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Out Of Bounds. Chapter 2.

"Sex and Nothing But: Or was It? For Both?"

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Chapter 2:

Stefan and Irmgard had made no date. Of course, both knew that they could meet each other as 'regulars' in Liesl's café.

Stefan was sorely tempted to go the following evening but stayed back to work on his lectures. Wednesday night, however, he could no longer resist. Settled down at the corner table well before ten, with a beer and one of Liesl's famous sandwiches, Stefan wondered what it would feel like if Irmgard did not show up.

But, almost on the dot at ten, she breezed in. Seeing him made her smile as she made for the back and a showy, enthusiastic hugging of Liesl.

Grinning down over Liesl's shoulder at Stefan, Irmgard said, ‘Here you are. We missed you yesterday. Left us girls to gossip. That is dangerous, you know.’

Before sitting down, Irmgard stepped up close. Cradling Stefan’s head, she pressed his face into her boobs. Liesl smiled knowingly; there were no secrets between those two. The way she joined in the banter showed that Liesl approved. Stefan had learned that Liesl was divorced and, like Irmgard, apparently fancy-free. She liked him. And looking at her flirting eyes and sexy hourglass figure, Stefan wondered if she would also have considered a one-off adventure with him like Irmgard?

Stefan left all questioning until they were in a hug leaning against Irmgard's car. He asked her if she planned to revisit him or if Monday had been for her a one-night stand? The question made Irmgard's mouth fasten onto his with a wide-open, hot-breath kiss.

She wriggled her body against his rising erection and whispered, ‘I thought you’d never ask! Yes, yes! I'll come. Tomorrow night! And every other night you want to make love to me like last time.’

Stefan again prepared a mini-feast with champagne. Besides, he bought candles and flowers and, most importantly, a decorative bed-spread. Tonight, they were going to feast, with the bed ready for action.

When Irmgard rang his apartment's bell down at the entrance, Stefan lit the candles and turned off the lights. Now the room's mood matched his. It felt like Christmas did a long time ago as a child. He wanted to show Irmgard that for him, in her beauty and the generosity of her sensuality and desires, she was the greatest of gifts.

When they stepped into the room, Irmgard reacted the way Stefan had hoped. She looked around and fell silent. The smile spreading slowly over her expressive face meant Irmgard was not only surprised but touched. She turned towards him. Putting her arms around Stefan's neck, she said very quietly, ‘This is lovely. Now I know how much you wanted me to come again. And I, I could think of nothing else but of coming back for another night with you.’

Sitting on their love-ready bed in the soft candlelight, they settled down for a leisurely meal. Unlike on Monday, with the certainties now established, both of them were in a relaxed mood. Irmgard, dressed in a wine-red blouse and black trousers, exuded a natural elegance and unforced sensuousness. When Stefan learned more about Irmgard’s life and background, he realised how exceptional these qualities were in a woman like her.

During their leisurely meal, Irmgard talked, and Stefan mostly listened. Now that she knew how much Stefan had wanted to be with her again, she was ready to tell him all about her life that mattered for their relationship. Irmgard sensed that Stefan would have been reluctant to probe.

Irmgard opened her confession in her usual, direct manner. ‘You may find it hard to believe, Stefan, but this is my first love affair. Except for my husband, you are the only other man I have slept with.’ Irmgard raised her glass with an embarrassed grin. ‘Don’t you think, Stefan, this requires a toast?’

Taking a hearty sip, Irmgard continued. She told him that she and her husband Robert grew up as neighbourhood children. He, two years older, paid her little attention until she was sixteen and, Irmgard grinned, ‘I was nicely filling out’. Robert became her first boyfriend. They did the usual secretive snogging but no heavy petting. They were good kids from respectable families: Catholic, church-going and — as in their village, everybody knew everybody — always closely watched.

When Irmgard was nineteen and Robert twenty-one, they married. He was a qualified printer earning good money. Their families supported their marriage. Two years later, they had a son. Their life was good. They had a circle of friends in the village, were members of the local football club, and Robert was in the voluntary fire brigade. They also joined the local Skat club.

