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Remote Possibilities

"partly true, partly fictional story of two strangers making love on a boat"

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Author's Notes

"The kayaking and being caught not following the law near the island on a fading Friday night is true. The Sheriff was so hot and we could have had a really great secret time. We didn't know each other at all, I was wearing the red shorts and white tank top. <p> [ADVERT] </p> He did not catch me masturbating and my boat did not capsize. He merely approached me, commented on my infractions, eyed me really thoughtfully and reminded me to put on my life jacket and carry a whistle. I did from the next day forward."

Kate lightly splashed the wide edge of her kayak paddle on the glassy smooth surface of the lake. It was Friday night in July and there were surprisingly few boaters in this corner of the lake tonight. She had brought a joint and a couple of Amber Ales, one of which was tied to a cord and being dragged along in the cool water somewhere below. It was nearing twilight. Hers was finally the only boat around, just what she was seeking after a long week at work. She had paddled over three miles to this remote location, near the mound of trees protruding from the lake surface on a tiny, desolate island.

She allowed the boat to come to a drifting stop and then swung her legs wide and leaned her back into the support of the life jacket she had removed then lazily straddled her bare feet over each edge with a beer in hand, arching her neck back toward the sky. Then she remembered her treat!

Kate dried her hands on her red running shorts and fished out the bent and softened joint which she had stashed in a dry bag with her phone and a lighter. She had tried the green herb only once recently and it didn't offer her any effects like people described. Cannabis had become legal in Oregon and being a good girl Kate waited to try it until it was. She was disappointed when nothing happened as a result of her first attempt at getting high. She stopped at a cannabis store before heading home to Washington from her cousin's college grad weekend. She bought herself a joint to try later. Soon cannabis would be legal in her state too, but not yet.

There was something else she did that weekend. Kate fucked her cousin's roommate and she did not feel good about it at all. The passive man had been sitting there, taking turns at the bong, eyeing Kate all evening. He didn't converse with her at all, but he watched her. It seemed he couldn't take his eyes off of her, and when caught staring, he didn't look away, only grinned at her. Kate noticed, uncomfortable at first but then grew curious at his 'boldness' staring at her continuously. For some reason, Kate was intrigued by his attention and it eventually turned her on enough to behave boldly toward him and play. She could fuck around with this guy.

It didn't take much convincing to get him into his bed and straddle his soft, flaccid body grinding until his moderately hard cock exploded into the condom. It was a disappointing experience but still somehow made Kate feel like she was a powerful vixen and she rather enjoyed the new sense of feeling slutty and desired. She hadn't thought of herself that way before, normally such a serious person. Crossing state lines with marijuana tucked away in the roadside emergency kit in her trunk was a thrill for her. Kate never did illegal things and that did feel badder than the bad sex.

She fondled and lightly pinched the papered bundle and a waft of pungent and distinct odor greeted her nose. How much should she try? Would she maybe actually get high this time? She flicked the lighter on and lit the end, puffing tentatively, allowing smoke to only enter her mouth for two drags, assessing the taste. It was different from before with the bong.

She watched smoke curl into the breezeless air around her and disappear like an illusion, leaving its distinct scent lingering. Once there was a glowing cherry smoldering at the tip, and Kate had waited a few minutes to notice no effects from the mouth puffs, she decided to try a deep drag. She pinched the base of the paper near her lips and sucked resistant air in lightly and then pulled it into her lungs. It felt dry and invasive. She held it for a moment before coughing it all out, laughing at herself.

At that moment she spotted the silhouette of a medium-sized motorboat cruising past in the distance at the closest shore and felt a slight panic to hide her contraband. She flicked the glowing end of the joint off into the water and stashed the stinking remains back into the dry bag for another time. Was she already starting to feel paranoid?

The boat disappeared from view around the other side of the small island and vanished. She was alone again, relief. Subtly, she noticed new details surrounding her as she relaxed into sensory alterations provided by the green herb. So this is what they talk about. She appreciated the whispy clouds in pinks and lavenders against the deepening blue sky, but with more attention and sense of worship and awe than usual. She watched the birds and listened to water lapping the edge of Dead Man's island nearby. A light breeze rustled the evergreens that surrounded the lake and studded the entire small island. So calm and peaceful. Utterly nature. It was Kate's favorite place to be and suddenly more so than usual.

Her arms were tired from the long paddle to get to this spot away from other boaters. Kate noticed they felt heavy and thick, more proportional to legs in sensation than arms really. That was unusual, but probably not unexpected while getting high. She reassured herself as her heart began to thud more intensely in her chest. All of this is to be expected, and perfectly normal.

