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Kara: Without Care

"Did she need to worry about how she was dressed at the nightclub?"

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Once in the car and heading away from Dallas, Kara removed her suit jacket and tossed it in the backseat. She and Dirk had eaten a light supper in a downtown eatery near Kara’s office and were on their way to a nightclub in the stockyards area of Fort Worth, some thirty miles away.

After entering the expressway, Kara continued the transition from lawyer to Friday night reveler. As he drove, Dirk stole quick glances at her, unbuttoning the white silk blouse she had worn under the jacket. “This bra has got to go,” Kara announced emphatically. Then turning toward Dirk and smiling, she added, “I don’t imagine you’ll be complaining.”

Without turning his head, Dirk replied, “Well, if I did have a complaint, it would be that you thought you had to wear one at all.”

Kara leaned forward and dropped the blouse from her shoulders and arms. As she unhooked and removed the bra she responded, “You know I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to, but with Grayson already on the warpath over you and me living together, I don’t dare not wear one to work.”

As the bra came off, Dirk’s attention was drawn irresistibly to Kara’s bare breasts. After a quick look, turning back to the traffic at hand, he remarked, “Too bad you have to put the blouse back on.”

Kara tossed the bra in the back with the jacket, then rebuttoned the blouse. Ignoring Dirk’s comment she said, “If you weren’t so well known around town, and one of Grayson and Locke’s more substantial clients, I probably could go without the bra.”

“You’re forgetting Mrs. Grayson. With the way you look, she has got to be worried.” Dirk turned and looked at Kara. Then, as if he were the MC in a "gentleman’s” club, he announced throatily, “And now for the hose.”

As his focus snapped back to the road, Kara sing-songed, “But not tonight.” Then in her more usual tone, explained, “I took them off at the office. Changing shoes is all I got left.”

“But what about the pants? I thought that was why we were going to Fort Worth.”

Without sounding confrontational, Kara offered an explanation, “I probably wasn’t real clear. What I wanted was to go some where you weren’t so recognizable, and somewhere we weren’t likely to run into one of my coworkers, and I did say it would be nice if it was a place where maybe I could shed a few clothes, like maybe my pants, and where maybe we could mess around a little. Maybe.”

Dirk attempted to respond similarly, “Yes, I think that is what you said, but I, quite possibly incorrectly, assumed you wanted to take your pants off, and again maybe wrongly, assumed you would want to mess around a little.”

“Oh no, you weren’t wrong,” Kara exclaimed enthusiastically, “You know I’m going to wear as little as I think I can get away with.” She reached across and playfully grabbed at the front of Dirk’s trousers. Grinning she added, “And you know I am always ready to, quote, mess around. I just need a little time to scope things out.”

With her hand still wrapped around his cock, Dirk replied, “Got it!” He understood. As Kara withdrew her hand, Dirk shifted his focus back to the road and changed topics, saying, “You really think when you make partner, this crap with Grayson is going to go away?”

As they continued along the route from Dallas to Fort Worth, they discussed Kara’s thoughts about the changes she expected to come with her anticipated partnership, and why it, and they, might or might not happen.

Their destination, Kara was surprised to learn, was an old warehouse in an industrialized part of Fort Worth, near the legendary stockyards. It had no outside sign and no windows. Had it not been for the cars in the parking lot, and the single illuminated bare bulb over the unremarkable entrance, it could have easily been mistaken for just another of the abandoned buildings in that part of town.

Once inside though, things were quite different. The entrance foyer was small and elegantly appointed. A well dressed elderly woman, seated behind an ornate desk, greeted them. After collecting from them, what seemed to be an extraordinarily high door charge, she summoned a formally attired maître d' type person who escorted them into the main nightclub area. He seated them near the dance floor in a circular leather booth with a linen covered table.

Before leaving them, the maître d' motioned a waiter to the table. After their drink orders had been taken, Kara immersed herself in the sights and sounds of the place. The nightclub, which the maître d' had told them was called ‘Without Care’, had been some sort of factory. Steam pipes and mechanical drive shafts still hung from the ceiling, now all painted a flat black.

There was a deejay in one corner putting out a heavy disco beat that filled the place with sound, but not so loud you had to shout to be heard by those near you. Semi-circular booths, like the one they were in, surrounded the dance floor.

