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Power Play - Part 4

"Ted and Becca continue to arouse and test each other."

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“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

Oscar Wilde

Ted felt a surreal calm settle over him as he made the short walk to the deli. The shock of Becca's appearance and the torrid sex they had just shared in the garage left him feeling as if he were having an out of body experience. Now, even the simple act of making his way to get his breakfast seemed to be strangely incongruous.

He ordered his daily bagel and coffee, and, feeling the need to compose himself, decided to spend some time in the park before heading back to the office. Sitting on a bench under the shadow of an old oak tree, he ate his breakfast as he contemplated everything that had happened. The solitude of the park allowed him to sort through his thoughts.

The sound of birds chirping brought a sense of serenity to Ted that he had not felt since Becca came into his life. Many different and contradictory thoughts were now bouncing through his mind. “Find myself in is the right phrase,’ he thought. ‘The passive voice is correct as I certainly don’t feel in control of myself or what is happening. Somehow, despite the age difference and our positions in life, professional and student, the person in control is Becca.”

Ted now realized that the persona she presented to him was not entirely truthful. She was anything but the innocent and demure high school junior, the object of the whims of her male contemporaries. This was a girl who performed oral sex in public, actually on the school grounds, on an anonymous and significantly older man. She thought nothing more of that than she did about Ted being married. What was truly disturbing was how easily she seduced him into fucking her on the hood of his car that morning. Her very presence in the parking lot must have been carefully planned just as his encounter with her on his route to the office had been days before.

From the beginning, she admitted to manipulating her parents into leaving for another part of the country and emancipating her. That alone should have been warning enough, but still she managed to take control of the situation from the start. He had allowed her to put him in this place and he was ashamed of himself for his lack of judgment and his behaviour. He had permitted her to set the agenda from her first visit with him, rather than steering their conversation to the appropriate insights and within the parameters that he managed to impose with his other patients. If he was any good at what he did, he would not have surrendered to this chaos. Now, he was sexually involved with a high school student and worse, he could not find the strength to stop thinking about her. He had even made love to his wife while thinking about Becca. That was a double betrayal: he had been unfaithful and substituted the object of his libido for his wife in their own marital bed.

Ted was well aware of the implications of all of this and the risks they implied. Yet, he had just fucked Becca and still wanted more. That was the truth. He had the insight to understand everything that was going on, but simply could not force himself to behave as he knew he should. Even now he was calculating how much time would pass before he would see Becca again instead of figuring out how to distance himself from her and to make things right with Marcia, his wife. There was only one word he knew of for this: obsession. And like all obsessives, there was a strong element of compulsion involved. Notwithstanding all of his knowledge of human psychology, if he were offered a night alone with Becca he would say “yes” in a heartbeat. Ted know what he should do, but also realized that he would not.

As he mulled this over, images of Becca and what they had just done also ran though his mind. He felt himself stirring at the thought of her and decided to get back to the office quickly. He did not want to be sitting on a park bench obviously aroused. This is one of those times he remembered the warning of being careful of what you wish for as you might get it. As any middle-aged man, he had wished for more frequent and more reliable erections. Well now, his wish had come true, to the nth degree. “ Ohhhh, Becca, what have you done to me?”

With a forlorn sigh, Ted rose and began the walk back to his office two blocks away. All of his guilt and remorse were quickly compartmentalized, put away to ponder at another time. Then, with greater clarity of thought, another disquieting fact about his teenage lover occurred to him. Even after they had fucked in the parking lot, she was able to change gears effortlessly and seemingly regained her cool demeanour in just seconds. “How could she be so detached so quickly?” he asked himself. “And what does she really want? She seems to have a plan but I can’t for the life of me figure it out.”

As the day wore on, it became clear that none of his professional observations, or any of the mental discipline he had learned in his years of practice could quash his desire for this girl. Ever since his first meeting with Becca, memories of her raw sexuality and her deceptively innocent beauty played like movies in Ted's mind. The powerful eroticism of this girl unsettled him in a way he had not experienced before.. This last encounter was the true moment of his surrender, and he could not stop thinking about it. His cock again ached with a desire to be with her.

