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Small Town Kid Grows Up

"A philandering boy becomes a rock star among the town women."

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He came from a small town. You know, the kind of town where everyone knows everyone and rumors, true or false, spread like dandelions in the spring. Austin lived in a town like that and was first introduced to sex at an early age. He was barely sixteen when a neighbor girl, a year older chronically but ages older physically, wanted to play.

Austin was in the woods foraging for morels that he sold at the local market for twenty dollars a pound. On this day, the prized mushrooms were hard to find. Austin wasn’t sure if it was too early in the spring or too late. Too late was a real possibility since this day was hot like on a summer’s day. Austin made a mental note to start earlier next year. Climate change had arrived in Vermont.

Surprisingly, there was a delicate scent of hyacinth in the air. It was a flower that Austin had seen in his mom’s garden but never in the forest. He didn’t have to wait long to find the source.  Austin figured someone was muscling in on his mushroom business. This had never happened before. Austin always had the woods to himself.  He was certain that his competitor had already harvested the mushrooms leaving him with slim pickings.

Within a few minutes, Austin was close enough to see the interloper. It was Daisy Dunlop, a girl in the grade ahead of him. She was wearing a short pink skirt and a loose top, not that he noticed. What he noticed was her long legs accentuated by a miniskirt. She was taller than most boys.

Daisy wasn’t looking for morels. She was just wandering around as if she was lost or looking for someone. Austin’s first impulse was to hide. He was never comfortable around girls, especially if they were almost as tall as him. It was too late. Daisy spotted him. Austin froze as Daisy approached.

“Hi Austin,” she said in the sweetest voice he had ever heard. “Are you treasure hunting?”

“In a way, I’m looking for morels.”

She giggled. “What kind of morals? Good morals or bad morals?”

“Not that kind. I’m picking mushrooms.”

“I don’t know anything about mushrooms. Show me what you’ve found.”

“I haven’t found any yet.”

“Oh, that’s too bad. What do you do with them?”

“I sell them to people in town.”

“That’s great, Austin. Maybe I can help.”

“They’re hard to find. How do you know my name?” he asked.

“I’ve seen you at school. All the girls have a crush on you, you dumb turkey.”

Austin blushed and walked away heading toward a couple of dead elm trees where several mushrooms were standing straight up at attention. Daisy followed close behind. He wasn’t getting rid of her easily.

“Are those morels?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Austin answered as if bored.

“God, they remind me of something.”

“Really? What’s that?”

“A boner!”

Austin stared at the mushrooms for a few seconds, then asked, “What’s a boner?”

“Come on Austin. Everyone knows what a boner is.” 

“I don’t.”

She took off her blouse, wearing no bra, showing Austin her trophy-size tits. “This might explain it.” 

Although Austin gave her a nonchalant expression, the bulge in his loose-fitting shorts told a different story.

“I see you are catching on. Maybe you can show me yours.”

Austin was at a loss for words. “What? Show you what?” he stammered.

“Your boner, of course. You take off your shorts, and I’ll take off mine.”

His eyes avoided Daisy as she got naked, except for her sneakers.

“Looks like you need some help, Austin,” and she went to her knees pulling his shorts and boxers to his ankles. “Oh Austin, you have such a nice big boner. Let me kiss it.” Before Austin could mumble an answer, her lips were on him. "Oh Austin, you are a hunk. Do you want me to suck it?”

She didn’t wait for an answer and had his cock in her mouth. It took less than a minute for him to shoot an enormous wad down her throat. “Oh, that was great, Austin. Maybe you can do that in my pussy sometime. You know what a girl’s pussy is, right?”

Austin just nodded.

“Give me your hand, Austin. I want you to touch it.”  Daisy took his hand and pressed it against her shaved pussy. “Put your finger inside me. I like it when a boy does that to me.” It wasn’t hard for him to understand what she meant. “How does it feel?” she asked.

Austin just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Warm and wet, I guess.”

“I want to feel your boner inside me but not today. I gotta go and help with the chores at home. Meet me here on Saturday. I’ll be here around ten.”

Daisy dressed and began walking away. She looked back saying, “Don’t forget! Saturday at ten.” 

When she was out of sight, Austin sat on a log trying to come to terms with what had just happened. It was both scary and satisfying at the same time. After he harvested a few morels, Austin decided to be there on Saturday.

