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Meagan Vacations at Mohonk Mountain House Resort

"Meagan unexpected finds the resort has special guest amenities"

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Competition Entry: Winter Wonderland

The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street.  Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room.  I surely appreciated that.  Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security, boarding the bus was a breeze. 

I had finished the penultimate semester of my undergraduate studies.  It had been a long and sometimes draining journey.  Taking a double major in mathematics and physics at an Ivy League university was not easy and there were times I felt overwhelmed.  But here I was, one semester away from not only graduating, but graduating Summa Cum Laude.  The hard work and long hours that I had put in over the past three and one-half years were about to pay off.

My parents, knowing of my dedication and how much effort I had put into my studies at school, had decided to treat their daughter for a special treat for Christmas.  They had known since I was a child, how much Christmas meant to me and, more importantly, had realized how much I had fallen in love with the traditional winter aspects of Christmas since I’d been living in New York City.  Being born and raised in Alabama, there wasn’t much chance of seeing a “White Christmas.”  That changed when I started attending university in New York.  I had fallen in love with the snow and everything else about the winter.  I had learned to ski and ice skate and during the winter months had spent much of my free time – little as it was – either skiing or ice skating.

Now here I was, in New Paltz, only minutes away from a two week vacation at Mohonk Mountain House Resort.  Situated up the Hudson Valley in the Skawangunk Mountains, I was going to finally get a chance to relax, forget about school and just enjoy myself.  Collecting my luggage from the bus, I called the Guest Services Department at the resort and told them of my arrival.  “Yes Ms. Carpenter” the receptionist answered, “We’ve been expecting you.  Your room is ready for you and we’ll be sending our car to pick you up in about 30 minutes.  I hope you don’t mind the brief wait?”

“No, 30 minutes will be fine.  Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome Ms. Carpenter.  We’re glad we could be of service to you.”


The courtesy car showed up a few minutes earlier than expected.  I was definitely pleased with the service and attention I was being shown.  Placing my luggage in the trunk, we set off for the resort.  Soon we were turning onto Mountain Rest Road.  The chauffeur stopped the car at the gatehouse and rolled down the window.   “Ms. Carpenter,” he said.  The guard checked the guest register and looking inside the window, said “Enjoy your stay Ms. Carpenter.”  The limo travelled up the road and stopped under the overhang of the Victorian-style residence.

Upon entering the lobby, I was immediately overwhelmed by the Christmas ambience.  A fire was roaring in the stone fireplace set in the side of the wall at one end the huge lobby.  The Great Room I found out it was called.  Not a modern gas fireplace mind you.  But an honest to goodness fireplace burning real wood.   The aroma of the burning wood saturated the air and further served to draw me into the mood of the season.  A large Christmas tree, suitably decorated with colored lights, a variety of ornaments, tensile and striped peppermint candy canes was in another corner.   Around the base of the tree was a white skirt with a Christmas motif showing, among others, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus with his elves and Rudolph the Red-Nose reindeer leading Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donner and Blixen.  Also on the skirt were real Christmas packages.  These weren’t the typical faux packages you normally see.  Each package had the name of a guest of the resort including one addressed to ‘Meagan Carpenter.’ There was another package for me with the tag reading ‘From: Mom and Dad, To: Meagan, Our dear daughter.’  I wanted to open them then but Christmas was a few day away yet.  Around the edge of the skirt ran a model train – the Polar Express – no doubt taken from the movie of the same name.  I was in awe and entranced by everything.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a voice asking “Can we help you?”

“Yes, I’m Meagan Carpenter, I have a reservation.”

The bellboy said “Ms. Carpenter, the check-in desk is over there” pointing to a large wooden chest-high structure.

There were several other guests around the desk at the moment checking in but the attentive staff handled them quickly and soon I was standing in front of the desk.  Standing before me was a tall, handsome, well-groomed man in his 30’s wearing an obviously tailored three-piece suite.  The nametag read ‘Anthony’ and just below his name ‘Assistant Manager.’  I stared open-eyed – like a dear in the headlights.  “Can I help you?” he asked.  “Can I help you ma’am?” Anthony repeated. 

Suddenly, a guest behind me tapped my shoulder.  “You’re next miss.”

 “Thank you” I replied, “I’m sorry.” 

“What can I do for you?”

 “Yes Anthony.  I’m Meagan Carpenter.  I should have a reservation.”

After a few clicks of the computer keys, Anthony replied.  “Yes, here we are.  We have you in a Mountain View Suite.  If you’d like, I can have a member of the staff carry your bags and take you to your suite.”

“Thank you very much Anthony.  I would like that.”

“You’re quite welcome Ms. Carpenter.  I hope you enjoy your stay with us.”