At one end, the deejays stand was behind the booths, at the other end, the bar. Both were elevated sufficiently to provide a view of the dance floor. On either side, there was a second row of booths, slightly above those at the dance floor level. Dirk and Kara were seated in one of those second rows, but near the end where they had easy access to the dance floor.

As they waited for their drinks, Kara leaned toward Dirk and said, “I think I’m going to like this place.”

Dirk nodded as they watched the couples on the dance floor. The lighting was almost non-existent. The deejay had a shielded light illuminating his workplace and the bar had a few pinpoint spots in the ceiling above, but most of the light, what little there was, came from a candle on each table and the laser-like disco lights.

Kara turned toward Dirk, “I really do want to get a little more comfortable. You’re sure it’s not going to be a problem?”

“Well, there is that one woman with her blouse mostly unbuttoned, and then there’s that other one with the dress so short you can see her panties. No, I don't think it will be a problem.”

Kara put her mouth up to Dirk’s ear. “Yeah, but when I take these pants off, the only thing I’ll be wearing is a blouse, panties and heals.”

Dirk turned toward Kara and replied, “I didn’t say everyone here would be taking their clothes off. I just said no one would care if you did.”

“It’s not all my clothes anyway, just the pants, but you’re sure it’s okay?”

“I’m sure.”

Kara said quietly, “So uh, do I need to go to the ladies room, or can I just take ‘em off right here?”

“Right here’s okay, just be discreet.”

“Thank god for table cloths,” Kara murmured as she unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs. Dropping her heels she pulled her pants the rest of the way off and stuffed them in her purse. She looked up from getting her heels back on, just as the waiter brought the drinks. He was standing over her bare legs, smiling. She smiled back as she tucked her legs under the table.

After the waiter was gone, Kara adjusted her blouse, making sure her panties were covered, then said to Dirk, “I think he saw my panties.”

“But weren’t you kind of expecting that when you took the pants off?”

“That’s not what I meant Dirk. What if he tells someone?”

Dirk adopted a look of horror. “You mean like maybe the manager or the owner?”

“Yeah, and...” Kara suddenly realized that Dirk was just playing with her. “uh and, well they probably wouldn’t care, would they?”

Dirk straightened up. “Maybe officially they would, but I’m pretty sure they go out of their way not to know what goes on in here.”

Kara turned toward Dirk, her eyes flicking between his and the rest of the place. “Right, and so I guess there’s no way the waiter is going to say anything either.” There was a pause while her face morphed into one that was more animated. “Dirk, this is really cool. Panties and a blouse? I hope you’re ready for some playing!”

Dirk pushed the table back and looked at Kara’s bare legs. He licked his lips. “I think I could be talked into that!”

Kara swatted at him playfully. “Seriously though, you really are sure I’m okay, dressed like this?”

“Of course,” Dirk snapped, “That blouse is longer than some of the dresses in here.”

Kara looked down at her legs. “You’re right, it is a little long. But I’m not wearing hose!” She looked up with a sneaky type smile on her face.

“Yeah, so I noticed,” Dirk said while smacking his lips lasciviously. “Makes me want to drag my tongue up the insides of those thighs and right under that blouse.”

“Jesus,” Kara said in mock anger, “You are so incorrigible. Good thing I’m wearing panties.”

“Well, you could take ‘em off,” Dirk suggested with a gleam in his eye.

“No way,” Kara responded emphatically. Then lowering her voice she teasingly added, “At least not until we get home.” She hesitated, then said enthusiastically, “God, this is so neat. I didn’t even know places like this existed.” As they made their way to the dance floor, Kara asked pointedly, “So how did you know about it?”

Dirk was still thinking about Kara’s bare legs and that almost see-through blouse that came down just far enough to keep her panties hidden. “Oh yeah, uh well, my ex heard about it from one of her girlfriends.”

“So then she liked to... uh...”

“Show off some?” Dirk went into a sort of quiet type mood. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

As they made their way onto the dance floor, Kara ventured, “So then, let me ask this… and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.

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You said like I really didn’t even need the panties. Did your wife ever do that?”

They were in an unoccupied portion of the dance floor. Dirk stopped and looked around, then at Kara. “Yeah, most of the time.”