Lots of people say their first time was not satisfying. That was not Austin’s experience. Daisy led him to the gates of paradise. There was something very gratifying about being with a girl like Daisy. She taught him that there is more to life than hunting for mushrooms.


So that was the beginning.

Daisy and Austin were inseparable enjoying each other’s bodies until she went off to college in the fall. Austin grew up a lot during those months with Daisy. He learned how to satisfy a girl in ways he had never imagined. She wasn’t shy about telling him what she wanted and how to do it.

Finger fucking was the prelude to sucking clit, then fucking and learning how to hold back to satisfy her. Usually, he didn’t have to wait long because Daisy’s orgasms came almost as soon as he slipped his cock in her slit.

Most times he came inside her when she said it was okay because the timing was right. When the timing wasn’t right, she had him cum in her mouth. Daisy liked to tease him asking for a kiss when his cum drooled off her lips. Austin had gone from a boy to a man in a few short months.

When she left for school, Austin realized he had been in love, a love that poets write about, and that he had seen in movies. He just didn’t know it also involved aches in his chest and sleepless nights.  When she came home for Christmas break, Daisy brought home her boyfriend. Austin was heartbroken. He promised himself that from then on, he would never fall in love again.

During his senior year in high school, Austin learned that making love was different from being in love. He had lost his shyness and had a self-confidence that Daisy had inspired in him. He didn’t count the number of girls he had hooked up with, but it is fair to say that Austin was popular with the girls once his “gifts” became known.

College, well college wasn’t in the picture for Austin. He still dated high school girls after graduation and went to the high school football games where he had been the third-string quarterback. Austin went more for meeting a girl than watching the game. Some of the girls were an easy touch and liked being with an older boy. But something very unexpected happened that gave Austin a different outlook from screwing high school girls. He had taken a job at Erickson Electrical, a family-owned company. As an electrician, he often worked in the homes of people living in the area.

Her name was Margorie Burkholder who was the wife of a lawyer. She was pretty, not beautiful but very attractive. Margorie was not quite forty, short and slim with modest size tits that gave her the body of a much younger woman. Mr. Burkholder was the senior partner in Burkholder, Flanagan, and Peters Law firm. Mr. and Mrs. Burkholder had hired Erickson Electrical to renovate their home with the latest technology. Austin worked under his boss, Brad Turkley on the multi-million-dollar project.

The first time Austin met Mrs. Burkholder, she said, “Aren’t you the boy that sold mushrooms at the roadside vegetable stand?”

“Yes, Ma'am.”

“Oh, they were the best mushrooms we’ve ever bought. I haven’t seen you there for a while.”

“No, Ma'am. I’m an electrician now.”

“You look young for being an electrician. How old are you?”

“I’m nineteen, Ma'am, and an apprentice.”

“Call me Marge. Ma'am is too formal for this house.”

“Yes Ma'am, I mean Marge.”

"What’s your name, Mr. Electrical Apprentice?”

“Austin, but my friends call me Tin.”

“Okay, then if you don’t mind, I’ll call you Tin.”

“Yes, Ma'am.”

“It’s Marge.”

Austin knew right away that she loved to flirt.

The next time Austin saw Marge, she asked him to help carry in packages from her Lexis. He was happy to help and declined the tip she offered. “Well, Tin, in that case, I’m going to need to find another way to show my appreciation.”

On a Tuesday afternoon when Tin helped bring in the groceries again, Marge asked, “Do you know Daisy Dunlop?”

“Yes, of course,” Austin replied. We went to school together. She was a year ahead of me.”

“You make it sound like you two just passed each other in the hall. Her mom tells a different story. Apparently, you were Daisy’s boyfriend.

“Well, we dated some, I guess.”

“According to Daisy’s mom, it was more than that.”

“You're blushing Tim,” Marge said. “Let me put it this way. Mrs. Dunlop told me about the time she caught you two in a very romantic situation. Do you remember?”

“It was no big deal. We were just making out,” giving her the impression that nothing else happened.

“Okay. I guess making out means something different from when I was in school.”

“What do you mean, Mrs. Burkholder?”

“According to Mrs. Dunlop, you were hooking up, with your pants below your knees and Daisy’s panties on the floor. Look, Tin, I’m not being judgmental here. You’re a handsome guy. Daisy is a pretty girl so it’s easy to see why Daisy and you were getting it on. You make a nice-looking couple. And Mrs. Dunlop was impressed by your package.”

