“Cut! Cut! Cut!”
“For fuck sake, Brenda, do I really need to remind you? Lift. Your. Fucking. Ass! I need to see your butthole in the shot. And you, whatsisface, Barry? Is this your first time? You’re not fucking your girlfriend here dammit, we’re making a goddamn movie. Is it too much to ask, for you to just move your hip to the side? So maybe the camera can also get to see her cunt too? It’s like I’m working with fucking amateurs here!”
“My name is Mateo.”
“Whatever, pool boy, just follow my instructions for fuck sake.”
“Ok, re-set. Barry! Put your cock back inside her. Cameras! You ready? Ok, let’s go… Action!”
Mateo reset himself behind Brenda but lifted his knee to open his stance behind her this time. The performance enhancement tablets he took hours ago proved to be worth every penny he spent. His seven-inch cock was still rock solid after numerous calls of “cut!” standing around and then having to start over again. Although somewhat desensitised by the surrounding cameras and crew, he was well aware of the dull ache developing in his ball sack. He was going to cum. Imminently. But he was well aware that he would be required to do so on the director’s cue.
Mateo, a well-built and rather handsome-looking twenty-three-year-old student, was booked for this gig through his casting agency. He shot a portfolio about a year ago after seeing an advert in a magazine and was hopeful he could earn some much-needed cash. But three auditions in, he conceded that this would not be the easy-money gig he thought it would be.
When Megan, his manager, called him in, she sat him down to discuss “alternatives” to the ramp modelling options. He assumed it would be something like hourly-rate promotional work at the mall.
“I am going to ask you some straightforward questions. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, just say so and we can call it a day. You ok with that?”
Yeah, of course, fire away!” he replied cocksurely.
“Are you straight?”
“What? Really?”
“Just answer the questions please.”
“Ok, yes I am.”
“Would you have any issues being filmed naked?”
“What? Naked?”
“Yes. Naked. Would you have any issues being filmed with no clothes on?”
“Shit, I guess it depends on what the job’s paying.”
“Good answer. Ok, second last question. Would you consider doing a porn shoot?”
“What? Are you crazy! For crying out loud, Megan, I came to you looking for modelling work and now you’re pimping me out for porn? Have I got his right?”
“The cheque is for about five grand.”
Silence followed. Mateo’s initial rebuttal was quickly blanketed by the lure of Five Grand. Quick calculations clobbered around in his head, plugging all the holes he could think of. This month’s rent. The arrears he owed in rent. Fuel for the month. Food! Shit, he could even turn on the heating in his flat. And have a bag load of change left over.
“Uhm, what exactly will be required from me?”
“Mateo, it's porn. You take off your clothes and follow the director’s cues. It really isn’t that difficult. And the producers asked for you. They liked your look and made a pretty decent offer.”
“So, what do you think?” She queried.
“You said the second last question. What’s the last?”
“I need to see your prick. They want a photo. I think it’s to check size, or how photogenic it is, I guess.”
“You want to see my dick? Now?”
“Yes. And take a photo. Come on, show it to me.”
Without hesitation, Megan took out her phone and switched on the camera. Mateo sat frozen on the couch. Finally, he stood up and unbuckled his trousers. Reluctantly, it is drawn down past his hips.
“Underwear too, Mateo. Don’t overthink this, we’re just taking a photo.”
He slowly wriggled his boxer shorts down, but one hand instinctively covered his privates once the boxers slips past it. Even though he appeared somewhat bashful, Megan swatted his hand away and quickly held up the camera to snap a couple of photos.
“Ok, that’s perfect. They also need one fully erect. Can you make it hard?”
“I need a shot of your erection, Mateo. I’ve explained this. Now, just play with it a little so you can get hard.”
Mateo wriggled his penis from side to side, pulled the foreskin back, and awkwardly commenced masturbating between two fingers. After what felt like an eternity, he suddenly stopped.
“Fuck, I can’t do this Megan, I’ve never wanked in front of anyone. I don’t think I can do this.”
“Are you a virgin, Mateo?”
“No, Megan, I’ve been with many girls. But that’s different to this for heaven’s sake!”
“Ok, fair enough,” she answered after her mind milled for a couple of seconds, but then reached out and pulled him closer to her.