They remained rooted to that spot, actually on the dance floor, but quite away from the other dancers. Kara guessed, “You liked that.” Then asked, “And you didn't think she was being trashy?”

Dirk's eyes brightened. “No, I did not think it was trashy and yes, I did like it. Actually, I thought it was damn fine. Made me horny as hell - like right now - you just standing here with all these people around, and you in just a blouse and panties - nothing else – yeah, I like it!”

Kara put her mouth to Dirk’s ear and whispered, “So you really would like it if I took the panties off too.” Then quickly stepping back and jerking to attention, she held her hand up like a policeman directing traffic and emphatically added, “And no, I already said I wasn’t going to do it tonight, but if I did some other time, would you be okay with it?”

As he pushed her toward the other dancers he said, “C’mon, let’s dance. I want you to feel how okay I’d be with it.”

There was just a DJ and what he was playing was not really what you would call a slow song, but you wouldn't call it a fast song either. Its tempo was kinda middle-ground, but it had a rhythm or beat to it that just made you want to grab your partner and grind your crotches together, and that's exactly what Dirk and Kara did.

Kara had no doubt about Dirk’s answer. His cock was threatening to rip right through his pants and her panties too. His hands were under the tail of her blouse and all over her butt. Their lips locked and the intensity of their passion was as if they really were fucking. Dirk yanked Kara's thin bikini style panties into the crack of her ass, exposing lots of bare flesh to work his fingers into.

And Kara wasn't being very passive either. Her hand slipped between the two of them and grabbed hold of Dirk's cock through the soft material of his slacks. His hands crept lower, playing with the insides of Kara's thighs, so close to her pussy he could feel the heat. She sucked suggestively on his tongue and danced with her legs spread slightly apart, encouraging his exploration. His fingers slipped beneath the silk of her panties and caressed her already wet lips. She tightened her grip on his cock and nearly bit his tongue in two.

Breaking the kiss, Kara whispered breathlessly, “I think we’re being watched.”

“Oh, I'm sure we are,” Dirk replied, “Over there, on the other side of the dance-floor, there's two booths looking. One of 'em even has two couples – all of 'em with their eyes glued on us.” Dirk slid his hands between them and broke loose the bottom of the blouse's buttons.

“What are you doing?” Kara asked urgently.”

“Undoing the bottom button, letting your panties show a little. You do want that don’t you?”

“Well yeah, I guess so. I just don't want us getting kicked out.”

“That is not going to happen,” Dirk said.

With her hair down and the brevity of clothing, it was easy for Dirk to imagine her on top of him, naked, supporting herself on her hands, green eyes staring into his, lips inches away, nipples grazing his chest, shoulder-length hair tickling his face, and her pussy sensuously moving up and down on his cock.

“Oh god, Dirk, I love it, dancing with you and me wearing just a blouse and panties, and even the blouse partly undone.”

“You could take those panties off you know.”

“Jesus, Dirk, what are you trying to do, get me to bare my pussy with all these people watching?”

“Could if you want.”

“No, no, I don’t want. I’m nervous enough already.”

“You don’t need to be. And it’s not going to get back to Grayson. No way is anybody here going to even admit they were here, much less talk about anything or anybody they saw here.”

"That is comforting. But don’t keep pressing. I am still worried about the partnership.” Kara put her hand on the front of Dirk's pants and stroked the growing bulge. Dirk's hand cupped her panty covered pussy. The panties were soaked.

The DJ switched to a faster number with a driving beat, one of those that just goes on and on. Kara was being watched by several of the nearby men, even a couple of the women. She wasn’t the only one taking a few liberties with her dress, but she was attracting the most attention.

Dirk too was mesmerized by Kara’s exposed legs and flashing panties. He was sure this was not what Winston Grayson had in mind when he suggested that Kara shouldn't be conspicuous. But so what?

The music slowed and so did the flashing lights. Dirk put his arms around Kara and held her close. Kara grinned and remarked, "I know you want the panties off too, but that hard thing in your pants seems pretty happy with the way I am."

“Uh, yeah, well...” Dirk's hands were on her back, but they dipped lower until they were once again, on the bare backs of her thighs. Then upward until they gripped her mostly bared ass-cheeks.

