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Her First Time at a Nude Beach - Part 2

"I get more than I bargained for as I meet her on her job."

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From Part 1:

“No, YOU made the mess,” I chided. I giggled back. It was only then that she kissed me – just a quick peck on the lips. She pushed me over backward and leaped up, running for the surf. I watched her go, amazed again at the natural wonderfulness of her.

At the water’s edge, she turned quickly. “You coming?” she called. Yes. Yes, I was.

We splashed in the surf like kids. We wandered up and down the beach. We sat and talked until mid-afternoon. By mutual, unspoken agreement, we decided that it was probably a good time to go. I really didn’t want the day to end, but I didn’t want to seem like a leech or anything either. We gathered up our stuff and slowly started walking the long walk back to the parking lot.

“Do you want to get some lunch? Or ice cream, or something?” I asked.

“Yes,” she responded, “But I really can’t. I’ve got some errands to run before I go off to work.”

“Well, maybe I can call you… Or we can Mybook, or Facespace, or whatever.” She laughed, which was a good thing. It was pretty much what I had hoped for.

“Why don’t you come by the club? We can have a drink or something.”

“Sure,” I replied. I’d like that.”

She gave me directions, and then added, “I’m only going to be in town for another week or so. I really hope you can make it by.” Then she kissed me on the cheek and “poof” she was out of my life. Still, I was glad that I met her; and what better way to end a day at the beach than being kissed by a super-hot girl? The rest of the day passed uneventfully. I drove that long way home, stopped off for some barely warm fast food (that may have been road-kill for all I could actually taste of it) and watched TV. Eventually, sleep came.

I tried to settle back into my life. Wake up, check messages, check email, and check classifieds. Maybe take a nap. Maybe work in the yard. Maybe swallow the working end of a .357 Magnum. The rut I had been living in had become a prison. I could feel the walls rising up around me, and while I could see the sun perfectly, those walls were blocking out any hint of light that may have been trying to reach my soul. After a couple days of trying to forget about her (what happens on the nude beach stays on the nude beach, right?) I gave in. I took a long, hot shower. I shaved extra closely. I doused myself head to toe in Lagerfeld. (Yeah, I know it smells just like Stetson at five times the price – so what?) I hopped in the old hoopty and took off for parts (as yet) unknown.

In the old days I had been to most of the clubs around, so I pretty much knew what to expect. I had never been to this one (heck – I hadn’t been to a club in over fifteen years!) so I just chose normal, respectable clothes. I figured if I wore a long sleeved button-down shirt and matching slacks, I’d pretty much fit in about anywhere, and I was right. When I pulled into the parking lot I saw a few guys standing around in small clumps. Some were dressed worse than I was, some better. I parked, paid the cover and went in. The booming of the base was loud, but it didn’t overshadow the rest of the music – it sounded like this DJ actually knew something about music instead of just how to make it thump and how to exhort the guys into “giving it up” for the dancers. I slowly walked around, getting a feel for the place. There’s something I’ve always hated about so-called “gentleman’s clubs”, and this one was no different. It’s the way the ladies working there all seem like they want to fit into the same mold. They were all good looking, don’t get me wrong, but they all had this… sameness about them. It’s not like the looked the same – they didn’t. Some were shorter, some taller. Some dark, some light. But despite the fact that they had costumes featuring a wide assortment of styles and colors, they all carried themselves like they were in uniforms, all marching to the same beat. I passed a few, saying “Hi” as they said “Hello” to me. I didn’t see my Swan anywhere. After a couple minutes I found an empty booth in a darker corner of the room where I could still see around and I let the waitress bring me a rum and cola.

I was watching the girl on stage dance around. She was a good-looking blonde (and yes, the carpet DID match the drapes) who seemed to defy gravity when she took to the pole. At the end of her song, the DJ spoke up. “All right, guys, can you give a big hand to Sunny, up on the main stage working hard to keep you fellas happy…! And let’s keep it going on now… Let’s hear it for the beautiful… JASMINE!!!”

