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Power Play - Part 3

"Becca continues to mesmerize Ted."

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“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”

Oscar Wilde

Ted grimaced as a grey SUV followed its blinker into the lane ahead. “Son of a bitch!” he muttered as he glanced into his side-view mirror. He'd had at least a quarter mile of open pavement ahead of him and now he had to cut into the right lane to pass the slower vehicle.

The engine's soft purr became a roar as he punched the throttle. The finely balanced suspension suppressed the rapid bumps of the lane dividers as he flew over them. It barely registered on his mind as the red needle on his speedometer slipped past ninety. The road ahead added a lane and he pressed the pedal harder as the pavement cleared in front of him.

Had anyone who knew Ted seen him driving this way, they would have been shocked. He was always safe and patient on the road, but today his thoughts were not on what he was doing. His hands seemed to be on auto-pilot as he maneuvered the sedan across the lanes racing past the slower traffic.

That he had lost control of his hands behind the wheel shouldn't have surprised him, he mused. They had been pulling his cock from his pants a shocking number of times the last few days as his need for relief became overwhelming. Today had been no different. 'It was that message from Becca! What was she thinking, leaving a message like that on my voice mail! Thank God, no one else heard it!'

It was gone now, erased from the phone’s memory before he left the office. Before that he had listened to it at least a dozen times and there was no way to erase it from his memory. He had done everything he could to calm down, but his arousal just kept returning as the sultry sound of her voice replayed in his mind.

'Goddamn, I want to fuck that little bitch!' he thought. His penis was throbbing painfully as he pulled into his garage and his balls we aching like a teenage boy who had just seen a pair of boobs for the first time. He was starting to believe he was not going to get over her until he had her for himself.

To top it off he had seen her at the deli. He didn't even want to think about that. She was so beautiful. The way her red hair caught the sun made his mouth go dry. It was that man though, that guy who she was letting touch her. It made Ted crazy to watch him pawing her. “He put his hand on her ass!” he said out loud.

The idea that she might be letting him fuck her was more than he could take. 'That could have been me, but instead I turned her down. For what? So she could suck him off instead? She sent me that voice mail in the morning. Was that before she met up with him, or did she send it after spending the night with him again?'

Visions of her sending him such a provocative voice mail while her lover showered played out in his head. 'Yesterday, she acted if she wasn't really a slut. That's just bullshit! I should have just fucked the little tramp, it would've served her right!" This was just part of the maelstrom of conflicting thoughts running through his head. First she was gorgeous and now he was angry with both her and himself.

Ted was barely aware of his surroundings as he entered his home. His skin was tingling with nervous energy and his heart refused to calm. There was a pressure in his gut that made him almost delirious with desire. Had he been able to logically consider his condition, he would have recommended counseling for himself. As with most who suffer from obsession though, he had no idea how bad off he actually was.

“Hi Ted,” his wife's voice carried from down the den. He didn't answer but his body felt a surge of expectation from her warm and welcoming tone. His throat tighten as he followed the sound and his lips went dry as he moved silently over the gleaming hardwood of their foyer.

Marcia was dusting around the accumulation of tchotchkes that filled the shelves. Ted had suggested many times that they get a housekeeper, but Marcia just laughed him off. Despite her having her own career, she insisted of caring for their home herself. It was one of the things he loved about her, but in that moment, none of that mattered to him at all.

"Hi yourself," he finally answered as his hands slipped over her hips from behind. Her lustrous blond mane was pulled back in a ponytail, exposing the pale skin at the nape of her neck.

When Ted's lips brushed against the sensitive skin, Marcia stood straight and leaned back into his embrace. "Mmm, welcome home, dear."

Ted's hands moved under her loose tee, coming together over the warmth of her flat belly. "Where is everyone?" he whispered in her ear.

Marcia smiled and bit her lip at the amorous tone in his voice. "Afternoon sex twice in two days, Ted? That's very unlike you."

Ted pulled her closer to him until her bottom was grinding into his already raging erection. "Is that a problem? I thought you enjoyed yesterday."