He remembered how her hand felt on his cock and her mouth, wet and hot as she sucked on him until he was ready to burst. In his mind’s eye, he could see those luscious breasts as her lips travelled over the length of his shaft and how tight her pussy felt when he slid deeply into her. He could hear her whispering to him while he fucked her and the smell of her perfume seemed to cling onto his clothes. It was all intoxicating and, even if he knew he should not, he wanted more.

"Goddammit, Ted, try to focus!" he said to himself. He still had to get through his remaining schedule of patient appointments before she came in at the end of the afternoon and the constant images flashing in his mind were making it impossible for him to think.

Ted went through the motions of being attentive to his patients, talking, taking notes, offering comments and a little advice, but he was not really there. He kept glancing at his phone to check the time and recalculate how long it would be until Becca arrived. The duelling voices in his head were non-stop. One voice was telling him to keep things in control, to behave professionally and resist what those images were confirming he wanted. The other voice wondered what it would be like to have his hands all over her, to see her naked body, to feel her skin on his, to know the bliss of plunging his cock deep within her and all the while kissing her, especially those breasts.

By the time Becca's afternoon appointment arrived, he was filled with desire. Any delusion of resisting her was long gone and all he wanted to do was fuck her again.

Five minutes later, his receptionist buzzed his line. "Ms. Weiss is here for her appointment, Doctor."

"Thank you, Ruth," he responded quietly. He sat back in his chair and waited for Becca.

"Hello, Doctor." Becca greeted him with mock formality.

“Good afternoon, Miss Weiss," he responded, hoping that he could set a professional tone early in their session. Becca smiled sweetly at him as she came in.

Dressed in a jeans skirt and a leather jacket that just reached beyond her waist, she was beautiful. Now Ted knew what was beneath her innocent facade. Once the door was closed, she slipped the jacket off and tossed it unceremoniously onto his couch. Then she sat down, calm and self-possessed.

Her white spaghetti-strapped tank hugged her body. It left nothing to the imagination. Ted gazed at her as she crossed her legs, following the hem of her denim skirt as it rode up and exposed more of her creamy thighs.

“Well, Ted," she began without preamble, "I decided I am not going to call you Dr. Bishop any more. I think we're close enough that first names would be appropriate. Are you ready for me?”

Ted felt his cock twitch as soon as she entered his office and it was beginning to grow despite him. “I am,” he stammered.

“What you have been thinking about since we last talked here?” he went on, trying to maintain his professional demeanor.

Becca hesitated as if she were gathering her thoughts. Then she looked right at him, without wavering or blinking.

He could not help but take her all in, the flashing blue eyes and beautiful face, pouty lips, all framed by a head full of thick, auburn hair that hung loose in waves. Then he began to scan downward. One of the straps of her top had slipped off her shoulder. He would have seen the lace-edged bra strap in any case as the tee straps were so narrow, but somehow this was more provocative. Her breasts were held again by a demi-bra. The thin fabric of her top revealed the slightly darker shade of her areolae beneath her transparent bra.

“I've been thinking about you a lot, Ted. I really wish you would seriously consider my offer. I do want you to teach me about sex. I will be such a good student. I promise,” she said in a soft voice, coaxing him.

He saw her reach behind her back and wondered what she was doing. He realized she had unhooked her bra and was moving the straps down her bent arms. She then pulled the garment through her armholes and threw it on top of her jacket. Even without a bra her breasts maintained their perkiness, despite their generous size. She cupped her hands over them and pinched her nipples. They now stood right up, poking hard through the fabric of her top..

“Do you like that trick?” she asked innocently in a way that was anything but that.

He now followed her hand as it moved downward. It was only at this moment that he looked at her lower body and was surprised by what he saw. Her legs were slightly apart and he realized that she was not wearing any panties. He could see her pubes and she knew it as she continued looking straight at him. Ted was mesmerized and turned on even more. There was more than a twitch now as he felt himself becoming rigid and twinges in his balls.