A fleeting question of the wisdom of getting high unsupervised and alone on the lake passed through her mind. She strapped her paddle in the keeper cord alongside the boat rim. She twirled her hands and feet in the dazzling clean water, looking like she had fallen splat into the boat awkwardly. She was unaware of her posture. Kate began to not so softly sing a favorite song to herself, feeling happy in her solitude and bliss.

She was unaware of the County Sheriff's boat silently approaching behind her a thousand feet away. She sang and not well, lost in lyrics. She felt good. She felt happy as she finished the last swig of beer from the first brown bottle and considered tossing it in the footwell. A thought occurred to her she could make alternate use of the bottle in this quiet place alone with new sensations to explore a recent memory to improve upon. She was in a remote part of the lake with nobody around for a mile or more, probably.

Kate shifted up onto her elbows, the boat rocking unsteadily, and peered as far to the right and as far to the left as she could. She examined the tall trees on the deserted island and noted the familiar sign posted that warned not to trespass on the shore. She had always wanted to pull her boat ashore and explore Dead Man's Island but didn't because of that sign. The island remained a mystery to her but seemed completely uninhabited and very small, maybe only a few thousand trees full and rocky. Kate examined it, appreciating the pale yellow aura surrounding the edges of the trees. In the far distance, she heard the echoes of music from a boat and the sounds of people partying. Surely that would attract more attention than her if other boaters were to enter the vicinity.

She shifted her weight again and lifted her slim hips to remove her running shorts and underwear. She was wearing a fitted white camisole tank which she left on. If anyone came around she could quickly toss her shorts back into her lap and nobody would suspect a thing. She still had a smidge of sensibility anchoring her thoughts, despite the euphoria that had crept in heavily. Kate planted a heel on each side of the boat to steady it, leaned back as far as she could looking up to the sky, and licked and spat on the side of the glass bottle to slick it up.

She then gripped the neck firmly and began stroking the cold smooth base along her vulva and parting her slit with its wide girth. She inserted the bottleneck deep into her throat and noted a familiar pleasurable gag, she used the extra slippery saliva to coat the neck of the bottle. Kate then shoved that bottle neck right up the hilt inside her pussy. She noted how electric it felt, more so than usual due to the high that had settled onto her, pressing her down.

It did not take long for the cool glass to warm and then become hot as she massaged her clit and slippery mound under the fading daylight. Seemed she was an expert at bracing her legs against the sides of the boat to keep it steady. As a teen, her parents tortured her by not having ever replaced her childhood twin bed with its squeaky springs and base. Her parent's bedroom was adjacent to hers, with her brother's room sharing the other wall and more than one comment was made about her own squeaking mattress at night.

For that reason, Kate had learned to brace her legs tightly against the bed frame while masturbating to reduce the squeaks and afford herself some privacy. She also learned to cum hardest while holding her breath and clenching her quads, glutes, and vagina tightly like the good virgin girl she was then. No moans, no breathing, as little movement as possible, and then climax.

She had since learned to loosen up a bit most times, and cum with modest vocalizations and moderate levels of relaxation. As an adult, she ventured into online porn for the first time (since once she turned eighteen it was legal after all - she had waited like a good girl). She saw the women able to cum with their legs wide open, contorted, and loose. Kate did not know how to do that. What she did know is these things were best done quickly or risk getting caught. Years later and she was still in a hurry to get herself off.

Kate reassured herself of her private oasis and the slowly fading day with plenty of time to play before she would need to paddle back to the dock three miles away. After several minutes and some hip thrusts of arousal, Kate flipped the bottle over. She changed the movements of her clit stimulation from the slow smashy rub of the wide end to the firmer more directed and specific action of the bottle rim on her clit. Her pussy was feeling bruisy but juicy like a peach that had gone too soft. She hadn't masturbated with glass before, and certainly not in her kayak. It was all new sensations for her, especially with her marijuana high peaking.

The boat rocked awkwardly as her weight shifted and she tried very hard to butterfly her legs firmly to steady the boat as she began stimulating herself more vigorously. A few desperate gasps escaped over a few minutes, building, building. She held her breath in a succession of rhythmic maneuvers, the smooth rim of glass rubbing away at her clit, rocking the boat more than was wise to allow. The occasional fully inserted neck rammed the shoulder of the bottle into an abrupt stop at the opening of her pelvic rim. She realized her intensity was becoming precarious. She became frustrated and flopped herself back into the makeshift life-vest pillow to take a break and contemplate the sky some more. Orgasm evaded her.