"Oh, I most certainly did. Jack is out with friends for the night and Kate went out with her boyfriend. We have the house to ourselves again." Marcia's hands moved to the shelves as she braced herself against the pressure of her husband’s grinding embrace. When his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh of her throat, shivers ran up her spine and an involuntary gasp escaped her lips. "Oh my God. I'm starting to love the weekends."

Ted loved the feel of her body responding to him him. Even at forty she still looked terrific in her faded blue jeans and her ass felt soft against his cock. He flexed his hips as he held her, enjoying the idea of slipping his shaft between her cheeks.

Marcia felt it too and her voice became breathless as she felt his desire through her jeans. "I can feel how hard you are, Ted. If I didn't know better, I'd think you've been sampling those little blue pills you like to recommend for your patients."

Teds grip on her hips tightened noticeably as he felt her ass pushing back against him. "Believe me, Marcia, those pills are the last thing I need right now."

"Really? Then what do you need," she whispered playfully.

Marcia expected his pleasant little laugh, so when he suddenly pushed her jeans completely off her hips, she yelp in surprise. "Oh, my gosh, Ted!"

She tried to turn to face him but his arm slipped around her waist, just under the hem of her tee. "What I need is you, right now!" His voice was husky and deep, as if he were speaking through clenched teeth. His hold on her was strong and firm and for an instant she tried to pry out of his grip. It was a useless effort though and he didn't even seem to notice her struggle.

Before she could even think, he lifted her off of the ground and somehow managed to kick her jeans away. Now she could only hold onto his arm as her legs flailed in the air. She felt him turn her to the side and with two quick steps he had her at the side of the couch and set her down in front of the arm.

"Ted, baby? What are you doing..." She began but his hand pressed between her shoulder blades, urging her to bend over the arm. She was caught between the heat of his need and the shock of his actions. She wasn't resisting as much as just trying to catch up when she felt her panties being yanked down over her ass.

Ted wasn't answering her questions and she could only try to brace herself as she sensed him fumbling with his belt. One hand was now on the back of her neck, and while she wasn't trying to get away, she had the strong feeling he wouldn’t have let her go even if she tried. In a moment she felt his cock, hot and so very hard laying against her ass. When he pressed its head farther in between her cheeks, she struggled back, clenching and moving her hips away from what she felt was an intrusion.

"Ted! What the hell! Are you trying to stick that in my butt? We've talked about that! What are you doing?!"

Ted squeezed her ass tightly, making her jump under his hold. "That isn't a no, M," he finally responded.

"It isn't a yes either, Ted." she replied in irritation but then she felt his cock slide down until it was prodding at her quickly swelling labia. "That's better.” she murmured and subtly rolled her hips up to give him the angle he needed. She was about to reach under to open herself for him when she felt his grip tighten hard on the back of her neck. "Ted, go easy, baby. I'm not ready..."

There was a sudden thrust just as his grip pulled her back and then she felt him boring into her. A stinging feeling burned her sex and she shrieked in shock as he entered her through the still dry outer lips of her sex. "Ouch, Ted! Please, I’m not ready. Oh my God, baby, go slow!"

His hand moved slightly, down over her shoulder as his cock stopped its forward thrust. She heard his breath coming hard and instinctively spread her legs, giving him more room to move. Her sex was just now beginning to become wet and when he pushed in again, he finally slipped easily into her. He had her splayed off balance with her head on the cushions and all she could do was hold on as he began driving her farther over the padded arm.

Ted felt the initial friction around his head when he thrust. Her pussy clung to his glans and resisted his entry until he had to withdraw. Part of his mind knew he was being overly rough, but his body was on a path of its own. When he felt her moisture flow around his head, he leaned into her hard, forcing his cock to press deeply into her.

Once he felt her begin to form around his shape, Ted began pumping his entire length into her with such speed that Marcia's body quaked with the power behind his motions. Sharp moans issued from her each time he slapped his hips against her that were dissonant in his ears. By then, Marcia had ceased any resistance and she flexed her arms, pushing onto him to meet his thrusts.

