When Sarah first decided to go away for university she had no intention of maintaining her relationship with her boyfriend. Coming from a family of over protective parents, she wanted a chance to spread her wings and try being independent. This included being single. However, when the time came to break up with her boyfriend, Carl, she couldn't do it. They had been together for a year and a half and had done a lot as a couple such as: lost their virginities to one another, fallen in love, graduated together, fought over everything that they could possible fight about, and debated universities together, to name a few; Sarah found herself unable to let go. The truth was, she found herself able to picture a future with him and that seemed too valuable to throw away.
When it came time to leave for school, Sarah packed up all of her belongings and drove with her mom and her brother to Edmonton, where she would be attending university. Her last minutes with Carl were ones that she would never forget; they held each other close and held back the tears that were brimming in both their eyes. After around twenty minutes, Sarah pulled away and got into her car and drove away, tears blurring her eyes.
The trip to Edmonton was a long one but it gave Sarah hope that she had made the right choice. When she was finally about to move into her room she laid everything out perfectly. After she had tucked away her last pair of jeans, she felt a wave of emotion roll over her. It was a mix of excitement, satisfaction, and the feeling of renewed expectation.
Over the course of the coming month Sarah learned a lot: she could not live solely on breakfast burritos (which was the only edible food in the school cafeteria); it was very difficult to have Skype sex when she was constantly worried about her roommate barging in; it was very difficult to masturbate with a roommate sleeping (hopefully) five feet away. She missed Carl more than anything in the world; she would be spending her birthday a lone this year.
Sarah's birthday fell right smack dab in the middle of reading break and all of her friends were heading home to be with their families. Sarah, on the other hand, planned to curl up in bed with a box of wagon wheels and her favorite movie and wallow in self-pity. Birthdays had never been a big occasion in her household, one year her dad forgot to get her a present until about a week later, but Carl had always tried his hardest to make them special for her. This year she would have to settle for face timing and the peace of mind knowing that no one would barge in during Skype sex.
On the day before her birthday, Sarah was tidying her room; Sarah found that living with another person triggered the neat-freak living in her head to work double duty, constantly making sure her half of the room was clean. After she had finished straightening the bed there was a knock on the door of the bedroom.
She heard the voice of one of her remaining floor mates say through the door, "Hey Sarah, can you come out here for a sec? I wanted to ask you about something."
"Sure I will be right there, I'll bring my chemistry notes with me," Sarah replied. The girl, Stella, was constantly asking to copy her notes.
Sarah grabbed the notes off of the bookshelf, heaved the heavy door open, and stepped into the hallway. When she looked up she saw two people, one was her floor mate Stella, and the other was her boyfriend Carl. Sarah lunged forward and grabbed her boyfriend. It felt so good to hug him after three months of only being on a screen.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" she exclaimed.
He answered, "I wanted to make sure you had a good birthday. You seemed sad that you were going to be alone so I decided to fly out to see you."
In that moment she felt her heart swell with love. "Thanks Stella!" Sarah called to her floor mate’s retreating back. Stella waved a hand in reply.
Sarah pulled Carl into her small room and shut the door. In about three seconds flat he had pulled off her white fitted tank top and was busy working on the button of the jeans. Abruptly, he stopped fiddling with the zipper and turned her around so that she was facing away from him. Carl pressed on her upper back forcing her to lean over the bed and started grinding his stiffening lump against her round ass.
Sarah was able to feel her pussy dampen as her lust for the man behind her began to take hold. Her breath quickened with the pace of her boyfriend’s movements. She reached to the forgotten button of her jeans and gracefully undid it. Sarah kicked off both her jeans and her lacy black thong, providing access to her tight cunt. Carl found her pussy was so wet that he could push his large cock in without any added lubrication. As he entered her, Sarah could feel how tight she was and she knew Carl could as well. The walls of her pussy had to stretch to accommodate Carl’s swollen cock, causing the perfect balance between pain and pleasure. Listening carefully, Sarah could hear Carl struggle to control his breathing as he tried to suppress the urge to cum. When Carl was finally fully inside her, his balls brushed against her clit, sending tingles of pleasure running up her spine. A moan escaped her lips as her hips spontaneously gyrated against her man. Sarah could feel a powerful orgasm begin to build; desperate for it she began to whimper.
“Ohhhh fuuuuck,” seemed to be the only words that Sarah was capable of forming at that moment as Carl continued to slip in and out of her.
Sensing that his girlfriend was nearing the brink, Carl grabbed two handfuls of her firm ass and started to pound her. As Carl did this, his balls began to slap against Sarah’s clit, causing her knees to give out. One of Carl's arms wrapped around her waist, securing her to him as he continued to thrust powerfully into her.
Sarah’s lack of control of the situation seemed to heighten her sensitivity and, without warning, her orgasm hit. All at once, her legs began to shake and every muscle in her body tightened. It felt like wild fire spreading from her pussy to every inch of her body. Wave after wave of ecstasy crashed down on her, making her scream her boyfriend’s name.
Unprepared for Sarah’s tightening, Carl felt the tingling in his balls become more powerful.
“Oh shit, babe. I’m about to cum. Ohhhhhhhh fuuuuuck.” He groaned as he shot streams of cum into her quivering pussy.
They stayed like that, bent over the bed, catching their breath for a few minutes until they were both able to stand. When she was able to, Sarah stood up and turned to face Carl as his massive load ran down her leg.
“That was amazing,” she said weakly.
Carl nodded in response, planting a kiss on her forehead. They both collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.