him wrong about her. Determined to make him praise the Gods as she wrenched his climax from him. Her fingers tightened around his cock, mixing pain with pleasure as she stroked him. “Are you going to fuck me, Ba-tal, or are you about to burst in my hands?”

"You owe me," he growled, "and I plan to take it out of you!" His free hand snaked under her ass, and the muscles in his arm and back writhed like serpents as he lifted her. With a single powerful thrust, he drove himself as deep into her as he could, only the hand she still had wrapped around his meat preventing him from filling her completely. She wasn't a tiny woman, but even with that obstacle, there was a shocking amount of cock filling her. He groaned low in his throat as her walls parted and then clenched around his length. "Never had anything like that between your legs, I wager!" he crowed.

Her head lulled back against the brick way as he filled her. He was just as thick as she had suspected, parting her with gruff friction. She grunted as he fucked up into her, struggling to take all of him. And he had the nerve to call her sloppy.

He began slamming his hips forward in powerful thrusts, battering her fist into her cunt as he pounded deep into her. Each thrust scraped and slammed her naked ass against the rough brick. "What's the matter?" he taunted voice, harsh against the way her walls gripped and held his length. "Can't handle a real man's meat?"

“Is that all you…got?” she tried taunting, tried acting hard. But it clearly wasn’t working. Not with the way her eyes rolled in the back of her head, or the way her lust dripped down his meat. Instead, she released him and rubbed her clit, fingertips brushing against his cock as it slid deeper inside.

Sharpened nails clawed down his back as her body learned to accept every inch of him. Craving this rough fucking, even if she wasn’t going to be able to walk straight tomorrow. His blood dripped along her fingertips, the same temperature as his skin, beading with sweat. Her fingers worked at her clit, greedy to reach her release, to make him feel it, to see if the cocky sonuvabitch could actually fuck her through it.

Angry screams burst from her lips as her body seized around her, slippery folds closing like her fist had around his cock. “Fuck me!” she demanded, sharp barks of words as her body demanded release. He might take this as a victory, she wasn’t sure. Wasn’t sure she even cared, either, as she chased after her climax.

"Nuh-uh," he sneered, pinning her hands above her head, his drenched cock smearing her juices on her corset. "I make the demands! Turn around." When she didn't comply he spun her, crossing her wrists above her head as he pressed her bare thighs and breasts into the rough wall. "None of this bullshit with your fingers," he whispered, rubbing his slick cock in the crevice of her rear as he bit painfully at her ear. "When you cum, you won't be able to claim you did it." His fingers dug into the flesh of her hip, pulling her out from the wall. "Spread," he snapped.

She wasn't fast enough, so he kicked her ankles apart to widen her stance. Teeth dug into her shoulder, ripping flesh and drawing blood as he roughly drove his meat back into her dripping cunt. "Fuck you?" he taunted as powerful thrusts slammed her into the wall, and his free hand slapped her ass with stinging force. "Fuck you?" His tongue traced her back, lapping up the thin trail of blood that dripped from his bite. "I'm going to fucking use you!"

His free hand twisted in her hair, jerking her head back as he slammed into her. He kissed her roughly, forcing her to taste her blood on his tongue. "I'm going to... to... fuck you raw!" he gasped, words burst forth in between deep breaths. "Gonna... fill you... with my... my cum... while you... you cum... on this thick... cock."

He slammed her back into the wall, the bricks cool and rough on her skin. Almost as rough as his teeth had been, in creating the dark welts and bruises on her breasts and neck. She shivered as he whispered in her ear, punctuated with a bite. Why she was letting him do this to her, she didn’t quite comprehend. Any other asshole who tried to force himself on her would have lost his cock and possibly his life by now. Was it really just because this brutal fucking felt so good?

Still, she wasn’t about to just take it, let him use her for his pleasure. He was determined to take credit for her orgasm? Fine, she would force his as well then. Each thrust he gave was met with her own, her firm ass smacking into his tight abs. Each time he connected with her far barrier, she clenched, squeezing his shaft until it damn near hurt.

She answered his feral grunts with her own animalistic cries. She knew she was getting close, her body hungering for rapture, hungering for his steamy seed to flood her channel. The thought excited and angered her, that he was so god damn good to force an orgasm from her. Still, she held on tight, strained howls echoing in their alleyway, as she waited for him to cum, before she let go.

There were no words now. No taunts or threats or anything. Just animal sounds of lust, grunts and gasps wrung from his lips as flesh struck flesh. No longer gripping her wrists, he explored her body with hands and lips and tongue and teeth, and she lost herself in the carnal, almost familiar, pleasure. His hips jerked rhythmically, forcing her whole body to move as her tight, slick sheath squeezed and milked his shaft.

Her whole body clenched around him, and suddenly he roared his pleasure into the night. His cock seemed to swell within her, and then stream after stream of thick, hot seed pumped into her, mingling with her juices to drip down his shaft and her thighs as he filled her to overflowing.

That first jet of seed into her core was glorious. She didn’t have to hold back any longer, a deep guttural cry of relief escaping her throat. Her orgasm drained every drop of pleasure from his meat, her body seeming to drink in his release. He was hot and hard against her as they recovered together, his heart pounding at the same rhythm as her own, and his breath tickling the back of her neck. It was nice, and the thought annoyed her.

“Get off me,” She growled, pushing him away. He was just another man. Another man she wouldn’t ever have to see again, when she left port the day after tomorrow. She staggered to pick up her pants, and put them back on, even as she was covered in the proof of their liaison. Stinking of him, though if she were being perfectly honest, it wasn’t really a stink. Wild and masculine and musky, there was an appeal. The same appeal of his firm figure and piercing eyes and rapier wit. Sighing loudly, she shook her head. She was just another cheap whore to him, and he wasn’t worth her time. Even if he left her trembling from bliss.

Dressed with her pants back on, and her top tied over her breasts, she looked back at him. Say something, her mind hissed at her. Flirt or insult or tease or thank him. Just say something. But nothing came out, and she left without even a goodbye, shaky legs not hiding how good he had given it to her.


Written by Xanaphia
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