No longer needing to hold her still, Ted’s hands roamed down her sides to her hips. He was building a rhythm of long, powerful strokes and he gripped her ass so tightly his fingers were leaving red marks in her skin.

Marcia was almost panting with the force of her husband’s lust. At the rate he was going, she expected him to come quickly, but somehow his orgasm refused to happen. As their bodies settled into a steady pace, she rose up on her arms and stole a glance back at him. Seeing him still fully dressed from the waist up and the wild look on his face made her feel like she was being taken by a stranger. It was as chilling as it was exciting and her emotions went from one extreme to another as she succumbed to his control.

The sensations he sent through her body were undeniable. Marcia was unaccustomed to being used like this but found deep satisfaction in having her man be so strong. He was her man, no matter how unlike himself he was right now. She held that thought close to her heart as he pounded his cock into her. He felt so hard and thick as he fucked her that her pussy was awash with her juices by the time she felt his hand land hard on her ass.

"Ouch! Oh fuck,Ted! Do you want to hurt me, baby? Is that what you want?" Her skin burned with the pain and to her amazement, it merged with the pleasure that she was feeling from the driving force of his unrelenting assault on her.

Ted did not respond. He continued bombarding her, reaching her core and pulling back and plunging into her again with the power of a jackhammer. She could hear his body slapping on hers rhythmically and felt his hands gripping her as if he feared she might try to escape. All she could hear from him was a low growl each time he hit home.

Her body rocked with the force of his thrusts. Her hips were pinned to the arm of the couch and he drilled her with the long, rapid motions. Her thighs ached and her arms burned from the exertion. It was unlike anything he had ever done to her before and, in that moment, she loved every second of it. When his hand grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back, she felt a rush of excitement and pride that she could send her man to such heights.

She could feel the strength in his arm tugging back on her, making her back arch up and she formed words that she never thought she might say. "Fuck me! Come on, fuck me hard, Ted. Holy shit, you're so fucking deep inside me!“

He growled in response and then slammed into her hard as he reached his climax. Releasing her hair, his hand came down hard on her ass, stinging and shocking her. He grasped her hips tightly and his fingers dug into her skin as he flooded her.

Marcia's breathless moans competed with his grunts as his cock pulsed deeply within her. He finally withdrew and rubbed his cock from front to back between her labia. Then, pausing momentarily, he slid the wet head upward until it rested against the place she had forbidden. He didn't push into her, but Marcia felt as though he might have if he was still hard enough. After he spewed what felt like a bucket load of cum into her though, he was too soft to try.

Once he let go of her hips, Marcia stood, stretching her back and accepted his embrace as he held her against his chest. Her mind raced with conflicted emotions even as he whispered his love into her ear. When he let go to pull his pants up, Marcia quickly retrieved her own discarded clothing and headed to the bathroom without a word.

It hadn't been unpleasant, just the opposite in fact, but that kind of aggression was so entirely out of character that Marcia wondered again if he had taken something. Had she been ready for such a passionate fuck, she might have come along with him. That's what it was, she suddenly realized. He hadn't made love, he had just fucked her.

She would have welcomed even that, but Ted had been so unexpectedly raw, so uncharacteristically brutal with her, that she began to be afraid. Toward the end, any hope for her own orgasm had quickly dissipated under his treatment of her. It was a side of him she did not recognize at all. She felt battered rather than loved and there was no tender afterglow now that it was over.

She locked the bathroom door behind her and turned on the hot water for the shower. She felt tender and achy as she removed her shirt and bra and dropped them into the hamper with the pants she hadn't even waited to put back on. Then she stepped into the shower and let the warmth of the water wash over her body. It felt good and the heat relaxed her muscles, but it could do nothing to remove the conflict she felt over this disturbing event.

As she dried herself in front of the mirror, she saw the welts all over her hips from where he had grabbed her. She turned to look at the nagging ache in her tush and saw a large red mark turning to a bluish-purple bruise. Marcia grimaced at the stark reminder of the hard slaps he had given her. Up to now, she had been enjoying Ted’s recent sexual reawakening and had not questioned it, but what happened in the den that afternoon was a watershed moment.