And “poof” there she was. Swan came into the spotlight with all the grace I remembered on the beach. Her dance started off energetically, with Pink singing “Trouble… yeah trouble now…” How apropos, I thought, smiling. Swan could easily be trouble for lots of guys if she wanted to! Her costume was similar to the rest of the ladies, but it seemed different, somehow. I think it was just because she wore it differently. She wore it like… like she owned it. Instead of being a uniform to denote her place in society, it was a tribute to her free will. It was a glorious middle finger lifted up to the rest of the world saying, “This is me, bitch! Love me or go fuck the hell off!” Her makeup, instead of being garish was subdued, only serving to highlight her natural beauty. As she moved, as she warmed up, an ever-so-slight sheen of perspiration came out, making her glisten in the bright multi-colored lights. I was so awestruck that the waitress had to tap me twice to ask if I was ready for my second drink.

Swan finished her first song as energetically as she began, showing no signs of tiring. Her second song was slower, more melodic, and more seductive. I didn’t know the artist, but I appreciated her talent. As I sipped my rum and cola, I watched Swan slowly disrobe. Everything was just like I remembered – smooth flawless skin, taut, muscular body, ripe round breasts. Yes, everything was the same, but it was all different, too. She was swaying to the beat of the music, spinning, whirling at a fast point, then dropping to the stage sensuously. I noticed that during this dance, she had one main focal point, right at the center of the stage. All of her movements were based on that point as if her lover was seated there, visible to only her. She writhed around her invisible man, whirling toward him one moment then slinking just out of his reach the next. Eventually, she allowed him to catch her, but when he did, she only teased him more. Everything about her was sensuous, from the way her body swayed to the emotions playing across her face. My drink remained untouched as I sat back and marveled.

I lost track of time, and so I was startled when the DJ came back on the microphone shouting out some bullshit about “Give it up” and “Remember your waitress” and some other crap I couldn’t be bothered to actually listen to. My parched mouth reminded me that I had a drink there that needed to be imbibed. I took in a deep breath, feeling like I had been holding it for a while. I lost track of Swan for a while, but I found her again as she started working the room, collecting tips and offering lap dances. Watching her was amazing – she obviously was the same girl I had met on the beach, but there was an added aura about her. On the beach she had been sexy as hell, but here – she absolutely reeked of sex appeal. Her midnight hair framed a face so sensuous and lovely it would take a master poet to describe it. The way she moved in those stiletto heels made me think of a fierce jungle cat, stalking its prey. It seemed like it took forever as she made her way around the bar, but finally, she approached my booth. I watched her eyes as she made her way around the corner and looked first at my legs, then my torso… and finally my face. An ear-to-ear smile split her face as she squealed out, “Oh, you made it!” And suddenly, she was my little Swannee again. She grabbed me tightly in a bear hug, and in my ear she whispered, “I’m so glad!”

I hugged her back. I felt her lean form against my chest, and I caught her delightfully female scent in the air. The waitress came back, so I ordered myself another rum and cola. I asked Swan if she wanted anything and she said that a rum and cola sounded great to her, but that she had better stick to something that would hydrate her. She leaned in close to me ear and whispered, “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m working hard up there!” Her whisper turned into a giggle, so I had to admit that I did notice something like that, and that she looked perfectly wonderful up there to me. We shared our drinks and talked. She pointed out a few of the other ladies that she thought looked good, and that I should pay close attention to, but I only had eyes for Swan. We sat long enough that eventually it became her turn back up onstage again. I watched her dance again, and call me crazy – this time her attention was split between her non-existent stage partner, and my booth – At times, I felt like she was giving me my own little private show.

When she finished this time, she didn’t work the crowd like before. Instead, she came straight to my booth, where I already had a large club soda waiting for her. She grabbed it and drank down a good bit, then turned to me and said quickly, “Hey - got a hundred bucks on you?”

“Sure” I replied. I didn’t know exactly what it was for – I just figured that’s probably about what she made in one tour across the bar and you know… it really wouldn’t be right for me to keep her by my side when she should be out earning a living. I figured I’d gladly give that for the pleasure of her company. I opened up my wallet and drew out a couple fifties.

