Another boring weeknight with nothing on the agenda. Although I had a good job, it was one in which I was only mildly interested. I had nothing to counterbalance the deadly dull routine of it. My apartment was spacious, modern, and smartly decorated---a perfectly fine domicile for a committed yet unfulfilled bachelor, romance eluding me.
The daily demands of my job seemed somehow to prevent socializing. How could I engage in all the typical activities of the traditional bachelor with the start of another day on the job always hanging over me? After all, morning came early, necessitating my subconscious belief that I had no choice but to stay hunkered down inside my apartment. From past experience, I knew that venturing-out or entertaining at home made evenings fly-by, resulting in the inevitable, all-too-soon approach of another dawn's call to the workplace.
Upon realizing my thoughts were drifting, I had just refocused on the novel I was holding when the doorbell rang, though I was expecting noone. I was greeted by an incredible surprise. A very attractive lady was standing at the entrance, wearing a type of uniform and holding a moderately large, deluxe-style suitcase. Her engaging smile evaporated and she seemed both disappointed and confused.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said with an embarrassed giggle. I smiled to indicate I wasn't perturbed in the least by her presence. "This is 417, isn't it?" The fetching female started to double-check the number on my door.
"That's right," I replied, saving her the trouble. "May I help you with something?"
"Well---I was expecting someone else to be living here. A girlfriend of mine."
"I live alone here. What's her name?"
"Rose Gainsborough. We'd arranged for me to meet her here at what I thought was her apartment. These are the "Elegant Oaks", right?"
"That's correct, but, well, I don't know your friend. There are few women in this wing but maybe if you describe her."
"Oh, average height, brunette. You probably wouldn't see her much anyway, since we both have crazy schedules."
"You work together?"
"Most of the time. We're stewardesses."
"I should've realized. I noticed your uniform and suitcase, of course. My name's Paul. Paul Bailey. You needn't keep standing in the hallway. Would you like to come in and set down the case, at least? Maybe we can figure out what went wrong."
"Well, it would be nice to sit for a few minutes. You know, it's beginning to rain out there."
"I thought I heard thunder awhile ago. Come on in. Let me take that suitcase."
"Oh, okay, thank you."
I closed the door and escorted her inside. "Would you like a drink or something, Miss, uh..."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Penny. Penny Pembroke."
"It's nice to meet you."
We shook hands, she found a chair, and I made drinks in the kitchen after learning her preference.
"I've never been to Rose's apartment before." The unexpected visitor nodded approvingly. "Nice place here. Super-nice. You must do alright."
"Thanks," I brilliantly replied, as we continued to make small-talk from a distance.
It was difficult to concentrate on the drinks for I could hardly take my eyes off her. She looked extraordinary there in her stewardess' uniform, which showcased her every curve. The sleek, futuristic-looking garment, also, was deliciously short, revealing fantastically sexy legs. Her voice was musical in nature, playful yet with a lightly seductive quality. I decided to admit to myself that I found this Ms. Pembroke extremely desirable, even more so because she happened to be African-American.
Although I knew better than to hope for the impossible, it long had been my greatest fantasy to make it with a black woman. Pushing away such thoughts for the time being, I handed the alluring stewardess her drink, seating myself on the sofa opposite. Thirty minutes later, she'd joined me there, where, before we knew it, or cared to know it, we were kissing passionately.
"What about Rose?" I managed to ask, barely able to tear myself away from her soft, moist lips.
"Who?" she inquired dreamily, her lips quickly re-finding their target.
"Your friend---Rose Gainsborough. Your coworker on the airline, remember?"
"Oh, her," Penny dismissed dreamily, seemingly a world away.
"Well, I just thought that, well, she must be expecting you somewhere."
"This is the address I have, baby. Why waste time searching for some mystery woman?"
"Yeah, but she's your friend," I tried once more to remind her. "Maybe you can call her. Do you have her phone number?"
"The hell with her," Penny stated, almost inaudibly. "I live in the here and now---in the moment."
"Yeah, I can see that."
"So---you got a problem with that, baby?"