Becca was watching him watch her. Ted did not care any more about rules or decorum. He was too far gone. He pulled on his cock to straighten it and drew his hand down its length, kneading his balls as he reached downward. She was enjoying ratcheting the sexual tension upward. “I think you liked it a lot,” she whispered again as she stared pointedly at his hand moving on his crotch.

"Have I told you how much it turns me on knowing you want me? When I see how hard your cock gets for me, it makes me very wet, Ted. I hope you aren't just teasing me again. What happened this morning was good, but I think it would be a lot better here or even in my apartment."

Becca took her hand and put it between her legs. She pushed her hips forward on the chair and inserted two finger inside herself. Ted gasped out loud as Becca removed her glistening fingers and stood up before him. She walked the few paces between them, her breasts freely moving with each step. Then, she bent down and put her fingers to his mouth.

“Don't you think it is about time you tasted me, Ted? I know you must want to, just to know what I'm like.”

The musky scent of her sex filled his senses. He drew her fingers into his mouth and licked them. Reaching up, he fondled her breasts. “Oh God, you taste and feel so good,” he finally said, his voice weak and longing for more.

“Do you want to kiss them, Ted?”

“More than anything, I do.”

She let the straps fall and exposed her breasts at the level of his face. Ted was almost dizzy at this sight. He leaned in to her, kissing and sucking her nipples and then burying his face between her breasts. Becca reached below and was playing with his cock and balls. She heard his breath becoming more laboured as she continued. He knew he was lost.

“I think I need to be more comfortable.“ Hiking up her skirt, she straddled him facing him in his chair. Ted felt her settle into his lap, reminding him that all that was between him and her sex was the fabric of his trousers. “And I think you need to be too.”

She rubbed herself on him and he felt the erection that had been building since she walked in the door so close to where it wanted to be. He was beyond the point of stopping and remained silent as Becca unbuttoned his waist and opened his fly. His cock sprang out of the buttonless fly of his boxers, but she wanted all of him to feel her sex. She told him to lift his hips a little and then pulled his trousers and boxers down to his knees.

“Now our lesson can begin, “ Becca said with a determined look on her face as she nestled his cock and balls between her labia. “Are you ready to fuck me, baby? I want your cock inside me now.”

First she lifted herself slightly off his lap. She could feel that the head of his cock was slick with pre-cum. Ted rubbed it between her labia, slowly front to back and front again, his cockhead probing her clitoris with the forward motion. He could feel the heat emanating from her and the moisture telling him that she was ready.

Ted’s mind was a kaleidoscope of all of the thoughts he had had since he met her. He knew that this time he could not make any excuses. He fucked her once, that morning, but could convince himself that was an aberration. This time he would have no such excuse. He wanted her and that was the undeniable truth. “Fuck it. I haven't felt like this about anyone in years. I love how aroused this girl makes me. I perversely love how she torments me whether she is with me or in my thoughts when she is absent. I admit it, I am besotted with her and I am going to have her. Screw everything else. This is what I want.”

Becca continued to rub his cock over her clit. “Now, Teddy, please. Teach me. Show me. Fuck me.”

She had never called him Teddy before. “Oh, baby, I will, starting right now,” he said hoarsely as he began to slip his cock into her. “That’s it, baby. Ride me, inch by inch inside you. Oh fuck, that feels good!”

Becca arms looped around his neck and she leaned back as his length plunged deep into her. She moved in unison with Ted as he plowed into her more deeply with each stroke. He was sucking and biting her nipples as he fucked her. She whispered encouragement in his ear. “Show me, Teddy. That's it. Oh, God, it feels so good when you fuck me like this.”

Ted's fingers dug into her hips, guiding her as she rode him. He drew her up and set her back, guiding her body up and down the length of his cock. Her pussy clasped and squeezed him. He pulled her close and sucked hard on her nipples as their pace increased, causing her to moan each time he thrust into her.

"Becca, get up. I want you on the desk." He cupped her behind when she rose, drawing her close and kissing her deeply. Then, he turned her around and pushed gently on her back. "Bend over the desk, Becca. Spread your legs for me, I'm going to fuck you from behind."

