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Power Play - the Finale (5)

"The games between Ted and Becca reach a climax."

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“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

Oscar Wilde

Over the next few days, Ted began to realize how profound an experience he and Marcia shared that night. She found the freedom to give in to her desire, and he learned how powerfully impacted he was by her being unafraid to sexually express them. In his mind, the fact that he lied about his true relationship with Becca seemed less important. What really mattered to him was that their relationship had evolved, and despite his deception, become more open.

Marcia was not as daring in bed as Becca, and that was fine with him. It really was not the acts themselves that turned Ted on, rather it was that she was willing to tease him that truly lit his fire. "Besides," he thought with a wry grin, "Marcia may expand her horizons over the next few months, just as I have." It was an intoxicating thought, and he caressed the growing bulge in his slacks as he contemplated what it meant to the future of his sex life. Considering how far I have gone, I'd say anything is possible.”

This growth he shared with Marcia was an unexpected benefit of being with Becca, but not the only one. He had had a breakthrough with his wife, but he was not quite ready to give up his teenage lover. “There is just so much I long to do with her. I can't stop now, not yet anyway. Our hurried secret encounters are exciting enough, but I must have her completely before I can allow this to end.”

The thought warmed and excited him to the point that he buzzed with anticipation. "You wanted lessons, Becca?" he said to no one in particular. "Maybe I wasn't the best choice to give them to you, but there is at least one thing I can teach you." Ted's grin widened as he turned into the parking lot. Pulling into a guest spot, Ted killed the engine and tapped a few keys on his cell phone.

“I'm here,” he sent with a mental flourish. “Such a mundane phrase ,” he mused as he waited. “Yet so much meaning contained within.” A moment later his phone chirped in response.

“I'm very proud of you, Teddy. I'm in apartment 24-B. Hurry up, okay? I've so been looking forward to this.”

Ted could not resist smiling as he dropped his phone into his jacket pocket. “I'm not sure proud is the right word for it. Too many lies and deceptions have come from this affair for me to be proud, but I can't say it hasn't been worth it. I never would have believed the contradiction that cheating would improve my sexual relationship with my wife. God, I've changed so much in the last few days. Now, let's see if I can't give Becca a taste of the new me. Hmm, a taste of me... That's funny!

With that, Ted chuckled softly and headed toward Becca's apartment. Weeks before he might have been terrified, but not any more. The walk through the complex’s lobby felt surreal to him, as if he were watching someone else. He had no concern any longer about being caught in bed with his patient. Somehow he knew it would not happen. The only thing on his mind was the girl that waited for him on the other side of that door.

There was a brief pause after his knock and then the door swung quietly open, revealing Rebecca Weiss, his seventeen-year-old patient and the living embodiment of his deepest sexual fantasies.

"Hi, Teddy. Come on in. I'm so glad you finally decided to come here. I know we are going to have so much fun!" Becca slipped easily into Ted's arms and kissed him tenderly even before closing the door. Her red silk robe barely covered her and Ted was sure anyone who happened to see them in that moment would have no doubt about why he was there. Ted was used to Becca’s games and he simply closed the door quietly without commenting on her provocation.

"Thank you, Becca," Ted replied after returning her kiss, calmly smiling as if he had not noticed being exposed to public view. He held her hand and lifted her arm, turning her to pirouette in front of him. The beautiful silk robe clung loosely to her breasts before tapering around her waist. Its red color contrasted her auburn hair and it was short, barely reaching the top of her thighs.

Her legs went on forever, he thought. Firm and toned, her tanned skin almost glowed in the soft light of the room. She danced as she padded about next to him, and Ted could only swallow hard as his body reacted to the sight of her.

"My God, Becca, you are beautiful. I don't know if I've ever told you that, but I thought so the very first moment I saw you." It was a completely honest observation and he offered it without guile.

"Oh, that's lovely of you to say, Teddy." Becca moved close to him again and he held her close as she cuddled into his chest. "I'm glad you decided to come here at last. It was fun before, but now we can really have time and privacy to explore each other.”

Why?” he wondered silently as she kissed him again. “She's young and undeniably beautiful. Why on earth has she fixated so strongly on me? I'm more than twice her age!” It was not the first time he wondered that, but he was not going to stop simply because he had no answer. Still, the question remained, just as the taste of her kiss lingered on his lips.

