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Jan's Return - Part 4

"Being entertained for a week of adventures..."

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I got home from taking Jan to the airport, and immediately started looking at flights.  I found a few flight options and was ready to run them by her when she called to let me know she got in OK.  I was sitting there gazing into my computer screen in a mental abyss, just thinking about everything that had transpired over the last four days.  It seemed like it didn't happen.  It seemed like a dream that I had just woken up from.  Was she really here?  All the sex we had, did it happen?  By the aching feeling in my balls, I knew it wasn't a dream.

Jan called around 4:30pm to let me know she was home.  I told her I had some flight options to go over with her, if she still wanted me to come out to visit her.

"Well, that didn't take long!  Do you miss me already?" she said.

"Actually, yes I do."

"That's sweet."

"How long do you want me to stay?  I can take a whole week off, but if you're working, maybe that's not a good thing?"

"I have some time I can take off too.  Do whatever works best for you hon."

"Well, I can get a great rate if I fly out next Friday, the 11th, and leave early on a Monday."

"That's only like three days."

"No, a week from Monday, the 21st.  I know that's a long time and you might not want me there that long."

"John, that'll be great!  I hope you won't get bored here for a week, but I can probably keep you occupied."

I booked my flights and knew the next four and a half days would be the longest of my life.

I later texted Jan, "I have my flights.  I get into Sky Harbor at 7:20 pm Friday night."

"That's great!  You need to promise me something."

"Sure, anything..."

"No masturbating this week!"

"What?  I don't do that."

"Sure you don't."

"Actually, I just did, just kidding."

"You probably did.  Promise?  You're going to need to be on full!"

"OK, I promise, but you need to promise it'll be worth it!"

"Oh, trust me, it'll be worth it..."

I started cleaning up the place and getting ready for my trip.  I later got ready for bed, and when I pulled the covers down on the bed, I found the white stockings I bought for Jan on my pillow.

I texted her, "Hey I think you forgot something." I took a picture of them and sent them in the text.

"I didn't forget them.  I thought you might enjoy them, you know, a little reminder.  Remember your promise!"

"I know, I know.  These sure don't make it any easier..."

I grabbed them as I got into bed, and held them to my nose to smell them, to smell her.  I was getting hard just thinking of how I put them on her the night before.  I held them in my hand and started to jack myself off.  The fabric felt so good around my cock.  I knew I had to stop, or I'd come soon.

Friday finally came, and I was all packed to go.  I got my Uber and headed to the airport.

I texted Jan that everything was on time, and we were pushing back.  "I'll text you when I land."

"Can't wait to see you.  When you get to Ground Transportation, just let me know what door you're at.  I'll be in the cell lot."

It was only about an hour and fifteen-minute flight.  The whole time I just pondered what might transpire this coming week.  After what happened last weekend, I realized that almost anything was possible.

Upon getting off the plane and through Ground Transportation, I found the exit.

I texted Jan, "North Side, Door 6."

"OK, be there in a couple minutes.  White X3."

I saw Jan pull up to the door.  I opened the back door and put my bags in the back seat.

Once I got in and took a good look at Jan.  She looked so good.  She had on a summery flowered dress, no stockings, and some moderate beige heels on.

I gave her a kiss and said, "Wow, you look delicious!"

"Want a taste?"

"A taste?"

Jan pulled out and started driving.  I had to help her with traffic.

Once we got on the highway, I noticed Jan took her right hand and slid it up under her skirt.

She said, "You never answered, do you want a taste?"

"A taste of?"

"My pussy."

"Are you like playing with yourself right now?"

"Yes, I've been ever since I got in the cell lot.  You never said I couldn't."


Jan pulled her hand out from under her dress and held it out for me.  I grabbed it and brought to my nose.  Sure enough, the smell of her pussy was all over it.  I took her fingers into my mouth and sucked them clean.


"You taste and smell so good."

I leaned over and put my hand on her leg and she stopped me and said, "Not while I'm driving!"

"You're a bad girl!"

"Yeah, and I know you love it."

We decided to stop and have a drink and grab a bite before heading to her house.  Jan was texting someone, so after a few minutes, I jokingly said, "Is that your other boyfriend?"

"No, but it is a friend, my friend Cindy.  She wants to stop by and have a quick drink.  Is that OK?