To his amazement, she took his cock in her hand and started giving him a hand-job. Her warm hands wrapped around the shaft and firmly squeezed while she pulled down to the base. She looked up at him and moved her mouth forward to take his prick. Keeping eye contact, she swirled her tongue around the glans, bowed forward, and sucked her lips over the head. Feeling him swell larger and larger inside her mouth, she deep-throat him and gagged as it hit the back of her tonsils. Mateo groaned with enjoyment as he intently watched his agent sucking him off.
She stopped suddenly, pulled her mouth off from him, and wiped it with the back of her hand. Then quickly grabbed her phone and took a couple of close-up pics. She reached out with one hand and gripped him tightly, stroking up and down while she kept shooting more photos.
“For size reference,” she mumbled.
“Ok, that should do. You can get dressed again.”
“What? You can’t be serious? I’m about to cum and you’re just going to leave me like this?”
“Fair enough,” she sighed and tied up her hair before taking him into her mouth again.
Mateo’s cock swelled gloriously as Megan vigorously twisted both hands around the thick shaft, and milked him to the edge of cumming. When he let out a roar, she quickly dismounted her mouth and moved to the side, avoiding the spurts of semen shooting from between her fingers. She tried to contain the mess but some cum landed on the couch which irked her mood.
“Goddammit! That’s going to leave a mark,” she moaned as she got up to fetch a tissue from her desk. Wiping her hands clean first, she passed some to Mateo to clean himself off and started wiping the couch.
“Ok, I will forward this to the client, let’s see what they have to say,” she abruptly ended the meeting and walked up to the door to open it. She stood there waiting for him to finish doing his up trousers. Awkwardly, he walked to the door and held out his hand.
“Thank you, Megan, I do appreciate this. I hope to hear from you soon then.”
As he left the office, he turned around.
“And your blow job was pretty amazing too,” he whispered back at her, “What are the chances we can do this again sometime?”
“Zero, Mateo, this was just work. I don’t date clients,” she nonchalantly replied. Seeing the disappointment on his face, she leaned forward and whispered:
“But you do have a fantastic cock.”
Two days later, Mateo got the call. He had made the cut and the producers wanted to meet him. Megan meticulously briefed him on what to wear, how to trim his pubes, and what not to do during the upcoming meeting.
“For fuck sake, Mateo, do not screw this up. Ok?”
Not wanting to be late, he arrived about forty-five minutes early for the meeting. Expecting an office, he found himself outside what appeared to be a massive property with large gates and high walls. He could see the main house at the back of the sprawling property. While waiting in his car, he watched some porn videos on his phone. He appreciated how the men acted in the scenes. How they took off their clothes, how they touched the women, and what they would do during the sex scene.
His hand naturally found its way to his cock but then noticed that he was not getting hard, which was unfamiliar territory for him when watching porn. Normally, his dick would rise up effortlessly and when needed, he could have a quick wank in under two minutes. Concerned, he fumbled at his crotch but at best, produced a feeble semi-erection.
“Fuck, what the hell?”
He looked at his watch and decided to head back to the pharmacy he passed on the way. Fifteen minutes later he was back at the gate, having purchased an energy drink and two pills which the pharmacist ensured, would make him rock hard within minutes. He threw both tablets into his mouth and gulped it down with the drink.
With about ten minutes to spare, he straightened himself out, walked up to the gate, and rang the bell. The gate opened without anyone answering and he walked up to the house. The door opened as he climbed the stairs and was met by a blonde girl in a bikini.
“Hi, I’m Amber,” she politely greeted him and pointed to where a group of people sat in the lounge.
“Mateo is here!” she announced his arrival, and walked outside to the pool area, leaving him standing there. He waited for someone to acknowledge him but two men were arguing about what sounded like a script issue.
Eventually, one guy stood up and walked towards him. “You must be Mateo,” he said, extending his hand to greet him. “Come with me.”
He led Mateo to an upstairs bedroom which was set up with lights, large white light diffusers, microphone booms, and cameras set up on tripods.
“You can take off your clothes and leave them there. Here is a gown that you can throw on for now,” and he left him alone, closing the door on the way out.
In silence, Mateo undressed, put on the black silk gown, and sat on the bed. He noticed his leg bouncing nervously up and down and placed his hand on it to stop. He could hear people talking, footsteps passing, but no one came into the room. About twenty minutes dragged by before a man burst into the room. Barefoot and wearing jeans and a cotton shirt, the man introduced himself as Adrian, the director.
“We all like what we’ve seen, but this will be your final audition. Let’s start by having a good look at you and taking some body shots,” he continued. “Take off your robe and stand next to the bed there,” he pointed to the side of the bed. Mateo peeled the robe off from him and placed it on the bed. Looking back at the director, he folded the garment carefully and stepped next to the bed, his back still towards Adrian.
