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Some Day, Was our Mantra; Mya Made it Come True

"This is a fantasy written for a very close friend."

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I was just sitting there relaxing after writing Mya and logging off Lush. She'd joined about a month before I did and she contacted me first. I'd been there for a couple of months just reading the stories before I joined.

As we got to know each other we became true friends. I'm 71, white with long white hair and a beard, she's in her early 50's and African American. She'd had a problem with someone who didn't like that she was black, but that worked for me. I loved it. It seemed to work for us too and I was hoping it kept working for a very long time.

What a neat name she had. It was rooted from a Greek name and means, 'Great Mother'. She'd picked it herself and just asked everyone to call her that.

She said her father'd had a bit of a problem with remembering but she'd loved him and it didn't matter to her. She took very good care of him in his last five years, bathing and everything. It embarrassed him but she'd loved doing it for him. He'd been a very kind man and had taken good care of her after her mother died.

Somehow the sex aspects had never gotten in the way of her religion. She could enjoy the sex and still find comfort in God. I'm a Taoist because I like the philosophy and I still have some major questions about God.

I knew I'd probably never actually be with this woman, and that kind of bothered me, but it was OK. I'd wanted this to be slow and soft and warm. Safe and comforting, an area where we could cuddle together on-line and not feel a driving need to actually be with each other physically. Just thinking of touching her turned me on though.

Every time I opened a new letter from her I got extremely excited just wondering what new thing she'd reveal to me. I was like a dork teenager waiting for his girlfriend to call.

She'd told me she liked to be grabbed, forced up against something hard and entered from behind. God, the thought of that made me so horny I'd had to masturbate thinking of it. And I did. Quite a few times actually.

That had always been one of my favorite positions. I liked it better when whoever I was with was lying face down with me on her back, but standing like she'd described I could play with her huge breasts.

She'd told me she had 40 D breasts and I'd never had the pleasure of being with someone like that. I'd be able to watch my white hands move all over her brown body too. And her brown ones on mine. That image excited me a great deal.

She said she had soft brown, caramel colored skin and hair with light red tones. Just the description of the color sounded sexy to me. Reading her descriptions turned me on no end, especially when she'd described playing with her own body.

Then the world flipped on its axis and my life totally changed. The telephone rang.

It was Mya! Jesus, how had she found me? Was she some kind of secret agent? I immediately promised God I would join whatever church she wanted and go every Sunday. My mind was so excited I wasn't thinking at the time. It was churning, in a frenzy, trying to make sense of everything.

She said she wanted to meet me. She was going to fly out and spend the weekend. Maybe the week. Oh shit, I hoped it was a week. I hoped it would be a month or a couple of years, maybe thirty or so. There was so much I wanted to do for her. And me. I didn't even know where she was coming from.

The three days I spent waiting for Mya to arrive were pure torture. I was so sexually excited I wanted to masturbate twenty times a day, but I didn't. I hired a cleaning service so the place was spotless. I stocked up on all the necessities; scotch, wine, food, sex toys, a couple hundred clean sheets, you know, the necessities.

Yeah, I got a couple of things to try on her too. She said she liked to be touched so I picked up a couple of fur gloves and some feathers. I found a glove that had vibrators built in and I was hoping to get to use that on her. I was hoping she'd use it on me too but mostly I just wanted my bare white hands sliding all over her soft, brown body.

Then the door bell rang and she'd finally arrived.

When I opened the door I was faced with something better than I'd ever imagined. I'd drawn pictures of her in my head since we started writing, but the reality was so much better. She wasn't tall, about 5'1". Her skin was a soft caramel color with red tones that looked to me like it glowed. It had a sheen, not sweat, a look like polished leather, like a saddle.

Where the hell had that thought come from? A saddle? But, yeah, it had. I rode a lot when I was in college and when I'd oil and rub my saddle it glowed just like her skin did.

She stood there. Eventually it occurred to me that I was just staring at her and she just stood there with this beautiful smile on her face letting me. Way to go, Paul, I thought, act like a dork, a love struck teenager. For God's sake, ask her in.

I kind of tripped over my dumb tongue and stammered something out and she laughed. She knew that I was a social retard because I'd told her so, but I was dumbstruck by her. I didn't know what to say or do, so we stood there.

She finally just reached out, took my hand and pulled herself inside. She closed the door, took hold of my arm and kind of coaxed me into leading her into what was obviously the living room. I felt just like a shy teenager, still unable to talk. But I was smiling a lot.

