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Learning the Ropes

"An erotic writer gets stuck on a story and finds some new inspiration."

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Catrina sat in the corner of the coffee shop and glanced furtively around her. Her laptop was in front of her, a word document open. The last sentence stared back at her, tauntingly. “And then he seized her, his hands plunging up her shirt and roughly grabbing her breasts.”

She had been hung up on this line for some time now and was hoping the change of scenery would help her move past it. The stories she usually wrote were tame - romance with a side of sex. She wanted this one to be different. Rougher and more sensual. It pushed her solidly outside of her comfort zone and was proving to be more of a challenge than she had anticipated. She’d tried writing naked; she’d tried while watching porn in the background. She had even tried writing while using her vibrator, though that had ended up proving much too distracting.

And then, inspiration had struck. Writing her erotic story in a public place might be sexy. Sexy enough for her to get past the mental block. She’d just be sitting there, typing away at her computer. The other patrons would think she was busy with schoolwork, or business, but really she’d be writing filthy smut, her pussy tingling and getting wetter.

Once she had the idea, she felt certain it would work. She tugged her tight jeans on over her bare ass. Then she put on a lacy red bra and a low cut black tank top. Shoving her laptop into her bag, she set out.

But now, inside the coffee shop, Catrina found herself stuck again. She was a little aroused, but still feeling uninspired and discouraged. She sighed in frustration, wondering if she should just scrap this story and go back to something she was more familiar with. Disappointment washed over her. Even my fictional characters are doomed to a life of vanilla sex, she thought with a pout.

A light breeze fluttered across her face as the coffee shop door opened, interrupting her sulking. She glanced up, her eyes meeting those of the man who had stepped inside. Her gaze subconsciously roamed up his body appreciatively. He was exactly her type - a little older than her, tall and rough looking. He stared back at her as he walked by, his green eyes bearing into hers, before she turned her eyes down in embarrassment and returned them to her screen. He moved into the line to order his drink.

She read the last line of her story again. “And then he seized her, his hands plunging up her shirt and roughly grabbing her breasts.”  Her hips shifted, and her eyes darted to the man in the drink line. She found herself involuntarily thinking about the his hands on her body as he slowly replaced her male character. A light blush spread across her face, and she felt guilty for a moment. But then, she found the words flowing. She began typing, her fingers barely able to keep up with her now racing mind. She bit her lip as she wrote, occasionally stopping to push her hair out of her eyes. Her breathing accelerated, and she felt herself growing wet. She crossed her legs tighter, shifting her bottom against the chair again.

She reached her hand out to grab her drink, and abruptly felt eyes on her, interrupting her concentration. She glanced up, only to find that the man was sitting at a table directly across the room from her, staring right at her. Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she wondered briefly what he would think if he knew what she was writing. She quickly averted her eyes, but when she peeked back up through her long lashes, she saw that he was still watching. She brushed a hand lightly over her face, wondering if she had something on it that was making him stare at her.  She turned her head down, struggling to gather her thoughts again. Her heart was racing, and she took a deep breath, trying to ignore his scrutiny.  

She wrote another paragraph and then looked up at him again. She was slightly disappointed to see that his attention was turned to his phone. Shrugging slightly to herself, she turned back to writing, lost in her story once more. She flew through another page. In her head, they lay together on soft satin sheets, his strong hands wandering over her naked flesh while she moaned and writhed underneath him.

She extended her hand to grab her drink once more, her eyes on her screen, still trying to type with one hand. Her fingers connected with her cup, but tipped it, sending a wave of iced tea over her table.

“Shit,” Catrina hissed, jumping up and grabbing her laptop before the tea could spill on it. She set it on the opposite end of the table, away from the spreading puddle. She stepped towards the napkin display, turning without looking, and collided into a tall, solid figure.

“Here,” the man said, one hand moving to her waist to catch her, the other dropping a fistful of napkins onto her mess.