“Ok, turn around, maybe place your hands on your hips,” the first instruction came.
He tugged at his cock twice, and upon hearing the clicking shutter sound of a camera, turned around and placed his hands on his hips, staring into the lens with his best smoulder-gaze pose. The camera kept shooting while Adrian barked directions at him.
“Seductive stare!”
Smile! Now laugh! Throw your head back!”
“Show me your cum-face!”
This continued for about ten minutes until the director placed the camera back on the table.
“Call Candy!” he called into his walkie-talkie. “Yes boss,” a muffled voice instantly replied. Candy walked into the room and dropped her red silk gown on the floor, standing bare bar the red, high-heeled shoes. Her blonde hair curled over her shoulders and swung lavishly across her breasts while she slinked towards the bed. She held out her hand to Mateo.
“Hi, I’m Candy,” she greeted him with a soft, silky voice.
“Hi, uhm, I’m Mateo,” he replied, awkwardly covering his crotch when he reached out his hand.
The two of them waited as more people came into the room. Two guys handled the cameras, one the microphone boom, and two other guys dealt with the lighting. Another woman also joined but she was Adrian’s PA, Sammi who hovered around him.
“Is everyone ready?” The director shouted and turned to Candy and Mateo.
“Ok, we are shooting three scenes. The first, Candy get down on your knees here,” he pointed to the spot next to the bed, “and you, stand here. No, no. Like this,” he grabbed Mateo by the shoulders and turned him to the side, looking back at the cameras.
“Ok, Candy, when I say action, I want you to start giving him your signature blow job. You,” his attention turned back to Mateo, “place your left hand on your hip and use your right to hold her head. Pull her hair, do what you do but don’t fucking use your left hand. OK?”
“Got it,” Mateo confirmed.
The director looked around the room to check everyone was set.
“Ok everyone, take one. And… Action!”
Mateo could feel his leg twitching nervously as Candy wrapped both her hands around his cock, pulling it down to the base before her head bopped up and down on his shaft.
“Look like you’re enjoying it!” The director barked. Mateo just started moaning. Candy’s mouth was hot and her sedulous sucking stiffened his rod within no time. He felt relieved and could focus on Candy. His right hand slipped around her head and pulled her closer to him, his hips thrust his rigid cock too deep into her and caused her to gag loudly. She pulled her head back to catch a breath. Saliva dangled from her chin. She spat on the glans and shoved it down her throat again.
Mateo felt his orgasm building and backed away suddenly.
“Cut! Why the hell did you stop her?” the director snapped at him.
“I’m sorry, I was worried I might cum,” he replied sheepishly.
“Then cum for fuck sake, don’t worry about that now,” he replied and gestured the crew to re-set.
“Ok, ready, take 2. And… action!”
Candy resumed her glorious mouth fuck, using both hands which she twisted vigorously around his shaft coupled with loud sucking noises and moans that tipped him over the edge.
“I’m gonna cum!” he managed to utter before Candy’s mouth popped off him and milked his cum shots across her tits.
Mateo’s legs felt rather jittery and he had to sit down on the bed where he took deep breaths to recover. Sammi brought a towel over to Candy who cleaned herself off and stood up.
“Seemed you liked that?” she smiled at him. Grinning like a drunk teenager, he nodded his head.
“You were fantastic, thank you,” he replied genuinely, not really sure what he is supposed to say or do on a porn set.
The crew moved a couple of things around at the director’s instructions. He then turned his attention to the two of them.
“Ok, for the next scene, Candy, I want you on the bed. Face down and lift your ass. You,” pointing at Mateo, “I want you to come from behind and eat her out. Look where the camera is, don’t turn your head this way otherwise, you’ll ruin the shot. OK?”
“Got it,” Mateo replied.
Candy got onto the bed on all fours, dropped her head onto the silk pillows, and lifted her ass. Mateo stood at the edge of the bed, waiting for his cue. While the set was being finalised, he scrutinised Candy’s protruding pink pussy flaps which glistened under the light. He would have to peel them back to get to her clit, the thought crossed his mind. He quickly planned how he would mount the bed, spread her open, and eat her out. He enjoyed eating pussy and relished the ensuing encounter with Candy’s cunt. Her perfectly pink butthole, he noticed, flinched every now and then.
“Right, everyone take your places. Ready for scene two! And… action!”