About half way there my brain started to work again and I excused myself and went back to get her suitcase. We'd forgotten it. I dragged it in, leaving it in the hallway, and went back to take her arm again, tucking it close into my side as we walked. I'd carry it into the bedroom later. Maybe her too if my back would let me.

Her skin felt wonderful as we hugged our arms together, holding hands. Nothing like that old saddle. It was warm, softer than silk, and I kind of stroked it as we walked, rubbing gently, and just let myself relax because she was finally with me.

Her breasts seemed enormous. They stuck out because she stood straight, proud, and what I saw of them, I was looking as we walked, bounced and jiggled nicely. They were firm and very, very sexy.

She looked up at me as we walked into the living room and her first words to me were, "Are we going out to dinner?"

"We can do whatever you want," I said. "Right now, I really don't want to share you with anyone else. I'd prefer it if we stayed in and ate here. I am a good cook."

She smiled again and I knew she liked that. I didn't get all the social things right all the time, but I did get it right sometimes. Even a blind pig finds an acorn now and again.

She was still smiling as she took off her lightweight wrap and handed it to me. And, again, my mind was beating me up about being so inept. She just smiled and waited for me to take it.

It was this burgundy colored thing, triangular shaped, very soft, a silk blend of some kind with a fringe that moved when she moved. I sew and own three machines plus a serger and I'd have to find out what material because I liked the way it felt and I intended to make her one.

As I folded it and laid it across the back of a chair I remembered seeing the fringe wave and brush her breasts as she walked, and how sexy I'd thought it looked. I wanted to make her something like that.

Her dress was the same material but a slightly lighter shade of the same color. It went with her skin perfectly and I liked it a lot. It seemed to just flow across her body and moved in very sexy ways when she did. Her hair was a reddish brown, an auburn, and it had a sheen that reflected the light as she moved her head. It went perfectly with her caramel colored skin.

I saw more of her breasts. Not a lot, very elegant, but there was more cleavage, and more jiggle. I looked up to see her grinning from ear to ear. She'd known I was admiring her and she was showing me she liked it. What a lady. Elegant, sensuous without trying to be, strong, knowing what she wanted and not afraid to tell me.

She'd just told me with that smile, was my thought. I knew I had to go very slow then because that was what she liked. My cock demanded that I just rip her clothes off and fuck her senseless, right now, but my brain prevailed and I was able to suppress that very urgent demand. It had been a long time since I'd been with a woman sexually.

But then, with that same soft smile she glanced down at my front and I realized I was kind of sticking out. God, how embarrassing, there I stood, introducing myself to this woman for the first time, with a hard on. Shit! I felt like a kid caught masturbating, until she laughed again and just made the world right. I was smiling and we were both laughing at ourselves and each other.

We'd had a couple years to get used to each other, sharing big pieces of ourselves. I'd given her more of me than I'd ever given anyone in my life. Including the wife I've adored for 45 years. She was in a home now and needed total care. She didn't even recognize me any more, and I still adored her.

I walked Mya to the sofa and got her seated and said, "Would you like wine? I picked up a Chablis and a Pinot from a really nice local winery, Turning Leaf. I like it." I'd also picked up a couple of nice wine glasses so we wouldn't be drinking out of old jelly jars.

"Yes." And she smiled again. Damn, I loved her smile.

I went to the kitchen and got a couple of stemmed glasses, a bottle of each wine, the cork screw and put it all on a tray. I got ice cubes too because some women I'd known liked them in their wine. I usually drank Laphroaig Islay, an 18 year old single-malt Scotch, but decided to stick with wine that night.

A sad thought interrupted my journey as I remembered my wife doing that many, many times. I had to stop for a second to remember that she was safe and I still adored her, but it was time to move on. We'd made that agreement many years ago. I would have wanted her too also.

I took it into the living room and set it on the coffee table. She was up looking at the art I had on the walls. I collected a lot of 3-D stuff. Things that stuck out when you hung them on a wall. I'd put up several shelves too because I collected lladro, Harmony Kingdom and Netsuke, a Japanese bone and Ivory carving art. She admired a couple and asked with her eyes if she could touch.

"Of course, please, fondle everything," I said. Aw shit! Way to go, Paul, real smooth, were my thoughts. This elicited a loud laugh and a big smile though as she'd picked up a skinny, carved Teakwood lizard from Bali and started to run her hand along it, slowly. She looked at me, smiled and all I could think of was, I hope she does that to my cock.

