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Rocky Mountain Summer

"Couples find a week in the mountains brings their desire out."

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Cathy had finished her shower and toweled herself off. She stood nude in front of the mirror brushing her teeth. As she brushed she looked at her body, knowing it would never go back to the way it was before the baby. While she was down to her pre-conception weight, she was still pudgy around the middle, but that was to be expected.

She finished brushing her teeth. She glanced in the mirror again and cupped her breasts in her hands. She was self-conscious about her large breasts before giving birth, but now they had grown even larger, swollen with breast milk. However, she was pleased that her legs, hips and rear were back to their old form -- relatively tight and fit. She let her breasts go and pulled a one-piece silk negligee over her head. It was dark blue, and she thought it looked good against her fair skin. The thin straps connected to a neckline that showed just enough of her breasts to be sexy. Before leaving for this trip, she had hesitated about bringing it, but decided in favor, thinking it might come in handy at least one night while they were out in Colorado. She and her husband, Brian, didn't have sex nearly as much as she would like at home because they were both pretty tired after a long day of work and taking care of their baby, Erin. She hoped to make up for lost time on this trip. She adjusted her chest a little, giving herself a last look-over in the mirror.

Brian lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling thinking. The windows of the room on the second floor were wide open to let in the cool, night, mountain air. Bugs chirped in the yard. Erin lay sleeping in the crib at the end of the bed. He looked over at the clock; it read 10:35. Cathy has been in there a long time, he thought to himself.

His thoughts ran over the last two days. They had flown out to Cathy's family's large house in the Rocky Mountains. Every two years Cathy's cousins and their families got together for a reunion here. Brian generally liked most of Cathy's family members, although a few could be a bit tedious. Cathy had five cousins between the ages of 19 and 30 and two of them had spouses, which was a benefit when it came to finding things to do outdoors. There were always people willing to go on hikes in the mountains or out for a couple drinks in the evenings. Having a child had cut down on those late evenings they had once enjoyed .

Brian's thoughts drifted to Marci, one of Cathy's cousins. He wasn't sure what had changed in Marci over the last two years, but something was definitely different. Brian knew from talking to Cathy that Marci very badly wanted to find a man to settle down with and marry. She hadn't been dating anyone seriously until last year, but she had broken off that relationship.

Before this reunion Brian felt sorry for Marci. She was an incredibly sweet, thoughtful young woman. But she was also somewhat awkward and didn't have much fashion sense. He wasn't sure whether it was because she just felt other things were more important, or that she wasn't aware of how these things might help with attracting men. Marci was mildly attractive but had never done anything with her clothes, hair, or body to enhance her physical beauty. All this had changed since he'd last seen her. Brian had noticed that Marci had let her bangs grow out and straightened her hair. She no longer wore baggy jean shorts or bulky, unflattering t-shirts. Her shorts were now fitted to her slender frame, her shirts enhanced her small waist and modest chest, and even while hiking she wore cargo pants that looked like they were right out of a trendy outdoors catalog. Whatever had taken place the last two years it was an amazing improvement.

When Marci had greeted Brian three days ago he was stunned. She had wrapped her arms around him to greet him and given him a strong, firm hug, and he had actually felt his heartbeat pick up. They had talked frequently between then and now, she always smiling and happy. Brian couldn't help but be drawn to her enjoyable personality and new-found attractiveness.

His thoughts were broken up by the opening of the door and the arrival of Cathy from the bathroom. She was smiling at him and looked incredibly inviting in her nightie. He smiled back at her and put his finger to his lips to say "ssssshhh." Cathy's brown hair, still wet from the shower, fell down to her shoulders, lightly covering the thin blue straps holding up the silk, which shimmered as she walked silently over to the bed and climbed onto it.

"We'll have to be quiet," she whispered as she leaned over and turned off the bedside light. Moonlight provided all that they needed.

Brian bent in to kiss his wife. His lips found hers and they kissed softly at first. As the couple lay side by side their legs intertwined, his thigh moving between her knees. She placed her hand on his bare chest, felt his smooth skin, and then wrapped her arm around his body. Brian's arm went around her and felt the bare skin of her back, her full breasts pressed to his chest.

Their tongues danced, their mouths pressed together in a deep, passionate kiss. Cathy moaned softly in her throat. "It's been a while," she said between kisses.

"Mmm, I know," was his response, "I was thinking about this all day." Cathy playfully ran her hand down Brian's chest and pressed it between his legs, feeling the hardness there. She tugged at the waist of his boxers and pulled them down his legs. Grasping his firm cock she stroked it slowly, smiling.

Their mutual desire quickly overtook any foreplay; their kissing became more passionate. The couple's tongues delved deeply in each other's mouths. Cathy's nails gently pressed against the skin of Brian's back.