She realized that something was going on with him other than a renewed passion for her. Something that felt out of control, far more than the lack of inhibition that had just been demonstrated in how he fucked her. Marcia was worried for Ted and for herself. She wanted to talk things out with him, but not today. If they talked she wanted it to be with the man who was really her husband, not this disturbing impostor. She needed some time alone to think and although she had just showered, she plugged the tub and started to fill the bath.

'Maybe a good soak will calm my nerves,' she thought as the steaming water rose. Gingerly, she dipped a toe into the tub, adjusting the the warmth. The water embraced her body, and she relaxed comfortably. Her aches dulled and diminished as they merged with the lingering pleasure she had felt from the sex.

He may have fucked her, but it was an undeniably good fuck, she mused. It wasn't that he taken her so roughly that bothered her. She loved him completely and always reveled in his passion for her. No, what was bothering her was that she didn't know what was going on in his mind. Something had changed in him and it worried her that he would not talk about it.

'Could he be having an affair?' The thought came unbidden into her mind, but she dismissed it out of hand. 'What he was showing was sexual frustration, as if an urge had been unbottled in his heart. If he had been seeing another woman, wouldn't that urge have been released with her? It seemed impossible that he would be so aroused if he had just had sex with a mistress. If not, then why the sudden change?'

No, Ted wouldn't cheat on her. She knew him to well to suspect that. 'Is it possible that he really did just want me that badly?' Marcia couldn't help but smile at that. Their sex life was becoming somewhat routine and Ted was a psychologist. Maybe he was purposely trying to push her limits. 'That would explain his sudden interest in my ass,' Marcia bit her lip and smiled at that thought.

Years earlier, he had broached the subject of anal sex, not so much as a desire of his, but more as a clinical observation of the things some couples preferred. She had not exactly refused, but then he had not exactly suggested it either. They both sort of agreed to let it go and it had not come up again until Ted had shoved his cock between her cheeks. She wondered what he might have done if she had let him. 'That would have been something,' she mused, still uncertain of how it made her feel.

The more she considered how Ted was acting, the more she convinced herself that he must have a reason for the change in his behavior.

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Her natural trust in her husband and the love she felt for him was too deeply rooted in her for her to accept any other possibility. She wasn't angry. He had caught her by surprise and put a scare into her, but the sex had been amazing all the same.

Marcia ran the sponge down between her breasts as she considered that. Ted had been spontaneous and forceful, but his passion for her was very real. The way he had come after her thrilled her at first. She had no doubt that she would have come hard had she not been quite so surprised. Thoughts of him taking her so brazenly made her relive the moment again, seeing herself bent over the couch with her husband's penis buried deeply into her.

Part of her loved the idea of him doing that to her and when she drew the sponge down over her belly she realized that the wetness she felt in her sex wasn't entirely because of the bath water. Her pussy still felt tender, but it was becoming a delicious pain that became a craving for more. She briefly considered giving herself the orgasm that she had been denied on the couch, but another more enticing thought overcame this urge. 'If Ted is trying to freshen up our sex life, I have to admit it's working. I wonder how hard it would be to entice him into doing that to me again?'

Ted had watched Marcia go to their en suite washroom and heard the door lock. He thought this was unusual for her to do but was too spent physically and mentally to think about the reasons for it. He pulled his pants up and, still breathing heavily, stretched out on the couch where he had just literally taken his wife. He was exhausted but somehow still wound up. It was safe while she was in the bathroom.

He reached down and slowly stroked his semi-hard shaft in the way that seemed to be so soothing to him these days. If he was to get some clarity, he needed to satisfy the urge that had proven to be insatiable lately. Sometimes it was for slow pleasure, sometimes for urgent release, and sometimes, like now, it was the equivalent of a security blanket. He could have a field day with this if it were presented to him by one of his patients, but he was not going to analyze himself. He just liked the quiet and the feeling. He wondered whether Marcia wanted to go out for dinner or to stay home.