"No, no, not at all. You want to know something, Penny? You give whole new meaning to Pan-Pacific's slogan, "Experience the Wonder"."
"We aim to please, baby," she purred as I none-too-reluctantly accepted her succession of perfectly-navigated lip-landings.
"I'm not sure what I did to deserve you."
"The evening's still young, Paul, darling."
"Yeah, but I'm aging fast.'
"Well, if you'd rather call it a night," Penny responded with alarm. "I mean, if you don't feel up to it..."
"Oh, I guess I could last for awhile yet. I mean, it's only fair I give myself a sporting chance, right?"
"100%, sugar."
"How 'bout I make us a little din-din, Penny, before you leave."
"Who said I'm leaving, Paul? Are you expecting someone else? Another lady yet tonight?"
"No, no, I didn't mean that! I suppose I'm old-fashioned but I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you, that's all. I like to consider myself a gentleman, especially in the company of a classy babe such as yourself. I feel like there should be a real reason for you to stay."
"It's raining," the stately stewardess offered matter-of-factly.
"By golly, it is, isn't it---and you're damp enough already, aren't you?"
"Getting damper by the second, baby."
"Now that's my kind of climate-change!" I gleefully enthused, hugging the oh-so-huggable vixen closer, revelling in Penny's softness---oh, how wonderfully soft she was!
We kissed again with renewed passion. Then, flashing a wickedly knowing smile, the lady stood and straightened her tight, professional, extremely short unform, transfixing me completely by her exquisite shapeliness, my eyes slowly taking-in every centimeter of Penny's unstockinged, astonishingly sexy legs and, when she happened to turn away for a moment, her beyond-terrific ass. A comb materialized suddenly out of nowhere as she tended to her luminous hair, arranged in a very sexy style which only enhanced her femininity.
"Yes, a little din-din would be nice, my considerate benefactor; after all, we need to keep our strength up."
"Well, in a pinch, Penny, I can always send out for vitamins."
"We've engaged in some really hot fantasy-sharing tonight, haven't we, Paul? Our conversations have really turned me on."
"My dear Miss Pembroke, what makes you think I'm finished with my fantasies?"
"Aren't you? I mean, yours' made an even more extensive list than mine---and I'm pretty damn imaginative."
"It's simple. You see, I subscribe to the Michener school of fantasies---long if not endless."
"They don't have to remain verbal, do they? I mean, I'm game for ANYthing, baby, and I do mean ANYthing."
My cock hardened with lightning-speed at the stimulating comment Penny Pembroke had just made with totally convincing sincerity. I simply couldn't believe that I, Paul Bailey, he of the numbingly dull bachelor's life, had this dazzling black stewardess, a woman completely at ease with her own sexuality & desires, in my apartment on this rainy night! With startlingly good-fortune, we'd taken to one another instantly. Penny simply was extraordinary in every way. I even sensed I was falling in love with her.
"I'll put on some mood-music, okay, Paul?"
"For you, I'd hire an orchestra---of course, they'd have to sit with their backs to us. Even now, my goldfish is blushing."
"You're sweet, you know that, baby?"
"Speaking of sweet, why don't we skip din-din and go straight to dessert-zert?"
"I'd like to dance for while, just by myself for a bit. I love dancing to the sound of rain. It feels so sexy, so fucking relaxing. Do you mind, Paul, darling?"
"Mind? The way you look in that uniform, wow---dance, baby, dance!"
"You got it, sugar."
In truth, Penny was the one who had it. She had it all---everything a guy like me could desire in a woman---and far, far more! Her straightforward sexuality, along with her exquisite body, combined to create within me a whirling cyclone of ever-increasing lust for the glorious creature, the sexiest and most sensational-looking black female I'd ever seen in my life---one with whom I ever could hope to interact so intimately.
After devouring the simple repast with unhurried refinement---and countless more downings of wine, Penny, before I comprehended what was happening, removed her Pan-Pacific uniform, letting it drop to the floor, quickly kicking it away like a bothersome, unwanted impediment, doing so without the least hint of shyness or hesitation, causing me to gasp at the awesome sight she presented. I was struck speechless, spellbound, in a state of shock.