On mentioning this, Irmgard’s face lit up. She told Stefan that she had an exceptional talent for this popular card game. Within four years of joining the club, she progressed to winning the local, then the regional, and finally the Saarland Skat Championship. She had since competed twice in West Germany’s national championship. ‘Next year,’ Irmgard grinned, ‘I am going to win it!’

Robert and Irmgard had been married for twelve years when his brain cancer was diagnosed. Robert had always been nervy. For the previous two years, he had suffered from what they thought were migraines. He died within four months of the cancer being diagnosed.

At this point in her story, Irmgard stopped, lost in thought.

When she continued, she gave Stefan a sober reflection on her sexual relationship with her husband. She said that Robert had always been more inhibited about sexual matters than she was. Even as teenagers, Robert’s restraint in their petting — here Irmgard smiled — was stronger than her ‘resistance’ would have been. Once they were married and sex was allowed, Robert thought that the petting-days were behind them — no longer necessary.

Irmgard sounded suddenly harsh. ‘Early in our marriage, we had regular sex but soon, less and less often. And always in the dark, silent, without even kissing. We just fucked, always quickly! Robert seemed no longer keen to touch me the way he did before we married. Or, for that matter, how some of our male friends tried to grope me as they slunk past when we socially met!’

Irmgard readily admitted that she had always been interested in sex. She enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror and liked that men found her sexy. But her buying a slightly revealing dress or wearing a bikini always upset Robert.

Irmgard shrugged her shoulders. ‘I was a bit naughty, not the ideal wife for him. But I was a faithful wife, I did not sleep around. Robert was a good, decent man. Now I have become his widow. Is that free? You, Stefan, are the first man I have met that I’ve liked. I wanted you the moment I saw you!’

Stefan could not help it; he had to ask, ‘Why me? Why not someone from your circle in the village? You know, one of the male friends that tried to seduce you with their groping? Now you could give them a chance.’

Irmgard took Stefan’s light-hearted query more seriously than he had intended. She explained that the males from her circle of acquaintance were for her off-limits.

Hers was a little village. She owned a house and lived there with her son and mother. Any affair with a married man would be a scandal that could destroy a marriage and render her an outcast. This she would not risk. Entering a relationship with a single man in the group would pressure her into putting it on a permanent footing. She had no intention to be bound again in a marriage or partnership with any man in her village.

Irmgard had answered one of Stefan’s two questions uncompromisingly. On his question why she had chosen him, Irmgard struggled to tell the whole truth.

Eventually, she said, ‘I was keen on meeting you before I saw you because you were a stranger. Liesl made me curious. She told me about you and said you were good-looking and interesting. You know, Liesl fancies you. So, I decided I had to meet you too.’

Irmgard’s confession made Stefan laugh out loud. Partly at being flattered that two attractive women had taken such a competitive interest in him. But also, at suddenly realising that he — the vainglorious Alpha male — had been the prey and not the hunter.

In a way, everything that Irmgard had told served as arousing foreplay. Irmgard had bravely forced herself to admit her desire for obligation-free sex. She had unreservedly let Stefan know that he, as a stranger, was her man of choice.

When Stefan got up to clear the table, Irmgard also rose to make her way to the bathroom. She picked up her bag and turned to him, ‘Is it all right if I leave a few of my toiletries here?’

Stefan put on a studied frown and replied, ‘You are welcome, as long as you don’t ever bring a nighty!’

In the dim candlelight, Irmgard sexily wriggled her bum in his direction.

Unlike on Monday, Stefan awaited Irmgard’s appearance from the bathroom, sitting undressed on the bed. When Irmgard stepped through the bathroom’s door, she was challengingly naked this time. Instead of hurrying to the bed, Irmgard stopped. She smiled at him, raised her arms and slowly turned, displaying her beauty to a spellbound Stefan. Then, step by measured step, she walked to the bed.

Irmgard did not stop until her pubes almost touched Stefan’s face. He wrapped his arms around her, with his hands gripping her buttocks as his lips pressed on her mound. Then he looked up: ‘My God, you are a ravishingly sexy witch. Tonight, you’ll burn in my fire!’