"Oh, fuck yes, Teddy," she managed to whisper as he rubbed his cock under her. The head of his cock opened her and rubbed her clit. Becca trembled at the touch and moaned quietly. When her hips curved back, he drew up and slid deeply into her.

She gasped when he plunged in and her body shook as she held herself against the power of him. Then, with one hand on each breast, he pushed more forcefully, silently thanking the architect for the soundproofing in his office as Becca's moans grew.

“How do you like that, baby?” Ted said through gritted teeth, knowing the answer.

Becca panted, “Fuck me more, Teddy. Fuck me hard! God, I want to come on your cock!” Becca's body tensed and then she shuddered hard and groaned loudly as her orgasm exploded through her.

That was all he needed to hear. He quickened his pace and was slamming into her, grabbing her by the breasts and holding her torso parallel with him, his balls slapping her each time he hit bottom. He could feel her hot and wet around him, her muscles contracting and grasping his cock. Now there was that familiar tightening in his balls signalling his orgasm.

“I am going to shoot my load in you, baby,” he groaned. "I'm going to fill you with my cum!" And he did. There was a torrent as spasm after spasm of semen shot inside her. Finally spent, he drove his cock deep and held it inside her as his cock throbbed in release. They stayed still, splayed on his desk for several moments catching their breath. He carefully pulled out of her and held her against his chest as she stood. Reaching down to feel her wetness, he found his semen running down her thighs.

“Was that a good first lesson, baby?” he asked, completely out of breath and feeling overwhelmed by the moment. Maybe it was because of their age difference, but part of him needed to know he had pleased her.

“The best, Teddy,” she said with a kiss. Then she turned around and looked at him coolly with that indecipherable smile of hers.

He wondered, not for the first time, what was really going on in her head. He was almost dizzy with the excitement of what he had done and the power of his climax. His head was also spinning with the realization that they had again crossed a line he had sworn to avert, denying his desire for her. But no longer. He could not remember feeling such a ferocity during sex for a very long time and all he knew was that he had to have more. He would not give her up, whatever the risk.

He had a private washroom adjacent to his office and directed her there to clean up. He did so after she finished. They did not speak to each other as they made themselves presentable. Ted watched Becca bend over to put that wisp of a bra on. She caught her breasts in the cups and fastened it behind her as she stood up again. She then lifted each breast to sit properly in its cup exposing them entirely and then pulled the fabric over their tips. It was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. Amazingly, he stirred again while watching her and he too had to arrange himself as he pulled up his boxers and trousers. He buttoned his waist but did not zip his fly. Perhaps a Freudian slip, but he did not want to confine himself entirely yet.

Becca pulled on her tank and pushed down her skirt. Her nipples were still showing through the tee. She put her jacket on and finally spoke. “I have to get going, Teddy. I will see you soon. Bye for now.”

With that she let herself out the door and closed it behind her, entirely self-possessed. To look at her, she could just have been grocery shopping. Ted, on the other hand, felt like he had just been through a hurricane. He could not believe what had just happened, that he had actually acted on the sexual pressure and fucked her. The thought repeated itself but it was nuanced differently. Had he just thrown his life away?

He quelled the competing thoughts and tried to calm down. He had washed thoroughly so that Marcia would not smell sex on him, but wanted to make sure that she could not sense it. Unfortunately but happily, he was still erect after having watched Becca dress. The girl constantly excited him. He had not had one hard on after another like this in twenty years. He sat in his chair and once again leaned back and pulled his cock out of his open fly. Just a quick wank to relax and get rid of any sign of excitement before he went home he told himself. He was not only hard all the time, but could not keep his hands off himself. Another part of the Becca syndrome.


Marcia's stomach fluttered as she prepared for bed. Would Ted roll over and quickly fall asleep as he was so prone to do on weeknights? she wondered. Or would his recently insatiable sexual appetite awaken when he felt her in their bed? Marcia honestly was not sure which she preferred.

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She did know she was worried.

The changes in her husband were sudden and atypical. She could no longer ignore them. What had started as a spike in their sex life had quickly taken on a life of its own, and, after Ted had virtually forced himself on her, she needed answers.