There before me stood Penny Pembroke in her bra and panties! She was breathtaking, devastating. She knew I'd been waiting for this moment, for I'd mentioned earlier that only lingerie turned me on more. Essentially, though, they were equal in their effect on me.
"How'm I doin', lover?" she quipped, fully unzipped. "Hey, are you okay, Paul? Steady now. It's only your black dream girl Penny Pembroke in her bra and panties."
Holy shit, she was stunning, light-years beyond perfection!
"You know, I wouldn't do this for just any guy, Paul, but you're so fucking special to me. Damn, you know how to get a girl going."
"You've sure got me going, Penny!"
"Going and soon to be coming, I'll wager," the tantalizing vision teased.
"Damn, you're right, Penny. I have to let go. It's unbearable."
"Get it out then, Paul," she said with a deliciously sinful grin of encouragement. "I've been dying to see it anyway. I can't wait, baby!"
"Okay---there we go."
"Oooooh, nice!" Penny purred, her eyes agleam with priceless possibilities. Then, going into an extremely provocative pose, she said, "Seems you both like how I look in my bra and panties. Am I correct in making that assumption?"
"Miss Pembroke, you're as right as, well, the rain pounding on the terrace."
"Can I expect further deluges yet tonight, Mr. Bailey?"
"You can indeed, Miss Pembroke."
"Not too soon, though, I hope," she continued the playful repartee, as I stroked my rock-hard cock furiously, aroused beyond endurance at the sight of the stewardess dancing in her figure-clinging bra and panties. Her tempo was slow, sexy, romantic, her occasional turnings giving me to-die-for views of her spectacular ass. Whether God truly existed or not, I knew I was in heaven!
I kept stroking my blood-engorged shaft fast and hard, locking it within an iron-like vise, providing no escape from the relentlessly escalating sensations tingling through its now thoroughly purplish skin---always an infallible indicator that a woman was doing her job. Not only was Penny doing it, she was succeeding in unprecedented fashion, for I was very near the point-of-no-return already, my cock super-charged with excitement at the sight of the ultra-enticing Miss Pembroke strutting and posing for me in her bra and panties.
And what bra and panties they were! A soft-as-mist, oh-so-feminine lavender, proudly proclaiming Penny's every curve. The panties were lacy and low-slung in the front, barely concealing her pubic-hair, soaked now with the fabulous flygirl's pussy-juice, which darkened slightly the front of her panties as well. The female visitor's perfectly round---what I might call upscale---ass, was so kissable, face-rubbable, tongue-in-anal-hole explorable, & feel-offable, as to have been sculpted in classical antiquity, authorized with Olympian approval. Were she to allow it, I'd literally worship her ass with candles, prayers, and offerings, finishing the temple-like rituals by jerking-off into the silky fabric of Penny's skimpy lavender panties, which I'd have wrapped around my throbbing, rock-hard cock.
The free-spirited black stewardess' bra was lacy and low-cut, exposing an extremely inviting cleavage formed by Miss Pembroke's sufficiently ample tits, quite to my preferred-size and liking, happily offering the male viewer a deliciously beckoning projection; in fact, Penny's tits and nips seemingly were begging to be fondled and kissed, as presented in that electrifyingly sexy bra. I prayed I wouldn't disappoint them in that regard!
When she turned her back toward me once more, placing her hands on her hips, her left leg jutting forward slightly, her sparkling, come-hither eyes meeting mine with a turned-on stare, I exploded.
"Oh, God, I'm cumming! Oh, Penny, your'e making me cum, baby!"
"Holy shit, lover, do I really do that to you?" the woman gasped with an expression of disbelieving delight.
"Yes, oh, God, keep moving! I love your body, Penny, I fucking LOVE it!"
"Wow, that's a deluge, alright. I'm sorry I wasn't right there. Damn, that's alot of fuckin' hot cum. God, I love seeing a hard cock shooting load after load---long, high streams of it. SHIT, baby, YEAH--you're cumming like a fuckin' fountain! I gotta get me some of that---RIGHT NOW!"
