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Memoirs, Chapter Three

"Spencer finds a job and a girlfriend and becomes a photographer of erotic pictures"

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During the first few months back home in Bloomington, I sailed in uncharted waters. I had no clear direction and spent the days aimlessly trying to find a clear path in life. Civilian life was a struggle. I was accustomed to being scheduled and told what to do in the army. Now I had to find my own way.

Jack, the wheeler and dealer, had sold me a fancy Leica camera back in German. It was such a great bargain, I bought it but had no idea how to use it. The camera seemed to me to be a nice souvenir from Germany. I could always sell it, or just give it away as a present.

On a nice June day, I stopped in the local camera store to get some advice about the camera and maybe find out what it was worth. The old man who owned the shop said it was very valuable, and I should keep it. He showed me the basics and asked if I wanted a job. I told him I knew nothing about photography. He was okay with that, and said he would teach me. I took the job.

The owner, Mr. Armbruster, had lost his son in the war, and he was happy to have a young man in the shop to pass on his photography expertise. I became his surrogate son.

Primarily, I worked in the front of the store helping customers. When business was slow, Mr. Armbruster brought me into the dark room to teach me how to develop film and print pictures. It was a great job. Mr. Armbruster and I became close friends during the year I worked for him.

A month into the job, a particularly well endowed girl walked into the store. I don't know the numbers they give for breast size, but her boobs were huge! There was nothing to do but stare at them. She said, "Can you help me? I can't get this film out of the camera."

I didn't reply. I was gawking at her tits and didn't hear her.

"Excuse me," and she repeated, "Can you help me? I need someone to take the film out of my camera. I want the pictures developed."

"Yes mam," I squeaked in a schoolboy voice. "Just a moment, I'll check with Mr. Armbruster." I took it into the dark room where he removed the film, and said the pictures would be ready the next day.

I returned the camera to her and gave her a receipt. "The pictures will be ready tomorrow," I said.

"Hey, aren't you Spencer Dogmeyer? You graduated a year ahead of me at West Side."

"Yes, I'm Spencer. I'm sorry, I don't remember your name."

She smiled and said, "Oh, I'm Marguette but eveyone calls me Molly."

"Hi Molly, only how did you remember my name?"

"That's easy. All of my girlfriends thought you were hot and wondered why you didn't ask us out."

My face turned red and I was speechless. She noticed my embarrassment and said, "Maybe we can catch up."

I regained my composure and said, "Sure, that would be great."

"Look, let's have a Coke together when you get off work tomorrow. I've got to pick up the pictures anyway."

"Great," I said far too enthusiastically. "We close at five thirty."

"Okay, see you then."

I watched in awe as she seductively swung her hips leaving the store.

The snack shop was just around the corner from Armbruster Camera Store, so Molly and I went there to have a Coke. Of course she was anxious to look at the pictures so that came first. They were from a birthday party. She said, "These are from my twenty-first birthday, and I got so drunk." The pictures were at a bar with a group of girls taking turns guzzling beer with Molly in the center of it all. "Oh I can't show you this one," and she hid it.

"Hey, I won't tell. Let me see."

At first she kept it out of sight. I insisted, and finally she relented and showed it to me. Her face turned beet red. It was her with beer soaked breasts making her nipples stand out as if she had nothing on.

"God, Molly, this is fantastic! You look great. Where's your boyfriend in these pictures? You probably have more than one."

She quickly replied, "We broke up just before these were taken. He was a jerk anyway. All he wanted from me was sex, and I wouldn't give it to him. That's why we broke up."

I took a sip of my Coke and asked what she had been doing after high school. Molly said she was taking classes at the university and that meant, of course, Indiana University. She was studying art. Then she asked about me.

I told her about the draft and the military and Germany. She asked what I thought about German girls and asked, "Do they put out like my girlfriends heard?"

"I suppose some do," I said. "Don't American girls put out?"

She laughed and echoed me, "I suppose some girls do."

We were having a good time, so I asked her for a date to the movies. She accepted. It was set for Saturday night of that week.

The movie was dull, and we both thought the story line was stupid. Molly showed me the bar where she had her birthday, and we had a couple of beers before I took her home. Like me, we both were staying with our parents. It was something that I would soon correct.

We dated for the next month. We made out in the car, and all she would let me touch were those glorious mammaries. Over and over she protested when I tried to take the next step. I told her that at her age and with her body, she should be enjoying the pleasures of youth. Molly wasn't buying into my logic.

I asked one night when my pants were bulging and my cock leaking, "Don't you ever get horny?"

"Of course," she said, "but I'm waiting until I get married."