'Maybe forced was too strong a word,' she mused. She had not exactly resisted. Then again, he had not given her much of a choice. Something had profoundly changed in his behavior. She had wanted to talk with him about it at the time, but she could sense that his mind was not truly with her. That fact actually worried her more than his sexual aggression had.

The next day they had barely spoken. Sundays were usually their day to spend together, but Ted had sequestered himself in his study and Marcia could not bring herself to confront him. She was sitting at her desk on Monday morning when those questions coalesced in her mind. The more she considered the possibilities, the more the queasy twists in her stomach persisted.

Such thoughts could be slow poison to a marriage and Marcia knew that the only way to resolve them would be for Ted to tell her what was going on. That he was reluctant to do so was as worrying as his actions had been. She felt so conflicted that she could not concentrate on the accounts she managed. By noon, she left work and resolved to settle this issue with Ted before it created a real rift between them.

Afternoons in their home were far different during the week than the weekends had become. Long before Ted appeared in the foyer, their near-adult children, Kate and Jack, had returned home from school. Between the petty dramas of high school and the demands of running a household, Marcia found little time to speak with Ted about intimate matters. She slipped into bed in panties and a night shirt, not knowing how her husband might react to her.

She had every intention of broaching the subject and expressing her worries when he came out of the bathroom. At any other time she would not have hesitated to speak to him about anything, but the man she saw almost seemed a stranger to her. His normal smile was missing as was his awareness of her moods and in his place was a man who seemed lost in thoughts that were being purposely hidden from her. Despite her resolve, "Good night, Ted," was all she could manage to say as he slipped under the sheets next to her and turned off the lamp. The warm touch of his hand was on her hip and his soft voice answered, "Are you in a rush to fall asleep, Marcia?" Her reaction was as honest as it was instinctive.

"Ted, please don't." It was a quiet statement but it carried the force of a command and Ted pulled back with the shock of her quiet rebuke. "Marcia? I'm sorry, I just thought you might want to..."

Marcia sighed, knowing the time had come and she flicked on the light as she rolled over to face him. "We need to talk, Ted. You need to tell me what's going on with you. I've never seen you act like you did on Saturday."

Ted closed his eyes for just a moment, as if the memory came back to him. He propped himself up on his elbow and gently took her hand in his. "My God, Marcia. I thought you..." Ted then paused, barely suppressing the same, ancient excuses men have long made in such moments, but in the silence they both heard the unspoken words, “ You wanted it, you enjoyed it.”

To his credit, at least Marcia didn't need to point it out. Ted’s face blanched as he realized the chauvinistic insensitivity of what he was about to say and his trembling hand rose to his lips in disbelief as he spoke. "Oh my God, Marcia. I'm so sorry. You know I would never knowingly do anything to hurt you."

Marcia saw the shame in his eyes. It was as if a dark corner of his soul was exposed and the realization that he might have hurt her filled him with regret. There, for the first time in days, Marcia saw the kind and gentle man she had always known. With it came the assurance that he was still that man and whatever anger she felt melted away.

Marcia still did not know why his behaviour had changed, but knowing that whatever it was had not fundamentally changed him made all of the difference. Marcia held his hand, trying to express her complicated feelings even as she tried to understand them herself.

"You didn't hurt me, Ted. You could never do that. I love your touch and would have welcomed what you did if it hadn't been so unusual. It's just that I'd never seen you be like that before. You scared me, Ted. Not by taking me so forcefully, but because I didn't know why you needed to. You've always been able to talk to me about anything, so please, Ted. tell me what's going on with you. I really need to know."

Ted looked into her eyes for a long moment and she could sense his turmoil as he held her hand. The silence weighed heavily and she feared he would refuse. Then his grip on her hand became softer and more reassuring. "You're right, I need to tell you."

"I shouldn't, you know," he went, suddenly shifting into the clinical tone he used regarding anything work-related. "Doctor-patient confidentiality doesn't make allowances for telling a spouse, but after what's happened, and how I let it affect you, to hell with my ethics."