Stefan knew now that Irmgard was relatively inexperienced, sexually speaking. But with her pubic hair tickling his face and her enticingly sexy smell in his nose, he dared a surprise. His hands moved down to her thighs to pull them only slightly apart. With his lips on her mound, his tongue began its search for her hidden seat of pleasure. When Stefan’s circling tongue found her clit, Irmgard gave a drawn-out, mewing cry. It did not sound like a NO! Besides, her groin pressed and shivered against his mouth and her fingers clawed into Stefan’s hair without trying to pull his now flickering tongue from its target.

On Monday, Irmgard had almost disappointed Stefan by being so focused on just fucking. Tonight, Irmgard seemed ready to be much more adventurous. When Stefan released his hold on her thighs, they tumbled back onto the bed. Irmgard burst into laughter. She stretched out, reached for Stefan’s neck and pulled him into a sequence of long, possession-taking kisses. When they paused, Stefan asked, ‘Did I shock you when my tongue found your naughty little button?’

Irmgard’s voice was breathy, smoky-dark as she whispered her answers to his questions. ‘Yes. God yes! I almost died. It was so exciting! But then you stopped?’

‘Tonight I’m going to kiss every centimetre of your beautiful body; everywhere you have never been kissed before! Do you want that?’

‘Yes! Yes! Do it.’

‘Do you want me to tell you how crazy I am about your beautiful breasts and your sexy ass? How much I love the feel of your pussy on my fingers and cock, your moans and cries? You cried out ‘Fuck me!’ a few times on Monday. I loved that! Do you want hot, sexy talk when we make love? Or are you too shy?’

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‘Don’t hold back, Stefan! I love your hot sexy talk while we –‘ Irmgard paused, swallowed, before almost shouting, ‘fuck! I’ve always, too long, been silent. No more. Not with you!’

While they talked, Stefan’s hand had slipped up Irmgard’s opening thighs, and her pussy's lips had parted under his caressing fingers. Making good her promise, Irmgard now whispered breathily into Stefan’s ear, ‘I love you touching my pussy. I love what your naughty fingers did to my shameless pussy on Monday. And now they are on my hot pussy again. Do you want to finger me again into a climax? Like Monday? God, did I come!’

Now, Irmgard was really laughing. She struggled out of their close clinch, thereby dislodging Stefan’s marauding hand. He punished her for breaking the mood by smacking Irmgard quite hard on her bum. She let off an exaggerated howl, then grinned and declared, ‘Another first! And I may start to like it, especially when I deserve it for talking dirty.’

Irmgard had steered them out of the awkwardness of talking sex. She, like Stefan, was primed and ready to engage in it wholeheartedly.

They moved smoothly into a progressively heating up kissing and touching. For the first time, Irmgard’s hand stole down Stefan’s side to gingerly touch his cock. He resisted the temptation to press it into her still open hand. Instead, he began to make love to Irmgard’s firm shapely boobs, telling her how sexy they were. As he kissed his way down her neck and shoulder, he asked to be shown how she wanted them loved.

And she did. With Stefan’s head clasped in her hands, she guided his lips. First, around the contours of one boob, then down the gap between and deep into the pit of her arms. Finally, when Stefan’s lips closed over an areola and nipple, her hands pressed harder, and her voice urged him on. ‘Oh Stefan, yes! Suck me! Bite my nipples! Yes!’ With Irmgard pressing his mouth to her tits, Stefan’s hand closed over her pussy. As one probing finger slid into its slippery heat, Irmgard moaned a drawn-out ‘Oh ...’ and hardened her grip on his head.

As Stefan’s finger began a teasing, twirling, searching in and out, Irmgard’s hands urged his lips down onto her belly. When he sunk and twirled his tongue into her navel, her tensing stomach started to shiver. Digging into Stefan’s hair, Irmgard burst into a gasping laugh, ‘God, you have a wicked tongue!’