Ted held her by her waist, fully enjoying the sensation of embracing her so closely. "So, you said you wanted me to teach you about sex, right?"

Becca held her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him with a mischievous smile. "Mmm, of course, Teddy. I'm sure you are going to be a fantastic tutor."

A giggle followed and he grinned. The idea was preposterous. Becca was a girl who certainly did not need more experience and he was a middle-aged man who was privy to the sexual secrets and fantasies of his patients, but by no means a sexual superman, experienced with throngs of women.

"Excellent. Then you are prepared to do whatever I ask?" he said softly, nuzzling her hair as his lips brushed her cheek.

"Of course. baby. I'll do anything you want. Anything at all."

"Mmm, that's just what I wanted to hear, Becca. Please, tell me if you decide to change your mind. After all, I did tell you how dangerous it was for you to play with strange men." With that, Ted grabbed her wrist and spun her around so that her back was to him. His hand came up and held her neck, just hard enough to make the point.

Becca was caught completely by surprise at his sudden change, and a frightened whine escaped her lips as his grip tightened on her throat. She froze in his arms, making no effort at all to free herself. For a moment, she was caught between fighting and surrendering to his command. She did neither. Her body became tense and only then did she try to pull away. Ted's grip tightened further as he pulled her hard against his chest.

“What are you doing, baby?" she asked calmly but with an unmistakable tinge of fear. "It doesn't need to be this way. You don't have to be like this. I told you I'd do whatever you want."

Up until that very moment, his aggression had been a facade, but the quiver in her voice caused him to react in an unexpected way. He became excited by it. The way she struggled caused her ass to brush hard on his cock and the charge of nervous fear in the air clouded his mind. The bulge of his erection grew and pressed hard against her. This was no longer a role play. Ted realized that this control aroused him.

That should have answered her question, but Ted could not resist telling her. "What if this is what I want, Becca? Maybe, I want control, or maybe I just get off on dominating women. You've put yourself at my mercy and no one knows, do they? I can do anything I want to you now, all because you wanted to play."

He could feel her surprise as he held her. The tension in her arms and the quickening of her breath were giveaways of her heightened nervousness. Ted could almost smell the fear and excitement lurking just under the scent of her perfume. Holding her like this and sensing her vulnerability gave him a sense of power that he had never experienced before. It was as if he glimpsed a darker part of his masculinity. His voice grew hoarse. "You have no idea how much I've wanted you, Becca, and now I can have you any way I want. Admit it, that's what you really want, isn't it?"

Ted's grip was tight on her wrist, and she was still struggling vainly to resist him when he brought her arm up behind her back. A quick intake of breath gave away her pain and her struggle stilled as her situation worsened. Ted smiled darkly and his lips brushed her ear from behind as he held her close. His hot breath washed over her skin as he whispered in her ear.

"Of course, you can say no to me, Becca. I'm a civilized man. Say no right now and I'll stop. Just remember, you offered to let me have you any way I wanted. You said I could tie you up, spank you or even fuck this tight little ass of yours, remember? Was all of that just big talk, or did you really want it to happen?"

Becca began to whimper as she realized what she had set in motion. Her breath was deep and heavy and it was clear that she was afraid. That was good, he thought. She should be afraid. If there truly was anything he could teach her, it was that there was danger in her recklessness. Part of him hoped she would make him stop. Part of him desperately hoped she would not.

When she did not answer his question, Ted released her throat and pulled her head back hard with a handful of her thick red hair.

"Ohh, ow!" Becca whined as he yanked her back, but still she stood firm against him. Feeling his fingers tightening in her hair, she shook her head, not to protest what he was doing, but in response to the offer he made to stop. "You want to be rough, Teddy? That doesn't seem like you. You're not that kind of man. No, I think you're trying to scare me. Well, you have. I am frightened, okay, but that doesn't mean I'm going to back down. You wanna hurt me? Well, go ahead. Show me what you've been hiding deep down inside. Show me what you've never dared show your wife!"

Her words hit him hard. Once again she had seen right through him. The frustration of being that transparent to her tasted bitter in his mouth. One thing she was wrong about was that he truly was enjoying manhandling her. Clenching his teeth, he pushed her roughly into her bedroom.