Before another millisecond passed, she was kneeling in front of my still-rigid cock. My hand dropped away as Penny's hand-job expertise took over.
"Keep shooting it, Paul. Do it, baby, do it, do it for your loving girl Penny! Oh, it's so fuckin' thick, yeah!" the heaven-sent stewardess stroked the still-stiff, surging man-rod madly for every loping string or final drop of cum she could force out.
"Atta girl, Pen!" I moaned blissfully. "I love watching you lap-up my sperm-spillage."
"I live for cum," she confirmed in a near-whisper, "fuckin' LIVE for it, baby!" she informed, her total concentration focused on the vital task before her.
My flow now was spent, my cock completely drained of its massive output of mancream, all thanks to Penny.
"Holy shit, baby, I still can't believe it!" the fully-aroused lady said, licking and swallowing every ounce of thick, hot, milky sperm that had left the confines of my cock, as well as any other surface which, in Penny's sweet view, was graced by its descent.
A good ten minutes elapsed before the winsome cum-worshipper was satisfied she hadn't missed sight of a single sample of my cock's uncontrollable generosity, whether tiny but tasty, tangy amounts here or great globs of gooey-goodness there, she treasured them all. Penny's sexy hair, now in even sexier disarray from her frenzied excitement of sperm-searching and swallowing, jumped into my lap, her pantied ass on my cock, and threw her arms around my never-so-contented-as-now neck, kissing me profusely on my lips and all around my face---greatly appreciated, to be sure, but somewhat bewildering. She seemed to be expressing a kind of silent gratitude.
"Say, Penny, Penny, easy now, my dearest. What gives?"
"Oh, Paul, darling, you don't know how grateful I am!"
"Hm? Grateful? To me? You have my ETERNAL gratitude, Penny, for giving me the most awesomely pleasurable climax of my life!"
"The way you came for me, baby," she tried to explain, as tears filled her eyes. "I mean, God, the amount, which, of course, I totally adored seeing & savored swallowing every sexy, yummy drop, I've just never seen such a volume of cum exiting from that super-big, hard cock like yours' before---such long, high spurts, one after the other, must've been near-20 at least, I mean, holy shit! It was so incredibly thrilling for me!"
"You thrilled me, Penny. You're an incredibly sexy and exciting woman, wow! I've NEVER been so aroused and turned-on. The way you LOOK---"
"Yes, thank you, Paul, but knowing that I, Penny Pembroke, a simple small-town stewardess from Wichita Falls, Texas, could do that to you while I was in my bra and panties..."
"There, there, wipe your tears, my precious little angel", I consoled, understanding her perspective. "I've never seen a more fantastic sight than how you looked, how out-of-this-world sexy and desirable you looked. dancing and posing for me in your sexy-as-hell bra and panties. You're so fucking incredible, Penny, I thank YOU!"
Our feelings on the subject resolved, it wasn't long before the energetic ebony empress joined me on the couch, sitting on my lap, the silky softness of her lavender panties rubbing gently against my cock, which, as a result, only prolonged the happiness and pleasure she'd already provided it, our arms interlocked in an animated embrace, our lips luxuriating in the honey-sweet smacks & suctions, creating a timeless, nerve-tingling nirvana between us, Mr. Bailey and Miss Pembroke, our super-stimulated feelings for each other hovering somewhere between lust and love, a fine line indeed.
"I can't believe I have you here, my princess, my queen", I weakly voiced, still recovering from the earth-shaking climax Penny had induced. "Here you are, sitting in my naked lap, in your bra and panties, right on top of my cock!"
"You know, Paul," the curvy cloud-gal observed seductively, "our kissing sessions remind me of Pan-Pacific's flights from Frisco to Singapore."
"How so, beautiful?" I asked between kisses.
"They're non-stop all the way."
"Yeah, but even if they weren't," I added absentmindedly, "the layover time ain't bad."
"You got that right, baby," the stewardess agreed. "This is the only way to fly!"
She went right back to kissing me, wiggling gently on my stiffening cock.