“I’m sorry,” she stammered, looking up at him, her heart still beating wildly in her chest. She could smell him, an intoxicating mixture of his soap and the coffee he had been drinking.

He moved his hand off of her and wiped at the table. Catrina darted away and grabbed more napkins.

When she returned to her table, she saw that he had paused, his gaze on her still open laptop. Her face felt like it was on fire as she leaned forward and reached around him. She shoved the laptop closed, and then wiped at the table, trying not to make eye contact with him, her whole body hot with embarrassment.

She could feel him still standing next to her, his eyes on her, and so she finally looked up at him. She followed his gaze to her chest, and realized that her tank top had slid down, revealing an inch of bright red lace and even more of her ample cleavage. She tugged the neckline back up, and he smiled mischievously, his eyes moving to her face now.

“‘She ached for his throbbing cock,’ huh?” he said, grinning down at her.

“What? Oh, yes. I mean... Yes.” She willed her mouth to close before she embarrassed herself further. She looked down at the pile of soggy napkins. “Thank you. For your help.”

“Mmhm.” He didn’t move. She peered up at him again, unsure of what he wanted. “Can I read the whole thing, Catrina?” he asked.

“How did you know my name?” she asked, surprised and a little uneasy.

“It was on your story,” he responded with a smirk.

“Ohh,” she said, feeling foolish. “Umm, I guess. If you want. I didn’t finish, though.”

“Maybe I can help you finish,” he said, grinning at her salaciously as he sat down. She didn’t think it was possible, but her face beat even redder. She opened her laptop and slid it over to him, then sat back in the chair across the table.  

She searched his face as he read, trying to decipher his facial expressions, anxious for this stranger’s approval. She tried to think back on what she had written, wondering if he'd be able to figure out that the male character she was writing about had become him. Though she was embarrassed for him to figure this out, there was also a part of her that wanted him to know and wondered how he would respond.

Finally, he glanced up at her. “Do you mind if I fix a few typos?”

“Sure. Please.” She bit her lip, anxiously waiting for his feedback.

He typed briefly, and then he turned his eyes upwards and returned her stare. “What happens next?” he asked.

“I don't know. They have sex, I guess.” She blushed.

“Yeah, I got that,”  he laughed. “But how?”

“Oh. Well, I was thinking… maybe he’d tie her up.” She watched his face intently, waiting for some kind of reaction.

He smiled at her, a flash of lust in his piercing green eyes. “Yeah?” he asked, inspecting her hungrily.

“Uh huh,” she continued, feeling emboldened by his obvious interest. “But I'm stuck.”

“What's the problem?”

“I haven't done a lot of stuff like that,” she responded, looking at him tentatively with the confession.

He gazed back at her with a sly smile. “How can you write about something you’ve never experienced?”

She felt the heat in her ears as her mouth opened to overshare with this stranger once again. “I watch porn for some ideas....”

He shook his head, looking disappointed in her method of research. “Most of those guys couldn’t tell you the difference between a square knot and a half hitch.”

Her eyes widened slightly. “And you can?” she asked, trying not to sound too eager.

He smiled deviously at her, his eyes returning to her chest, then slowly roaming down the rest of her. She tried not to squirm under his gaze, finding herself yearning to pass this judgement.

He stood up abruptly, pushing his chair in. Catrina’s face fell, clouded with disappointment, but then he looked down at her, still smiling. “Do you want to find out?”

She nodded wordlessly, a mixture of apprehension and desire clearly written across her face.

“I have somewhere to be right now, but I’m free tonight if you want to talk through some ideas.”

“Oh. Maybe....” She bit her lip thoughtfully, not wanting to admit that she’d never had sex with a stranger before either.

“Think about it.” He gave her a little shrug, and then turned to walk away.

