Maryland – December 21st, 1996
Haley’s heart races while she paces, the phone ringing in her ear. She stops when she hears the line pick up.
Her relief is obvious. “Chasley,” she replies, a hand to her brow. “It’s Haley.”
Chase looks out from the window of his modest home towards Haley’s. “Hey. How’s it going over there?”
Haley’s little boy plays with her cousin Amanda in the background. “We’re not home. I brought James to Manchester to see my cousin Amanda. Remember her?”
Chase drinks his late morning coffee, noting the snow continuing to blanket the neighborhood. “Vaguely. I guess we’ve met once before.”
“Well,” Haley continues, fiddling with her necklace. “I was driving to see her when a snowplow pulled out in front of us and crashed into me.”
He sets his coffee down, heart leaping. “You and James? Oh, my God. Are you guys ok?”
“We’re fine,” she waves off, still upset about the matter. “No one was hurt, but my car is being towed home right now.”
“Do you need me to come get you?”
“No. Amanda says that we can stay here tonight and she’ll take us back sometime tomorrow.”
Chase hears a diesel engine grumble down the street, making fresh tire paths in the snow as the tow truck brings Haley’s busted car to her house. “The tow truck just showed up.”
“Ugh,” Haley groans, her head back. “I’m so screwed. Just have the driver drop it in the street.”
“No,” Chase insists, pinching the phone between cheek and shoulder as he grabs his coat. “I got it.”
“Thanks, Chase. You know I’m not one to ask for help.”
Chase dashes out to catch the tow truck driver, white snow falling in chunks.
The busted car is backed into the driveway, Chase gesturing for the driver to continue as it slides into her garage. The poor Honda is laid to rest on the pavement, the tow truck departing for it’s next victim.
Chase whistles with hands on his hips as he assesses the damage.
The snowplow got Haley good, but it’s not totaled by any means. The grill is busted, the hood is bent, a fender crumpled back. There are loose parts and pieces sticking out or hanging, a tire unnaturally canted, but it seems as if Haley did a great job of reacting at the last second – momma instincts, he figures.
Chase waits as the phone rings from his home. “Hey,” he says. “It’s Chase…yes, if she can talk…Haley, hey. I used the key to open your garage. I had the tow truck back it in. You didn’t want your car in the street.”
Haley tucks one arm under the other, watching the snow fall from ten miles away. “Thanks, Chase. I’ll figure out another way to get to my parent’s house for Christmas.”
“Take my truck. I’m not going anywhere.”
“No. It’s fine. I’ll figure something out. Thanks for your help, Chase. Thanks for being such a good friend.”
Chase watches the snow fall, thinking as he looks around, the phone against his ear. “And you’ll be home tomorrow?”
“Or the next day. I dunno. The snow is pretty bad right now.”
He peers up at the sky. “Yup. Same here. Call if you need anything, Haley.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you know.”
December 22nd
Chase kicks off the snow, unloading heavy boxes from his truck and into Haley’s garage. The coffee warms him, the Maryland snow standing up to its reputation as it descends in wet clumps. The neighborhood is silent this morning, Chase being the only thing rustling.
He sweeps Haley’s garage, making space for himself to navigate the impossible mess that it is. The radio station ensures Sammy Hagar keeps Chase company, the volume of which would cause Haley to complain if she were here.
Chase closes himself in the garage, a hidden sun rising above gray clouds, the snow eventually stopping before it secretly turns from white to blue in the night.
Dim lights glow from within Haley’s garage, incessant hair metal continuing on the radio.
Evening becomes night, giving way to late night. The glow from within Haley’s garage continues.
December 23rd
It’s late afternoon when Amanda delivers Haley and her son to their Westminster home. Everyone hops out, Amanda departing soon after Haley and little James stomp their way into the house.
The house is warm, James making for his toys as if nothing ever happened.
It takes Haley a moment to get settled and check the house. Finally mustering the strength, she decides to face reality and assess her poor, busted Honda.
Things are different about her garage. It’s organized.
Haley walks around to the front of her car, having trouble understanding what she’s looking at when the tire is no longer canted, a new headlight in place as other broken pieces have been removed. Her words are a whisper, a sense of disbelief: “Chase.”
He repaired her car. Well…as best as can be done for now. The grill is missing. The hood remains crumpled, yet latched. Half of the fender has been cut away, but the tire and pieces behind it are new. Her Honda sits upright, ready to go.
The phone clicks. “You didn’t have to,” Haley says, hearing Chase chuckle on the other side.
“Don’t worry about it. It all came apart rather well.”
“I’ll pay you back.”
“No. You just need to get James home. You can still make it if you leave tomorrow.”
Haley looks out from her window, trying to see if Chase is doing the same. She’s disappointed. “I guess so. Thanks again. So much. I’ll find a way to repay you.”
“No worries. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah.” Haley slips out, fiddling with her necklace. “Soon.”
Soon, it turns out, is only hours away.
With James in bed, Haley pours red wine rather its Chase’s forte or not. Haley feels it necessary to give Chase a formal thank you, even if it is just a cheap glass of wine on a cold night.
