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Happy To Be Of Service

"The service industry is ever changing."

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I was tired. I had worked a double yesterday and was neck deep in another one today. The restaurant was crawling with people and families of all different kinds having a grand old time on Mother's Day. I rushed from table to table, normally we're only restricted to three tables at a time but due to some servers coming down with sudden inexplicable "illnesses" I had three six tops and a party of fifteen all to myself. I forced a smile and bid farewell to one of my tables as they got up and left, picking up the check holder and glancing inside. No tip on a $200 check. Lovely. I balanced the numerous appetizer, entree, and dessert plates into my arms and quickly moved to the back.

"Behind," I called as another server backed out from the bar in front of me.

I was so tired. I hadn't slept in days trying to balance school and work. I applied for a secretary position at a business firm but they still hadn't called back. I had time for nothing except studying, envious of my friends when they invited me to a club or party just to hear the next day how they got a good midnight thrashing from some young stud. My pussy cried out for attention at the thought of sex and my muscles clenched vainly in an attempt to calm it down.

I quickly handed all my plates to the dishwasher and walked back into the chaos. The temperature shift from the warm air of the kitchen to the frigid lobby air hit my body like a brick wall and set it ablaze. My nipples hardened almost painfully and my pussy cried out once again for some attention. My left nipple could be seen through the thin fabric of my black blouse while my right nipple was hidden under my name tag. Every step rubbed the metal up and down against my engorged nipple and sent jolts of electricity straight to my slit which began to moisten.

Okay, you win. I dejectedly admitted to myself.

I was in such a hurry to get to the front desk and get my sweater to cover up my nipples that I didn't even notice the gentleman until I bumped into him. I looked up blabbering a million apologies before drawing a quick breath at the sight of him. He was gorgeous. I grew bright red as my pussy cried out even louder as my arousal now had a focal point.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I rushed around him without giving him a chance to reply.

I swan-dived to my locker under the front desk and grabbed my sweater, then dug into my purse and slipped what I was looking for into one of my pockets. I made my rounds in my section, topping off drinks, getting napkins, moving appetizer plates, and taking dessert orders before hitting a beeline to the bathroom. I ran to the biggest stall that came with a faucet and turned it on to drown out the noise. I made sure I locked the door and stripped out of my slacks and shirt and pulled my vibrator out of my sweater, even though I probably wouldn't even need it with how aroused I already was. I knew I had to slip off my panties knowing how wet I was going to get but as soon my hand touched the elastic they jerked to my wet mound and began to wreak havoc.

"God..." I whispered as my knees buckled and I fell back onto the toilet seat. My fingers raced into my wet slit and began to thrust with reckless abandon. My mind flashed to the guest I had bumped into earlier and my right hand squeezed my right breast with force and I let out a muffled whimper. The memory was frozen in my mind and intensified as I pleasured myself to the thought of this man. No fantasies, nothing. Just the image of him standing there was enough to drive me over the edge.

I could feel my panties becoming soaked and cursed myself for not taking them off. I slipped the silver bullet into my wetness and my back arched violently in pleasure. I clenched my jaw and pulled roughly at my nipples as wave after wave of pleasure rushed over my body, adumbrating the big one that would send me over the edge at the pace I was going. I checked my watch and noticed three minutes had passed, I only had about two more.

C'mon baby, c'mon. 

I rubbed my clit and tweaked my nipples in an attempt to achieve release. The image of the guest formed in my mind again and I moaned heavily and picked up speed. The mind is a cruel, albeit amazing thing. The image of the man then stepped out of time and joined me in the bathroom, pulling me off the toilet and bending me over the sink. I cried out as I imagined him sliding inside of me, standing up in real time and fingering myself violently over the sink. My nipples tightened as I pressed them against the cold ceramic fixture and smashed the silver bullet onto my clit as my fingers acted as the penis I was imagining.

My mind increased the speed, and I was in a mad frenzy, forgetting all about my release and focusing on the stranger pounding my walls from behind. I imagined him hitting me with one hard thrust and I was thrown into a fit of strong, powerful orgasms causing me to cry out rather loudly.

"Oh my God..."

I almost fell into a heap on the floor to catch my breath, but I remembered the time and place and got up in a hurry forcing myself out of my orgasmic stupor. I cursed myself once more for not taking off my panties as they were completely soaked. I had no time so I stuffed them into my sweater pocket and grabbed some baby wipes from the dispenser above the sink to clean myself up. I pulled on my slacks and groaned as the fabric rubbed my clit, the sub-ten-minute session obviously not enough. I put on my blouse while simultaneously stuffing my breasts into my bra and wiping off the bullet before throwing it into my pocket too. I washed my hands up to my elbows and splashed water on my face before running back into the dining room, relieved that my tables barely noticed my absence. I drifted off towards the front desk to empty my pockets of the incriminating evidence but was tapped on the shoulder by one of the hosts.

