I'm mad at you. I drink the last mouthful of vodka out of my glass, it heats my throat as it goes down. I grab the bottle and pour myself another glassful, this is drink number four now, I take a sip as I blink furiously to keep the tears at bay. I'm so fucking mad at you. How could you do it to me? I trusted you and that's what you do to repay me. I know what's been going on with her. Its worse that your not even here to explain yourself but you know that I know, I left you a message so now I wait, I sit here thinking over everything I saw today, my mind running wild, was it the first time? The last time? What does it all mean for me, for us? Did you mean all those things you told me, all those meaningful things that made my stomach flip in a good way. Is it still me you want, or do you now want her?
The adrenaline pumps round my system once again as I think about it, the waves of nausea come back, I feel my cold skin go clammy and my heart pounds. My God I hate you right now!
I hear the door click shut, as if you think coming in quietly will calm me down. I stand and wait as you to enter the room. You look sheepish. You glance at me once and then down at the floor. SMACK!! The sound of me slapping you hard round the face echoes round the room, you saw it coming, I know you did yet you didn't try to stop me, you didn't even flinch as I swung. Pathetic I think to myself, you know you deserved it. You whisper "I'm sorry", its almost inaudible and you move forward to take me in you're arms to hold me, I sob quietly and just stand, not making any effort as you try to hold me close. You lean you're face to my ear "please, I'm sorry" you whisper again. I'm so mad!! The fury bubbles inside of me. I want you to hurt, I want you to feel sick and I want you to cry just like me! I feel another swoosh of adrenaline swirl through me and I push you away."Don't touch me!!" The harsh voice doesn't even sound like mine, its so choked up with fury, I don't like it. You put you're hands on my face, you know how protected that makes me feel, I falter for just a split second but it was enough. You see the look that momentarily flashed in my eyes, the look that said "I love you and I still need you". I start pounding at you're chest with my fists now.
"How could you? I loved you, I fucking love you!! I could never do that to you, never! You bastard, I hate you, I hate you." The tears are flowing freely now. I hate how I cry when I'm frustrated and angry. You grab my wrists to stop me hitting you and you pull me against you're body, you wrap you're arms around me tight and hold me as I sob into your chest. You rest you're chin on my head and stroke my hair "Shhhh, its ok now, I'm here and I love you", My stomach does a somersault as it always does when you say those 3 words to me. I love you too I think in my head but I cant say it, not yet, I'm still too mad.
You kiss my forehead and down the side of my face, I turn my head away from your kisses. I bury my face in you're chest instead, I close my eyes and take a big, long, deep breath and hold it. I start counting up to 10 then breath out slowly, I can feel some of my anger escape with it. I unfold my hands which I had still held in fists against you, now my hands are flat against your chest. I feel you breathing, its faster than normal, I feel the heat of you're skin through your t-shirt. With my eyes closed I picture the skin that lies beneath the thin cotton, the gorgeous toned body that I love so much. My next breath is sharper, I think you noticed it because you start to kiss my face again. You're lips flutter so softly down my cheek making their way to my mouth. You just brush against my lips with your own as you look into my eyes. Shit, you're green eyes are telling me that you love me, pleading for forgiveness and I'm weakening, how can I look into them and still be furious? Its not fair, I want to be mad at you still. I'm not sure if you see my weakness as you look into my eyes but you hold my face and kiss me, so soft and gentle, I cant resist, I kiss you back. You move a hand up my back and put it in my hair, now you kiss me harder and you're hand grips my hair. You do it so you don't hurt me but so I know you're in control and so I'll know you're intentions. My hands slide down you're body, over you're toned abs and down onto your hips, I let them rest there, I don't trust myself yet to not hurt you if I go further. The hand that is on my face moves down, brushes against my neck, fingertips trail along my collarbone. You start to kiss my neck now, your lips following where you just touched, you're tongue mirroring your fingertips. I groan without meaning to, you hear that and you know that you have me, your kisses always leave me weak and powerless, even with the fury still in the pit of my stomach. You put you're hand back up to my face, you cup my cheek and then using you're thumb on my bottom lip you part my lips and kiss me again, hard this time though, I don't protest as you're tongue enters my mouth and caresses mine, I kiss back and I feel myself longing for you. You reach down and lift my top up and over my head. You bite my bottom lip before kissing down my neck again only now you go further. You reach round my back and with one hand you unclip my bra, it falls to the floor and we both sigh inward as my breast are released. I see the hunger now in your eyes as you tease my nipple with you're fingers, you squeeze them with just enough pressure to not cause me pain. You hold my breast now in you're hand and lean down to kiss my nipple. I close my eyes as you take it into you're mouth and I moan slightly as you bite down softly, I want you now, I can feel the anger moving aside, making way for the passion I feel for you. "You're so sexy" you say to me in your low voice, normally I would respond to that and say something back to you but I just cant talk to you yet. Instead I respond by pulling at you're t-shirt, I want it off, I want it off now, I need to see and touch and taste your skin, I need you. You lift it up over your head, flexing your arms more than necessary because you knew id be looking at them, thinking about the strength you have in them and getting myself turned on more. You take the clip out of my hair so my red curls fall free, you grab a fist full of them and force my head upwards as you tease my neck, biting, licking, kissing. My tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip and I bite it softly. You feel the change in me, you know I have become powerless to you so you grab me and pick me up so my legs go round you're back and you step towards the door to the bedroom.

My eyes never leave your face as your orgasm came and then went. You open you're eyes slowly, lean down to my face,
"I love you you know"
"I love you too" I reply then reach up so you know I want you to cuddle me. You wrap your arms around me and I hold you tighter against me and allow myself to fully feel you there, I memorise the feel of your cock still inside me, your naked body pressed up against me, your arms around me, holding me close to you and the feel of your heart beat pounding in your chest.
"I really do" you say kissing my forehead. One silent tear slides down my face, I hope so I think to myself, the fury has completely been obliterated now and all I feel is fear of losing you, I really hope you do.