With a quick pull on the robe's sash, the knot holding it slipped apart. Ted pulled it away. Releasing her, Ted stood back and gazed at her breasts. She was breathing hard, causing her hardened nipples to become visible with each labored intake of breath. Ted wiped his mouth on his sleeve as he watched her nervously pull her robe together, trying hopelessly to hide her body from his view.

He knew that his being fully dressed and his position between her and the door added to her emotional and physical vulnerability. His gazed flicked down to the silk sash in his hand and he wrapped a length of it around in his fist. The intensity built as they faced each other. He could almost hear her thoughts racing as she wondered how far he might dare to go, or how far she would dare let him. Seconds ticked by while the tension grew. Calming herself, she slowly approached him, as if testing his mood with each soft, tentative step she took.

“I'm not resisting, Ted. You know I want you. You don't need to force me, it doesn't have to be like this.”

Ted wrapped another length of the sash around his fist and stretched out a measured length with his other hand. It was an innocuous act, but one that hinted what he could use it for. Becca paused while her blue eyes went to the sash and then back up to Ted. She sensed the implied threat and despite her usual self control, he could see her fear begin to deepen.

“Maybe not, but you don't have to take it either,” he replied in a low, casual way. "You've enjoyed pushing me to my limits, haven't you? You have been taunting and teasing me for weeks. You must have considered this might happen. If you didn't, you should have. Tell me, Becca, do you want me to hurt you? Would you make me stop if I did? I think you want me to.”

Ted slowly approached her, causing her to back away until she reached her nightstand. Then he gently slipped his hand under her robe and rubbed the silk sash over her nipple. Becca's eyes followed his movement and she swallowed hard.

"You are afraid now, aren't you?" Ted inquired softly.

"Yes," she managed to whisper back.

"You should be, Becca. This is the other side of temptation. You've enjoyed getting me to want you, but can you deal with the possible obsession that is born of that desire? There are reasons for the restraint I spoke of when we first met. Tonight you are going to learn why self-control is so important, and why you have to use better judgment before becoming involved with someone you don’t know.”

She was just inches away from him now and her head hung down, framed by the uncontrolled mass of her hair. He sensed she would back away farther if she could. She gripped the finial of the brass headboard for support. "I know you, Ted. You are not going to hurt me." Becca said this without her usual confidence.

"Really?" he said as he lifted her chin and brought her gaze to his. "How can you be so sure? You said it yourself. I'm far stronger than you. I can make you do anything I choose. This is the situation you've put yourself in. Why should I not take advantage?"

Becca looked back and her eyes lit up as her assurance reasserted itself. "You won't hurt me because you won't have to. I want you to take advantage of me. That's what I've been pushing you toward all along. So now, you're ready to let go of your personal and professional ethics and just be a man." Becca slipped the robe off and let it fall to the floor.

Ted's mouth went dry as she transformed from the timid victim back into the confident young woman he had come to know. The sight of that robe falling away and revealing the perfection of her nude form made his breath catch. In that moment he forgot about the lesson he was trying to convey. "Oh, my God," he began when he was silenced by her eager kiss.

The dam holding his desire burst, and together they wrestled his suit jacket off. Soon, his shirt, trousers and shorts were gone. Ted's cock throbbed as their bodies came into direct contact.

With his blood rushing in his veins, his thoughts grew frantic as her willingness to please him struck home. This time he had no inhibition and he let himself go in a way he never had before. Just as soon as he kicked his shoes away, he scooped her up and tossed her bodily onto her bed.

"Ohff!" Becca exclaimed and began crawling away to make room for him, but he grabbed her hard by the ankle and roughly pulled her ass to the edge of the bed.

"Oh, shit!" Becca gasped in surprise as he pulled her close. When he knelt on the floor and pushed her thighs apart, she grasped her breasts and sucked her bottom lip in anticipation. "Fuck yes, lick me, Teddy. Let me feel your tongue on me, baby!"

The scent of her sex was intoxicating, and he inhaled deeply, enjoying her arousal. Small droplets were already leaking out and he smiled in satisfaction at this evidence of her desire for him. No matter what else may have motivated her, her wetness proved she wanted him. The rest was irrelevant to him.