About fifteen minutes later, this blond hottie comes in the door.  I'm thinking, don't tell me that's her.  Then Jan starts waving her over to our table.  Oh, my god, she was a smoke show.

Cindy sat down and we shared our pleasantries.  She was about 5'-3", and had on a revealing blouse (holding those implants captive), tight ass jeans, and some very sexy shoes on.  So Scottsdale.  It was hard to tell how old she was, I was guessing early late forties, early fifties.

Cindy was in the personal training business.  It seemed like fitness was pretty popular in this neck of the woods.  She did seem pretty really fit, so I saw how she could be very successful.

We wrapped up our conversation and drinks and headed home. 

"Well, what did you think of Cindy?"

"She's pretty... hot!"

"I knew you'd think so."

"I bet she's got a bunch of men on the line."

"Actually, she just went through a horrible divorce.  Her ex is and was an asshole supreme."

"Well, there's definitely more to a marriage than looks.  I can attest to that."

"You two should be able to share some good stories."

"Yea, but I'm trying not to relive my stories."

Just then, Jan got a text on her phone, but she didn't look at it.

"You just got a text from Cindy, do you want me to hand you your phone?"

"No, what's it say?"

"It just says "Yes!" that's it.

"I figured that's what she'd say.  I was going to cook dinner and invite her over tomorrow.  Sorry, I meant to ask you first.  Is that OK?"

"Sure.  How could I resist having dinner with two hot babes?"

"Well, be careful what you pray for."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

She just winked at me and smirked.  "Never mind, I was just being silly."

We got home and cleaned up.  Jan poured us some wine to relax and talk.  It was going on 10:00, and I was getting a little tired and started to yawn.

"Was that a yawn?", Jan said.

"Yes, I'm sorry.  It must be the altitude change and alcohol.  I can't really play the jetlag card with an hour flight."

"No, you can't, let's go to bed."

We got into the bedroom, and Jan came up to me and turned around.

"Would you mind unzipping me?"

"No, not at all"

I slowly unzipped her dress, and it slid to the floor.  She was just standing there in her bra, panties, and heels.  I reached around her from behind and held her close to me pushing my crotch into her ass cheeks.

"Jan, you feel so good!  It's so good to see you again."

Jan turned around and kissed me and said, "I'm going to get into bed now, why don't you take off your clothes and join me?"

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I started to remove my clothes while watching Jan turn the bed down.  She was so hot, moving so slow and sexy.  She knew what she was doing to me.  Then she got into bed and turned off the lamp.

I joined her and we started making out heavily and I removed her bra exposing her gorgeous breasts. 

After tending to them for a while, Jan said, "Why don't you lay on your back and relax?"

I did as I was told.  Jan got out of the bed and got something out of the dresser drawer.  It was dark, so I couldn't really see what it was.

Jan got back into bed and gave me a kiss and softly said, "Did you keep your promise?"

"Yes.  It was tough, but I did what you asked."

"Good boy."

"You said it would be worth it."

"Oh, it will!"

Jan starting kissing my down my stomach heading for my freshly shaven crotch.

"Wow, you're all shaved down here!"

"Well, I believe in prudent manscaping."

"Very nice!"

Jan started licking, and kissing my cock and balls all over and then started licking underneath to my ass.  She had never done this before.  She was licking into my asshole and probing it with her tongue.  After a while, she went back to my cock and balls, doing everything to them that she could with her mouth.

Then I felt her put some lube on and she started to finger my ass.  She was finger fucking me while she  licked and sucked my balls.  Then I felt her work in another finger or two.  As she did this, I opened my legs some to give her a little more access.

Then she said, "Do you like it?"

"Yes, it feels good."

"Ok, just relax and enjoy."

Jan removed her mouth and fingers from me for a minute and then I felt her moving my legs up and apart a little more.  Then, I felt something starting to enter my ass.  I don't know what it was.  It was either a butt plug or some kind of a dildo.

She had my ass all lubed up and was pushing her little toy into me.

"Are you OK, just a little more?"

"Yes, so far."


I couldn't tell what was in me or how big it was.  I was guessing around four inches or so.  Once Jan stopped pushing her toy into me, she just held it there while she started to suck my cock.

She was sucking me so deep, and when she would bottom, she would push whatever was in my ass in just a little harder and then release when she did.

I could feel my balls start to move and collect the first load of my trip.  The sensation of the pressure on my prostate was incredible.  I had never had this done to me before, so I had no idea what was going to happen.