"As much as I like your attire...," Brian said with a grin as he lifted up the bottom of Cathy's negligee and pulled it up over her arms and head. They were naked together, their hands exploring each other's bodies, their desire growing. Brian's hands caressed Cathy's large bosom. He was careful not to pinch too hard as he knew she was still sensitive from breastfeeding.

She whispered in his ear. "I wanna feel you in me." That was all the invitation Brian needed as he slid his hand down over her soft belly, through the dark curly hairs between her thighs and found her wetness inviting him.

Cathy rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Brian shifted over her and slowly pressed the tip of his cock against her waiting lips. She had been particularly tender after giving birth, but had almost gotten back to the point where she could take him again. She reached down and helped guide him into her. Brian slowly slid inside, holding himself over her with his hands planted in the bed sheets. Cathy closed her eyes as she felt a little pain but mostly pleasure. "Mmm, yes," she moaned.

Brian slowly moved back and forth inside of her. Cathy wrapped her legs around his hips, pushing her own up to meet him. "Is it too tight?" he asked.

"Just go slowly," she replied, her eyes wide open now and her tongue licking her lips. Brian's breathing increased in intensity as he thrust in and out. She loved watching his face as his orgasm built. The bed creaked as the couple's motions became firmer. Cathy's neck arched back and she closed her eyes.

"So close now," Brian said between deep breaths as his tempo increased and he passed the point at which there was no stopping. Cathy opened her eyes to watch as his face screwed up into what looked like a scowl, but she knew it as intense pleasure. Thrusting her hips up to his body, she felt him spurt inside her.

Brian tried to stifle a moan but he wasn't sure how successful he was. He collapsed on top of his wife as his orgasm subsided. Cathy wrapped her arms and legs around his limp body and kissed his face, moaning as she did so, her hips still moving as his hardness waned.

Brian could tell she wanted more, but he stayed relaxed for a couple minutes on top of her. He didn't make her wait too long though. He sat up and smiled. "So good sweetie," he said to her, "your turn now." Cathy grinned.

As his body slid down hers, Brian's lips lightly touched the taught muscles of her neck, then her collar bone, stopping briefly to caress her prominent, erect nipples. Cathy responded, arched her back and lifted her breasts to meet him. As he worked his way down her soft stomach, kissing her fair skin, his hands slid under her bottom, lifting her a little off the bed.

As he moved lower, Cathy spread her legs for him. Brian smelled the musky scent of her juices mixed with his. His chin and lips brushed the dark curly hair covering her mound. Cathy's hips quivered at the first touch of his tongue to her wet lips. His tongue worked its way from the base of her labia and then up higher. Cathy knew what was coming and involuntarily lifted her hips to meet his tongue. He pried open her folds with his tongue and found her button , and let his tongue do most of the work, circling and licking.

Cathy felt his right hand move up to her left breast and squeezed. His tongue worked harder and a little faster. Cathy felt the pleasure building, then subsiding a little, and then building again. She lifted her hips up off the bed, her hands on Brian's scalp, pressing him to her. This was it. Her breathing picked up and she moaned deep in her throat, trying to keep quiet as her orgasm exploded. She wrapped her soft thighs around Brian's head; her body shook the bed as spasms overtook her.

Quickly, she became too sensitive to touch and she pulled Brian up from between her legs. Kissing him and tasting her juices on his lips, she pressed his body to hers again. "Oh sweetie, that was wonderful," she cooed.

A noise from the crib silenced any response from Brian. They both dared not move, but it was just Erin changing position. Brian smiled at Cathy knowing they wouldn't have to worry about trying to get the baby back to sleep just yet.


Downstairs, Marci lay in her bed, staring at the wall on the far side of the room. On the other side to the room, her cousin Kayla was asleep in the other bed. While it was late, she wasn't that tired. Two of her cousins -- Cathy and Scott -- had gone to bed with their respective spouses a little after that. Marci had stayed up with Kayla, as well as her sister Sandra and brother-in-law Nate, to play cards.

Marci pondered Nate and Sandra's life together. Marci loved her sister Sandra, but she was jealous of her life with Nate. She knew she shouldn't be, but she was. Nate and Sandra had a two year old daughter and were happily married. This had eluded Marci -- love, marriage, family -- the things she really wanted. She liked her job as a teacher and enjoyed Seattle, the city in which she lived, but what she really wanted was a husband. She wanted the love and companionship that came with marriage -- the knowledge that there would always be someone there for her, to look after her. She desired the warm, hard body of a man next to her in bed. Her religious faith had instructed her to save herself for marriage. While she'd fooled around with a few men in the distant past, what she considered her more foolish youth, she was, over-all, satisfied with her decision to not sleep around. However, at times she wondered whether it was worth it or not.

