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Not A Word To Grace

"A night of drunken revelry leads to a morning mystery."

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Famous Story
Pressure was the first thing that hit me – literally – as I groaned reluctantly back to the waking world. Rolling over under the familiar duvet, my forearm draped over my eyes and shielded me from the world that seemed so harsh. My head throbbed so painfully I almost feared my skull might pop like an over-stretched novelty balloon. Cautiously, I opened my eyes and winced, whining as the burning light of day seared into my brain.

Through a determination that surprised me, I managed to open my eyes, stretch out my arms and – despite the groan and sigh that escaped me – I flung my legs over the side of my bed. Clutching the edge of the mattress tightly in my hands, I let the throbbing intensity of my hangover dissipate for a moment.

“Never again,” I groaned to myself, rocking gently on the spot.

A murmur behind me was followed by the soft, sighing breath of a woman. The bed moved and creaked for a second, then settled down. Her single purr of contentment suggested she had fallen into sleep again. I didn’t look around. Honestly, I didn’t think I could manage it.

Blinking and steadying myself, I tried to stand. Agony screeched its way through my brain, dropping me onto the bed in a heartbeat.

Drawing out the syllables, I whined, “God,” clamping my temples between my palms.

My left hand fumbled for some pain killers and a drink of water at the side of my bed. I felt something resembling tablets and threw them down my throat without thinking, gulping back a cup of warm water with that strange ‘old water’ taste. My tongue left my lips and flicked at the air, displeased with my offering, but I soon realised I had far worse tastes in my mouth.

Trying to identify the many lingering odours and flavours on my tongue, my eyebrows wrinkled with surprise. Whisky was most prevalent, but that was to be expected. A little of something sweet and tangy on my lips was a little more surprising; I couldn’t identify it. Then, most surprising of all, was the obnoxious taste of cigarettes. I blinked, shocked, having never smoked in my life.

I would have considered it more had my brain not chosen that moment to pulse against my skull like a second heartbeat. Quietly whining and rocking on the spot, I tried to remember just what had happened the night before. ‘What have I done to deserve this?’ I thought to myself.


Opening the front door, I glanced at the clock in the hallway. 9pm. I shook my head, standing aside to allow the tidal wave of entirely unfamiliar faces into my home, before they barged me out of the way. I scanned the crowd for a certain face, but I knew it was futile. Grace refused to come and I knew she was too stubborn to go back on that.

The party had been going for less than two hours and I was already tired of opening the door to strangers I didn’t even know. My friends had been the first to arrive with presents and alcohol, wishing me a happy birthday. They had all been here within half an hour.

Since then, hordes of people had made themselves at home in my house. I couldn’t say I was surprised. It was always the case in this neighbourhood that whenever anyone heard a rumour of a party, dozens would descend. Taking people into your home here was to surrender it to them.

It was too late to do anything about the crowd of people who filled my house to bursting and I was tired of letting them all in. I found myself disenchanted with the whole affair. My mood was low and it soured me to the party I wished would simply end. Arguments with my girlfriend, Grace, tended to bring such a melancholy from me.

“Refusing to even come to my birthday party, Grace,” I mumbled to myself. “That’s a new low.”

Giving up, I left the door open and made my way to the kitchen, snatching up a stray half-empty bottle of whisky as I got there. Beer cups, bottles and abandoned foodstuffs littered the counters – and even the floor. I glanced around, feeling irritable at the thought of cleaning up the endless mess.

I sighed and turned to get away, leaving the kitchen and heading out into the hall, wondering if I could see anybody I actually knew. Pausing, I examined the long thin bottle of alcohol before sipping delicately from the neck.

A single taste of that amber fluid caused my nose to crinkle and I let out a small cough. It wasn’t what I was used to, but the burn of it was unusually pleasant. I shrugged and took another mouthful, swilling the fiery liquid around my mouth and feeling every inch of it tingle with the sensation. It was a strange feeling, but one I rather enjoyed.

Swallowing it down at once, I spluttered and coughed again, leaning against the hallway wall while my body wracked with fits of coughing. My eyes watered with the effort and I gasped for air, holding the bottle up and glaring at it, silently berating the searing substance within.

“Less at once,” I determined, blinking and giving out a last little cough as I walked into the front room.

I opened the door and a cloud of smoke filled my still quivering lungs, causing me to cough even more. Stumbling into the room, through a cacophony of choking sounds, I miraculously found an empty chair and dropped onto it. Within seconds, a petite, giggling blonde girl fell onto my lap.

She wore a small black tube dress and matching heels, with bright red lipstick almost matching the shade of her cheeks. Her eyes met mine through her peeling laughter; two small hazel ovals looked hazily back at me.

“Oops! I didn’t see you there!” This was followed by another round of hiccupping giggles.

She turned to face me and smiled, taking the bottle from my hand and downing an impressive gulp without blinking. She giggled still as she turned the bottle and tipped it towards me, pouring a mouthful down my throat. I swallowed, gasping as it burned through my body. She only giggled more, her face lighting up with a brilliant shade of red.