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"Look how wet you are," he whispered to her. “I think you like it rough."

"I told you I did, Teddy. Now, stop teasing me. I need to feel your tongue in me!"

Her pussy seemed so tight and the little tuft of red hair was already matted by her moisture. Ted pushed her labia open and slowly drew the tip of his tongue up inside her, making her squirm. When her low moan formed the words "Oh fuck," his cock twitched in excited anticipation.

Ted kissed and sucked on her until her lips were puffy and he drew them into his mouth. Becca's hips were rolling in response. Her pussy was open to him and he licked his fingers before sliding two of them deeply inside her. Becca’s eyes were closed and the sudden penetration caught her by surprise. Her thighs flexed and her belly rippled as he began fingering her.

"Oh shit! That's it, fuck me with your fingers, baby. Get me ready for your cock. You're gonna make me come so hard like that!"

"Good," Ted replied hoarsely. "I want you to come before I fuck you. I want your pussy to be wet and ready for me. You're going to beg me to stop this time, Becca." He lowered his mouth to her clitoris and quickly flicked his tongue over it.

Her body quivered and her thighs grew taut. Ted closed his lips over her clitoris, sucking it persistently. He followed the roll of her hips, letting her show him how she needed it. Ted reveled in the taste of her, sucking and licking her with a powerful hunger. Her hips bucked on his hands and his fingers dug into her skin, leaving red marks from his grip on her body.

Long moments passed as he continued until she groaned and shuddered as her first orgasm began. Ted held her tightly as she came, sucking her hard even as she trembled. Soon she was frantically pushing him away.

"Oh God, Teddy! Please stop, stop! Oh shit! I can't take any more!"

Her legs pulled together as he rose and the sight of her curling up and covering her sex almost made him laugh. "That looked like it felt pretty good. I've never seen you come that hard."

Becca's face was as red as her hair and her full lips formed an exhausted smile. "Damn, Teddy. That was amazing. My pussy is purring right now."

Ted crawled up on the bed and spooned her against his chest. "That sounds like an interesting feeling. I'd love to get my cock into you right now and share it."

Becca pulled his arm around her and placed his hand upon her breast. "I bet you would, but I need to catch my breath."

Ted caressed her hip for a moment, grinding his throbbing cock between the firm globes of her ass. It was then he noticed that she softly cooed as he did, and he noted how she ground her hips back at him. When his hand settled on her hip and pulled her against him, she made no complaint. He was about to pursue this further when Becca rolled away and pushed him onto his back. "I've been dying to suck your cock!"

Ted rolled onto his back as Becca began kissing her way down his chest. Her warm lips grazed his skin so softly that he could barely feel their heat until she reached the pink bud of his nipple. "Hmmm," she moaned as she kissed it gently. "I love nipples, Teddy. Whether they belong to a guy or a girl, I love to suck them." She then lowered her mouth and swirled her tongue around and around.

The sensation sent an electric charge through him, while the implication that she enjoyed sex with other women struck home. Images of her kissing a girl or sucking on her breast exploded in his consciousness. "God, I'd love to see that," he murmured, and Becca stopped to look up at him with her knowing smile.

"Two girls always turns guys on, Ted. I'd love to bring another girl into our bed some day, but that might not be completely safe for you. Such a shame. I just love the taste of freshly fucked pussy."

Ted could only groan as she chuckled happily, before continuing to kiss her way down his stomach. His nerves were raw and sent hot pulses through him at her every touch. Even the almost imperceptible sensation of her soft hair running over his skin felt like liquid fire. When her hand closed on his cock, his back arched off the bed and he sucked in his breath.

Becca brushed her lips over the underside of his shaft, flicking her tongue lightly along its length. Then she kissed the head, sucking it gently and making it wet with her saliva. "Mmm, I love your cock, baby," she whispered, and then sucked him gently into her mouth.

Ted gazed down at her, transfixed by the sight of her head bobbing slowly over him. She was not sucking hard yet. The warmth and moisture of her mouth gently caressed his glans, pulling on it with slight pressure. Her motion was more a tease than an effort to make him come. He fought the urge to grab her head and force his length deeper into her throat. On and on, she drove him to the edge without pushing him over the brink of filling her mouth.