Marci thought back to three months earlier when she'd broken off a relationship she'd had with a man she'd dated for almost a year. She'd eventually realized that he wasn't right for her; he was a little too passive about life. She wanted a man who would stick up for her, not give in to her every whim. She thought of her cousin Scott and how his wife, Stephanie adored him. Brian, Cathy's husband, was handsome and strong. Nate was smart, talented and a wonderful father to his daughter. She thought of how Brian had hugged her in greeting a couple days ago and how good it felt to be held. Her heart fluttered a little at the remembrance of Brian's strong arms around her and the momentary look in his brown eyes. She felt a twinge in her body and tried to stifle those feelings as she drifted off to sleep.


Scott, the oldest of the family present, checked his watch. It was a little after seven in the morning. It was about a nine mile hike round trip from the trailhead, which the group had left about ten minutes ago. It was important to get started early or a group could get caught up at the top of a mountain when the afternoon thunderstorms blew in. The last thing one wanted was to be above the tree line in a lightning storm.

Scott was leading the way up the trail with his sister, Kayla as well as cousins Marci and Sandra, her husband, Nate, and behind him Cathy and Brian bringing up the rear. The Rocky Mountains rose above them; the highest peaks still had snow in some places even though it was July. "Looks like we beat a lot of the tourists," commented Nate. There had only been a couple other cars parked in the lot.

"It's not like this is a big tourist hike anyway. They stick to the easy ones," answered Sandra with a grin.

"Yeah, we're real hard core," responded Marci with a sarcastic grin as she stopped to adjust her backpack.

The banter continued in this way up the mountain, the trail switching back on itself over and over as it wound its way through the pines and aspens. The group occasionally spotted a squirrel, chipmunk, or crow, but other than that the wildlife kept its distance from the hikers.

The talking died down and the pace slowed a little as the elevation began to increase. The air grew crisper and a little cooler and a breeze picked up. There was more deep breathing and more stops for refreshing drinks from canteens.

Marci stopped to take a picture of Sandra and Nate with one of the taller peaks as a backdrop and then took out her canteen for a sip of water. She admired the view as she drank, but then resumed hiking, finding herself in the back of the group. She looked up the trail at Brian and Nate ahead of her. Nate was helping Sandra with one of the straps of her pack. An appreciative smile was on Sandra's face. Envy crept into Marci's mind again.

As the sun climbed higher, the clear, blue sky gave way to more clouds and the hikers gradually left the tree line behind them. At this elevation the pines couldn't survive. That also meant the trail no longer consisted of dirt and pine needles, but was more rocky and treacherous.

Scott looked back down the trail. It shouldn't be more than another mile or so, he thought. He breathing was heavier, despite hiking often and living far above sea level. Some of his cousins weren't as in shape as he was and lived at lower elevations. This was their fourth day in Colorado and they'd done a shorter hike the second day they were there, but that wasn't much of a warm-up. He figured they might need a rest so he stopped. "Let's wait here for a bit to let them catch up," he said to Kayla, who was directly behind him.

In a minute the others caught up and stopped to catch their breath. "It shouldn't be too much longer to the top," advised Scott.

Sandra commented on her hunger and Nate retorted that she should have eaten more than a banana for breakfast. Sandra noted that she had to make sure their daughter got fed before they left, subtly reminding him that he was still in bed when this was taking place. "Okay you two, break it up," Marci said. "No spats on the trail."

"On that note...," Brian added as he and Cathy started up the trail again with Scott.

As they continued to climb, Cathy pondered her extended family. Scott had definitely taken on the role of natural leader of the group and everyone respected him. He was good looking, in a rugged sort of way, and when he spoke people tended to listen. But he was also laid back and good-natured. Scott's wife, Stephanie, certainly seemed to admire him, and he clearly adored her. They had two children under the age of four. Cathy compared herself to Stephanie. She was a little jealous. She realized that she was a larger-boned woman in general and hadn't lost all the weight she had gained while carrying Erin. Stephanie, on the other hand, looked like she had never had children. She and Cathy were about the same height, 5-7 or so, but Stephanie was rail-thin. It must be all the exercise, Cathy thought.

Her thoughts moved to Sandra and Nate. Sandra could only be described as plain. She had fair skin, short brown hair cut a little above her shoulders, and, for the most part, an expressionless voice. Cathy looked up the trail at her hiking in front of her. Sandra had an athletic, slender body, with subtle, but nice curves. She was like her sister Marci in that she didn't do much to accentuate her positive, feminine physical features. Nate was also slender, looked like he worked out, and was quiet as well. Cathy's thoughts wandered into the indecent, and she wondered whether they were as emotionless in bed as they were in public. She tried to picture them in the thralls of love-making but had a hard time. They were well matched, but less openly infatuated with each other than Scott and Stephanie.