"Like this?" she said as she stroked it, almost masturbating it. The front of my kilt - I am a Scot and wear one - was sticking out farther than before. She glanced down at it, smiled and said again, slowly and very softly, "Like this?" Then she licked her brown lips with her pink tongue, and my dick pulsed a couple of times as my heart spasmed.

I stepped toward her, trying not to poke her with the bulge, and touched her face. I ran the backs of my fingers softly across her cheek and cupped her chin lifting it slowly. Her eyes, dark brown with reflections from the lights in them, rose slowly to look at me, questioning, like she wasn't sure what I wanted. I leaned down close, looking into her eyes and gently asked, "May I?"

"Oh please yes, Paul," she whispered. Just a breath really.

I leaned in and softly brushed her lips with mine. Back and forth a couple of times And gently bumped her nose with mine. I stuck my tongue out slightly and ran the tip between her lips.

Her response was immediate and startled me. She reached up and grabbed my head hard in both hands and demanded, "Give it all to me," and jammed her tongue in my mouth, and started to devour me.

I reached around and grabbed hold of her lower back and ass, pulling her in close to me. Now she could feel my cock pressed against her, pulsating, demanding attention. She smiled into the kiss and pressed herself against me, switching her hips around, sliding back and forth across me as she felt it. Again the world was right.

We stumbled to the sofa and helped each other sit. I didn't think either of us would have made it on our own. And then we were touching each other. Stroking. Me with my right hand cupping her big left breast. God, she felt so good right then that I wanted to just grab her and absorb her so we'd never be apart again.

Suddenly she stood, reached behind her neck and somehow her entire dress just slid off her body and puddled at her feet leaving her standing there in Champagne colored bra and panties. I was absolutely stunned. The color contrasted with her skin.

She wasn't a Penthouse centerfold. She carried a little weight, had fuller hips, sleek legs and she separated them slightly while putting her hands on her hips. She faced me directly and said, "I know you're old and have long white hair, but are you slow now too? You're still wearing that kilt."

I almost tripped as I stood and started fumbling with my belt. I'd had a two and one-half inch wide chain mail belt made and the fucking clasp was stuck. She laughed again and reached out to push my hands away.

"Here, let me show you how to do that." And she did it, just like that, and unwrapped me, dropping the kilt to the floor, and looked down at my erection trying to rip open my underwear.

It was sticking straight up along my front still covered by my underwear. Yeah, I'm a Scot, but I'm not a traditionalist. I wear boxer briefs. She reached out, pressing the palm of her right hand hard against the head of my cock and pushed it slowly down, sliding over the material and along the shaft, until her hand cupped my balls.

She squeezed them softly a couple of times and I was so excited I thought that it was over right then. I was going to cum in my underwear. That hadn't happened since I was 17 and a girl and I had rubbed each other off at the drive in one night.

But she knew better. She then grabbed my pullover shirt and yanked it up and over my head. I got caught like an idiot and she laughed and helped me again, getting me untangled and slowing me down. This woman was a marvel. So easy and so quick.

"Well, that was quick," I said, "I thought we'd eat and talk for a while then have some wine and talk some more. Get to know one another."

She just smiled and said, "We've spent a couple of years telling each other every secret we've ever kept from the world and ourselves. Don't you think I know you better than anyone right now? Don't you think you know me like that too? We don't need to talk anymore, Paul. Just touch me, I've been waiting a long time for this."

Women are so much more socially adept than men. They get the emotional stuff quicker than the guys do. I just felt like a dumb teenager standing there staring at her breasts being held by that bra. Her nipples were hard and stuck out through the material. Damn, that was sexy. I loved it when a woman's nipples showed like that.

I reached out with my right hand and touched her left breast on the nipple with my thumb, stroking it, and laid the fingers on the bare skin above the bra. I loved that and she did too because she shivered when I did it, moaning softly.

She giggled then and reached around, unclasped her bra and slid the straps off her shoulder. I held it for a second then let it drop slowly to the floor. I was so stunned I just stood, staring at her. Her breasts were large, 40D like she'd said, but they were huge with those big, suckable nipples sticking out.

I couldn't take my eyes off of them. A soft, dark caramel to lighter color, covered on top with freckles. Darker nipples, hard, standing straight out and it wasn't cold so she must be excited I'd thought.