Mateo moved closer to Candy’s elevated butt and placed both hands on her cheeks, rubbing in circular motions to open her up for him. Leaning forward, he brought his mouth right up to her luscious labia and commenced with a first lick. Starting at the bottom, but not touching her clit, he ran his tongue into her folds and flicked upwards across her butthole. Candy’s body shivered and she let out a loud moan.
Feeling confident, he repeated this a couple of times, dipping his tongue deeper into her pussy until he sensed her sweet juices coating it. She lifted her butt for him when he pried her folds open with his thumbs, exposing her tucked-away love button. When his tongue darted against it, she squirmed and wriggled her ass, pushing back into his face. The tip of his tongue darted flickeringly against the small nub which started to swell out of its shrouded holding.
Candy's moans became more exuberant, spurring him on to increase pressure on her clit. He slipped his thumb into her wetness to accompany the pulsating tongue lashing. Candy groaned and started calling out for him to stretch her wider which prompted two fingers to replace his thumb.
“Ooh yeah! Stretch my pussy, baby! That’s it, fuck my wet cunt, baby!”
Crying out, her body shuddered when her orgasm rolled in. Mateo kept pounding away into her and drilling his tongue as hard as he could against her clit. Shaking, she slumped forward and collapsed on the bed with Mateo’s fingers still buried inside her.
The director’s voice sliced through the room and brought Mateo back to the reality of where he was. He slid out his fingers from Candy and stepped back off the bed, wiping his soaked mouth with the back of his hand. Sammi handed him a towel.
Candy rolled over onto her back. She looked absolutely stunning. Little beads of perspiration formed on her face and her body gleamed under the lights. Mateo felt his cock stir again as he took in how gorgeously sexy she looked. Her large tits flayed onto her sides, and her rosy pink nipples were erect and teasing.
“You are stunning,” he softly complimented Candy. She smiled back at him.
“And you can eat a pussy, all right,” she retorted, biting her lip as she looked him up and down, and elicited a little giggle as pulled at her nipples.
The crew were changing the setup again with instructions from the director. Once they were done, he turned to Candy and Mateo.
“Ok, last scene you two. Candy, I want you to face down and bring your ass up again. You come from behind and fuck her. Don’t cum inside her though, we want the money shot on her back. Got it?”
“Got it!” they both replied and Candy rolled over onto her stomach and lifted her ass for Mateo. His cock was ready but he figured he’ll need to stiffen it some more and intended to rub it against her pussy before he enters her.
“Ok everyone, last scene. Everyone ready?” He looked around the room before his command came.
“And… Action!”
Mateo moved onto the bed and positioned himself on his knees behind Candy. He stroked his cock a couple of times and then brought it right up against her pussy, rubbing his glans up and down her moist slit. His cock didn’t disappoint and he could feel it becoming rigidly stiff in his hand. Feeling cocksure about his steel rod, he enthusiastically slapped it against her clit, which made Candy groan loudly and jiggle her butt for him. Keeping the camera angle in mind, he opened his stance before he slowly pushed into her until he was totally submerged inside her. He groaned loudly as his cock was enveloped in Candy’s hot pussy embrace.
The thought of cumming was overwhelming, forcing him to clasp his fingers around the base of his shaft as he strained to find a measured rhythm. Candy turned her head back to look at him, lifting her head while she moaned seductively, her eyes opening and closing. Her mouth was wide open and breathing heavily.
‘She is either fucking great at acting or she is actually enjoying the fucking,’ mulled through Mateo’s head. His hands grabbed her hips and lifted her higher when he started to increase his pace. His need to shoot his load had become unbearable and as much as he looked up at the ceiling to avoid seeing Candy’s butt slammed against his body, he knew that he would not be able to hold out for much longer.
“Oh, oh… I’m going to cum!” he called out. His cock recoiled like a trigger and started shooting his hot cum inside Candy. Knowing he needed to cum on her back. But he could not, no, would not release his climaxing cock from the convulsing cunt. Candy too, seemed to have lost herself in the moment, relishing the hot sensations gushing deep inside her. Bucking vigorously back onto his cock she milked him until he fell down on her back, panting loudly.

Seconds later, he realised what he had done, and came back up. He moved his hips back and looked at the director while he slowly pulled his twitching cock from her splayed pussy. No one called cut and the camera guy moved in to get a close-up of Candy’s creampie which dribbled out from her pummelled pussy. When she discovered they were still filming, she squeezed out more large globs which ran down her legs.