Chase enters Haley’s home, grateful to see her again, carrying on about the weather clearing up for her and James before they depart in the morning.
Haley has done a much better job than Chasley of decorating her home. It’s warm and inviting, a tasteful mix of garland and lights.
Chase is a handsome man, Haley admits. Standing an inch taller than she, the five o’clock shadow from a morning shave beginning to show as evening comes. Chase possesses an easy demeanor, his words smooth and inviting, not a brash or harsh syllable having ever escaped him. The thin sweater hugs his body, hints of round shoulders and a curved chest impossible to ignore.
Haley is a little more dressed than usual tonight. Her long, amber hair is down, the white sweatshirt shaped against a subtle chest. There’s a clean curve from chest to hip, soft jeans ending in fuzzy socks. Haley is patiently beautiful, someone who possesses a natural glow around a genuine smile. There’s a scent of vanilla when she approaches Chase, offering him the wine.
Their conversation is light and simple, nothing that wouldn’t be heard in public.
The wine does a wonderful job of suppressing Haley’s nerves, slender fingers following Chase’s shoulder and sliding down his arm as she jokes and jests at his expense.
Chase stands closer, Haley not minding that his eyes have reviewed every inch of her white sweater, liking the way his eyes return to hers when she addresses him directly.
Haley takes Chase’s empty glass, her hand on his, slipping away for a refill. Haley walks slowly, a deliberate step as she turns away from Chase. She can feel him watching.
“Just one more?” she asks over her shoulder, pouring regardless.
“One more, love.”
Haley smirks, their open flirting being a first for them both.
A sense of heat rises within Haley. It’s not just the wine. It’s not just the newness of her intentions. It’s Chase. It’s been Chase.
Haley’s long hair is soft, a simple sway as she moves this way and that. She’s taking her time, seemingly in no rush as she pours. Handing him a glass, she props herself up on the counter, crossing her legs as Chase leans in close.
“I wanted to formally thank you for fixing my broke joke of a car.” She gives an honest look his way, taking a sip. “Don’t lie. It couldn’t have been easy.”
Chase shrugs, pushing himself forward, a hand on Haley’s knee as he gives it a gentle tug.
Haley obliges, opening her legs as Chase settles between them.
This is completely normal. Friends always drink wine between each other’s legs.
He’s snugly between her thighs. She’s not protesting. If either of them makes a move, then it’s an unspoken rule that the other will allow it.

Haley’s ankles wrap around Chase’s legs.
Chasley is saying something, but Haley really isn’t paying attention, taking another drink of wine as she watches his mouth. What is he waiting for? Haley’s sensitive body becomes fully aware when Chase runs a hand along her denim-clad thigh, a noticeable breath escaping her.
Haley gives Chase a sense of unease, a way of knowing that she wants him even closer than he is now. She’s captivating, the perfect mix of merlot and vanilla with lips that suggest the same. They sip to avoid the thick silence between them, Chase finally coming to a revelation.
“Mmm,” he sounds, stopping mid drink. “I meant to bring a screwdriver to take with you.”
Haley’s brow rises. That was not the thing she thought Chase would use his mouth for next. She’s half amused, a brief shake of her head, her brow rising. “What’s that, now?” Idiot.
Chasley’s hand rests on her thigh. “I’ll just go grab it before I forget? It’s your hood latch. I had to keep turning the screw that holds it in place. I want you to take it just in case it becomes loose on your way home tomorrow.”
Haley’s glass is suspended, her heart beating as he speaks. She heard what he said, the words ‘Screwdriver, something-something, blah-blah, I’m leaving,’ being her summation of Chase’s ramblings.
“Mmm hmm,” Haley hums with a nod, her legs remaining spread as Chasley walks away, his coat in hand. She watches him turn the knob. “You’re coming back. Yes?”
Chasley stops, knob in hand, the sudden realization of what he’s looking at dawning on him. Haley sits on the counter, legs spread, high on wine, her lips lightly parted as she just asked him to return. Chase clears his throat, swallowing. “Yes. I’m coming back.”
Haley watches Chase leave, her eyes closed, amber locks drooping as she can’t believe it. She looks up, having made a sudden decision.
Chasley is deliberate while making his way back to the house, not looking back as he exhales, the heat of the past ten minutes causing him to breathe heavier than normal. He tries to not think too hard about Haley sitting on the counter, his fingers wrapped within the ends of her sweater, lifting it up to see if the bra matches. Would Haley watch him lift the soft fabric? Or would she lock her eyes on his?
‘Stop,’ he mutters. Screwdriver.
It takes Chase a little bit longer than anticipated, but he returns to Haley’s place with screwdriver in hand, doing his best to not think about all of the things that will never happen between he and Haley.
It’s much darker inside than when he left. Chase slips off his boots, a sinking feeling that Haley gave up on him and went to bed. What did he expect?
He’s silent as he steps into the kitchen, the spot where Haley once sat now vacant, two glasses of wine standing empty on the counter.
The screwdriver hardly makes a sound when Chase sets it on the counter, looking around as festive lights give the place a soft glow.
Chase turns to leave, looking twice when something feels out of place. It takes him a moment, but his blood thins at the sight.