She tossed the bottle into the footwell, unsatisfied and frustrated with herself, and reached along the edge where the waterline meets the kayak and searched for the cord for the second Amber Ale which surely she had earned. As she reached and fumbled, she peered over the edge not finding it without looking, wondering if it had come loose and floated away somewhere nearby. Kate's senses were altered and balance seemed off suddenly. She managed to locate the cord tied to the straps along the boat and began reeling the beer in when she felt the boat toppling too far.

"Oh, Shhhhiii…" splash! Kate found herself tipped over the edge of the kayak and shocked in the cold lake water. Frigid wetness drenched her head to toe and she sputtered when resurfacing, grabbing for the cord along the edge of her boat. She instantly reached for the lifevest and her sandals still near the surface, knowing other items were already stowed safely. Then she remembered her shorts and underwear and searched desperately for them. She kicked her feet in the cold water and she realized how creepy it felt being alone, at night, at the far end of the lake, in a potentially unsafe situation, high and inexperienced. Bottomless.

Kate rubbed the water out of their eyes, gripped the side of the boat, and began to flip it over wondering if this would be a good excuse to swim it ashore to Dead Man's Island to regroup. She couldn't find her bottoms. It seemed a little absurd to attempt a bare-assed water re-entry to the sit-atop boat and she laughed at herself and rested her arms and cheek against the side of the plastic hull, wondering what to do. She remembered the beer again and popped open the top. Success! She laughed to herself. Kate took a cool swig. The beer was fizzy and had a head that spilled over the rim and down her soaking already wet arm.

Just then Kate was startled by a bright light flooding her and her kayak bobbing in the water. She shielded her wet face with her hand to try to peer past the light and see who was there. She instantly wondered what exactly they may have seen and how long they had been nearby. She felt another rush of adrenaline hit her stomach, worse than when she had fallen in the water moments ago. Suddenly, Kate was horrified, realizing this arrival was quick and they couldn't have been far. What had they seen?

"Ma'am, this is officer Gutierrez with County Sheriff's, are you in distress?" a man's voice blared calmly, interrupting her shock and desire to get the fuck out of there.

"Uuu-hh," Kate stammered, gripping and feebly remembering her open container of alcohol in her right hand and then images of five minutes prior of herself jilling off with the other one, floating away with her bottoms probably nearby. Now, littering, public nudity, and open container of alcohol would surely be added to her charges. And, she also was not wearing a life jacket, another violation. At least she hadn't yet decided to trespass on Dead Man's Island or smoked more of that joint. Kate felt like a bad, bad person just then. She also felt scorchingly embarrassed.

Officer Gutierrez flicked the light off and her field of vision strobed for several seconds adjusting to the fading twilight and shock of halogen and the other circumstances. She slicked her hand over her wet hair. "I'm okay, sir. Just enjoying a fine Friday paddling the lake as you can see here. I fell into the water. Do you possibly have a towel on board?" She could see his twenty-four-foot Stanley Patrol boat had an enclosed cabin, probably a heater, and full amenities. She would just have to figure out how to not be noticed bottomless. Her heart pounded fiercely, her feet swishing in the water reflexively.

"I see you're drinking alcohol, here," the officer observed, motioning to her open bottle of beer.

There was nowhere to hide it. She held it loosely with two fingers as if to imply she had just found it floating and was fetching it for disposal. Maybe she could pass it off as a service effort but it was too heavy to look convincing, and he had surely seen her take a swig a few moments ago. Kate didn't know what to say and realized how stupid her thoughts about covering anything up were.

"Mmm, hmm, officer. Yes, sir. I am twenty-two but I don't have my ID on me," Kate said sheepishly.

She had left it locked in the glove box of her locked car miles away. Kate was usually quite responsible. Tonight, she would surely find herself in jail. She felt strangely hot between her legs suddenly.

"I'm going to have to ask you to come on board. I'm going to pull my boat alongside yours and swing the back end around and you can tie up next to the white buoy there. There is a rail and ladder," he gestured to the aft of the boat.

Kate sighed, not sure how to handle the bottomlessness problem and wondering if she smelled like reefer. She leaned heavily on her righted kayak, stuffed the beer bottle in the cup holder then side-stroked it toward the patrol boat. Officer Gutierrez had cut the motor which was already stealthfully silent and steered the wheel to pull alongside, just like he described. She hitched one of the leads from her kayak to the rung on the patrol boat and released her grip on it as she reached toward the ladder. The officer was standing a few feet away, far enough with the lighting that she couldn't see his face or form, or judge his age. She remained in the water and glanced down at her white thin camisole top, embarrassed about her protruding dark nipples showing through and held up by slack, wet spaghetti straps.

