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Jay, The Gym And Sexercise Ch.1

"Jay exchanges private training for over the top massage..."

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As I looked up, all I could see were June’s bare pussy lips being lowered toward my hungry mouth. My eyes widened and my tongue was primed to deliver pleasure like never before. I felt her engorged lips pressed against my face. Her wetness drenched me as she ground her lips against my nose and mouth; her clit engorged reacting to the excitement of her body.

Both naked in the gym, me lying on my back on the bench press, June straddling me with her outstretched arms leaning over the barbell secured on the rack. My hands instinctively grabbed her muscular ass cheeks and pressed them harder against my face forcing my tongue as deep as possible inside her love canal.

My nose was rubbing and stimulating her clit, her scent providing the best aphrodisiac that any man could wish for. The taste of her fresh peaches and sweet flowing honey was a feast for a king. I gently sucked her clit like a baby at his mother's breast, enjoying the moans of pleasure coming from June’s lips. Looking up, I could see her hardened nipples jutting out from her perfect D cups, moving up and down with the grinding of her pussy against my active tongue. Her grinding became so intense that she cut off both airways leaving me gasping for air.

This continued for several minutes with the speed and intensity growing. I knew that soon she would be past the point of no return and give me her orgasm that I so wanted and desired. Her moans increased in volume and intensity. Now resting on one arm, her fingers of the other hand pinched and toyed with her nipples. I was racing to the finish line allowing the flat of my tongue to press from the base of her pussy to the top of her clit. And again… And again…

With a gasp, I felt her ass muscles clench, a splash of liquid cover my face hearing her shout, “FUCK!” as she succumbed to her orgasm. Her body quivered over me for what felt like a minute before she could catch her breath.

“Sorry I squirted on you,” she said embarrassingly. “It happens so rarely,” as she wiped my face with her thumbs before lowering her lips and planting a passionate kiss. “Now I must return the favor to you.”

Separating her lips from mine, she seductively moved them down my neck and onto my nipples. June tongued and teased them until they became hard and firm.

“Bite them,” I said. “I want to feel the pain. Make it hurt so good.”

And bite them she did, with a surprising intensity greater than I have ever felt before. With each bite, I felt my rock hard cock jerk in reaction. I swallowed my screams as the pain was felt throughout my body. I wanted to tell her to lighten up, but could not… would not. She then slid lower, kissing my abdomen and moving farther down to my cock. With each kiss, my abs contracted as if I was doing crunches. I was confused about whether her kisses were delivering pain or pleasure. Either way, I didn’t want her to stop. I watched her eyes looking over my cock deciding how she wanted to attack it.

Then without hesitation, as she dropped down to her knees and preceded to loving lick the sides of my shaft from the base to the tip. Her wet hands then followed where her mouth left off, stroking me in various ways, rhythms, tempos, and firmness. It felt so fucking fantastic. I watched as her mouth engulfed my full cock, making it disappear down her throat. But even once fully inside I could still feel her tongue pressing against the underside of my cock. She looked up at me with a devilish grin reading my reaction before swallowing me whole again. The warmth and wetness of her throat left me primed to explode, but that is not how I wanted to cum.

With a gleam in her eye, she stood and moved her still wet pussy over the head of my excited cock. I was now going to receive the best fucking of my life. But no sooner than the tip on my cock touched the warm flesh of her pussy that my cock and balls exploded, achieving an orgasm as strong and powerful as anything I have ever experienced.

“What the fuck!” as I sat up in my bed lifting the blankets and surveying the creamy mess covering my boxers. I haven’t had a wet dream since I was sixteen! I headed to the bathroom to clean my cum covered cock while soaking my boxers trying to remove the evidence of my wet dream. How did I cum? Was I touching myself in my sleep? Was it just my brain that triggered my release? Or did June have such a control of my fantasies, that the thought of fucking her had such an impact? And why did my nipples feel so sensitive?

About a month ago a new trainer joined the gym. Her name is June and she is a recently retired professional fitness and bodybuilding competitor. Some might think that her chiseled body shape and mass made her less attractive, but for me, she was drop-dead gorgeous. She stands about five-feet-four-inches, with D cup breasts, a tiny waist, and a sculpted eight pack that jumped out from her tiny spandex tops.