"Ally, sweetheart, one of your tables has been sat for over ten minutes now, attend to it," she told me.

"Ugh, another family?" I groaned in response.

"Actually, it's just one gentleman. He requested you specifically."

"Oh shit, really? Please don't tell me another creep."

All too often I get creeps at my tables that do nothing but eye me like a piece of meat, using the old "drop the fork on the floor to get her to bend over trick" more than once before asking me out at the end of their meal. And every single time I politely decline, I'm left with no tip and a drink spilled on the table for me to clean up.

"I don't think so, go look. He's at nineteen," she told me before walking off.

I walked back to my section with the fabric of my pants rubbing up against my clit and getting me aroused once more.

"Ughhhh," I said exasperatedly as my body lit up and cried for attention once more. But it was nothing compared to how I felt when I checked on my guest. It was the same guy I bumped into and my body was set ablaze. I ran to the server stand and gulped down a quick shot to calm my nerves because my pussy was pulsating with powerful vibrations at the thought of serving him. Listen to me, I sound like a medieval wench that gets to bring mead to the king.  I chased the shot down with a Sprite and shook myself loose before timidly approaching him.

"Sorry about the wait sir, as you can see we're pretty busy today," I said in feigned exasperation. I even blew an unruly wisp of hair that escaped the messy bun on top of my head for effect.

"No worries," he said quietly. His voice was like smooth gravel, sending tremors through my body. I loved the sound of it.

"My name is Allyson and I'll be your server today. Is it just you today or should I wait for the wife or mother?" I flashed him a super smile.

He raised his head from the menu and his azure eyes struck my very soul. He was older, the flecks of gray in his hair were almost inconceivable, but that and the worry lines that peeked out whenever his face muscles shifted betrayed his wisdom. However, his strong jaw and the confidence seeping from his demeanor were proof he was nowhere near old.

I almost fell over.

He raised his naked left hand from the menu.

"Divorced. My mother passed away last year. This was her favorite spot."

Someone award me points in the "I Fucked Up" category.

"I am so sorry sir I had no idea," I stammered.

"No harm done."

I couldn't stop staring at him. He wore a green form-fitting turtleneck that rose and dipped with the contours of his bulging muscles. My mind evilly imagined those muscles picking me up and destroying my pussy over a fucking table...

Oh my God, I need mental help.

I quickly flipped open my notebook and asked if he would like to order a drink in order to distract myself from the inappropriate reveries I was having.

"I'll take a glass of water, no ice with a lemon please," he responded.

I told him I would be back soon and ran off, eager to be out from under his cerulean gaze. I was turning red from embarrassment and this gave me a chance to check up on my other tables. Two of my tables were ready for their check along with the fifteen top. Split checks, go figure. I ran to the server stand and printed out a mountain of receipts while at the same time cashing them out, itching to get them out of here. My last table was still waiting on a dessert that I had ordered over twenty minutes ago, where was it?

Fuck it.

I quickly grabbed his glass of water, sliced a lemon wedge and placed it on the rim before zooming back to table nineteen.

"Here you are sir, are you ready to place your order?" I asked him sheepishly.

"No, thank you, Allyson. Not at this moment," he told me without looking up from the menu.

"Okay no problem, just holler if you need me, sweetie."

Sweetie? Really?

He could easily be my father and here I am talking to him as if he were twelve. I was in such in a rush to get out of there I knocked over his glass of water. He smoothly moved to the other side of the seat before it could spill on him while I apologized profusely. I quickly reached into my sweater pocket for a linen to wipe the table and after a few passes, I almost shrieked in horror at the sight of my fucking panties in my hand, forgetting that I had tossed them in there after my little session from earlier. He looked at me quizzically as I yammered incoherently while grabbing a linen out of my apron and cleaning up the mess. I ran back, got him another glass of water and flashed an insincere smile before scurrying away like a dog with my tail in between my legs. I attended to my other tables for the time being, running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Ranch. Drinks. Silverware. Tartar sauce. App plates. Ranch again. Jesus, are you drinking the fucking stuff?

Twenty minutes had passed when I realized I had left the gentleman alone without going back to take his order.

"Oh, fuck me."