The woman standing before me was – to put it simply – stunning.  Perhaps gorgeous was more accurate.   Her hair, her eyes, her long legs – evident even in her jeans – everything about her was captivating.  It was also evident that she was totally lost in her thoughts.  I had noticed her enter the lodge lobby and stop, drop her luggage and walk into the Great Room.  She stayed there several minutes, walking around, obviously lost in the spirit of the season.  I had a member of the staff go to her to direct her to the check-in desk.  It took him several minutes to get her to respond.  After check her in and arranging for her luggage to be carried to her suite, I ‘knew’ I wanted to learn more about this young lady.  This was despite the fact that the lodge had a strict prohibition of any member of the staff interacting with a guest outside of lodge business.

A few minutes after Meagan had been taken to her suite, I received a call from her room.

“Hello, this is Meagan Carpenter.  I have a couple of questions.  First what are the hours of the dining rooms?  Second, what are the hours of the skating pavilion?”

“Ms. Carpenter, the Main Dining Room is open until 9PM on Fridays and until 8PM the rest of the week.  Casual dress.  The Surrey Dining Room is open until 9PM Friday and Saturday and until 8PM the rest of the week.  This is a more upscale so we prefer guests to dress appropriately for this dining experience.  The Pavilion ice rink is open until 10PM daily.  Skates are available to guests free of charge.”

“Thank you” Ms. Carpenter replied.

“If there is anything else you require, please feel to call again.   We want to make your experience as pleasurable as possible.”

“Thank you, I will” she said.

I thought to myself ‘this might be my chance to meet this girl and find out more about her.’ 

After a period of time, I saw Ms. Carpenter coming back down into the lobby.  She was even more stunning than when she arrived.  She was now wearing a ‘little black dress,’ knee-length with sheer three-quarter sleeves.  Her outfit was completed by her classic black-leather 4in. pumps.  You don’t often see that around that here, especially not in the winter.  She caught not only my attention, but the attention of a number of other guests – of both sexes – as well.  I watched her intently as she strolled over to the desk asked me if I could direct her to the Surrey Dining Room.

“Well Ms. Carpenter when you called about the dining room hours, I hope you didn’t mistake me when I told you to dress more appropriately for that dining room.”

“Am I dressed inappropriately?”

“I wouldn’t say inappropriate.  Only that you might find yourself a bit overdressed.  Honestly, we don’t see too many women dressed as you are around here – especially in the winter – unless it is for a special, private occasion such as a wedding.  As far as the Surrey room, I can certainly direct you.  However, if you don’t mind me being – well a bit forward perhaps – I would be glad to take you to that room myself.  I only ask that you give me the privilege of joining you for dinner in return.”

Meagan let out a warm, disarming smile as she responded “I accept your invitation.”

Calling another receptionist to the desk to take my place, I passed through swing-doors of the check-in desk and pointed the way.  “Follow me Ms. Carpenter.”


The Surrey room was dimly lit and candle flickering through colored glass jars on each table added to romantic feel of the restaurant.  Anthony talked with the Maitre‘-d and soon we were being led to a table overlooking the lake below.  After giving us our menus, he disappeared. 

Anthony opened the wine list.  “Ms. Carpenter, can I recommend the 2010 Bordeaux Blend of Château Durfort-Vivens, Margaux, Bordeaux, France? 

I looked at the wine menu and gasped at the prices.  A three ounce glass was $30, five ounces $50 and the bottle $205!

“I think this a bit outside of my price range.  I’m sure the wine is a wonderful, but I’m still in college and don’t have $200 to spend for the bottle of wine or even $30 to spend on a glass.  My parents treated me to this vacation as an early graduation gift.”

Anthony smiled.  “Don’t worry about the cost Ms. Carpenter.  It’s on the house – our gift to you.”

“I still think it is a bit pricey for me. Also, if you don’t mind, please stop calling me Ms. Carpenter.  My name is Meagan but I usually just go by Meg.”

Anthony grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently which sent a shiver up my fingers and arm.

“Please accept the resort’s gift.  Consider it, if you will, as another early graduation gift.”

I smiled.  “OK Anthony.”

“Please call me Tony, Meg.”

Anthony then motioned to the waiter and gave him our wine order.

We then perused the menu.

“What kind of food are you looking for Meg?”

“Anything other than seafood.  I’m not a big fan of it.”

“Do you prefer meat or poultry?  The resort has excellent chefs here and anything we order will be sure to please your palate.”

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After a bit of further discussion, Tony ordered for us both

“Ms. Carpenter will have Sweet Corn and Saffron Soup to start.  For the main course, she’ll have Roasted Prime Sirloin of Beef.  For desert, Vacherin with meringue, coconut ice cream, mango passion fruit coulis, and compressed pineapple.”

“For you sir?”

“I’ll start with the Chicory salad followed by the Seared Local Chicken Breast and same desert as Ms. Carpenter.”