"I have a new patient. I'll tell you her name if you want to know, but you don't know her. She was one of my referrals from Rosemont High. She's seventeen years old, and God forgive me, Marcia, she has expressed the most erotic thoughts and desires I have ever heard."

Marcie felt the tension in his voice, and the power of this girl’s fantasies over Ted. Visions of him sitting dispassionately while a young woman in the midst of her blossoming sexuality revealed her most intimate secrets to him went through her mind. She knew Ted would do his best to suppress his natural male reactions to such a girl, but what about once he came home? She could easily see how this could have impacted him. Understanding dawned on her, and she settled closer to Ted, urging him to continue. "Does she turn you on that much?"

Ted paused for a moment as if he were struggling with the idea and then his grip on her hand tightened as he nodded his head slightly. "I know I shouldn't be so attracted to her, Marcia. She's a teenager and I'm not some old pervert who gets off on kids, but I have to be totally honest with myself. I can't deny that I feel it." Tears were forming in his eyes and Marcia could see how hard this was for him to say.

"Girls her age aren't kids anymore, Ted. I remember having some pretty off-color thoughts about a certain boy I knew when I was that age." Marcia chuckled softly as she stroked his arm, fondly remembering how Ted made her feel when they first met all those years ago. "I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to hear these things from her while trying to remain professional. I can see that you might have needed to blow off some steam."

Fantasies, even those of a darker nature were not always destructive and Marcia was certain that anything Ted was feeling was more about male hardwiring than any true desire for young women. She could see how the conflict between what he knew was right and what his body demanded was causing him to pull away. He was aroused by this girl and it shamed him deeply. Marcia knew the only way to resolve his conflict was to find a way to work through it by sharing it it with her.

Marcia realized that this could be a catalyst that would change their sex life. After decades of marriage there was an inevitable sameness that happened to them as it does for most couples. This new intensity could reignite their passion. Marcia was curious about trying new things with her husband. Although he had called it trite trash, she had read “Fifty Shades of Gray” and wondered about what was described there.

“Ted, I love you no matter what. There is nothing that you can’t tell me,” Marcia said as she tried to reassure him. “I have to admit that there are aspects of what is happening that have made me want to explore more with you, but without the uneasy feeling that you are not really with me. So, talk to me.”

Another long moment of silence passed while Ted tried to process this. Marcia could see the thoughts as he struggled to respond: the conflict, the shame, and doubt that he could truly express his feelings to her without causing her more hurt. He was an educated man, but a man all the same and Marcia sensed how deeply these erotic urges had reached him. “He's consumed by his guilt over desiring this girl,” she realized, and that guilt was the wedge that was being driven between them.

She knew that he had not chosen to feel this way, and for that reason had done nothing to shame himself. The question was then, how could she make Ted understand that this was a journey he should want to share with his wife? The answer to that was as simple as it was instinctive.

Marcia voice became a soft whisper as her hand came to rest on his chest. She felt his breath catch at the promise of her touch. Then he exhaled deeply and his tension dissolved as her hand went down under the sheets. "It's okay to be turned on by her, Ted," Marcia whispered. "Let me share those feelings with you. I want to see how excited she makes you."

Marcia could feel his abdominals quiver as she touched him. He felt warm and soft, yet with the hardness that had never failed to appeal to her. Her exploration continued as her fingertips brushed the coarse curls of his pubes. "Please, Ted," she murmured softly. "Tell me what she does to you."

"Marcia, I..." he protested weakly, but his words faded when her fingertips grazed his glans.

Marcia found herself becoming excited by his reaction and smiled when she felt how hard he was. Somehow this had become something more than a confession by Ted. Marcia was soon craving the arousal his illicit desire engendered in her and knew that the more this was drawn out, the more consumed they would become.

Nuzzling her moist lips into his neck, she let her breath wash over his skin. Her voice was husky with passion as she asked, "Is she beautiful, Ted? Is she sexy? I bet she dresses like a slut. Is that why she turns you on so much? You can tell me. It’s all okay. I want to know."