“Cut!” The director’s voice finally bellowed, “Dude! I specifically said: Cum on her ass! Did you not remember that part? But the creampie ending was terrific, so we’ll take that,” he simultaneously scolded and complimented Mateo.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t… I’m really sorry. I will remember next time,” he explained nervously.
When Sammi passed them a towel each, Mateo sat behind Candy and wiped her clean.
“You don’t have to do that,” she coyly told him.
“It’s the least I can do,” he smirked, “and I’m sorry I came inside you. That wasn’t the plan, but fuck girl, your pussy was like cum magnet. I started cumming before I knew what was happening!” he laughed.
“I’m not complaining,” she smiled back at him, “I fucking loved your hot cum shooting into me. It also induced another orgasm for me, so there’s that,” she giggled and held her hand up for a high-five, “Good job!”
Mateo left the set after having a shower and sharing a coffee with the crew. Having no framework of how the porn industry worked, he felt rather giddy after the day’s work. He had sex with uber-sexy Candy and it appeared the producers were happy with his performance. The director didn’t say as much but gave him a thumbs up, which he took as a good omen.
The call came a couple of days later. Megan’s excitement was contagious and Mateo met her for a celebratory drink later that day. He was booked for a shoot the following week and Megan squeezed the producers for a little more. “Five and a half grand, baby!” they high-fived each other several times while doing shooters.
Mateo arrived at an upmarket mansion set high on a hill overlooking the ocean. A concierge met him and took him to a room where he had make-up done while sipping on a bourbon coffee. Wild-eyed enthusiasm built up even more excitement about the commencing shoot and even though he hadn’t given it much thought, he felt a tad nervous now. He took two of the pharmacist-prescribed tablets and gulped it down with more coffee. The prolonged erection he produced the previous week was a perfect confidence and performance combo-booster and he was not going to risk anything today.
Nearly two hours later, he was called and led outside to the sprawling pool area. There were several cameras, lots of lights, reflectors, mike-booms and people milling around looking very busy. Mateo took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Sammi came up to greet him and passed him a bottle of water and a breath mint. “For confidence,” she winked. She also gave him a one-page storyline printout. “I can’t really call it a script,” she laughed when they went through it together.
The plot was simple. He would be the pool boy who is seduced by the wealthy, yet lonely hot-wife. The wardrobe lady brought him a white tank top, blue jogger shorts, and a pair of sandals. The shorts were at least two sizes too small and he was forced to adjust his restricted balls numerous times. The shuffling and adjusting induced a pulsing cock and a distinct phallic outline sat at ‘ten past’ in the shorts.
His eye caught the blonde slinking towards the set. Dressed in a long fluffy white gown, only her gold stiletto heels were visible. Once she was close enough, a big smile formed on Mateo’s face. She was probably just under six foot and even under the fluffy gown, her large breasts fought against the fabric for release. The gown would fall open and she would adjust it every few seconds. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was absolutely gorgeous and when they made eye contact, he noticed a sparkle which turned him on even more.
Sammi hooked her arm into his and walked him over to the blonde bombshell.
“Brenda, this is Mateo. Mateo, Brenda,” she introduced the two to each other. Mateo held out his hand and Brenda responded with a lady-like limp wrist.
“It is an absolute pleasure to meet you, Brenda,” Mateo mumbled, “I look forward to working with you,” he added as she turned around and walked towards the drinks counter without saying anything.
“Don’t worry about her,” Sammi reassured him, “she is super professional and you two are going to be great together, I just know it!”
Eventually, the director came out and barked orders at the crew. He then went to Brenda, kissed her on both cheeks and chatted for a short while before he came over to Mateo.
“Ok, Barry, Sammi said she went over the script with you. Don’t over-act the scenes, just be a normal guy who is cleaning a pool. Brenda will initiate the conversation and then use your lines and get it going. Got it?”
“Do we just start fucking or do you want some foreplay first?”
“Brenda will take the lead, so follow her instructions. And listen to my cues, you’ll be just fine,” the director replied.
Mateo had more questions but the director dismissively moved on to the gaffer who had a query about where he should move the lights. He quickly glanced at the script again. He cleans the pool and ogles the wife who initiates a conversation and lures him over to apply sun lotion on her. She then proceeded to give him a blow job and they fuck on the lounger. Bar a few lines and descriptions, that’s really it.
‘I’ll have to wing it, just go with the flow,’ he thought to himself.