"Yeah, I guess I should thank the Wright Bros. Just look at what they made possible. Thanks, guys!" I pretended to acknowledge the aviation pioneers, my eyes momentarily glancing up toward the heavens. Penny's lips instantly brought me right back down-to-earth.

"Are you ready for another show, Paul?"
"If I said "no", I'd be lying. If you don't, I'll soon be dying."
"I'll have to leave your lap, baby---reluctantly, though, I assure you."
"Okay, but try not to jostle the X-rated jigsaw puzzle on the coffee-table."
"You haven't even opened the box yet."
"I know. I can't get past the scene on the cover."
"Fuck, that's a hot scene alright---wow, you go, girl!"
"Yeah, my power-bill's way lower in the winter."
"So, there's method in your madness, eh, baby?"
"As long as you're mad for MY methods, that's all I care about, Penny!"
"Don't worry," the gorgeous ocean-hopper opined soothingly. "I give it the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval".
"Well," I replied in a mock-miff, "I'd rather get the one from "Better Homes and Gardens" but will take what I can get."
"I approve wholeheartedly," Penny whispered seductively into my ear, then lightly bit the lobe. Without a doubt, this was one turned-on seatbelt-advocate. "As for the puzzle, I'll be careful, tiger," the lovely-luscious lioness growled with a cock-hardening "grrrrrrrr", quickly followed by a substantial kiss to my already kiss-starved lips."
"Nice kitty," I patted her head, her hair still most-becomingly disarrayed.
Disentangling ourselves from each other, she vowed, "I'm really going to GIVE it to you THIS time, Mr. Paul Bailey."
"Really?" I sounded skeptical.
"Promise, Penny?"
"Of course. I always keep my promises. I wasn't a Girl Scout for nothing."
"Not only do I need to thank the Wright Bros., I need to thank Juliette Gordon Low."
"Exactly. Now, for your information, sir, I plan to destroy you. Prepare for total meltdown!"
"In that case, I better re-ice the champagne."
"Let's see," the uniform-less lass contemplated. "First, I need to find some really sexy music---and I mean sexy, baby, SCORCHING-HOT SEXY! Got any in your collection?"
"You mean the CDs we've been playing haven't been sexy?"
"They could be sexier---a helluva LOT sexier!"
Penny's husky intonation made my cock spring into a fully-stiff erection. It was totally good-to-go. "It's showtime again, pal," I said to the cooperative old-fellow, stroking it affectionately, using a light touch, in a no-doubt futile attempt to pace myself.
I watched Penny stroll across the living-room carpet to my CD cabinet, still looking sensational in her bra and panties.
"Frank's on the left, Bing's on the right." I guided, eager to help move things along in the desired direction.
"I hope you're joking," the wind-sprite riposted while I continued stroking.
At last she found something that met her criteria---as she certainly met mine---offering a happy squeal of recognition. "This'll do the trick, baby. I'll just slip it in, okay?"
"Nothing's ever been okayer," I verified, becoming consumed with desire yet again for the curvy creature before me, "although I'm looking forward to some slipping-in myself," I tacked-on. As a clanging cacophony of discordant notes blasted into the room just as I spoke, Penny didn't hear the last part of my sentence---which was fortunate, I think.
The music did, indeed, do the trick---its driving beat, urgent tone, and pulsating rhythms signalled an immersion into an unbridled stimulation, highlighting perfectly the bouncy barnstormer's gyrations. Although it didn't seem possible, Penny, even more than before, was off-the-radar HOT, a veritable volcano of simmering sexuality. God, she looked so good there in her bra and panties. She looked fucking GREAT! There could be no denying that Penny Pembroke brought the arts of seduction and arousal to new heights of grandeur. Clearly, too, this was no maiden-flight. She damn-well knew what she was doing!
Already, I was close to release when the elegant enchantress pranced a little further away from me, my eyes fixated on her panty-encased, supremely sexy ass. By now, of course, I was beating my cock furiously, for I was helpless under the spell of this scintillating black wizardess.
"Am I making that cock of yours' happy, baby?" She smiled mischievously, confident of my answer.