Haley lounges on the couch wearing a red bra and almost-matching panties, a fluffy Santa hat on her head. She’s been watching Chase since he entered, an impatient heart thumping at the thought of what might happen when he finally notices.
Chase doesn’t pretend to be stunned or startled. Charmed, pleased might be a better description, but his actions are louder than any words.
He slowly walks to Haley, his eyes lining her body from bare toe to brow as her eyes remain on his. Haley’s legs are long and soft. The tiny fabric on her hips does incredible things for his imagination as to how much cloth isn’t on the back. Her chest and hips are covered by red, velvet red that aches to be appreciated by Chase’s playful tug and squeeze.
Haley’s hair is down. Her features are soft. The look in her eyes doesn’t attempt to hide selfish intentions.
Chase doesn’t speak. He can’t, nor should he.
Haley appreciates his approach, the tips of his fingers hardly gracing her skin from ankle to knee, sliding down her thigh as he comes closer. She’s slightly disappointed when Chase removes his touch from her body, the trail he created sending a tingle from his fingers to her hips. Haley tilts her head, her voice soft and honest when she finds his eyes. “Don’t be shy.” She likes the way his eyes are on her body, herself focused on Chase’s lips and what she wishes he would do with them next. She lets the silence burn. “Touch me.”
Chase slides the back of his fingers across her subtle bust, causing Haley’s sensitive skin to tighten, her nipples doing the same under a sleek bra.
Haley looks to Chase when his hand touches her cheek, pressing her cheek into his palm, her lips hardly touching his skin as she attempts to kiss.
When his thumb graces her lips, a wet tongue emerges, a teasing touch that lures Chase to his knees. She loves the way his hands are firm, though tender, a manly addition to Haley’s grace.
Chase is completely shameless, removing his sweater to reveal a curved chest and slender waist. He has the body of a runner, the muscles of a man who labors hard. Kneeling before her, Chase brings himself to Haley’s lips, their first kiss tender before Haley returns the favor. There’s a pent up fervor needing to be released, Haley sucking Chase’s lower lip between hers.
Her hands wrap around his body, pulling him down to her, loving the way his hard skin matches the stiffness in his jeans, feeling him grow against her thigh. She gives him more of her, pressing her legs into him to feel his desire grow for her.
Chase wraps his arms around Haley, scooping her up as she allows him to lead, hauling her down to him on the floor.
Don’t say anything. There’s no need to ask. Just take it.
They make a terrible display of it all. Chase is graceless when he unclasps Haley’s bra, her mouth open as she watches herself dig at his pants and yank at the zipper.
Lips lock, bodies roll, Haley’s bra making a hot exit while Chase kicks his pants to a crumpled mess.
When Haley locks her legs around a slender waist, Chase’s focus becomes the tiny triangle of red velvet fabric.
A warm hand slides down Haley’s body, pulling her panties aside.
Haley’s lies on the carpet, inviting hips relaxed when Chase presses himself against her. As hard as he is and as wet as Haley has become, it doesn’t take much effort to work himself into Haley.
Chase is in charge, a sense of complete relief sliding through Haley’s body as she welcomes him to gently inch deeper. He pulls her closer by the hips, a smile coming to Haley from the way he demands her attention.
“Oh, my God,” Chase slips out, finally touching his hips to Haley’s. He begins to have her, hoping to make her small breasts bounce.
Haley lets him have his way, to take what he wants from her before it’s just not enough for her. She sits up, thighs gripping, pushing against Chase as she comes to sit on top. Her eyes close, feeling Chase press that much deeper when her weight settles on him. “There it is,” she whispers with a smile. Her hips roll in slow circles, Haley’s ride causing her toes to curl.
When Chase involuntarily presses his hips into her, she accepts, bouncing as her mouth utters indistinguishable words.
He fills every inch of her, the constant bobbing seeming to push him a little deeper each time. The Santa hat jingles with every bounce, somehow going unnoticed.
Haley’s eyes squeeze shut. Her hips clasp at his sides. She continues to ride, tensing up before clenching her lips together. Her body shakes when the release comes in waves. It’s convulsive, uncontrollable. Chase watches her shake, brief huffs of pleasure escaping her. Her eyes open, her body giving one more shake. Haley pushes her hips forward and back, her eyes on Chase’s with a look she’s never given him before. “Not yet, boy.” Her fingernails dig into his chest, an honest smile forming. “I’m not done with you yet.”
Her hat jingles, Haley's breath keeping pace as a satisfying, "Yes, yes, yes," escapes with every bounce.
Two Hours Later
Their first encounter was unplanned and hasty, the definition of being lost in the moment. This time, however, Chase has very explicit things he needs to do to Haley. The taste of her remains on his tongue. Her bedroom door is closed, the two of them greedily taking what they need.
The snow falls, as does Haley, agreeing with everything Chase does to her.
Haley’s hands clutch the sheets, loving the way Chase has a firm grip of her hair while he takes her from behind. The sound of their sex is muffled by the snow and high winds, Haley’s velvet panties remain where they landed in the hallway during their brief journey to her bedroom.
Chase is determined, knowing he’s doing it right when Haley begs to be spanked.