Ted stayed on the couch trying to sort out his feelings and to understand what was going on in his head. He realized that he had acted brutishly with Marcia just now. The ferocity of his lust was a product of his feelings for Becca. Feelings was the wrong word. Appetite was a better one. He could not rationalize that he actually had a relationship and deep emotions for this young woman. What was going on was related instead to a deep hunger that she brought out in him, one he had either pushed down or been unaware of in the past. Now unleashed, It became something that had to be fed constantly. He could not get her out of his mind, not for their conversations or wanting to spend time with her doing the things that normal couples do. He was not that deluded. No, he wanted her for sex, sex in every possible position, shape, and form.

As a psychologist, Ted tried to parse this in terms of the id, ego, and superego which were the first principles of his method of analysis. Becca had become part of the list of his basic needs, part of the id that wants instant gratification of our wants and needs. This part of his psyche was overruling the ego which seeks the means to meet the id’s desires in socially permitted ways, and the superego which deals with the morality of behaviour, adding concerns about what is right or wrong. The ego tempers one's desires with a moral compass and deals with the stress of not having immediate gratification.

The reality was that he was ignoring a lifetime of socially acceptable and morally appropriate behaviour as sanctioned by his ego and superego and that his id had taken over. More specifically his libido. He was becoming less civilized and his behaviour with Marcia proved it. Now he understood the compulsive actions and justifications of some of his patients much better. He had never been so weak-willed and craven to deal with a moral dilemma. He was not rationalizing what was going on with Becca. He knew what it was and what it meant. It just seemed that it did not matter right now. He wanted her nonetheless, a morally bankrupt statement but a true one if he was entirely honest with himself.

He really wanted to do better, at least where his wife was concerned. She deserved both his passion and his fidelity. He was not certain he could give her both now, but he would try at least to be present with her when he made love to her. That much he had to do.


Ted awakened early with an erection after having what amounted to a porn movie of a dream about Becca. It included everything: oral sex given and received, fucking her in a virtual Kama Sutra of positions, anal sex, tying her to the bed, and more. He did not want to masturbate in bed with Marcia beside him and knew she would not be happy to be roused by him at this hour for sex on a work day. The only solution was to quietly go for a shower and deal with his hard on there. He quietly slipped out of bed and closed the bathroom door behind him so as not to disturb his wife.

‘Now just a rerun of that porn movie from my imagination as I get off,’ he thought. He turned the water on and soaped up, quickly focusing his attention on his erect penis. Oddly, his desire to masturbate was the least worrying of his symptoms. He knew well that masturbation was a natural process for both sexes and was a healthy way for him to release stress. Considering the stress he had been under, it was hardly surprising that he had been wanking so often. Those were logical thoughts and in that moment, logic had little bearing on his actions.

Now, all of the images of a naked Becca and what they did to each other streamed through his mind like a private DVD. ‘She makes me want to come again and again,' he thought to himself as he reached his first orgasm easily. He was still hard despite it and continued pumping and rubbing until he reached another climax, more copious and longer lasting than the first more frenzied one. “That feels better,” he said out loud. He washed and dressed and slipped out of the house with Marcia still sleeping. He thought he might pick up coffee and a bagel at the deli near the office when he got downtown. This was a good way to start the day.

Traffic was heavy as usual, but there were no accidents or tie-ups and he made good time to the office. He was in a great mood after his erotic dreams and reliving them in the shower. He pulled into the parking garage under his office and made his way to his spot. There were not many cars in yet as it was still quite early. And then he saw her. At first he thought it was some kind of optical illusion because he had been thinking about her, but no, Becca was leaning on a car adjacent to his spot. It was a little spooky that she knew exactly where he parked. ‘What is she doing here? Stupid question. She is here for me. This is getting a little unsettling, not to mention dangerous. What if we are seen? Thank goodness not too many people are in yet.’

Becca had been watching for him to arrive and posed with an air of nonchalance as they made eye contact. She greeted him with a smile as he got out of the car. “Good morning, Teddy bear. Happy to see me?” She was wearing a short cotton skirt and a tight fitting tee with flat sandals. Again the tee’s fabric was thin and her bra showed through. It was low cut and barely covered her voluptuous breasts. Covered was the wrong word because her cleavage was outlined clearly as her nipples. “I thought I would surprise you.”