“Please, no more Ms. Carpenter, its Meagan or just Meg.”

“I understand Meg, but to the staff around here, I’m the assistant manager and the resort has a policy of – well - non-involvement with the guests.  I must keep up pretenses although I’m going to be honest, I have ulterior motives.  I barely know you young lady, but I can already tell you’re quite different from other women guests who have visited Mohonk and I certainly would love to have the privilege of getting to know you a bit better while you’re here.”

I smiled invitingly and said “I think I might like that as well” as I took a sip of the Bordeaux.

Soon our first courses arrived and Tony asked me about why I came to Mohonk. 

As I told him about my background as a Southern ‘belle’ and my impending graduation, Tony became more interested. 

I learned a bit about Tony too.  Members of his family have served at the resort almost from its founding in the nineteenth century.  He had a degree in Hospitality Management and was studying for a Masters of Business Administration degree, which he admitted was still a ways off.

“I’m definitely impressed by your focus Meg!  A double major – in math and physics at that – and Summa Cum Laude as well.  That isn’t easy, especially at the university you’re attending.  I can see why your parents are giving you this vacation.  You’ve earned it!”

Blushing, I said “thank you,” but it really started with the parents and how they raised me.  I’m the one who is proud of them.  They made me what I am today although the help and the understanding of my professors hasn’t hurt either.”

The lively conversation continued through the main course and dessert.  The bottle of wine kept getting smaller and smaller while the time got later and later. 

Tony inquired about boyfriends.   I told him that I had had a couple in college but that my last boyfriend graduated last year.  We have kept in touch and have met each other half way a few times since but otherwise, I had devoted my time to my studies for the most part.

Glancing at my watch, I noticed the time – 9:15PM. 

“Tony, it has been a wonderful evening but I really think I should go to bed.  I had hoped to go ice skating but I don’t think I’m in any shape for that right now.”

“I would agree” Tony said.  “Besides the pavilion closes at 10PM.  You can always go skating tomorrow after breakfast.  I do some skating myself and would love to keep you company if you wouldn’t mind.  I really would like to get to know better – honestly, a lot better.”

He squeezed my hand again and felt that same shiver.  I had only know Tony for a few hours but could see where it wouldn’t be hard to fall – and fall hard – for this man.  He was intelligent, charming, gentlemanly and athletic.  In short he was the complete package.

Tony excused himself under the guise of paying the restaurant bill.  When I protested (admittedly meekly), he simply said “It’s our treat for a decidedly rare and truly delightful guest.  As I said to you earlier, you’ve earned it Meg with your dedication and hard work.” 

As he paid the bill, Tony discretely ordered that the fireplace in my suite be lit and that the woodpile be stocked with firewood.  He also ordered that an ‘Artisan Cheese Plate and Wine Welcome’ be delivered as well. 

After a few more minutes, Tony returned to offer me his hand.  As he wrapped his hand around mind, he gave it a slight squeeze.

“Allow me the honor of escorting you back to your suite Meagan.” 

As we returned to the lobby, I asked Tony if I could just spend a few minutes admiring the ambience of the room.  The fireplace, the tree, the festive wreathes and garlands overwhelmed me again – just as they had done earlier.

“Take your time Meg.  I’ve got a few things to do myself.  Just come to the check-in counter when you’re ready.”

Glancing my watch I realized it was now almost 10PM. 

Going to the desk, I asked the clerk if Tony was available.  She made a phone call and moments later, Tony appeared from an office behind the counter. 

“Gwen, call me if you need me for anything.”  Then he pointed to the hallway and said “the elevators are this way Ms. Carpenter.”  As one of the elevator doors opened, we entered and pressed the appropriate bottom.”

“Meg, this has been a truly wonderful evening.  The best I’ve had in a long, long time here at Mohonk.  I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve taken the liberty as showing my appreciation by preparing your room with some hotel amenities.”

Arrived at the door of the suite, I swiped my pass card and heard the door click.  As I entered, I could see the fire blazing in the fireplace and a welcoming basket of wine and cheeses sitting next a small table in one corner of the room.

I turned the facing Tony and said “you really shouldn’t have.” 

Putting my arms around his neck, I drew him close to me and kissed him – not passionately but not just a peck either.

“Until tomorrow them Meg,” Tony replied.  “Breakfast begins at 7:30AM in the main dining room or, if you prefer, you can order breakfast brought to your room.”

As he prepared to leave, I said “Please stay for a while.  I’d hate to have to eat these cheeses and drink this wine alone.  Besides, look how beautiful the lake is with the moonlight shimmering off its surface.  And the snow-covered trees.  Please stay.  Share them with me.”

“I really shouldn’t.”

“Please Tony, stay.  I’d really like it.  A lot.”