I persisted, and she said I was just like the other boys she dated.

But things got better each week. I was learning photography from Mr. Armbruster and Molly was giving me more attention. She was feeling really good after a few beers at the college bar and gave me a hand job on the way home. I squirted all over the front seat of my dad's car and had to hurry to get it cleaned up before he drove off the next morning.

I was routinely removing her bra and sucking those enormous tits. When her bra came off, her boobs dropped like a sack of potatoes. Molly especially liked my teeth gently biting her nipples. Eventually we worked up to a tit fuck where my cock totally disappeared in her delicious mounds. She got to the point where finger fucking wasn't exactly like having sex in her opinion, so it was okay. She was always delightfully wet.

"When is your birthday, Spencer?" she asked one night.

"Funny you should ask. It's a week from Friday."

"Well, I have to think of a birthday present."

I picked her up to go to a dance at the university on my birthday. When we approached the campus, she said to park the car outside the women's dorm. I didn't catch on at first. We slipped in the back entrance, and she took me upstairs. I was now catching on. Molly whispered, "My best friend went home for the weekend and gave me the key to her room."

Inside, we were at each other's bodies like bees to honey. Her fully naked body brought me to a full erection before she even touched the lower part of my anatomy. Nether of us needed much foreplay. Molly held my cock while I licked her prominent clit. The clear natural lubricants escaping her pussy allowed my fingers to glide in and out of her as if they were coated with Vaseline.

I drove my cock into her pussy without any obstruction or a thought of protection. Molly seemed so comfortable with me banging into her. She spread her legs far apart and high into the air. She pushed her hips up against me to drive my cock in deeper. Moaning and squealing with each orgasm, she had a earth shattering climax just as I shot multiple blasts of cum into her hot cunt.

After our first fuck, I dozed off for awhile. When I woke up, she stood over me hanging her tits over my mouth. I had no trouble deciding what to do. Then she straddled my head with her pussy in my face. "It's okay, Spencer. I cleaned up while you were napping."

I dove in and ate her out just like I had done months ago with Brandy. Only this time I could only taste the musky juices from a female's vagina. Molly was delirious with joy. After that we spent a long time doing sixty-nine, before I fucked her in round two.

Round two was longer lasting but equally as pleasurable. I squirted in her lovely fuck tunnel a healthy supply of my seed, but nothing like the first time.

She rolled on her side and said, "I should tell you, Spencer, this wasn't my first time."

I said, "I can tell."

"My first boyfriend had me at sixteen. I already had big tits by then. All the boys wanted to get into my panties after that and a couple of them did. So, I've had sex off and on since high school. The thing is, when you told me that your were in the army, I didn't want you to think I was like one of those easy sluts in Germany. That's why I said we couldn't do it, and said I wanted to wait until getting married. I was really foolish about that especially now after you made me climax like never before. Can we do it again?"

My answer was a nod with a lecherous grin. We fucked each other for the next four hours before I took her home. I couldn't get enough of that hot slippery cunt. Molly turned out to be such a great horny slut, and we continued fucking all summer long.

As the weeks rolled by, I got good at developing pictures and learned to use my Leica. It all came together in late summer. The campus at IU was quiet that week with preparations underway to start a new academic year. I told Molly to meet me at the iconic double arched entrance wearing her light button down sweater and no underwear. She wanted to know what it was all about. I said she would know when she got there.

The sun was setting giving off perfect lighting for photography. I had the camera and Molly was dressed exactly as I had asked. We kissed each other and I told her it was time to take a few really good pictures of her. She was eager to pose. I took three or four snap shots with her in the arch. Then I asked her to unfasten the top two buttons in order to show a little cleavage. I took a few more like that. Looking around to see that no one was nearby, I told her to unfasten all of the buttons. She wasn't sure about that idea, but I reassured her telling Molly how beautiful she was. A new picture was taken with each undone button. Finally I said, "Open the sweater, so we can see those fabulous girly mountains.

She refused, and said she couldn't do it. After fucking her a dozen times, she now had all of a sudden become self-conscious. I said, "We'll keep this to ourselves, okay?"

Molly tightened her sweater.

"Hey, open that sweater before I come over there and rip it off."

"No, I can't," she said unconvincingly.

"Okay, then I'm comin' over there."

Before I could take a step, she opened it and closed it just as quickly.

"Alright, that's a good start. Turn your back to me and open the sweater. She did. One click later, I said, "Turn sideways."

This time she followed along without an argument. I clicked off three profile pictures with her huge boobs flowing from the sweater.

"Now face me," I said. She posed for four glorious frontal pictures.