Ted swallowed hard. “Good morning, Becca. I admit that I have been thinking about you since we were together in my office. This is quite a surprise.”

“Aren’t you going to give me a kiss, Teddy?” Becca pouted.

Ted obliged her by leaning in to kiss her lightly. He had not meant for it to be intimate, but when she stepped in and held him very close, he felt his will begin to bend. He could feel her body against the length of his own, her bosom on his chest and her pubes on his crotch. She felt amazing against him: soft, firm and so very available. Right then, he knew he wouldn't be able to push her way again.

Maybe Becca felt his grip tighten slightly, or maybe she could read his mind, Ted wasn't sure which and didn't care. What mattered was that she didn't let go and kissed him back more deeply. When her lips parted and her tongue slid over his lip, he met it with his own.

There, next to his car, Ted Bishop surrendered to her and held her close as their tongues danced in his mouth. He let his hands roam over her back and down to her bottom, savoring the curves of her body as much as he did the taste of her breath. His blood became hot and he could hear it rushing in his ears, yet he felt a strange calm that belied the desire that was building in him.

He felt her hands slip under his belt and a powerful tremor passed through him as her palm pressed against his cock. She stroked him slowly while they kissed and then reached lower to fondle his balls. By then Ted was hard and ready and whatever voice of reason remained in his conflicted mind was silenced when Becca issued the coup de grace.

“I’m not wearing any panties,” Becca whispered in his ear.

'Oh my fucking God!' his mind screamed and he surrendered to the ache to be inside her.

Seeing the need in his eyes, Becca lifted her skirt and sat up on the hood of his car. She watched intently as Ted unbuckled his slacks. She watched as he pulled his cock out and she licked her fingers and rubbed them over her clit. “Play with it, Teddy. I want to see you stroke it, and touch me here while you do." Becca gasped as his fist began stroking his length. "I am getting so hot watching you do that, Teddy. Now, I want to feel your fingers inside me. Then…. then we are going to taste each other before you fuck me.”

In his wildest dreams, Ted had never envisioned being in this situation: a public place, a younger woman, and sex on offer. He knew what he should tell her: this was a bad idea, dangerous, inappropriate, but he could not deny the fierce desire that he felt. His fingers moved between her labia. She gripped the car and leaned back as his fingers plunged into her and when he probed her clitoris, she gasped again and rolled her hips up toward his touch.

He felt her muscles gripping his fingers as they slid into her and he felt her wetness and heat. Becca's breathing became deep and laboured as he made quick circles over her clit and his hands went to her breasts. He tweaked her nipples through the fabric, in time with his motions over her sex.

Becca braced her feet on the chrome bumper and spread her thighs wide for him. “Taste me, Teddy. Here and now. Lick my pussy and then I’m going to suck your cock. Then I want you fuck me.“ It was not a request. The words were spoken with the confidence and authority of someone who was used to getting what they wanted. Once again Ted doubted her self-proclaimed innocence. Whether she was the aggressive man eater she had seemed in his office or the eager but inexperienced girl she had played in his car no longer mattered. When she pulled his head down between her legs and opened them wide, all he could think of was how incredibly sexy she was.

As his lips began to caress her, he noted that while her pubes were groomed, they still had a neat thatch of bright red hair. ‘So she is a natural redhead,’ Ted thought. “I'd wondered if you shaved it bare," he whispered just before his tongue slid in between her lips.

Becca's back arched slightly as his mouth began its magic. She sucked in her breath for a moment and then giggled slightly in response. "I used to, but I know guys love a natural red head. Mmm, don't talk, just keep licking me like that."

Ted sucked her hard. Her lips were swollen and inflamed but still tight as was her entrance when he prodded it with his tongue. The sweet taste of her filled his senses. When her fingers began running through his hair, he sensed she was close and he sealed his lips over her clit.

Becca moaned with the pleasure of it. When his tongue began flicking rapidly she arched and exploded into his mouth. He heard a strangled scream issue from deep within her as she came but thankfully she did her best to suppress it. Her body trembled under his touch.