“My package?” Austin asked.

“Yes, your male package. To put it bluntly, Tin, your cock.”

That abruptly ended the conversation but not without Marge giving Tin a peck on the cheek.

Later that week, Mrs. Burkholder asked Austin to fix a device that wasn’t working. It’s in the bedroom, Tin. Do you have a minute to look at it?”

“Sure, but I’ve only a minute. My boss, Mr. Turkley needs me to string some wiring in the guest room.”

In the bedroom on top of the bedside table was a small pink object that reminded Austin of a tadpole, bulbous on one end, a tail on the other.

“I can’t get it to work, Tin. Maybe it needs fresh batteries.”

Austin took a quick look and said, “I don’t think it needs new batteries, Mrs. Burkholder. It’s rechargeable. See this tiny hole at the round end? That’s where you plug it in the charger.”

Mrs. Burkholder reached into a drawer and asked, “Is this what you mean?”

“Yes, I think so. Plug it in and wait a few hours, then try it.”

“Thanks, Tin.”

The next day, Mrs. Burkholder said it still didn’t work. “It doesn’t have a switch to turn it on, Tin. It says something about an app. What’s an app? she asked.

“Do you have a smartphone? You need to load an app or a kind of software to run it from your phone. It's a remote-controlled device. Go to the website and download the application.”

“Can you do it for me?”

In a few minutes, Austin had the app on her smartphone and showed her how to turn on her toy. He really had no idea why it vibrated. “What’s it do, Mrs. Burkholder?”

“It’s a female thing. When you have time, I’ll show you.”

At the end of the week, Marge Burkholder was all smiles. “You’re a genius, Tin. My toy works great and is just what I wanted.”

Austin took a long moment before asking, “What is that, Ma'am?”

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“If I tell you, you must never call me Ma'am. My name is Marge.”

“Okay, Marge.”

“Tin, married couples lose their affection for each other after being married for a while. My husband, Dillard, and I aren’t as close as we were when we married. So, I don’t get the attention in bed that I need.”

“What does that have to do with that pink vibrator?”

“It gives me the pleasure that a husband should be giving his wife. It gives me sexual satisfaction. Maybe you’d want me to demonstrate.”

Austin got it. She was seducing him in a roundabout way. “I’d like that Marge,” he told her. “I’m off work at four this afternoon.”

“Four is fine, Tin.”

At the kitchen table at a little past four, they each had a glass of wine with Marge’s cell phone between them. Marge told Austin to open the app saying there are speeds and modes from which to choose. Turn it on and put it on a low speed and one of the modes.”

“Don’t you need to put it on?” he asked.

“I’m wearing it, Tin.”

“Wearing it?”

“Yes, it’s inside me. Stop asking questions and start it up.”

Austin did as he was told and hardly knew it was working. As he tried different modes and adjusted the speed, there was a low hum and while Mrs. Burkholder sipped her wine, she began humming a soft tune he didn’t recognize. Her cheeks turned rosy, and her eyes closed as if Marge was in a dream.

“Oh, oh, oh, Tim. That’s the one I like best. Make it go faster.”

Ten minutes later, Mrs. Burkholder and Austin were in bed screwing each other like horny teenagers. When it was over, they both got the satisfaction for which they both desired. He left her asleep with his cum deeply embedded in her cunt and her toy still buzzing on the bed.

Their affair wasn’t over. During the next two months, Austin repeated his overtime work with Marge until the Burkholder’s job was finished. During that time, Austin never forgot about Daisy. The hardest times were when Daisy came home with another new boyfriend, which happened often. That is, she had a different boyfriend each time she was home.


Marjorie and her husband gave a large cocktail party after the renovations were complete, showing off their renovation. Austin was invited along with the other contractors working on the house. Adeline Dunlop was among the invited guests. Mrs. Dunlop was Daisy’s mother. She spotted him in the crowd.

“Austin the mushroom man,” Mrs. Dunlop howled embarrassing him. “How are you?”

“Hello, Mrs. Dunlop. I haven’t sold morels for a long time. I’m working for Erickson Electrical.”

“I see. So, you are an electrician.”

“Yes, an apprentice now but a certified electrician soon.”