Marcia felt his resolve crumbling as she cradled his fully erect penis in her palm. He was hard and hot in her hand and when she began slowly stroking him his head rolled back on the pillow. "Yes, she is beautiful, and my God, she can be so incredibly sexy. She knows exactly what she does to me, Marcia."

Ted swallowed hard as Marcia raised herself over him while squeezing his cock tightly in her hand. She could feel his pulse throbbing through his shaft as she pumped his length and the aroma of his excitement rose from his body. "Do young women usually excite you so much, baby?" she asked, almost afraid of what the answer might imply.

Ted closed his eyes as he attempted to control his arousal and fought to concentrate on her words. He wet his lips as the struggle between his need to stay with Marcia intellectually and the impact of her hand upon his cock. "No," he finally responded. "It isn't her looks that I think about. Her age really doesn't do it for me at all."

There was a surprised honesty in his voice that indicated Ted himself hadn't really considered how little physical attraction he had felt for the girl. Despite her effort not to judge him, Marcia felt greatly relieved. A desire for something new and fresh she could deal with, but a taste for such physical youth was the one fantasy a woman her age could not fulfill. It was not a rational thought about Ted, she knew. It was a contradiction, but despite those words, the fact that her husband was not simply sniffing after a younger woman lifted her last worry. Marcia sucked in her lower lip and smiled down at her man.

"So, if it wasn't her youth, what was it about her that made you want to fuck me so badly?"

"Do I need a reason?"

Marcia's smile glowed brightly as she gazed down at him. "Nice try, but you bent me over the couch and left bruises on my ass. This time, you need a reason."

"Good point," he replied with a weak smile. "Honestly, Marcia, it's all about her brazen honesty. She has a way of expressing her desire that just made me crazy."

Marcia felt another spasm course through his penis as he remembered. Marcia could not imagine what this girl had said to him, but whatever it was, she had opened a door in Ted's mind that Marcia was sure would not be easy to close. Not that she wanted to close it. Ted's constant arousal had reawakened their sex life and she hoped to continue to be on the receiving end of his newfound passion. If this high school patient of his had somehow managed to free Ted's suppressed desires, then having him fantasize about the girl was a small price to pay.

"So you liked her talking dirty, did you? I never knew that turned you on so much. Can you tell me what she said?"

"I shouldn't give you specifics," he replied after a moments thought and for just that instant, Marcia felt a flicker of evasiveness in him that might have worried her deeply, save for his professional ethics. Only because of how well she knew him and his dedication to his oath did she disregard what she might have otherwise found suspicious. When Ted sighed and continued on, her doubts drifted away, forgotten under the confident love she held for him.

"I can tell you that she was very open and honest about what she liked and wanted. To hear her say those things, Marcia." Ted shook his head as if in awe of the memory. "It makes me crazy when I think about it."

"Really? Did she say she liked it in the ass? That she wanted a guy to fuck her hard like that? Is that why you tried to do that to me?" Marcia felt his cock throb in her hand again, confirming the embarrassed nod he returned. "Is that something you really want?"

This time Ted shook his head more confidently. "Not particularly. It was more the forbidden nature of it than the act itself I suppose. I can tell you this, seeing how much she wanted it really got to me. It was like that with everything she wanted: bondage, anal, public sex. God, she has no inhibitions at all."

Ted's hands moved up her waist as they spoke and Marcia was keenly aware of how her hardened nipples were protruding through the fabric of her nightshirt. Hot moisture was seeping freely from her sex and she considered pulling her top off completely, but decided she liked how the soft cotton clung to her full breasts. She was stroking Ted harder now, enjoying the warmth of him in her hand. Sticky precum was leaking from his cock, making his shaft slick in her grip. “He's going to come soon,” she thought as she continued her slow masturbation. “Is that what either of us really want?”

Releasing his straining cock, Marcia bent down and gently kissed her husband. Her warm lips slid against his, sucking his breath away as she caressed his flanks. "I didn't know how much you craved an assertive woman, Ted, but I can tell you that I have no problem telling you what I want." Her eyes bored into his as she lifted her top up and over her head, revealing her nude body.