She watched him leave, admiring his physique once more. As the door closed behind him, she realized she had no way to contact him. She didn’t even know his name. She stood up and peered out the window. She briefly thought about chasing him down in the parking lot and throwing herself at him, kissing him passionately. She hesitated, her cautious nature rooting her in place. As she stood there, trying to make a decision, he pulled out of the parking lot. A pang of regret reverberated through her. She’d missed out on her opportunity. She frowned, feeling as though she'd let down her characters.

Absently, she flipped her laptop open to reread what she’d written. She thought it was pretty good so far, probably better than anything she’d worked on previously, which made losing the chance to improve it feel even more bitter. She scrolled down to the end, wondering if she would ever be able to finish her story now.

But there, underneath her story, separated by a few lines, was a phone number, an address, “7:00 pm”, and his name. Ethan. A smile lit up her face as she shoved her laptop back into her bag, suddenly anxious to get home.


Catrina paced around her apartment, trying to decide what to do. On the one hand, this man could be a crazy axe murderer who lured young women to his place and then chopped them into tiny bits. She wasn't the kind of woman who took chances like this. She didn't go to the houses of strange men to talk about bondage, and she certainly didn't sleep with them.

On the other hand, she really wanted to finish her story. No, she needed to finish this story and her current methods clearly weren’t adequate.  Maybe Ethan was right. Maybe she did need to talk over the details with someone who had real experience. And hadn’t he said talk anyway? Maybe that was all he wanted to do. Even if it wasn’t, that didn’t mean that she had to do anything more.

Although, if she was being honest with herself, she knew she wanted to. She wanted to give herself over to him, let him use her the way the women she wrote about were used. She was ready to take chances and try new things, instead of just writing about them.

She pulled open her phone and typed his number into a blank text. “See you at 7.” she wrote and hit send before she could change her mind.

There. It was done. Now she had to go. A nervous laugh escaped from her lips. She couldn't believe she'd just done that. She glanced at the clock. It had taken her an hour to come to this decision.

She moved to her room, flicking through her closet, trying to pick out something to wear. She stripped and slid a short black dress over her naked body, admiring herself in the mirror. It dipped low on her cleavage, hugged her ass, and showed off her toned legs. But it also looked like she was trying too hard. She yanked it off angrily, standing in just her bra and flicking through her closet again.

Her phone buzzed. “Good,” was all it said. Her heart beat a little faster as she thought about what he might be thinking of doing to her.

She looked back at her jeans and tank top on the floor. Maybe that’s what she would wear. Sexy, but casual, since she’d already been wearing it. She slid them back on and then glanced at the time on her phone. She had a little while before she had to go, so she pulled her laptop out again. Under the light tapping of her fingertips, her characters were entwined, longing for each other’s bodies.


Catrina glanced around apprehensively from Ethan’s couch, her shapely legs crossed at the ankles. Now that she was here, she wasn’t so sure that this was a good idea. She took a deep breath, and tried to imagine what her protagonist would do. She uncrossed and then recrossed her legs, hoping she didn't look as anxious as she felt.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Ethan asked her.

“Yes,” she said, rather desperately.

“Beer good?” he asked.


He returned quickly with two glasses full of amber liquid. He handed one to her, and placed the other one down on the coffee table, before sitting on the couch beside her. He was close enough that their legs brushed, and she could smell him once more. She took a long swallow from her glass and smiled nervously at him, trying futilely to get her racing thoughts under control.

“Are you ready for a crash course in bondage?” he asked, sipping his own beer.

She nodded, not trusting her voice. He set his drink back down on a coaster, looking at her steadily. She stared back at him with wide eyes.

“Rule one,” he said, returning her gaze raptly. “Never tie anything around the front of the neck that could block the airway.” He extended his hand and slowly ran a finger down her neck, stopping at her collar bone. Her breath caught, and her whole body tensed as he touched her. Her skin felt singed with electricity in the wake of his finger.

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“Okay,” she responded, hoping he didn’t notice the slight tremble in her voice. He moved his hand away, and she reached for her drink again, finishing it in a few long gulps.