Cathy's thoughts were distracted as they reached the peak. They removed their backpacks and took some pictures, admiring the view. After a couple minutes they sat down and relaxed, eating the lunches they had packed before they left. Cathy sat next to her husband and admired the view from the peak. In the far distance they could make out some elk. Scott checked his watch and then looked at the sky. There were some more clouds and a few darker ones, but they were farther off. They'd made good time, but they still shouldn't stay up here too long.

Scott watched the clouds as they ate and grew a little more concerned. "I think we should begin to pack things up," he said looking at the clouds, which had grown darker over the past ten minutes.

"They don't look friendly, do they?" responded Kayla. The group was in agreement. They quickly packed up their lunches and slung their packs back on their backs for the trip down the mountain. Ominous thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Let's go guys," Scott urged. They started back down the rocky trail up which they'd come. While less strenuous, going down was still difficult. Unstable gravel and rocks made each step tenuous, and a missed step could send a person tripping down the trail. Rain made it even tougher, as the rocks were slipperier.

The first drops of rain were felt a couple minutes after they'd left the summit and the thunder grew closer. Scott and Kayla were in the lead. Nate, Sandra, Cathy and Marci followed with Brian bringing up the rear.

The sky grew darker as the thunderheads began to reach them, and the downpour began. Scott was still a good distance to the tree line and the others were even further behind. Thunder shook the mountain. The faces of the hikers changed from serious to harried as they picked up the pace down the trail. The rain soaked them to the skin in minutes, the packs becoming heavier on their backs.

Marci looked up at the clouds and then lost her footing, falling on the rocks with a shout. Brian was behind her and knelt down. "You all right?" he asked taking her hand to give her assistance up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, but with a pained expression on her face. Brian helped pull her up and she took a couple of steps. Marci could feel a shooting pain in her left ankle and hobbled a bit down the trail. "I think it might be twisted," she said, wincing in pain.

Brian looked down the trail. Sandra, Nate and Cathy had already advanced about fifty yards down, not realizing what had happened. He couldn't see the others. "I can make it down," said Marci, but her voice lacked confidence. She hobbled a couple more steps but it was clear she wasn't moving well.

"Here, put your arm over my shoulder," said Brian as he stood on Marci's left side. She put her left arm over his shoulders and felt his strong arm wrap around her back. His body against hers was warm; she was surprised to find herself enjoying it despite the circumstances. Like this, they moved down the trail; the tree line was within site. If they could just get there they wouldn't have to worry about lightening as much. Thunder clapped close by, immediately followed by lightening. The storm must be right overhead, Marci thought.

Eventually they made it down to the tree line. As they entered the semi-protection of the pines their fear of lighting subsided a little, but the realization hit them that the rest of the group had been so intent on making it down the mountain they hadn't noticed Marci's fall. Brian and Marci looked down the trail and couldn't see anyone in the hard rain. The hobbled a bit further, but the wind, rain, and wet rocks made the going difficult.

"Maybe we should stop," Marci suggested.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" asked Brian.

Marci responded by telling him that Scott had told her about a time he was caught in a storm and just waited it out under a big pine. They decided this might be the best course. They noticed a large pine with low, spreading boughs not far from the trail and hobbled over to it.

Brian eased Marci onto the ground under the pine and helped her get her pack off. The ground was soft with needles, a little wet, but not too bad. Their clothes were soaked through anyway, so a little dampness wouldn't matter much. Marci stretched out her left leg, pulling the cuff of her hiking pants up to mid-calf.

"How's it feel?" asked Brian, kneeling beside her. Marci pressed the skin around her ankle gently and winced a little.

"It's pretty sore, and kinda swollen," she replied. "Thanks for helping me though. I'm sorry I've made us lose the rest of the group. Hopefully the rain lets up soon"

"Oh, don't apologize, Marci. These storms never last too long," Brian said, trying to sound reassuring. He sat down next to her on the needles. His was t-shirt sticking to his chest. His light beige shorts looked the color of the dirt.

Brian turned his head towards Marci. She looked less pained now and didn't look worried or frightened; she actually looked confident and assured. Her blonde hair was matted to her head with rain and the little eye shadow she had put on this morning had run a little around her eyes, giving them a dark, wider appearance. Her light blue shirt was soaked, like his, and hugged her slender frame, outlining the shape of her chest.

Marci looked over at Brian as she sat up straight from examining her ankle. Is he looking at my chest she asked herself as his eyes rose and met hers. Marci felt herself blush as Brian made a partial smile and looked away. He was checking me out, wasn't he? she thought.