"Fuck, Becca!" he finally growled. "Suck it! Suck me harder. Show me how deep you can take it!"

Becca's blue eyes sparkled and she smiled. She looked down as she took him deeply into her throat.

Ted groaned loudly. He could feel her moisture dragging over every inch of his shaft. Wet friction became a burning heat on his head and his balls grew tight. Ted’s breath went from ragged to heavy and then stopped entirely as his body began rushing toward release. A low moan built in his chest and then hot, sticky cum began flowing in a thick stream from his cock.

Becca watched him intently as he came, sucking hard and swallowing his load as quickly as it erupted from his cock. Her fist pumped him as he subsided and she held him tightly in her hand until he was completely spent. Then she licked around his head and gently sucked him clean. "Mmm, that was fun. I really love sucking your cock, baby."

Ted couldn't help but laugh. "I rather enjoyed it myself."

Tingles of sexual release were coursing through him as Becca sat up and settled back on her haunches. Smiling mischievously, she licked her fingers, thoroughly enjoyed the taste of him. He felt what he feared might be a ridiculous smile forming, but in the afterglow of such a powerful orgasm he really didn’t care. He knew that seeing her like this would be a moment in time he would always remember.

He laughed and her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires as she looked at him. “So, that’s what you look like when you’re happy. I was wondering if I was ever going to hear you laugh.”

Ted smiled in agreement. “I suppose I have been rather tense around you. You are a remarkable young woman, even if you have a singular disdain for rules and convention.”

Becca smiled and nodded. “Yes, I do. You can put that in your report.” Becca lifted her bare leg over his body and sat comfortably on top of his now flaccid penis. “And you can add incorrigible, irresponsible and irreverent. I take pride in being all of them.”

Ted groaned as she made a point of grinding her still moist sex into his. He could feel her heat against his cock head, and he swallowed as his body began to once again respond to her. “I could, but I won’t. I don’t think you have impulse control issues, Becca. I haven’t figured out what you want, but I am sure that whatever it is, you’ve thought it out completely.”

Becca smiled and nodded, as if she were impressed. “Oh, so you are starting to understand me then? Well, that was half of it. I wanted to break through your commitment to the status quo. I’m glad to have succeeded.”

Becca reached down and ran her fingernails over his chest. This contact sent shivers down his body and caused a noticeable stirring in his loins. Becca sucked in her bottom lip as she felt the first signs of arousal of his penis. “Mmm, you are recovering quickly baby. If you want to ask me more questions, I think you better hurry.”

Ted felt it too, and he shifted slightly to allow his organ to straighten. Becca wiggled a bit with him until her labia cradled the underside of his shaft. The warm wetness of her sex caressed him deliciously, and he gently rubbed her thighs as if coaxing her to slide up and back. “Phew, that is nice. Umm, what were we talking about again?”

“Why I am fucking you instead of guys my age?” Becca giggled happily and increased her motions along the length of his cock.

“Oh yes. Or more to the point, why me?”

Becca simply shrugged. “I have a question for you first. Quid pro quo, Teddy Bear.”

Ted rolled his eyes, gently mocking her nickname for him. “Fair enough. What would you like to know?”

Becca slid down so that she was lying over his chest, with her lips just inches from his. "When you came in and grabbed me like you did, putting your hand on my throat and twisting my arm behind my back, for a minute you really did have me scared. I've never seen you act that way. Up until then, you've always been a gentleman. To see you suddenly become so aggressive and angry, it felt very real, Teddy."

Ted sighed and brushed a stray lock of red hair away from her face. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I was trying to show you what could happen-"

"No, that's not it," she cut him off sharply. "You may be telling yourself that, Ted, but I don't think you really believe it." Becca's nails turned down and clawed menacingly along his chest. "How did doing that to me make you feel? I know how hard you were, Ted. I could feel you through your pants. Your penis was pressing right into my ass. That's what frightened me. I thought you might lose control. Admit it, deep down, you were getting off on it."

Ted did not respond right away. He wanted to reject the idea completely, but the darker part of his mind recalled how her trembling body felt against his. The rush engendered by her fear had been intense and as he focused on it, it returned. His erection grew rapidly and Becca pushed her pelvis harder against him, grinding slowly over him.

