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"When Jessica can't find her inspiration, David comes to her assistance"

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Pinching the bridge of his nose the director closed his eyes. Trying to suppress his mounting frustration he rolled his neck and stood up. He turned to the assistant next to him.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked, not really expecting an answer and not caring if the actors on the set heard. "She's a great actress but she screws like a shop mannequin. She's even making David look bad." He shook his head and turned away.

"Okay, so that's lunch," the assistant said slowly, watching the director's back as he weaved his way between production staff towards the soundstage exit.

Jessica watched him leave the set before closing her eyes, her head falling back onto the pillow. She sighed.

"Don't worry, Jess, we'll get it."

Jessica nodded slowly as she felt David lift off her before sliding out of the bed. She clutched the sheet which had been covering them, pulling the material over her bare breasts.

The voices around her began to dissipate as the crew filtered off the set, thoughts of lunch replacing the scene they had been working on all morning.

"C'mon, Jess. Let's go."

Opening her eyes, Jessica looked into the face of her friend and sighed, tears starting to well.

"It's going to be okay," Julie said softly. "You're going to get it. Let's get some food and we can go over the scene. You guys'll get it this afternoon."

Jess shook her head sadly, pulling the sheet around her as she slipped off the bed and stood, the thin material outlining the lines of her slim body. Wrapping a thick toweling robe around Jessica's shoulders Julie removed the sheet, tossing it back onto the bed. Jessica looked around the set before quickly opening the robe and wrapping it around herself, covering her pert breasts.

Flopping down onto the soft couch, Jess put her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes, her long blonde hair falling forward around her face. Behind her the door to her trailer clicked shut.

"Scott is going to fire me off this movie," she said, her voice muffled by the thick robe.

"Honey," Julie said, sitting in the chair opposite her. "You're the star of the movie, you're not going to get fired over one sex scene."

"No, he just won't ever want to direct me on any of his movies again."

Julie shook her head. "Look, you and David are going to get this. You just need to figure out why this scene isn't working. I mean, up to now every scene has been great and Scott is loving you."

"I can tell you right now why it's not working," Jessica said, her face still pressed into her hands.

Julie looked over at her. "Is it David?" she asked. "Do you not think he's hot?"

Jess laughed sadly, shaking her head. "No, I think he's really hot. He's gorgeous. I get butterflies every time he looks at me. I really like him."

"So is that the problem? Are you freaked out because you're attracted to him?"

"No, it's not even that. It's because I don't know what I'm supposed to be acting."

Julie looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Sex," Jessica replied simply. "I don't know how to act... sex."

"What are you talking about? You've had sex."

Jess looked up. "Just, once," she said sadly. "But it wasn't like what this scene is supposed to be."

"Can I ask who it was with? Was it Justine?"

Jess nodded.

"But I thought you were with Justin for about six months. Did you two not..."

Jessica shook her head. "We just did it once. I wasn't ready when we first started going out but then, when I thought he was someone I could be open with, it didn't go so well. It took forever for him to put on the condom and then he was barely inside me when he... finished." She shook her head. "Yep, that was how I lost my virginity. I was ready to try again but I think he was embarrassed and he blamed me. I'm not sure how it could have been my fault but that's why he broke up with me."

Silence filled the trailer and Jess flopped back into the couch, pushing her wavy hair from her face and pulling the robe around her as if the act would protect her from the painful memory.

"Well I guess that explains a lot," Julie said, running her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah," Jessica said, staring at the far end wall of the trailer.

"So this could only have been a couple of months ago," Julie said. "It must be still pretty raw."

Jess nodded. "It was about two months ago, right before I finished on Jess's World on the Teen Channel. I had just turned nineteen, the show was in it's final season and the producers had stopped being so strict about me being seen out with guys." She adjusted her position, the flesh colored spandex panties she had been wearing for the scene were cutting into her. "You know how it is, they don't want you being seen out with boys or partying, not that that was something I ever did."

Julie nodded.

"And so I started to think that maybe Justin was someone I wanted to be with, y'know, long term, so things started to move on. Then one night I told him I was ready. He was pleased because he'd been wanting to get it on with me for months but I wasn't ready. So we went back to my place. I still wanted to take things slow, you know, romantic but he just wanted to get into my panties so I just went with it and, well, that was it."

Julie nodded slowly. "So you really don't have any frame of reference for a scene where you and your boyfriend are supposed to be in love and are having hot, steamy sex."

Jessica shook her head.

"Have you tried watching some other sex scenes?"

"No, I thought about that but I just figured it would be like all my other scenes and I would just know how to do it. But I guess I was wrong and now it's too late for me to research. And I don't want to watch porn on the internet because I don't think that is going to help me in this scene."