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Brian turned back towards her and mumbled something about her ankle, but she could tell he was a little embarrassed, his face reddening. She wasn't sure whether she should be offended or feel good about the fact Brian was admiring her. She realized her shirt was sticking tightly to her chest and stomach. Marci glanced down and could see that her nipples were showing through the thin cotton and her bra. She felt a little self-conscious about her breasts, but there was nothing she could do that wouldn't be blatantly obvious to hide their shape from his view.

A clap of thunder brought her mind back to the situation. It was still raining hard and the wind was still blowing, chilling her. Drops of water fell from the pines onto them. She realized her teeth were chattering; she crossed her arms around her chest warming her and giving her chest a little privacy. "It's getting cold, isn't it," said Brian, looking out through the trees.

"Yes, kinda," replied Marci through jittery teeth. She wanted his arms around her, to feel his body next to hers, the warmth, and the solidness of it. Without saying a word, Brian moved his body the couple inches that separated them. She felt the warmth radiating from him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him. She felt a shiver, unlike the others, go through her. She hoped her face wasn't showing it.

"Does this help," he asked as he began to rub his hand up and down Marci's left shoulder and arm.

Marci turned her head to the side, looked up at him and smiled. "Yes," she whispered. "It should."

"I'm a little cold myself," he replied. Marci made a small expression of compassion, realizing she had been so concerned about her ankle and the coldness she felt she hadn't thought that he might be cold as well. They were both in t-shirts; there was no reason he would be warm. She slipped her right arm under his and rubbed his back with her hand.

Marci enjoyed the feeling of Brian's body against hers, her arm around him, his around her. She felt the familiar warm sensation spreading through her body. She couldn't believe she was becoming aroused by his touch. She looked up at him and their eyes met again. This time she could see a hint of something else in his eyes, she pressed her hand against his back, flexing her fingers, looking at him.

Brian couldn't ignore the fact that someone stumbling upon them, not knowing the reason why they were here, would think it a little inappropriate that he was under a pine tree, soaking wet, with his wife's cousin, Marci, holding each other for warmth. He also couldn't ignore how incredibly desirable she looked, her blonde hair wet, clothes sticking to her body outlining every curve, the way she looked at him with her big blue eyes. He squeezed her tightly against his side. He suddenly felt his desire rise and he stiffened in his shorts. He realized he wanted to kiss her, to feel her body...did he dare take his right hand and touch her thigh or...his heart was pounding.

As if they could read each other's minds she felt him pull her closer and she leaned her head over onto his shoulder. She felt him press his head to hers, holding her strongly, closely. Their arms wrapped around each other, hands pressed against each other's backs. The cool rain water on their bodies no longer chilled her. She felt his hand on her thigh, her lips brushed the wet skin of his neck, and she sighed, the pain in her ankle no longer apparent. She said his name as she sighed, running her hands through his wet hair, and then pulling back a little from him. She looked him in the eyes. His were wide with desire, as she was sure hers were.

Brian reached out his hand and touched her face, pushing some of her wet, blonde hair back from her cheek. "I don't know what we're doing...," he started to say but trailed off. She smiled. Encouraged he continued, "...but I so badly want to kiss you. I wanted to even before today."

"I know exactly what you mean," she replied softly. She reached up and put her hand on his. She didn't know what to think. This was Cathy's husband she wanted to kiss.

A ray of sun broke through the trees, and broke the moment. Brian dropped his hand from her face. "The rain stopped," he said quietly. Marci looked away, out through the trees.

"It has," she said with a sigh.

"Let's see how your ankle's doing. Do you want to test it out?" he asked her. She nodded. He stood and held out his hand, smiling. She paused, looked at it, then up at him. She met his eyes and smiled back. Neither smile was forced, but natural. She felt relieved. They'd both expressed themselves freely but no line had been crossed. She took his hand and stood up, favoring her good ankle. She hobbled a little, wincing still. He got the packs and put his arm around her again for the trip down the mountain.


That evening at dinner, everyone was hailing Brian as the "shining knight" who had stayed behind to help out the injured Marci. Brian tried to stay humble through all the complimentary talk, but Marci didn't downplay it. She could feel herself blushing every time the subject was brought up.

Cathy loved the attention Brian was getting and expressed to him how proud she was with him for staying back with Marci. A brief feeling of guilt slipped through Brian's mind. He wondered to himself about how guilty he should feel. They didn't do anything right? But he had thought about doing something; he had wanted to do something...but he hadn't so he was okay, right?

Cathy's hand on his thigh broke his thoughts. "It was Marci's night to help clear the table; I'm going to help in her place because of her ankle. Can you watch Erin?" she asked. Brian replied that it wouldn't be a problem and took their daughter from Cathy's arms.