“Everyone, get in position! Actors, take your places. Let’s do the first take,” the director’s voice boomed over his megaphone. Mateo stood at the side of the pool and was given a cleaning pole with a leaf catcher attached. He saw Brenda walk up to the lounger and peel off her gown, which she handed to an assistant. She looked spectacular in a metallic gold bikini. A very tiny bikini. The straps clung to her sides while trying to keep the little triangular pieces of material on her tits, barely covering her areolas. The same could be said for the bottom, with only a small covering over her bulging mound, tugged into her and forming an apparent slit-outline. Her platinum blonde hair lit up in the sun and Mateo could not help but think that she was without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
“Ok everyone ready? Take one, scene one. And… Action!”
Mateo casually moved along the pool’s edge, skimming along the water's surface. He glanced over at Brenda who was lying down on a lounger, one leg slightly raised and her head arched back as she basked in the sun. She lift and tilted her head as peered at Mateo across her oversized sunglasses.
“Hey, pool guy! Could you give me a hand please?” she called out to him. Mateo turned to face her, placed the pool rod on the floor, and walked over to her.
“How can I help, madam?”
“I feel sooo hot,” she seductively purred at him, “The sun is burning my body and I need you to apply some lotion on me before I scorch myself to smithereens,” and removed her sunglasses as she rolled over onto her stomach. “The lotion is right there,” she pointed at a bottle of oil on the side table.
Mateo sat down at the edge of the lounger, popped to cap open, and squirted the oil into his hand, rubbing it together before he started rubbing it onto her shoulders. Her skin was warm and soft, and he had to focus as he felt his cock stir as soon as he touched her. When he moved down her back, she instructed him to untie her bikini straps.
“We don’t want any tan lines, do we?” she added.
Another pulse throbbed into his groin when the top fell to her sides but he continued applying more oil onto her back and massaging it down her sides. She moaned softly when his fingers curled around the voluptuous side-boob bulges. Both hands followed the hourglass curve of her abdomen down the side of her hips.
“You can undo those too,” she instructed when his hands rubbed across the straps. Following direction, the slip knots fell loose and he peeled the bikini bottom piece down too. He poured more oil on her lower back and rubbed it down across her bare buttocks. His cock started fighting against the tight joggers, his erection swelling rapidly at the glorious hints of Brenda’s asshole and pussy as her buttocks parted under his robust rubbing.
He stopped and poured more oil onto his hands, which he applied from her feet and rubbed upwards. He pried at her inner thighs, pushing them apart and slowly massaging his thumbs closer and closer to her bare pussy. Brenda opened her legs to him and her moans became more visceral when he massaged along the sides of her pronounced outer lips. Thick and bulging, it forced the creviced slit tightly together.
“Don’t forget about my front,” Brenda announced and proceeded to turn over onto her back. She levelled her legs and placed her hands behind her head, then longingly licked at her lips while looking him up and down. Mateo’s erection was pitching a tent in his joggers and he comprehended this when he saw Brenda’s gaze drop to it.
“Hmm, it appears you are enjoying this?” she prompted, biting her bottom lip as her stare burnt against the tight shorts.
“How can I not enjoy oiling such a beautiful woman?” he replied while he squirted more oil onto her stomach.
Rubbing outwards, he spread the oil up the sides of her breasts. He moved up to her chest and used both hands to rub up against her neck, to which Brenda tilted her head back. Both hands gently slid around it and when he squeezed, ever so slightly, her eyes closed and she let out a soft moan. More oil was added to his hands, massaging her voluptuous tits from the sides up to her nipples which stiffened under his touch. He used his fingers to increase the pressure around it, twisting it lightly and pulling at it as he released. Brenda was squirming, her hips gyrating as her breathing became more shallow and intense.
He lubricated his hands again and moved down to her feet, rubbing up her legs onto her hip bones that stood proudly above her smoothly-shaven vulva. He circled his thumbs down, across her mons mound and dragged them along the sides onto her inner thighs. Brenda lifted her legs which flayed open. Her thick pussy lips moistly clung to one another but slowly peeled apart to reveal her inner folds.
“Eat my cunt, pool boy,” she purred at him and lifted her hips up towards him. Mateo positioned himself between her open legs and dropped his head onto her perfect pussy. He could hear a camera guy behind him and turned his shoulders to open for the close-up shot. Prying her open with his thumbs, he brought his tongue against the bright pink nub, slowly licking up at it. Brenda let out a loud groan at the electrifying touch, fervently lifting her hips higher for more pressure against her aching clit. His tantalising tongue licked into her, sensually sucking her slick sex lube into his mouth.