I have always admired the human body and being a massage guy, I have always wanted to massage, manipulate, and toy with these bodies that are near perfection. She wasn’t one of these monstrous looking women with massive muscles but more of as fitness super lean, super defined type, although still quite muscular but with little or no body fat. In fact, she looked like a walking anatomy model where each muscle was evident and clearly defined.

I would often envision massaging that beautiful body. How my oily hands would roam over her muscled frame providing therapeutic and sensual pleasure as they explored each bump and crevice. My hands would cover her firm breasts and caress her sensitive nipples watching her body squirm with enjoyment. And finally, the tantric experience, which I have well mastered, would allow me to bring this fine lady to the brink of an orgasm and then beyond.

At this point in my daydream, it would be my oily hands over my cock that would have me cumming in real-time, jerking my cock imagining something than would likely never happen. And thus I guess, my daydreams turned into a wet dream.

It was a Sunday evening. The guys were watching a big NFL football game which didn’t interest me. I decided to head off to the gym and at least get some sort of workout done. As I entered the gym I was surprised how quiet and empty it was. The normal receptionist was not there and as I scanned the room I saw June returning to the front desk with a laundry basket of dried towels.

“Hey Jay, where is your workout buddy Tom?”

“Hey June, he is watching football with most of the other guys. “

“So Jay, I know we haven’t talked too much. You seem rather shy. Let’s start by calling me by my nickname, Juice. I have been watching you and Tom work out and generally, you guys put in a lot of effort but your form needs improvement if you want to get to the next level and reduce the chance of injury. I know a lot about injuries, training for over ten years. That is one of the reasons I retired because of a strained back. Tom tells me you are a massage expert. So how about this, I give you a private weight training session and then we will see if your massage skills can help the tightness in my lower back.”

Amazed, but overjoyed at hearing her words. “Not an expert, but I think pretty good if I can toot my own horn. Your offer sounds fair to me. So when?”

“Well, the receptionist went home early with a cold so I am closing the gym tonight. Since it is so quiet maybe I will lock up early and we can do it tonight. That is if you don’t have other plans.”

“Tonight is perfect,” I said, my body tingling with excitement.

“Go warm out on the bike while I close up.”

A few minutes later Juice came by and ushered me to the floor mats. “Let’s start with some ab work. “

“Ab-so-lutely,” I replied smiling.

“Let’s see how long that smile stays on your face. Lie on your back,” as she straddled over me and motioned me to grab her ankles and lift my legs up to her waiting arms so she could push my legs down to the floor. I was to bring them up just so she could push them down again. After twenty or thirty leg lifts moving from side to side, my smile turned to grunts as my abs started to scream in pain. My only consolation was looking up and seeing a tight pair of boy shorts and the sweet pussy lips that they concealed.

“Not terrible Jay, I think we have something to work with.” Now she was the one laughing as I rolled over onto my knees and struggled to get up.

“Grab your usual barbell and show me your bicep curls.”

Being particular proud of my improvement in this exercise I grab my usual bar and proceeded you curl the weights.

“Use your arms not your back! No swinging!” Juice barked out like a drill sergeant. “Move up against the wall, back flat, and give me twenty-ones. Seven bottom to middle, seven middle to top, and seven bottoms to top.”

In an area I thought I was strong, this was a humbling experience. Slight changes in my body position increased the load so much that I could not finish the exercise with a weight that I was accustomed to.

“Okay, rookie, onto the lat pulldown machine. Sit and pull down the bar to touch your chest. Back straight and shoulders way back.”

As I pulled down I could see the dissatisfaction on Juice’s face.

“Get up and let me show you how.”

Juice stepped in front of me and stripped off her tight latex top. Turning her head around she said, “Watch my back and see how my shoulder blades move closer as if they want to kiss each other.”

With that comment, she turned her head forward and lowered the bar toward her chest. As she lowered the bar her back expanded accentuating the “V” from her shoulders to her slim waist. As her back muscles contracted her muscles had more bumps than a mogul run on Mont Tremblant’s ski hill. Her shoulder blades inched closer together as the bar touched her chest.

Turning to me with her bare chest revealing her ample D cups, “Do you understand now?" Looking down are her naked front she said. “I hope this doesn’t bother you. As a professional fitness person, you are almost naked when you perform. Often we exercise topless so we can focus on specific muscles or muscle groups. I can put my top back on it you would like.”