Stefan murmured, ‘You don’t know yet, Irmgard, what this tongue can do.’ Now, Stefan’s lips were almost on Irmgard’s bush. Either inadvertently or as an invitation, her thighs had spread open. Irmgard’s hands, not yet on Stefan’s head, gave no sign of holding him back.

For now, Stefan just panted into Irmgard's bush as his mouth passed over. He kissed his way down one of Irmgard’s legs to her toes and then up the other. Without his urging, her legs spread and offered the smooth inside of her thighs to his kisses. In crossing over, aroused by the lushness of Irmgard’s sex, Stefan was breathing on her pussy’s lips and drawing in its sexy smell. Now Irmgard’s shaking hands were in his hair. Moaning a ‘Yes!’ she was ready to push Stefan's mouth on her pussy’s never-kissed lips.

But Stefan looked up. Irmgard’s eyes were on him. In the candlelight, she looked beautiful, excited, aroused. Stefan asked, ‘You want me to kiss your pussy, don't you?  Kiss your pussy like I tongue-kiss your hot mouth? I’ll taste you, eat you up, drive you wild! Do you want that? Tell me!’

With a throaty moan, Irmgard reached down and raked her spread fingers over her sex. She almost cried it out, ‘Yes! Yes! Kiss me, kiss my pussy like that! You’ll be the first! I want it! God, I want your kissing!’

Lifting Irmgard’s legs against her body, Stefan lowered his face and pressed his lips on the glistening lips of her pussy. With flat strokes of the tongue, he began to lick it open. Already with the second stroke, he felt her quiver; with each other broad lick, Irmgard’s shivering intensified, and her mewing gasps got shriller. Pressing his face into Irmgard’s wet heat, Stefan sunk his tongue deep into the nervy rosette of her cunt’s inner opening. And Irmgard’s hands, as she cried out, clawed into his hair.

When Stefan closed his lips and teeth the first time over Irmgard’s clit, and his tongue circled her magic pearl, Irmgard started to gasp a staccato of – ‘Yes! Stefan, yes! Oh, Stefan! Don’t stop! ’. All too soon, Irmgard’s mounting arousal dipped her into a delirious climax. With her now overheated pussy quivering and grinding against his mouth, she sobbed, ‘Stefan! My God, Stefan! I’m Coming! God, I can’t stop!’.

Stefan released her legs and began kissing his way up Irmgard’s arching body, delighting, for quite a while, in tantalising Irmgard’s now button-hard nipples. When his lips finally settled on hers, she murmured, ‘I’m sorry I came so quickly. This was wild! God, you made me come! Your face is all wet from me. You smell of sex.’

‘I smell and taste like your hot pussy. Do you like it as much as I? Does the taste of your hot lovely cunt on my face turn you on?’

Her responding licking kisses made a reply unnecessary — they were greedy and grew more and more demanding as Stefan’s hard, unspent cock rubbed against her groin. Pressing against him, she reached down and guided him in as she moaned her demand, ‘Stefan, fuck me! Fuck me till, God, I come again. I can’t stop or get enough! God, how I want this, our loving!’

As Stefan’s cock slid again into the throbbing, slippery tightness of Irmgard’s cunt, he remembered her expectation on Monday that he would fuck her in a hurry. Perhaps, Irmgard still expected to be fucked hard and come in a storm. So, he told her, ‘We are not going to fuck in a blind rush. I want to enjoy you for a long, long time. We’ll fuck slowly; make it last. I want to love you, take you — take us — time and time again to the edge. And you will tell me, won’t you, whether you want more of my cock in your greedy, hot pussy, or want it eaten and fingered till you come. Again, and again!’

As Stefan shifted suddenly on his side, they dislodged. Instead of answering, Irmgard moaned a protesting ‘No!’ Stefan quickly raised one of Irmgard’s legs.

With her crotch now open to Stefan’s sight and fingers, he asked quietly, ‘No? Don’t you like this position? Don’t you want us to fuck like this, where I can look at you and touch and make love to you like this?’