"Lean over as if you are picking up something from the ground."

On this pose I got her mammoth boobs dangling straight down showing their full size.

"Great, I said.

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Now squat with your knees apart."

"I'm not wearing panties."

"Perfect. It's just what we need to finish our photo shoot." I took four pussy shots and the photo session was over.

I told her to button up and walked back to the car, I wrapped my arms around her saying she was the sexiest and most beautiful girl on campus. And it was true. What made her so special was that she had the gorgeous body of a ripe mature woman and the face of a child. Molly looked so innocent until you considered her body. The contrast between the two forces made for exceptional photographs.

When Molly first saw the pictures, she just sat there in silence. She examined one, then another and then another until she had seen them all. "Ya know, Spencer, these are pretty good. I thought the one showing my pussy would be vulgar but really, it's kind of sexy.

"You're beautiful, Molly. It's great that they turned out so well. You look fabulous!"

"Thanks, Spencer. You're a pretty good photographer."

She kept the pictures. It didn't matter to me because I had the negatives. I moved to suggest we take some nudes, and Molly thought maybe we were going too far with my hobby. I said that she was an art major and understood nudity. She nodded her head in agreement. We setup another photo session for the following Thursday along the bike trail. I said I would bring along a bike and the clothes as props. In addition, she was to trim her pussy so we could see more of her feminine parts. She agreed that it would be fun.

We chose a sunny early morning after a torrential downpour. It was so muddy, bikers wouldn't be on the path. I also wanted the contrast between her silky white body and the dark rough mud. She changed into the biker clothes wearing a bright orange top that was way too tight and black short shorts to match. It was only unfortunate that the pictures would be in black and white. Armbruster Camera Store wasn't setup for color pictures. We had to send color photography out to a lab.

The first few pictures were of her fully dressed standing next to the bike leaning on a split rail fence. I had her push out her chest for emphasis. What followed was amazing. I didn't have to bark out commands. Molly knew exactly what I wanted. At first they were tease shots showing a large amount of breast just short of the nipples. Then she showed one full breast with the other covered. Two pictures were of her licking on her nipple. Next, she had the jersey hanging around her neck totally revealing her magnificent boobs. Molly followed that by removing the jersey and posing on and off the bike.

She asked, "Is that what you wanted? Is that all?"

"Molly, you are terrific. Now pull the shorts down around you knees."

She gave me a sourpuss expression and did as I said"

"Molly, give me that same scowl you just did."

"You mean like this?"

"Perfect," and I snapped a half dozen more shots. "Okay, now take it all off and give me any dirty expression you can imagine."

She was totally nude and I walked around to film her from different angles with her giving different expressions. I wanted to get a good close-up of her newly trimmed pussy as well. She spread her legs just enough to show her pussy lips for the final shot. I had run out of film and said, "That's it for today my erotic beauty."

She put her original clothes back on, and I loaded the bike that I had borrowed from our garage. It was the bike I rode back in high school.

When she saw the prints, she was over the moon with excitement. "Spencer," she said, "These are even better than the first ones. I just wish they were in color."

In fact, she was right. If they had been in color, they would be good enough for publication.

Days later we were having lunch at the snack shop. "Spencer," she said, "I did something really stupid. I showed our pictures to my girlfriends. You know, the girls at my birthday party."

"You didn't! That could get me into a lot of trouble at work."

"Well, it might turn out alright. Some of the girls want you to take pictures of them too."

"Naked pictures?" I asked.

"Well, I guess so. They really didn't go into detail, but I think so."

"Okay, how do we get started?"

"Jemma was the most enthusiastic one. She wants you to take her pictures in the dorm."



"Molly, that means I need to get a flash attachment and I'm not sure Mr. Armbruster will lone me one."

"See what you can do and meet me in the back of the dorm at eight tonight."

"Okay but if I'm not there, tell Jemma I couldn't get the flash."

"Fine. You know, she's kind of shy so I'm coming along to be her support."

The attachment was easy to obtain, and I was on campus exactly at eight. Molly was waiting. Again, like when Molly took me up to her friend's dorm room to have sex, we went in the back door and snuck into Jemma's room. She was dressed in sheer lingerie revealing her entire body. Jemma didn't appear shy at all. In fact, she told me exactly what pictures she wanted me to take.

Jemma didn't have Molly's body, but she was pretty. Her brunette hair hung down past her shoulders. She had a pronounced nose and dark brown eyes. Her tits were that of an average size woman. She had trimmed her pussy way back but not completely shaved. Molly said she had suggested the idea to Jemma because it makes a girl look more feminine.