“Juice, you have an amazing back. For that matter, you have an amazing front. You have an amazing all over.”

Feeling like a stammering sixteen-year-old, Fuck Jay, you couldn’t think of something more mature to say, inwardly criticizing myself.

“Thank you, Jay. You are sweet,” giving me a warm smile. Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn’t built in a day, be patient,” Juice continued trying to ease my frustrations. “Onto the bench press.”

With a plate on each end of the bar, I proceeded to do my reps. After the third rep Juice barked out. “Lift with your arms and your shoulders. Back flat on the bench.”

After the fourth rep, she barked out the same instruction. After the fifth rep, she straddled her leg over me and sat squarely on my pelvis not allowing my back to lift off. As I lowered the bar I felt my arms give out and the bar lay squarely on my chest. As I tried to press it up, I knew that I didn’t have the strength.

“You’re not focusing, Jay.”

“How could I be focused when I have this gorgeous bare-breasted woman sitting on my pelvis with the crack of her ass pressing on the base of my cock!” Did I actually say that out loud! I screamed to myself. “I am sorry Juice; I am just frustrated with my performance.”

“Trust me, I have had many frustrating sessions…. minus the excited cock part,” she laughed warmly trying to allay some of my anger.”

“Juice, you have to help me lift the bar back up,” I said meekly as it still pinned me to the bench.

Juice lifted herself up and grabbed the bar and with little effort curled the bar up to the support. At this moment her pussy was inches from my face. I could literally inhale and smell her sex. This was the exact position that I imagined in my wet dream, except in my dream she was naked and wanting to be touched and tasted. Now she was rescuing me from an embarrassing situation.

Looking down at she must have been aware of how close her pelvis was to my face, but she showed no emotion. Lifting one leg over me she held out her hand for me to grab as she helped me to my feet.

”Okay Jay, I think we did enough for now. Why don’t we head off to the shower and meet in room number two? There is a massage table set up there.”

“Sounds like a plan,” as I headed off to the men’s showers and Juice to the ladies' dressing room.

In the shower, I made sure that I scrubbed all over. I checked my cock and balls and was glad that they were recently shaved. My cock remained rigid throughout in anticipation of the upcoming massage and was not sure if I should masturbate to help reduce some of the excitement.

I toweled off and changed into a clean t-shirt and shorts. I tucked my still excited cock into the waistband of my shorts and covered it with my T’shirt. I swear that the penis head was pressing out small amounts of precum. I checked my bag to make sure that I had the massage oils and lubes that I usually carry with me. Looking into the mirror and combing my hair with my fingers, I headed off to room two.

Juice was already there with a towel wrapped around her chest looking like she was wearing a terry mini-dress. Her ponytail was now gone and her dark hair cascaded down the sides of her face, framing it like a picture. Her blue eyes were slightly paler than my own, and her facial features although strong and firm were still feminine very appealing.

June broke the silence. “Jay, I think there is massage oil in that plastic container.”

“If you don’t mind, I have some all-natural massage oil and some personal massage products that I prefer to use. I also have a massage playlist on my phone that I think you might enjoy.”

“You do come prepared, I bet you were a boy scout growing up,” she smiled.

“Let’s just say I like being prepared. Now lie down on your stomach and let’s get started.”

On hearing that, Juice opened the towel, threw it into a corner, and lay down on her stomach. I surveyed her body like someone surveying a map, deciding which direction to take. For me, looking at a woman’s naked body is like a painter looking at a bare canvas. We both want to be original and creative, covering the full area of the canvas, while delivering pleasure to the person receiving or viewing it. No part of Juice’s body would remain untouched by my skilled hands.

Pouring oil unto my hands and forearms, I knew that Juice’s muscular body would need and could handle additional pressure beyond most of the woman I had massaged. As usual, I would start with light pressure, move around the body to warm it up before adding additional pressure from my hands, forearms, and elbows. I could tell that Juice was appreciating my movements as I could feel her body begin to purr. I am always amazed at how I never get tired of feeling I get when my oiled hands are pressed against naked flesh.