“Thanks,” she said, quickly. She grabbed some bills from this tiny purse she had and threw them down for the waitress, grabbed my hand in her tiny little one and quickly drew me out of the booth. I guess the rum had muddled my wits – I honestly had no clue where we were going.

When we got to a small semi-quiet place, I pulled her back to me and asked, “What are we doing?” Or I tried to. By the time I got to “Wha-“ she grabbed me by the back of the head and kissed me hard. Her lips burned against mine like soft fire and her tongue found its way into my mouth. She tasted of sunshine and soft breezes. She literally stole my words, right out of my mouth. She broke off the kiss and continued pulling me on toward the back of the bar as I panted and tried to get my brain to hang on to the idea that one of the sexiest ladies I had ever met had just kissed me full on the mouth. Hey – I never claimed to be smart.

We came to a set of stairs that led to a balcony above the main room. There was a really huge bouncer-type guy blocking the way up. Swan let go of my hand and reached both of hers out to him. Taking both of his hands in hers, she reached up really tall and kissed him on the cheek. I had a pretty good buzz going, but I wasn’t so drunk that I didn’t notice the hundred bucks passing from her hand to his. She led the way up the stairs at a sedate pace, in deference to the incredibly high heels she was still wearing. I didn’t mind – all the dancing kept her in fantastic shape, and this gave me a fantastic chance to ogle the way her butt moved from side to side as she climbed. I did notice the way the bouncer studiously avoided looking my way as we passed. When we reached the balcony, she led me along a row of private booths. The walls on these were higher than the ones downstairs, with curtains hanging across the entrances. She chose one and pulled me inside.

The booth was a circle, large enough for a party of maybe ten people (if they were well acquainted).

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There was a low table in the center, small enough to be out of the way, mostly. We had a view of the main stage, but little else in the bar. As I entered, I turned around to see her closing the curtain behind us. She turned to face me. “Are you ready for your dance, Mister?” she asked shyly. Dumbstruck, I just nodded. She stepped up to me, not hugging me but instead just standing pressed up against me. She slowly rubbed her body down the length of mine, always keeping maximum contact between her body and mine. As she came back up, she ground herself into me, using her hands to hold my body up tight to hers. When she was fully upright again, I bent to her, kissing her soundly. I felt a low moan come from her throat, too subtle to be heard. She took a half step back, and “wham!” she pushed me backwards to land on the plush couch facing her. A feline expression crossed her face as she slowly approached me. Placing one knee on either side of me, she put her hand under my chin, tilting my head up. “You better be ready, dammit,” she growled, “Because here it comes!”

She started by flinging her long ebony hair across my face and laughing gleefully. As the music thumped, her hips pumped in my lap, coaxing my already half-erect cock to its full length. She coyly unhooked her sequined bra, lowering the cups slowly. As each new millimeter of breast came into view, my hunger for her rose, until she tossed the bra to the side and reached behind my head, pulling me firmly into her bosom. I couldn’t resist her. I licked the valley between her breasts, tasting her sweat, lost in her perfume. I kissed up and down, and as she swayed to one side, I licked the underside of her breast, kissing my way up to the tight bud of her nipple. As I kissed her nipple, my hand reached up to cup her other breast, softly at first, then with an urgency I haven’t felt in many long years. The nipple in my mouth grew and I began to suck as if I could draw out sustenance. As I sucked harder, Swan began to moan contentedly, and I started to twirl her other nipple between my fingers. She drew herself back and her nipple came out of my mouth with an audible pop. I looked up to see her watching me, smiling softly. She leaned to the other side, feeding me her other nipple.

When both nipples had been sucked to fullness, I quit sucking and kissed my way lower, down her flat belly to her navel. I licked her there, tasting a different but still sweet part of her. I gripped her round butt with both hands and pulled her up to me, her thong-covered pussy at a level with my mouth. I had to take a few seconds to just breathe her in. It was all here – it was her essence. The scents of perspiration, perfume, and pussy, combined with an indefinable something that was all Swan. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to unsnap the fasteners holding this scrap of tissue in place and after so long, I was finally able to see, to experience her beautiful maidenhood. I kissed her smoothly shaven cleft softly. She giggled.