I'd wondered what the bottoms looked like. She'd told me the freckles were all over them and I knew I'd find out later when I had her on her back. Oh, yeah, I would.

I reached out with both hands, palms up, and cupped her breasts.

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They were warm and heavy. She'd told me that but right then I didn't remember anything except how they felt. Firm but pliant, warm, yielding to my fingers as I squeezed lightly.

I slid my hands under them, toward her body, pushing softly. I wanted my fingertips in the crease, right up against her chest where they melded with her body.

This excited me even more because I loved the way it felt to have my fingers pressed against a woman's body by the weight of her breasts. She laughed and grinned again when my cock pulsed in my underwear while she griped it in her hand, which made me feel very good.

When I got my fingers there her nipples were pushed into my wrists. They were hard, swollen, distended and they looked like they hurt. I leaned down and gently lifted her left nipple with my tongue and slid my mouth down over it and sucked.

As I did this I squeezed her breast with my hand and she let out a deep moan that shook me. Again and I wasn't sure I was going to get my dick into her before I exploded. I just prayed I didn't go off in my underwear like some virgin teenager.

As I sucked her she kind of shook, all over, almost a shudder. I moved my mouth around and her breast was so soft and smooth and it tasted great. I didn't know what it was, but I liked it. Hell, I pretty much liked everything about this woman.

She ran her hands down my sides, across the front of my underwear. Her hands touched me so gently that I wasn't sure she'd really done it. When my cock jumped and poked her palm, I was sure she had. I almost went off again right then but controlled it. I wanted this to last a lot longer.

I let go of her left breast but kept on sucking and moved my right hand down across her stomach, soft and smooth. When I got to the top of her lace panties I wiggled my fingers under the waistband and pushed down. This excited her and she gave a soft grunt as I pressed against her pubic bone so I knew I was doing something right.

Suddenly I was sliding my fingers across the silkiest, softest, waxed pussy I had ever felt. No hair, not even a landing strip and she was so wet the crotch of her panties was dripping; I could feel it on the backs of my fingers.

My hand was covered in her juices. Her lips were puffy, thick like she'd said, so incredibly soft and wet. Hot. I could feel the heat as my finger slipped between them and I stroked her clit softly. I could smell her and that excited me more until I was ready to fly apart like an overwound clock.

All this time she was gripping my cock. Pulling on it and rubbing it through my underwear. I was so close then, I needed to slow her down. I backed away slightly and she looked at me with a puzzled expression so I bent over and kissed her softly.

She started back toward me, smiling, and I held her hips for a moment to stop her then started to slide her panties off.

They came away reluctantly because they were stuck to her crotch. They formed a light colored band that rolled and slid down her darker skin, exposing her sex to me. I was going to see her for the first time and I was more excited than I'd been in many years. I could hardly stand it.

I knelt as I slid them down and she lifted each foot so I could get them completely off. I didn't know when she took her shoes off, and she wasn't wearing hose of any kind. How kinky of her, I thought.

As I did I looked at her sex. The lips were puffy and stuck out like she'd described. The smell was stronger and I was intoxicated with it. Drunk almost, and if I didn't get to touch her I was going to go out of my fucking mind.

I think she could read my mind because she murmured, "Do it."

"Please, touch me there, Paul. I've wanted you to do that for a very long time now. For two years I've dreamt about it. Almost from the first letter I got from you I've wanted your white hands on me. I was having multiple orgasms every time we chatted wanting to scream it out to the world."

She paused then continued, "The entire flight here I wanted to just run to the ladies room and masturbate, thinking about you and what we would do tonight with your cock buried in me. That's why I'm so wet."

I ran my right index and middle fingers along the lips, parting them gently. Like a flower opening and I could smell her even more. She put her hands on my shoulders as I slowly inserted two fingers into her and she moaned again and shuddered harder.

And her sweet, luscious smell just swept out and enveloped me like a cloud. I took a deep breath and shivered in anticipation.

It surrounded us and I closed my eyes and breathed deeply as I started thrusting my two fingers into her. She was getting close and threw her arms around me and hugged me hard. I knew it because her inner muscles were gripping my fingers very tight, pulsing as she squeezed. I have got to get my cock in there I thought, before I go out of my mind.

Suddenly she grabbed my head with both her hands and pulled me up pressing my mouth to hers, and she kissed me, very hard. She moaned very loud, and shook from head to toe and I briefly thought she'd broken my fingers. This went on for a long time as she sucked in air through her nose, panting, with her mouth pressed tight against mine and her tongue squirming in me.