Tony closed the door and locked it.  I took a deep breath.  I had been quite a few months since I had been with a man and the combination of Tony’s persona and personality, the wonderful meal we had shared, the view from the suite balcony, the fire blazing in the room combined to get my hormones raging.  In short, I was overdue for sex and although I had only known Tony for a few hours, I needed him.

 ‘I can’t believe this is happening’ Tony thought.  Although he had hoped it might be possible to bed Meagan at a later, after giving the relationship time to grow a bit, this was happening unexpectedly faster than he had believed possible.  ‘I’m about to waste this rare opportunity.’ 

Tony walked over to Meg.  Taking her hand, he squeezed it gently while looking deep into her eyes.

  “Are you sure about this?  I mean, I’m not sure I can control myself if I stay.”

“Then don’t control yourself” I whispered into his ear as I pulled him tightly into myself.  In the blink of an eye, our lips met each other and the latent sexual energy that had been building up was suddenly released as lips met.  I reached and grabbed his ass through the seat of his Brunello Cucinelli suit pants.

Tony wasted no time either and soon he as grabbing my ass through the fabric of my dress. 

What happened next is blur – it happened so fast. 

My fingers quickly removed his jacket and vest before untying his tie. 

At the same time, I could feel his fingers reaching up and slowly pulling the back zip of my dress down.  I stepped back and pulled the dress off of my shoulders and let it fall to the floor.  My bra quickly joined it.  Soon I was back to kissing Tony again – more eagerly and more passionately than before.

As Meg’s dressed landed in a ‘whoosh’ around her ankles, I could she was even more alluring than I could of imagined.  The nipples of her pert little breasts were erect and her chest was heaving with eager anticipation.  Her black lace panties where just sheer enough to allow me to a small triangular patch of public hair just above her vulva which was as far as I could see shaven.  

Meg was even more unusual than I earlier thought as he long, slender legs where covered by sheer nude thigh-high nylon stockings.  My cock instantly responded to the site I was being blessed with. 

As we resumed our kissing, I reached up and began pushing Meg downward.  She responded by quickly sinking to her knees and reaching up and unzipping my trousers. 

Quickly pulling down my trousers and shorts, she began licking the glans of my penis with her tongue before quickly sucking my cock between her lips and into her mouth.  Her eagerness to suck me made me even harder and I began guiding her head back and forth along the length of my cock while tracing my fingers through silkiness of your shoulder-length auburn hair. 

I couldn’t believe the talent of this girl at sucking cock.  She was a natural.  I had a hard time believing that this girl could be so gifted in academics and yet seeming just as gifted in the sexual arts. 

In short, Meg was even more amazing that I could have ever imagined.

As I eagerly sucked Tony’s cock, I could taste his precum as it dripping from the end of his Ureteral opening.  Licking my lips, I flicked some on my tongue and looking up at Tony, let him see me swallow it.  At the same time, I could my own wetness.  I knew now was the time. 

Standing up I slid my panties down and stepped out of them.  Kneeling of the edge of the bed, I looked over my shoulders and said “FUCK ME!  FUCK ME HARD!!”

I couldn’t believe this girl.  I began to take out a condom, but she said “I’m on birth control.  Just FUCK ME!”

I didn’t need a second invitation.  Moving behind her, I quickly slide the length of my cock into her sopping wet pussy.  She screamed out with ecstasy as I began fucking her harder and harder, faster and faster.

She tossed about wildly as I fucked her without restraint.  Soon, she was pushing her ass back, meeting my thrusts as I fucked her. 

“YES… OH YES” she screamed out as my cock began to spasm.  Moments later, I rammed it deep and hard as my testicles emptied themselves in this wild young woman. 

“AARRGGHH” I screamed as I grabbed her hips and held them tightly against me. 

Moments later, Meagan herself began to convulse as her back arched pushing her ass up in the ass and even tighter against me.  “OHHH, OHHH, OHHH MY GOD” Meg screamed out as her own orgasm was unleashed.  I could easily feel the muscles of her pussy gripped my cock as she shuttered. 

A few moments later, both of us collapsed on the edge of her bed.

“You were wonderful Tony” I said as I stroked my fingers through his black hair and gently kissed on the lips again.

“You weren’t bad either young lady.  You’re one amazing young woman that is for sure.”

After snuggling for while watching the fire, Tony got up and started to grab his pants.

“Please, don’t go.  Stay here in bed with me tonight.  I won’t tell if you don’t” I said laughingly.  “Besides there’s still that wine and cheese gift that was delivered.  You don’t think I’m going to drink it all myself or eat all those cheeses alone do you?”

Tony smiled and said “I don’t think that would be the right thing to do.”

“You mean let me drink all that wine and eat all that cheese myself?”

“No, fucking such an intelligent, beautiful and sexy young woman as yourself and then just leave her.”

We both laughed together before snuggling next to each other on the bed in ecstatic bliss.


Written by Meagananne1986
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