“Jay, your hands feel lovely. In the gym, you seemed awkward, shy, and unsure. But here you seem to have confidence that I haven’t seen before. There is a nice balance of firmness and relaxation in your movements.”

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“Juice, your comfort place is in the gym. My comfort place is any room that has a massage table. You just need to tell me if I am giving you enough pressure.”

“The pressure is delightful.”

After several minutes of massaging the upper back, I moved to the lower back which I remembered needed additional attention. I could feel the tightness that Juice had commented on. The stiffness was more on the right side than the left, thus creating an imbalance in her body and perpetuating the problem. I worked on this area for several minutes until I felt the muscles get softer and more relaxed. Knowing to be effective, I had to work on the muscles above and below the point of pain. My hands then moved from the lower back down her glutes and to her upper thigh.

I used my forearms to knead the muscles from her glutes to her lower back and then the reverse. I repeated this using several different pressures and stroke patterns, eventually letting my hand slide down the crack of her ass with every pass. Feeling that I had done well with the therapeutic portion, I decided to become more sensual. As I massaged her lovely ass I let one hand rest against the star of her ass letting her feel the vibration caused by the rubbing of the other hand against her mighty glute. Then Juice gave me the sign that I have been accustomed to seeing as she opened her legs slightly to allow me greater access. Now my hands were more adventurous with their movements as I dragged my hand ever so slowly down the crack of her ass over her ass bud and alongside her outer pussy lips.

This one pass would take a full five seconds to cover an area of only a few inches. After the second or third pass, I would see her ass lift up from the table trying to add to the pressure of my hands. I could tell her pussy was glistening and not from the oil but from her inner excitement. Her anus would contract and relax with each stroke as if it had a mind of its own now. I wanted to run my tongue up and down that lovely crack, but it was not the time for that as yet.

“Now Juice press up and touch your butt to your heels. Knees open, toes touching.”

As she slid into the position she said, “You know this is called child’s pose in yoga.”

“Yes, I know that but I wasn’t sure if you did.”

Juice, with her body stretched out as if she was praying to some god, looked like the most gorgeous submissive slave that I could ever imagine. Knowing that her back needed some additional work I used my hands and forearms to continue stretching her looser but still tight muscles. I could feel her muscles relax giving in to my therapeutic touch. Once satisfied with my therapeutic work, I now wanted to venture into places that gave me more enjoyment.

I wiped the oil from my hands and poured a few drops of personal lube onto my fingers. From here I ran my hands down her ass cheeks and between her legs, just grazing her pussy lips. I repeated this several times, each time moving closer to her most sensitive area. I could tell by Juice’s reaction that she was enjoying my touch. I then moved my thumbs and rolled them over her lovely ass bud. At first, she jerked involuntarily but then her body became accepting and relaxed at being touched at a place not usually played with.

I continued to rub and began to probe with my finger finally inserting one into her ass to the depth of my fingernail. It took several passes before her sphincter began to accept my intrusion. But throughout I could hear the muffled moans of her pleasure. The more she moaned, the more excited I got. The more I wanted to press forward to provide her the ultimate pleasure.

I now focused on her outer pussy lips, sliding the meaty flesh between my thumb and forefinger. With my actions slow and confident, I could feel her lips becoming full and engorged and the blood flowed into this sensitive area. No lube was needed as her own bodily fluids were more than enough to allow my fingers to slide frictionless against this meaty flesh. As I continued to probe, my fingers moved toward the more sensitive inner pink lips.

Juice’s body would sometimes twitch with pleasure and as she twitched my cock would jerk in response. I didn’t need to look to know that I had shed precum all over the waistband of my shorts. I inserted one finger into her pussy wondering if her cunt muscles were as strong as the rest on her body. I got my answer when I inserted my second finger and felt her inner muscles forcefully clamp down on them and then release drawing them deeper inside her. Her body was mine to now control. She was submissive to my touch and trusted my goal was to provide pleasure. And from her body’s reaction, she wanted and needed sexual pleasure.

Her grunts were not one of pain or frustration. They were a guttural response to the manipulation of her body and senses and only encouraged me as I continued to probe and stroke her spongy G spot. My other hand continued to play with her ass star. Throwing caution to the wind, I spread her ass cheeks and flicked my tongue along this sensitive channel. Juice jerked reacting to this unknown feeling as I continued to lick and probe, rimming her as I have never rimmed before. As I continued to flitter my tongue I could see Juices back rise and fall. It was a subtle movement but told me everything about her enjoyment. She was a blissful submissive in this position.