Ethan stood up and returned with another drink for her. He sat back down next to her, closer this time. His leg pressed against hers, and he turned to face her.

“Rule two,” he began again. “Never tie around nerve paths, or you can cause nerve damage. Some of those areas are here.” He grabbed her upper arm carefully. Her breath caught as he touched her again. “Here,” he continued, reaching down to her crossed leg and pushing her jeans up slightly to brush his fingers against her delicate ankle bone. “And here.” He moved his hand up her leg and pressed against her inner groin. She let out a soft gasp, her eyes widening, and her hips shifting towards him of their own volition. He smiled, pleased with her reaction, his hand lingering against her before pulling it away.

She reached for her beer again and took a few small sips. Her face was already flushed with desire.

“Rule three and the most important rule. All parties involved need to always have access to a way to communicate to one another; verbally or physically, to make sure boundaries aren’t crossed. Safety is the number one priority. If anyone becomes uncomfortable or wants to end a scene, it stops immediately, no matter what.

“A scene?” Catrina asked.

“Mmhm. A scene, a session, play time; an amount of time spent together engaging in acts that both parties are comfortable participating in.”

She found herself leaning closer, hanging on every word he said. Her mind was racing, trying to focus on absorbing all of the information that he was presenting her with, but also already distracted with thoughts of his hands and mouth all over her body.

“With a new partner,” he continued, “it’s always best to discuss their personal limits beforehand and enjoy a scene tailored to their comfort levels and desires.”

“What type of limits?”

“For instance, would she be comfortable having her wrists bound?”

“Yes,” she whispered without intending to.

Ethan smiled, leaning in to kiss softly against her neck. Then he whispered against her ear, “Would she be comfortable having her legs bound?” She shivered and pressed into him, as his lips and words played across her skin.  He pulled away slowly. She took a deep breath, wishing he hadn’t stopped. She craved his touch. She reached for her drink and took a long swallow, trying to calm her nerves and her racing heart.

“Rule four,” he went on, with a small nod towards her drink. “Since safety is a priority, neither party should be under the influence or in such an altered state that they are unable to make smart decisions regarding their personal bounds or comfort levels.”

She set her beer down in a rush, cringing a little at the loud clang the glass made against his table. He smiled at her, amused at her eagerness. They had a lot more to discuss if she was serious about gaining the full experience, but he knew right now she needed to be fucked. He would give her a small taste of what she could look forward to in the future.

He pulled away, rising to his feet. Catrina looked longingly after him. Ethan grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand next to him. She looked up at him, innocence written all over her face, but belied by the lust in her eyes.

He leaned down, kissing her lightly on the neck, and then deeply on the mouth. She kissed him back, pressing herself to him fervently. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She followed him eagerly.

“They're not the satin sheets your character found herself on,” he said, as he sat back on the neatly made bed, pulling her to stand between his knees.

“That's okay.” She let out a nervous giggle.

“Take your shirt off,” he commanded.

Catrina hesitated for a moment, but then obediently pulled her shirt over her head. He looked her over as she stood anxiously between his knees, in her jeans and lacy red bra. He ran his hands up her sides, then down to her hips. He reached behind her and expertly unclasped her bra, slowly sliding the straps down, caressing her arms as he went. She shivered under his touch, her desire gradually overpowering any sense of anxiety.

He tugged her onto the bed next to him and rolled so he was on top of her. He kissed both sides of her collar bone, then between her full breasts, his hands sliding up her sides to cup them. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, making them jump to attention. She let out a soft moan.

He kissed down her belly slowly, until he reached the top of her jeans. She squirmed under his touch, her breath quickening. He undid the button of her pants, slowly slid the zipper down, and grinned up at her when he realized she wasn't wearing panties. She smiled back at him nervously, wanting more, but also uncomfortable with having a stranger in such an intimate position.