A glint in her eyes caught my attention as her expression turned a little more serious, although she still held her bottom lip between her teeth. Her small, soft hand reached down and her palm pressed against my crotch without warning, rubbing gently up and down. Her giggles subsided to a beautiful purring sound while our eyes stared into each other.

“You’re cute,” was all she cooed as her hand wrapped around my shaft.

Before I could respond, she leaned forward and I was engulfed in the scent of whisky, vodka and marijuana. She mashed her lips to mine and kissed me deeply, sliding her fingers through my hair and incessantly rubbing at my growing cock while our tongues danced.

Our lips peeled apart – mine quite reluctantly – and her giggles returned in earnest. She licked my lips and blushed deeply. She said nothing as she slipped off my lap, pressed a slender finger to her ruby lips and slinked back into the crowd.

I watched her go, feeling disappointed. I glanced at the bottle in my hand and shrugged, following her advice and throwing the bottle back. The burn was not quite as intense as before and I found myself appreciating the lingering flavours.

I scanned the room for anyone I might know, but the faces were all new to me. People danced in the centre of the room to the pounding dubstep that filled the house and almost shook the plaster from the walls. I could feel my organs tremble under the relentless bass. Against my will, I found my body moving to the rhythm as I drunk more and more.

The chairs around the walls were piled with people on top of people. Men sat on the seats while drunken women lounged across several laps. Skirts and dresses were hitched high to expose a multi-coloured assortment of panties and even – in some cases – a noticeable lack of underwear at all. Giggles filled the air as much as the lingering cloud of smoke while stray hands, of both genders, toyed with all and sundry.

Across the room, my eyes spotted the swaying figure of the drunken blonde. Standing on her own, hands above her head, she swayed and danced in a world of her own. Her body began to contort and rock to its own beat and rhythm. She was beautiful. I found myself staring at her, just admiring the sight.

She danced and twirled her way across the room, brushing people as she passed, entirely oblivious to them all. At last she bumped solidly into a tall man with dark hair, bringing her back to her senses. Seeing him turn towards her, she didn’t hesitate to take the joint from his lips and smile. Running her fingers down his chest, she twirled away again as she took a long, slow drag. He turned back with a laugh and a shake of his head, letting her continue to pirouette around the room in her glorious daze.

Watching her, still sipping at the decreasing bottle of amber courage, I realised I was jealous of her sweet delirium; the total bliss of oblivion that washed over her and ridded her of anything but the music she allowed to course throughout her body. Minutes or hours could have passed as I lost myself in the sight of her.

At last, she danced in my direction again, seemingly drawn to my chair. She stopped in front of me, taking another lungful of the joint that dimly glowed between her fingers. Her body halted and she seemed to come around, looking down at me with a smile. Again she reached for my bottle and took a gulp, her giggles coming yet again.

Turning on the spot, she collapsed backwards onto my lap, running her palm over my cheek and drunkenly laughing.

“Hello again,” she whispered, smiling as she placed the joint between my lips and draped her head on my shoulder. I shrugged and took a tentative puff, determined to match her happiness, before a second, deeper draw filled my lungs at last.


“Oh, yeah,” I thought to myself, groaning as the intruding memory of the previous night dragged more ragged pulses from my brain. “I remember. That’s why.”

My tongue swilled around my mouth again, tasting and remembering. The flavour of cannabis was definitely present. It didn’t explain the cigarettes, though.

Struggling to my feet, I tried to walk slowly forwards. I bounced off the furniture and the walls with outstretched arms until my hands grasped the door handle at last. I fell against the door, forcing myself to remain upright. I blinked, confused for a second, as I found the knob adorned with a pair of pretty pink panties.

I marvelled and admired the tiny boy shorts, holding them up the light. They were cute and definitely not cheap. Lifting them higher, I noticed the distinct aroma of sex from them and licked my lips instinctively. In doing so, I tasted it once more; the sweet, tangy taste.

If my hangover would have allowed it, I’d have laughed out loud. I turned back towards the bed and looked at the unknown figure huddled under my covers. Her breathing was soft and gentle. I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying the sweet enduring flavour of pussy juices.


Her burning lips pressed heavily to mine and our kisses were feverish and desperate. We clung to each other like fighting cats, clawing and pawing with a hungry haste through a medley of mewls. Our bodies wriggled and our tongues entwined, swirling and darting. We were heated by passion and frantic with that all-consuming desire to give in to our most base urges.

Her kisses carried the flavour of lime and alcohol, tinged with the bitter taste of cigarettes. I focused on the lime. Rolling her onto her back and straddling the writhing body beneath me, I seized her hair in my fingers. Pinning her head to my pillow, my lips slipped from hers to slowly make their way down her soft and tender neck.

Her gentle pants and moans of approval spurred me on. Kissing down her body and hearing her tone grow sharper, hearing her moans become more frequent, filled me with excitement. Her every sound and motion gave me such a need to feel her undulate and squirm beneath my every touch. I needed to feel, hear and enjoy the true beauty of my lover.