Later that evening Brian was reading on the couch. Sandra, Nate, Kayla, Scott, and Stephanie were starting a card game over at one of the tables. Marci hobbled into the main room and sat down next to Brian. "How's it feeling?" he asked.

She smiled. "Oh, it's still a little sore, but it's not swelling too much."

"How're you doing?" he asked, looking her in the eyes.

"I'm doing well, thanks," she said blushing. She placed her hand on his. "Thank you for what you did today, I really appreciate it." She gave his hand a squeeze and stood slowly. "I'm off to bed."

"Sleep well," Brian responded. They smiled at each other, their eyes held for a second or two longer than normal and then she turned towards the doorway. He watched as Marci hopped through the doorway that led down the hall to the ground floor bedrooms. His eyes lingered on her slender, fair-skinned legs.

"Hey Brian," Scott yelled from across the room, "You interested in joining us?"

"Sure thing," he replied, and got up, setting his book down.


The card game wrapped up a little before eleven that night. After "goodnights" were exchanged, Kayla and Brian headed off to their respective bedrooms. The two couples did the same. Scott and Stephanie's bedroom was upstairs, and as they climbed the stairs Scott pinched Stephanie's bum. She giggled and put her finger to her lips. "We have to be quiet, the kiddos are sleeping."

She quietly opened their bedroom door and looked in. Their children were fast asleep in their sleeping bags on the floor. Scott wrapped his arms around Stephanie from behind and kissed her neck, pressing his hips against her backside. She smiled and squirmed in his embrace.

"Not here, sweetie...the kids...," she whispered.

"Where then?" was his response.


Nate and Sandra tip-toed past Kayla and Marci's bedroom and past the bathroom to their room. They didn't want to wake their daughter, but the creaky floor boards and door might give them away. The house was pretty old and had thin walls and noisy floors on the ground floor. The upstairs was an addition and was a little sturdier.

Luckily for them, their daughter didn't hear them, and they slipped into the bedroom. Sandra mouthed to Nate that she was going to take a shower. Nate nodded. She grabbed her towel and her nightclothes and left for the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her.

Sandra tip-toed down to the bathroom, entered, and took off her shirt and pants. She turned on the shower and decided to brush her teeth while the water heated up. She was bending over the sink rinsing out her mouth when she heard the door open. She jerked her head up, but relaxed when she saw it was Nate.

"A little jumpy?" he said smiling.

"You're awful!" she said giggling. She noticed he'd taken his shirt off, and was just wearing his boxer shorts. He closed the door behind him.

"I thought I'd join you in the shower," he said.

"Oh really...," said Sandra as she smiled and placed her right hand on his chest. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. She felt her desire go from zero to sixty in that instant and she opened her mouth to his as their bodies touched. They wrapped their arms around each other as their lips came together eagerly searching for each other. "Let's get into that water...wouldn't want it to go to waste," she said between kisses.

Nate stepped back and slipped his undershorts down his legs. Sandra's eyes travelled over his smooth, muscular chest down to his solid shaft sticking out straight from the mass of curly dark hair between his masculine thighs. Sandra looked down at it, her eyes eager. She reached behind her back, unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground. The small, pink nipples on her petite breasts stood out from the cool air. Nate watched her move as she pulled her pink cotton underwear down her athletic legs revealing her well formed bum and the small patch of curly hair between her thighs. The couple quickly got into the shower, letting the hot water fall over them as they resumed their embrace.


Scott and Stephanie quietly slipped outside. It was a cool night, but they didn't need jackets. They hurried into the woods behind the house. Stephanie had a bath towel over her shoulder. Once inside the shelter and darkness of the trees they embraced, kissing, their hands traveling over each other's bodies. "It's nice to be alone after being with others all day," said Scott between kisses.

"Oh, I know what you mean, sweetie," she answered, her fingers clawing at the button on his shorts in the dark. "At least you had adults for conversation, I had everyone's kids." She undid it and pressed her hand against the growing bulge. There was a rustling in the brush near them and they paused, but realized it must be a small animal. The strangeness of it all aroused Stephanie. Sex at home for the couple took place barely once every two weeks with the kids and jobs taking up so much time. And it happened almost always in their bed after the kids had gone to sleep. This was so different, so out of the ordinary. She couldn't wait for her husband to fill her here, outside, in the woods. She wanted it badly. She moaned deeply in her throat as she felt Scott press his hand against the material of her shorts between her thighs as they kissed. She responded by pushing her hips forward against his palm.