Jan was now sucking me off hard, and getting faster with her thrusts.  She was now holding her toy firmly in my ass, not letting any of it back out.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Jan, I'm going to cum right now!"

I grabbed her head and held her firmly on me as I blew a ferocious load into her mouth.  She just held herself there as I continued to spasm.  She was swallowing, and gagging while some cum had nowhere to go and leaked out of her mouth.

Once I was done, Jan released my cock, and came up to kiss me.  There was cum everywhere.  We made out and our tongues were dancing in a sea of semen.

Then we stopped, and she asked me, "Was it worth it?"

"Oh my god yes.  I don't think I've ever cum like that before."

"John, that was truly special.  That's definitely the most you've ever cum!"

Since I had to give my cock a little rest, I flipped Jan over onto her back and slid her panties off in one quick motion.  I couldn't wait to taste her pussy.  I buried my mouth into her mound and licked and sucked on her pussy and clit like a madman.  I couldn't get enough of her juice.  I wanted to get her off quickly so I could then bury my hardening cock into her flooded pussy.

As I tended to her needy pussy for I while, I then started rubbing her clit with my right fingers, and worked my way towards her ass with my tongue.  I licked into her asshole with my tongue until she seemed ready for a finger.  As I fingered her ass deep with two fingers on my left hand, I continued to rub her clit and licking her pussy.

Jan was going crazy, and I was finally able to make her cum.  She bucked for a bit while pulling my drenched face into her sopping pussy.

My cock was hard again and I couldn't wait to pounce on her.  I got up and entered effortlessly with all the juices from her orgasm.

I started pumping into her as hard and as fast as I could.  We were both in a fucking frenzy.  We worked into a rhythm and fucked for a while until I blew another load into her pussy.  You could hear all the juices be smacked around from our impact.

As my cock softened inside of her, I was able to make her come once again by rubbing her clit.  She seemed to love that.

We were both tired, but I wasn't done.  I wanted her ass.  I remembered how good her ass felt clamped around my cock.

I forcefully rolled her over, and immediately spread her cheeks and started eating her asshole.  I was even amazed at myself for how aggressive I was being.  I grabbed the lube and started lubing up her little fire hole.

Jan stopped me, "Hold on a minute cowboy.  What's gotten into you?"

I didn't say anything.  Jan got up and went to her dresser, and got something out of the top drawer.

It was a ribbed dildo.  She climbed back into bed, and laid on her back.  She put the dildo into her pussy and started fucking herself with it.

After a few minutes, she said to me, "Are you going to fuck my ass, or what?"

I moved in and brought my cock head to her little star opening, and pushed in.  She worked the dildo in and out of her pussy working around my thrusts.  Once I was all the way in her ass, she placed one of my hands on the dildo and told me to keep it in.  Then she just laid back, grabbing her legs, and let me have at her ass.

The feeling of the walls of her ass clamped around my cock and the dildo in her pussy, was something I never could have imagined.  I would occasionally stop thrusting her ass and would grabbed the dildo and slowly slide it in and out of her.  I was enjoying the sensation of the ribs against my cock.  As I did this, I started rubbing her clit again and gave yet another orgasm.

Having been able to keep my cock hard, I started to fuck her ass again.  The smell, and sound, and feel of all this made me blow yet another load into her sweet ass.  I couldn't believe all of this happened just tonight.  How was I going to get through a whole week?

We laid there and talked for a while about how good we had just made each other feel.

Then Jan said, "Well, maybe we should get some rest.  I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and get some food for dinner tomorrow night."

"Oh, is that tomorrow?"

"Yes.  I know you just got here, but it should be a relaxing time."

"Cindy seems really nice."

"I saw you checking her out!"

"Well, she is an attractive lady."

"I saw you checking out her ass.  I don't know if I should tell you this or not..."

"Tell me what?"

"Tonight, when she texted "Yes"..."


"Well, that wasn't really for dinner."

"What was is for?"

"Well, over the last week, I told her about you, and the text before that said, "Threesome?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes.  I've known Cindy for a long time.  We are close, and I know you're going to ask, so yes, we have been together."

"Wow, that's interesting."

"Cindy, is damaged goods.  Believe it or not,  she's lonely, and she just wants to enjoy life and new experiences.  It doesn't have to happen, let's just let things fall where they may." be continued...


Written by Jackson007
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