I felt Juice’s body heat up with my fingers probing her sopping wet pussy and my tongue invading her restricted area. But even in her child’s pose position, she was still able to rock back and forth to meet my tempo. Her back would rise and fall as her breathing became more rapid. Her moans became louder and less inhibited. Normally I would back off at this point only to bring her back to this level of excitement a little later. But in this case, I knew she wanted to cum and I would not deny her that privilege. I continued to stimulate her G spot and finger her ass, meeting her every thrust.

“Don’t stop,” she cried out in a voice just louder than a whisper.

“I can’t hear you,” I pretended not to hear.

“Don’t fucking stop!” She now exclaimed in a louder voice

I had no intention to stop now. She was reaching the point of no return and I wanted to help her on that journey. And with a gasp of air, Juice’s body began to shake as if a volcano erupted inside her stomach sending shock waves throughout her body. Her cunt muscles clenched shut as much as they could with my fingers trapped deep inside and a warm gush of fluids flooded her canal. There were three gasps of air before her body spasms began to subside. I withdrew my fingers and slowly stroked her back giving her a chance to recover.

After about a minute and without changing her position Juice spoke up.

“Where the fuck did you learn your massage and tantric techniques?”

“Mostly from YouTube, and a massotherapist friend. I have a massage table at home and practice with my mom.”

I gave Juice a playful slap on her ass and told her to turn over unto her back, that we were only half done. As she rolled over on her back, her body moved like it was made of Jello. This hard-bodied woman was now limp and relaxed.

As she turned over I finally got a glimpse of her full naked body and what a body it was. Her breasts were large and firm, her nipples semi-erect. Her abs showed her 8-pack even in this relaxed state. Her pussy was smooth and soft as any baby’s bottom. Her whole body seemed to be lasered smooth and hairless.

Breaking the silence I spoke.“The ancients believed in the Seven Chakras and the requirement to have a balance and flow of energy between them. And as I began to explain the Chakras, I would touch each body part. Crown Chakra — The highest chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Third Eye Chakra — Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Throat Chakra — Our ability to communicate. Heart Chakra — Our ability to love. Solar Plexus Chakra — Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. Sacral Chakra — Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Root Chakra — Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded."

And as I talked about the Root Chakra, I placed my hand over her mons pubis.

“Jay, I am not the expert but isn’t the Root Chakra the base of the spine and not my vagina?”

Laughing, I replied, “You are correct. I tend to mix disciplines when I give a massage. In Tantra, your Mons is called a sacred temple and I must ask permission to enter it.”

“Well I didn’t hear you asking for permission,” she smiled.

“Well, I figured since I snuck in by the back door earlier, that it gave me a free pass for the day.”

“You are a cocky bastard aren’t you?” Juice said laughing. “Besides it isn’t fair that I lie here naked and you remain with your clothes on.”

Needing no additional encouragement, I stripped off my top and short and dripped a few drops of lube on my cock, on the off chance that Juice might want to touch it. My cock was as long and as hard as I have ever seen it. I had to step back for fear and it bumping up against her breast. Rubbing oil onto my hands and forearms I proceeded to massage her neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. As I started to run my hands along the outer edges of her breasts I felt Juice’s hand reach out to stroke my cock.

“You are rather large Jay, about seven inches?"

Her words brought back memories to another place and time and a measurement that showed seven and one-sixteenth inches.

“Jay, are you still with me?”

“Huh,” awakening from my momentary daydream. “Sorry Juice, I got lost for a moment, but I am back now. And might I say you have the most beautiful breasts.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls that stroke your cock,” she laughed as she continued to rub my oiled hard member.

Not wanting to cum yet, I needed to move away from her grasp, because I would not be able to hold off much longer. I moved to the base of the table massaging her feet, her calves, her inner thighs, right up to where they met up with that lovely pussy of hers. Her pussy lips still seemed engorged from the child pose manipulation. This time I could approach it from a different angle. Spreading her lips apart, I moved my nose up close and inhaled and blew lovingly on her pink flesh.