"No, it won't," Julie said, her head snapping up. "Well, I mean, I don't suppose it would. I've heard those scenes are usually overacted."

Jessica looked at her friend and laughed at her embarrassment.

Julie looked at her watch. "Look, we still have about twenty minutes of the lunch break left so why don't you drink some water and rest and I'll leave alone for a while. I'll be back before the call time."

Jessica nodded, waving weakly at her friend as she left the trailer.

Taking a deep breath she stood up and walked towards the fridge, reaching for a bottle of water and holding it to her forehead before unscrewing the lid and taking a drink. The temperature of the trailer was much higher than on the air conditioned set and the thick toweling robe was starting to make her hot.

Placing the bottle on the side she stripped off the robe, tossing it back onto the couch. Turning around, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she paused. Her youth and the hours in the gym ensured that her body was slim and toned. Her butt was small and tight; her breasts were firm with small pink nipples.

"Why can't I get this?!" Jessica suddenly shouted at her reflection, clenching her fists in frustration. "And these damn things aren't helping!" Grabbing the spandex panties she pulled them down, kicking them off. Jess watched them arc across the trailer and disappear behind her dresser.

"Shit," she sighed as she watched the panties drop from sight.

Standing naked, she reached for the water bottle and took another drink. She knew she had to retrieve the panties but she really didn't want to put them back on, the tight fit making her uncomfortable, especially since the gusset was now damp, a result of spending hours with her sexy co-star grinding on top of her. She had often wondered if actors got excited during sex scenes, if the men got hard or the women got wet, and now she knew.

She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Should she feel guilty about the fact that her excitement over another actor simulating sex with her had turned her on to the point where she was getting wet? But perhaps, 'what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him,' was the best way to look at it.

Suddenly the trailer door opened and Julie burst in, leaving the door open behind her.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing?" Jessica said, grabbing her robe and pulling it around herself before anyone out on the lot could see her.

"We gotta go," Julie said grabbing Jess's arm. "Scott is back on set and he's ready to try the scene again."

"Oh no," Jessica sighed, reluctantly pulling on her robe.

"Come on, let's go."

Jessica allowed herself to be pulled out of the trailer and across the lot. As they reached the door to the set she froze.

"Julie, stop. I forgot my panties."

"What?" Julie said, turning to look at her.

"My panties, those gross things that stop my coochie from coming into contact with David's... Peter. I took them off in the trailer and you didn't give me a chance to put them back on."

"Don't worry about them," Julie said, starting across the set again.

"What are you talking about? I can't do this scene naked."

"Maybe it'll help," Julie said. "I mean, let's face it, it can't get any worse."

"Positions everyone." The assistant's voice echoing around the set drowned out Jessica's protests and Julie continued to pull her across the set to the bed.

"Okay, get in," Julie said as they reached the bed.

"I'm naked," Jess hissed at her friend.

"Just get under the sheets while I hold your robe," Julie said, pulling back the sheet.

Jessica paused for a moment, uncertain, but seeing Scott, the director, lowering himself into his chair she allowed her friend to pull the robe from her shoulders and she slipped under the covers.

"Okay, she's decent," Julie called out, indicating to the crew that they could turn to face the set. She looked down at Jess and smiled.

"I'm naked," she whispered, pulling the sheet up around her neck.

"Stop worrying," Julie said before turning away.

"Where is David?" the assistant called from where he stood beside the director.

"I'm right here."

As Jess looked over toward the door she saw David approaching the bed and her stomach did a somersault. He also wore a toweling robe and his messy hair fell around his forehead. As he reached the bed he looked down at Jessica and smiled kindly.

"Don't worry, Jess, it's going to be good this time," he said, mistaking her look of worry for concern over the scene.

Jess opened her mouth to speak but the director's voice cut her off. "Okay, David, take your position," Scott said as he approached the bed. "Okay guys, now let's not let this get to us," he continued. "I know you can do this, so just relax and make it good."

He turned to Jess as David climbed onto the bed and under the sheet. She pulled the sheet up around herself, becoming more self conscious than ever over her nakedness beneath the thin material.

"Okay, Jess, just remember, you're totally in love with this guy and you are finally giving yourself to him." Scott turned to her co-star. "And David, remember, Jess is the girl of your dreams, the love of your life and all you want is to make this the most wonderful night of her life so that she never wants to be with anyone else, ever again."

David nodded, listening to Scott's instructions but Jess could feel her cheeks beginning to flush as David moved closer to her under the cover.

"Okay, let's do this," Scott said, turning back to the crew.