“Ooh, yeah, pool boy, eat Mamma’s pussy! Oh yeah!”
Brenda’s ardent moans spurred him to add two fingers into her damp folds, slowly penetrating her as he sucked and licked at her clit.
“Oooh! Aaaah! That’s sooo gooood,” she moaned when the two fuck-fingers stroked and prodded inside her.
She grabbed him by the hair and slammed his face into her while she moaned loudly, crying out at one point when his teeth banged against her engorged clit. Suddenly, she pulled his head off from her and came up to kiss him, swirling her tongue into his cunt coated mouth.
“Stand up,” she instructed and sat up to pull his trunks down. Mateo’s cock was fully erect and recoiled violently against his stomach when she yanked the shorts down.
“Oh yes!” she cried out and immediately reached for the rigid rod around which her lips wrapped in one swift movement. She slowly brought her gaze back up to him, staring into his eyes while her tongue teased alongside the glans before taking the full length into her mouth. Mateo threw his head back in ecstasy and accidentally hit a camera that was shooting from above his shoulders, knocking him back to the reality that this was a film shoot.
His right hand slid around her head, through her silky blonde hair, and gripped a handful with which he forced his cock deeper into her mouth. As surreal as this moment was, he found himself feeling like a porn star watching Brenda slurping his schlong with all the cameras around them.
“Now come fuck me, pool boy,” she purred again while she turned over onto all fours, masterfully curving her body to raise her butt and simultaneously slithering her head and shoulders flat onto the lounger.
“Cut! Great work people. Ok, set up for the lounger fuck scene!” the director shouted over his megaphone.
Mateo kicked off the joggers and straddled the lounger behind Brenda. His jaw dropped from pure excitement at the sight of what was before him. Brenda’s body oozed sensuality, her ample buttocks sparkled in the sun and her perfect tits popped out when she turned her body to take a sip of water. Blood pulsed prodigiously into his cock while his eyes were feasting on the naked beauty.
“Ok everyone,” the megaphone screamed, “take your positions. Ready for scene 2, take one. And… action!”
Mateo moved closer and lined his throbbing cock up to the delicious-looking pussy that was dripping in front of his face. Without hesitation, his head dropped between her ass and licked his tongue deep into her. She tasted like heavenly honey!
“Cut! Cut!”
The abrupt actualization ripped Mateo back to reality and he jerked back up.
“No fucking licking anymore, follow her lead. She said ‘Fuck’, then fuck. Ok?”
“Got it.”
“Ok, ready all? Scene 2, take 2. And… action!”
Taking up his position behind Brenda again, he stroked his cock a couple of times and pushed it in between her soaked folds. She moaned loudly which encouraged him to start fucking her hard. Mateo’s cock inside Brenda’s pussy-heaven was simply overwhelming and he started losing it again. Both arms wrapped around her hips which he groped ecstatically while pounding against her delectable derriere. His balls slapped stridently against her clit with each thumping thrust.
“Cut! Cut! Cut!”
“For fuck sake, Brenda, how many times do I need to remind you? Lift. Your. Fucking. Ass! We need to see your butthole in the shot dammit!”
Mateo readied himself after the tongue lashing, taking a deep breath, and repeated a calming mantra in his head. He had to finish this right, and he would need to focus on the task at hand.
“Ready?! Ok scene 2, take 3! And… Action!”
Mateo thrust his hips forward, opening his stance for the camera while he stroked his cock along her lubricated ingress. This prompted Brenda to reach back and claw her butt cheeks open for him. Gripping himself tightly at the base, he slowly pushed into her but stopped once the head slid past her outer walls.
“Fuck me, pool boy, give me that cock now!” Brenda growled at him.
Using his hips only, Mateo buried his cock deep inside her and rotated his hips before pulling out completely. Gripped at the base he lined himself up and ploughed into her again. Brenda cried out and moaned rhythmically to the beat of her cock pounding. They fucked ferociously for about five minutes or so, both of them noisily moaning and panting. The hand camera guy was right above them, filming close-ups from the top, then from behind or from either side. Brenda would gaze seductively into the camera and moan or talk dirty whenever the camera came close to her face.
‘Such a pro!’ flashed through Mateo’s mind.
“Get your fingers in her ass!” the director’s instruction bellowed.
