After the bare-chest episode which Mandy probably thought had shocked her mother, I wasn’t sure if she would go through with our Saturday afternoon arrangement. She thought she held all the cards, unaware that while she played the role of bashful, hesitant virgin, all was not lost in my world because I had begun a sordid – yes, that’s the word – relationship with the far more accommodating Mrs Hubert.
I phoned her on the Friday to check that we were still on for it and she gave me a quiet and rather unenthusiastic “Yes.”
I felt I should have got her to sign something stipulating exactly what she had agreed to, but as far as I was concerned it involved me seeing her naked for the first time. That was certainly part of the deal and because this was to take place in her bedroom when we had the house to ourselves, I thought it was bound to lead to other things.
So after a long, incredibly frustrating period of kissing and feeling, up against a wall with my middle finger inside her and my tongue racing around her mouth like a child in a playground, it was time for some adult action.
She made me wait a minute before opening the door and when I was permitted to enter she led me into the sitting room and asked if I wanted to watch TV. I sat right next to her on the settee, took her into my excited arms and kissed her. She broke free.
“Blooming hell!” she said. “What is wrong with you?”
“We have an arrangement,” I reminded her. “Haven’t we.” It wasn’t a question but a dare, a prod.
She stared at the carpet. I softened my stance.
“Come on,” I said gently. “It’s okay.”
“But we don’t know what we’re doing,” she mumbled.
“Everybody’s got to start somewhere,” I said, knowing it was as corny as hell and also dishonest. “You’re beautiful and I just want to see more of you.”
I wanted to suck those non-existent tits and bring them to life. I wanted to go to town on her clitoris, now that I knew what and where they were. I wanted to reduce her to a quivering, helpless mess just dying to be fucked every which way.
She stood up without a word and held out her hand. I led her down the corridor and into the spare room.
“Why are we in here?” she laughed nervously.
“Oh,” I said, suppressing a grin. “You want to be in your room?”
It was probably just as well to get out of the place where I had shagged her mother, even though that was on a double bed and Mandy’s room was only big enough for a single. It was a very girly room, with twee ornaments, souvenirs from Italian holiday resorts, a pair of castanets bearing the name Marbella and even a cuddly toy on the dresser next to a mirror. Somehow that girliness made the whole thing that much more sexy.
Mandy locked the door and closed the curtains. She was wearing a shortish denim dress with buttons down the front.
“Take your dress off,” I said quietly.
“Why don’t you take it off?” she replied.
“I’m not wearing it,” I quipped and she laughed.
“Come on, help me,” she implored, resisting a smile.
I took her in my arms and kissed her tenderly, unbuttoning as I did so. The dress slid to the floor and I saw she wasn’t wearing a bra. In truth she didn’t need one, not having Mrs Hubert-style family heirlooms hanging from her chest, but she usually wore one anyway. The fact that today she was naked from the waist up gave me hope.
Concealing her crown jewels were lacy beige knickers, and I turned my attention to them, hooking my thumbs into the sides and pulling them down. She held me close and then let me go to complete the undressing. Then she just stood there feeling uncomfortable, so I gave her a slightly showbiz striptease of my own, turning away when I got to my underpants and then giving her a swaggering flash of my partly erect dick. She managed to laugh despite herself. I sat on the bed and looked at her. This was the girl I had loved, lusted after, laughed with, argued with and felt up at every opportunity. And she was beautiful in a skinny-topped way that struck me as French, like some out-of-touch Parisian ingénue or a peasant girl who never saw the light of day.
If I had told her what I planned to do to her she would have freaked out, so I held out my hand and drew her down next to me. I spread her out like a blanket, her legs slightly apart, and kissed her lips, then her neck, her breasts and her stomach. I put my hand between her legs and slid the usual finger into her, then withdrew it and played with her clitoris with my thumb.
“Mmmm,” she whispered. “That’s nice.”
With my head at her waist, I could already smell the salty, meaty aroma of her young vagina. I continued heading south and licked the silky insides of her thighs before pushing her knees apart and placing my face in her crotch.
”What are you doing?” she said doubtfully and I knew words were not the way to answer.
“Ssshhh!” I said in as friendly a way as I could manage, before planting my tongue in her slit and poking it as far up her hole as I could.
“Naughty,” she said, but began to relax as I rubbed her clit with my nose. I felt like a real pro, conducting her like an orchestra. I slurped up her juices and sucked her surprisingly big labia. She wriggled.