"See? After all of that education and modern thought, you are still a man, Ted. Your instincts are screaming at you to take me, aren't they?"

Ted could only groan. Once again she had managed to look into his mind and see the truth. "Yes, they are." he finally admitted." I don't just want you, Becca. I want to take you completely!"

"Then do it," she whispered as she kissed him. It was just a gentle brush of her lips at first, but soon her breath grew hot and mixed with his. When his hands circled her, her tongue met his and they began a frantic dance. Ted felt his arousal ignite and she squealed in surprise as he rolled her over onto her back.

His need to control her took over. He held her wrists and pinned her hands on the pillow above her head. His mouth devoured hers, sucking her breath away as he slipped his knee between hers. Becca writhed beneath him and spread her thighs, inviting him into her. They wrestled and gasped as their bodies merged and then, with a single strong thrust, his shaft was deep inside her.

"Ahh, God!" she sighed with the sensation of being filled. Becca's legs curled around his and her hips rolled upward, angling for him to reach even more into her. She struggled against his grip as he began to ride her hard.

In that moment, all of the urges he felt to harm her or to fulfill his darker desires melted away. She moved gloriously under him and met with a moist tightness that enthralled him. It felt amazing and her enthusiastic gasps urged him on. This was what he longed to do. She took him and guided him through his passion, not as an object, but as if she were a part of him. He released his grip on her arms and she cupped his face and kissed him with passion that took his breath away.

The bed shook, bouncing in time with their dance. The sight of her hair cascading over the pillow sent chills down his spine and he lifted her legs to her chest. Rising high, his hips flexed and thrust and then his orgasm exploded into her.

Through the haze of his release he could see her smile on her face. He knew she was enjoying this just as he was. It was a moment that connected them in a way that only lovers can know. As he came down from this orgasmic high, he found peace and knew he had at last conquered his obsession for this girl.

They were lovers now, though this was the last time he would make love to her. The vexing question of why she wanted him had been answered. There was no reason beyond that she simply did. He could see that in her eyes. As he took her into his arms, he contemplated everything that happened. He had done things that he knew to be wrong, yet he knew that she had made him a better man and perversely a better partner and husband for Marcia. Rebecca had finally learned something too. Though it was at best unconventional and at worst unethical, it was a successful therapeutic outcome.


FINAL REPORT/Dr. Theodore Bishop, Clinical Psychologist

Patient: Rebecca Weiss

Rebecca is a seventeen-year-old young woman referred to me by Rosemount High. She is intelligent and self-possessed beyond her years and displays a determination to achieve her goals that is rare in someone still a teenager. Rebecca is articulate and can state her opinions with some confidence. She is not easily led, but does not yet have the mature judgment of an adult. This was demonstrated in some behaviour that was inappropriate and the reason for her referral to me for a psychological assessment.

Exploring sexuality is normal in late teens and early twenties for both genders, however indiscriminate sex, especially with people not well known, can lead to STDs, psychological damage, and, in extreme cases, great danger. Young women have greater freedom than they have ever had, but they must exercise it within parameters that protect them from negative consequences. This was the core issue with Rebecca.

I believe that in my discussions with Rebecca, she has gained some insight into the necessity of anticipating the consequences of her actions as part of her decision-making process. She has been more reckless than feckless, given her intellect. Combined with her determination, this may have led to her unfortunate and ill thought out behaviour.

When channeled properly, Rebecca’s single-mindedness could be an asset in her academic and work life in the future, so long as it is tempered with a more mature understanding of the likely outcome of taking a certain path. I believe that our discussions have given Rebecca some insight into this and am confident that she will make better choices in the future, mindful of the consequences of her actions for herself and others.

I do not think that Rebecca needs further time with me given the progress that we have made over the past weeks. I doubt that there will be further occurrences at school of the kind that brought her to me. It is for this reason that it is my opinion that this incident not form part of her permanent record so that any impact on her college prospects will be avoided.

I can honestly say that meeting Rebecca was a pleasure. She is an unusual young woman and capable of success at almost anything she sets her mind to.


Once again, I would like to thank Milik for sharing his time and talent with me in writing this series. The original kernel of an idea has grown into a five-part series populated by characters that are complex, interesting, and, we hope, realistic. Thank you for reading it.

Written by principessa
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