"Officer Gutierrez, I'm going to need that tow-", she stopped as she noticed the army green stiffly dry terrycloth set near the ladder and folded, ready for her. "Thank you," she stammered, taking the first few steps up the ladder and reaching for it quickly. She noticed the officer had stepped away and back to the wheel. He was not facing her and began reporting his activities to the staticky radio.

Kate climbed aboard trembling in shock and wrapping herself quickly with as much towel as possible, covering her pert nipples and bare ass cheeks. He clicked the radio button and turned back toward Kate as he spoke, "Unit 792 on Lake Patrol, region 6 has recovered a capsized boater. No need for medical or backup. I will be escorting the rescued to shore." A wide smile met Kate's lips unexpectedly as she at once recognized his face. Danny had been a childhood friend, and the last time she saw him was at a neighborhood kid's twelfth birthday party. She did not recognize this grown man's muscular frame or gritty voice at all. His uniform consisted of olive green cargo shorts, a sheriff vest and armed belt, black tied boots, and a Sheriff issue cotton polo shirt. He was not wearing a life jacket.

"Danny Gutierrez?!" she exclaimed, instantly feeling at once a relief and also a tug of extra embarrassment at now (formerly) knowing this man. She remembered him as a good boy, respectful. The neighborhood kids would often hang out together in a group of seven to nine kids aged ten to twelve, largely unsupervised after school and in the summertime. Just old enough to not require babysitters and young enough to make stupid decisions, like shop-lifting at the convenience store or switching mail in mailboxes.

Danny and Kate would often hang back from the action together and stay out of trouble discussing if they should report the others to adults. One time Danny got in big trouble after a fight with another neighborhood boy who had pinned Kate down and kissed her and tried to hump on her with their clothes on. Danny pulled the boy off her and got punched. He didn't hit back. She had always felt a kinship with Danny and like he was her protector and hero, but then Kate's family moved away one summer.

"Yes, Kate McCall, I recognized you as soon as I heard you singing to yourself, that song you used to sing when we were young sometimes. I recognized your laugh too."

Kate wanted to jump in the water and swim away, previously unsure of exactly which parts he may have witnessed, and now aware he saw everything.

"Oh God," Kate felt weak, "Did you. Did you see me... um," Kate stammered a whisper feeling jiggly in the knees.

"I saw." He stated with a raised eyebrow and a smile creeping across his lips, that he appeared to try to refrain. He almost appeared embarrassed except for Kate's own mortification at dealing with a rush of feelings and physical sensations. Her dripping bare feet standing in a cold puddle of water on the boat deck, the goose-fleshed skin on her legs in the balmy air of the summer evening, dripping. Kate's bare pussy, which still ached from not having achieved an orgasm, now flooded suddenly with unexpected deep arousal at the thought of him admiring her.

"You were such a good girl back when we were kids. Now, look at you. Dripping, half-naked, drinking openly, definitely not doing the right thing, Kate." Danny sputtered a sigh and shook his head slowly from side to side trying to appear disapproving and not hiding his hunky smirk very well.

Officer Gutierrez realized the renewed hardness at the zipper of his patrol shorts. He had been fully engorged only minutes ago. Danny was in love with Kate as a boy and this situation was a literal dream come true for him. Not to mention the hugest turn-on he had seen in real life to date. He shifted his weight and his holster to press his cock down. He thought of the summer she moved away and their last time together. It was both of their first kisses on the lips, awkwardly with tongue, and with the tenderness of goodbye and a twinge of adolescent horniness.

Kate shuddered at his remark, confused about how to handle the situation or what may be coming next. All she knew is these very uncomfortable, unfamiliar, humiliating feelings and reactions are turning her on and making her ache deep behind her pelvic bone and swollen mound. She noticed her mouth also drooling and her nipples hardened some more. Being high made her aware that the situation was intensely exaggerated.

"You're walking on the wrong side of the law today, Katie." Shaking his head and smirking, Officer Gutierrez spoke both in a mocking and professional tone and appeared seventy percent serious, which somehow added to Kate's arousal. She was feeling so many sensory feels, emotional feels, and accessing a shock factor that had never felt so good before. Could she almost feel even some pride and rebellion sneak into her reaction to his comment?

"What, are you going to arrest me and slap those cuffs on my wrists?" Kate stammered feeling shy and defenseless but also trying to stick up for herself at the same time. Such internal conflict and angst. It was exhilarating! Kate fought the urge to put herself below him in subservience. What the fuck was happening to her knees? She wanted to drop to them on the deck of the patrol vessel at Danny's knees and bury her head in his manhood, sitting on her feet. Where was this coming from?