My lips brushed the tops of her breasts as my tongue snaked out to taste the capacious cleavage I was burrowing into. Her hot skin on my cheeks fired me up and inflamed my uninhibited craving. My lips sealed around her slightly slick skin, sucking it into my mouth with a deep, reverberating growl.

I was rewarded as her back arched and all breath left her body at once. My lover’s gasps transformed into deep, rasping groans of appreciation as my lips and teeth acquainted themselves with the insides of her breasts. Impatient fingers seized the top of her bright red dress, rudely tearing it down to expose the puckered, swollen points of her tits. They were standing to attention before my eyes.

I wasted no time in running my tongue around the most delectable looking nipples I’d ever feasted on, sucking each one into my mouth in turn. My hands cupped the gorgeous, firm peaches of her breasts and pressed her nipples together, allowing me to lick and suck them both at once. My teeth scored over her flawless skin and her whole body quivered from my assault, lost in rapture.

Biting down on her nipples and hearing her high-pitched shrieks of pleasure echo in my ears sent an aching current of need through my engorging manhood. I craved her entirely, wanting to gorge on every delightful drop of pleasure I could eek from the body of the goddess beneath me.

My attentions fell lower still, kissing down the tight material of her silky dress to tease the delicate skin of the midriff beneath. Still her body squirmed, spurring me on and encouraging the soft caress of my hands, which followed my lips’ progress. Squeezing her breasts in my palms and letting my fingers and thumbs tease her nipples kept her body tingling and tight.

As my kisses decorated her hips, my hands slid lower with me. My palms drifted across her body and smoothly stroked her wondrous skin. Her hands were then clasped tightly in mine as I smiled up at her, kissing her pelvic bone. Her head nodded furiously and her moans filled the room as I peeled up the hem of her dress. Revealed to me was a delicious looking set of pink lace panties, barely masking the pink lips beneath, swollen and slick with need.

Her figure rolled and shook as hysterical, whining moans left her lips. Pink lace was thrust towards me, impatiently, as my breath caught the damp material and caused the skin beneath the pucker and pimple. Without any conscious thought, I kissed tenderly across the textile barring my way to her treasured core.

Feminine sighs of lustful craving filled the room and echoed in my ears, encouraging me more and more until I was rapidly lapping at her dripping sex through the expensive lingerie. Our combined juices soaked the material until the scent of her sex filled my nostrils and my taste buds tingled with the sweet flavour.

I was impatient and unable to resist peeling aside the flimsiest of cotton barriers to lay bare her engorged and soaking cunt. Hitching the material aside, my tongue immediately peeled apart her nether lips, spreading her open for my probing muscle as it slid through her silken folds. Moaning deeply into her, my hands gripped her thighs and claimed her pussy for my own as I sucked her lips into my mouth.

Her labia slipped from my mouth with a brilliant, sloppy pop. Again and again I teased her, pulling them slightly away in the soft grip of my lips. No drop of sweet nectar was wasted as I licked through her aching slit, my tongue working through every crease and fold before circling her puffy pussy, teasingly.

“Please!” she whined, apparently unable to stop her body rising from the bed and dropping again, dramatically. “I want to come, please!”

I was never able to deny a pretty pleading woman. Grinning at my success, I pulled away to seize the pink panties now simply in my way. Impatient and rough, I gripped them in my fist and yanked them down her smooth thighs, casting them lazily over my shoulder.

I took her legs in my hands again, holding her firmly open, pressing her legs apart and spreading her delicious cunt for my ravenous mouth. Without ceremony, pre-amble or any further teasing, I took one long lick of her pussy and then buried my face in her dribbling box. My tongue eased into her and licked the depths of her quivering walls while her hips ground eagerly against my face.

Her hands were securely in my hair; my tongue was buried deep inside her and her smooth, sopping lips ground so lusciously against my mouth. Wrapping my arms around her thighs and pinning her down as I devoured her cunt, I knew I’d found my true birthday present.


Staring at the rising and falling covers, I found myself rooted to the spot as part of my memory came back to me. While licking my lips, I found they still held the flavour of the sweetest pussy I’d ever tasted. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t want more.

Standing there, I just wished I knew who she was. My heart pulled and urged me to walk over and pull back the sheets, but I couldn’t. I simply stared, clutching the underwear in my hand and absent-mindedly stroking the lace. My mind was whirring when a surge of guilt hit my chest like a train.

In my drunken revelry, I’d cast aside all thoughts of my girlfriend, determined to find solace in the comforts of another. Now that I stared at the mounded sheets in front of me, I found I didn’t dare to reveal with whom I had finished the night. Maybe I knew the girl beneath the sheets, or maybe I didn’t. I only knew that she might spell disaster for any remaining chance for Grace and me.

I couldn’t bring myself to look. Instead, I tossed the underwear onto the foot of the bed and opened the door, diving out into the hall. The door clicked quietly behind me.