You'd like that, wouldn't you?

"Shut up," I replied, chastising my overactive pussy.

I ran back to the table and to my chagrin, he was gone. His silverware was untouched, a few sips of water taken with the crushed lemon floating in the glass. I winced, thinking how he probably handed my manager my ass on a silver platter, or in this day and age, better yet, a scathing Yelp review. I picked up the glass defeatedly and was shocked to find a $100 dollar bill. I was so confused, did he leave it?

I rushed to the front desk asking the host a myriad of questions about the older gentleman.

"Did you see the guy that was sitting at nineteen? Is he in the bathroom or did he leave?"

"No, he left. He said you did an amazing job though, he even asked when you would be working again. I checked the schedule and told him Tuesday if that's okay with you."

I must've had the most comical look on my face because she simply laughed and answered the ringing phone.

Why would he say all that? All I did was fuck up over and over again. I stared at the crisp hundred dollar bilI and imagined the gentleman reaching into his back pocket for his wallet, his bicep and forearm muscles rippling under his garments with the simple movement. It had been so long since I had my organs rearranged with a real, good fuck. My pussy cried out in desire and longing for him, pulsating with lust. I shook my head cartoonishly and shoved it into my apron before putting it out of my mind so I could finish off my shift for the day. I promised my clit I'd go to town on her the minute I got off and all night if she would just let me work.

"Promise," I pleaded.

Not good enough.

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. It was almost the end of the night and I had a table full of goofballs, douchebags, if you will. While handing out checks, one of them "accidentally" dropped the pen I handed him to sign his receipts.

"Oops," he said with exaggerated emphasis.

I picked up the pen and just said fuck it.

"I get off in an hour, if you really wanna see my ass let me fucking know," I said tiredly while writing my phone number on a piece of paper. 

He turned bright red while all of his boorish friends whooped and hollered at their mate. I knew I was going to regret this, but fuck, I need some dick. It didn't take long for him to text me, and we soon worked out that we would meet up at his flat since he lived closer than I did. I usually don't meet at strangers' houses but in all honesty, I didn't want a guy like that knowing where I worked AND lived so basically I was risking kidnapping and or sexual trafficking for a quick shag.

My mother sure raised me right, didn't she?

I quickly finished all my nightly chores, cashed out, and hopped into my car, but not before popping the trunk and switching out of my work shoes and into my trainers. I did this every night, I hated bringing my work shoes into my car. By the time I got to his place, I was practically panting with horniness. I had been fondling my breasts through my blouse and squeezing my thighs together with supernatural force, just itching to be taken care of. 

I knocked on the door and he answered, shirtless. He had a nice physique. I didn't do too bad I guess. Not too skinny, not too muscular, just real even. I literally jumped on him and kicked the door closed behind me, biting on his lips and ruffling his hair. I could feel his cock growing through his gym shorts and immediately reached through his waistband to grab and stroke it. I worked the head effortlessly as he moaned into my mouth and told him to take me to his bedroom.


He happily obliged and took my hand, I took a few seconds to look around his apartment and regretted it. Half-eaten boxes of pizza, beer cans, and a couple of boxer shorts.

You're here for the fuck Ally, you can always scrub yourself clean later.

His room was more of the same but at least his bed wasn't a total mess. I proceeded to get naked, giddy with glee at was about to transpire, I was going to get my brains fucked out. I was going to give him a condom I had from my car but was happy to see him pull a fresh box out of his nightstand. I impatiently began playing with my clit, practically dripping with sexual greed. 

"Do you need me to eat it or something?" he inquired.

What a gentleman.

"No, that's okay I just want you inside me, tiger," I replied sultrily. How corny. And I call myself a feminist.

He happily obliged and the next ten minutes of my life was a time period I'll sadly never get back. At first I yelped when he entered, easily sliding into my wet muff. I bit on his earlobe and told him to fuck me as hard as he possibly could, fuck me until I couldn't feel my legs.

"Fuck me good, I want you to break me," I whispered.

Instead, he fucked me until I couldn't feel my brain. I'm all for men being vocal during sex, in fact, I find it pretty sexy, especially when they talk dirty, but this was just something else. I sat there on my back as he pounded senselessly while alternating between these weird low, guttural, hiccups and these high-pitched squeals. I winced as he licked inside my ear making these same sounds and was shocked at how disinterested I was. He must've picked up on it because he pulled out and dropped his face in between my legs.

Good old pussy eating.