"I might have to cuff you," his hand slipped toward the shiny steel set at his hip, he flirted.

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"I am here to serve and protect and that includes you. You actually could have gotten yourself in trouble out here tonight, alone and it's almost dark out." Officer Danny Gutierrez scolded and shifted his bulge again and gesturing to the darkening purple sky.

Kate noticed and she bowed her head, fighting and holding onto several incongruent urges at one time, ecstatic. Wordless. She felt her cheeks and chest blushing, contrasting with her trembling, cold legs still wanting to collapse beneath his as he stood above her, hand on the front of his belt. A shiver shook her from feet up the back of her neck and she gripped the towel tighter under her arms and shot out both wrists toward the officer.

"Do it, I want it," Kate demanded with a smile she couldn't suppress. She jabbed both wrists toward him.

Officer Gutierrez gazed at her for a few moments in hesitation. He unclipped the cuffs and Kate shuddered again as the cold metal grabbed at her skin. Gooseflesh appeared. Kate trembled and gasped, sucking in her bottom lip as his hands gripped around her wrists firmly clicking the cuffs closed.

"I saw your boat from a distance and decided to cut my motors and patrol the situation. I heard you singing and allowed my boat to drift closer because I recognized your song and then I did see you, Kate. It took me a few minutes to place the tune and when I did I knew it was you after all this time."

Kate blushed deeper as she recalled just what he had witnessed, her activities with the beer bottle and capsizing the boat, smoking the joint, singing badly. It was all too much and she couldn't feel more vulnerable and exposed at that moment. She was captive.

'So embarrassing...' Kate thought, and said instead, "You want to finish me off?"

She winked at him coyly with her chin upturned and a smirk. She felt a boldness burning in her cunt. Danny felt his cock swelling behind his uniform shorts.

The officer pulled a lever near his hip on the console and Kate felt the reverberation and heard the release of an anchor below. He flicked all lights but the console off and stepped toward Kate with masculine certainty. He shook the eager expression from his face and his hands gripped firmly to his black leather duty belt. Kate gripped the towel tighter with a deep twinge of arousal and anticipation of Danny touching her. This muscled officer of the law wetted her pussy with juices and she wanted to swoon into him. She felt wanton and she craved to touch him. Kate also felt deeply embarrassed and wanted the situation to be very different.

"Oops!" Kate teased and fumbled with the towel ineffectively as it fell to the steel deck and she knelt down following it. She was now completely naked from the waist down and on her knees very close to Officer Gutierrez.

Danny had bent and reached for the towel just as Kate did and they bumped heads on the way down. Their shoulders smashed abruptly and painfully. The officer's hand braced against her other shoulder moving her away from him at arm's length. His eyes wandered her body and a sigh escaped him as he glanced at his watch.

"I'm on duty for forty more minutes, Kate." The radio chirped and he motioned toward it. Danny held up the towel and opened it up wide, flicking it to hang smoothly.

"It's cold and wet, let me get you another," he started.

"I know what will warm me up," Kate reached her hands feebly toward him, too late as he turned away.

She sat back on her heels, wrists pinned in front of her, pressing her wet breasts barely covered in the thin white cotton fabric of her top. Her pussy oozed with desire, the only hot part of her body at the moment.

He returned quickly from the cuddy and Officer Gutierrez looked down at her with the towel tucked under an arm. His strong arms were crossed across his chest, showing off his smooth biceps through the army green polo sheriff-issue polo shirt.

"I got you." Danny said, "I am still on the clock and in uniform until 10 pm. I have to leave the radio on and be ready to respond. The boat stays with me through my shift rotation that ends tomorrow."

Kate wondered where he stayed while off shift and noticed a door with a glowing light trailing out the crack to the cuddy down below.

"Get up." He commanded as he extended a hand down to her.

Kate blinked nervously at her instant desire to do whatever he told her to. She struggled with her confined hands a little and was unable to get up without pulling hard on him. He widened his stance and hoisted her to her naked, cold feet.

"Put your arms up, Kate." He instructed as he opened the towel and spun her body around to face away from him. He wrapped the towel under her arms, grazing the sides of her breasts but not crossing to the front. He smoothed the towel down her sides and over her hips, pressing and squeezing her back against his chest. His hands rested at her hips pulling her closer. He nestled his nose into her neck from behind, inhaling deeply and groaning.

"Thank you for taking such good care of me, and keeping me safe, officer," Kate whispered raggedly, almost panting with hot desire as she pressed her full weight back into him.