I marched into the rest of the house, glancing through the open doors to find a few scattered couples in almost every room, cuddled up and entwined together. A few were obviously continuing where they left off the night before as blankets rhythmically moved to the tune of soft moans in the quiet of the morning.

I walked into the open door to the front room. Again, the malicious odour of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes assaulted me. People were draped across the furniture and laid out on the floor by the dozen. A few early risers were stirring while others snored away, oblivious. Here, too, a few couples – and I caught sight of a threesome – were waking up amorously.

Two girls were entangled on the rug in the centre of the room; knotted limbs and wandering lips. Pale skin met caramel as their naked bodies writhed together over the rough carpet in a flurry of nails, lips, teeth and tongues. They let out soft moans and tiny giggles at every contact, rolling and fighting for control. I grinned to see their adorable lesbian display.

I turned, trying to remember anything from the night before when my eyes were drawn to the side of the room.

A man with dark hair, about my own age, was spread naked across the chair I’d sat on the night before. He seemed barely awake as he idly stroked the hair of a small redheaded girl. She wore nothing but a tiny blue thong to frame the tight orbs of her ass, her modest tits exposed to the cool morning air. Her smooth back – complete with dimples – was arched as she sat on her heels at his feet.

His cock was buried in her throat to the hilt, gagging her pleasant moans. Her delicate hands explored his abs and his torso while she lovingly laboured over his length, her breasts shaking with the forceful bobbing of her neck. Pulling back with a pop of her lips, she raked her nails down his chest, wearing a wicked smirk.

His hiss of pain cut through the air while he tensed up. I almost laughed, despite myself. He was definitely awake now, I realised, as he grinned evilly at the petite girl at his feet. A second later, his hand seized her hair and forced her mouth around his shaft, roughly using her eager throat as he fucked her face. I caught sight of her hand disappearing into her thong and rubbing furiously through her indistinct and muffled whines. Her body quivered under his attack, squirming and violently rocking on her impatient fingers.


Relaxing into the soft furnishings and feeling the steady effect of the drugs on my system gave my irritability a real respite. The cute blonde on my lap wasn’t much for talking, but I found her company addictive. Our hands never ceased exploring each other with tender caresses while we shared the joint between us. She giggled relentlessly while we were together, but each time brought another smile to my face.

Stealing the glowing embers from her lips with a shared smile, I’d forgotten all about my past worries. All thoughts of the party – and Grace – were gone from my mind. I only wished to spend the rest of the night in her company. Another long puff sent a wave of laziness over me and I thought I’d melt into the chair with her.

Another sloshed mouthful of whisky was poured down my throat – no longer burning me - before she took a second for herself. Smacking her lips loudly, an involuntarily hiccupping laugh fled her open mouth. She clamped her hands around her mouth in horror seconds before she broke down in manic laughter.

She pawed at my chest, shaking with laughter, as she tried to explain herself. I watched her, laughing and beaming inanely at her display, as she slid down onto my lap, placing her hands on my chest. She didn’t speak for a few seconds before a deep breath steadied her speech just enough for her to start. Her eyes were closed and deep breaths punctuated her flow regularly.

“Okay, I’m sorry, I jus-“

Her explanation stopped with a muffled yelp of surprise, although it quickly turned into a deep and steady moan of satisfaction. I had pressed my lips to hers while her eyes were closed. My body acted on impulse and instinct, without much input from me. Her gorgeous face split with uncontrollable laughter was too much to resist. I wanted her at that moment and I wasn’t going to ask for permission first.

The first taste of her forbidden lips was the spark that ignited the fire within me again. My lethargy broke immediately as I tasted the whisky lips pressed hungrily to mine. I needed more and my hands entwined with her hair, pulling her to me. My tongue slipped into her mouth to dance with hers, two whisky-soaked muscles vying for power as they flicked and swirled together. Our lips mashed in a drunken, desperate desire.

Four hands groped and pawed in haste at our clothing and every piece of skin we could reach. Our fingers ran through hair, over skin and under clothing until we were openly rubbing each other in the middle of the room. My palms slid under the tight material of her dress to squeeze her arse roughly in both hands. The firmness of her flesh was such a pleasure to maul as it ground against me.

Our lips still wrestled and danced while her hands slid into my shirt and her nails raked down my chest. My gasps of pain finally caused our lips to pry apart. She wasted no time in glancing down and fumbling with my belt. Her hand slipped into my trousers and she just stared into my eyes – her own hazels sharp and intense, pupils dilated – as she pumped my cock in her firm grip.

“I want this.” Her voice was breathless, but assured.

I wasn’t about to stop. My exploring hands were now pressing against the pert mounds of her tits. Squeezing her tightly in my palms, I knew I needed to taste them.

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She jerked roughly on my cock, moaning as my fingers found her nipples just seconds before her tight dress was pulled down. Exposing her beautiful breasts was a true treat. I wasted no time in leaning forward and sucking her puckered tips firmly into my mouth.