“I thought you just wanted to look at me,” she said, playing for time because we both knew where this was going.
“I am looking at you,” I replied.
“You had your eyes closed,” she said.
“That’s because it is so beautiful down here.”
“Do you love me?” she asked suddenly.
“Of course I do.”
“But sometimes it doesn’t feel like it,” she persisted.
“I love you, Mandy,” I repeated and took her clit between my lips.
“You love my bits,” she said playfully.
“You have very lovable bits,” I replied.
“So do you,” was her unexpected response.
“Do you want to suck me?” I ventured.
“Not today,” she said.
“Do you want me to fuck you, then?”
“I want you to make love to me. Have you got any… rubbers?”
“No, but I’ve got some latexes.”
“Don’t be cheeky,” she said, patting my head in mock admonishment.
“You smell so good,” I found myself saying. “And you taste amazing.”
“That’s just natural,” she said. “That’s what a woman is like.”
“Not all women,” I said stupidly.
“Oh, you’re an expert, are you? I thought we were both having our first time.”
“You can find things out through reading, talking to people,” I said, scrambling back out of the ditch I had talked myself into.
“Hmmm. I suppose so,” she said. Now was the time. I reached into the pocket of my jeans and found it empty. I could have sworn I had put one in there. It had been nerve-wracking enough buying one from that little chemist’s up an alley in Town, and now it had fallen out or something.
“Shit,” I exclaimed.
“Pardon?” Mandy said in a reprimanding way.
“I was sure I put one in there,” I said.
“Maybe in Mum’s room,” she said. I was quite impressed that she hadn’t taken this as an excuse to call the whole thing off.
“Isn’t she on the pill?” I said, regretting it immediately.
“Used to be,” Mandy said unsuspectingly. Used to be? And I had been filling her with my spunk? Maybe there was a lot about Mrs Hubert that I didn’t know.
Mandy leapt off the bed and went on her mission, returning triumphantly in no time at all. She gave me the sachet and looked at the ceiling as I unwrapped it and put it on.
“On your knees,” I whispered.
“On all fours.”
“Because I want to lick you like that.”
“That’s all?” I could hear her thinking I wanted to fuck her arse, but strangely I also sensed that if I had insisted she might have let me.
She gave me a wary look as she got into the requested position.
“Okay, Mr Expert,” she said.
I licked her from behind and you know what I’m going to say. I wanted to lick her arse. I had done it to her mother and there was something about it that I found irresistible.
I took the plunge, moving up before she could object, and gave her a quick lick between her buttocks.
“Well this is a surprise,” she said humorously. “And where did you learn that?”
“Do you like it?” I replied, and gave her a big, long, slow, firm lick to help her decide.
“Let’s get back to what we were about to do,” she said, extricating herself from my animal clutches and lying on her back.
I lay between her legs and placed my cock at her entrance. It slid in with no resistance whatsoever and now it was my turn to be suspicious. You hear about girls breaking their hymen accidentally, riding a horse or something. But in Mandy’s case, I didn’t buy that.
Anyway, I was here on her bed, naked, between her legs and sliding in and out with her complete approval and even cooperation.
I was determined to last more than my hitherto pathetic few seconds, so I thought about something else. Football, but that led to the local game and the fact that Mrs Hubert was there, her nose red in the bracing spring air and her vagina snug inside her practical pants. And I thought of her thinking about me and how she was going to sit on my face at the next opportunity.
“What are you thinking about?” Mandy asked.
“Trying not to cum,” I said, glad to have something truthful to say from a thought pattern that teemed with lust.
“You can cum,” she said. “I’m nearly there.”
Again, I wondered where she got the knowledge from.
I reached down and slid a finger up her alongside my cock and she began to whimper.
“Yes. Shag me. Shag me. Harder.” She was alive like I had never seen her. I humped her as hard as I could, pushing her up the bed with the force of my thrusts.
And then she came, quietly but obviously, shuddering and apparently trying to get away from my cock. I realized at that moment what I have understood ever since: you never know what you’re going to get with a woman. You can never predict how a particular one will react, how she will perform and what she will be into.
I flooded the condom with my semen and lay there, my cock twitching and a bit sore.
As I pulled out the condom all but came off, so I pulled it out of Mandy and held it up for her to see.
“Very clever,” she said.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I said, and we held each other tight and laughed.