"Oh, God, YES, Penny," I nearly shouted. Speaking for my super-sensitive cock, I said, "I haven't been so happy since Stanley found Livingstone! Holy fuckin' SHIT, you look HOT AS HELL, baby!"
"Thanks," she giggled, "Your inseparable companion looks pretty damn good to me, too. Seems to be on automatic-pilot."
"Yeah, well, it knows when to go solo from decades of intense training."
"You've trained it really well, Paul."
"It knows its duty, alright," I teased back. "Rather a one-track mind, of course."
"No complaints from me, sir. I'm ready to make that cock gush-out cum like a goddammed geyser!"
"Won't be long now, cupcake. I can promise you that! Just a little more dancing and posing, please!" I pleaded.
"Okay, stud, you asked for it. Just don't shoot till I get over there to suck you off."
"I'll try," I called back over the pounding, thrilling, vibrantly sexy music, somehow forcing myself to ease-up on my cock, struggling mightily against reaching its last limit before grateful relief.
Penny then maneuvered herself into her piece-de-resistance, choosing a portion of the room she considered most advantageous to her plans, as well as my reaction to them. As during her earlier display, the saucy black maven turned her back toward me, only this time she spread her legs a good yard apart and totally straight, looked at me over-her-shoulder with the sexiest, hottest, and most seductive expression I'd ever seen on a woman in my life, her lips partially open.
Then, reaching behind her, Penny began unhooking her bra. The impact of this on me, her fantastic pantied ass, incredibly wanton facial expression of pure lust, the passion-inducing music, and the unhooking of her bra, pushed me ever-closer to the inevitable point-of-no-return. At last, the lacy lavender bra was fully unclasped, my eyes staring in disbelief at the finest fantasy-female of my life, Miss Penny Pembroke, standing before me in all her scorching-hot glory!
Next, by turning ever-so-slightly, Penny's right breast came partially into view, at the exact instant she pulled the bra off and flung it over her right shoulder, its strap and lacy cups dangling in enticing titillation. Her hands placed on her hips, Penny's provocative pose and sperm-stirring expression of whorelike temptation, her bedroom-eyes and parted lips acting in concert to suggest a woman who's demanding to be satisfied by a man NOW, drove me to near-insanity.
"How's that cock doin', baby?" she asked matter-of-factly, though with surprisingly sexy effect. "Is it about to erupt?"
"Oh, God, YES!" I yelled. "Better get over here, you fuckin' hot strumpet, fast!"
She dropped her bra at once and raced to the sofa, her pert tits and very noticeably erect nips jiggling nicely in the process. Kneeling before me, my engorged cock disappeared into her mouth. Within seconds, the ever-anxious-for-sperm stewardess had the organ drenched with her saliva, her tongue sliding up-and-down the taut, veiny shaft and flicking at the under-rim of its head, as well as the tip itself, without ignoring the piss-slit, the entire organ engulfed in gloppy strings of her sexy saliva. The combination of Penny's kissing, licking, and sucking brought out heretofore unimaginable sensitivity in my cock, causing me to reel from entering uncharted fields of physical ecstasy. No other female had ever made my cock feel so good.
"Get my balls, too, Penny!" I implored the hard-working woman with a tone of desperation.
"No problem, baby, a guy's balls are always on my flight-plan."
"Ooooooh, ooooooh, oh, yeah, honey, lick them, lick them, Penny, LICK them!"
"I'm on it, ooooooh, yeah, I'm all over them, honey. I can't overlook the old sperm-factory, now, can I? You've got a damn fine set of balls, baby. Holy shit, they're so fuckin' big! God, I want to taste your hot cum again so badly!"
And so the lady did---most joyously. Her ministrations once more drained my cock of its staggering output, resulting in a virtual Spindletop of shooting sperm, long spurts of stream after stream of Penny's hoped-for gushing cum. Pro that she was, the high-flying femme fatale gulped down every deposit, including those that had splattered her beautiful, sexy face and hair. She made sure the spurting seed was directed to her marvelous tits, too, taking the utmost care to smear the thick hot globs all over her fully ripe, pliable, and lusciously feastworthy orbs. Likewise, Penny's wondrously pointed, brownish-pink nips, were straining for their maximum achievable erectness, still tingling with lingering lust.