My teeth grazed her pink, goosebumped flesh while her one hand clutched tightly to the back of my head. Sucking and biting on this little slut’s tits felt like the most natural thing in the world. No one paid us any attention as my hand descended and my palm pressed hard against the very damp material covering her sex.

“I want you,” she breathed in my ear.

My fingers explored her soft, dripping folds with a delicate precision as I continued to suck and bite her firm, delicious orbs. The soft skin under my lips was the sweetest treat. I couldn’t stop. I could only just wrest myself away from them long enough to whisper back to her.

“Take me, then.”

My lips sought out her breasts again, but found only thin air. I looked up, confused, to find she was already standing in front of me. Without a word, her slender fingers entangled my own rough, thick digits and guided me to my feet. I stumbled upright as she pulled me out of the door, her dress still hitched up to flash her lime green panties at me. I smiled.

“Come with me, birthday boy.”

I watched her cute arse sway in green panties, as she led me up my own staircase. The sight split my face wide with happiness. I was so distracted by her that I never noticed when we entered my room.

The first I knew was the click of the bedroom door and the swift shove against my chest that sent me sprawling onto my bed. The blonde purred at the foot of my bed, seizing my belt and tearing it off with frantic fingers.

In seconds, my pelvis felt the coolness of the room as my trousers fell open. My hitched up shirt also exposed my chest to the cool air seconds before sharp nails scored red welting lines down my tingling flesh. I yelled out and gently moaned as she grinned above me, dragging her palms over my skin.

“I’m gonna enjoy this,” she purred as her long fingers seized my trousers and roughly tugged them over my feet, throwing them aside with an impatient growl.

Crawling onto the bed at my feet, she worked her way up my legs until her hands were pawing delicately at my boxers and hooking into the waistband. She leered over me like a predator stalking prey – a big cat closing in for the kill. The thrill was fantastic. The tease was unbearable.

I groaned as her fingers teased over my aching bulge, fingernails dragging on the fabric. Her tongue slipped around her lips as her wide eyes gave away the hunger within. Her lips were inches from my throbbing length. The proximity was enough to send me wild.

“Take it out. Take me! Suck me and let me feel you, God. I want you.”

Her fingers snagged my boxers and I found her gaze capturing mine, locked with her wide eyes and the narrow ring of hazel that encompassed her dilated pupils. The chilly air kissed my aching shaft and, just a moment later, so did she. My eyes finally free from hers, I rolled my head back with a sigh and rested on the sheets.

A soft murmur quivered her lips against me and sent a ripple through my body. We moaned in tandem the instant her soft lips slid down my shaft. Slipping down, slowly, they came to rest against my balls, kissing softly at the base of my pole. Gentle kisses developed into little sucks as she took each ball into her mouth and rolled them under her tongue, cheeks hollowing with the effort.

I was in heaven, clinging to my bed sheets and writhing under her expert touch. I wanted more and she knew it. I was quietly begging for it. I knew she was going to give it to me but she was determined to torture me, first.

The caress of the cool air on wet saliva was enough to give my whole body goosebumps. I tingled, moaning when the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Looking down at her, the need I was feeling must’ve burned into her. I saw her gaze soften and a smile creep across her lips. I watched, waiting for and needing her touch.

She lowered her head while my breath remained trapped in my lungs. I waited and waited, then gave out a single almighty breath of relief. Her lips gently pressed to my tip and slid down the firm, aching shaft she held delicately between her fingers. Her mouth spread and she was slowly filled with my grateful cock.

Beginning to bob on my length, taking me deeper, she was grinning up at me around my manhood. I could only watch in awe and total pleasure as I disappeared into her plump lips and her beautiful face buried itself in my pelvis.

“Oh, god yes, suck me you gorgeous fucking slut!”

My words were impulsive, but she responded. She was suddenly given even more energy, causing her to suck me harder and harder while she impaled herself on my dick. I could feel my body tensing as she sucked me better than I could ever have expected. I held her head in my hands and encouraged her, stroking her hair and occasionally pressing her deeper onto my length.

She spluttered and gasped, looking up at me with a lascivious grin, flicking the underside of my tip with her tongue. “Again.”

“Whatever you say, slut.”

Again I pressed her down, forcing my entire length into her throat until she gagged a little and settled around me, clenching around my length. Her hands still explored my body, gently rubbing over my skin with ceaseless energy. As her lips sealed around the base of my meat, her nails bit into my skin in celebration.


I shivered at the memory of the night before, shaking my head to settle myself. I grinned widely, glancing around the room at the writhing bodies decorating the floor and furniture. One gorgeous brunette was on her knees in the centre of the room, rubbing her face greedily around the shaft of the man standing over her – his head had fallen back in awe. She worshipped his manhood, running it through her hands and catching it in her mouth with little sucks and flicks of her tongue, teasing him to greater and greater heights.