While he talked and looked at her, Stefan pushed Irmgard’s leg a bit higher still. When he took hold of his cock to guide its head to kiss and caress her pussy-lips, Irmgard gave an emphatic answer. She stretched and threw back her head with a lust-laden moan. Then her hand reached out to touch Stefan’s face. She smiled at him, and her lips formed silent, still unsaid words. He heard her murmurs of pleasure as his cock slid slowly into the grip of her cunt. Then Stefan almost withdrew again to let his cock tease and kiss and pleasure the swelling lips and clit of Irmgard’s pussy before again thrusting into her heating up cunt. They fucked like this for long, long pleasure-filled minutes.

All the while, Stefan’s eyes and hand could wander all over Irmgard’s beautiful, stretched out, heaving body. When his fingers, slippery from their play with her pussy, caressed Irmgard’s face, she greedily sucked them into her mouth. Did Irmgard realise what this invited?

Would an intensive play with her clit drive Irmgard too quickly over the edge? So, Stefan withdrew, for now, his fingers from her Irmgard’s mouth. Resting his cock deep in her cunt, Stefan cradled Irmgard’s lust-filled face. He stroked her hair and told her how beautiful, exciting, sexy she was and how madly he desired her. And Irmgard responded by whispering that she could not get enough of his loving, his cock, their fucking; she had to make up for many, loveless hungry years.

As they started to kiss again, their kisses quickly became lascivious, suggestive of more of what both of them wanted. When Stefan broke away, he slid down between Irmgard’s opening legs. He sank his tongue into her hot-fucked, delectable pussy.

Irmgard cried out and bucked in unbridled lust against Stefan’s invading mouth. As his tongue found its target circling her clit, he pushed his thumb into her cunt. Irmgard’s breathy whimpers changed into barely muffled cries as her groin and thighs started to quiver and twist. Not wanting her to rush into a climax too early, Stefan pulled away.

When he took Irmgard’s shivering body in his arms, she bit him on the shoulder. Breathless, she stammered that he was a ‘Schuft’ in trying to stop her again from coming. Then her half-open mouth locked onto his, and her tongue invaded his mouth for a raunchy dance.

How could he resist? Rising to his knees, he reached for Irmgard’s legs. He lifted them high, almost pressing them back onto her shoulders. With Stefan looking down at her raised, hot, glistening opening, Irmgard gave a throaty moan. Her eyes, wide open and shining, were on him. God, she was waiting to be fucked, finally fucked, and now with no holding back!

Stefan’s rampant cock needed no guidance. It slid into Irmgard’s slippery, hot cunt and, in one ramming thrust, was swallowed to the hilt.

Before, they had made love. Now her legs were in Stefan’s vice-like hold, and he was fucking her freed of any considerate restraint. It was what she wanted! He was fucking her as brutally hard as he could. And she, Irmgard, her body convulsing and twisting, met every ramming thrust with a shrill cry for more, ‘Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Oh, Stefan, yes, like that! You want me! Show me, fuck me good!’

When Stefan eventually forced himself to stop, he almost cramped being so close to discharging. With her legs twisting in his arms and Irmgard’s body convulsing into the whirl of her wild coming, he just managed to ask: ‘How do you want to come? By cock or by tongue?’

For both of them, Stefan’s question had come too late. As he was sucked into the raging torrent of Irmgard’s orgasm, neither she nor he could have reconsidered.

They lay in each other’s arms for quite a while before contentment and satisfaction pacified their over-aroused senses. Irmgard, who snuggled up against him and had started to cover his throat and neck with quick little kisses, suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. When he asked what was so funny, she pressed herself close and whispered:

‘Don’t ask your silly question again, Stefan. I want to come each way: With your cock, fingers, tongue! Again and again! I never knew I could, and now, God, I love how I come! Don’t try stopping me all the time!’

With her face hiding in the crook of Stefan’s neck and his hands at rest on the swell of her buttocks, he could feel her happy chuckling. He held her softly. It was a sweet, blissful ending to their night. When they broke their embrace, Irmgard looked around. ‘The candles are burning low. They just lasted. I better get dressed and go.’

She gave him a hurried kiss. ‘Don’t turn on the light until I’m gone. I want to remember our night together just like this.’

Written by Benku41
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