Mateo didn’t need any further invitation and rimmed, what was in his mind, the most gorgeously perfect, golden-brown asshole, running his thumb along his shaft as it pulled out from her wet cunt for lubrication. When the thumb effortlessly slipped into her hole, she lifted her head and stared back at him with wanting eyes.
“Oh yes, baby, use Mamma’s holes,” she groaned gleefully.
He removed his thumb while looking at her and sucked it into his mouth, and returned the spit-drooled digit to her ass, circling the rim before driving it deep into her. Her face contorted and she gasped for air while the alternate penetrations drove into her.
After a few minutes, Brenda moved, detaching herself from Mateo, and rolled onto her back again. But this time she pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around it, pulling it back and lifting her pussy and ass to him.
“Ok, pool boy, come fuck Mommy’s ass,” she commandingly hissed at him.
A surreal experience was unfolding in front of Mateo. He had never done anal before but Brenda’s inviting hole looked sublime and he eagerly moved closer to her. She dipped a four-finger-cone into her soaked cunny, her sex-crazed eyes wide open and staring at Mateo while she drove it into her flinching asshole. Then lifted it to her mouth, slobbered around her fingers, and reached over to coat his cock with her sexed saliva. The liberally lubricated hand coiled around his stiff shaft before she seamlessly clenched it tightly at the base and pulled him closer until his dick head pressed firmly against her glazed chocolate hole.
Mateo’s gaze was fixated on her ass and his excitement palpable. His chest heaved manically under the short, near-urgent breathing. Seated on his knees he yearningly pushed forward and gawked in awe at the sight of his cock disappearing past her sphincter. His stiff rod first bowed against the tight hole before it straightened out as it slid into her.
“Aaah, yes, baby, fill Momma’s holes,” she cried out, head thrown back with her eyes closed. Mateo could not imagine anything sexier than this gorgeous woman egging him to fuck her ass.
Warm and clenched snugly, his cock pushed deeper into her until he was fully buried inside Brenda, whose eyes were still closed but had reached down with one hand that feverishly tugged and rubbed at her clit. When he pulled back, she once again, dipped her fingers into her soaked pussy and lubricated his shaft, gripping around his girth as she guided it back into her.
“Ooh, that’s gooood, baby, stretch me out” she moaned as she lifted her head in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the hard cock fucking her.
Mateo moved slowly, not only nervous that he might ejaculate at any moment but also not to hurt Brenda. He had read that one should take it slow when doing anal. But slow felt really good. A couple of strokes later, she spurred him on to fuck her hard. Not needing much more motivation, he pushed her legs back further and fervently drove his hips forward as his pelvis slammed raucously against her butt. His head arched upward, gazing up into the sky her could feel his orgasm rolling in, like an unstoppable run-away freight train onto which he clung. He was about to succumb to its inevitability.
“I’m going to cum!” he cried out to Brenda in warning, but it was too late. Before the sentence was done, his cock exploded into her, filling the cavernous hole with his hot jizz which heightened the already sensational experience. Brenda’s nails dug into his hips as she kept pulling him into her while her own orgasm commenced with a shuddering. Two fingers curled deep into her cunt which she kept smashing as her eyes rolled back under the climactic crescendo.
She fell back against the lounger, her mouth wide open and gasping for air, her body shivered flinchingly when his cock stirred inside her.
“Pull out slowly, we need to shoot that creampie!” the director’s abrupt voice rang out suddenly and snapped them back to reality.
Mateo shifted his legs back and waited for the handheld camera guy to come close in. He milked his cock into her and pulled out slowly. Brenda’s stretched ass held its gaping gaze with his thick white semen trickling from it. When she flinched, the sphincter shot closed and opened again as she squeezed out more globs of cum that pearled down her butt.
“And cut! That’s a wrap everyone, good job!” the director announced unceremoniously.
Mateo could not move. His legs were trembling and felt like jelly jiggling in a bowl. But he was still gazing at Brenda who had dropped her legs and lay naked before him.
“You are incredible, Brenda ” he managed to utter to her. Brenda’s face lit up with a stunning smile, she licked her lips and dragged her bottom lip between her teeth.
“You’re not half bad either, pool boy,” and winked, “and you can call me Bren,” she added mischievously while Sammi handed them a towel each and their gowns.
“You did pretty well there today. I was apprehensive as I was told you’re a rookie, but you handled yourself really well,” she continued complimenting him.
Mateo couldn’t stop grinning. He pinched himself on the arm. Just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.