I didn’t care. My brain was elsewhere. I turned and left the room, heading up the stairs almost at a trot. I wanted to see my lover. My mind was filled with the image of her beautiful ass swaying in green panties, the hitched up dress and that wicked, sexy grin as my cock was taken into her throat.

I reached the landing and stopped with my hand on the bedroom door. Frowning, something slowly dawned on me and a realisation snapped into place. I glanced down at the door knob in my hand. The other side of the knob had panties on it. Pink panties. My eyes closed and I tried to remember my trip up the stairs the night before.

I could see her in my mind. I could see the long, smooth legs climbing the stairs ahead of me. I could see the peach of her ass as it swayed and bounced a little with every step, enveloped in those tight, lime green knickers.

I blinked and my brow furrowed with thought. There was nothing for it. I had to open the door. I had to know who the woman in my bed was. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside.

My eyes immediately met with a pair of piercing blue, framed by a brunette fringe. The sharp features of her face highlighted the smug look she wore as comfortably as her own skin. Her dark hair hung loosely about her shoulders and reached just above the swell of her naked breasts.

She sat upright under the sheets, the impressive mounds of her breasts resting on the pulled up duvet, tipped with the perfectly pink, puckered points of her nipples.

A small cloud of smoke surrounded her. She daintily held a cigarette between her first two fingers, her elbow resting on the fluffed up sheets. Her lips were full – pursed from blowing another stream of smoke into the air.

“Morning, big boy,” she cooed, pausing to take a long drag of the glowing cigarette. “Really, I can’t understand why on Earth my sister would want to be rid of that fantastic cock of yours. It’s really quite divine. I wonder if I can get seconds.”

I stood, frozen stock-still and staring at the arrogant face of my girlfriend’s sister. She confidently exhaled another dark jet of smoke into the swirling cloud while smiling at me. A single lazy fingertip circled her very prominent nipple, teasingly.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” She laughed and leaned forward, almost conspiratorially lowering her voice. “I hope not. I can think of a few more things that talented tongue of yours can do for me, yet.”


The door flung open and a burst of light filled the dimly lit room. The girl at my feet jumped up to her feet, spinning around to look at the shadow filling my bedroom door. She adjusted herself, tucking herself back into her dress while I scrambled back onto the bed, covering myself with the sheets.

We waited while the figure slowly stepped inside.

“I think you’d better leave, slut,” a feminine voice muttered quietly – almost dangerously.

My lover took the first warning and darted out of the door at a skip, leaving me stranded with the mysterious female figure in my doorway. My mind whirred and fired on all cylinders, almost panicking, as I tried to weigh up my options. I couldn’t think. I could only sit there and pray to God that it wasn’t Grace. I couldn’t stand to see the pain on her face.

She closed the door shut and my eyes began to adjust to the dim light when she flicked on the lamp by the door. I caught sight the mane of brunette hair and then the cigarette between her lips.


“Just what the fuck are you doing?! What about Grace?!”

Grace’s sister stood over me, at the foot of my bed, glowering like an angered bear. Her thin frame felt overbearing as she leered over my semi-naked body. She placed her hands on the base of my bed with such a force that her breasts jiggled and shook in the tight confines of her party dress. I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

“Oi! I’m talking to you!”

I shook my head, trying to focus, as she glared at me.

“You like these, huh? You wanna see my big tits, do you? Thinking with this again, are you?!” With that she tore the sheets back, exposing my throbbing, dripping cock to the cool air once more. “What about Grace?!”

“She doesn’t want me, does she!” I was yelling now, letting out all the anger I’d been bottling up. “She won’t even come here tonight, because she’s had enough! So why should I?! Why should I think of Grace when she’s just as likely to never see me again?”

Amber stared down at me with narrow eyes, without moving. “So instead you get some drugged up whore to suck your cock for you, huh? That’s your solution?”

“Yes, why not! No, I… I don’t know, Amber! Why isn’t she here? Huh? You tell me, you’re her sister!”

“I don’t know.” Amber simply stared me as her eyes slid down my half naked body, with nothing more to say. “I don’t know why she isn’t here.”

I collapsed back onto the bed, letting out an exasperated sigh. My arms flung out wide and my cock bobbed with the force, the slick shaft slapping against my stomach. I thought of Grace and groaned at the thought of her sister giving her the wonderful news.

“Don’t tell Grace, Amber. Please.”

She said nothing for a while and I grew worried. I looked up to find her staring at me, still. The sight unnerved me a little.


“What’s it worth to you?” she spoke suddenly, the words tumbling from her lips.


Amber eyes locked onto mine and I realised they were filled with a hunger I’d never seen in them before. They were wide and yet intently focused on me, while her hands gripped tight to the base of the bed.

“What’s it worth to you?”

“I… I don’t know what you…”

She looked at me and her eyes softened as a small smile worked its way across her lips. Her hands came up to cup the weight of her ample breasts; her thumbs slowly teased the area housing her nipples.

“You like these, don’t you? I’ve seen you looking.”

I nodded. I was a little confused and I’m sure my wide eyes probably gave that away. I just hoped this would give me an escape from Grace discovering about my night so far.