“Well, it’s great to see you. Look, I’m glad we ran into each other tonight. I need to talk with you sometime. Are you busy Saturday afternoon, say around three.”

“I think so. What is it you want to discuss?”

“Oh, this and that. I’ll be more specific on Saturday.”

It was a warm afternoon and they sat on the patio with a glass of beer. The Dunlop house was nice and similar to others in the area but nothing as grand as the Burkholder’s place. The first half hour was filled with small talk, mostly about Austin and his job.

Eventually, Mrs. Dunlop got around to the point. “You know, Austin, you used to date my daughter, Daisy.”

With the mention of Daisy, it was like a dagger plunged into his heart. “Yes, Ma'am, in high school.”

“You were my favorite, Austin. I thought you and Daisy were perfect for each other. Now she’s with a lot of guys and most of them are jerks. Daisy doesn’t have a filter to know the good from the bad with her boyfriends. She likes them all as long as they have what she craves.”

“What’s that, Mrs. Dunlop?” He asked but he knew the answer.

“She’s a little like me in that way, Austin. We both adore a man’s attention.”

“Attention? You mean having sex.”

“I didn’t want to put it that way but yes, having sex.”

“You are married so you must be happy with that.”

“Sometimes but when I saw you and Daisy doing it, I wanted something more. When Marjorie told me about you and her, I wanted what Daisy and Marge were getting.”

“Mrs. Burkholder told you about our affair?”

“Of course! What do you think girl talk is all about? I’m not as pretty as Marjorie but I still want spice in my life.”

When Austin finished his beer, Adeline went to the kitchen for a refill leaving Austin to think about what he had heard. He wasn’t surprised at what she was proposing. Adeline Dunlop was a clone of her daughter Daisy. She was tall with a curvy body that made her sexy and desirable. He was ready when she was.

She was more than ready at four-thirty that afternoon.

Adeline was adventurous like her daughter. She liked to be in charge and told Austin exactly what she wanted. She wanted it hard and fast and deep. She wanted it on top and in doggie and in her mouth. She taught him anal sex. There was nothing taboo, straight sex or kinky sex. Adeline taught him like Daisy had many months earlier. Their ‘arrangement’ lasted six weeks.

Small towns have a rumor network that is faster than the Internet. The neighborhood gossip is believed to be true no matter the source. The most exciting rumors, the popular ones, were always about sex, in other words, scandalous affairs. News about the mushroom boy fit perfectly and became well-known among the local women. Husbands regarded it as women's gossip.

Trinity Ambrose was a forty-something divorced mother of two girls. She had an attractive, even gorgeous face with a body that was plump as might be expected for a woman of her age but not fat.  And she had a mouth, a sometimes filthy mouth. She wanted in.

They met her at White’s Hardware store. Trinity was looking for batteries for her smoke alarms. Austin helped her find the right kind.

“Austin, I don’t know how to install these. Could you drop over and do it for me?”

“Sure,” he said knowing where there’s smoke there’s fire. The ‘fire’ started in her bedroom on a hot summer afternoon.

Mrs. Ambrose told Austin she heard rumors about his philandering.

Austin played along. “What rumors, Mrs. Ambrose?”

“About you and Marge and Adeline.”

“What did they say?”

“They said you were a good fuck.”

“You want it too, right? That’s why you asked me here.”

“It is. You see, Austin, I haven’t had a good fuck for a while, and I hope the rumors about you are true.”

“Mrs. Ambrose, I came here for the smoke alarms.”

She hugged him with one hand in his crouch. “I need it, Austin. A woman needs to feel wanted and enjoy physical pleasures just like a man. The last time I shared my bed with a man was two months ago with Brad and he wasn’t exactly a woman-pleaser. He just wanted to get himself off.”

“You mean Mr. Turkley, my boss?”

“You got it. He was here to fix the smoker alarms and said they needed fresh batteries. Instead, he decided I needed recharging. Brad was right about that, but he was the one who got energized.

“If you can spare a few minutes,” Trinity continued, “we’ll leave the batteries for later and I’ll show you a good time.” And she did.

Trinity had the largest nipples he had ever sucked, and the sensations went straight to her pussy that was as juicy as an overripe tomato. Almost the moment Austin began thrusting, she had her first orgasm followed by three more before he finished with a powerful load deep inside her.