As they kissed, Scott ran his right hand through Stephanie's dark, thick hair, tugging slightly, pulling her head back, and exposing her neck to his kisses. He gently walked her backwards a couple paces to a large, smooth, waist-high rock he could see outlined in the moonlight behind her. As Scott nibbled at her neck she felt his crotch press against hers, pressing her bottom against the rock. The feel of her body trapped between his and the rock excited Stephanie. She ran one hand through his short brown hair and the other down the back of his shorts, clenching his rear, pressing it to her.

Scott moved his hand from his wife's head down to her chest. He could feel her small breasts through her t-shirt and heard her moan as he caressed them. She gasped as he pinched a nipple through the cotton.

The both smiled at each other. "Oh God, sweetie, it's been so long...," she whispered between gasps. Her passion told Scott she was ready.

"I know...I want to fuck you so badly," he said using the obscenity that he knew would turn her on even further. Stephanie's deep brown eyes went wide with desire.

"You want it, don't you?" he replied playfully as he pushed her shorts down her long, tan legs. Scott slid his hand between her thighs, pressing his fingers against the material of his wife's panties.

"Oh yeah, right there baby...," she gasped, her own words driving herself on. Stephanie grasped the waist of Scott's shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. She squatted down in front of him with her back against the rock. She slid his boxers down and took his hard cock in her hands. Running them down the long, thick shaft, she let her tongue flick the end of it and then took it into her mouth. She slid her lips down the length, her tongue caressing it as it went deeply into her mouth.

Scott looked down at his wife. His placed his hands on her head, his fingers pressing against her scalp through her hair. Stephanie withdrew a little and then took it all in again, sucking on it, loving the feel of it in her mouth, almost reaching back to her throat. She slowly let it slip from her mouth as she stood up. She bent over and pulled her panties down her legs and let them fall down to her sandal-clad feet. Stephanie stood before her husband, her t-shirt still on, but practically naked from the waist down.

Scott, too, let his shorts fall to his feet; his cock standing straight up under the hem of his t-shirt. The moonlight reflected off their skin. "Hand me that towel," she said to him. He picked it up off the ground and Stephanie positioned it behind her on the rock so that her bare skin wasn't on the rough stone.

Stephanie leaned back against the towel-covered rock, her hips thrust out to her husband's cock, her thighs parted. "Take me now, sweetie," she urged.


In the shower, Sandra moaned as Nate slid his cock into her wetness. She had her back up against the wall of the shower opposite the shower head. She gasped as he pushed deeply into her. Her arms were draped over his shoulders and he slid back and forth. She loved the feel of Nate's cock slipping into her wet pussy for the first time during sex. It was like a longing being fulfilled, an ache being soothed. She felt him move back and forth slowly, the water from the shower falling onto their bodies.

Nate looked at Sandra, her eyes closed as he moved inside her. Drops of water fell from her dark brown hair, rolled down her cheeks, down her neck, over her small mounds that protruded from her chest, down to her waist, pooling a little in her navel and then down to where their bodies met, their curly public hairs collecting the water. He watched his cock slide back and forth gently and then looked back up at his wife; her eyes were open, looking at him, a slight smile on her face. She licked her upper lip.

He leaned forward and they kissed deeply. Her hands clenched his hips, pulling him to her. Sandra moaned. "God, feels so good," she said as she arched her neck back and rested her head on the tile. He felt his feet slip a little on the shower floor. He paused.

"Here...turn around," he suggested. She turned her back to him and faced the wall, putting her hands on it for support. He moved his right hand between her legs and spread them a little and then guided his shaft between them and entered her from behind. He was slow at first but then pushed hard. His wife moaned loudly.

Nate began to thrust into her, his pelvic region slapping against her ass. He reached his right hand around Sandra's side and, finding her nipple, pinched it playfully. She gasped and moaned with pleasure.

Sandra felt the intense pleasure growing between her legs, spreading down her thighs. Her moans grew more frequent. "Oh yes...," she moaned. "Yes, oh...Nate..."

Nate's breathing came quicker. He could tell he was getting closer. He thrust his hips quicker and harder, his body slapping against Sandra's.


In the bedroom next door, Marci lay awake in bed. She had been sleeping but Kayla's entrance had awoken her. She had heard Nate or Sandra turn on the shower in the bathroom through the walls. She then realized it wasn't just one of them, but both. The sounds of lovemaking weren't difficult to identify. While she definitely thought Nate was attractive, she didn't like to think of her sister and Nate having sex, but it was unavoidable. She could hear occasional grunts and moans. She pictured Sandra and Nate in an embrace, under the water, kissing each other. She again felt loneliness mixed with desire come over her. She wanted that too. She imagined Nate on top of her in her bed, his body pressing down on hers, her legs spread. As she fantasized, the image of Nate turned into an image of Brian.