She smiled at me and peeled down the top of her dress to free her expansive chest. She caught her bouncing breasts firmly in her hands, squeezing and mauling the palpable flesh while her thumbs teased the very visible peaks of her nipples. Her gentle moans kissed my ears as her body writhed on the spot.

Her eyes locked with mine and a serious expression seemed to darken the previous lightness of her features.

“This stays between us. Yes? Grace doesn’t have to find out.”

I nodded furiously; glad of any reprieve I could take. I wasn’t exactly articulate, but I was desperate. I only lay back and watched as the stunning brunette ahead of me smiled seductively. Her tongue slowly slipped across her lips while she took a firm fistful of her fleshy chest and squeezed herself, moaning beautifully.

Her eyes never left mine while she mounted the bed on her hands and knees. Her heels were kicked to the floor before she crawled slowly towards me, the weight of her breasts allowing them to swing pendulously in front of me. The hypnotic motion captured my attention right until her soft fingers wrapped around my cock.

“I’ve always wondered about your cock.” Her voice was barely a breath that kissed my aching length so agonisingly. “God, it’s gorgeous. I want it all.”

My confidence slowly returned to me and I reached down to cup her cheeks, stroking her hair with my thumbs. Her lips were inches from me and I couldn’t wait for her to pick up where the blonde finished off.

“Take it.”

Her lips pursed in a smile that lit up the eyes gazing up at me. They pressed softly to the head of my dick. “Not a word to Grace.”

“Not a word to Grace.” I smiled and winked as her lips opened invitingly.

Taking my chance, my hands gently pressed her mouth down around the hot throbbing meat of my manhood. She opened obediently for me, closing her lips around my length and sucking me in. Her hot, wet tongue slid down my length and swirled around me, sending quivers of fantastic pleasure through my body and an explosive moan cascading from my lips.

I didn’t need to guide her; she was more than competently sucking my dick of her own accord. I held her hair and stroked her cheeks as they bulged and hollowed with the effort of taking more and more of me into her mouth and throat. My moans were met with hers, along with soft slurps and gentle gags.

I lay back in a state of pleasure, enjoying the delicious attention lavished upon my needy rod. I looked down, watching her ravish my pulsing length with her expert touch. The image of her gorgeous face hungrily accepting me again and again caused my balls to tighten.

I moaned and struggled to keep my eyes open to see her take me deeply enough to cause a single tear to roll down her cheek. Gasping for air, she surfaced with such a satisfied, successful smirk that I couldn’t help myself. I reached down, grabbed her cheeks and pulled her up my body. My lips mashed roughly with hers and we kissed hard, gripping each other by the hair when I bit down on her bottom lip.

“You are a gorgeous little cocksucker,” I breathed into her neck as I bit down on her soft skin, growling into her throat. My hands worked through her hair as my teeth made their way up to her earlobe. Sucking it in, I let it slip from my lips with a pop before whispering to her again. “It’s my turn, now, Amber. I’ve always wanted your thighs around my head as I feasted on your cunt.”

I pulled back to look into her eyes, seeing her blush and grin. She settled back on her haunches and squeezed her breasts with a cheeky giggle before tucking them back into her red, tight-fitting dress.

“Oh no you don’t!”

I grinned and pounced on her as she squealed playfully, our lips pressing hotly together.


“You promised you wouldn’t say anything to Grace.”

She smiled at me, taking her time to take a long, drawn out puff of her cigarette. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.” My tone was low and growling as I stared at her.

She giggled and smirked, tossing her hair back. “Don’t be so uptight, mister. I won’t say anything to Grace.” She put her half-used cigarette out on my bedside table and crawled out of the sheets towards me to expose her naked body in all its soft and delicious glory.

Her firm, round ass wiggled and her full, heavy breasts swayed with every motion until she sat obediently upright at the bottom of my bed on her haunches. Her legs spread, seductively, while her fingers probed at her pink, swollen labia. “I was just hoping for another taste of that wonderful cock of yours and maybe another good, hard fuck. Like the one you gave me last night.”

She grinned, reaching out for me and running her palm down the length of my now twitching manhood. She began to rub and stroke my cock, feeling it grow harder in her hand. “You do have a beautiful dick.” Leaning forward to lap at the underside of my head, she smacked her lips, running her tongue around them. “Fuck me, you big, bad boy.”


Her hands were in my hair and she roughly pulled me, unwillingly, from the sweet banquet of her pussy. Still tasting her on my lips, I found my mouth pressed to hers. Our lips and tongues shared her wonderful flavour, causing her to moan into my busy mouth.

“God, your cunt is luscious,” I gasped, cupping her cheeks and licking her lips. “I want to taste you again. I want to lick you clean and take every drop of your delicious cum.”

She shook her head while our tongues flicked together and we stole kisses from each other to sample the flavours.

“Oh, no.” She leaned in and stared directly into my core with her sharp blue eyes. “Fuck me, you big, bad boy. Fuck my dripping pussy right here and now.”