And then she collapsed into my arms, relaxing slowly, and breathed out through her mouth and into me. I absolutely adore it when a woman does that to me. My mind always makes it feel like she's just shared part of her being with me. Like a piece of her soul just merged with mine. My wife did that to me for many years.

It seemed like an hour but was probably only thirty seconds of orgasm and I had no idea how I kept from cumming all over both of us.

I gently lowered her to the sofa and sat and cuddled her for a long time. Talking softly, kissing and licking her neck and face. I loved the taste. While I was doing that I brought my fingers up, the ones that had just given her so much pleasure and I sucked them. She tasted like she'd smelled. Sweet.

She looked up at me and smiled from ear to ear and said, "I hope that tastes good." Then, "Well that won't do. I've just been to a wonderful place and you're still waiting here. I'm going to fix that right now," and she gently took my cock in her hand again, stroking it.

She sat up then reached up with her right hand and slowly pushed me back, making me lie down. I had my head pressed against the arm rest and could see her as she got between my legs in a kneeling position and pulled my hips up into her legs.

Then she reached out with both hands and wrapped them around my cock until all I could see of it was a little of the head sticking out. I cold see her hands moving along my shaft, up and over the head and then she'd twist them as she did that. There was so much pre-cum that I was very slick.

She leaned down and licked the head of my cock, let go with one hand and kind of wrapped her tongue around it. I'd thought I was in for a world class blow job but that's not what she'd had in mind for me. I saw her put both hands back around me as started to apply pressure and move them up and down the shaft.

I could see her hands moving. They were dark against my very pink cock. I'm not a super stud, I'm only about six and one-half inches long and two inches in diameter but she seemed to be very happy with it, jerking me off. God I loved it. Her hands. I think a woman's hands are the best sex organs sometimes. They can do anything.

She had this cute little smile on her face again as she sped up and I was getting very close again. Damn, I liked her smile. It glowed like a sunrise and seemed to get brighter as she continued stroking me, getting faster and tighter. I thought, she's happy and a lot more comfortable now, and I was totally convinced of that when she leaned down and licked me, starting at the base of my cock.

When she got about half way up, I started to pulse and shake and she immediately put the head of my cock in her mouth and sucked so hard I could feel it all the way up my spine. And I erupted like a cannon going off. I don't think I've ever cum like that before in my life.

I was so lost that I wasn't sure where I was but I could still feel her suction and it felt like she was sucking everything inside me out through my cock. I shook and quivered and moaned and I didn't know how long it went on.

When I finally came to she was holding me gently and rocking me, smiling and whispering soft sounds and I just never wanted it to end. Her face lit up like a light when she smiled. She took her right hand off my cock, brought it up to her mouth and proceeded to lick my cum off her fingers.

"I enjoy the taste of you too," she said.

That was one of the sexiest things I had ever been through and she smiled and nodded, her head, like she'd just made a decision, and I knew that the whole weekend was going to be wonderful.

She leaned into me and looked closely and very seriously said, "That should slow you down a bit for the next one. I've been waiting and thinking of you putting your cock in me for years now and I don't want to hurry it. I want it to last a long time in there."

I was still hard and that amazed me. I was 71 but Mya was still stroking me and licking me and I got more excited again. Still looking in my eyes she crawled up my body and positioned herself over me, holding my cock up, pointing at her entrance, getting ready to put me in. I could see my very pink cock in her dark hand positioned at her darker pussy lips and that excited me.

When she touched me to her she was so hot it felt like a burner on a stove and I jumped. She was very excited and wet and ready to fuck. I couldn't stand it any more and suddenly thrust up hard and slid about half way in and she went wide eyed and gasped. She shuddered a little but she still had her hand on me, squeezing me hard.

Looking up into her eyes as she just let gravity slowly pull her farther down onto me, letting her hand slide away as I go completely in. It had been a very long time since I'd had my cock in a pussy and I was in heaven.

Hot, like a furnace, soft and wet. And tight. She squeezed me hard, like a fist, and again I could smell her and it excited me. I could hear it too, a wet sound as I pushed up, driving myself farther in until she was sitting completely on me.

Her ass was pressed up against my balls and she squeezed and I could feel her pulse on my cock and pinch my balls with her ass cheeks and I thought, I know she likes anal and I'll be in there later.