Sensing her uneasiness, Ethan ran his hands up her thighs as he kissed his way back up to her breasts. She moaned as he placed his mouth over her nipple, sucking at her gently. He moved over her, biting gently at her neck and making her squirm.

He tugged at her pants, sliding them down over her hips. Catrina watched him intently as he tugged her jeans free of her feet, his eyes drinking all of her in as she lay completely naked in the middle of his bed. She pressed her legs together, trying to reduce how exposed she felt. He slid his hand between her knees, pressing them apart slightly. He kissed the inside of one knee, then kissed his way up to her inner thigh. Her hips wiggled, and she let out a soft moan as one hand rubbed against her other leg. The tension slowly melted from her legs as her need for him grew.

He pushed her legs apart wider and then slowly licked across her inner thigh, moving closer towards her awaiting sex. He licked across her lips, and then spread her gently with his fingers. Finally, his tongue teased across her wetness. She gasped, her hips thrusting up against him, and her breath quickening. He licked up her slowly, making her writhe as his tongue gently flicked over her clit. She dug her fingers into the bedspread as she moaned louder. He ran his rough hands up her legs, caressing her, as his tongue continued to move against her. She squirmed and moaned under his experienced touch.

And then he pulled away. She started to sit up, but he put one hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back into the bed. “Close your eyes,” he said softly, but with authority. She looked back at him for a moment and then squeezed her eyes shut.

A light breeze from the overhead fan danced over her bare skin, heightening her sense of arousal. Though she felt exposed and vulnerable, they were no match for how badly she wanted him. Her ears strained as she heard him step away, followed by the soft sound of a drawer opening. She could feel him move onto the bed beside her.

“Keep your eyes closed,” he said hoarsely, and then she felt something cottony and soft trail up her belly and across her breasts. Rope, she thought, her hips shifting in anticipation as she struggled to keep her eyes shut. His hands moved to her waist, flipping her over so she lay on her stomach. He grabbed her right arm and carefully pulled it behind her, pinning it against her lower back. Then he grabbed her left arm, pulling her wrists side by side and wrapping the rope around them tightly.

“Open your hands,” he said. She relaxed her arms, letting her hands lay flat against the small of her back. “This is a square knot. It’s a good introduction knot, as it won‘t self tighten and remains easy to untie if need be,” he said, his hands brushing against her lower back as he bound her wrists together.

“Okay,” she breathed, her eyes still squeezed shut. She could hear him moving around behind her. The distinctive clink of a belt being unbuckled, and pants being unzipped. Her breathing started to quicken even more. She felt herself growing wetter in anticipation.

And then he was behind her. With one hand on her hip, and the other on the rope tethering her hands, he pulled her hips up so she was on her knees and her butt stuck up into the air, her face against the bedspread. He rubbed his hands over her round ass. She moaned and shifted backwards. He moved to meet her, his hardened cock rubbing against her wetness.

He pushed into her slowly, enjoying her low moan of pleasure. He started a slow rhythm, using the ties around her wrist to pull her back against him. He pressed into her, filling her with his entire length. She tried to thrust back against him, but his hands on her hips held her steady. Her body tensed, tugging against the rope that bound her wrists against her back, her cheek pressed into the bedspread. A surge of panic welled up in her chest as she realized the true scope of her helplessness. Here she was, restrained and being fucked by complete stranger. A sense of incredible vulnerability overwhelmed her, making it hard for her to breathe. She pulled against her bonds tighter, making the rope bite into her wrists. His words from before came back to her, staving off her panic and reminding her that he said he would stop if she wanted to.  For a moment, she considered it, her mouth opened, the word at the tip of her tongue.

Then, Catrina took a deep breath. She remembered how she’d felt in the coffee shop, when she thought she had lost her chance - feelings of regret and failure. This was what she had come here for. She wasn’t going to stop now or let her own timidity get in her way. She wanted this. She wanted him.