Kara whispered breathlessly, "Oh my god!" Their lips touched and she thrust her tongue into his mouth. With his hands clutching Kara's ass, her tongue in his mouth, and her crotch grinding against him, Dirk’s cock was hard, nothing 'semi' about it.

Kara put one of her hands between them, took hold of it through his pants, pushed the lower part of her blouse away and rubbed it against the front of her panties. Dirk took his mouth away from hers and said, "You keep that up and I'm going to cum right here." Just then the tempo of the music increased and the rapidly flashing lights returned.

Kara whispered suggestively, "Our table does have a cloth covering it." They hurriedly straightened their clothes and rushed back to the booth.

At the table they sat much closer to each other than when they first arrived. The candle flickered faintly and the cloth on the table hung down into their laps. Dirk reached under the table and put his hand on Kara's leg. The blouse had ridden up as she slid into the booth. With nothing to obstruct it, his hand slid upward to the top of her soft, bare, inner thigh, right next to her pussy. He grazed the front of her panties with his little finger, then grasped the thin material and tugged it gently aside. As his fingers touched Kara's bare pussy lips, she let out a little gasp, then pretended as if nothing was happening.

Dirk's fingers slid along the slick surface of her outer lips. Pressing upward Dirk brushed against her clit. He rubbed it gently with a single finger. It was just a small nub, but Dirk could tell by the look on Kara's face, that it was hyper-sensitive.

She breathed deeply, moving the air slowly in and out of her lungs, attempting to control her reaction, trying to keep from screaming. Her eyes were shut and her tightly clenched fists pressed against the table.

While still using his forefinger to massage her clit, Dirk inserted two fingers into her dripping pussy. Kara quavered and dropped her head to the table. Even with her face buried in her hands, Dirk could hear, "Oh god, Dirk, get me out of here. I need to scream."

While Dirk settled the check, Kara took her purse and wandered off as if in a trance, in search of the powder room. When she returned, the waiter had been paid and was gone. Her makeup had been freshened but she hadn't bothered to put the pants back on. The blouse was once again fully buttoned, but still somewhat see-through. Kara was wearing what some referred to as ‘fuck me’ pumps and her legs were bare. She looked like the main character in a wet-dream.

Dirk wasn’t sure he could wait until they got home but he was anxious to get out of the club. The parking lot was dimly lit and deserted. As he propelled her toward the car, Kara slowly undid the buttons on her blouse. The panties were gone! She had removed them during her trip to the restroom.

When they got to the car, Kara looked around, making sure no one was nearby, then leaned her back against the car and opened the blouse. Her breasts stood firmly, plenty big enough, but not so much as to sag. The areoles were smallish, quarter to half-dollar size, and her nipples, though no more than an eighth inch or so, were erect and hard from the mixture of excitement and the cool night air.

Below her flat belly was a short, thin strip of hair ending just above her clit. From there down she was cleanly shaved, her smooth pussy lips glistening with the moisture already formed there.

Dirk looked at her lustfully, made a low whistle, brushed his hands across her hardening nipples and kissed her. Kara swallowed his tongue, undid his pants and pulled his cock out. She held it in her hand and stroked it slowly while his fingers explored her cunt. Dirk opened the car door and pushed her back onto the seat, her legs spread, high-heels on the ground.

He ran his tongue up the insides of her thighs, lapping up the pussy juice already in abundance. His nose nudged the nub of her clitoris while his tongue slid between the folds of her pussy. He worked his tongue in as far as it would go while gently teasing her clit with his nose. Kara writhed and shook. As the shaking became more like a spasm, she jerked repeatedly, punctuating her motion with short screams.

Dirk was going to fuck her right there, but their reverie was interrupted by the nearby sound of a car door closing. He quickly put his cock back in his pants while Kara hastily buttoned her blouse. The sound had come from the next aisle over, seemingly just opposite them. As they waited for whoever it had been to pull out and leave, they continued playing. They kissed intermittently while Dirk toyed with her covered breasts and Kara rubbed the front of his trousers.

Their arousal remained heightened as they awaited the car’s departure, but it didn’t leave. After several minutes, still hoping they were entertaining a voyeur, but fearing instead that they were being watched by the police, they abandoned their hopes of continuing in the open air. Reluctantly, they began the trip back to Dallas.

Written by TraceEkies
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