"I'll be so good if you take these cuffs off of me," Kate pleaded, "How can I make it up to you for rescuing me?"

"I am on the clock, I can't do …" he started.

"Well, good thing you've got me cuffed, officer."

Kate ground her hips and smashed her toweled butt cheeks into his pelvis. She could feel his firm bulge and smashed harder. Kate felt emboldened by his hard-on and turned around to face him. She looped her locked wrists over his head, affixing herself around his neck like a necklace. Her towel once again loosened and hung open at her sides, exposing her nude lower half between them. It hung precariously from her sides and off her pretty butt and Danny grasped both sides of the towel pressing it against her shivering skin to cover her. They were face to face now.

"The last time we saw each other we kissed like this," Kate pulled at his neck bringing his face down to hers.

Their lips met with heat and moisture, skin tugging and cheekbones smashing, tongues exploring. Kate relaxed into Danny's hands which reached around her waist embracing her and pulling her close. She nuzzled into his neck and chest. He traced his hands up her sides and arms and pulled them off his neck around to the front and they stood there a moment, holding and breathing together quietly.

Kate found her cuffed hands in front of her, resting in front of her mound being smashed awkwardly between them. She turned a wrist and her hand gripped and teased his cock through his shorts. She noted the firm outline of the head of his dick and the thickness of his swollen piece. Kate fiddled with his zipper as she teasingly smiled and explained she was going to take him in her mouth to show her gratitude and plead for forgiveness of her legal transgressions.

Kate dropped again to her knees, slinking down the front of his legs as she settled in below. She had removed the towel and fluffed it quickly shoving it beneath her knees and feet. The officer stood firmly and looked down wordlessly at Kate. He didn't protest. She tugged open his zipper and pulled out his bouncing, thick hard cock. She gasped kissing the velvety skin lightly while pulling him all the way out.

Kate looked up at Danny in the eyes while moving his duty belt to the side to make room for part of his scrotum to be exposed. She gently kissed his tight, throbbing balls. Her cuffed hands embraced his cock fully and he groaned, relaxing into the steel support beam near the cuddy doorway. He rested a hand reflexively over the gun at his right hip.

She took care to lick the entirety of his smooth cock-skin before wrapping her lips deliciously around the head. She felt her lips stretch at the edges as she struggled a little to take him all inside her mouth. He had both girth and length that was beautifully resilient to her touch. Kate loved the taste of him and couldn't wait to feel his huge cock deep in the back of her throat. She slurped it in and Danny let out a deep sigh that ended with a whiny groan.

The officer took care not to touch Kate directly, though he found himself wanting to rest his hand on her head. He was determined to retain plausible deniability by not directly engaging with her until the end of his shift, at least. Just a few more minutes.

Kate clenched her favorite pelvic muscle groups and she gripped the deck of the boat with all her strength to anchor herself before him at his knees. She enjoyed having her hands restrained, a new thing for her. Officer Gutierrez's massive cock bottomed out repeatedly at the back of her throat and she transformed reflexive gags into deliberate pleasure. She embraced each thrust down onto his firm phallus and deposited slick and slippery deep throat saliva making her hands glide so smoothly.

She sensed the officer's restraint. He held himself stiffly from her, not quite relaxing into it, she could tell. Then Kate noticed him glance at his watch and grinned at him with her mouth full of his dick.

"How long 'till you get off, Officer?" Kate winked, smiling and chinking the handcuffs like bangles.

Danny counted, "Just a few minutes," he clenched in a restrained voice.

She giggled, "Set a timer, see if you can make it," she challenged, and went back to work slurping and sucking.

'Bee-beep-beep. Bee-Beep-', Officer Gutierrez startled from his daze of enthrallment and pressed the button on his watch. He reached to his duty belt and singled out the key belonging to the cuffs and immediately released Kate from her shackles. Then he pulled Kate up to standing and held her close to his chest as he clicked the button on the radio and signed off for the night.

He reached in front to unbuckle his duty belt and remove his gear. He dipped down into the cuddy through the doorway and locked the weapon in the safe near the closet. Kate dipped down to peer inside the small area of the boat, smiling and allowing her eyes to adjust to the incandescent yellow lighting that was quite a bit more lit than out on deck.

Kate stood there bare-assed, with her still damp white camisole top draping off her shoulders. She removed it as she watched him prepare. Her nipples were hard and stuck out half an inch from her rounded tits. He tugged off his belt, pulled off his polo shirt, and loosened his shorts so they fell at his ankles.