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"Okay, closed set. Anyone who doesn't need to be here better not be."

As the last of the unessential crew filtered off the set and the doors closed, David turned to Jess. "How you doing?" he asked softly.

She opened her mouth to answer when Scott's voice boomed out again.

"Okay, positions, David!"

"Here we go," David whispered, trying to sooth Jessica's anxiety, unaware that her concerns over the scene had been replaced, in part, by the fact that she was naked and about to be acting out passionate love making. He slowly moved on top of her, his toned arms either side of her.

"Jess," he whispered, "you're going to have to open your legs, otherwise the camera will pick up that we're in an weird position."

Taking a deep breath, Jessica slowly slid her legs apart, allowing David to position himself between them. As he lowered himself onto her Jess could feel the material of his modesty pouch pressing against her.

"And... action!"

"Okay, Jess," David whispered, "put your legs around me and just pretend I'm someone you really want to make love to."

Lifting her legs, Jessica began to move under David.

"Okay, Jess," Scott called across the set. "Let's have some vocals, start to move like you're really into it.

The knowledge there was only a few millimeters of material between David and her bare vagina made her juices begin to flow. But still she couldn't let go and lose herself in the moment.


Jess groaned.

"It's okay," David whispered, "that was better. But you seem really nervous. Are you okay?"

"No, not really, it's..."

"Are we ready to go again?" Scott called.

David looked down at her. "Julie told me that you're attracted to me. Is that true? Is that why you're stressed?"

Jess groaned. "Yes but it's not just that." She paused, unable to make eye contact with David. "I've never really had sex before. Well, I did it once but it was over really fast, for him, and so I don't really know what I'm doing. So you can imagine how I'm feeling. I've got this hot guy who I have a huge crush on pretending that he's making love to me and I don't know what that's really like and so I'm embarrassed. And to top it off, I took off my panties at lunch and didn't have time to put them back on."

"So you're naked under here?" David asked quietly.

Jess nodded.

"C'mon guys, we're burning daylight."

Lowering his head, David put his lips next to her ear. "Mind if I join you?"

Jess's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the way I see it," David said, "you're attracted to me and I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I've been crushing on you since you were in your TV show. And, since this scene isn't really going so well, why don't we add some realism?"

"Guys! Are we ready?"

"Just give us a moment here, Scott," David called over his shoulder. "We think we might have the answer to this scene."

From across the set Scott sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Do you mean we should..." Jessica said, not really believing what David was suggesting.

"Uh, huh. But only if you want to."

With a sudden rush of confidence Jess looked up at him. "I want to."

"Okay, great. This stupid modesty pouch has a clip on the side. See if you can reach it."

Reaching down, Jessica slid her hand down David's side, her fingernails tracing over his muscles.

"That feels nice, Jess," David whispered.

"Sshh, I can't find this clip... wait, there it is."

"Great, pull it off."

Pulling the pouch free, Jess dropped it beside her.

"Now what?" she asked. "Do you want me to... y'know, touch it or something."

"I don't think you're going to need to, Jess. I've been attracted to you for so long now that it's been really difficult to hide my... well, you know."

"You mean you're hard?"


Jessica took a deep breath. "Okay then," she whispered.

David smiled at her. "Okay Scott, we're ready."

"Finally! And action!"

"Okay, put your legs around me again," David whispered.

Taking a deep breath Jessica lifted her slim legs, wrapping them around David's waist.

"Ready, Jess?"

"Uh huh," she whispered, her palms beginning to moisten along with her soft cleft between her legs.

Moving closer, David positioned his now throbbing erection at Jessica's damp opening.

Lowering his head, David pressed his mouth to Jess's; at the same time he pushed forward with his hips, his erection slowly parting his co-star's moist lips.

Jessica's body stiffened, the sting of David's hardness penetrating her causing her to freeze. But as the initial pain gave way to pleasure she reciprocated with a kiss of her own as her legs pulled him closer.

"Are you okay?" David asked as their lips parted briefly.

"Oh gosh, yes," Jess replied, relishing the sensation of David filling her. "Are you okay, David?"

"Jess, I've wanted to do this since I first met you," he responded. "Now why don't we give them a scene."

Jess nodded, pulling his mouth to hers again. As their lips met David pulled his erection from Jessica's soft opening until she felt him leave her empty, and without warning he firmly entered her again, groaning as he felt her lips engulf the full length of his erection.

Feeling him enter her again, Jess cried out. "Oh, Eric," she called, managing to remember her co-star's character name.

"That's it guys," Scott called from his director's chair. "Now it looks like you're having sex. Keep it going. Give me some vocals."