“Oh Austin, the girls were right. You are such a good fuck. Will you come back on Thursday to replace the batteries?”

“Sure, how about after dinner around eight?”

“How about dinner together then the batteries,” she said with a grin.

So, if it was Thursday, it was Trinity. He never got around to the smoke alarms but helped her in only a way a man can help a woman.

If it was Tuesday, it would be Penny Wakeland. She was next on Austin’s cougar list but not strictly a cougar. She was only thirty-two with a dancer’s body who had married a Baptist minister. Pastor Wakeland only wanted to use the missionary position. Penny took Austin to a restaurant, then to a motel outside of town. Her tits were small but pointy and sensitive. Her cunt was tight and shaved.

He had hardly started eating her out when she cried, “Oh my God, oh my God, I’m coming, I’m coming. Don’t stop. Don’t stop! “

After she came for the first time with his tongue probing her slit, she demanded, “Give it to me. Shove it in, mushroom boy!” They went at it until dawn in a variety of positions, none of which were missionary. Austin needed some sleep and called in sick.

By the time Austin had turned twenty-one, there were whispers all over town about the mushroom boy. He had become a celebrity just short of a legend. His notoriety didn’t harm Erickson Electrical, the company Austin worked for. In fact, women were anxious to have him work in their homes. It was like Elvis coming for a visit.

So, when Daisy Dunlop was home for the summer and the rumor mill spread the news that she was pregnant, it was understandable, even common sense, that Austin was the father. He was not.

After a July morning church service, Daisy approached Austin asking him to take her for ice cream at the Dairy Queen. She had something to tell him. He reluctantly agreed with a sinking heart. What could she say to him after all this time and what would he say to her?  Was he going to tell her he always loved her or say her pregnancy was a deal breaker?

They shared a dish of banana split, then she said, “You know, Tin, when we were together my senior year, it was the best time of my life. I wish we hadn’t broken up.”

Austin looked out the window and said nothing. “Was it good for you, Tin?” she asked.

He took a deep breath and looked straight at her saying, “I don’t remember.”

Daisy’s eyes welled up and a few drops fell on her cheek. Austin couldn’t show it was tearing him apart. The pain was back. All he could think about was how he had suffered.

“Tin, Tin, can you hear me? I’m saying that I miss our time together.”

“Yeah, I bet,” he said sarcastically.

“Okay, I had some good times in college and a few boyfriends but none of them meant anything to me.”

“Sure, that’s how you got pregnant.”

“Apparently, you haven’t been a saint either. Both of us have had our escapades.”

“That’s over for me. My boss said he would fire me if the rumors he heard hurt the business.”

“Yeah, everyone in town knows about the mushroom boy.”

“How did it happen?” he suddenly asked Daisy.

“What happened?”

“Getting pregnant.”

“You know, boy meets girl and they do it on a dark steamy night.”

“I don’t think that’s how it happened, Daisy. You were always careful about timing everything.”

“My timing was bad that time.”

“Who is the father?”

“I don’t know. It was at a fraternity party. We all were drinking, and some guys dared me to show my tits. My girlfriends encouraged me to go along with it. After that, they wanted to see more. My best friend helped me strip and that was supposed to be the end. But it got a little out of hand.

Guys were opening their fly and some of the girls giving them blow jobs. A guy started sucking my tits and fingered me. Tin you know what that does to me. So, when he took off his pants, and rubbed me down there with his dick, the whole thing excited me and I couldn’t stop.”

“You let him fuck you.”

 “Yes. When he finished, another guy did me, and then a third. It was an orgy. Another girl did the same as me and my best friend did it too. We didn’t think much about it until a month later when the two of us missed our period. So now you know the truth.”

“Does your mom know about this?”

“No. I told her it was the boyfriend she met when I was home for spring break. And Mom wants you and me to get back together.”

“So that’s why we are here at DQ?”

“Part of it but I want to get back with you too. Mom didn’t need to talk me into it.”

“When are you due? I mean when will you have the baby?”

“The doctor said in February around Valentine’s Day.”

“Well good luck,” and he took her home.

But love is what it is. Austin couldn’t stay away from Daisy. After her baby was born, he fell in love again.  Austin fell hopelessly in love with Julia, Daisy’s baby girl, as if she was his own.

They married and had four more kids - his kids this time.

Written by xhardx13
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