"Okay, Spencer, let's get started," Jemma demanded.

I put the first flashbulb in the unit and flashed away. At first she was wearing the negligee sitting on the bed with a seductive smile. She pulled the garment up, but not past her pussy, showing two fabulous legs. Then she laid on the bed with her legs just far enough apart to get a glimpse of her cunt.

After a dozen photos like that, Molly said, "Jenna wants some of her nude like the ones you took of me."

"Okay," I urged, "Let's get naked," and the girls giggled. Molly helped Jemma out of her lingerie. They hugged and Molly assured her that her naked body was beautiful.

Like before, Jemma knew what she wanted and posed erotically, even opening her legs far apart to show off every last detail of her succulent libia. When I ran out of film, I told the girls the pictures would be ready in a week. That made Jemma unhappy. She wanted to show them to her boyfriend in two days on his birthday. I said I would see what I could do.

I had them ready in time, and Jemma was really thrilled with the results. "Ya know, Spencer," she said. "This might do the trick. I've been wanting him to fuck me for months. He just said we needed to wait."

I said, "Good luck, Jemma. I hope it works out for you."

There were other photo shoots, but the most memorable one was with Lana. She wasn't very good looking and overweight. Lana wanted me to take pictures of her and her boyfriend at a motel. I asked, "What kind of pictures?"

"Ya know, me and my boyfriend doin' it."

"You want me to take pictures of you having sex?"

"Yes, that's it."

"When do you want this occasion to take place?"

"How about when my boyfriend gets us a room on Friday at noon?"

"Why at noon?"

"Because we want the windows open so it looks like we are doin' it in public."

"I see. Let me know when you are ready."

I talked to Molly about the idea. She said that Lana was a bit of a flake, but she was okay. "By the way, cock sucker, what were you doing with Deede after her photo shoot? She said you fucked her and stayed the night."

I was busted. Girlfriends just can't keep a secret. Molly went on with her rant and said that I had cheated on her. It was a deal breaker, and we were through.

I tried to explain that Deede came on to me and was crying hysterically because she broke up with her boyfriend. I felt sorry for her, and, well, you know the rest.

Molly was adamant. "That's it. I never want to see you again, ever," and she stormed out of the room.

I went along with filming Lana and her boyfriend. I showed up with my camera in room 301 of the Holiday Inn. The boyfriend was no winner either. He looked rough and talked rough.

His name was Earl, and his first words were, "So you're the guy who's gonna take pictures of Lana and me fucking?"

I said, "I guess so. Let's get started."

Earl and Lana had their clothes off in seconds. He was already hard and his cock stood out like baseball bat between his legs. He was obviously proud of it."

"Come over here Lana," he barked. "Suck me off. The picture guy here will be making us famous."

I told them to move by the window for better light. The background was of the street, so it looked like they were partially outdoors. Lana wrapped her mouth around his dick, and I took a bunch of shots. Earl sat on a chair and had her sit on top. He wanted pictures of his cock in her twat from behind, and he made sure some were when he was partially in and others when he was balls deep.

"Okay," he said, "Now I want some pictures of me eating her out. She sat on the edge of the bed, and I took more pictures as he had his head between her thick legs. Finally there was a series of pictures of them in different positions before he came inside her shouting, "Fuck me whore. I'm making you a baby."

Earl asked if I could get a picture of his cum streaming out of her cunt.

I said, "Of course, but it won't be in motion trickling out like it is now."

"Go do it before I lick her clean."

I took the cum shot and left the motel as fast as possible. Before leaving, I said, "I'll be in touch."

I can't say what they thought of the results. I never saw either of them after delivering the pictures.

I had taken maybe a half dozen or more girls when Mr. Armbruster called me into the dark room for a talk. "Spencer, I just found this roll of negatives here in the dark room. Did you take these?"

I couldn't lie. They were of Jemma. The only good thing is he didn't find those from Lana and Earl.

"You know, Spencer, I like you very much. We have become very close, but I have to let you go. This is a family shop, and I can't have these kind of pictures developed here. I really wish you well."

Mr. Armbruster gave me two days severance pay, shook my hand and walked me out the door.

What the hell was I going to do now? I had no girlfriend. I had no job. Bad things come in threes. What could be next?

Is it a story or an autobiography? Well,most stories are a little of both. This is no different. It is the sexual memoirs of one, Spencer Dogmeyer, who lived to a ripe old age of eighty-five. He is gone now, but his legacy and sexual escapades exist here in several stages from his youth to becoming an elderly man. This is the third of several chapters of what he wrote just before he died.

Written by xhardx13
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