She willed her racing mind to be still and focus on the moment, on the heady sensation of his cock pummeling into her tight hole. She unclenched her fists and relaxed her taut leg muscles, surrendering herself to him and the pleasure he was filling her with. He thrust into her rhymically, pulling all but the head of his cock out before shoving himself deep into her. She moaned, her hips gyrating slightly against him. Sensing her need, he rammed into her faster. She gasped, her breath coming in shallow pants now. Ethan’s hands dug into her hips as he hammered into her harder. He groaned, his breathing ragged. She moaned louder, now completely lost in the thrill of him. She could think of nothing other than his cock inside of her, overwhelming her with heat and lust. Her pussy tightened around him. Her climax was already growing close.

He pulled out of her quickly, leaving her panting and aching for more, with her ass up in the air. Her thighs were slick with her own wetness. He grabbed her by the hips and turned her onto her back, hurriedly but carefully. Her bound hands were underneath her, cushioning her lower back and providing some comfort. Now she understood why he’d wanted her palms open.

He pushed her legs apart and moved between them. Her eyes roved over him as he climbed on top of her, his hands on either side of her supporting his weight.

“You opened your eyes,” he said, with a small smile.

She immediately squeezed them shut again, feeling disappointed in herself and hoping she hadn’t ruined everything. He let out a small laugh, then slid back into her waiting pussy with a groan. She moaned in response, her hips bucking up against him. He bit gently at her neck, making her writhe and moan louder underneath him. He moved back on his knees and started fucking her hard and fast.

Catrina cried out, her hands involuntarily moving against her bonds. She wanted to rake her fingernails up his sides. The rope dug into her wrists, and she thrust toward him faster, enjoying the sensation this time. She tightened around him, waves of pleasure building and growing more intense.  

He looked down at her. The sight of her with her eyes obediently closed tight, her mouth parted, her breasts bouncing, gasping and moaning as his dick pummeled into her, was bringing him closer to his own release.

Ethan slammed into her hard. Her moans turned into a scream, her pussy now clenching him rhymically as she convulsed in orgasmic bliss underneath him. He kept fucking her, riding out her orgasm and growing closer to his own.

Her eyes fluttered open as she finished, her face flushed and her blue eyes meeting his as she smiled up at him. She thrust her hips against him more zealously, wanting to bring him the same satisfaction he'd given her. He moved one hand and rubbed over her swollen clit, making her whimper. Her hips jumped against him, and her eyes closed in pleasure once more. Her breathing grew sharper as he moved his finger over her in a slow circle. Her hips bucked harder. He knew she was getting close to another orgasm as she began to tighten around him again, and her moans came in loud shallow gasps. Knowing his own end was rapidly approaching, he moved his hand against her clit faster.

Her back arched, and her hips slammed up against him hard, her pussy clenching him tight. He pounded into her again, exploding deep inside of her while she came around him for a second time. He kept pumping into her, riding out both of their climaxes.

Finally, Ethan pulled out of her, slowly collapsing onto the bed next to her. Catrina lay on her back, trying to catch her breath. Her mind was racing, already trying to put her new experiences into words and mapping out the rest of her story. After a few moments, he sat up and pulled her to sit, as well. He reached behind her and untied the rope, freeing her wrists. He pulled her arms to her front and gently rubbed at the rope marks marring her delicate skin.

“You good?” he asked.

She looked up at him and nodded. “That was very… informative,” she replied, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

“Good,” Ethan responded. “Now let’s get to the real fun.”

Catrina watched him intently, biting her lip in a mixture of expectation and apprehension, as he moved back to the drawers and rummaged around briefly. He turned back to her, holding a blindfold in one hand and leather cuffs in the other, his eyes roaming over her naked body hungrily. Her smile grew wider as she laid back across the bed, eager to give herself over to him once more.


Lots of thanks to TxSwinger, for encouraging me and helping me when I'm stuck.

Written by LittleBlueCat
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