Hearing the instructions, David lifted up onto hands, thrusting into Jessica again, causing her now exposed breasts to shudder with the force of his movements.

"Eric!" Jess called again. "Don't stop."

"Selena," Eric responded, thrusting deep inside Jess again before bowing his head and taking a breast in his mouth.

Jess groaned, her head beginning to spin from the pleasure between her legs and now the sensation being focused on her nipple. "Harder, Eric," she called, no longer caring if the microphones picked up her voice. "You're so hard. It feels so good."

"Okay, honey," Scott called. "You're doing great but let's not step over into porn talk. You guys are looking great."

But Jess was no longer listening to the director, lost in the ecstasy of being filled by David's erection sliding in and out of her vagina, now dripping from the pleasure and excitement, her cries becoming more intense. Gripping him harder with her legs, Jessica hoped that she wouldn't feel David suddenly release into her, wanting to keep the sensation going.

"Jess, I'm getting pretty close," David whispered, his face next to her ear.

"Oh, please don't cum yet," she replied. "You feel so good."

"I don't want to cum yet, so maybe we should change position."

Jessica's heart skipped, the thought of carrying on as long a possible exciting her but she also experienced a pang of concern as she pictured them moving and the sheet which was covering them from the waist down slipping off to reveal David's erection inside her.

"Are we going to be able to?" she asked.

"Everything okay, guys?" Scott called from across the set.

"Yeah, we're good," David answered. "We're just going to try a different position. Okay?"

"Okay, guys. We don't want anything too porn, so why don't you just switch and Jess go on top? You okay with that, Jess?"

"Yes, that sounds okay," Jessica replied, her face flushing at the realization that she was talking to her boss while being made love to.

"Ready?" David asked, laying forward on top of her. "Grab the sheet."

Doing as he said, Jess let herself be guided until she was on top, David's erection still deep inside her.

"Okay, guys," Scott called, "make sure you keep that sheet around Jess's waist. We don't want the camera to be able to see the panties you're wearing, Jess."

David looked up at Jessica, raising his eyebrows at the mention of her missing panties.

Jess carefully pulled the sheet around them as David reached up, taking her breasts in his hands.

"Okay, Jess," Scott continued. "That looks great, take it away."

Placing her hands on David's tight stomach, Jessica began to grind on him. Then, with the desire to increase the pleasure of David's hard on inside her and her growing confidence, she began to raise and lower herself onto him, moaning each time she felt him fill her again.

Changing the angle of her body slightly, Jess allowed David to massage her breasts more forcefully, but also realizing that the small change in position allowed her clitoris to press against David she rode him slower. The sudden new sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through her, causing her to gasp, a shudder pulsing through her body as she increased the speed of her movements.

"Selena," David called, no longer acting despite remembering to use Jess's character's name.

Jessica responded by calling his name, her eyes closed as she lost herself in the sensation around her breasts and clitoris.

David's fingers pressed more forcefully onto Jessica's breasts as he pinched her nipples, his hips beginning to lift to meet her downward movements. Jessica's head fell back, her back arching, her long hair swaying as she felt David push up into her. She began to ride him faster, thoughts of being surrounded by the crew now lost.

"Selena, I'm close," David said, no longer caring if his words were considered too explicit.

"Not yet, baby, I can feel it," Jess whispered, the tingling she had only ever experienced whilst alone starting to emanate from her clitoris. But then David's hips were bucking, his stomach muscles tensing as his orgasm tore through him, pumping his thick liquid inside Jessica.

"Don't stop, Je... Selena," he called as Jess rolled her hips, drawing her own climax out, crying out as she came, the waves of pleasure pulsing around her hips and stomach.

And then she was falling forward, her mouth, open in desire and exhaustion, pressing against David's as he also took gulps of air, his hands making sure the sheet still covered their now perspiring bodies.

"Did you?" he whispered.

"Oh my gosh, yes," Jessica answered quietly between breaths. "I really did."

"Cut!" Scott shouted. "That was the one. Perfect, guys. Just perfect. Let's call it a day."

Scott stood and headed off the set while the rest of the crew busied themselves packing up for the day.

"That was awesome, guys," Julie said as she approached the bed where Jess was still pressed on top of David, his erection still hard inside her. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

She offered Jess her robe. "Well, come on," she said again, looking down at her friend. "I know he's gorgeous but you can't just lie there on top of him."

They both turned their faces to look at Julie as she stood beside them. Suddenly her smile faded as realization spread over her expression.

"Wait, are you two?" she began, unsure of how to proceed with her question. "Did you two just?"

Jess turned her face away, burying it in David's neck. David grinned, his eyes twinkling and Jess giggled, the sound muffled.

Written by Mercury23
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