After recuperating as best we could, the two of us repaired to my bedroom. Having removed her bra earlier, Penny stepped daintily out of her dripping, thoroughly soaked lavender panties, blithely tossing the flimsy, miniscule covering into a dimly-lit corner, not caring a damn where it went.
Our lovemaking went airborne, unbound by the conventional restraints of terrestrial gravitation. We both entered a realm far above the stratosphere, a type of universe with which neither of us was familiar. To my infinite delight, I was fortunate enough to bring my dear, precious Penny to a number of hard, shattering orgasms. Hearing her moan and scream with ecstasy each time she came was beyond thrilling!
As for my own climaxes, they remained existential experiences, the pleasure indescribable, the stimulating stewardess piloting my cock into still-powerful expulsions of cum, her dedication and determination enabling the mancream to ascend into airspace, across her smooth flyover-flesh, rocketing into her ever-welcoming mouth---sort of an oral customer-courtesy lounge. It became a question of who was pleasing who the most. Without hesitation, I'd say Penny took the prize, passing with flying-colors! True to her word, the torrid temptress-of-the-tarmac was game for anything, requesting various positions, to none of which I made the least objection.
Needless to say, we eventually fell asleep, entirely sated and satisfied, just as dawn was peeking over the horizon, whereupon I called in sick---which I was---sick that Penny had to rejoin her plane a few hours hence. This wasn't the last time we hooked-up, however, not by a long-shot, no pun intended.
"We can see each other as often as you like, Paul, darling."
"Really? I was hoping you'd say that, Penny---praying that you'd say that."
"I'll never let YOU go, baby. I'm afraid you're stuck with me."
"Yeah, I guess you're sort of the super-glue of the wild-blue."
"Cute, my gorgeous boy-toy, cute. So look, Paul, I'll be in London next week for an international conference of stewardess. I have an entire suite reserved at the swankiest hotel on the Thames---for myself and a dozen sister-stewardesses."
"I'm glad you didn't say "fellow".
"Listen, baby. A dozen hot, beautiful stewardesses---hot, beautiful, and extremely amenable to some seriously steamy fun. Ladies from all over Europe will be right there in my suite---Britain, of course, but women from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, you name it."
"Holy shit, a dozen you say?"
"Yes. Exciting girls. Girls as adventurous as me. Girls interested in only one thing."
"The principles of aerodynamics?"
"If by that you mean flying spurts of semen, yes! Actually, though, I should say these ladies are interested in three things---sucking, fucking, and riding cock! What do you say, Paul? You'll have us to yourself---no other male competition around. You'll have the time of your life, I fucking guarantee it!"
"Sure, Penny, I'm there! Thanks for inviting me!"
"Open invitation, lover---in more ways than one."
"Yeah, that's what I call some serious quality-time---sort of like home-schooling that's all recess."
"It's the highlight of our year, every year---me and the other stewardesses---believe me! And there are intermittent conferences over on the Pacific-side, too. Plus tons of meet-ups and hook-ups, limitless sex, baby. It's fucking fantastic!"
"But why only me, Penny?" I pondered. "I mean, I'm flattered and everything---overwhelmed, in fact, but me as the only guy for all those other stewardesses?"
"Baby, with your incredibly hot imagination and that magnificent cock of yours', not to mention the fact you've a great bod and so goddam handsome, the ladies won't want or need other guys---not the ones in my suite anyway. Shit, you know how to make a girl happy---ecstatically happy, off-to-another-planet happy. I've never known anyone like you, Paul. You're totally unique in my book, you gorgeous man, you, grrrrrrr!"
"Down, Simba." I feigned disinterest as Penny sidled over to me closer in the bed, lavishing kisses on my neck, and placing her right arm across my chest, riffling through the hairiness it exhibited, something to which I'd learned previously she was quite attracted, in an almost primal way. Clearly, the hairiness of my chest seemed literally to bring out the animal in her. After kissing my nipples and running her hands "one last-time" through my chest-hair---and growling---she continued with her statement regarding my perplexity.