She pushed up and I tried to follow because I didn't want to be out of her but she only rose a couple of inches then slammed herself back down on me and I could feel the head of my cock hit her cervix and she grunted loud. Then she did it again, a slow withdrawal then a quick slam back down. And again, pushing me hard into her, grunting each time.

I reached up and grabbed both of her beautiful breasts, squeezing them hard and pulling them. I pinched her nipples and pulled, stretching them out until they'd just slip out of my fingers Allowing her breast to fall back. I'd talked her through that a few times in our chats and she'd liked it.

And my white hands on her brown breasts was something I'd waited for 56 years to see. I was mesmerized by the image and burned it into my mind so I'd never forget it. I moved my hands and watched as they slid and caressed her.

This made her moan louder and sit taller so I was thrust straight up into her as she drove herself down onto me. I didn't have to do anything and I wasn't sure I could have at that point anyway.

I did push some, I couldn't help it, but not a lot. She was coming almost completely off my cock, just the head left in, then pounding down with a desperate look on her face. This went on for minutes and got faster. I wanted it to last longer but I was very close.

Her breasts were bouncing and swaying and I was gripping them, straining hard and trying to think of other things to keep from cumming because I desperately wanted to orgasm when she did.

Suddenly her eyes opened so wide that all I could see was the white with a small, darker spot in the center. She was staring directly into my eyes as she opened her mouth and screamed, "Paul!" into my face and shuddered so hard that I immediately started to explode into her.

I'd just cum very hard fifteen minutes previously, but I did it again, pulsing into her. Maybe not as much as the last time but it felt like a volcano, oozing that burning hot stuff out and it seemed to just go on and on.

When I could see again she was sitting there with me still in her and smiling down at me with something in her eyes I hadn't seen in a woman's eyes in a long time. My wife used to look at me that way after sex and it always meant that she'd been completely satisfied. It also carried a lot of love with it and I wondered what she was thinking.

I'd ask her later because we'd never used that word between us. "Love." What a powerful word that is. I'd wanted to many times but commitment was what it meant to me. Complete commitment. It wasn't a word I used lightly and I didn't really even want to think it yet. But it was there. A much bigger presence now.

She sat there, looking down at me as I looked up, moving our hands around, whispering things, just sounds. We were smiling and grinning like idiots for the longest time. She got off me slowly, kind of grunting as I slipped out of her, almost like it hurt to let go. When she did that it felt like my cock was a foot long as it slid out of her.

She lay down beside me and we shared the after-sex glow, the warmth that only comes with a deep caring. Her back was against the back of the sofa and her right hand was still holding my cock. My arms were around her and her breasts were pressed against me; her head was on my shoulder and we just slowly slipped away.

I guess she jumped a little in her sleep and when she did she squeezed me and I came instantly awake. It had been a while since I was with a woman so I was a little anxious. A little? Right! I wanted to beat my chest like Tarzan and scream it out to the world.

We kissed then got up and wandered, naked, into the kitchen. I'd stocked up on a lot of stuff. We'd somehow never managed to talk about times like this because neither of us thought we'd ever really be together.

"Just something light and quick," she said, staring at me. "I liked what we were doing and I want more. I want you on top next time. Then I want you to bend me over that table and fuck me from behind and after you've made me cum again I'll let you put it in my ass, I know you'll like that, you told me. I like that too right after a good cum, it excites me and I can cum again, several times."

I was wondering if I'd died and just woken in Heaven. My cock pulsed with the thought of pushing slowly into her ass, watching my pink cock disappear into her dark body. When she saw that she laughed again.

I loved it when she laughed. Her whole body moved and her breasts swayed when she did it. I wanted to dance with her then, just like we were. Naked. Rubbing against each other for hours. But I just reached out and caressed her face then kissed her.

We put together a tray of bread, crackers, cheese, spicy mustard she'd told me she liked and some rare roast beef, taking it back to the coffee table in front of the sofa. I set it down and we settled back and just talked and laughed for a while, eating when we felt like it. Kissing and enjoying each other. Touching. Just being very close friends. With some really great benefits.

We didn't put our clothes back on for two whole days and then only to get more wine, and we immediately came back and screwed our brains out again like a couple of kids. She wound up staying for five days - that time.

That was just the start of one of the best weeks of my life which I'll tell more about later.

Like that little pink bunny, we just keep going and going and going.

Written by LASARDaddy
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