Or so I thought. Once again I found myself lying there as he licked at everything EXCEPT my clit. I don't even know how he managed to use his teeth but he even bit my vulva more than once and I yelped every time. I tried to take control of the situation by steering him with his hair. The thought of that reminded me of that Disney movie Ratatouille, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

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"Am I doing okay?" he asked me, I could read the hurt on his face.

"No no no baby, you're doing just fine, I was just so happy to finally have somebody in between my legs! But just remember the little woman in the canoe okay?"

I pulled his head up and centered his mouth over my clit and sighed in relief as he began lapping at my pleasure bean. 

"Oh fuck yes, right there. Keep doing that and you're gonna make me cum," I crooned.

My talk must have revved his engine a little too much and he stepped into overdrive, I was practically creaming with pleasure.

Fuck yes Ally, almost there...

I was so close to cumming my soul out before I felt a sharp pain and almost attached myself to the ceiling like a cat in danger.

He fucking bit me. He bit my fucking clit.

I almost cried out in pain but hurriedly bit my lip and simply flipped myself onto my stomach. I had to get this over with.

"Go ahead and fuck me from behind, daddy," I said with feigned interest. All I wanted to do was get home and put a bag of frozen vegetables on my abused vagina. Under any other circumstance, I would have simply got up and left but I still hadn't orgasmed. I should have just left. Frat Boy slid into me from behind and restarted with his piglet moans. I don't know what it was, I could feel him sliding in and out of me but it just wasn't having the same effect. I winced as he grabbed my hair from the ends and not the roots. I had to end this, so I began singing like a canary.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Fuck this pussy! God, you're so big, Daddy! I'm your little slut!"

It had to work because his squeals became even more high-pitched as his speed increased. I gripped his asscheek and kept up the facade.

"Yes! Yes! Cum for me Daddy! I want you to cum, you wanna cum inside me or all over my ass. You can cum on my titties too, Daddy. Cum for me, your little whore."

"Yea bitch, I'm gonna fucking cum, oh fuck I'm cumming!"

I wish I had fucked him on my back for scientific purposes because I really wanted to see his face as he came. The sounds coming from his throat were some of the weirdest noises I've heard in my damn life. When he was finally done he collapsed into a heap onto my back. I let him catch his breath before squirming out from under him and quickly getting dressed.

"Did you cum?" he inquired.

Oh, you sweet, simple boy. 

"Oh, of course, sweety. Multiple times."

I know I shouldn't have lied and instead given him some pointers, constructive critique, or tried to subtly fit all that in another session but I just couldn't bring myself to it.

I hurriedly made my way out the door and told him I'd call him, knowing I never would. I got into my car and floored it home, absolutely disappointed in myself and my behaviour. It wasn't the fact that I slept with a random, I've done it before it was just the whole experience, I've never faked an orgasm before. I greeted my dog, Nala, and stripped down naked to hop into the shower. I scrubbed myself clean and gingerly washed and patted my sore vagina. I slowly slipped to the shower floor and rested my chin on my knees, just letting the scalding hot water cleanse me of my frustrations.

Suddenly I was crying, streams of tears pouring down my face. I was just so overwhelmed with life, juggling school, my stressful job, bills, being away from home, and my nonexistent love life. It was as if that night everything came boiling to a head and I was just... sad. I allowed myself a few more minutes of feeling sorry before forcing my way out of the shower and into bed. I smiled as my dog hopped into bed and licked me a few times before curling into a ball and falling asleep next to me. I allowed the sound of her shallow breathing to lull me to sleep, thinking about how we humans didn't deserve the fucking amazingness of dogs.


Before I knew it, Tuesday had rolled back around and I was at work once more. It was a lot slower this time so all I did was lounge around the server stand and flirt with the cooks and bartenders for free food. Next thing I know, he was back. Sitting at the same table as before, his calm demeanor sending shivers up my spine.

"Looks like your little sugar daddy is back, Ally."

I jumped as the hostess broke my concentration.

"He's sitting at nineteen again and specifically asked for you, baby doll."

"Oh wow, he must love the food here," I dully quipped. The hostess rolled her eyes and gave me a wink before sauntering away.

Since my last sexual fiasco a few days prior, my libido had been all but erased, I was just too depressed. But seeing the older gentleman sitting there again with his rugged good looks jumpstarted my sex drive once more. It seemed as if he had come from work, dressed in a clean, slim-fit, button-up, dark slacks and smart dress shoes. My eyes roamed down the sleeves of his shirt, imagining those strong biceps lifting my lithe frame up and down on his thick, pulsating cock... 