"Let me help you with those!" Kate offered enthusiastically as she bounced into the room nude. He was startled as he saw her lovely form entirely for the first time. He stood, stunned, watching her stoop down at his feet to untie the boots. She tugged at the laces with one hand while her hair brushed against his somewhat softer erection. Occasionally she allowed the bouncing member to brush against her cheek or swipe it with her nose. She pulled off his boots. His shorts, boxers, and socks followed. They were both now totally nude in the balmy space together.

"You girl, are trouble."

Danny gripped Kate by her shoulders and looked her in the face while he guided each of her hands back around to his neck, this time freely. She knitted her fingers together at the nape of his hairline. His hands traced down her flanks, reaching and embracing her ass cheeks. In a swoop, he picked her up and she found her legs wrapped tightly around his hips as they staggered toward the wall.

She found her face at equal height to his and she pressed her lips against his again as he pressed her back against the wall and eased his body against her.

"I want you inside me," Kate allowed.

Danny kissed and crammed his face passionately against her cheek, pushing her firmly against the wall. Their lips met again passionately. He lowered Kate gently, slowly to where the head of his cock was positioned for entering past her very wet lips and into her warm and eager hole.

"Please, Danny! Give it to me."

Kate bucked her hips a little and the tip slid into her opening. She desperately yearned for more of his ample cock and tried to wiggle down. He insisted on teasing her and pressed his chest against hers immobilizing her. He swayed and bucked his hips back at her, breathing heavily into her neck.

Danny thrust his hips and continued to press against her keeping her pinned. With tiny little titillating pokes, he thrust the head of his fat cock restrictively at her desperate opening. She clenched and tried to grab at his cock with her vagina walls to pull him further inside her. She gasped, looking confusedly at him with brows furrowed. Kate hunched trying to get closer to him, trying unsuccessfully to ride down onto his cock. He refrained, only allowing her an inch or two of his solid eight-plus. He enjoyed her heels digging into his muscular glutes, trying to pull him in.

He loved the sense of her wild wanton and the pleading look on her face. He continued this way, and Kate continued to beg for full penetration.

Vagina slop began dripping down her thighs, smearing between the skin that held her thighs and calves to his body. Their union loosened from the wetness and her tightening legs slipped, dragging the head of his hard cock firmly up her slit up and over her throbbing clit and smack straight up between their bodies as her feet planted on the teak plank floor.

They both laughed together as they adjusted to their height differences now standing. Danny took Kate's wrists in one hand and raised her arms gently above her head while leaning down into her for a deep kiss. Kate melted into it and allowed her arms to go limp into his grip. He pressed them into the wall behind and above her head. Her rump pressed into the wall with her back arched and Danny reached around to lift her to himself with the other hand. Kate tilted her pelvis toward him as she raised her left leg to meet his pelvis. His large cock previously out of reach now poised for full penetration.

Kate relaxed her hips and allowed them to pivot freely in his strong grip. Still, he held her at just enough of a distance to keep his cock from penetrating past only a couple of inches. She ground at him, trying to get his cock inside of her deeper. He restrained, kissing her face, and forehead, nuzzling her hair.

"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this, Katie. I've wanted you for more than ten years. I didn't know if I would ever see you again."

Kate's desperate panting stopped and she held her breath and bit her lip. Looking at him in full in the face, locking eyes. Things felt serious for the first time since before she dragged on that joint. She noticed her high might be fading a bit. She gasped a breath in.

"Me too, Danny. We were just kids. I've thought about you. I can't believe we never got in touch until... this. Now stick your dick in me."

"Can we just - I want to take our time. I want to hold onto this and hold onto you."

"I want to hold onto your cock with my cunt, so put it in me." Kate insisted.

Danny wanting to play with her now, kept his grip on her wrists and brought them down as he spun her around and bent her over the bed, pulling both of her arms now behind her. He secured her wrists palm facing him, onto the small of her back. Then he guided her hips toward his hot spot as he pressed her upper body down toward the bed.

Kate anticipated a deep plunge of his swollen rod. Instead, she felt his free hand gently caressing and squeezing her ass cheek, fondling and groaning as he whispered how much he enjoyed touching her skin and feeling her warmth. He described how he could feel the heat from her hungry pussy and smell her arousal and how it turned him on to see her this way. She quivered beneath his touch.

Danny squeezed and lovingly grasped her flesh, pressing her ass cheek onto his cock, flicking the head of it smoothly up and down her dripping wet slit, again oozing onto her thighs. He barely entered her opening again, this time shoving a half thrust in every few swipes. She yelped and jerked each time his probing cock retreated. She cooed and relaxed with every soft touch and assuring word of kindness. She found the fingers from his left-hand mingling with both of her hands in a grip that connected them tighter.