"The truth is, Paul, just from our short time together, I can tell you adore and respect women. The girls'll be thrilled with you, darling! Besides, I want you to have what you deserve---totally fantasy-fulfillment. Is your passport up-to-date?"
"I'm not sure, Pen. I haven't used it since I defected to Canada during the War of 1812."
"The War of 1812," my perfectly-proportioned bedmate inquired. "That was one helluva long time ago, baby!"
"Yeah, but I remember it like it was yesterday."
"Why'd you defect? Were you a conscientious-objector or something?"
"Yeah, I wasn't quite ready to begin the fight or go down with the ship!"
"Had sex even been discovered in 1812?"
"Oh, sure, Penny, of course, but it all depended on whether the participants were compatible as either Federalists or Whigs. It was back before they took politics out of the bedroom."
"The fuck with that shit, honey, just get yourself down to the passport place pronto. London and the ladies will be waiting for you, Paul---you fuckin' hot stud-muffin!"
"Maybe I oughtta write-out a will first."
"Oh, shit, I better start gathering-up my things. Where the fuck did I toss those panties?"
"Over there somewhere, I think---though I wouldn't my holding-on to them as a souvenir." I posited this none too convincingly, pointing vaguely into an open closet, as yet untouched by the young morning sunlight. "God, you're so fucking beautiful, Penny. I can't wait for next week!"
"I'll text the girls you're coming---whoops, sorry 'bout that!"
"Nice Freudian slip there. Oh, um, be sure to let your lady friends know I'm crazy for lingerie, okay, angel? I'll gladly pay for everything."
"We'll make sure there's a fuckin' hot variety for you, Paul, don't worry about a thing. Hell, London's got more fuckin' lingerie-shops than you can count."
"What about my job, though, Pen? The thought just hit me."
"Baby, if you'd like, I'll keep you so busy you won't need a fuckin' job. Hell, baby, me and the ladies'll fuckin' pay you to entertain and service us. Go ahead and resign!"
"I should at least give two weeks' notice, though, I guess."
"Up to you, my love. Now or never."
"I can tell my boss I have an offer that'll require I move to London."
"London for starters, yes," Penny pointed-out, "but mostly my Pan-Pacific ports-of-call. Oh, the women you'll meet, Paul---gorgeous Orientals who know how to please men, breathtakingly beautiful Polynesian women, who never say no, Australian knockouts who'll insist you explore the wonders of what they've got "down-under". If you generally prefer older females, that's no problem either. I know fabulously wealthy, sexy, attractive cougars who'll leap into the sack without waiting for an invitation. It's a whole new world of women out there you have to experience to believe---and even then you may not believe it! Just think of all the fun possibilities, Paul!"
"I still really can't get my head around this. I think I need to faint first."
"You don't have time to fucking fain, baby. You need to get a move on. I see you've already got another hard-on."
"All due to you, my queen. You know, all the sexual opportunities you've laid-out for me sound fantastic but you'll always be my number one, Penny---always."
At this, the sensuous stewardess slinked toward me from where she'd been standing nude at the dresser brushing her ever-sexy hair, and kissed me, her panty-finding mission delayed, if not forgotten, at least temporarily.
Penny Pembroke, African-American Sky-Goddess Supreme became a fixture in my life, a permanent provider of reward-points. This amazing aeronaut, the black woman of my most-cherished fantasies, was devoted to preserving and maintaining my happiness---sort of a jet-age Jane Austen. Yes, her oh-so-short, at-the-vagina-line, figure-hugging uniform never failed to bestow pure joy upon my sense and sensibility. Penny did, in fact, become something of a literary symbol to me---sort of an extremely erotic Emma or the Lady Penelope Pembroke of a Pan-Pacific Pemberley. Our lives were transformed into a sort of "Pride and Prejudice" with propellers.
At any rate, whether Trivago was consulted or not, we both were deliriously happy---even if Stanley had never found Livingstone.