With that, her hands released me. Her face split into a grin as she raised her arms into the air and allowed herself to fall onto her back, bouncing on the soft mattress. Her breasts heaved and jiggled with the impact. She reached out to run her fingers down my leg.

“Get this dress off me and let’s have that delightful cock of yours right here.”

She pawed at the exposed, engorged and enchanting lips of her cunt, looking up at me with expectation.

I felt the corners of my lips curl with a huge grin and I growled. Grabbing her hips, I flipped her over to yank down the zip of her dress. Tearing it unceremoniously from her body, I cast it aside and clamped my hands on the firm cheeks of her arse. Squeezing them in my hands was a delight while my lips kissed and nibbled at the back of her neck.

She writhed and murmured happily beneath me, rubbing her palms over me as much as she could in appreciation. My lips and teeth slipped down the length of her spine, kissing all over her supple body while my hands explored her every crease and contour.

Kissing the dimples of her back, I found her arse in front of me and I grinned, evilly. I was unable to resist a deep, throaty growl and a solid bite into her cheeks. She giggled and shrieked, placing her hands on mine as they gripped her ass. Wriggling beneath me, she moaned at the sharp sensation of my teeth on her skin, pressing herself up towards me for more.

One good, hard smack on each cheek was enough to fill the room with her breathless moans and light, lilting laughs.

“Stop teasing me and give me that cock,” she cooed, looking back at me through the mane of her hair. “I want to feel you fill me up, so badly.”

My touch turned rougher as I chuckled at her suggestion, seeing her gazing back at me, expectantly. My hands gripped her hips and pulled her ass into the air while my knee kicked apart her thighs. Her shaven pussy laid bare was too much temptation for one man.

I sidled forward to run the swollen purple head of my dick through her sodden lips. Amber’s hips bucked and rocked back against me, desperately trying to accept me. I let my shaft slide through her lips and she ground back against me through a stream of chest-born moans.

“I said stop teasing!” she whined as my cock slapped gently against her clit. “Give me that fucking cockkkkkk!”

The syllables drew out as I slid myself hard into her welcoming sheath, giving her half of my length at once. I barked out a laugh at her sudden breathlessness, holding tight to her hips and sliding out until she managed to inhale another lungful. Just at that moment, I slammed fully into her for the first time, causing her to scream into the headboard with the sudden intrusion.

Her hips slammed back against me and her gasps turned into groans. Filthy expletives fell from her lips as every muscle in her body fought to take more and more of my shaft until she was pinned to the sheets, pulling my hips into her again and again.

“Oh holy fuck, yes, you fucking bastard! Give it to me, right now! You own that fucking pussy, Jesus!”

I laughed, leaning down to bite the back of her neck and her shoulder, drawing more groans from her. “I always knew you were a cock loving whore, Amber. I just needed the excuse to give your slutty cunt the fucking it needs.”

“Oh, yes, it needs it! My slutty cunt needs your cock, give it to me! Fuck!”

She began to shake and I knew she was close. Clamping my teeth into her shoulder, I reached a single hand for her clit and rubbed hard at her sensitive nub. Amber shrieked as I bit down, turning her head to bury it in my sheets, muffling her depraved screams of pleasure. Her cries subsided a few seconds later, just before I gave her throbbing, swollen clit a firm, swift swat.

Another scream reverberated through my mattress as her whole body convulsed and bucked against the incessant pounding of my dick.

“Again!” I could just hear her yell into my sheets.

Another firm, solid blow sent a torrent of profane shrieks from her as I felt her pussy tighten around me. I felt her body shake and I gave her yet another, harder, spank. Her head turned to the side so she could yell into the clear air of the room.

“Oh fuck yes, make me come on your fucking dick, you sexy fucking bastard! Smack me again and mark me as yours! Fuck!” she shrieked as I struck her harder than ever, rubbing hard at her clit afterwards. Her whole body shook and convulsed as her climax neared. “Mark me! Fill me and give me your fucking cum, please!”

My teeth sunk hard into the back of her neck and she fell, shrieking, into the abyss of her orgasm. Her body shook uncontrollably and her pussy tightened around me more and more as I continued to slam myself harder and harder into her hot, dripping slit. At last I felt myself reaching the brink as Amber’s body seemed determined to milk me right into her needy, sopping snatch.

I lost all sense of myself as my manhood quivered and fired a hot, streaming streak of cum deep inside the wanton cunt of my girlfriend’s sister. Her moans and cries reached my ears a second before I felt myself collapse against her, pulsing inside her again and again.

I blinked, licking my lips and trying to swallow in a desperate attempt to quench my parched mouth. A single, heavy breath fell from me and kissed the hot skin of the gorgeous brunette pinned beneath me. Her breathing was heavy and her skin as slick to the touch.

I sighed, kissing her shoulder. Amber writhed beneath me and purred at the touch.

“Not a word to Grace.”

“Not a word to Grace.”

Written by Lupus
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