I extended my tongue to take my first taste… Oh, heavenly! Pulling her softness up against my mouth, I licked her slowly, languorously. I licked her up the inside of her thigh, across the top of her pussy, then down the other side. I tickled the tender skin in between each thigh and her outer lips with my tongue. When I heard her moan softly, and I felt the first drops of moisture at her swollen pussy lips, I began to make oral love to her in earnest. I licked the entire length of her hot box, from back to front. I stuck my tongue in as far as I could; the taste of her juice made me strive to go deeper, harder, faster. I couldn’t get enough of her sex in my mouth. As her hips began to move, I sucked her clit into my mouth, at first licking it softly then sucking it harder. As I sucked her clit, I used the fingers of my right hand to probe her pussy. I could feel the tension building in her internal muscles, so I began to fuck her with two fingers, lashing her clit with my tongue. I wanted her to cum in my mouth so badly – that’s always been one of my favorite things. I removed my fingers from inside her, to replace them with my thumb. I probed her back door with my wet index finger, tickling the tight ring. She was fucking my face wetly and as the tip of my forefinger began to tease its length into her hot ass, she hissed loudly, “Yes! Yes! Ohhh, YESSSSS!!!” Her juice flowed down into my mouth as her firm stomach convulsed. Her legs shook and she bucked her hips wildly as she came. At the peak of her orgasm, she moaned loudly and she clutched my head to her cunt, thrashing my face back and forth. I did my best to hold on, sucking and licking keeping her at her apex for as long as I could.

All good things do end, though, and she abruptly pulled her pussy away from my lips as the sensations became too intense for her to bear. Gasping for breath, she cradled her head on my shoulder and holding me tightly. After her breathing had slowly returned to normal, she rocked back on her heels, gazing into my eyes. The expression on her face was indescribable – part lust, part quizzical wonder. She balled hp her tiny fist and beat against my chest – not hard, just hard enough to make a point. “No,” she stated firmly, smiling a tight little smile, one beat coming with each syllable. “You. Will. Not. Win. That. Way…” She grabbed me by my lapels, pulling me in for a fierce kiss. Tasting herself from my lips seemed to make her even hotter, if that was possible. Her nimble fingers leapt down the front of my shirt, unbuttoning it. Pulling it open, she raked her nails across my chest, circling my nipples. She teased them until they were as erect as they ever get, pulling and pinching them between her fingers. When she was satisfied with their state, she leaned down and took one in her mouth, sucking hard, and biting softly. She was tantalizing me with opposite sensations. Hard and soft, hot and cold. I could only lay there and accept whatever she chose to offer.

With her mouth occupied, her hands were busy unbuckling my belt and loosening my slacks. She pulled my shirt off my shoulders as her tongue made lazy switchbacks down my chest and across my stomach. I shivered as she licked my navel – my nerves were jangling like a five-alarm fire bell. She reached down and eased off my loafers and socks. She took hold of my waistband and pulled relentlessly. I rose up to allow my pants to come off. The hungry look that came across her face was amazing as she watched my already stiff cock spring free and slap up against my belly. She closed her eyes and took it in her hand, caressing it and rubbing it softly against her cheek. I heard a low growl come from my own throat as she reached over to take up a small velvet pouch that had been sitting on the table behind her. She reached inside and removed a condom. I watched as she tore it open and wordlessly rolled it down over my burning staff. Her eyes bore into mine. She rose up and leaned over me, aiming my cock like a rocket. In one slow, deliberate motion, she impaled herself, sinking down on me. I heard her cry out; softly and only one time as she bottomed out against my pubic bone.