This made Ted even more hungry for her. He loved how she came and would have gladly kept licking her until she begged him to stop, but the desire to get his prick inside her was a more powerful directive.

“I love how you do that, Teddy bear,” she said as he pulled away. “Now it’s my turn, or should I say your turn?” she said with a giggle and slipped effortlessly off of the car. Turning him around so that he was leaning against it, she moved to her knees in front of him. "Oh my, you have such a beautiful cock," she whispered and licked the head with the tip of her tongue.

Ted swallowed hard as she began kissing his tumescent shaft. Her hands cupped his balls, slowly rolling them as her mouth engulfed the head of his cock. He felt the warm moisture engulfing him with gentle pressure as she moved up and down on him. Her mouth caressed and pulled on his glans with a skill he would not have believed she possessed.

She sucked him deep and then pulled back, using her lips to pay special attention to his cockhead and then she hesitated for just a moment before plunging down until his whole length slid into her throat. He was as rigid as he could get and his scrotum felt tender in her hand. He groaned as his balls heated and then he began filling her mouth with one large spurt after another. He watched as she swallowed the first blast and then sucked him again as he emptied into her. Marcia could drive him crazy with her mouth, but she had never swallowed him like this.

“Mmmm, you taste good, Teddy bear. Did you like that?”

Ted’s head was spinning. All he could manage was a nod. He was dizzy from his orgasm and the adrenaline response to the danger of public sex. He had not participated in such a thing since university days. ‘The risk is heady,’ he thought and laughed to himself at his bad pun. He had to admit that he loved how alive Becca made him feel.

“Now I want you to fuck me hard and fast,” she commanded. Using her mouth and hands, she cajoled his penis back to standing right up and sooner than he would have believed possible, he was ready.

Resisting her was futile at this point. Ted did not have the will or self-discipline to do anything but comply. Lifting her back onto the hood, he rubbed his cock between her lips, mixing her fluid with his. Then he pressed his head lower until he felt the warmth of her opening. With a single, hard thrust, he plunged his cock deep into her body. He felt her heat surround him and her contractions clutching him inside her. Ted pushed her top up, fondled her breasts and pinched her nipples. Becca whimpered and wrapped her legs behind his thighs, drawing him deeper into her.

“Fuck me, Teddy, fuck me hard,” she murmured. They began moving with a single cadence of sighs each time he hit home. He was drilling her so hard that her body was moving up the hood and she gripped the edge tightly to hold herself in place. His balls had been emptied so many times that morning that Ted felt like it would take him forever to come, but when Becca’s eyes found his that changed. The sight of her flushed face and the 'O' her mouth made each time he hit home was more than he could take.

Becca was nearing the point of no return as well and she told him, "Come inside me, Ted. Don't pull out, baby. I want all of your hot cum in me."

Those words connected them and they ascended together toward an explosive climax. At this point Ted had no sense of where he was and the risk of being seen. He was lost in sensation and was incapable of any rational thought, save one: ‘God help me. I love what this girl does to me.’

Once he was done, Becca pulled some wipes out of her bag and shared them with him. They cleaned up silently and quickly. She seemed to regain control of herself much faster than he did. He was still breathing heavily and finding his equilibrium. Becca was remarkably composed. She straightened her clothes, gave him a smile bordering on a smirk, and bade him goodbye. “See you for my appointment, Teddy. Have a good day.” And just like that, she was gone.

He made himself presentable and decided to walk to the deli to get his breakfast. Maybe a big orange juice too, to replace all those electrolytes. As he came out of the garage into the sunlight, he wondered about what had just occurred and how it had happened. He realized that Becca must be keeping close watch on him and his habits to keep meeting him the way she was and he did not know how to process this. He was far too involved personally to have appropriate judgment about Becca, that much he did know.

Ted did say a silent thank you to fate for not having been caught at this. An arrest for public indecency was not a good career move.

To be continued

Once again, I want to express my thanks to Milik_Redman for partnering with me in writing this story. The characters have taken us to places we did not anticipate and that makes it even more enjoyable to write.

Written by principessa
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