My thumbs moved up and gently circled her clit. Her clit reacted just like my dream as I toyed with it. But to my surprise, her engorged clit was so much bigger than any I have ever encountered. It was the size of the end of my pinky. I had read that women bodybuilders that used steroids often had an enlarged clit as a side effect. I wondered if that was the case here and if June’s nickname “Juice” came from her use of steroids. Regardless, her clit would be my “happy meal” but supersized!

I heard a long exhale as I ran my tongue from her pink flesh to her clit and back again. I repeated this several more times, with Juice moving her pelvis in tempo with my tongue. A tastier meal I could not remember.

I poured some oil on my chest and began to slide up her body, kissing her belly, her rib cage, and eventually her breasts. Her nipples were now fully erect as I kissed and took little bites from each. I allowed my leg to drag against her clit and felt her legs circle mine, pressing tight, to increase the pressure offered to her stimulated love nub. I dragged my body forward, flesh to flesh, letting my cock and balls roam across her naked abs and chest. The feeling was exquisite. Juice reached down to grab my cock and rubbed it against her breasts before guiding it into her now hungry mouth.

She engulfed me so quickly that I barely saw my cock disappear deep down her throat. Although I was on top her strong arms controlled the movements of my cock inside her mouth. At one point it seemed like she was gagging herself, cutting off her own air supply, only to repeat it a second time.

Removing my cock from her mouth she looked into my eyes. “Fuck me, Jay! I want to feel you inside me! I need to feel you inside me.”

Sliding down her body, I placed the head of my cock at her opening. This is the moment that I had dreamed about. I slowly watched as each inch disappeared into her until my pelvis was pressed right against hers. I felt her strong Kegels clampdown as if her pussy didn’t want me to move away from her. This was as wet, as warm, as welcoming as any pussy that I have ever entered. But now Juice’s movements were no longer relaxed as she almost lifted me off the table as she pressed upward with her hips. This girl wanted to be fucked. Fucked hard and fast!

As I moved in and out, between the wetness of her pussy and the lube on my cock, it was almost like being in a frictionless environment. As tight as she was I could barely feel the pressure I wanted and needed to cum. I increased my speed, my balls started to bounce off her ass. She met each thrust with a thrust of her own. I continued to pound her still trying to get the satisfaction I wanted. To make up for the limited pressure, I increased my speed. My breath became more erratic as my heartbeat raced to keep up with my frantic movements. Juice was now squeezing her tits with one hand and the other had moved lower to stroke her clit. Her fingers were moving rapidly and her breath was also fast and erratic as her pelvic pounded me back.

And then the moment came when Juice looked at me and said. “I am going to cum! Cum with me!” Juice closed her eyes as the orgasmic sensation seemed to take over her body.

With that final encouragement, I felt that familiar sensation of my sperm moving up from my balls, knowing that a load of cum would erupt momentarily. My heart was pounding through my chest, my hips pumping like the locomotive of bygone days. A sheen of sweet sweat covered my body, matching the glistening flesh of the woman below me. And then my cock unloaded what I could only imagine was a load of white sticky seed deep into Juice’s love canal.

At the same moment, Juice’s whispers turned to screams of enjoyment as her body rocked with the second orgasm of the evening. For a moment the massage table trembled as if affected by an earthquake. Well maybe it had, but a human earthquake, not one of nature’s surprises.

After the third and final spurt, my body collapsed upon hers, my heart racing way beyond normal limits. I pressed my ear against Juice’s breast only to feel her heart racing equal to mine. Neither of us could talk for a few minutes waiting for our senses and breathing to return to normal.

“Juice, that was one of the most incredible moments of my life. I don’t think I have ever been turned on more by a person.”

“Jay, I have to tell you that many men are intimidated by me, either by my looks or my body, that I don’t have many relationships. But tonight was a way overdue release.”

We continued to cuddle for a few minutes enjoying the blissfully calm and relaxation returning to our minds and bodies. Finally standing up, I watched Juice as she bent and twisted her torso.

”Besides great sex, my back feels fantastic. Thank you, kind sir.”

Juice pressed her body close to mine and kissed me gently on the lips. “Come shower with me,” as she took my hand and led me to the woman’s locker room.

Written by Jayrotica
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