She sat there for a moment, accepting the fullness and letting me feel her heat. Then she took both my hands in hers. Interlocking her fingers through mine, she raised my arms up above my head and held them there against the sofa. She began to slowly rock forward and back, still teasing, only this time it was my stiff cock that was bearing the brunt of her efforts. I tried to grab her, and force her to speed up but she held my hands with a strength that was belied by her tiny frame. Her breasts were bobbing right in front of my face; I latched on to one and sucked her hard nipple into my mouth. The sensation aroused her passion – she began to fuck me harder, her cunt gripping me with each stroke. She leaned in toward my face, kissing me quickly, then licking and sucking on my neck. Her fiery pussy had me engorged and desperate. I pulled my arms up away from the sofa, taking her hands behind her back. She growled and moaned as I crushed her breasts against my chest.

Keeping up the pace, I thrust up, plunging my stiff dick into her willing pussy as hard as I could. Our bodies slammed together as I clutched her and she held me, having wrenched her hands free from my hold. We fucked. God, how we fucked! This wasn’t “making love” or “having sex”. Pure lust and absolute need drove us to fuck, as hard as we could. We were both drunk with desire. Her cunt squeezed me relentlessly as my cock throbbed inside her. With every breath came new moans. My head was spinning and all I could feel was the need to slam my cock into her until I flooded her womb with my seed. Our sweat mixed between us and her tears fell down onto my upturned face. Thrust! Thrust! Thrust! I could feel my orgasm approaching. I clutched her to my body harder and I was rewarded by feeling her tremble in my arms. As her pussy gripped my cock, she moaned loudly and came, shaking uncontrollably. I almost couldn’t bear the feelings rising up inside me. I lurched to my feet, turning and slamming her down onto her back. Lost inside my own need, I pounded my cock into her until I felt my balls contract, and my cum erupted from the core of my being like a volcano spewing lava. Over and over my cock throbbed, as my lust slowly burned itself out. I collapsed as my heaving chest struggled to keep me conscious.

As I came down from nature’s most exhilarating high, I looked at poor little Swan. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled her broad, happy smile. She held me close, pulling me down for a kiss; long and slow. Our lips joined and our tongues caressed each other. I realized that I must be squashing a little thing like her, so I struggled to push myself back upright, reclining and watching her as she watched me. I gazed at her breasts, still rising and falling deeply, and her open pussy, still beautiful and filling me with longing. Calmly, she eased down onto the floor at my feet. Reaching up, she removed the condom from my spent cock. She leaned in and gave me a lick. Then another. I smiled as her warm, wet mouth enveloped my dick, sucking and licking, tasting me and… experiencing me. When all the cum was cleaned up from my cock, I took hold of her shoulders, pulling her toward me. We met with another kiss, and I got to taste myself as she had tasted me, only better – my sample had Swan mixed in with it.

A soft amber light began to flash near the curtained entrance to the booth. Swan looked over at it and groaned, “Shit! I’ve got to go dance soon!” She found my briefs and pants, and helped me pull them on. She held my shirt for me as I shrugged it on, but by the time I had buttoned it up, she had already somehow donned her entire costume. I quickly slipped on my socks and loafers, and we left the booth together. On the walk toward the stairs, Swan stumbled into me. She laughed and groaned at the same time. “Oh, I’m sore…” she giggled. “I don’t know how I’m gonna dance now!” At the top of the stairs, she turned and kissed me quickly, then skipped lightly downward, without a care. I accompanied her back to the main bar. When we got there, she turned to me with a sober expression. “Listen, you can stay, or you can go. If you stay, I… well… Hell. You know I won’t be able to just sit with you, right? I will have to do my work.”

“Yeah, sure. I mean…” I replied. I wasn’t quite sure what to say, or how to read her. Maybe she wanted me to stay, and maybe she wanted me to go.

Seeing my indecision, she made the choice for me. She grabbed my wrist, and pushed my sleeve up. Taking a pen up from the bar, she bent over my arm. I felt the pen strokes, but couldn’t see what she was writing. “There,” she said, pulling my sleeve back down. She patted my cheek, looked into my eyes, and said, “See you.”

And “poof” she was gone.

Written by MrNudiePants
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