No, not this again. This time I would be nothing but professional, I'm not busy like last time so I should be able to keep my head level. This time I approached him, let off my generic run-of-the-mill restaurant welcome and grabbed his glass of water. 

"Would you like to place your order or do you need any help making a selection? The panko-crusted trout with parsnip mash is to die fo-"

"No, my dear, this glass of water will be just fine." 

There goes that comforting tenor of his, I couldn't get enough of his voice.

Mmm, I wonder how it sounds saying my name...

Damn it I'm doing it again.

"Okay, I'll be a stone's throw away if you change your mind," I replied.

Just water again? What's this guy up to? I went back to the server stand and studied him some more, trying to figure him out. He isn't married so maybe he just likes to go out and be around people. Probably tired of sitting around a stuffy, empty house. A party of eight walked into my section so I left him alone and went about my shift. Soon it was almost closing time and he was the only one left, so I went back to studying him and guessing about his life. Ten minutes or so had passed before he withdrew a manila envelope and a hundred dollar bill and set them under the glass of water. I walked over to bid him adieu when he asked me about my car.

"That's your yellow Camaro in the back of the parking lot, right? Nice ride."

"Th-thank you," I stammered.

He nodded and I almost detected a hint of a smile as he walked away and out the door. I watched his thick legs stroll away, salivating over his tight glutes encased in his form-fitting slacks. I imagined gripping them while he was in my guts and my knees virtually buckled at the thought of him on top of me thrusting in and out of me over and over and over...

I snapped out of my reverie and went back to his table. Seems as if he left his manilla folder, it was pretty bulky. I flipped it over and was surprised to see my name on it in tight, cursive script. I was going to open it when on the flap it read "Open after work." Well okay. I greedily grabbed the hundred dollar bill, guiltily reveling in the fact I did essentially nothing to get it. I put the envelope in my purse and went about my closing duties. When I cashed out and walked out the door I was tired as all hell; it had been a long day of school and work. I honestly don't know why I had parked so far until I remembered my fat ass was trying out this new thing where I parked further out so I could walk more, thereby burning more calories.

"Fuck this I'm having ice cream when I get home," I told myself aloud as I trudged to the back of the parking lot.

I threw my purse and keys in the front seat then went around and popped the trunk, slipping out of my work shoes and socks. I looked at my white feet contrasting with the black pavement and groaned at how swollen they were. I wiggled my beautifully manicured toes, loving the white paint on them. I smiled at the thought of my friend Trinity yelling out, "WHITE TOES, GOOD PUSSYYY!" every time we walked out of the salon after a pedicure. I closed the lid of my trunk and yelped as I felt someone grab my arms.

"All my money is in my left pocket for the night," I said calmly, my heart pounding with absolute fear. I chided myself for not having my keys on me and for letting my guard down, I know better than this. My mind raced with what to do next, waiting for my assailant to slip up so I could inflict as much pain as possible.

"That won't be necessary, sweetheart."

Every hair on my body rose in shock as those words rolled around like gigantic stones in my big ass head. I knew that voice. It was him. My vagina lit up like the Bat-signal at the thought of him being so close to me, gripping my arms as if I were a child. I was disgusted with myself; here I was in a threatening situation with a man touching me without my consent and my cooter is shooting off sparks like it's the 4th of July. Again, I call myself a feminist? *smh*

"What do you want from me?" I softly replied.

He pushed closer to me and I could feel his rod pressing up against my bum, long and thick just as I imagined.

"Drop your pants," he told me.

I hesitated for a moment before undoing my belt buckle and slowly sliding my slacks down. As I removed them I could hear the familiar sound of a condom packet being broken and applied. My heart was practically in my throat as I could feel my panties becoming wet with moisture. He slid my thong down my thighs and left them around my ankles before reaching around to rub me down. My breath caught in my chest as he rubbed my labia before deftly spreading them apart and slipping his middle finger into me. I cooed with pleasure as he slid it in and out a few times before pulling it out and rubbing it across my engorged clit. 

"Please don't stop," I begged him.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered into my ear, his husky voice setting my skin ablaze.

"What do you mean?" I questioned turning to look him into his eyes before he sharply stopped me from moving.

"I didn't tell you turn around. I'm not here for games. I speak, you react. Now again. Tell me what you want."

I wasn't used to being controlled but if my faucet of a vagina was any indication, I was loving it.

"I want you to fuck me," I quietly responded.

"Good girl."