There he was again. She wanted Brian; she couldn't help it. She knew it probably wasn't a good idea to fantasize about her cousin's husband. Would she actually physically do anything with him, she wondered? No, she couldn't. But what if she did? No one would have to know, she thought. No one would be hurt if no one knew about it except her and Brian. They could keep a secret. And it's not like they could continue an affair. They lived on opposite sides of the country. No, it would never work. She turned it over in her head, wondering what it would be like to make love to him, to kiss him, to feel him in her. Marci closed her eyes as that familiar feeling grew between her legs and slowly inched her hand down under the sheet. She pressed her hand between her thighs, feeling herself through the soft cotton of her underwear. She hoped Kayla had fallen asleep.


"I'm so close baby," gasped Nate as his cock thrust into Sandra's aching pussy.

"So close too...just a little more...give it to me..." Sandra realized she wasn't going to achieve orgasm simply from the pounding she was taking so she took one hand off the wall and reached down. Her fingers moved through her wet pubic hair finding her clit. She rubbed herself as Nate's cock slid back and forth. She soon felt her orgasm building. "," she gasped loudly.

Nate thrust hard and fast, felt it coming and moaned deeply as he came inside his wife. His hips thrust involuntarily. Sandra felt her legs grow weak as she heard Nate moan in pleasure and felt him spurt inside her. When he was depleted she straightened up and turned to face him, their arms around each other, breathing heavily into each other's necks. "Oh sweetie...wonderful," she giggled as they kissed, oblivious to the noise they'd made that could be heard through the wall.


Outside, Scott stepped closer to Stephanie. He was always amazed how after two children his wife's stomach had regained its original flat shape. It's either good genes or all the running, he thought. He gently tickled the inside of her left thigh, moved his fingers towards her center, felt the wetness there, slipped a finger into her and heard her respond with a low moan. He then moved his fingers up, gently caressed the coarse hairs that covered her mound. He focused on her clit, rubbing softly at first. Stephanie gasped again and moaned. He pressed his body against hers, flattening her against the rock.

Stephanie couldn't take the teasing much longer. She reached down and grasped Scott's hard cock guiding it to her aching lips. "I want it now Scott," she begged. His eyes assented, and she guided him into her. She felt him fill her, his body pinning her against the rock. She moaned deeply.

Scott thrust several times slowly. "Let's try this...," he said. He maneuvered so that he could lift her legs up and she could wrap them around his waist. Stephanie's back was on the towel-covered rock with her thighs spread wide, her lithe, tan legs wrapped around Scott's athletic body. The cool night air whispered through the pines and blew on their half-naked forms.

Scott held her legs open as he moved his cock in and out of his wife's body. Stephanie looked straight up and could see stars in the night sky and the dark outline of pines above her. She lowered her eyes; saw the moonlit body of her husband moving against her, his mouth open in pleasure.

The idea of them making love outside where anyone could stumble upon them thrilled her to no end. She moaned loudly as Scott moved into her again, daring someone to hear. "Oh, good...," she encouraged him. She took her left hand and pulled up her shirt so her breasts were exposed. She pinched her own left nipple in pleasure. Scott, seeing what she wanted, reached his left hand up and pinched her right nipple.

"Oh, that's it...yesss...," she moaned. She could feel Scott's thrusts getting more frequent and firmer. She felt her body buzzing with pleasure, the tingling spreading, the warmth expanding from her thighs outward.

"Mmmm're so hot baby," he said. "Do you like getting fucked like this?" he said, egging her on, knowing she liked him to talk dirty as they got going. "Do you want it Stephie?"

A broad smile swept her face. Using her best husky, dirty girl voice. "I want it hard. Take me...fuck me...hard with your big cock." She loved how they did this, knowing that they weren't the least bit dirty and that their sex was pretty tame compared to others. The talk drove her wild though.

"Oh fuck!" she shouted loudly as she felt a spasm pass through her. But it wasn't THE spasm. It subsided and Scott continued to push into her. Then it came, the small wave at first, then the large one. "Oh now baby...I'm going to burst!" she shouted. "Fuck me! Fuck! Yessss!" she moaned as her orgasm took her over and her hips quivered and shook. She looked up at Scott and saw his face in a wide-eyed look of pleasure. She felt him explode inside her and then her mind went hazy and she collapsed back onto the towel exhausted.

Scott felt his own orgasm pass and he, too, felt weak and let himself relax, lowering his body down on top of his wife's on the rock. He whispered something she couldn't hear and kissed her flat stomach. She ran her hands through his hair.

"Hopefully the only ones who heard us were the squirrels," he said jokingly.

"I don't care who heard," she said smiling.

To be continued...

Written by ericahope
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