"We've waited for this for so long, and it feels so good."

He shoved his thumb deep into her pussy, swirling and teasing. Kate groaned and arched her back for more.

She threw her hair back half-barking at him now, "Fuck, Danny. Fucking fuck me. I want to feel you inside me."

"Kate, don't you know, I want to make love to you. Slow down and relax. Lay here with me."

Danny released her hands and plopped onto the bed with his firm erection bouncing and his face smiling. He patted the bed next to him. As she flipped her long hair around and tucked it behind her ear, he reached gently for her wrist again and guided her to lay beside him. He pulled her hand upward and she offered the other. He braced them loosely as he caressed her face, neck, collarbone, and breasts. He pressed his hand smoothly across her skin, squeezing the yummiest parts and exclaiming how good her body felt in his hands. He commented on her arousal and how much she seemed to be enjoying this.

And she was.

He assisted both of her hands to her mound and pressed there.

"Touch yourself." He commanded, "I saw you earlier, remember."

Kate's stomach turned, and she squeezed her eyes closed.

"Relax. Guide me." Danny groaned into her chest, kissing her nipples and pressing on her hands.

Kate did, and she pressed her outer lips open with the fingers of one hand and then pressed her own fingers onto his slipping them down toward her clit. She pressed firmly and guided his fingers where she wanted them. She pressed and rubbed, feeling her fingers get slicker and sliding over his. She began to thrust her hips stiffly into their fingers, her breath quickening and groaning deepening.

Danny shifted his weight over the edge of the bed and kneeled on the floor, asking if he could kiss her all over. He began to move his mouth and kisses, groans, and words of adoration down her front, to her opening thighs and covering her vulva with sucking. He lifted her legs and swung them over his shoulders, and brought her juicy pussy right up to his face and buried in it. Danny began tasting her, sucking and licking as she had slurped him up moments ago.

He enjoyed the sounds she made as she quit talking and lost her words. She was coming close to climax and her muscles tightened against his back.

"Oh Danny, that feels so good!"

Danny added another finger to her pussy and felt Kate's juices gush as she squealed in a quaking orgasm, gripping her thighs tightly to him. He could barely hear her and then she relaxed again, gasping. He pulled his face away and joined her back up at the bed, now kissing her chest, breasts, and neck. She ran her fingers into his hair. She enjoyed the cool wetness evaporating as he left her scented essences all over her skin. She reached for his still hard cock and stroked it while their mouths joined again in a deep kiss. Kate enjoyed tasting herself.

Danny now shifted to top her, pressing himself between her legs which had found themselves closed and straight out. Danny straddled her legs and bent his cock to plunge between them, pressing between her sloppy wet folds and probing her insides again, just a little. Then as he found his rhythm, his strokes became deeper thrusts, entering and rocking into Kate who melted beneath him finally welcoming entry.

He thrust fully, filling her deeply with each stroke. She wanted him deeper and opened her legs to surround him and take him deep into her as they kissed and embraced. She kissed his face, she wrapped her legs around him, she rocked her hips to meet him and allow him as deep inside her as possible. The head of his cock teased her cervix, causing waves of pleasure deep inside Kate's cunt.

She gripped the muscles of his chest, and she caressed his deltoids, and biceps, enjoying the strength he offered as he gently pounded her fully and deeply. So smoothly.

Soon Danny's breathing quickened and his gentle plunges turned into firm, short strokes that barely retreated before slamming back inside of Kate. He ground his pelvic bone against hers, striking the sweet spot on her clit. He rocked and jabbed his hard thick cock so deeply and relentlessly that Kate joined him in his tightening breathing and climbed the climax threshold with him. She milked his cock with her pussy muscles with each round of deep grinding. This set her vagina muscles into a shockwave of orgasm, gripping his dick and pulsing on it as he too shot his load of cum deep inside her. He collapsed onto her, toward her side as they lay on the bed together, swirling in eros.

They had fallen asleep at some point, stuck together with sex juice and cum, entwined.

It was about five in the morning when they first stirred together, to the sound of birds outside. Kate noticed the lapping sounds of water against the shore of the island and got up, trailing the bedsheet around her. She picked up her still damp white camisole top and hung it over a seat as she peered onto the glassy smooth water surrounding them in this quiet area of the lake. She noticed a patch of red fabric floating near her kayak still tied to the patrol cruiser. She grabbed the long hooped net and fished it up. She had found her shorts! She laid them too over the back of a seat after squeezing all of the water out of them she could muster. Danny appeared completely naked in the doorway, smiling huge and wearing a full-on erection.

Written by Mofeoprime
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