He let go of one of my arms to guide his stiff cock into my pussy and I all but melted. As he slid into me I could feel every inch, every vein, pulsating with lust, eager to ravish me... and I was all for it. He bottomed out inside of me, pressing his muscular frame up against mine, his body radiating with heat. He sat there for a moment, allowing my pussy to accomodate his intruding member. My palms were flat against my trunk, my chest heaving at the sheer size of him spreading apart my walls, practically forcing me to cum. I barely kept my composure as he deliberately slid in and out of me with complete control, toying with me, daring me to plead for more.

"Oh fuck," was all I could say between shallow, labored breaths.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered into my ear again, this time outlining the pinna of my ear with his tongue.

"I want you to fuck me as hard as you possibly fucking can," I begged.


I wasn't ready for the penal onslaught that followed. I was reduced to a whimpering mess as he mercilessly pounded me from behind. My face was down on the trunk and my legs turned into putty, rivulets of my wetness making their way down my now powerless thighs. He grabbed my hair by the roots, pulling me backwards and forcing me to arch my back. He knotted my blonde tresses around his fist, the slight tugging accentuating the pleasure. He let go of my hair and hooked my arms under his, bringing me to an almost standing position as he continued to shred my pussy to absolute pieces. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me, I was submerged in an ocean of mini rolling orgasms, each one bigger than the last. I could feel the "Big One" coming over the horizon of this "Atlandick" ocean he had me drowning in and I was ready to blow.

"Shit, don't stop fucking me. Oh my God whatever you do, please don't stop. Cum for me, Daddy, fuck my tight, little pussy!"

My eyes were rolling back in my head as he pushed my face back flat against the trunk, going to town on me while I was bent over. I could barely stand up as he began spanking my ass, the thunderous slaps echoing across the empty parking lot. I should've been worried about being turned into a skewer in public but the lot was empty and the streetlights barely reached my parking spot down in West Buttfuck. So I enjoyed it. I closed my eyes and focused on the amazing dick-down I was getting, thanking every god I could possibly think of and promising I'd go to church in appreciation. At that moment he picked up speed and I felt as if his time was nearing. I reached behind and fondled the balls that had been slapping against my ass for the better part of ten minutes.

"Ooooh, I want you to cum deep inside this warm pussy. I want you so bad, cum for me. I know you want to fucking cum..."'

He was slamming into me repeatedly and I could barely breathe, the pleasure literally robbing me of my breath. That major orgasm was looming over me now, a gigantic tsunami ready to wash me away. 

Just a little bit more...

"Oh Allyson..." he groaned, the sound of his gruff baritone saying my name was like a bolt of lightning vaporizing my clit. He pulled me up and bit on my neck while he continued to stroke me from behind. I imagined rope after rope of cum shooting into the condom as he sucked at my neck, throwing me into the deep abyss of orgasm. My vision blurred and I saw stars as my body convulsed over and over, driving me insane as my pussy milked his cock of every last drop. I lay there on the trunk of my car absolutely spent, my legs quivering with weakness while my thighs were covered in my juices. I moaned as he gripped the base of his penis and pulled out of me before I heard the snap of a condom and the rustle of his pants being pulled on.

As I was getting up I heard his commanding voice once more.

"Don't turn around." 

I froze with my bum in the air as he buckled his belt and walked away. I heard a car door open, shut, his engine turn over, and then the sound of the tires smoothly driving out of the parking lot. I waited a minute to catch my breath and to regain the feeling in my legs again before pulling up my pants and slinking into the driver's seat. I locked my doors and put the A/C on full blast as I smiled at the best fucking I'd received in months. I could barely push the clutch, I honestly had no strength in my legs, so I decided to just sit and wait in the car for a moment. I looked over to see the envelope he had left me and my curiosity was renewed. I opened it up and spilled the contents out into my lap, gasping at the sight of some gorgeous, black lace panties. They were heavy for some reason and I could feel something in the crotch... a smooth egg-shaped device. No way.

A vibrator? 

My pussy tingled at the thought of having these on in public while it rumbled against my clit. I looked for an on-switch, to no avail.

How was I supposed to use this? 

"Is there a remote or something?" I said to myself while looking through the envelope. I grabbed another device out of the envelope, this one was made of smooth silicone with a tapered tip and wing-like extensions on the bottom. I wasn't too sure what it was until I read the card.

Have the panties on for your next shift. Instructions for the plug will be given at a later date.

I felt an undercurrent of anticipation run through my nipples and sore vagina, eager to play along if it meant I'd have the chance of having him inside of me once again.

For once, I couldn't wait to clock in.

Written by DazzlingLove
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