When Marcia leaned over him, dangling her breasts over his lips, Ted took one in his mouth and sucked hungrily on it while she sighed at his touch. "Mmm, that feels nice, baby. I've always loved how your mouth feels on me."

Ted smiled and rolled her nipple between her teeth, making her gasp at the sudden intensity. He caressed her sides, enjoying her curves and the warmth of her skin. When she slipped down cuddling against him, he kissed her tenderly. "Thank you, Marcia. I am so sorry for all of this."

It was a heartfelt apology and included the sins he had committed against her beyond those admitted. He could do nothing now about his infidelity, and worse had no intention yet of being faithful, but he did at least know how wrong he was to let those thoughts intrude into his love for his wife. The least he could do, he thought, was to concentrate on her in these moments.

"We all have thoughts we can't control," she said softly as she again stroked his cock. Then she moved lower with a playful look in her eyes. "I've always wondered how a man thinks when he's aroused. Tell me, when we were dating, did you think about me often while you masturbated?"

"Oh God, yes," Ted responded with a laugh. "You have no idea how often I did. You had me in such a state back then."

Marcia smiled and then sucked him deeply into her mouth. "Mmm, I like the thought of that. The idea of you fantasizing about me makes me smile. Would it surprise you to know I played with myself while I thought about you?"

"You're kidding!" Ted responded. It was something he had not imagined and it made him happy.

Marcia's eyes sparkled as she smiled back. "Oh, you have no idea, Ted. Especially after the first time we had sex. I just about rubbed myself raw over the next few days. That's when I bought my first toy."

Reaching into her nightstand, Marcia pulled out a small, plastic vibrator and flicked it on. She ran the end up Ted's shaft, making him shudder as she traced it over the sensitive spot under his head. Ted trembled and she ran the toy under his balls.

"Oh, son of a..." Ted's voice trailed off as the vibrations fanned his lust. "That feels amazing!" He had known she had it, after all most women kept toys for certain moments, but she had never used it while they were together. Until that moment, he had considered it something for her personal needs, much like his own jacking off. Its introduction into their bed was shocking and arousing. In moments, he was struggling not to come all over his stomach. "Oh hell, you're going to make me come if you don't stop!"

Marcia smiled wickedly, then drew it away and softly kissed his cock. "Not just yet, baby. I do love watching you come. The look on your face and that groan you make, oh my, but that turns me on. Still, what I want now is to come all over your cock."

"God, I'd love that, but I don't think I can hold back that long."

"Mmm, you won't have too, baby. That's why I have this." Marcia then rose over him and brought the head of his penis to her slick labia. She rubbed his head there for a moment, wetting it until he felt her slide onto him and he gasped out loud.

Straddling him, Marcia's eyes widened with desire. She slipped the vibrator between them, trapping it under her clit. Ted felt the tip press against the base of his shaft and when the vibrations hit, he just about bucked her off. "Holy shit, that's so damn good!"

Marcia's smiled as she rocked forward hard onto the toy. He felt her pussy clasping and contracting on his shaft and saw her body responding to the vibrator. He longed to plunge upward, but she stayed on him, pressing down until her fingers were digging into his chest.

It was an incredible feeling and he was certain that she could feel the vibrations climbing his cock all the way to her cervix. Within seconds, her head rolled back and she moaned as a powerful orgasm began to crash through her. Moisture flowed around his cock and she squeezed him hard inside her. It was more than he could take, and, with a roar, he grabbed her hips and thrust upward hard as his cum flowed into her.

Marcia rode him while her orgasm subsided and their combined fluids were dripping down over his balls. The vibrator's strength seemed to become more intense to Marcia until she finally pulled it away. Then a wistful, dreamy smile appeared on her face as she brushed her hair away from her face. "Oh, fuck me, Ted. That was incredible! We are doing that again."

Ted caressed her thighs and smiled up at her, pleased at how powerfully she had come. "Oh, I think that deserves a second go, Marcia. And a third as well."

"Mmm, I agree, Ted. Then we can talk about what else turns you on."

This story has been quite a journey. I want to thank Milik for taking the time to write it with me. We are almost at the end. The next chapter will be the finale.

Written by principessa
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